/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
ACPI-Specific NTSD Extensions
Revision History:
#include "acpintsd.h"
NTSD_EXTENSION_APIS ExtensionApis; HANDLE ExtensionCurrentProcess;
PUCHAR ScTableName[] = { "ParseFunctionHandler", "ParseArgument", "ParseArgumentObject", "ParseBuffer", "ParseByte", "ParseCodeObject", "ParseConstObject", "ParseData", "ParseDelimiter", "ParseDword", "ParseField", "ParseLocalObject", "ParseName", "ParseNameObject", "ParseOpcode", "ParsePackage", "ParsePop", "ParsePush", "ParseSuperName", "ParseTrailingArgument", "ParseTrailingBuffer", "ParseTrailingPackage", "ParseVariableObject", "ParseWord" };
VOID dumpParseStack( DWORD AddrStack ) /*++
Routine Description:
This dumps the parse stack
AddrStack: Address of the stack to dump
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL b; STRING_STACK tempStack; PSTRING_STACK stack; ULONG index;
// Read the stack header into memory
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) AddrStack, &tempStack, sizeof(STRING_STACK), NULL ); if (!b) {
// Allocate memory for the entire stack
stack = (PSTRING_STACK) LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(STRING_STACK) + tempStack.StackSize - 1 ); if (!stack) {
// Read the entire stack
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) AddrStack, stack, sizeof(STRING_STACK) + tempStack.StackSize - 1, NULL ); if (!b) {
LocalFree( stack ); return;
// Show the user something
dprintf( "ParseStack: Size 0x%x Top: 0x%x\n", tempStack.StackSize, tempStack.TopOfStack ); if (tempStack.TopOfStack == 0) {
dprintf("Stack is empty\n"); return;
// Walk the stack
for (index = tempStack.TopOfStack - 1; ; index--) {
dprintf("[%2d] %s\n", index, ScTableName[ stack->Stack[index] ] ); if (index == 0) {
// Free the stack
LocalFree( stack );
VOID dumpStringStack( DWORD AddrStack ) /*++
Routine Description:
This dumps the parse stack
AddrStack: Address of the stack to dump
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL b; STRING_STACK tempStack; PSTRING_STACK stack; ULONG index;
// Read the stack header into memory
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) AddrStack, &tempStack, sizeof(STRING_STACK), NULL ); if (!b) {
// Allocate memory for the entire stack
stack = (PSTRING_STACK) LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(STRING_STACK) + tempStack.StackSize ); if (!stack) {
// Read the entire stack
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) AddrStack, stack, sizeof(STRING_STACK) + tempStack.StackSize - 1, NULL ); if (!b) {
LocalFree( stack ); return;
// Show the user something
dprintf( "StringStack: Size 0x%x Top: 0x%x\nString: '%s'\n", tempStack.StackSize, tempStack.TopOfStack, stack->Stack );
// Free the stack
LocalFree( stack );
VOID dumpScope( PSCOPE Scope ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps a scope, as used in the ACPI unasm.lib
Scope - LocalCopy of the scope
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL b; AMLTERM amlTerm; UCHAR buffer[64];
dprintf("%8x %8x %8x %8x %2x %2x %2x %1d %8x", Scope->CurrentByte, Scope->TermByte, Scope->LastByte, Scope->StringStack, Scope->Context1, Scope->Context2, Scope->Flags, Scope->IndentLevel, Scope->AmlTerm );
b = ReadMemory( Scope->AmlTerm, &amlTerm, sizeof(AMLTERM), NULL ); if (!b) {
dprintf("\n"); return;
} else {
dprintf(" %4x %4x\n", amlTerm.OpCode, amlTerm.OpCodeFlags );
b = ReadMemory( amlTerm.TermName, buffer, 64, NULL ); if (b) {
dprintf(" %-60s\n", buffer );
VOID dumpScopeHeader( BOOL Verbose ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the header for a scope stack dump
Verbose: wether or not to include the field for stack level
Return Value:
--*/ { if (Verbose) {
dprintf("Level ");
dprintf(" Current First Last S.Stack C1 C2 Fl I AML Term OpCd Flag\n" );
DECLARE_API( sscope ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps one of the stacks used by the ACPI Unassembler
hCurrentProcess - Supplies a handle to the current process (at the time the extension was called).
hCurrentThread - Supplies a handle to the current thread (at the time the extension was called).
CurrentPc - Supplies the current pc at the time the extension is called.
lpExtensionApis - Supplies the address of the functions callable by this extension.
lpArgumentString - Supplies the asciiz string that describes the ansi string to be dumped.
