Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ;/*++
  2. ;
  3. ;Copyright (c) 1991-2001 Microsoft Corporation
  4. ;
  5. ;Module Name:
  6. ;
  7. ; clusvmsg.h
  8. ;
  9. ;Abstract:
  10. ;
  11. ; This file contains the message definitions for the Cluster service.
  12. ;
  13. ;Author:
  14. ;
  15. ; Mike Massa (mikemas) 2-Jan-1996
  16. ;
  17. ;Revision History:
  18. ;
  19. ;Notes:
  20. ;
  21. ; This file is generated from clusvmsg.mc
  22. ;
  23. ; How to add a new error log category: By convention, error log categories
  24. ; start at 1 and increase monotonically. Start by adding a category
  25. ; identifier to the end of the list. Next, set LOG_CURRENT_MODULE in your
  26. ; source code to the symbolic name of the new category, e.g.:
  27. ;
  29. ;
  30. ; The cluster event log macros will substitute your category ID
  31. ; appropriately.
  32. ;
  33. ; Finally, modify the CategoryCount entry in
  34. ; cluster\mgmt\cluscfg\basecluster\clcfgsrv.inf and
  35. ; cluster\mgmt\clusocm\clusocm.inf to the new total.
  36. ;
  37. ;--*/
  38. ;
  39. ;#ifndef _CLUSVMSG_INCLUDED
  40. ;#define _CLUSVMSG_INCLUDED
  41. ;
  42. ;
  43. MessageID=1 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_API
  44. Language=English
  45. API
  46. .
  47. MessageID=2 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_EP
  48. Language=English
  49. Event Processor
  50. .
  51. MessageID=3 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_FM
  52. Language=English
  53. Failover Mgr
  54. .
  55. MessageID=4 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_OM
  56. Language=English
  57. Object Mgr
  58. .
  59. MessageID=5 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_NM
  60. Language=English
  61. Node Mgr
  62. .
  63. MessageID=6 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_GUM
  64. Language=English
  65. Global Update Mgr
  66. .
  67. MessageID=7 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_CP
  68. Language=English
  69. Checkpoint Mgr
  70. .
  71. MessageID=8 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_INIT
  72. Language=English
  73. Startup/Shutdown
  74. .
  75. MessageID=9 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_DM
  76. Language=English
  77. Database Mgr
  78. .
  79. MessageID=10 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_MM
  80. Language=English
  81. Membership Mgr
  82. .
  83. MessageID=11 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_RESMON
  84. Language=English
  85. Resource Monitor
  86. .
  87. MessageID=12 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_LM
  88. Language=English
  89. Log Mgr
  90. .
  91. MessageID=13 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_EVTLOG
  92. Language=English
  93. Event Logger
  94. .
  95. MessageID=14 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_CLRTL
  96. Language=English
  97. RTL
  98. .
  99. MessageID=15 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_GENAPP
  100. Language=English
  101. Generic App Resource
  102. .
  103. MessageID=16 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_GENSVC
  104. Language=English
  105. Generic Service Resource
  106. .
  107. MessageID=17 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_FTSET
  108. Language=English
  109. FTSETs
  110. .
  111. MessageID=18 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_DISK
  112. Language=English
  113. Physical Disk Resource
  114. .
  115. MessageID=19 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_NETNAME
  116. Language=English
  117. Network Name Resource
  118. .
  119. MessageID=20 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_IPADDR
  120. Language=English
  121. IP Address Resource
  122. .
  123. MessageID=21 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_SMB
  124. Language=English
  125. File Share Resource
  126. .
  127. MessageID=22 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_TIME
  128. Language=English
  129. Time Service Resource
  130. .
  131. MessageID=23 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_SPOOL
  132. Language=English
  133. Print Spooler Resource
  134. .
  135. MessageID=24 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_LKQRM
  136. Language=English
  137. Local Quorum Resource
  138. .
  139. MessageID=25 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_DHCP
  140. Language=English
  141. DHCP Resource
  142. .
  143. MessageID=26 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_MSMQ
  144. Language=English
  145. MS Message Queue Resource
  146. .
  147. MessageID=27 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_MSDTC
  148. Language=English
  149. MS Distributed Trans. Co-ord. Resource
  150. .
  151. MessageID=28 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_WINS
  152. Language=English
  153. WINS Resource
  154. .
  155. MessageID=29 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_VSSCLUS
  156. Language=English
  157. Volume Snapshot Service support
  158. .
  159. MessageID=30 SymbolicName=LOG_MODULE_GENSCRIPT
  160. Language=English
  161. Generic Script Resource
  162. .
  163. ;//
  164. ;// end of Error Log Categories
  165. ;//
  166. ;
  167. MessageID=1000 SymbolicName=UNEXPECTED_FATAL_ERROR
  168. Language=English
  169. Cluster service suffered an unexpected fatal error
  170. at line %1 of source module %2. The error code was %3.
  171. .
  172. MessageID=1001 SymbolicName=ASSERTION_FAILURE
  173. Language=English
  174. Cluster service failed a validity check on line
  175. %1 of source module %2.
  176. "%3"
  177. .
  178. MessageID=1002 SymbolicName=LOG_FAILURE
  179. Language=English
  180. Cluster service handled an unexpected error
  181. at line %1 of source module %2. The error code was %3.
  182. .
  183. ;
  184. ;//
  185. ;// DON'T USE MSG IDS 1003, 1004, OR 1005. ClRtlMsgPrint didn't log into the
  186. ;// the cluster log. These msgs were intended for the cluster log and don't
  187. ;// belong in the system event log. However, they need to be left here in order
  188. ;// to interpret any old clussvc event entries.
  189. ;//
  190. ;
  191. MessageID=1003 SymbolicName=INVALID_RESOURCETYPE_DLLNAME
  192. Language=English
  193. The DllName value for the %1!ws! resource type does not exist.
  194. Resources of this type will not be monitored. The error was %2!d!.
  195. .
  197. Language=English
  198. The LooksAlive poll interval for the %1!ws! resource type does not exist.
  199. Resources of this type will not be monitored. The error was %2!d!.
  200. .
  201. MessageID=1005 SymbolicName=INVALID_RESOURCETYPE_ISALIVE
  202. Language=English
  203. The IsAlive poll interval for the %1!ws! resource type does not exist.
  204. Resources of this type will not be monitored. The error was %2!d!.
  205. .
  206. MessageID=1006 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_MEMBERSHIP_HALT
  207. Language=English
  208. Cluster service was halted due to a server cluster membership or
  209. communications error. The error code was %1.
  210. .
  211. MessageID=1007 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NEW_NODE
  212. Language=English
  213. A new node, %1, has been added to the server cluster.
  214. .
  215. MessageID=1008 SymbolicName=RMON_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE
  216. Language=English
  217. Cluster Resource Monitor was started with an invalid command line
  218. option: %1.
  219. .
  220. MessageID=1009 SymbolicName=SERVICE_FAILED_JOIN_OR_FORM
  221. Language=English
  222. Cluster service could not join an existing server cluster and could not
  223. form a new server cluster. Cluster service has terminated.
  224. .
  225. MessageID=1010 SymbolicName=SERVICE_FAILED_NOT_MEMBER
  226. Language=English
  227. Cluster service is shutting down because the current node is not a
  228. member of any server cluster. Cluster service must be reinstalled to make
  229. this node a member of a server cluster.
  230. .
  231. MessageID=1011 SymbolicName=NM_NODE_EVICTED
  232. Language=English
  233. Cluster node %1 has been evicted from the server cluster.
  234. .
  235. MessageID=1012 SymbolicName=SERVICE_FAILED_INVALID_OS
  236. Language=English
  237. Cluster service did not start because the current version of Windows
  238. is not correct. Cluster service runs only on Windows Server 2003
  239. Enterprise Edition and Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition.
  240. .
  241. MessageID=1013 SymbolicName=DM_CHKPOINT_UPLOADFAILED
  242. Language=English
  243. The quorum log checkpoint could not be restored to the server cluster database.
  244. There may be open handles to the server cluster database that prevent this operation
  245. from succeeding.
  246. .
  247. MessageID=1014 SymbolicName=CS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP
  248. Language=English
  249. To start Cluster service, in Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools,
  250. then double-click Services. Or, at the command prompt, type:
  251. %nnet start clussvc.
  252. .
  253. MessageID=1015 SymbolicName=LM_LOG_CHKPOINT_NOT_FOUND
  254. Language=English
  255. No checkpoint record was found in the log file %1. The checkpoint file is
  256. invalid or was deleted.
  257. .
