// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// PropList.h
// Implementation File:
// PropListSrc.cpp
// Description:
// Definition of the CClusPropList class.
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 31-MAY-2000
#pragma once
// Include Files
#include <clusapi.h>
// Forward Class Declarations
class CClusPropValueList; class CClusPropList;
// External Class Declarations
// Macro Definitions
#if ! defined( THR )
#define THR( _hr ) _hr
#if ! defined( TW32 )
#define TW32( _w32sc ) _w32sc
#if ! defined( TW32E )
#define TW32E( _w32sc, _errIgnore ) _w32sc
// Type Definitions
#if ! defined( Assert )
#if defined( ASSERT )
#define Assert ASSERT
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define Assert _ASSERTE
#endif // else: ASSERT
#endif // if: ! Assert
#if ! defined( ASSERT )
#if defined( Assert )
#define ASSERT Assert
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define Assert _ASSERTE
#endif // else: Assert
#endif // if: ! ASSERT
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4127 ) // conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning( disable : 4201 ) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union
// class CObjectProperty
// Description:
// Describes a property in a cluster property list.
// Inheritance:
// CObjectProperty
#if defined( __AFX_H__ ) || ( defined( __ATLTMP_H__ ) && !defined( _ATL_TMP_NO_CSTRING ) )
class CObjectProperty { public: LPCWSTR m_pwszName; CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT m_propFormat;
union CValue { CString * pstr; LONG * pl; DWORD * pdw; BOOL * pb; struct { PBYTE * ppb; DWORD * pcb; }; }; CValue m_value; CValue m_valuePrev; CValue m_valueEx; // expand_sz value (if any)
DWORD m_fFlags;
enum ObjPropFlags { opfNew = 1 };
CObjectProperty::CObjectProperty( void ) { m_value.pstr = NULL; m_value.pcb = NULL; m_valuePrev.pstr = NULL; m_valuePrev.pcb = NULL; m_valueEx.pstr = NULL; m_valueEx.pcb = NULL; };
void Set( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN CString & rstrValue, IN CString & rstrPrevValue, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_SZ; m_value.pstr = &rstrValue; m_valuePrev.pstr = &rstrPrevValue; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( CString & )
void SetExpandSz( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN CString & rstrValue, IN CString & rstrPrevValue, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_EXPAND_SZ; m_value.pstr = &rstrValue; m_valuePrev.pstr = &rstrPrevValue; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( CString & )
// Set() to get extra EXPANDED_SZ value
void Set( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN CString & rstrValue, IN CString & rstrPrevValue, IN CString & rstrValueEx, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_SZ; m_value.pstr = &rstrValue; m_valuePrev.pstr = &rstrPrevValue; m_valueEx.pstr = &rstrValueEx; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( CString & )
// Set() to get extra EXPANDED_SZ value
void SetExpandSz( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN CString & rstrValue, IN CString & rstrPrevValue, IN CString & rstrValueEx, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_EXPAND_SZ; m_value.pstr = &rstrValue; m_valuePrev.pstr = &rstrPrevValue; m_valueEx.pstr = &rstrValueEx; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( CString & )
void Set( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LONG & rnValue, IN LONG & rnPrevValue, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_LONG; m_value.pl = &rnValue; m_valuePrev.pl = &rnPrevValue; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( LONG & )
void Set( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN DWORD & rdwValue, IN DWORD & rdwPrevValue, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_DWORD; m_value.pdw = &rdwValue; m_valuePrev.pdw = &rdwPrevValue; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( DWORD & )
void Set( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN BOOL & rbValue, IN BOOL & rbPrevValue, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_DWORD; m_value.pb = &rbValue; m_valuePrev.pb = &rbPrevValue; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( BOOL & )
void Set( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN PBYTE & rpbValue, IN DWORD & rcbValue, IN PBYTE & rpbPrevValue, IN DWORD & rcbPrevValue, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_BINARY; m_value.ppb = &rpbValue; m_value.pcb = &rcbValue; m_valuePrev.ppb = &rpbPrevValue; m_valuePrev.pcb = &rcbPrevValue; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( PBYTE & )
void Set( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPWSTR & rpwszValue, IN DWORD & rcbValue, IN LPWSTR & rpwszPrevValue, IN DWORD & rcbPrevValue, IN DWORD fFlags = 0 ) { m_pwszName = pwszName; m_propFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_MULTI_SZ; m_value.ppb = reinterpret_cast< PBYTE * >( &rpwszValue ); m_value.pcb = &rcbValue; m_valuePrev.ppb = reinterpret_cast< PBYTE * >( &rpwszPrevValue ); m_valuePrev.pcb = &rcbPrevValue; m_fFlags = fFlags;
} //*** Set( LPWSTR & )
}; //*** class CObjectProperty
#endif // defined( __AFX_H__ ) || ( defined( __ATLTMP_H__ ) && !defined( _ATL_TMP_NO_CSTRING ) )
// class CClusPropValueList
// Description:
// Describes a cluster property list.
