Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Cluster resource list processing routines.
Rod Gamache (rodga) 21-Apr-1997
Revision History:
#include "fmp.h"
// Global data
// Local function prototypes
BOOL FmpCheckResourcesToOnline( IN PRESOURCE_ENUM pResEnum );
DWORD FmpAddResourceEntry( IN OUT PRESOURCE_ENUM *Enum, IN LPDWORD Allocated, IN PFM_RESOURCE Resource );
DWORD FmpGetResourceList( OUT PRESOURCE_ENUM *ReturnEnum, IN PFM_GROUP Group )
Routine Description:
Enumerates all the list of all resources in the Group and returns their state.
ReturnEnum - Returns the requested objects.
Resource - Supplies the resource to filter. (i.e. if you supply this, you get a list of resources within that Resource)
If not present, all resources are returned.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
Win32 error code on error.
This routine should be called with the LocalGroupLock held.
{ DWORD status; PRESOURCE_ENUM resourceEnum = NULL; DWORD allocated; PFM_RESOURCE resource; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry;
allocated = ENUM_GROW_SIZE;
resourceEnum = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, RESOURCE_SIZE(ENUM_GROW_SIZE)); if ( resourceEnum == NULL ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
ZeroMemory( resourceEnum, RESOURCE_SIZE(ENUM_GROW_SIZE) ); //set the contains quorum to -1, if the quorum is present
// in this group then the containsquorum is set to the index
// of the quorum resource
// The quorum resource should be brought offline last and be
// brought online first so that the registry replication data
// can be flushed
resourceEnum->ContainsQuorum = -1; //resourceEnum->EntryCount = 0;
// Enumerate all resources in the group.
for ( listEntry = Group->Contains.Flink; listEntry != &(Group->Contains); listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) { resource = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, FM_RESOURCE, ContainsLinkage ); status = FmpAddResourceEntry( &resourceEnum, &allocated, resource ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { FmpDeleteResourceEnum( resourceEnum ); goto error_exit; } //check if the resource is a quorum resource
if (resource->QuorumResource) resourceEnum->ContainsQuorum = resourceEnum->EntryCount - 1; resourceEnum->Entry[resourceEnum->EntryCount-1].State = resource->PersistentState; }
*ReturnEnum = resourceEnum; return(ERROR_SUCCESS);
*ReturnEnum = NULL; return(status);
} // FmpGetResourceList
DWORD FmpOnlineResourceList( IN PRESOURCE_ENUM ResourceEnum, IN PFM_GROUP pGroup )
Routine Description:
Brings online all resources in the Enum list.
ResourceEnum - The list of resources to bring online.
pGroup - the group with which the resources are associated.
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
Win32 error code on failure.
{ PFM_RESOURCE resource; DWORD status; DWORD returnStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD i; BOOL bResourcesToOnline;
// If the cluster service is shutting and this is not the quorum group,
// then fail immediately. Otherwise, try to bring the quorum online first.