  258. MessageID=1016 SymbolicName=LM_CHKPOINT_GETFAILED
  259. Language=English
  260. Cluster service failed to obtain a checkpoint from the server cluster
  261. database for log file %1.
  262. .
  263. MessageID=1017 SymbolicName=LM_LOG_EXCEEDS_MAXSIZE
  264. Language=English
  265. The log file %1 exceeds its maximum size. An attempt will be made to reset
  266. the log, or you should use the Cluster Administrator utility to adjust the maximum
  267. size.
  268. .
  269. MessageID=1019 SymbolicName=LM_LOG_CORRUPT
  270. Language=English
  271. The log file %1 was found to be corrupt. An attempt will be made to reset
  272. it, or you should use the Cluster Administrator utility to adjust the maximum
  273. size.
  274. .
  275. MessageID=1021 SymbolicName=LM_DISKSPACE_LOW_WATERMARK
  276. Language=English
  277. There is insufficient disk space remaining on the quorum device. Please
  278. increase the amount of free space on the quorum device. Changes to the server cluster
  279. registry will not be made if there is insufficient free space on the disk for
  280. the quorum log files.
  281. .
  282. MessageID=1022 SymbolicName=LM_DISKSPACE_HIGH_WATERMARK
  283. Language=English
  284. There is insufficient space left on the quorum device. Cluster
  285. Service cannot start.
  286. .
  287. MessageID=1023 SymbolicName=FM_QUORUM_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND
  288. Language=English
  289. The quorum resource was not found. Cluster service has
  290. terminated.
  291. .
  292. MessageID=1024 SymbolicName=CP_REG_CKPT_RESTORE_FAILED
  293. Language=English
  294. The registry checkpoint for Cluster resource %1 could not be restored to
  295. registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%2. The resource may not function correctly.
  296. Make sure that no other processes have open handles to registry keys in this
  297. registry subtree.
  298. .
  299. MessageID=1025 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_DISK_ERROR
  300. Language=English
  301. Cluster FT set DISK registry information is corrupt.
  302. .
  303. MessageID=1026 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_MEMBER_MOUNT_FAILED
  304. Language=English
  305. Cluster FT set '%1' could not be mounted.
  306. .
  307. MessageID=1027 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_MEMBER_MISSING
  308. Language=English
  309. Cluster FT set '%1' could not attach to the member with disk signature %2.
  310. .
  311. MessageID=1028 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_TOO_MANY_MISSING_MEMBERS
  312. Language=English
  313. Cluster FT set '%1' has too many missing members to continue operation.
  314. .
  315. MessageID=1029 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_FILESYSTEM_FAILED
  316. Language=English
  317. Cluster FT set '%1' has failed a file system check.
  318. .
  320. Language=English
  321. No members of cluster FT set '%1' are responding to I/O requests.
  322. .
  323. MessageID=1031 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_RESERVATION_LOST
  324. Language=English
  325. Reservation of cluster FT set '%1' has been lost.
  326. .
  327. MessageID=1032 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_MEMBER_REMOVED
  328. Language=English
  329. Disk member %2 has been removed from cluster FT set '%1'.
  330. .
  331. MessageID=1033 SymbolicName=RES_FTSET_MEMBER_ADDED
  332. Language=English
  333. Disk member %2 has been added to cluster FT set '%1'.
  334. .
  335. MessageID=1034 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_MISSING
  336. Language=English
  337. The disk associated with cluster disk resource '%1' could not be found.
  338. The expected signature of the disk was %2. If the disk was removed from
  339. the server cluster, the resource should be deleted. If the disk was replaced,
  340. the resource must be deleted and created again in order to bring the disk
  341. online. If the disk has not been removed or replaced, it may be inaccessible
  342. at this time because it is reserved by another server cluster node.
  343. .
  344. MessageID=1035 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_MOUNT_FAILED
  345. Language=English
  346. Cluster disk resource '%1' could not be mounted.
  347. .
  348. MessageID=1036 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_FAILED_SCSI_CHECK
  349. Language=English
  350. Cluster disk resource '%1' did not respond to a SCSI maintenance command.
  351. .
  352. MessageID=1037 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_FILESYSTEM_FAILED
  353. Language=English
  354. Cluster disk resource '%1' has failed a file system check. Please check your
  355. disk configuration.
  356. .
  357. MessageID=1038 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_RESERVATION_LOST
  358. Language=English
  359. Reservation of cluster disk '%1' has been lost. Please check your system and
  360. disk configuration.
  361. .
  362. MessageID=1039 SymbolicName=RES_GENAPP_CREATE_FAILED
  363. Language=English
  364. Cluster generic application '%1' could not be created.
  365. .
  366. MessageID=1040 SymbolicName=RES_GENSVC_OPEN_FAILED
  367. Language=English
  368. Cluster generic service '%1' could not be found.
  369. .
  370. MessageID=1041 SymbolicName=RES_GENSVC_START_FAILED
  371. Language=English
  372. Cluster generic service '%1' could not be started.
  373. .
  374. MessageID=1042 SymbolicName=RES_GENSVC_FAILED_AFTER_START
  375. Language=English
  376. Cluster generic service '%1' failed.
  377. .
  378. MessageID=1043 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_NBT_INTERFACE_FAILED
  379. Language=English
  380. The NetBios interface for cluster IP Address resource '%1' has failed.
  381. .
  383. Language=English
  384. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' could not create the required NetBios
  385. interface.
  386. .
  387. MessageID=1045 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_NTE_CREATE_FAILED
  388. Language=English
  389. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' could not create the required TCP/IP
  390. interface.
  391. .
  392. MessageID=1046 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_INVALID_SUBNET
  393. Language=English
  394. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the
  395. subnet mask parameter is invalid. Please check your network configuration.
  396. .
  397. MessageID=1047 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_INVALID_ADDRESS
  398. Language=English
  399. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the
  400. Address parameter is invalid. Please check your network configuration.
  401. .
  402. MessageID=1048 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_INVALID_ADAPTER
  403. Language=English
  404. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the
  405. adapter name parameter is invalid. Please check your network configuration.
  406. .
  407. MessageID=1049 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_IN_USE
  408. Language=English
  409. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' cannot be brought online because address
  410. %2 is already present on the network. Please check your network configuration.
  411. .
  412. MessageID=1050 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_DUPLICATE
  413. Language=English
  414. Cluster Network Name resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the name
  415. %2 is already present on the network. Please check your network configuration.
  416. .
  417. MessageID=1051 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_NO_IP_ADDRESS
  418. Language=English
  419. Cluster Network Name resource '%1' cannot be brought online because it is
  420. either configured to have no associated name service or it could not be
  421. registered with NetBIOS and a DNS name server at this time. This prevents the
  422. name from being brought online.%n
  423. %nOne or more dependent IP address resource(s) must have either the
  424. enableNetBIOS property enabled or its network adapter must have at least one
  425. DNS server associated with it.
  426. .
  427. MessageID=1052 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_CANT_ADD_NAME_STATUS
  428. Language=English
  429. Cluster Network Name resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the name
  430. could not be added to the system. The associated error code is stored in the
  431. data section.
  432. .
  433. MessageID=1053 SymbolicName=RES_SMB_CANT_CREATE_SHARE
  434. Language=English
  435. Cluster File Share '%1' cannot be brought online because the share
  436. could not be created.
  437. .
  438. MessageID=1054 SymbolicName=RES_SMB_SHARE_NOT_FOUND
  439. Language=English
  440. Cluster File Share '%1' could not be found.
  441. .
  442. MessageID=1055 SymbolicName=RES_SMB_SHARE_FAILED
  443. Language=English
  444. Cluster File Share resource '%1' has failed a status check. The error code
  445. is %2.
  446. .
  447. MessageID=1056 SymbolicName=SERVICE_MUST_JOIN
  448. Language=English
  449. the server cluster database on the local node is in an invalid state.
  450. Please start another node before starting this node.
  451. .
  452. MessageID=1057 SymbolicName=DM_DATABASE_CORRUPT_OR_MISSING
  453. Language=English
  454. the server cluster database could not be loaded. The file CLUSDB is either
  455. corrupt or missing.
  456. .
  457. MessageID=1058 SymbolicName=RMON_CANT_LOAD_RESTYPE
  458. Language=English
  459. The Cluster Resource Monitor could not load the DLL %1 for resource type %2.
  460. .
  461. MessageID=1059 SymbolicName=RMON_CANT_INIT_RESTYPE
  462. Language=English
  463. Cluster resource DLL %1 for resource type %2 failed to initialize.
  464. .
  465. MessageID=1060 SymbolicName=RMON_RESTYPE_BAD_TABLE
  466. Language=English
  467. Cluster resource DLL %1 for resource type %2 returned an invalid function
  468. table.
