Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Service control functions for the Cluster Service.
Mike Massa (mikemas) 2-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include <initp.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <clusverp.h>
// Public data
SERVICE_STOPPED, // dwCurrentState
ERROR_SUCCESS, // dwWin32ExitCode
ERROR_SUCCESS, // dwServiceSpecificExitCode
1, // dwCheckPoint
180000 // dwWaitHint - 180 seconds -nm uses 90 sec timeout, mns uses 180
// internal cluster versions. The major version is bumped during
// product releases (which could include service pack releases).
//initialize by calling an rtl funcion
SUITE_TYPE CsMyProductSuite;
DWORD CsClusterHighestVersion;
DWORD CsClusterLowestVersion;
DWORD CsClusterNodeLimit;
SHUTDOWN_TYPE CsShutdownRequest = CsShutdownTypeStop;
// domain and user account under which the service is run
LPWSTR CsServiceDomainAccount;
// security packages to use during the join for authenticated RPC; JoinVersion
// determines which package will be used by the ExtroCluster interface.
// CsRPCSecurityPackageInUse reflects that choice. The package used for the
// Intracluster interface is negotiated separately.
// when using kerberos with RPC, RPC calls fail with 1825 (sec. pkg error)
// somewhere between 30 minutes and 12 hours. For beta 2, we'll revert back to
// NTLM where expiration is not a problem.
//LPWSTR CsRPCSecurityPackageName[] = { L"Kerberos", L"NTLM" };
DWORD CsRPCSecurityPackage[] = { RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT }; LPWSTR CsRPCSecurityPackageName[] = { L"NTLM" }; DWORD CsNumberOfRPCSecurityPackages = sizeof( CsRPCSecurityPackage ) / sizeof( CsRPCSecurityPackage[0] ); LONG CsRPCSecurityPackageIndex = -1;
// Public Debug Data
BOOL CsDebugResmon = FALSE; LPWSTR CsResmonDebugCmd;
BOOL CsNoVersionCheck = FALSE; #endif
#if DBG // DBG
ULONG CsDebugFlags = CS_DBG_ALL;
#endif // DBG
DWORD CsTestPoint = 0; DWORD CsTestTrigger = TestTriggerNever; DWORD CsTestAction = TestActionTrue; BOOL CsPersistentTestPoint = FALSE;
BOOL CsUpgrade = FALSE; BOOL CsFirstRun = FALSE; BOOL CsNoQuorumLogging = FALSE; BOOL CsUserTurnedOffQuorumLogging = FALSE; BOOL CsNoQuorum = FALSE; BOOL CsResetQuorumLog = FALSE; BOOL CsForceQuorum = FALSE; LPWSTR CsForceQuorumNodes = NULL; BOOL CsCommandLineForceQuorum = FALSE; BOOL CsNoRepEvtLogging = FALSE; LPWSTR CsDatabaseRestorePath = NULL; BOOL CsDatabaseRestore = FALSE; BOOL CsForceDatabaseRestore = FALSE; LPWSTR CsQuorumDriveLetter = NULL; DWORD CspInitStatus; BOOL CsRunningAsService = TRUE; BOOL CsNoGroupInfoEvtLogging = FALSE;
// Private Data
SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE CspServiceStatusHandle = 0; HANDLE CspStopEvent = NULL;
// Private service initialization & cleanup routines.
DWORD CspSetErrorCode( IN DWORD ErrorCode, OUT LPSERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the correct error return for the Service Control Manager.
The original cluster error codes overlap with many of the network error codes. For those overlaps, this function will return the error code as a service specific error code.
EerrorCode - the correct error code to set. ServiceStatus - pointer to the service status for SCM
ServiceStatus - Sets the correct error code in the service status.
{ DWORD status;
if ( ( ErrorCode > 5000 ) && ( ErrorCode < 5090 ) ) { ServiceStatus->dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; ServiceStatus->dwServiceSpecificExitCode = ErrorCode; status = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; } else { ServiceStatus->dwWin32ExitCode = ErrorCode; ServiceStatus->dwServiceSpecificExitCode = ErrorCode; status = ErrorCode; } return (status);
} // CspSetErrorCode
VOID CspCleanup( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Main Cluster Manager cleanup routine. Called when the service is stopping.