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL b; DWORD addrStack; DWORD i; DWORD offset; DWORD top; STACK tempStack; PSTACK stack; PSCOPE scope;
// Evaluate the argument string to get the address of the
// stack to dump
addrStack = GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); if ( !addrStack) {
// Read the stack header into memory
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) addrStack, &tempStack, sizeof(STACK), NULL ); if (!b) {
// Allocate memory for the entire stack
stack = (PSTACK) LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(STACK) + tempStack.StackSize - 1 ); if (!stack) {
// Read the entire stack
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) addrStack, stack, sizeof(STACK) + tempStack.StackSize - 1, NULL ); if (!b) {
LocalFree( stack ); return;
// Show the user something
dumpScopeHeader( TRUE );
// Loop on each of the scopes
for (top = (stack->TopOfStack / stack->StackElementSize) - 1;;top--) {
scope = (PSCOPE) &(stack->Stack[ top * stack->StackElementSize ] ); dprintf("[%2d]: ", top ); dumpScope(scope);
if (top == 0) {
dumpParseStack( (DWORD) scope->ParseStack ); dumpStringStack( (DWORD) scope->StringStack ); break;
// Done
LocalFree( stack ); }
DECLARE_API( amlterm ) { BOOL b; DWORD addrTerm; DWORD offset; AMLTERM amlTerm; UCHAR nameBuff[17]; UCHAR symbolBuff[128];
// Evaluate the argument string to get the address of the
// term to dump
addrTerm = GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); if ( !addrTerm ) {
// Read the term into memory
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) addrTerm, &amlTerm, sizeof(AMLTERM), NULL ); if (!b) {
// Begin to print things
dprintf("AMLTERM: %x\n", addrTerm);
// Read the name of the term into memory
nameBuff[16] = '\0'; b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) amlTerm.TermName, nameBuff, 16, NULL ); dprintf("Name: %-16s ",( !b ? "<Cannot Read Name>" : nameBuff) );
// Handle the symbol term
if (amlTerm.FunctionHandler != NULL) {
// Read the symbol of the term
GetSymbol( (LPVOID) amlTerm.FunctionHandler, symbolBuff, &offset ); dprintf(" Handler: %-30s\n", symbolBuff );
} else {
// Display the opcode
if ( amlTerm.OpCode > 0xFF) {
dprintf( "Opcode: %2x %2x", (amlTerm.OpCode & 0xff), (amlTerm.OpCode >> 8) );
} else {
dprintf("Opcode: %2x ", amlTerm.OpCode );
// Display the Argument Types
RtlZeroMemory( nameBuff, 17 ); if (amlTerm.ArgumentTypes) {
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) amlTerm.ArgumentTypes, nameBuff, 16, NULL ); dprintf(" Args: %-4s", (!b ? "????" : nameBuff ) );
} else {
dprintf(" Args: %-4s", "None");
// Display the flags
switch( (amlTerm.OpCodeFlags & 0xF) ) { case 0: dprintf(" Flags: NORMAL "); break; case 1: dprintf(" Flags: VARIABLE"); break; case 2: dprintf(" Flags: ARG "); break; case 3: dprintf(" Flags: LOCAL "); break; case 4: dprintf(" Flags: CONSTANT"); break; case 5: dprintf(" Flags: NAME "); break; case 6: dprintf(" Flags: DATA "); break; case 7: dprintf(" Flags: DEBUG "); break; case 8: dprintf(" Flags: REF "); break; default: dprintf(" Flags: UNKNOWN "); break; }
// Display the term group
switch(amlTerm.TermGroup & 0xF) { case 1: dprintf(" Group: NAMESPACE\n"); break; case 2: dprintf(" Group: NAMED OBJECT\n"); break; case 3: dprintf(" Group: TYPE 1\n"); break; case 4: dprintf(" Group: TYPE 2\n"); break; case 5: dprintf(" Group: OTHER\n"); break; default: dprintf(" Group: UNKNOWN\n"); break;
DECLARE_API( scope ) {
BOOL b; DWORD addrScope; SCOPE scope;
// Evaluate the argument string to get the address of the
// stack to dump
addrScope = GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); if ( !addrScope) {
// Read the stack header into memory
b = ReadMemory( (LPVOID) addrScope, &scope, sizeof(scope), NULL ); if (!b) {
// Dump the string to the user
dumpScopeHeader(FALSE); dumpScope( &scope ); }
DECLARE_API( pstack ) { DWORD addrStack;
addrStack = GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); if (!addrStack) {
dumpParseStack( addrStack ); }
DECLARE_API( sstack ) { DWORD addrStack;
addrStack = GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); if (!addrStack) {
dumpStringStack( addrStack ); }
DECLARE_API( version ) { OSVERSIONINFOA VersionInformation; HKEY hkey; DWORD cb, dwType; CHAR szCurrentType[128]; CHAR szCSDString[3+128];
VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(VersionInformation); if (!GetVersionEx( &VersionInformation )) {
dprintf("GetVersionEx failed - %u\n", GetLastError()); return;
szCurrentType[0] = '\0'; if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey ) == NO_ERROR ) {
cb = sizeof(szCurrentType); if (RegQueryValueEx( hkey, "CurrentType", NULL, &dwType, szCurrentType, &cb ) != 0 ) {
szCurrentType[0] = '\0';
} RegCloseKey(hkey);
if (VersionInformation.szCSDVersion[0]) {
sprintf( szCSDString, ": %s", VersionInformation.szCSDVersion );
} else {
szCSDString[0] = '\0';
dprintf( "Version %d.%d (Build %d%s) %s\n", VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion, VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion, VersionInformation.dwBuildNumber, szCSDString, szCurrentType ); return; }
dprintf("!version - Dump System Version and Build Number\n"); dprintf("!sscope - Dump an UnASM Scope Stack\n"); dprintf("!scope - Dump an UnASM Scope\n"); dprintf("!pstack - Dump an UnASM Parse Stack\n"); dprintf("!sstack - Dump an UnASM String STack\n");