// Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// DirectoryUtils.cpp
// Description:
// Useful functions for manipulating directies.
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 05-DEC-2000
// Revision History:
// Notes:
#include "Pch.h"
#include "SmartClasses.h"
// Type Definitions
// Structure used to pass parameters between recursive calls to the
// gs_RecursiveEmptyDirectory() function.
struct SDirRemoveParams { WCHAR * m_pszDirName; // Pointer to the directory name buffer.
size_t m_cchDirNameLen; // Length of string currently in buffer (does not include '\0')
size_t m_cchDirNameMax; // Max length of string in buffer (does not include '\0')
signed int m_iMaxDepth; // Maximum recursion depth.
// Forward Declarations.
DWORD DwRecursiveEmptyDirectory( SDirRemoveParams * pdrpParamsInOut );
// DwRecursiveEmptyDirectory
// Description:
// Recursively removes the target directory and everything underneath it.
// This is a recursive function.
// Arguments:
// pdrpParamsInout
// Pointer to the object that contains the parameters for this recursive call.
// Return Value:
// The directory was deleted
// Other Win32 error codes
// If something went wrong
DWORD DwRecursiveEmptyDirectory( SDirRemoveParams * pdrpParamsInout ) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
do { typedef CSmartResource< CHandleTrait< HANDLE , BOOL , FindClose , INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE > > SmartFindFileHandle;
WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdCurFile; size_t cchCurDirNameLen = pdrpParamsInout->m_cchDirNameLen;
ZeroMemory( &wfdCurFile, sizeof( wfdCurFile ) );
if ( pdrpParamsInout->m_iMaxDepth < 0 ) { dwError = TW32( ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY ); break; } // if: the recursion is too deep.
// Check if the target directory name is too long. The two extra characters
// being checked for are '\\' and '*'.
if ( cchCurDirNameLen > ( pdrpParamsInout->m_cchDirNameMax - 2 ) ) { dwError = TW32( ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ); break; } // if: the target directory name is too long.
// Append "\*" to the end of the directory name
pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName[ cchCurDirNameLen ] = L'\\'; pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName[ cchCurDirNameLen + 1 ] = L'*'; pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName[ cchCurDirNameLen + 2 ] = L'\0';
SmartFindFileHandle sffhFindFileHandle( FindFirstFile( pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName, &wfdCurFile ) );
if ( sffhFindFileHandle.FIsInvalid() ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); break; }
do { size_t cchFileNameLen;
// If the current file is a directory, make a recursive call to delete it.
if ( ( wfdCurFile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) != 0 ) { if ( ( wcscmp( wfdCurFile.cFileName, L"." ) != 0 ) && ( wcscmp( wfdCurFile.cFileName, L".." ) != 0 ) ) { cchFileNameLen = wcslen( wfdCurFile.cFileName );
// Append the subdirectory name past the last '\\' character.
THR( StringCchCopyW( pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName + cchCurDirNameLen , pdrpParamsInout->m_cchDirNameMax - cchCurDirNameLen , wfdCurFile.cFileName ) );
// Update the parameter object.
--pdrpParamsInout->m_iMaxDepth; pdrpParamsInout->m_cchDirNameLen = cchCurDirNameLen + cchFileNameLen;
// Delete the subdirectory.
dwError = TW32( DwRecursiveEmptyDirectory( pdrpParamsInout ) ); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } // if: an error occurred trying to empty this directory.
// Restore the parameter object. There is no need to restore m_cchDirNameLen
// since it is never used again in the RHS in this function.
if ( RemoveDirectory( pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); break; } // if: the current directory could not be removed.
} // if: the current directory is not "." or ".."
} // if: current file is a directory.
else { //
// This file is not a directory. Delete it.
cchFileNameLen = wcslen( wfdCurFile.cFileName );
if ( cchFileNameLen > ( pdrpParamsInout->m_cchDirNameMax - cchCurDirNameLen ) ) { dwError = TW32( ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ); break; }
// Append the file name to the directory name.
THR( StringCchCopyW( pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName + cchCurDirNameLen , pdrpParamsInout->m_cchDirNameMax - cchCurDirNameLen , wfdCurFile.cFileName ) );
if ( DeleteFile( pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); break; } // if: DeleteFile failed.
} // else: current file is not a directory.
if ( FindNextFile( sffhFindFileHandle.HHandle(), &wfdCurFile ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError();
if ( dwError == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) { // We have deleted all the files in this directory.
dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { TW32( dwError ); }
// If FindNextFile has failed, we are done.
break; } // if: FindNextFile fails.
} while( true ); // loop infinitely.
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } // if: something went wrong.
// If we are here, then all the files in this directory have been deleted.
// Truncate the directory name at the last '\'
pdrpParamsInout->m_pszDirName[ cchCurDirNameLen - 1 ] = L'\0'; } while( false ); // dummy do while loop to avoid gotos.
return dwError;
} //*** DwRecursiveEmptyDirectory
// DwRemoveDirectory
// Description:
// Remove the target directory and everything underneath it.
// Calls DwRecursiveEmptyDirectory to do the actual work.
// Arguments:
// pcszTargetDirIn
// The directory to be removed. Note, this name cannot have trailing
// backslash '\' characters.
// iMaxDepthIn
// The maximum depth of the subdirectories that will be removed.
// Default value is 32. If this depth is exceeded, an exception
// is thrown.
// Return Value:
// The directory was deleted
// Other Win32 error codes
// If something went wrong
// Remarks:
// If the length of the name of any of the files under pcszTargetDirIn
// exceeds MAX_PATH - 1, an error is returned.
DWORD DwRemoveDirectory( const WCHAR * pcszTargetDirIn, signed int iMaxDepthIn ) { WCHAR szDirBuffer[ MAX_PATH ]; SDirRemoveParams drpParams; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA wfadDirAttributes;
if ( pcszTargetDirIn == NULL ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: the directory name is NULL
ZeroMemory( &wfadDirAttributes, sizeof( wfadDirAttributes ) );
// Check if the directory exists.
if ( GetFileAttributesEx( pcszTargetDirIn, GetFileExInfoStandard, &wfadDirAttributes ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); if ( dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // if: the directory does not exist, this is not an error
else { TW32( dwError ); }
goto Cleanup; } // if: we could not get the file attributes
if ( ( wfadDirAttributes.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) == 0 ) { // We are not going to delete files
goto Cleanup; } // if: the path does not point to a directory
// Copy the input string to our buffer.
THR( StringCchCopyW( szDirBuffer, RTL_NUMBER_OF( szDirBuffer ), pcszTargetDirIn ) );
// Initialize the object that holds the parameters for the recursive call.
drpParams.m_pszDirName = szDirBuffer; drpParams.m_cchDirNameLen = static_cast< UINT >( wcslen( szDirBuffer ) ); drpParams.m_cchDirNameMax = RTL_NUMBER_OF( szDirBuffer ) - 1; drpParams.m_iMaxDepth = iMaxDepthIn;
// Call the actual recursive function to empty the directory.
dwError = TW32( DwRecursiveEmptyDirectory( &drpParams ) );
// If the directory was emptied, delete it.
if ( ( dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( RemoveDirectory( pcszTargetDirIn ) == FALSE ) ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: the current directory could not be removed.
Cleanup: return dwError;
} //*** DwRemoveDirectory