// Inheritance:
// CClusPropValueList
class CClusPropValueList { public: //
// Construction.
// Default constructor
CClusPropValueList( void ) : m_cbDataSize( 0 ) , m_cbDataLeft( 0 ) , m_cbBufferSize( 0 ) , m_fAtEnd( FALSE ) { m_cbhValueList.pb = NULL; m_cbhCurrentValue.pb = NULL;
} //*** CClusPropValueList
// Copy constructor.
CClusPropValueList( IN const CClusPropValueList & rcpvl ) : m_cbBufferSize( 0 ) , m_fAtEnd( FALSE ) { Init( rcpvl );
} //*** CClusPropValueList
// Buffer helper constructor.
CClusPropValueList( IN CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER cbhValueList, IN size_t cbDataSize ) : m_cbBufferSize( 0 ) , m_fAtEnd( FALSE ) { Init( cbhValueList, cbDataSize );
} //*** CClusPropValueList
// Destructor
~CClusPropValueList( void ) { DeleteValueList();
} //*** ~CClusPropValueList
// Initialize the value list
void Init( IN const CClusPropValueList & rcpvl ) { Assert( m_cbBufferSize == 0 );
m_cbhValueList = rcpvl.m_cbhValueList; m_cbhCurrentValue = rcpvl.m_cbhCurrentValue; m_cbDataSize = rcpvl.m_cbDataSize; m_cbDataLeft = rcpvl.m_cbDataLeft; m_fAtEnd = rcpvl.m_fAtEnd;
} //*** Init
// Initialize the value list from a buffer helper
void Init( IN const CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER cbhValueList, IN size_t cbDataSize ) { Assert( m_cbBufferSize == 0 );
m_cbhValueList = cbhValueList; m_cbhCurrentValue = cbhValueList; m_cbDataSize = cbDataSize; m_cbDataLeft = cbDataSize; m_fAtEnd = FALSE;
} //*** Init
// Assignment operator
void operator=( IN const CClusPropValueList & rcpvl ) { Assert( m_cbBufferSize == 0 );
m_cbhValueList = rcpvl.m_cbhValueList; m_cbhCurrentValue = rcpvl.m_cbhCurrentValue; m_cbDataSize = rcpvl.m_cbDataSize; m_cbDataLeft = rcpvl.m_cbDataLeft; m_fAtEnd = rcpvl.m_fAtEnd;
} //*** operator=
public: //
// Accessor methods.
