Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Interfaces with the resource monitor to detect notification of resource state changes.
John Vert (jvert) 12-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include "fmp.h"
// Local Data
CL_QUEUE NotifyQueue;
HANDLE RmNotifyThread;
// Local Functions
DWORD FmpRmWorkerThread( IN LPVOID lpThreadParameter );
VOID FmpRmWorkItemHandler( IN PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM WorkItem, IN DWORD Ignored1, IN DWORD Ignored2, IN ULONG_PTR Ignored3 );
DWORD FmpInitializeNotify( VOID )
Routine Description:
Initialization routine for notification engine
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise.
{ DWORD ThreadId; DWORD Status;
Status = ClRtlInitializeQueue(&NotifyQueue); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CL_LOGFAILURE(Status); return(Status); }
RmNotifyThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, FmpRmWorkerThread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId); if (RmNotifyThread == NULL) { CsInconsistencyHalt(GetLastError()); }
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
DWORD FmpRmWorkerThread( IN LPVOID lpThreadParameter )
Routine Description:
This thread processes deferred Resource Monitor events.
lpThreadParameter - not used.
Return Value:
while (TRUE) { entry = ClRtlRemoveHeadQueue(&NotifyQueue); if ( entry == NULL ) { break; }
event = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, RM_EVENT, Linkage);
if (event->EventType == RmWorkerTerminate) { LocalFree(event); break; }
status = FmpRmDoHandleCriticalResourceStateChange( event, NULL, event->Parameters.ResourceTransition.NewState);
LocalFree(event); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } } return(status); }
BOOL FmpPostNotification( IN RM_NOTIFY_KEY NotifyKey, IN DWORD NotifyEvent, IN CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE CurrentState )
Routine Description:
Callback routine used by resource monitor for resource state change notification. This routine queues the notification to a worker thread for deferred processing.
NotifyKey - Supplies the notification key for the resource that changed
NotifyEvent - The event type.
CurrentState - Supplies the (new) current state of the resource
Return Value:
TRUE - continue receiving notifications
FALSE - abort notifications
{ PRM_EVENT event;
event = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(RM_EVENT));
if (event != NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] NotifyCallBackRoutine: enqueuing event\n");
event->EventType = NotifyEvent; event->Parameters.ResourceTransition.NotifyKey = NotifyKey; event->Parameters.ResourceTransition.NewState = CurrentState;
// Enqueue the event for the worker thread.
ClRtlInsertTailQueue(&NotifyQueue, &event->Linkage); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[FM] NotifyCallBackRoutine: Unable to post item, memory alloc failure %1!u!\n", GetLastError()); }
return(TRUE); }
DWORD FmpRmDoHandleCriticalResourceStateChange( IN PRM_EVENT pEvent, IN OPTIONAL PFM_RESOURCE pTransitionedResource, IN CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE NewState )
Routine Description:
Does an interlocked decrement of the gdwQuoBlockingResources variable. Handle the transition of the quorum resource state via a separate thread.
pEvent - The Resource Monitor Event
pTransitionedResource - The resource whose state has changed.
NewState - New state of the resource.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on success, a Win32 error code otherwise.
DO NOT hold any locks (such as group lock, gQuoChangeLock, etc.) in this function. You could deadlock the system quite easily.
{ RM_NOTIFY_KEY NotifyKey; DWORD dwOldBlockingFlag; PFM_RESOURCE pResource = pTransitionedResource; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Chittur Subbaraman (chitturs) - 4/19/99
// This function decrements the blocking resources count when the
// resource state has stabilized. It is important to do this
// decrement in a non-blocking mode so that the quorum resource
// does not get caught forever waiting for this count to go down to
// zero in the offline call, FmpRmOfflineResource. This code was
// originally located in FmpHandleResourceTransition and was moved
// here since you could run out of FmpRmWorkItemHandler threads
// (which service the CsDelayedWorkQueue) since all of them could
// get blocked on the local resource lock in
// FmpHandleResourceTransition and consequently any new notifications
// from resmon which could potentially decrement this count will
// not get serviced.
if ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT ( pTransitionedResource ) ) { //SS: have no idea what this was for, but only do this check if pEvent is passed in
if (pEvent) { NotifyKey = pEvent->Parameters.ResourceResuscitate.NotifyKey;
pResource = FmpFindResourceByNotifyKey( NotifyKey );
if ( pResource == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[FM] FmpRmDoHandleCriticalResourceStateChange, bad resource NotifyKey %1!u!\n", NotifyKey); goto FnExit; }
if ( pEvent->EventType != ResourceTransition ) { goto FnExit; } } } if ( pResource->QuorumResource ) { //
// Chittur Subbaraman (chitturs) - 6/25/99
// If this resource is the quorum resource, then let
// FmpHandleResourceTransition take care of the sync notifications.
// Note that this function only does the notifications for the
// non-quorum resources as well as does the decrement on the
// blocking resources count. The decrement MUST be done
// without holding any locks to avoid potential deadlocks with
// the quorum resource offline getting stuck in FmpRmOfflineResource
// waiting for the blocking resources count to go to 0.
// As far as the quorum resource goes, the sync notifications
// must be done with gQuoChangeLock held since we want to
// synchronize with other threads such as the FmCheckQuorumState
// called by the DM node down handler. FmpHandleResourceTransition
// does hold the gQuoChangeLock.
// Note also that for the quorum resource a separate thread
// handles the resource transition since if we depend on the
// worker threads servicing the CsDelayedWorkQueue to do this,
// this notification could be starved from being processed since
// some thread could hold the group lock and be stuck in the
// resource onlining waiting for the quorum resource to go
// online and all the worker threads servicing the CsDelayedWorkQueue
// could be blocked on the group lock preventing the propagation
// of the quorum resource state.
FmpCreateResStateChangeHandler( pResource, NewState, pResource->State );
goto FnExit; }
// Comments from sunitas: Call the synchronous notifications.
// This is done before the count is decremented as the synchronous
// callbacks like the registry replication must get a chance to
// finish before the quorum resource state is allowed to change.
// Note, there is no synchronization here with the resmon's
// online/offline code. They are using the LocalResourceLocks.
FmpCallResourceNotifyCb( pResource, NewState );
dwOldBlockingFlag = InterlockedExchange( &pResource->BlockingQuorum, 0 );
if ( dwOldBlockingFlag ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[FM] FmpRmDoHandleCriticalResourceStateChange: call InterlockedDecrement on gdwQuoBlockingResources, Resource %1!ws!\n", OmObjectId(pResource)); InterlockedDecrement( &gdwQuoBlockingResources ); }
//post a work item to the fm worker thread to handle the rest
OmReferenceObject(pResource); FmpPostWorkItem(FM_EVENT_RES_RESOURCE_TRANSITION, pResource, NewState);
FnExit: return( status ); }