Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Definitions of routines for manipulating dynamic IP Network Table Entries (NTEs) and NBT devices (interfaces).
Mike Massa (mikemas) 18-Mar-1996
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
// Types
typedef struct { unsigned long Instance; IPAddr Address; IPMask SubnetMask; unsigned long Flags; } TCPIP_NTE_INFO, *PTCPIP_NTE_INFO;
#define TCPIP_NTE_DYNAMIC 0x00000010
// APIs
DWORD TcpipAddNTE( IN LPWSTR AdapterName, IN IPAddr Address, IN IPMask SubnetMask, OUT PULONG NTEContext, OUT PULONG NTEInstance ); /*++
Routine Description:
Adds a new NTE to a specified IP interface. The target IP interface is identified by the name of the adapter associated with it.
AdapterName - A unicode string identifying the adapter/interface to which to add the new NTE.
Address - The IP address to assign to the new NTE.
SubnetMask - The IP subnet mask to assign to the new NTE.
NTEContext - On output, contains the context value identifying the new NTE.
NTEInstance - On output, contains the instance ID of the new NTE.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD TcpipDeleteNTE( IN ULONG NTEContext ); /*++
Routine Description:
Deletes a specified NTE. The target NTE must have been added using TcpipAddNTE.
NTEContext - The context value identifying the NTE to delete.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD TcpipSetNTEAddress( IN DWORD NTEContext, IN IPAddr Address, IN IPMask SubnetMask ); /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the address of a specified NTE.
NTEContext - The context value identifying the target NTE.
Address - The IP address to assign to the NTE. Assigning invalidates the NTE.
SubnetMask - The IP subnet mask to assign to the NTE.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
Routine Description:
Gathers information about a specified NTE.
NTEContext - The context value identifying the NTE to query.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD NbtAddInterface( OUT LPWSTR DeviceName, IN OUT LPDWORD DeviceNameSize, OUT PULONG DeviceInstance ); /*++
Routine Description:
Adds a new NBT interface.
DeviceName - A unicode string identifying the new NBT interface.
DeviceNameSize - On input, the size of theh device name buffer. On output, the size of the device name string, or the size needed to accomodate the string.
DeviceInstance - A pointer to a variable into which to place the instance ID associated with the new interface.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD NbtDeleteInterface( IN LPWSTR DeviceName ); /*++
Routine Description:
Deletes an NBT interface.
DeviceName - A unicode string identifying the target NBT interface.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD NbtBindInterface( IN LPWSTR DeviceName, IN IPAddr Address, IN IPMask SubnetMask ); /*++
Routine Description:
Binds a specified NBT interface to a specified IP address.
DeviceName - A unicode string identifying the target NBT interface.
Address - The IP address to which bind the interface. Assigning invalidates the interface.
SubnetMask - The subnet mask of the IP interface.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD NbtSetWinsAddrInterface( IN LPWSTR DeviceName, IN IPAddr PrWinsAddress, IN IPAddr SecWinsAddress ); /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the WINS addrs for a given Nbt Interface.
DeviceName - A unicode string identifying the target NBT interface.
PrWinsAddress - Primary WINS addr
SecWinsAddress - Secondary WINS addr
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD NbtGetInterfaceInfo( IN LPWSTR DeviceName, OUT IPAddr * Address, OUT PULONG DeviceInstance ); /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the IP address to which an NBT interface is bound and the interface instance ID.
DeviceName - A unicode string identifying the target NBT interface.
Address - A pointer to the location in which to store the address of the interface.
DeviceInstance - A pointer to the location in which to store the instance ID associated with the interface.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
DWORD NbtGetWinsAddresses( IN LPWSTR DeviceName, OUT IPAddr * PrimaryWinsServer, OUT IPAddr * SecondaryWinsServer );
Routine Description:
Returns the addresses of the WINS servers for which the specified device is configured.
DeviceName - A unicode string identifying the target NBT interface.
PrimaryWinsServer - A pointer to a variable into which to place the address of the primary WINS server.
SecondaryWinsServer - A pointer to a variable into which to place the address of the primary WINS server.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise.
#endif // ifndef _NTEAPI_INCLUDED_