// Buffer helper cast operator to access the current value
operator const CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER( void ) const { return m_cbhCurrentValue;
// Access the value list
CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER CbhValueList( void ) const { return m_cbhValueList;
} //*** CbhValueList
// Access the current value
CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER CbhCurrentValue( void ) const { return m_cbhCurrentValue;
} //*** CbhCurrentValue
// Access the format of the current value
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT CpfCurrentValueFormat( void ) const { return static_cast< CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT >( m_cbhCurrentValue.pValue->Syntax.wFormat );
} //*** CpfCurrentValueFormat
// Access the format of the current format list syntax entry
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT CpfCurrentFormatListSyntax( void ) const { return static_cast< CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT >( m_cbhCurrentValue.pWordValue->w );
} //*** CpfCurrentFormatListSyntax
// Access the type of the current value
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE CptCurrentValueType( void ) const { return static_cast< CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE >( m_cbhCurrentValue.pValue->Syntax.wType );
} //*** CptCurrentValueType
// Access the syntax of the current value
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX CpsCurrentValueSyntax( void ) const { return static_cast< CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX >( m_cbhCurrentValue.pValue->Syntax.dw );
} //*** CpsCurrentValueSyntax
// Access the length of the data of the current value
DWORD CbCurrentValueLength( void ) const { DWORD cbLength;
if ( m_cbhCurrentValue.pb == NULL ) { cbLength = 0; } // if: no value list allocated yet
else { cbLength = m_cbhCurrentValue.pValue->cbLength; } // else: value list allocated
return cbLength;
} //*** CbCurrentValueLength
// Access size of the data in the buffer.
size_t CbDataSize( void ) const { return m_cbDataSize;
} //*** CbDataSize
// Access amount of data left in buffer after current value
size_t CbDataLeft( void ) const { return m_cbDataLeft;
} //*** CbDataLeft
public: //
// Parsing methods.
// Move to the first value in the list
DWORD ScMoveToFirstValue( void );
// Move the value after the current one in the list
DWORD ScMoveToNextValue( void );
// Query whether we are at the last value in the list or not
DWORD ScCheckIfAtLastValue( void );
public: //
// Methods for building a value list.
// Allocate a value list
DWORD ScAllocValueList( IN size_t cbMinimum );
// Delete the value list buffer and cleanup support variables
void DeleteValueList( void ) { //
// If m_cbBufferSize is greater then 0 then we allocated the value list.
// If it's zero then the value list is a part of the property list in
// CClusPropList.
if ( m_cbBufferSize > 0 ) { delete [] m_cbhValueList.pb; m_cbhValueList.pb = NULL; m_cbhCurrentValue.pb = NULL; m_cbBufferSize = 0; m_cbDataSize = 0; m_cbDataLeft = 0; m_fAtEnd = FALSE; } // if: we allocated anything
} //*** DeletePropList
// Get a value list from a resource
DWORD ScGetResourceValueList( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
// Get a value list from a resource type
DWORD ScGetResourceTypeValueList( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR pwszResTypeName, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
private: CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER m_cbhValueList; // Pointer to the value list for parsing.
CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER m_cbhCurrentValue; // Pointer to the current value for parsing.
size_t m_cbDataSize; // Amount of data in the buffer.
size_t m_cbDataLeft; // Amount of data left in buffer after current value.
size_t m_cbBufferSize; // Size of the buffer if we allocated it.
BOOL m_fAtEnd; // Indicates whether at last value in list.
}; //*** class CClusPropValueList
// class CClusPropList
// Description:
// Describes a cluster property list.
// Inheritance:
// CClusPropList
// CObject (MFC only)
class CClusPropList { public: //
// Construction.
// Default constructor
CClusPropList( IN BOOL fAlwaysAddProp = FALSE ) : m_fAlwaysAddProp( fAlwaysAddProp ) , m_cbBufferSize( 0 ) , m_cbDataSize( 0 ) , m_cbDataLeft( 0 ) , m_nPropsRemaining( 0 ) { m_cbhPropList.pList = NULL; m_cbhCurrentProp.pb = NULL; m_cbhCurrentPropName.pb = NULL;
} //*** CClusPropList
// Destructor
~CClusPropList( void ) { DeletePropList();
} //*** ~CClusPropList
// Copy list into this list (like assignment operator)
DWORD ScCopy( IN const PCLUSPROP_LIST pcplPropList, IN size_t cbListSize );
// Append list into this list
DWORD ScAppend( IN const CClusPropList & rclPropList );
// Delete the property list buffer and cleanup support variables
void DeletePropList( void ) { delete [] m_cbhPropList.pb; m_cbhPropList.pb = NULL; m_cbhCurrentProp.pb = NULL; m_cbhCurrentPropName.pb = NULL; m_cbBufferSize = 0; m_cbDataSize = 0; m_cbDataLeft = 0;
} //*** DeletePropList
protected: //
// Attributes.