if ( FmpShutdown && ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum == -1 ) { return(ERROR_INVALID_STATE); }
//find out if atleast one resource in the list necessitates coming being brought online
bResourcesToOnline = FmpCheckResourcesToOnline(ResourceEnum); if (bResourcesToOnline) { //log an event saying we are trying on online a group
FmpLogGroupInfoEvent1( FM_EVENT_GROUP_START_ONLINE, OmObjectName(pGroup)); } // if the quorum resource is contained in here, bring it online first
if (ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum >= 0) { CL_ASSERT((DWORD)ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum < ResourceEnum->EntryCount); resource = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeResource, ResourceEnum->Entry[ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum].Id );
// the resource should not vanish, we are holding the group lock after all
CL_ASSERT(resource != NULL); //
// If we fail to find a resource, then just continue
if ( resource != NULL ) {
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] FmpOnlineResourceList: Previous quorum resource state for %1!ws! is %2!u!\r\n", OmObjectId(resource), ResourceEnum->Entry[ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum].State);
if ( (ResourceEnum->Entry[ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum].State == ClusterResourceOnline) || (ResourceEnum->Entry[ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum].State == ClusterResourceFailed) ) { //
// Now bring the resource online if that is it's current state.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] FmpOnlineResourceList: trying to bring quorum resource %1!ws! online, state %2!u!\n", OmObjectId(resource), resource->State);
status = FmpOnlineResource( resource, FALSE ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { returnStatus = status; } } OmDereferenceObject( resource ); } }
// SS::: TODO what happens to the persistent state of the
// other resources - is it handled correctly - note that this is
// called on moving a group
// Will the restart policy do the right thing in terms of bringing
// them online
// if the quorum resource has failed, dont bother trying
// to bring the rest of the resourcess online
if ((returnStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (returnStatus != ERROR_IO_PENDING)) { //retry after a while
FmpSubmitRetryOnline(ResourceEnum, pGroup); goto FnExit; }
// bring online all of the other resources
for ( i = 0; i < ResourceEnum->EntryCount; i++ ) { resource = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeResource, ResourceEnum->Entry[i].Id );
// If we fail to find a resource, then just continue.
if ( resource == NULL ) { status = ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; continue; }
//quorum resource has already been handled
if (resource->QuorumResource) { OmDereferenceObject(resource); continue; } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] FmpOnlineResourceList: Previous resource state for %1!ws! is %2!u!\r\n", OmObjectId(resource), ResourceEnum->Entry[i].State);
if ( (ResourceEnum->Entry[i].State == ClusterResourceOnline) || (ResourceEnum->Entry[i].State == ClusterResourceFailed) ) { //
// Now bring the resource online if that is it's current state.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] FmpOnlineResourceList: trying to bring resource %1!ws! online\n", OmObjectId(resource));
status = FmpOnlineResource( resource, FALSE ); //overwrite the return status only if it is success
//else the first error is returned
if ( returnStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { returnStatus = status; } //if this resource didnt come online because the quorum resource
//didnt come online, dont bother bringing the other resources online
//just a waste of time
if (status == ERROR_QUORUM_RESOURCE_ONLINE_FAILED) { //submit a timer callback to try and bring these resources
FmpSubmitRetryOnline(ResourceEnum, pGroup); OmDereferenceObject( resource ); break; }
} OmDereferenceObject( resource ); }
FnExit: if (returnStatus == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { CL_ASSERT(bResourcesToOnline); pGroup->dwStructState |= FM_GROUP_STRUCT_MARKED_FOR_COMPLETION_EVENT; //the failed or success event will get logged later on
} else if (returnStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (bResourcesToOnline) FmpLogGroupInfoEvent1( FM_EVENT_GROUP_COMPLETE_ONLINE, OmObjectName(pGroup)); } else { //SS: log an event to say that the online process failed
if (bResourcesToOnline) FmpLogGroupInfoEvent1( FM_EVENT_GROUP_FAILED_ONLINE_OFFLINE, OmObjectName(pGroup)); } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] FmpOnlineResourceList: Exit, status=%1!u!\r\n", returnStatus); return(returnStatus);
} // FmpOnlineResourceList
DWORD FmpOfflineResourceList( IN PRESOURCE_ENUM ResourceEnum, IN BOOL Restore )
Routine Description:
Takes offline all resources in the Enum list.
ResourceEnum - The list of resources to take offline.
Restore - TRUE if we should set the resource back to it's previous state
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
Win32 error code on failure.