Return Value:
{ //
// Cleanup & shutdown the service
IF_DEBUG(CLEANUP) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Cleaning up\n"); }
// Free the stop event
if (CspStopEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(CspStopEvent); CspStopEvent = NULL; } CsServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint++; CsAnnounceServiceStatus();
if ( CsDatabaseRestorePath != NULL ) { LocalFree ( CsDatabaseRestorePath ); }
if ( CsQuorumDriveLetter != NULL ) { LocalFree ( CsQuorumDriveLetter ); }
if ( CsForceQuorumNodes != NULL && !CsCommandLineForceQuorum ) { LocalFree ( CsForceQuorumNodes ); }
IF_DEBUG(CLEANUP) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Cleanup complete.\n"); }
return; } // CspCleanup
// Public service control routines.
VOID CsWaitForStopEvent( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Main body of the Cluster Manager service. Called when the service has been successfully started.
Return Value:
A Win32 status code.
{ DWORD status;
IF_DEBUG(INIT) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Service Started.\n\n"); }
// Wait for the service to be stopped.
WaitForSingleObject(CspStopEvent, // handle
INFINITE // no timeout
return; } // CsWaitForStopEvent
VOID CsStopService( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handler for a service controller STOP message. Initiates the process of stopping the Cluster Manager service.
Return Value:
{ if (CsRunningAsService) { //
// Announce that we are stopping.
CsServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; CsServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; CsServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 20000; // 20 seconds
CsAnnounceServiceStatus(); }
// Wake up the main service thread.
return; }
VOID CsAnnounceServiceStatus ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Announces the service's status to the service controller.
Return Value:
// Don't announce our status if running as a console app.
if (!CsRunningAsService) { return; }
// Service status handle is NULL if RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed.
if ( CspServiceStatusHandle == 0 ) { return; }
// Call SetServiceStatus, ignoring any errors.
SetServiceStatus(CspServiceStatusHandle, &CsServiceStatus);
} // CsAnnounceServiceStatus
// Private routines for executing as a Win32 service.
VOID WINAPI CspControlHandler( DWORD ControlCode ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handler for Service Controller messages.
ControlCode - The code indicating the Service Controller's request.
Return Value:
{ switch(ControlCode){
CsShutdownRequest = CsShutdownTypeShutdown;
// Fall Through
case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: IF_DEBUG(CLEANUP) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CS] Received %1!ws! command\n", (ControlCode == SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP ? L"STOP" : L"SHUTDOWN")); }
CsStopService(); break;
case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: CsAnnounceServiceStatus(); break;
default: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CS] Received unknown service command %1!u!\n", ControlCode );
break; }
} // CspControlHandler
DWORD CspGetFirstRunState( OUT LPDWORD pdwFirstRun ) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwStatus; // returned by registry API functions
DWORD dwClusterInstallState; DWORD dwValueType; DWORD dwDataBufferSize = sizeof( DWORD );
*pdwFirstRun = 0; // Read the registry key that indicates whether cluster files are installed.
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Cluster Server", 0, // reserved
KEY_READ, &hKey );
// Was the registry key opened successfully ?
if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( dwStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { *pdwFirstRun = 1; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto FnExit; } }
// Read the entry.
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, L"ClusterFirstRun", 0, // reserved
&dwValueType, (LPBYTE) pdwFirstRun, &dwDataBufferSize );
// Was the value read successfully ?
if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( dwStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { *pdwFirstRun = 1; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto FnExit; } }
FnExit: // Close the registry key.
if ( hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
return ( dwStatus );
} //*** CspGetFirstRunState
DWORD CspGetServiceParams() { HKEY hClusSvcKey = NULL; DWORD Length; DWORD Type; DWORD Status; eClusterInstallState eState;
// Figure out if this is the first run on upgrade or fresh install
Status = CspGetFirstRunState( ( LPDWORD ) &CsFirstRun );
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] Error in getting first run state, status %1!u!\n", Status); goto ret; }
// If there is upgrade, this must be the first run
Status = ClRtlGetClusterInstallState( NULL, &eState );
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] Error in getting install state, status %1!u!\n", Status); goto ret; }
if ( eState == eClusterInstallStateUpgraded ) { CsUpgrade = TRUE; CsFirstRun = TRUE; }
// Open key to SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ClusSvc\Parameters
// If you failed in the open, don't consider it as a fatal error enough to stop cluster
// service from starting.