BOOL m_fAlwaysAddProp; // Indicate if properties should be added even if not different.
CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER m_cbhPropList; // Pointer to the beginning of the list.
CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER m_cbhCurrentProp; // Pointer to the current property.
size_t m_cbBufferSize; // Allocated size of the buffer.
size_t m_cbDataSize; // Amount of data in the buffer.
size_t m_cbDataLeft; // Amount of data left in buffer after current value.
private: CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER m_cbhCurrentPropName; // Pointer to the current name for parsing
DWORD m_nPropsRemaining; // Used by BMoveToNextProperty() to track end of list.
CClusPropValueList m_pvlValues; // Helper class for value list of current property.
public: //
// Accessor methods.
// Access the values of the current property
const CClusPropValueList & RPvlPropertyValue( void ) { return m_pvlValues;
} //*** RPvlPropertyValue
// Access the property list
operator PCLUSPROP_LIST( void ) const { return m_cbhPropList.pList;
} //*** operator PCLUSPROP_LIST
// Access allocated size of the buffer
size_t CbBufferSize( void ) const { return m_cbBufferSize;
} //*** CbBufferSize
// Access the name of the current property
LPCWSTR PszCurrentPropertyName( void ) const { return m_cbhCurrentPropName.pName->sz;
} //*** PszCurrentPropertyName
// Access the current property name as a buffer helper
const CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER CbhCurrentPropertyName( void ) { return m_cbhCurrentPropName;
} //*** CbhCurrentPropertyName
// Access value list of the current property as a buffer helper
const CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER CbhCurrentValueList( void ) { return m_pvlValues.CbhValueList();
} //*** CbhCurrentValueList
// Access current value of the current property as a buffer helper
const CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER CbhCurrentValue( void ) { return m_pvlValues.CbhCurrentValue();
} //*** CbhCurrentValue
// Access the format of the current value of the current property
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT CpfCurrentValueFormat( void ) const { return m_pvlValues.CpfCurrentValueFormat();
} //*** CpfCurrentValueFormat
// Access the format of the current format list syntax entry
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT CpfCurrentFormatListSyntax( void ) const { return m_pvlValues.CpfCurrentFormatListSyntax();
} //*** CpfCurrentFormatListSyntax
// Access the type of the current value of the current property
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE CptCurrentValueType( void ) const { return m_pvlValues.CptCurrentValueType();
} //*** CptCurrentValueType
// Access the syntax of the current value of the current property
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX CpsCurrentValueSyntax( void ) const { return m_pvlValues.CpsCurrentValueSyntax();
} //*** CpsCurrentValueSyntax
// Access the length of the current value of the current property
size_t CbCurrentValueLength( void ) const { return m_pvlValues.CbCurrentValueLength();
} //*** CbCurrentValueLength
PCLUSPROP_LIST Plist( void ) { return m_cbhPropList.pList;
} //*** Plist
const CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER CbhPropList( void ) const { return m_cbhPropList;
} //*** CbhPropList
PBYTE PbPropList( void ) const { return m_cbhPropList.pb;
} //*** PbPropList
size_t CbPropList( void ) const { //
// m_cbDataSize contains the size of the data, including
// the last endmark. It does not however contain the size
// of the property count at the head of the list.
return m_cbDataSize + sizeof( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount );
} //*** CbPropList
// Access amount of data left in buffer after current value
size_t CbDataLeft( void ) const { return m_cbDataLeft;
} //*** CbDataLeft
DWORD Cprops( void ) const { if ( m_cbhPropList.pb == NULL ) { return 0; } // if: no buffer yet
return m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount;
} //*** Cprops
public: //
// Parsing methods.