  469. .
  470. MessageID=1061 SymbolicName=SERVICE_SUCCESSFUL_FORM
  471. Language=English
  472. Cluster service successfully formed the server cluster %1 on this node.
  473. .
  474. MessageID=1062 SymbolicName=SERVICE_SUCCESSFUL_JOIN
  475. Language=English
  476. Cluster service successfully joined the server cluster %1.
  477. .
  479. Language=English
  480. Cluster service was successfully stopped.
  481. .
  482. MessageID=1064 SymbolicName=DM_TOMBSTONECREATE_FAILED
  483. Language=English
  484. The quorum resource was changed. The old quorum resource could
  485. not be marked as obsolete. If there is partition in time, you may
  486. lose changes to your database since the node that is down will not
  487. be able to get to the new quorum resource.
  488. .
  489. MessageID=1065 SymbolicName=RMON_ONLINE_FAILED
  490. Language=English
  491. Cluster resource %1 failed to come online.
  492. .
  493. MessageID=1066 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_CORRUPT_DISK
  494. Language=English
  495. Cluster disk resource "%1" is corrupt. Run 'ChkDsk /F' to repair problems.
  496. The volume name for this resource is "%2".%n
  497. If available, ChkDsk output will be in the file "%3".%n
  498. ChkDsk may write information to the Application Event Log with Event ID 26180.
  499. .
  500. MessageID=1067 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_CORRUPT_FILE
  501. Language=English
  502. Cluster disk resource "%1" has corrupt files. Run ChkDsk /F to repair
  503. problems.%n
  504. The volume name for this resource is "%2".%n
  505. If available, ChkDsk output will be in the file "%3".%n
  506. ChkDsk may write information to the Application Event Log with Event ID 26180.
  507. .
  508. MessageID=1068 SymbolicName=RES_SMB_SHARE_CANT_ADD
  509. Language=English
  510. Cluster file share resource %1 failed to start with error %2.
  511. .
  512. MessageID=1069 SymbolicName=FM_RESOURCE_FAILURE
  513. Language=English
  514. Cluster resource '%1' in Resource Group '%2' failed.
  515. .
  516. MessageID=1070 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_BEGIN_JOIN_FAILED
  517. Language=English
  518. The node failed to begin the process of joining the server cluster.
  519. The error code was %1.
  520. .
  521. MessageID=1071 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_JOIN_REFUSED
  522. Language=English
  523. Cluster node %1 attempted to join but was refused. The error code was %2.
  524. .
  525. MessageID=1072 SymbolicName=NM_INIT_FAILED
  526. Language=English
  527. Cluster service node initialization failed with error %1.
  528. .
  529. MessageID=1073 SymbolicName=CS_EVENT_INCONSISTENCY_HALT
  530. Language=English
  531. Cluster service was halted to prevent an inconsistency within the
  532. server cluster. The error code was %1.
  533. .
  534. MessageID=1074 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_EVICTION_ERROR
  535. Language=English
  536. An unrecoverable error occurred on node %1 while attempting to evict node %2
  537. from the server cluster. The error code was %3.
  538. .
  540. Language=English
  541. Cluster service failed to set the priority for cluster network %1.
  542. The error code was %2. Communication between server cluster nodes may not operate as
  543. configured.
  544. .
  546. Language=English
  547. Cluster service failed to register the interface for node '%1'
  548. on network '%2' with the server cluster network provider. The error code was %3.
  549. .
  550. MessageID=1077 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_NTE_INTERFACE_FAILED
  551. Language=English
  552. The TCP/IP interface for Cluster IP Address '%1' has failed.
  553. .
  554. MessageID=1078 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_WINS_ADDRESS_FAILED
  555. Language=English
  556. Cluster IP Address '%1' failed to register WINS address on interface '%2'.
  557. .
  558. MessageID=1079 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NODE_UNREACHABLE
  559. Language=English
  560. The node cannot join the server cluster because it cannot communicate with
  561. node %1 over any network configured for internal server cluster communication.
  562. Check the network configuration of the node and the server cluster.
  563. .
  564. MessageID=1080 SymbolicName=CS_DISKWRITE_FAILURE
  565. Language=English
  566. Cluster service could not write to a file (%1). The disk may be low
  567. on disk space, or some other serious condition exists.
  568. .
  569. MessageID=1081 SymbolicName=CP_SAVE_REGISTRY_FAILURE
  570. Language=English
  571. Cluster service failed to save the registry key %1 when a resource
  572. was brought offline. The error code was %2. Some changes may be lost.
  573. .
  574. MessageID=1082 SymbolicName=CP_RESTORE_REGISTRY_FAILURE
  575. Language=English
  576. Cluster service failed to restore a registry key for resource %1 when it
  577. was brought online. This error code was %2. Some changes may be lost.
  578. .
  579. MessageID=1083 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_WSASTARTUP_FAILED
  580. Language=English
  581. Cluster service failed to initialize the Windows Sockets interface.
  582. The error code was %1. Please check the network configuration and system
  583. installation.
  584. .
  585. MessageID=1084 SymbolicName=CS_EVENT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
  586. Language=English
  587. Cluster service failed to allocate a necessary system resource.
  588. The error code was %1.
  589. .
  590. MessageID=1085 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_GETCOMPUTERNAME_FAILED
  591. Language=English
  592. Cluster service failed to determine the local computer name.
  593. The error code was %1.
  594. .
  595. MessageID=1086 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CLUSNET_UNAVAILABLE
  596. Language=English
  597. Cluster service failed to access the Cluster Network driver.
  598. The error code was %1. Please check Cluster service installation.
  599. .
  600. MessageID=1087 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CLUSNET_CALL_FAILED
  601. Language=English
  602. A required Cluster Network Driver operation failed. The error code was %1.
  603. .
  604. MessageID=1088 SymbolicName=CS_EVENT_REG_OPEN_FAILED
  605. Language=English
  606. Cluster service failed to open a registry key. The key name was %1.
  607. The error code was %2.
  608. .
  609. MessageID=1089 SymbolicName=CS_EVENT_REG_QUERY_FAILED
  610. Language=English
  611. Cluster service failed to query a registry value. The value name
  612. was %1. The error code was %2.
  613. .
  614. MessageID=1090 SymbolicName=CS_EVENT_REG_OPERATION_FAILED
  615. Language=English
  616. Cluster service failed to perform an operation on the registry.
  617. The error code was %1.
  618. .
  619. MessageID=1091 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_INVALID_CLUSNET_ENDPOINT
  620. Language=English
  621. The Cluster Network endpoint value, %1, specified in the registry is not
  622. valid. The default value, %2, will be used.
  623. .
  624. MessageID=1092 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_MM_FORM_FAILED
  625. Language=English
  626. Cluster service failed to form the server cluster membership.
  627. The error code was %1
  628. .
  629. MessageID=1093 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NODE_NOT_MEMBER
  630. Language=English
  631. Node %1 is not a member of server cluster %2. If the name of
  632. the node has changed, Cluster service must be reinstalled.
  633. .
  634. MessageID=1094 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CONFIG_SYNCH_FAILED
  635. Language=English
  636. Cluster service failed to obtain information from the server cluster
  637. configuration database. The error code was %1.
  638. .
  639. MessageID=1095 SymbolicName=CLNET_EVENT_QUERY_CONFIG_FAILED
  640. Language=English
  641. Cluster service failed to obtain information about the network
  642. configuration of the node. The error code was %1. Check that the
  643. TCP/IP services are installed.
  644. .
  646. Language=English
  647. Cluster service cannot use network adapter %1 because it does
  648. not have a valid IP address assigned to it.
  649. .
  650. MessageID=1097 SymbolicName=CLNET_EVENT_NO_VALID_ADAPTER
  651. Language=English
  652. Cluster service did not find any network adapters with valid
  653. IP addresses installed in the system. The node will not be able to join
  654. a server cluster.
  655. .
  656. MessageID=1098 SymbolicName=CLNET_EVENT_DELETE_INTERFACE
  657. Language=English
  658. The node is no longer attached to cluster network '%1' by adapter %2.
  659. Cluster service will delete network interface '%3' from the
  660. server cluster configuration.
  661. .
  663. Language=English
  664. Cluster service failed to delete an unused network interface
  665. from the server cluster configuration. The error code was %1.
  666. .
  667. MessageID=1100 SymbolicName=CLNET_EVENT_CREATE_INTERFACE
  668. Language=English
  669. Cluster service discovered that the node is now
  670. attached to cluster network '%1' by adapter %2. A new cluster network
  671. interface will be added to the server cluster configuration.
  672. .