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[CS] Error in opening cluster service params key, status %1!u!\n", Status); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto ret; }
Length = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueExW(hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SVC_PARAM_NOVER_CHECK, 0, &Type, (LPBYTE)&CsNoVersionCheck, &Length);
// by default, version checking is turned on
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CsNoVersionCheck = FALSE; Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
Length = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueExW(hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SVC_PARAM_NOREP_EVTLOGGING, 0, &Type, (LPBYTE)&CsNoRepEvtLogging, &Length); //For now, default is to turn eventlogging on
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CsNoRepEvtLogging = FALSE; Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
Length = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueExW(hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SVC_PARAM_NOGROUPINFO_EVTLOGGING, 0, &Type, (LPBYTE)&CsNoGroupInfoEvtLogging, &Length); //For now, default is to turn group info eventlogging on
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CsNoGroupInfoEvtLogging = FALSE; Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Check the registry to see whether RestoreDatabase option is
// chosen. If so, get the params and save them in global variables.
RdbGetRestoreDbParams( hClusSvcKey );
// See if the force quorum option has been set. Unfortunately we
// need two calls to get the size and do the alloc. Note that if
// we have command line stuff already then this overrides registry
// parameters. If we have command line stuff then CsForceQuorum
// will be set. Care is needed since we could be unlucky with the
// time between the two calls.
if ( !CsForceQuorum ) { GetForceQuorum: Length = 0; Status = RegQueryValueExW( hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SVC_PARAM_FORCE_QUORUM, 0, &Type, NULL, &Length); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Got the length, check the type before allocating
if ( Type != REG_SZ ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[CS] Error in forcequorum value under service parameters, type was not REG_SZ.\n"); Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ret; } // Got a valid type so force quorum is set, check the length.
// If the length is 0 or 1 WCHAR's then we have the key but no data which
// is OK. Otherwise alloc and read the data.
if ( Length < 2 * sizeof ( WCHAR ) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[CS] forcequorum value found under service parameters, length %1!u! bytes, ignoring\n", Length); goto ret; }
CsForceQuorumNodes = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, Length );
if ( CsForceQuorumNodes == NULL ) { Status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL,"[CS] Error in memory allocation for CsForceQuorumNodes, status %1!u!\n", Status); goto ret; } Status = RegQueryValueExW( hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SVC_PARAM_FORCE_QUORUM, 0, &Type, (LPBYTE) CsForceQuorumNodes, &Length); if ( Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA || Type != REG_SZ ) { LocalFree( CsForceQuorumNodes ); CsForceQuorumNodes = NULL; CsForceQuorum = FALSE; goto GetForceQuorum; } if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LocalFree( CsForceQuorumNodes ); CsForceQuorumNodes = NULL; goto ret; } else CsForceQuorum = TRUE; } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } ret: //close the key
if (hClusSvcKey) RegCloseKey(hClusSvcKey);
return(Status); }
BOOL CspResetFirstRunState(DWORD dwFirstRunState) { //initialize return to FALSE
BOOL fReturnValue = FALSE;
// Set the state of the ClusterInstallationState registry key to indicate
// that Cluster Server has been configured.
HKEY hKey;
DWORD dwStatus; // returned by registry API functions
// Attempt to open an existing key in the registry.
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Cluster Server", 0, // reserved
KEY_WRITE, &hKey );
// Was the regustry key opened successfully ?
if ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // set the first run state to 0.
DWORD dwFirstRun = 0;
DWORD dwValueType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataBufferSize = sizeof( DWORD );
dwStatus = RegSetValueExW( hKey, L"ClusterFirstRun", 0, // reserved
dwValueType, (LPBYTE) &dwFirstRun, dwDataBufferSize );
// Close the registry key.