// Initialize the size after getting properties from an external source
void InitSize( IN size_t cbSize ) { Assert( m_cbhPropList.pb != NULL ); Assert( m_cbBufferSize > 0 );
m_cbDataSize = cbSize; m_cbDataLeft = cbSize;
} //*** InitSize
// Move to the first property in the list
DWORD ScMoveToFirstProperty( void );
// Move the property after the current one in the list
DWORD ScMoveToNextProperty( void );
// Move to a property by specifying its name
DWORD ScMoveToPropertyByName( IN LPCWSTR pwszPropName );
// Move to the first value in the current property
DWORD ScMoveToFirstPropertyValue( void ) { return TW32( m_pvlValues.ScMoveToFirstValue() );
} //*** ScMoveToFirstPropertyValue
// Move the the value after the current on in the current property
DWORD ScMoveToNextPropertyValue( void ) { return TW32( m_pvlValues.ScMoveToNextValue() );
} //*** ScMoveToNextPropertyValue
// Query whether we are at the last property in the list or not
DWORD ScCheckIfAtLastProperty( void ) const { DWORD sc;
if ( m_nPropsRemaining <= 1 ) { sc = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } // if: at the last property
else { sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // else: not at the last property
return sc;
} //*** ScCheckIfAtLastProperty
// Query whether the list is empty or not
BOOL BIsListEmpty( void ) const { Assert( ( m_cbhPropList.pb == NULL ) || ( m_cbDataSize >= sizeof( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount ) ) );
return ( ( m_cbhPropList.pList == NULL ) || ( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount == 0 ) );
} //*** BIsListEmpty
public: //
// Methods for building a property list.
// Allocate a property list
DWORD ScAllocPropList( IN size_t cbMinimum );
void ClearPropList( void ) { m_cbDataSize = 0; m_cbDataLeft = 0;
if ( m_cbBufferSize != 0 ) { ZeroMemory( m_cbhPropList.pb, m_cbBufferSize ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb = m_cbhPropList.pb + sizeof( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount ); m_cbhCurrentPropName = m_cbhCurrentProp; } // if: buffer already allocated
} //*** ClearPropList
DWORD ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue, IN LPCWSTR pwszPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddExpandSzProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue, IN LPCWSTR pwszPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddMultiSzProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue, IN LPCWSTR pwszPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN DWORD nValue, IN DWORD nPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LONG nValue, IN LONG nPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN ULONGLONG ullValue, IN ULONGLONG ullPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LONGLONG llValue, IN LONGLONG llPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN const unsigned char * pbValue, IN size_t cbValue, IN const unsigned char * pbPrevValue, IN size_t cbPrevValue );
DWORD ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue ) { return TW32( ScAddProp( pwszName, pwszValue, NULL ) );
} //*** ScAddProp
DWORD ScAddExpandSzProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue ) { return TW32( ScAddExpandSzProp( pwszName, pwszValue, NULL ) );
} //*** ScAddExpandSzProp
public: //
// Get Property methods.
DWORD ScGetNodeProperties( IN HNODE hNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
DWORD ScGetGroupProperties( IN HGROUP hGroup, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
DWORD ScGetResourceProperties( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
DWORD ScGetResourceTypeProperties( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR pwszResTypeName, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
DWORD ScGetNetworkProperties( IN HNETWORK hNetwork, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
DWORD ScGetNetInterfaceProperties( IN HNETINTERFACE hNetInterface, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
DWORD ScGetClusterProperties( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode = NULL, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer = NULL, IN size_t cbInBufferSize = 0 );
// Implementation
protected: void CopyProp( IN PCLUSPROP_SZ pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN LPCWSTR psz, IN size_t cbsz = 0 );
void CopyExpandSzProp( IN PCLUSPROP_SZ pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN LPCWSTR psz, IN size_t cbsz = 0 );
void CopyMultiSzProp( IN PCLUSPROP_MULTI_SZ pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN LPCWSTR psz, IN size_t cbsz = 0 );
void CopyProp( IN PCLUSPROP_DWORD pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN DWORD nValue );
#if CLUSAPI_VERSION >= 0x0500
void CopyProp( IN PCLUSPROP_LONG pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN LONG nValue );
#endif // CLUSAPI_VERSION >= 0x0500
void CopyProp( IN PCLUSPROP_BINARY pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN const unsigned char * pb, IN size_t cb );
}; //*** class CClusPropList
#pragma warning( pop )