// Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Common.h
// Description:
// Common definitions.
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 14-DEC-1999
#pragma once
// Macro Definitions
#if !defined( ARRAYSIZE )
#define ARRAYSIZE( _x ) RTL_NUMBER_OF( _x )
#define NULLTERMINATEARRAY( _x ) ( _x[ RTL_NUMBER_OF( _x ) - 1 ] = NULL )
#endif // ! defined( ARRAYSIZE )
#if !defined( PtrToByteOffset )
#define PtrToByteOffset(base, offset) (((LPBYTE)base)+offset)
#endif // !defined( PtrToByteOffset )
// COM Macros to gain type checking.
#if !defined( TypeSafeParams )
#define TypeSafeParams( _interface, _ppunk ) \
IID_##_interface, reinterpret_cast< void ** >( static_cast< _interface ** >( _ppunk ) ) #endif // !defined( TypeSafeParams )
#if !defined( TypeSafeQI )
#define TypeSafeQI( _interface, _ppunk ) \
QueryInterface( TypeSafeParams( _interface, _ppunk ) ) #endif // !defined( TypeSafeQI )
#if !defined( TypeSafeQS )
#define TypeSafeQS( _clsid, _interface, _ppunk ) \
QueryService( _clsid, TypeSafeParams( _interface, _ppunk ) ) #endif // !defined( TypeSafeQS )
// COM Constants for string manipulation.
#define MAX_COM_GUID_STRING_LEN 39 // "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" + NULL
#define MAX_UUID_STRING_LEN 37 // "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" + NULL
// Count to use for spin locks.
// Global Functions from FormatErrorMessage.cpp
HRESULT WINAPI HrFormatErrorMessage( LPWSTR pszErrorOut , UINT nMxErrorIn , DWORD scIn );
HRESULT __cdecl HrFormatErrorMessageBoxText( LPWSTR pszMessageOut , UINT nMxMessageIn , HRESULT hrIn , LPCWSTR pszOperationIn , ... );
HRESULT WINAPI HrGetComputerName( COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT cnfIn , BSTR * pbstrComputerNameOut , BOOL fBestEffortIn );
// Global Functions from DirectoryUtils.cpp
HRESULT HrCreateDirectoryPath( LPWSTR pszDirectoryPath );
DWORD DwRemoveDirectory( const WCHAR * pcszTargetDirIn , signed int iMaxDepthIn = 32 );
// Global Functions from RegistryUtils.cpp
HRESULT HrGetDefaultComponentNameFromRegistry( CLSID * pclsidIn , BSTR * pbstrComponentNameOut );
// NStringCchCompareCase
// Description:
// General strsafe-style strncmp wrapper.
// Arguments:
// psz1In and psz2In
// The strings to compare. Either or both can be null, which is
// treated as equivalent to an empty string.
// cchsz1In and cchsz2In
// The lengths of psz1In and psz2In, INCLUDING their terminating nulls.
// Ignored if the corresponding sz parameter is null.
// Return Values:
// Less than zero: psz1In is less than psz2In.
// Zero: psz1In and psz2In are the same.
// Greater than zero: psz1In is greater than psz2In.
inline INT NStringCchCompareCase( LPCWSTR psz1In , size_t cchsz1In , LPCWSTR psz2In , size_t cchsz2In ) { INT nComparison = 0; size_t cchsz1 = ( psz1In == NULL? 0: cchsz1In ); size_t cchsz2 = ( psz2In == NULL? 0: cchsz2In ); size_t cchShorterString = min( cchsz1, cchsz2 );
if ( cchsz1 > 0 ) { if ( cchsz2 > 0 ) { nComparison = wcsncmp( psz1In, psz2In, cchShorterString ); } else // psz2 is empty
{ // psz1 is not empty, but psz2 is.
// Any non-empty string is greater than an empty one.
nComparison = 1; } } else if ( cchsz2 > 0 ) { // psz1 is empty, but psz2 is not.
// An empty string is less than any non-empty one.
nComparison = -1; } // Otherwise, both strings are empty, so leave nComparison at zero.
return nComparison; } //*** NStringCchCompareCase
// NStringCchCompareNoCase
// Description:
// General strsafe-style strnicmp wrapper.
// Arguments:
// psz1In and psz2In
// The strings to compare. Either or both can be null, which is
// treated as equivalent to an empty string.
// cchsz1In and cchsz2In
// The lengths of psz1In and psz2In, INCLUDING their terminating nulls.
// Ignored if the corresponding sz parameter is null.
// Return Values:
// Less than zero: psz1In is less than psz2In.
// Zero: psz1In and psz2In are the same.
// Greater than zero: psz1In is greater than psz2In.
inline INT NStringCchCompareNoCase( LPCWSTR psz1In , size_t cchsz1In , LPCWSTR psz2In , size_t cchsz2In ) { INT nComparison = 0; size_t cchsz1 = ( psz1In == NULL? 0: cchsz1In ); size_t cchsz2 = ( psz2In == NULL? 0: cchsz2In ); size_t cchShorterString = min( cchsz1, cchsz2 );
if ( cchsz1 > 0 ) { if ( cchsz2 > 0 ) { nComparison = _wcsnicmp( psz1In, psz2In, cchShorterString ); } else // psz2 is empty
{ // psz1 is not empty, but psz2 is.
// Any non-empty string is greater than an empty one.
nComparison = 1; } } else if ( cchsz2 > 0 ) { // psz1 is empty, but psz2 is not.
// An empty string is less than any non-empty one.
nComparison = -1; } // Otherwise, both strings are empty, so leave nComparison at zero.
return nComparison; } //*** NStringCchCompareNoCase
// NBSTRCompareCase
// Description:
// strcmp for BSTRs.
// Arguments:
// bstr1 and bstr2
// The strings to compare. Either or both can be NULL, which is
// equivalent to an empty string.
// Return Values:
// Less than zero: bstr1 is less than bstr2.
// Zero: bstr1 and bstr2 are the same.
// Greater than zero: bstr1 is greater than bstr2.
inline INT NBSTRCompareCase( BSTR bstr1 , BSTR bstr2 ) { return NStringCchCompareCase( bstr1, SysStringLen( bstr1 ) + 1, bstr2, SysStringLen( bstr2 ) + 1 ); } //*** NBSTRCompareCase
// NBSTRCompareNoCase
// Description:
// stricmp for BSTRs.
// Arguments:
// bstr1 and bstr2
// The strings to compare. Either or both can be NULL, which is
// equivalent to an empty string.
// Return Values:
// Less than zero: bstr1 is less than bstr2.
// Zero: bstr1 and bstr2 are the same.
// Greater than zero: bstr1 is greater than bstr2.
inline INT NBSTRCompareNoCase( BSTR bstr1 , BSTR bstr2 ) { return NStringCchCompareNoCase( bstr1, SysStringLen( bstr1 ) + 1, bstr2, SysStringLen( bstr2 ) + 1 ); } //*** NBSTRCompareNoCase