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// Was the value set successfully?
if ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { fReturnValue = TRUE; } }
return ( fReturnValue );
} //*** CspResetFirstRunState
DWORD CspSetInstallAndFirstRunState( VOID )
Routine Description:
Sets the cluster state to Configured. Called after the service has started running after the first upgrade. If it is a fresh install, Cluscfg sets the state of this to Configured before starting the cluster service
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked ok
--*/ { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (CsUpgrade) {
if (!ClRtlSetClusterInstallState(eClusterInstallStateConfigured)) { Status = GetLastError(); }
if (CsFirstRun) { CspResetFirstRunState(0); } return(Status);
} // CspResetUpgradeBit
VOID CspGetServiceCmdLineParams( DWORD argc, LPTSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the command line parameters supplied as a part of StartService.
argc - Number of arguments passed in.
argv - Argument list.
Return Value:
PSS desired behavior - Halt the service if illegal parameters are supplied by user.
--*/ { DWORD i; if ( ( argc > 1 ) && ( ( *argv[1] == '-' ) || ( *argv[1] == '/' ) ) ) { for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { //
// PSS wants short aliases for some options. Seems like users make mistake typing
// the full forms and causes a lot of headache.
if ( ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"noquorumlogging" ) ) || ( !lstrcmpi(argv[i]+1, L"NQ" ) ) ) { CsNoQuorumLogging = TRUE; CsUserTurnedOffQuorumLogging = TRUE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] noquorumlogging option chosen: quorum logging is off\n"); } else if ( ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"fixquorum" ) ) || ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"FQ" ) ) ) { CsNoQuorum = TRUE; CsNoQuorumLogging = TRUE; CsUserTurnedOffQuorumLogging = TRUE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CS] fixquorum option chosen: quorum is not arbitrated or brought online\n"); } else if ( ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"resetquorumlog" ) ) || ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"RQ" ) ) ) { CsResetQuorumLog = TRUE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CS] resetquorumlog option chosen: force reset quorum log\n"); } else if ( ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"forcequorum" ) ) || ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"FO" ) ) ) { //
// Throw away anything you picked up from the clussvc params area in
// the registry via CspGetServiceParams()
if ( CsForceQuorumNodes ) { LocalFree ( CsForceQuorumNodes ); CsForceQuorumNodes = NULL; CsForceQuorum = FALSE; }
if ( ( argc < i+2 ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'-' ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'/' )) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[CS] Invalid node list for forcequorum option supplied\n"); CsInconsistencyHalt( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } else { CsForceQuorumNodes = argv[++i]; /* increment i to ensure we skip the node list. */ CsForceQuorum = TRUE; CsCommandLineForceQuorum = TRUE; } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CS] forcequorum option chosen: force majority node set for nodes %1!ws!\n", CsForceQuorumNodes); } else if ( ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"nogroupinfoevtlogging" ) ) || ( !lstrcmpi ( argv[i]+1, L"NG" ) ) ) { CsNoGroupInfoEvtLogging = TRUE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CS] nogroupinfoevtlogging option chosen: turn Group Information Event Logging off\n"); } else if ( ( lstrcmpi( L"debugresmon", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) || ( lstrcmpi( L"DR", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) ) { CsDebugResmon = TRUE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CS] debugresmon option chosen\n"); //
// check for optional, non-NULL command string
if ( argc >= i+2 ) { if ( *argv[i+1] != L'-' && *argv[i+1] != L'/' && *argv[i+1] != UNICODE_NULL ) { CsResmonDebugCmd = argv[++i]; } } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] Invalid start parameter '%1!ws!' supplied to clussvc, stopping\n", argv[i]+1); CsLogEvent1( LOG_CRITICAL, CS_INVALID_START_PARAMETER, argv[i]+1 ); CsInconsistencyHalt( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } } // for
} // if
} // CspGetServiceCmdLineParams
VOID WINAPI CspServiceMain( DWORD argc, LPTSTR argv[] ) { DWORD status;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Service Starting...\n");
if ( CspInitStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { CsServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; } else { CsServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; CsServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = CspInitStatus; }
// Initialize server to receive service requests by registering the
// control handler.
CspServiceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( CLUSTER_SERVICE_NAME, CspControlHandler );
if ( CspServiceStatusHandle == 0 ) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Service Registration failed, %1!u!\n", status); CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR( status ); return; }
IF_DEBUG(INIT) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Service control handler registered\n"); }
if ( CspInitStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return; }
CspGetServiceCmdLineParams(argc, argv);
// Initialize the cluster. If this succeeds, wait for
// the SC mgr to stop us
status = ClusterInitialize(); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] ClusterInitialize failed %1!d!\n", status); } else { CspSetInstallAndFirstRunState(); //
// Announce that we're up and running.
CsServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; CsServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = CLUSTER_SERVICE_CONTROLS; CsServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; CsServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
// The following writer initialize call must be made only after the cluster service
// is announced to have fully started. This is to avoid a deadlock during autostart
// caused by the following code (indirectly) demand starting the EventSystem service.
// NOTE: This was the LEAST UGLY HACK we (SCM team, VSS guys and us) could come up with.
status = VssWriterInit();
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] VssWriterInit failed %1!d!\n", status); } else { //
// Initiate the process that notifies interested listeners that the cluster
// service has started up.
HRESULT hr = ClRtlInitiateStartupNotification();
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// If the process of notifying listeners could not be initiated, just log
// the return code as a warning.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[CS] Error 0x%1!08lx! occurred trying to initiate cluster startup notifications. This is not fatal and will not prevent the service from starting.\n", hr); }
CsWaitForStopEvent(); } }
// Announce that we're stopping
IF_DEBUG(CLEANUP) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Service Stopping...\n"); }
CsServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; CsServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; CsServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 20000; // 20 seconds
CspSetErrorCode( status, &CsServiceStatus );
// ClusterShutdown currently never returns
#if 0
// Announce that we are stopped.
CsServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; CsServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; CsServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; CsServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; CspSetErrorCode( status, &CsServiceStatus );
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[CS] Service Stopped.\n\n");
// Can't call ClRtlLogPrint after this point.
return; #endif
} // CspServiceMain
// Private routines for executing as a console application.
BOOL WINAPI CspConsoleHandler( DWORD dwCtrlType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handler for console control events when running the service as a console application.
dwCtrlType - Indicates the console event to handle.
Return Value:
TRUE if the event was handled, FALSE otherwise.
{ switch( dwCtrlType ) { case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: // use Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break to simulate
case CTRL_C_EVENT: // SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP in debug mode
printf("Stopping service...\n"); CsStopService(); return TRUE; break;
return FALSE; }
DWORD CspDebugService( int argc, wchar_t ** argv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Runs the service as a console application
Standard command-line arguments.
Return Value:
{ DWORD status;
SetConsoleCtrlHandler( CspConsoleHandler, TRUE );
status = ClusterInitialize();
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Initialize the cluster backup writer. This is moved out of ClusterInitialize due to
// possible deadlocks caused at autostart. See comments in CspServiceMain.
status = VssWriterInit();
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] VssWriterInit failed %1!d!\n", status); goto FnExit; }
// Wait for ctrl-c to initiate shutdown.
WaitForSingleObject(CspStopEvent, INFINITE);
} else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] ClusterInitialize failed %1!d!\n", status); }
FnExit: ClusterShutdown(status);
// Can't call ClRtlLogPrint after this point.
return(status); }
// Main program routines
VOID CspUsage( VOID ) { #if DBG
printf("\nCluster Service\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Start with 'net start' to run as a Win32 service\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Command line options:\n"); printf("\t-loglevel N set the debugging log level.\n"); printf("\t-debug run as a console app.\n"); printf("\t-debugresmon [dbgcmd] enable debugging of resrcmon process using optional command.\n"); printf("\t use quotes to include args, i.e., -debugresmon \"ntsd -d\"\n"); printf("\t-fixquorum no quorum device, no quorum logging.\n"); printf("\t-noquorumlogging no quorum logging.\n"); printf("\t-forcequorum N1,...,Nn force a majority node set for node N1 up to Nn inclusive.\n"); printf("\t-restoredatabase D restore cluster DB to quorum disk from dir D.\n"); printf("\t-forcerestore force a restore DB operation by performing fixups.\n"); printf("\t-resetquorumlog force a form despite a missing quorum log file.\n"); printf("\t-quodriveletter Q drive letter for a replacement quorum disk\n"); printf("\t-norepevtlogging no replication of event log entries.\n"); printf("\t-novercheck ignore join version checking.\n"); printf("\t-nogroupinfoevtlogging no group informational events logged in the eventlog.\n"); printf("\t-testpt N enable test point N.\n"); printf("\t-persistent make test points persistent.\n"); printf("\t-trigger N sets test point trigger type.\n"); printf("\t (0-never (default), 1-always, 2-once, 3-count)\n"); printf("\t-action N sets trigger action.\n"); printf("\t (0-true (default), 1-exit, 2-break)\n"); printf("\n");
#else // DBG
#endif // DBG
exit(1); }
int __cdecl wmain( int argc, wchar_t **argv ) { DWORD Status; int i; LPWSTR LogLevel; BOOLEAN debugFlagFound = FALSE; OSVERSIONINFOEXW Version; DWORD dwLen; BOOL success; PWCHAR suiteInfo; SYSTEMTIME localTime; BOOLEAN dbgOutputToConsole; UINT errorMode; DWORD dwMask;
// BUGBUG - 06/23/2000
// This is a temporary change to let the cluster service and resource monitor process run
// despite 64-bit alignment faults. This will be removed as soon as all alignment issues
// are fixed.
LogLevel = _wgetenv(L"ClusterLogLevel");
if (LogLevel != NULL) { swscanf(LogLevel, L"%u", &CsLogLevel); }
if ( (argc > 1) && ((*argv[1] == L'-') || (*argv[1] == L'/')) ) { //
// Invoked from the command line.
CsRunningAsService = FALSE; dbgOutputToConsole = TRUE; } else { //
// Invoked by the Service Controller
CsRunningAsService = TRUE; dbgOutputToConsole = FALSE; }
// initialize the run time library
Status = ClRtlInitialize( dbgOutputToConsole, &CsLogLevel ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (Status == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { CsLogEvent( LOG_CRITICAL, SERVICE_CLUSRTL_BAD_PATH ); } else { PWCHAR msgString; DWORD msgStatus;
if ( msgStatus != 0 ) { CsLogEventData1(LOG_CRITICAL, SERVICE_CLUSRTL_ERROR, sizeof(Status), (PVOID)&Status, msgString); LocalFree( msgString); } }
goto init_failed; }
QfsInitialize(); ClRtlInitWmi(L"Clustering Service"); //
// Log the version number
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "\n\n"); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "[CS] Cluster Service started - Cluster Node Version %1!u!.%2!u!\n", CLUSTER_GET_MAJOR_VERSION( CsMyHighestVersion ), CLUSTER_GET_MINOR_VERSION( CsMyHighestVersion ));
Version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Version); success = GetVersionExW((POSVERSIONINFOW)&Version);
if ( success ) { //
// Log the System version number
if ( Version.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER ) { suiteInfo = L"DTC"; } else if ( Version.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) { suiteInfo = L"ADS"; } else if ( Version.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT ) { suiteInfo = L"EMB"; } else if ( Version.wProductType & VER_NT_WORKSTATION ) { suiteInfo = L"WS"; } else if ( Version.wProductType & VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER ) { suiteInfo = L"DC"; } else if ( Version.wProductType & VER_NT_SERVER ) { suiteInfo = L"SRV"; // otherwise - some non-descript Server
} else { suiteInfo = L""; }