  674. Language=English
  675. Cluster service failed to add a network interface to the
  676. server cluster configuration. The error code was %1.
  677. .
  678. MessageID=1102 SymbolicName=CLNET_EVENT_CREATE_NETWORK
  679. Language=English
  680. Cluster service discovered that the node is attached to a new
  681. network by adapter %1. A new network and a network interface will be added
  682. to the server cluster configuration.
  683. .
  684. MessageID=1103 SymbolicName=CLNET_EVENT_CREATE_NETWORK_FAILED
  685. Language=English
  686. Cluster service failed to add a network to the server cluster configuration.
  687. The error code was %1.
  688. .
  690. Language=English
  691. Cluster service failed to update the configuration for one of
  692. the node's network interfaces. The error code was %1.
  693. .
  694. MessageID=1105 SymbolicName=CS_EVENT_RPC_INIT_FAILED
  695. Language=English
  696. Cluster service failed to initialize the RPC services.
  697. The error code was %1.
  698. .
  699. MessageID=1106 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_JOIN_BIND_OUT_FAILED
  700. Language=English
  701. The node failed to make a connection to cluster node %1 over network '%2'.
  702. The error code was %3.
  703. .
  704. MessageID=1107 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_JOIN_BIND_IN_FAILED
  705. Language=English
  706. Cluster node %1 failed to make a connection to the node over
  707. network '%2'. The error code was %3.
  708. .
  709. MessageID=1108 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_JOIN_TIMED_OUT
  710. Language=English
  711. The join of node %1 to the server cluster timed out and was aborted.
  712. .
  714. Language=English
  715. The node was unable to secure its connection to cluster node %1. The error
  716. code was %2. Check that all nodes in the server cluster can communicate with their
  717. domain controllers.
  718. .
  719. MessageID=1110 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_PETITION_FAILED
  720. Language=English
  721. The node failed to join the active server cluster membership. The error code
  722. was %1.
  723. .
  724. MessageID=1111 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_GENERAL_JOIN_ERROR
  725. Language=English
  726. An unrecoverable error occurred while the node was joining the server cluster.
  727. The error code was %1.
  728. .
  729. MessageID=1112 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_JOIN_ABORTED
  730. Language=English
  731. The node's attempt to join the server cluster was aborted by the sponsor node.
  732. Check the event log of an active server cluster node for more information.
  733. .
  734. MessageID=1113 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_JOIN_ABANDONED
  735. Language=English
  736. The node's attempt to join the server cluster was abandoned after too many failures.
  737. .
  738. MessageID=1114 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_JOINER_BIND_FAILED
  739. Language=English
  740. The node failed to make a connection to joining node %1 over network %2.
  741. The error code was %3.
  742. .
  743. MessageID=1115 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_SPONSOR_JOIN_ABORTED
  744. Language=English
  745. An unrecoverable error caused the join of node %1 to the server cluster
  746. to be aborted. The error code was %2.
  747. .
  748. MessageID=1116 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_NOT_REGISTERED
  749. Language=English
  750. Cluster Network Name '%1' could not be instantiated on its associated cluster
  751. network. No DNS servers were available and all of the Network Name's dependent
  752. IP Address resources do not have NetBIOS enabled.
  753. .
  754. MessageID=1117 SymbolicName=RMON_OFFLINE_FAILED
  755. Language=English
  756. Cluster resource %1 failed to come offline.
  757. .
  758. MessageID=1118 SymbolicName=CLNET_NODE_POISONED
  759. Language=English
  760. Cluster service was terminated as requested by Node %2.
  761. .
  763. Language=English
  764. The registration of DNS name %2 for resource '%1' over
  765. adapter '%4' failed for the following reason:%n
  766. %n%3
  767. .
  768. MessageID=1120 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_WRITING_TO_CLUSREG
  769. Language=English
  770. The DLL associated with cluster disk resource '%1' is attempting to change
  771. the drive letter parameters from '%2' to '%3' in the server cluster database. If your
  772. restore database operation failed, this could be caused by the replacement
  773. of a quorum drive with a different partition layout from the original
  774. quorum drive at the time the database backup was made. If this is the case
  775. and you would like to use the new disk as the quorum drive, we suggest that
  776. you stop the Cluster disk service, change the drive letter(s) of this drive to
  777. '%2', start the Cluster disk service and retry the restore database procedure.
  778. .
  779. MessageID=1121 SymbolicName=CP_CRYPTO_CKPT_RESTORE_FAILED
  780. Language=English
  781. The crypto checkpoint for cluster resource '%1' could not be restored to
  782. the container name '%2'. The resource may not function correctly.
  783. .
  784. MessageID=1122 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_UP
  785. Language=English
  786. The node (re)established communication with cluster node '%1' on network '%2'.
  787. .
  789. Language=English
  790. The node lost communication with cluster node '%1' on network '%2'.
  791. .
  792. MessageID=1124 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_FAILED
  793. Language=English
  794. The node determined that its interface to network '%1' failed.
  795. .
  796. MessageID=1125 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_UP
  797. Language=English
  798. The interface for cluster node '%1' on network '%2' is operational (up).
  799. The node can communicate with all other available cluster nodes on the
  800. network.
  801. .
  803. Language=English
  804. The interface for cluster node '%1' on network '%2' is unreachable by
  805. at least one other cluster node attached to the network. the server cluster was
  806. not able to determine the location of the failure. Look for additional
  807. entries in the system event log indicating which other nodes
  808. have lost communication with node %1. If the condition persists, check
  809. the cable connecting the node to the network. Next, check for hardware or
  810. software errors in the node's network adapter. Finally, check for failures
  811. in any other network components to which the node is connected such as
  812. hubs, switches, or bridges.
  813. .
  815. Language=English
  816. The interface for cluster node '%1' on network '%2' failed.
  817. If the condition persists, check the cable connecting
  818. the node to the network. Next, check for hardware or software errors in
  819. node's network adapter. Finally, check for failures in any network
  820. components to which the node is connected such as hubs, switches,
  821. or bridges.
  822. .
  823. MessageID=1128 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CLUSTER_NETWORK_UP
  824. Language=English
  825. Cluster network '%1' is operational (up). All available server cluster nodes
  826. attached to the network can communicate using it.
  827. .
  829. Language=English
  830. Cluster network '%1' is partitioned. Some attached server cluster nodes cannot
  831. communicate with each other over the network. The server cluster was not able
  832. to determine the location of the failure. Look for additional
  833. entries in the system event log indicating which nodes have lost
  834. communication. If the condition persists, check for failures in any network
  835. components to which the nodes are connected such as hubs, switches, or
  836. bridges. Also check for hardware or software errors in the adapters that
  837. attach the nodes to the network.
  838. .
  839. MessageID=1130 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CLUSTER_NETWORK_DOWN
  840. Language=English
  841. Cluster network '%1' is down. None of the available nodes can communicate
  842. using this network. If the condition persists, check for failures in any
  843. network components to which the nodes are connected such as hubs, switches,
  844. or bridges. Next, check the cables connecting the nodes to the network.
  845. Finally, check for hardware or software errors in the adapters that attach
  846. the nodes to the network.
  847. .
  848. MessageID=1131 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_CREATED
  849. Language=English
  850. An interface was added for node %1 on network %2.
  851. .
  852. MessageID=1132 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_DELETED
  853. Language=English
  854. The interface for node %1 on network %2 was removed.
  855. .
  856. MessageID=1133 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NETWORK_CREATED
  857. Language=English
  858. New network %1 was added to the server cluster.
  859. .
  860. MessageID=1134 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NETWORK_DELETED
  861. Language=English
  862. Network %1 was removed from the server cluster.
  863. .
  864. MessageID=1135 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NODE_DOWN
  865. Language=English
  866. Cluster node %1 was removed from the active server cluster membership.
  867. Cluster service may have been stopped on the node, the node may have
  868. failed, or the node may have lost communication with the other active
  869. server cluster nodes.
  870. .
  871. MessageID=1136 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_NODE_BANISHED
  872. Language=English
  873. Cluster node %1 failed a critical operation. It will be removed from the
  874. active server cluster membership. Check that the node is functioning
  875. properly and that it can communicate with the other active server cluster nodes.
  876. .
  877. MessageId=1137 SymbolicName=EVTLOG_DATA_DROPPED
  878. Language=English
  879. The EventLog replication queue %1 is full. %2 event(s) was(were) discarded
  880. for a total size of %3.
  881. .