// offline all resources except the quorum resource
for ( i = 0; i < ResourceEnum->EntryCount; i++ ) { resource = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeResource, ResourceEnum->Entry[i].Id );
if ( resource == NULL ) { return(ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND); }
//quorum resource is brought offline last
if (resource->QuorumResource) { OmDereferenceObject(resource); continue; } //
// Now take the Resource offline, if we own it.
if ( resource->Group->OwnerNode == NmLocalNode ) { prevState = resource->State; status = FmpOfflineResource( resource, FALSE ); if ( Restore ) { //FmpPropagateResourceState( resource, prevState );
//resource->State = prevState;
} }
OmDereferenceObject( resource );
if ( (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (status != ERROR_IO_PENDING) ) { return(status); } if ( status == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { returnStatus = ERROR_IO_PENDING; }
// bring the quorum resource offline now
// This allows other resources to come offline and save their checkpoints
// The quorum resource offline should block till the resources have
// finished saving the checkpoint
if ((ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum >= 0) && (returnStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { CL_ASSERT((DWORD)ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum < ResourceEnum->EntryCount);
resource = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeResource, ResourceEnum->Entry[ResourceEnum->ContainsQuorum].Id );
if ( resource == NULL ) { return(ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND); }
// Now take the Resource offline, if we own it.
if ( resource->Group->OwnerNode == NmLocalNode ) { status = FmpOfflineResource( resource, FALSE ); }
OmDereferenceObject( resource );
if ( (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (status != ERROR_IO_PENDING) ) { return(status); } if ( status == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { returnStatus = ERROR_IO_PENDING; } } return(returnStatus);
} // FmpOfflineResourceList
DWORD FmpTerminateResourceList( PRESOURCE_ENUM ResourceEnum )
Routine Description:
Terminates all resources in the Enum list.
ResourceEnum - The list of resources to take offline.
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
Win32 error code on failure.
{ PFM_RESOURCE resource; DWORD i;
for ( i = 0; i < ResourceEnum->EntryCount; i++ ) { resource = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeResource, ResourceEnum->Entry[i].Id );
if ( resource == NULL ) { return(ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND); }
// Now take the Resource offline, if we own it.
if ( resource->Group->OwnerNode == NmLocalNode ) { FmpTerminateResource( resource ); }
OmDereferenceObject( resource ); } //for now we dont care about the return
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } // FmpTerminateResourceList
DWORD FmpAddResourceEntry( IN OUT PRESOURCE_ENUM *Enum, IN LPDWORD Allocated, IN PFM_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
Worker routine for the enumeration of Resources. This routine adds the specified Resource to the list that is being generated.
Enum - The Resource Enumeration list. Can be an output if a new list is allocated. Allocated - The number of entries allocated. Resource - The Resource object being enumerated.
ERROR_SUCCESS - if successful. A Win32 error code on failure.
{ PRESOURCE_ENUM resourceEnum; PRESOURCE_ENUM newEnum; DWORD newAllocated; DWORD index; LPWSTR newId;
resourceEnum = *Enum;
if ( resourceEnum->EntryCount >= *Allocated ) { //
// Time to grow the RESOURCE_ENUM
newAllocated = *Allocated + ENUM_GROW_SIZE; newEnum = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, RESOURCE_SIZE(newAllocated)); if ( newEnum == NULL ) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
CopyMemory(newEnum, resourceEnum, RESOURCE_SIZE(*Allocated)); *Allocated = newAllocated; *Enum = newEnum; LocalFree(resourceEnum); resourceEnum = newEnum; }
// Initialize new entry
newId = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (lstrlenW(OmObjectId(Resource))+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( newId == NULL ) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
lstrcpyW(newId, OmObjectId(Resource)); resourceEnum->Entry[resourceEnum->EntryCount].Id = newId; ++resourceEnum->EntryCount;
} // FmpAddResourceEntry
VOID FmpDeleteResourceEnum( IN PRESOURCE_ENUM Enum )
Routine Description:
This routine deletes an RESOURCE_ENUM and associated name strings.
Enum - The RESOURCE_ENUM to delete. This pointer can be NULL.