dwMask = (Version.wProductType << 24) | Version.wSuiteMask;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, " OS Version %1!u!.%2!u!.%3!u!%4!ws!%5!ws! (%6!ws! %7!08XL!)\n", Version.dwMajorVersion, Version.dwMinorVersion, Version.dwBuildNumber, *Version.szCSDVersion ? L" - " : L"", Version.szCSDVersion, suiteInfo, dwMask); } else { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, " OS Version not available! (error %1!u!)\n", GetLastError() ); }
// log the local time so we can correlate other logs which show local time
GetLocalTime( &localTime ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, " Local Time is "\ " %1!02d!/%2!02d!/%3!02d!-%4!02d!:%5!02d!:%6!02d!.%7!03d!\n", localTime.wYear, localTime.wMonth, localTime.wDay, localTime.wHour, localTime.wMinute, localTime.wSecond, localTime.wMilliseconds);
Status = ClRtlBuildClusterServiceSecurityDescriptor( NULL ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] Failed to build cluster security descriptor %1!x!\n", Status); goto init_failed; }
//get params set in the registry
Status = CspGetServiceParams(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] Failed to read service params %1!d!\n", Status); goto init_failed; }
//the params on the command line over ride the ones in the registry
if (CsRunningAsService == FALSE) { for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (lstrcmpiW( L"loglevel", argv[i]+1) == 0) { if (argc < i+2) { CspUsage(); }
CsLogLevel = _wtoi(argv[++i]); } #ifdef CLUSTER_TESTPOINT
else if (lstrcmpiW( L"testpt", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { if (argc < i+2) { CspUsage(); }
CsTestPoint = _wtoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"persistent", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsPersistentTestPoint = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"trigger", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { if ( argc < i+2 ) { CspUsage(); } CsTestTrigger = _wtoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"action", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { if ( argc < i+2 ) { CspUsage(); } CsTestAction = _wtoi(argv[++i]); }
else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"debugresmon", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsDebugResmon = TRUE; //
// check for optional, non-NULL command string
if ( argc >= i+2 ) { if ( *argv[i+1] != L'-' && *argv[i+1] != L'/' && *argv[i+1] != UNICODE_NULL ) { CsResmonDebugCmd = argv[++i]; } } } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"novercheck", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsNoVersionCheck = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"noquorumlogging", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsNoQuorumLogging = TRUE; CsUserTurnedOffQuorumLogging = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"nogroupinfoevtlogging", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsNoGroupInfoEvtLogging = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"fixquorum", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsNoQuorum = TRUE; CsNoQuorumLogging = TRUE; CsUserTurnedOffQuorumLogging = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"resetquorumlog", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsResetQuorumLog = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"forcequorum", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { //
// Throw away anything you picked up from the clussvc params area in
// the registry via CspGetServiceParams()
if ( CsForceQuorumNodes ) { LocalFree ( CsForceQuorumNodes ); CsForceQuorumNodes = NULL; CsForceQuorum = FALSE; } if (( argc < i+2 ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'-' ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'/' )) { CsForceQuorumNodes = NULL; printf("\n\n*** forcequorum option needs a nodelist parameter ***\n\n"); CspUsage (); } else { CsForceQuorumNodes = argv[++i]; CsForceQuorum = TRUE; CsCommandLineForceQuorum = TRUE; } } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"norepevtlogging", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsNoRepEvtLogging = TRUE; }
else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"debug", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { debugFlagFound = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"restoredatabase", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { if ( ( argc < i+2 ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'-' ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'/' ) ) { printf("\n\n*** restoredatabase option needs a path parameter ***\n\n"); CspUsage(); }