  882. MessageID=1138 SymbolicName=RES_SMB_CANT_CREATE_DFS_ROOT
  883. Language=English
  884. Cluster File Share '%1' could not be made a DFS root share because a DFS root
  885. could not be created on this node. This could be due to a currently existing
  886. DFS root on this node. If you want to make file share '%1' a DFS root share,
  887. open the DFS Manager UI in the Administrative Tools folder in the Control
  888. Panel, delete any existing DFS root, and then bring the file share '%1'
  889. online.
  890. .
  891. MessageId=1139 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_PNP_CHANGING_QUORUM
  892. Language=English
  893. Physical Disk resource received a notification that
  894. the drive letter on the quorum drive was changed from '%1:' to '%2:'.
  895. .
  896. MessageId=1140 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_DNS_CANNOT_STOP
  897. Language=English
  898. A DNS query or update operation started by the Network Name resource did not complete.
  899. To avoid further problems, the Network Name resource has stopped the host
  900. Resource Monitor process. If this condition recurs, move the resource
  901. into a separate Resource Monitor so it won't affect other resources.
  902. Then, consult your network administrator to resolve the DNS problem.
  903. .
  904. MessageID=1141 SymbolicName=RES_SMB_CANT_INIT_DFS_SVC
  905. Language=English
  906. Cluster DFS Root '%1' could not initialize the DFS service on this node. This
  907. is preventing the DFS Root resource from coming online. If the 'Distributed
  908. File System' is not listed as one of the services that has started on this
  909. node when you issue the command 'net start', then you may manually try to
  910. start the DFS service by using the command 'net start dfs'. Once the DFS
  911. service is running, try to bring the DFS root resource online.
  912. .
  913. MessageID=1142 SymbolicName=RES_SMB_CANT_ONLINE_DFS_ROOT
  914. Language=English
  915. Cluster DFS Root '%1' could not be brought online on this node. The error code is %2.
  916. .
  917. MessageID=1143 SymbolicName=CS_STOPPING_SVC_ON_REMOTE_NODES
  918. Language=English
  919. Cluster service is attempting to stop the active Cluster services on all
  920. other server cluster nodes as a part of the restore database operation. After the
  921. restoration procedure is successful on this node, you have to manually restart
  922. Cluster service on all other server cluster nodes.
  923. .
  924. MessageID=1144 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_REGISTER_NETWORK_FAILED
  925. Language=English
  926. Cluster service failed to register the network '%1'
  927. with the Cluster network provider. The error code was %2.
  928. .
  929. MessageID=1145 SymbolicName=RMON_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT
  930. Language=English
  931. Cluster resource %1 timed out. If the pending timeout is too short for this
  932. resource, consider increasing the pending timeout value.
  933. .
  934. MessageID=1146 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_RESMON_DIED
  935. Language=English
  936. The cluster resource monitor died unexpectedly, an attempt will be made to restart it.
  937. .
  938. MessageID=1147 SymbolicName=LM_QUORUM_LOG_NOT_FOUND
  939. Language=English
  940. Cluster service encountered a fatal error. The vital quorum log
  941. file '%1' could not be found. If you have a backup of the quorum log file, you
  942. may try to start Cluster service with logging disabled by entering%n
  943. %nnet start clussvc /noquorumlogging%n
  944. %nat a command window, copy the backed up quorum log file to the MSCS directory
  945. on the quorum drive, stop Cluster service using 'net stop clussvc', and restart
  946. Cluster service with logging re-enabled using the 'net start clussvc' command.
  947. If you do not have a backup of the quorum log file, you may try to start
  948. Cluster service by entering%n
  949. %nnet start clussvc /resetquorumlog%n
  950. %nat a command window. This will attempt to create a new quorum log file based on
  951. possibly stale information in the server cluster database. You may then stop
  952. Cluster service and restart it with logging re-enabled using the 'net start clussvc'
  953. command.
  954. .
  955. MessageID=1148 SymbolicName=LM_QUORUM_LOG_CORRUPT
  956. Language=English
  957. Cluster service encountered a fatal error. The vital quorum log
  958. file '%1' is corrupt. If you have a backup of the quorum log file,
  959. you may try to start Cluster service with logging disabled by entering%n
  960. %nnet start clussvc /noquorumlogging%n
  961. %nat a command window, copy the backed up quorum log file to the MSCS directory
  962. on the quorum drive, stop Cluster service using 'net stop clussvc', and restart
  963. Cluster service with logging re-enabled using the 'net start clussvc' command.
  964. If you do not have a backup of the quorum log file, you may try to start Cluster
  965. service by entering%n
  966. %nnet start clussvc /resetquorumlog%n
  967. %nat a command window. This will attempt to create a new quorum log file based on
  968. possibly stale information in the server cluster database. You may then stop
  969. Cluster service and restart it with logging re-enabled using the 'net start clussvc'
  970. command.
  971. .
  972. MessageID=1149 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_CANT_DELETE_DNS_RECORDS
  973. Language=English
  974. The DNS Host (A) and Pointer (PTR) records associated with Cluster resource
  975. '%1' were not removed from the resource's associated DNS server. If necessary,
  976. they can be deleted manually. Contact your DNS administrator to assist with
  977. this effort.
  978. .
  980. Language=English
  981. The removal of the DNS Pointer (PTR) record (%2) for host %3 which is
  982. associated with Cluster Network Name resource '%1' failed with error %4. If
  983. necessary, the record can be deleted manually. Contact your DNS administrator
  984. to assist you in this effort.
  985. .
  987. Language=English
  988. The removal of the DNS Host (A) record (%2) associated with Cluster Network
  989. Name resource '%1' failed with error %3. If necessary, the record can be
  990. deleted manually. Contact your DNS administrator to assist with this effort.
  991. .
  993. Language=English
  994. The removal of the DNS Host (A) record (host: %2, IP address: %3)
  995. associated with Cluster Network Name resource '%1' failed with error %4. If
  996. necessary, the record can be deleted manually. Contact your DNS administrator
  997. to assist with this effort.
  998. .
  999. MessageID=1153 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_GROUP_FAILOVER
  1000. Language=English
  1001. Cluster service is attempting to failover the Cluster Resource Group '%1' from node %2 to node %3.
  1002. .
  1003. MessageID=1154 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_GROUP_FAILBACK
  1004. Language=English
  1005. Cluster service is attempting to failback the Cluster Resource Group '%1' from node %2 to node %3.
  1006. .
  1008. Language=English
  1009. Cluster service failed to enable automatic shutdown of the Cluster Network
  1010. Driver. The error code was %1.
  1011. .
  1012. MessageID=1156 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CLUSNET_INITIALIZE_FAILED
  1013. Language=English
  1014. Initialization of the Cluster Network Driver failed. The error code was %1.
  1015. .
  1017. Language=English
  1018. Reservation of Cluster Control Message Protocol port %1 failed.
  1019. The error code was %2.
  1020. .
  1021. MessageID=1158 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_CLUSNET_ONLINE_COMM_FAILED
  1022. Language=English
  1023. The Cluster Network Driver failed to enable communication for cluster
  1024. node %1. The error code was %2.
  1025. .
  1027. Language=English
  1028. Cluster service failed to set network interface priorities for node %1.
  1029. The error code was %2.
  1030. .
  1032. Language=English
  1033. Registration of cluster node %1 with the Cluster Network Driver failed.
  1034. The error code was %2.
  1035. .
  1036. MessageID=1161 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_INVALID_MP_SIG_UNAVAILABLE
  1037. Language=English
  1038. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1039. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" cannot be verified as
  1040. acceptable because the target volume signature was unavailable.
  1041. .
  1043. Language=English
  1044. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1045. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" is not acceptable
  1046. as the source and target are the same device.
  1047. .
  1049. Language=English
  1050. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1051. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" cannot be verified as
  1052. acceptable because the cluster disk signature enumeration failed.
  1053. .
  1055. Language=English
  1056. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1057. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" cannot be verified as
  1058. acceptable because the quorum disk signature was unavailable.
  1059. .
  1060. MessageID=1165 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_INVALID_MP_TARGET_IS_QUORUM
  1061. Language=English
  1062. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1063. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" is not acceptable
  1064. because the target volume is the quorum disk. The quorum disk
  1065. cannot be dependent on another disk resource.
  1066. .
  1067. MessageID=1166 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_INVALID_MP_ENUM_DISK_DEP_FAILED
  1068. Language=English
  1069. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1070. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" cannot be verified as
  1071. acceptable because the cluster disk dependency enumeration failed.
  1072. .
  1074. Language=English
  1075. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1076. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" is not acceptable
  1077. because the cluster dependencies are not correctly set between the
  1078. source and the target volume.%n
  1079. %nThe target volume must be dependent on the source volume. Insure that
  1080. the disk dependencies are set correctly.
  1081. .
  1082. MessageID=1168 SymbolicName=SERVICE_CLUSRTL_BAD_PATH
  1083. Language=English
  1084. Cluster service failed to initialize due to an invalid file specification in
  1085. the CLUSTERLOG environment variable. Please check that the specified drive
  1086. letter exists and that the drive is not read-only.
  1087. .
  1088. MessageID=1169 SymbolicName=SERVICE_CLUSRTL_ERROR
  1089. Language=English
  1090. Cluster service failed to initialize due to the following error:%n
  1091. %n%1
  1092. .
  1093. MessageID=1170 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_FULL_DISK_QUORUM
  1094. Language=English
  1095. Cluster disk resource "%1" [quorum] is full or nearly at capacity.
  1096. The cluster service will attempt to start, but may fail because of the
  1097. lack of disk space. If Cluster service fails after this message is
  1098. posted, restart Cluster service (with logging disabled) by starting
  1099. a command window, and typing%n
  1100. %nnet start clussvc /noquorumlogging%n
  1101. %nMove some of the unnecessary files from the quorum disk to another volume
  1102. after Cluster service is started.%n
  1103. Do not move files required by Cluster service!%n
  1104. Once additional space has been made available on the quorum disk, use
  1105. 'net stop clussvc' to stop Cluster service, then run 'net start clussvc' to
  1106. restart Cluster service with logging re-enabled.%n
  1107. The volume name for this resource is "%2".
  1108. .
  1109. MessageID=1171 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_FULL_DISK_NOT_QUORUM
  1110. Language=English
  1111. Cluster disk resource "%1" is full or nearly at capacity. Move some of the
  1112. unnecessary files from this disk to another volume after Cluster service
  1113. is started.%n
  1114. The volume name for this resource is "%2".
  1115. .
  1116. MessageID=1172 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_FULL_DISK_UNKNOWN
  1117. Language=English
  1118. Cluster disk resource "%1" [unknown] is full or nearly at capacity.
  1119. Cluster service will attempt to start, but may fail because of the lack of disk
  1120. space. If Cluster service fails after this message is posted, restart
  1121. Cluster service (with logging disabled) by starting a command window and typing%n
  1122. %nnet start clussvc /noquorumlogging%n
  1123. %nIf this is the quorum disk, move some of the unnecessary files from the
  1124. quorum disk to another volume after Cluster service is started. If this
  1125. disk is not the quorum disk, move some files to another volume.
  1126. Do not move files required by Cluster service!%n
  1127. Once additional space has been made available on the quorum disk, use
  1128. 'net stop clussvc' to stop Cluster service, then run 'net start clussvc' to
  1129. restart Cluster service with logging re-enabled.%n
  1130. The volume name for this resource is "%2".
  1131. .
  1132. MessageID=1173 SymbolicName=MM_EVENT_RELOAD_FAILED
  1133. Language=English
  1134. Cluster service is shutting down because the membership engine detected a
  1135. membership event while trying to join the server cluster. Shutting down is the
  1136. normal response to this type of event. Cluster service will restart per the
  1137. Service Manager's recovery actions.
  1138. .
  1139. MessageID=1174 SymbolicName=MM_EVENT_INTERNAL_ERROR
  1140. Language=English
  1141. Cluster service is shutting down because the membership engine suffered an
  1142. internal error. Cluster service will restart per the Service Manager's
  1143. recovery actions.
  1144. .
  1145. MessageID=1175 SymbolicName=MM_EVENT_PRUNED_OUT
  1146. Language=English
  1147. Cluster service is shutting down because the membership engine detected the
  1148. loss of connectivity to all other nodes in the cluster. This could be due to a
  1149. network interface failure on this node. Check the system event log for any
  1150. network related failures around the time of this event. Also check your
  1151. physical network infrastructure to ensure that communication
  1152. between this node and all other nodes in the server cluster is intact. Cluster
  1153. service will restart per the Service Manager's recovery actions but may not
  1154. join the server cluster until any network problems has been resolved.
  1155. .
  1156. MessageID=1176 SymbolicName=MM_EVENT_PARIAH
  1157. Language=English
  1158. Cluster service is shutting down as requested by node %1 (%2). Check the system
  1159. event log on node %1 to determine the reason for the shutdown request. Cluster
  1160. service will restart per the Service Manager's recovery actions.
  1161. .
  1162. MessageID=1177 SymbolicName=MM_EVENT_ARBITRATION_FAILED
  1163. Language=English
  1164. Cluster service is shutting down because the membership engine failed to
  1165. arbitrate for the quorum device. This could be due to the loss of network
  1166. connectivity with the current quorum owner. Check your physical network
  1167. infrastructure to ensure that communication between this node and
  1168. all other nodes in the server cluster is intact.
  1169. .
  1170. MessageID=1178 SymbolicName=MM_EVENT_ARBITRATION_STALLED
  1171. Language=English
  1172. Cluster service is shutting down because the membership engine detected that
  1173. the arbitration process for the quorum device has stalled. This could be due
  1174. to problems with your disk hardware and/or the associated drivers. Check the
  1175. system event log for any disk related errors.
  1176. .
  1177. MessageID=1179 SymbolicName=MM_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_DURING_RGP
  1178. Language=English
  1179. Cluster service received a membership event while shutting down. Cluster
  1180. service is shutting down immediately to facilitate server cluster membership
  1181. for the remaining nodes. This is the normal response to this type of event.
  1182. .
  1183. MessageID=1180 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_FORM_WITH_NO_NETWORKS
  1184. Language=English
  1185. While forming a server cluster on this node, Cluster service failed to
  1186. detect a viable network enabled for cluster use. Other nodes will not be
  1187. able to join this cluster unless network communication can be established.
  1188. .
  1189. MessageID=1181 SymbolicName=NETRES_RESOURCE_START_ERROR
  1190. Language=English
  1191. Cluster %1 resource failed while starting service.
  1192. .
  1193. MessageID=1182 SymbolicName=NETRES_RESOURCE_STOP_ERROR
  1194. Language=English
  1195. Cluster %1 resource failed while stopping service.
  1196. .
  1198. Language=English
  1199. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1200. Mount point "%2" for clustered target volume "%3" is not acceptable
  1201. because the source volume is not a clustered disk. Both the source
  1202. and target must be clustered disks. When the target disk is moved
  1203. to another node, the mountpoint will become invalid. Also, this
  1204. mountpoint is available only on the current node.
  1205. .
  1206. MessageID=1184 SymbolicName=RES_DISK_MP_VOLGUID_LIST_EXCESSIVE
  1207. Language=English
  1208. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1209. The VolGuid list maintained for this disk resource appears to have
  1210. too many entries. If all the VolGuid entries are valid, than this
  1211. message can safely be ignored. If the VolGuid list should be
  1212. recreated, you can do this by setting this disk resource's Parameter
  1213. key "UseMountPoints=0" and taking the disk offline and online again.
  1214. For the quorum resource, set "UseMountPoints=0" and then move the
  1215. quorum disk from one node to another. Note that when mountpoints are
  1216. disabled ("UseMountPoints=0"), mountpoints on the clustered disks
  1217. will not work correctly until they are re-enabled ("UseMountPoints=1").
  1218. .
  1220. Language=English
  1221. The DNS Host (A) and Pointer (PTR) records for Cluster Network Name resource
  1222. '%1' and %2 were not removed from the resource's associated DNS server. If
  1223. necessary, they can be deleted manually. Contact your DNS administrator to
  1224. assist with this effort.
  1225. .
  1227. Language=English
  1228. The password associated with the Cluster service domain account is being
  1229. updated on this node.
  1230. .
  1231. MessageID=1187 SymbolicName=SERVICE_PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS
  1232. Language=English
  1233. The password associated with the Cluster service domain account was
  1234. successfully updated on this node.
  1235. .
  1236. MessageID=1188 SymbolicName=SERVICE_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED
  1237. Language=English
  1238. The update of the Cluster service domain account password failed on this node.
  1239. Cluster service on this node will be stopped. If Cluster service cannot be
  1240. started due to a logon failure, reset Cluster service's domain account password
  1241. through the Services snap-in in the Microsoft Management Console.
  1242. .
  1244. Language=English
  1245. Cluster service has successfully restored the cluster database to the quorum disk.
  1246. Please verify that the restored configuration of the cluster is as expected. You
  1247. may use the Cluster Administrator tool to verify the restored configuration.
  1248. After that, you can start the Cluster service on the remaining cluster nodes by entering
  1249. 'net start clussvc' at a command window on those nodes. This will result in
  1250. these nodes synchronizing the restored database from this initially restored node.
  1251. .
  1253. Language=English
  1254. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' in domain %2 was deleted.