This routine will take a NULL input pointer and just return.
if ( Enum == NULL ) { return; }
for ( i = 0; i < Enum->EntryCount; i++ ) { enumEntry = &Enum->Entry[i]; LocalFree(enumEntry->Id); }
LocalFree(Enum); return;
} // FmpDeleteResourceEnum
DWORD FmpSubmitRetryOnline( IN PRESOURCE_ENUM pResourceEnum, IN PFM_GROUP pGroup) {
PFM_RESLIST_ONLINE_RETRY_INFO pFmOnlineRetryInfo; PRESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY enumEntry; DWORD dwSizeofResourceEnum; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD i; DWORD dwSize; //there is nothing to do
if (pResourceEnum->EntryCount < 1) goto FnExit; dwSizeofResourceEnum = sizeof(RESOURCE_ENUM) - sizeof(RESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY) + (sizeof(RESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY) * pResourceEnum->EntryCount); pFmOnlineRetryInfo = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (sizeof(FM_RESLIST_ONLINE_RETRY_INFO) - sizeof(RESOURCE_ENUM) + dwSizeofResourceEnum));
if (!pFmOnlineRetryInfo) { dwStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR(dwStatus); goto FnExit; }
//SS: use the group field for logging
//reference the group object
if (pGroup) OmReferenceObject(pGroup); pFmOnlineRetryInfo->pGroup = pGroup; memcpy(&(pFmOnlineRetryInfo->ResourceEnum), pResourceEnum, dwSizeofResourceEnum);
// allocate memory for Resource ID's and copy them from pResourceEnum
for ( i = 0; i < pResourceEnum->EntryCount; i++ ) { enumEntry = &pResourceEnum->Entry[i]; pFmOnlineRetryInfo->ResourceEnum.Entry[i].Id = NULL; dwSize = (lstrlenW(enumEntry->Id) +1)*sizeof(WCHAR); pFmOnlineRetryInfo->ResourceEnum.Entry[i].Id = (LPWSTR)(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,dwSize)); if (!pFmOnlineRetryInfo->ResourceEnum.Entry[i].Id ) { dwStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR(dwStatus); goto FnExit; } CopyMemory(pFmOnlineRetryInfo->ResourceEnum.Entry[i].Id, enumEntry->Id, dwSize); }
dwStatus = FmpQueueTimerActivity(FM_TIMER_RESLIST_ONLINE_RETRY, FmpReslistOnlineRetryCb, pFmOnlineRetryInfo ); FnExit: return(dwStatus); }
@func DWORD | FmpCheckResourcesToOnline| This routine walks a resource list and returns TRUE, if atleast one of the resources in the group must be brought online.
@parm IN PRESOURCE_ENUM | pResEnum | A pointer to a list of resources in the group. @comm This is called from FmpOnlineResourceList() to determine if the group info events should be logged. For groups that have no resources to be onlined, we should not log the starting online event. This routine must be called with the group lock held. It is called by FmpOnlineResourceList().
@rdesc Returns TRUE if atleast one of the resources in the list must be onlined. ****/ BOOL FmpCheckResourcesToOnline( IN PRESOURCE_ENUM pResEnum ) { PFM_RESOURCE pResource; DWORD i; BOOL bRet = FALSE; for ( i = 0; i < pResEnum->EntryCount; i++ ) { pResource = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeResource, pResEnum->Entry[i].Id );
// If we fail to find a resource, then just continue.
if ( pResource == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] FmpCheckResourcesToOnline: Resource for ResId %1!ws! not found.\n", pResEnum->Entry[i].Id); continue; }
//check if this is the quorum resource
if (pResource->QuorumResource) { //if the quorum resource is in the group, it must be brought online
//irrespective of its state
bRet = TRUE; OmDereferenceObject(pResource); break; }
if ( (pResEnum->Entry[i].State == ClusterResourceOnline) || (pResEnum->Entry[i].State == ClusterResourceFailed) ) { bRet = TRUE; OmDereferenceObject(pResource); break; } OmDereferenceObject(pResource); } return(bRet); }