if ( !ClRtlIsPathValid( argv[i+1] )) { printf( "\n\n*** restoredatabase path is invalid ***\n\n" ); CspUsage(); }
if ( !ClRtlPathFileExists( argv[i+1] )) { printf( "\n\n*** restoredatabase file cannot be accessed ***\n\n" ); CspUsage(); }
dwLen = lstrlenW ( argv[++i] ); CsDatabaseRestorePath = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED, ( dwLen + 1 ) * sizeof ( WCHAR ) ); if ( CsDatabaseRestorePath == NULL ) { printf("Error %d in allocating storage for restoredatabase path name (%ws)...\n", GetLastError(), argv[i]); CspUsage(); } wcscpy( CsDatabaseRestorePath, argv[i] ); CsDatabaseRestore = TRUE; } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"quodriveletter", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { if ( ( argc < i+2 ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'-' ) || ( *argv[i+1] == L'/' ) ) { printf("\n\n*** quodriveletter option needs a drive letter parameter ***\n\n"); CspUsage(); }
dwLen = lstrlenW ( argv[++i] ); if ( ( dwLen != 2 ) || !iswalpha( *argv[i] ) || ( *( argv[i]+1 ) != L':' ) ) { printf("\n\n*** invalid drive letter %ws supplied with quodriveletter option ***\n\n", argv[i]); CspUsage(); }
CsQuorumDriveLetter = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED, ( dwLen + 1 ) * sizeof ( WCHAR ) ); if ( CsQuorumDriveLetter == NULL ) { printf("Error %d in allocating storage for quodriveletter option (%ws)...\n\n", GetLastError(), argv[i]); CspUsage(); } wcscpy( CsQuorumDriveLetter, argv[i] ); } else if ( lstrcmpiW( L"forcerestore", argv[i]+1 ) == 0 ) { CsForceDatabaseRestore = TRUE; } else { CspUsage(); } }
if (!debugFlagFound && !CspStopEvent) { CspUsage(); }
if ( CsDatabaseRestore == TRUE ) { if ( CsNoQuorumLogging || CsNoQuorum ) { printf("\n\n**** restoredatabase cannot be used with noquorumlogging/fixquorum options ****\n\n"); CspUsage(); } } else if ( CsForceDatabaseRestore ) { printf("\n\n**** forcerestore cannot be used without restoredatabase option ****\n\n"); CspUsage(); }
if ( ( CsQuorumDriveLetter != NULL ) && !CsForceDatabaseRestore ) { printf("\n\n**** quodriveletter cannot be used without forcerestore option ****\n\n"); CspUsage(); } }
// Create our stop event
Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!CspStopEvent) { CspStopEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // default security
FALSE, // auto-reset
FALSE, // initial state is non-signalled
NULL // unnamed event
if (CspStopEvent == NULL) { Status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] Unable to create stop event, %1!u!\n", Status); } }
// we can't fire up our main routine if we're running as a service until
// now (race conditions between reading startup params out of the registry
// versus whether we're running as a service at all, etc.). Note that we
// failed initialization so if we are running as a service, we'll detect
// it in CspServiceMain and issue the stop
init_failed: CspInitStatus = Status;
// Run the service.
if (CsRunningAsService) { if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(dispatchTable)) { Status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CS] Unable to dispatch to SC, %1!u!\n", Status); CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR( Status ); } } else if ( CspInitStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = CspDebugService(argc, argv); }
ClRtlFreeClusterServiceSecurityDescriptor( ); QfsCleanup();
return(Status); }
void CsGetClusterVersionInfo( IN PCLUSTERVERSIONINFO pClusterVersionInfo) { OSVERSIONINFOW OsVersionInfo;
pClusterVersionInfo->dwVersionInfoSize = sizeof(CLUSTERVERSIONINFO); pClusterVersionInfo->MajorVersion = (WORD)VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W >> 8; pClusterVersionInfo->MinorVersion = (WORD)VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W & 0xff; pClusterVersionInfo->BuildNumber = (WORD)CLUSTER_GET_MINOR_VERSION(CsMyHighestVersion);
mbstowcs(pClusterVersionInfo->szVendorId, VER_CLUSTER_PRODUCTNAME_STR, (lstrlenA(VER_CLUSTER_PRODUCTNAME_STR)+1));
OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
GetVersionExW(&OsVersionInfo); lstrcpynW(pClusterVersionInfo->szCSDVersion, OsVersionInfo.szCSDVersion, (sizeof(pClusterVersionInfo->szCSDVersion)/sizeof(WCHAR))); pClusterVersionInfo->dwReserved = 0; NmGetClusterOperationalVersion(&(pClusterVersionInfo->dwClusterHighestVersion), &(pClusterVersionInfo->dwClusterLowestVersion),&(pClusterVersionInfo->dwFlags));