  1255. .
  1257. Language=English
  1258. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' in domain %2 could not be
  1259. deleted. The associated error code is stored in the data section. The domain
  1260. administrator will need to remove this account manually.%n
  1261. %nThe presence of a computer account for this name will cause authentication
  1262. using the Negotiate and Kerberos security packages to fail.
  1263. .
  1265. Language=English
  1266. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' in domain %2 could not be
  1267. deleted for the following reason:%n
  1268. %n%3%n
  1269. %nThe domain administrator will need to remove this account manually.
  1270. %nThe presence of a computer account for this name will cause authentication
  1271. using the Negotiate and Kerberos security packages to fail.
  1272. .
  1274. Language=English
  1275. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' in domain %2 could not be
  1276. created for the following reason:%n
  1277. %n%3.%n
  1278. %nThe associated error code is stored in the data section.%n
  1279. %nThe Cluster Service Account may lack the proper access rights to Active
  1280. Directory. The domain administrator should be contacted to assist with
  1281. resolving this issue.
  1282. .
  1284. Language=English
  1285. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' in domain %2 could not be
  1286. created for the following reason: %3.%n
  1287. %nThe text for the associated error code is: %4%n
  1288. %nThe Cluster Service Account may lack the proper access rights to Active
  1289. Directory. The domain administrator should be contacted to assist with
  1290. resolving this issue.
  1291. .
  1293. Language=English
  1294. The required registration of the DNS name(s) associated with Cluster resource
  1295. '%1' failed. The associated error code is stored in the data section.
  1296. .
  1298. Language=English
  1299. The required registration of the DNS name(s) associated with Cluster resource
  1300. '%1' failed for the following reason:%n
  1301. %n%2%n
  1302. %nPlease check with your network adminstrator for the best recovery action.
  1303. .
  1304. MessageID=1197 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_MULTICAST_ADDRESS_CHOICE
  1305. Language=English
  1306. Cluster node %1 selected multicast address %2 for network %3 after failing
  1307. to contact a MADCAP server.
  1308. .
  1309. MessageID=1198 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_OBTAINED_MULTICAST_LEASE
  1310. Language=English
  1311. Cluster node %1 obtained a lease on a new multicast address (%2) for
  1312. network %3 from MADCAP server %4.
  1313. .
  1314. MessageID=1199 SymbolicName=NM_EVENT_MULTICAST_ADDRESS_FAILURE
  1315. Language=English
  1316. Cluster node %1 was not able to obtain a multicast address from
  1317. a MADCAP server for network %2 or to select one automatically. The
  1318. error code was %3. Cluster operations will not be affected, although
  1319. cluster nodes will not exchange multicast messages on this network.
  1320. .
  1321. MessageID=1200 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_GROUP_START_ONLINE
  1322. Language=English
  1323. The Cluster Service is attempting to bring online the Resource Group "%1".
  1324. .
  1325. MessageID=1201 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_GROUP_COMPLETE_ONLINE
  1326. Language=English
  1327. The Cluster Service brought the Resource Group "%1" online.
  1328. .
  1329. ; // If you change the following MessageId, then you must also update this value
  1330. ; // in nt\public\internal\base\inc\clussprt.h
  1331. MessageID=1202 SymbolicName=EVT_EVENT_TIME_DELTA_INFORMATION
  1332. Language=English
  1333. The time delta between node %1 and node %2 is %3(in 100 nanosecs).
  1334. .
  1335. MessageID=1203 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_GROUP_START_OFFLINE
  1336. Language=English
  1337. The Cluster Service is attempting to offline the Resource Group "%1".
  1338. .
  1339. MessageID=1204 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_GROUP_COMPLETE_OFFLINE
  1340. Language=English
  1341. The Cluster Service brought the Resource Group "%1" offline.
  1342. .
  1343. MessageID=1205 SymbolicName=FM_EVENT_GROUP_FAILED_ONLINE_OFFLINE
  1344. Language=English
  1345. The Cluster Service failed to bring the Resource Group "%1" completely online or offline.
  1346. .
  1348. Language=English
  1349. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' in domain %2 could not be
  1350. configured for the following reason:%n
  1351. %n%3.%n
  1352. %nThe associated error code is stored in the data section.%n
  1353. %nThe Cluster Service Account may lack the proper access rights to Active
  1354. Directory. The domain administrator should be contacted to assist with
  1355. resolving this issue.
  1356. .
  1358. Language=English
  1359. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' in domain %2 could not be
  1360. configured for the following reason:%n
  1361. %n%3%n
  1362. %nThe text for the associated error code is: %4%n
  1363. %nThe Cluster Service Account may lack the proper access rights to Active
  1364. Directory. The domain administrator should be contacted to assist with
  1365. resolving this issue.
  1366. .
  1368. Language=English
  1369. Cluster disk resource "%1":%n
  1370. Mount point "%2" for target volume "%3" is not acceptable
  1371. because the target volume is not a clustered disk. Both the source
  1372. and target must be clustered disks. When the source disk is moved
  1373. to another node, the mountpoint will become invalid. Also, this
  1374. mountpoint is available only on the current node.
  1375. .
  1376. MessageID=1209 SymbolicName=CLUSDISK_RESET_BUS_REQUESTED
  1377. Language=English
  1378. Cluster service is requesting a bus reset for device %1.
  1379. .
  1380. MessageID=1210 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_COMPOBJ_IN_DS
  1381. Language=English
  1382. Cluster resource '%1' failed to go online because its associated computer
  1383. account (%2) exists in Active Directory and the Kerberos authentication is not
  1384. enabled for the resource. Client applications that are using Kerberos based
  1385. authentication (either directly or through the Negotiate security package)
  1386. will fail to authenticate when contacting a service by this network name.%n
  1387. %nTo bring the resource online, either enable Kerberos authentication or
  1388. delete the computer account.
  1389. .
  1390. MessageID=1211 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_NO_WRITEABLE_DC_STATUS
  1391. Language=English
  1392. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' could not be created in
  1393. the cluster's domain because a domain controller running Active Directory
  1394. could not be located. The associated error code is stored in the data section.%n
  1395. %nCheck this node's connectivity to a domain controller running Active
  1396. Directory.
  1397. .
  1398. MessageID=1212 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_NO_WRITEABLE_DC
  1399. Language=English
  1400. The computer account for Cluster resource '%1' could not be created in
  1401. the cluster's domain because a domain controller running Active Directory
  1402. could not be located for the following reason:%n
  1403. %n%2
  1404. %nCheck this node's connectivity to a domain controller running Active
  1405. Directory.
  1406. .
  1407. MessageID=1213 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_RENAME_RESTORE_FAILED
  1408. Language=English
  1409. The computer account in Active Directory (%2) for Cluster resource '%1' could
  1410. not be renamed back to its original name (%3) and is now different from the
  1411. network name. The associated error code is stored in the data section.%n
  1412. %nIf the computer account name is not changed back to the orignal name, an
  1413. attempt to create a new computer account will be made the next time this
  1414. resource is brought online. This may cause improper operation or the failure
  1415. of resources that are dependent on this resource due to the loss of
  1416. configuration information stored with the associated computer account.%n
  1417. %nTo recover, either set the resource back to its original network name or
  1418. edit the name of the computer account using the ADSI editor MMC snapin.
  1419. .
  1420. MessageID=1214 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_CANT_ADD_NAME2
  1421. Language=English
  1422. Cluster Network Name resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the name
  1423. could not be added to the system for the following reason: %2.
  1424. .
  1425. MessageID=1215 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_NOT_REGISTERED_WITH_RDR
  1426. Language=English
  1427. Cluster Network Name %2 is no longer registered with its hosting system. The
  1428. associated resource name is '%1'.
  1429. .
  1430. MessageID=1216 SymbolicName=SERVICE_NETNAME_CHANGE_WARNING
  1431. Language=English
  1432. Cluster Network Name was changed even though the core Cluster Network Name resource
  1433. could not perform all the related changes. If you have problems bringing the Cluster
  1434. Network Name resource online, please check the eventlog for troubleshooting.
  1435. .
  1436. MessageID=1217 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_RENAME
  1437. Language=English
  1438. The Network Name for resource '%1' was changed from %2 to %3.
  1439. .
  1441. Language=English
  1442. The computer account in Active Directory for Cluster resource '%1' could not
  1443. be found during rename recovery on the Domain Controller where it was created
  1444. (%2).%n
  1445. %nThe original name (%3) was being renamed to %4 and neither computer account
  1446. could be found. The resource cannot go online until the computer account is
  1447. recreated. This can be accomplished by disabling and re-enabling Kerberos
  1448. Authentication for this resource.
  1449. .
  1450. MessageID=1219 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_ONLINE_RENAME_DC_NOT_FOUND
  1451. Language=English
  1452. The search in Active Directory to find computer account %2 on DC %3 for
  1453. resource '%1' failed. The associated error code is stored in the data
  1454. section.%n
  1455. %nThe computer account for this resource was in the process of being renamed
  1456. and did not complete. The Domain Controller where the account was being
  1457. renamed is either unavailable or is preventing access when searching for the
  1458. account. This DC must be made available before this resource can go online in
  1459. order to reconcile the rename operation.%n
  1460. %nIf this is not possible, disable and re-enable Kerberos Authentication and
  1461. an attempt will be made to find the computer account on a different DC.
  1462. .
  1464. Language=English
  1465. The computer account for resource '%1' failed to be renamed from %2 to %3
  1466. using Domain Controller %4. The associated error code is stored in the data
  1467. section.%n
  1468. %nThe computer account for this resource was in the process of being renamed
  1469. and did not complete. This was detected during the online process for this
  1470. resource. In order to recover, the computer account must be renamed to the
  1471. current value of the Name property, i.e., the name presented on the network.%n
  1472. %nThe Domain Controller where the renamed was attempted might not be
  1473. available; if this is the case, wait for the Domain Controller to be available
  1474. again. The Domain Controller could be denying access to the account; after
  1475. resolving access, try to bring the name online again.%n
  1476. %nIf this is not possible, disable and re-enable Kerberos Authentication and
  1477. an attempt will be made to find the computer account on a different DC. You
  1478. need to change the Name property to %2 in order to use the existing computer
  1479. account.
  1480. .
  1482. Language=English
  1483. The Network Name (%2) for resource '%1' does not match the name of the
  1484. corresponding computer account in AD (%3). This is usually due to the name
  1485. change of the computer account not replicating to other domain controllers in
  1486. the domain. A subsequent rename cannot be performed until the name change has
  1487. replicated to other DCs. If the Network Name has not been changed, then the it
  1488. is out synch with the name of the computer account. This problem can be fixed
  1489. by renaming the computer account and letting that change replicate to other
  1490. DCs. Once that has occurred, the Network Name for this resource can be
  1491. changed.
  1492. .
  1493. MessageID=1222 SymbolicName=CS_EVENT_CLEANUP_ON_EVICTION
  1494. Language=English
  1495. This node was evicted from the cluster while it was down. The cluster state has been
  1496. cleaned up. The cleanup status was %1.
  1497. .
  1498. MessageID=1223 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_INVALID_NETWORK_ROLE
  1499. Language=English
  1500. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' cannot be brought online because the
  1501. configured role of cluster network '%2' does not allow client access. Please
  1502. check your network configuration.
  1503. .
  1504. MessageID=1224 SymbolicName=RES_IPADDR_PATCHED_NETWORK
  1505. Language=English
  1506. Cluster IP Address resource '%1' has been moved to cluster network '%2'
  1507. because its IP address and subnet mask match. To reverse this assignment,
  1508. take resource '%1' offline, restore the '%1' Network property to its former
  1509. value, set the '%1' OverrideAddressMatch property to 1, and bring resource
  1510. '%1' back online.
  1511. .
  1513. Language=English
  1514. The Network Name resource '%1' is a provider for an MSMQ resource. Kerberos
  1515. Authentication support must be enabled for the Network Name resource in order
  1516. to successfully bring the MSMQ resource online. The attempt to enable this
  1517. feature failed; the associated error code is stored in the data section.%n
  1518. %nTo set the RequireKerberos property for this resource, take this resource
  1519. offline, display this resource's properties in Cluster Administrator and
  1520. select the Parameters tab. Check the "Enable Kerberos Authentication" box and
  1521. press OK to save the changes. Bring this resource online.%n
  1522. %nAlternatively, the property can be set by using the cluster.exe command line
  1523. tool:%n
  1524. %ncluster resource "%1" /priv RequireKerberos=1
  1525. .
  1526. MessageID=1226 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_TCB_NOT_HELD
  1527. Language=English
  1528. The Network Name resource '%1' has Kerberos Authentication support
  1529. enabled. This feature requires that the Cluster Service Account hold the Trust
  1530. Computing Base (TCB) or "Act as part of the operating system" privilege. This
  1531. privilege is locally granted to the Cluster Service Account during cluster
  1532. setup and is no longer granted to the account. It may have been removed as the
  1533. result of the application of a Group Policy object to this cluster node.%n
  1534. %nThe TCB privilege can be granted via the Local Security Policy snap-in
  1535. (secpol.msc). Q307532 contains information on how to assign user rights. Add
  1536. the Cluster Service Account to the list of accounts that have this
  1537. privilege.%n
  1538. %nIn order for the privilege to be enabled, the Cluster Service must be
  1539. stopped and restarted. This procedure may have to be applied on each node in
  1540. the cluster.
  1541. .
  1542. MessageID=1227 SymbolicName=RES_NETNAME_LSA_ERROR
  1543. Language=English
  1544. The Network Name resource '%1' has Kerberos Authentication support enabled and
  1545. was unable to add the virtual network name credentials to the LSA. The
  1546. associated error code is stored in the data section.
  1547. .
  1548. MessageID=1228 SymbolicName=CLNET_CLUSSVC_HUNG_TERMINATE
  1549. Language=English
  1550. The Cluster Network Driver has lost contact with Cluster service for %2 seconds. Cluster service will be Terminated.
  1551. .
  1552. MessageID=1229 SymbolicName=CLNET_CLUSSVC_HUNG
  1553. Language=English
  1554. The Cluster Network Driver has lost contact with Cluster service for %2 seconds.
  1555. .
  1556. MessageID=1230 SymbolicName=RMON_DEADLOCK_DETECTED
  1557. Language=English
  1558. Cluster resource monitor detected a deadlock possibly caused by invoking the '%4' entry point of
  1559. resource DLL '%1', resource type '%2', resource '%3'. This process is now attempting to terminate.
  1560. .
  1561. MessageID=1231 SymbolicName=CS_INVALID_START_PARAMETER
  1562. Language=English
  1563. The start parameter '%1' supplied to the Cluster Service is invalid. The service is now stopping.
  1564. Valid start parameters are %n%n
  1565. ResetQuorumLog/RQ - Reset the quorum log file at startup.%n
  1566. FixQuorum/FQ - Start the Cluster Service even in the absence of a functioning quorum resource.%n
  1567. NoQuorumLogging/NQ - Run the Cluster Service in this node with quorum logging turned off.%n
  1568. DebugResmon/DR - The Cluster Service waits for a debugger to be attached to all Resource Monitor processes at their start.%n
  1569. ForceQuorum/FO <N1,N2,...> - Force a majority node set with the node list N1, N2, etc. (Applicable only for Majority Node Set quorum)%n
  1570. NoGroupInfoEvtLogging/NG - Do not log events to the event log related to group online and offline.
  1571. .
  1572. MessageID=1232 SymbolicName=RES_GENSCRIPT_TIMEOUT
  1573. Language=English
  1574. Cluster generic script resource %1 timed out. %2 script entry point did not complete execution
  1575. in a timely manner. This could be due to an infinite loop or a hang in this entry point, or the
  1576. pending timeout may be too short for this resource. Please review the %2 script entry point to make
  1577. sure there's no infinite loop or a hang in the script code, and then consider increasing the pending
  1578. timeout value if necessary. In a command shell, run "cluster res "%1" /prop PersistentState=0"
  1579. to disable this resource, and then run "net stop clussvc" to stop the cluster service. Ensure that
  1580. any problem in the script code is fixed. Then run "net start clussvc" to start the cluster service.
  1581. If necessary, ensure that the pending time out is increased before bringing the resource online
  1582. again.
  1583. .
  1584. MessageID=1233 SymbolicName=RES_GENSCRIPT_HANGMODE
  1585. Language=English
  1586. Cluster generic script resource %1: Request to perform the %2 operation will not be processed.
  1587. This is because of a previous failed attempt to execute the %3 entry point in a timely fashion.
  1588. Please review the script code for this entry point to make sure there is no infinite loop or a hang
  1589. in it, and then consider increasing the resource pending timeout value if necessary. In a
  1590. command shell, run "cluster res "%1" /prop PersistentState=0" to disable this resource, and then
  1591. run "net stop clussvc" to stop the cluster service. Ensure that any problem in the script code is
  1592. fixed. Then run "net start clussvc" to start the cluster service. If necessary, ensure that the
  1593. pending time out is increased before bringing the resource online again.
  1594. .
  1595. ;#endif // _CLUSVMSG_INCLUDED