Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This modules contains code to deal with notifying interested parties of events
Jason Clark Ken Reneris
NT Kernel Model Driver only Some changes are required to work in win9x model
--*/ #include "pch.h"
// For handler installation
KSPIN_LOCK NotifyHandlerLock;
NTSTATUS ACPIRegisterForDeviceNotifications ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PDEVICE_NOTIFY_CALLBACK DeviceNotify, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Registers the DeviceNotify function as the function to receive device notify callbacks
DeviceObject - The device object to register a notification handler for DeviceNotify - The handle for device specific notifications
Return Value
Returns status
--*/ { PACPI_POWER_INFO node; PVOID previous; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status;
// Find the Node associated with this device object (or DevNode)
// Note: that for NT, the context field is the DeviceExtension of the
// DeviceObject, since this is what is stored within the ACPI Name Space
// object
node = OSPowerFindPowerInfoByContext( DeviceObject ); if (node == NULL) {
// Apply the handler
KeAcquireSpinLock (&NotifyHandlerLock, &oldIrql);
if (node->DeviceNotifyHandler != NULL) {
// A handler already present
} else {
node->DeviceNotifyHandler = DeviceNotify; node->HandlerContext = Context; status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
KeReleaseSpinLock (&NotifyHandlerLock, oldIrql);
return status; }
VOID ACPIUnregisterForDeviceNotifications ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PDEVICE_NOTIFY_CALLBACK DeviceNotify ) /*++
Routine Description:
Disconnects a handler from device notify event.
DeviceObject - The device object to register a notification handler for
DeviceNotify - The handle for device specific notifications
Return Value
--*/ { PACPI_POWER_INFO node; PVOID previous; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status;
// Find the Node associated with this device object (or DevNode)
// Note: that for NT, the context field is the DeviceExtension of the
// DeviceObject, since this is what is stored within the ACPI Name Space
// object
node = OSPowerFindPowerInfoByContext( DeviceObject ); if (node == NULL) { ASSERTMSG("ACPIUnregisterForDeviceNotifications failed. "\ "Can't find ACPI_POWER_INFO for DeviceObject", FALSE); return; }
// Attempt to remove the handler/context from the node
KeAcquireSpinLock (&NotifyHandlerLock, &oldIrql);
if (node->DeviceNotifyHandler != DeviceNotify) {
// Handler does not match
ASSERTMSG("ACPIUnregisterForDeviceNotifications failed. "\ "Handler doesn't match.", FALSE);
} else {
node->DeviceNotifyHandler = NULL; node->HandlerContext = NULL;
KeReleaseSpinLock (&NotifyHandlerLock, oldIrql);
return; }
NTSTATUS EXPORT NotifyHandler ( ULONG dwEventType, ULONG dwEventData, PNSOBJ pnsObj, ULONG dwParam, PFNAA CompletionCallback, PVOID CallbackContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
The master ACPI notify handler.
The design philosophy here is that ACPI should process all notify requests that *ONLY* it can handle, namely, DeviceCheck, DeviceEject, and DeviceWake, and let *all* other notifies get handled by the driver associated with the object. The other driver will also get told about the ACPI handled events, but that is only as an FYI, the driver shouldn't do anything...
dwEventType - The type of event that occured (this is EVTYPE_NOTIFY) dwEventData - The event code pnsObj - The name space object that was notified dwParam - The event code
Return Value
--*/ { PACPI_POWER_INFO node; KIRQL oldIrql; PDEVICE_NOTIFY_CALLBACK notifyHandler; PVOID notifyHandlerContext;
ACPIPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_DPC, "ACPINotifyHandler: Notify on %x value %x, object type %x\n", pnsObj, dwEventData, NSGETOBJTYPE(pnsObj) ) );
// Any events which must be handled by ACPI and is common to all device
// object types is handled here
switch (dwEventData) { case OPEVENT_DEVICE_ENUM: OSNotifyDeviceEnum( pnsObj ); break; case OPEVENT_DEVICE_CHECK: OSNotifyDeviceCheck( pnsObj ); break; case OPEVENT_DEVICE_WAKE: OSNotifyDeviceWake( pnsObj ); break; case OPEVENT_DEVICE_EJECT: OSNotifyDeviceEject( pnsObj ); break; }
// Look for handle for this node and dispatch it
node = OSPowerFindPowerInfo(pnsObj); if (node) {
// Get handler address/context with mutex
KeAcquireSpinLock (&NotifyHandlerLock, &oldIrql);
notifyHandler = node->DeviceNotifyHandler; notifyHandlerContext = node->HandlerContext;
KeReleaseSpinLock (&NotifyHandlerLock, oldIrql);
// If we got something, dispatch it
if (notifyHandler) {
notifyHandler (notifyHandlerContext, dwEventData);
} return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }