Copyright (c) 1998 Intel Corporation
Module Name:
map.c Abstract:
Shell environment short device name mapping information management
Revision History
#include "shelle.h"
* */
extern LIST_ENTRY SEnvMap; STATIC CHAR16 *SEnvCurDevice;
* */
VOID SEnvInitMap ( VOID ) { /*
* The mapping data is read in from the variable init. */
* Init the default map device */
SEnvCurDevice = StrDuplicate(L"none"); }
CHAR16 * SEnvGetDefaultMapping ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle )
Status = BS->HandleProtocol (ImageHandle, &LoadedImageProtocol, (VOID*)&LoadedImage); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) || LoadedImage==NULL) { return NULL; } Head = &SEnvMap; for (Link=Head->Flink; Link != Head; Link=Link->Flink) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); DevicePath = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH *)Var->u.Str; Status = BS->LocateDevicePath(&DevicePathProtocol,&DevicePath,&Handle); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && Handle!=NULL) { if (LoadedImage->DeviceHandle == Handle) { return(Var->Name); } } } return NULL; }
p = DevicePathToStr ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH *) Var->u.Str); Print(L" %h-.*s : %s\n", SLen, Var->Name, p);
if (Verbose) { /* lookup handle for this mapping */ DPath = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH *) Var->u.Value; Status = BS->LocateDevicePath (&DevicePathProtocol, &DPath, &DeviceHandle); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"%*s= Handle for this mapping not found\n", SLen+3); } else { Print(L"%*s= Handle", SLen + 3, L""); SEnvDHProt (FALSE, 0, DeviceHandle); }
/* print current directory for this mapping */ Print(L"%*s> %s\n\n", SLen+3, L"", Var->CurDir ? Var->CurDir : L"\\"); } FreePool (p); }
EFI_STATUS SEnvCmdMap ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) /* Code for internal "map" command */ { LIST_ENTRY *Link, *Head; VARIABLE_ID *Var; VARIABLE_ID *Found; CHAR16 *Name; CHAR16 *Value; UINTN SLen, Len; UINTN Size, DataSize; BOOLEAN Delete, Verbose, Remap; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; CHAR16 *p; EFI_HANDLE Handle; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DevicePath; BOOLEAN PageBreaks; UINTN TempColumn; UINTN ScreenCount; UINTN ScreenSize; CHAR16 ReturnStr[1];
InitializeShellApplication (ImageHandle, SystemTable); Head = &SEnvMap;
Name = NULL; Value = NULL; Delete = FALSE; Verbose = FALSE; Remap = FALSE; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Found = NULL;
* Crack arguments */
PageBreaks = FALSE; for (Index = 1; Index < SI->Argc; Index += 1) { p = SI->Argv[Index]; if (*p == '-') { switch (p[1]) { case 'd': case 'D': Delete = TRUE; break;
case 'v': case 'V': Verbose = TRUE; break;
case 'r': case 'R': Remap = TRUE; break;
case 'b' : case 'B' : PageBreaks = TRUE; ST->ConOut->QueryMode (ST->ConOut, ST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &TempColumn, &ScreenSize); ScreenCount = 0; break; default: Print (L"Map: Unkown flag %s\n", p); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } continue; }
if (!Name) { Name = p; continue; }
if (!Value) { Value = p; continue; }
Print (L"Map: too many arguments\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (Delete && Value) { Print (L"Map: too many arguments\n"); }
* Process */
if (Remap && !Value && !Delete) { AcquireLock (&SEnvLock); for (Link=Head->Flink; Link != Head;) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); Status = RT->SetVariable (Var->Name, &SEnvMapId, 0, 0, NULL); Link = Link->Flink; RemoveEntryList (&Var->Link); FreePool (Var); } ReleaseLock (&SEnvLock); Status = SEnvReloadDefaults (ImageHandle,SystemTable); Remap = FALSE; }
if (Value || Verbose) { SEnvLoadHandleTable ();
if (Verbose) { SEnvLoadHandleProtocolInfo (&DevicePathProtocol); } }
AcquireLock (&SEnvLock);
SLen = 0; for (Link=Head->Flink; Link != Head; Link=Link->Flink) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); Len = StrLen(Var->Name); if (Len > SLen) { SLen = Len; } }
if (!Name) { Print (L"%EDevice mapping table%N\n"); for (Link=Head->Flink; Link != Head; Link=Link->Flink) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); SEnvDumpMapping(SLen, Verbose, Var);
if (PageBreaks) { ScreenCount++; if (ScreenCount > ScreenSize - 4) { ScreenCount = 0; Print (L"\nPress Return to contiue :"); Input (L"", ReturnStr, sizeof(ReturnStr)/sizeof(CHAR16)); Print (L"\n\n"); } } }
} else {
* Find the specified value */
for (Link=Head->Flink; Link != Head; Link=Link->Flink) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); if (StriCmp(Var->Name, Name) == 0) { Found = Var; break; } }
if (Found && Delete) { /*
* Remove it from the store */
Status = RT->SetVariable (Found->Name, &SEnvMapId, 0, 0, NULL);
} else if (Value) {
* Find the handle in question */
Handle = SEnvHandleFromStr(Value); if (!Handle) { Print(L"map: Handle not found\n"); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; }
* Get the handle's device path */
DevicePath = DevicePathFromHandle(Handle); if (!DevicePath) { Print(L"map: handle does not have a device path\n"); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
DataSize = DevicePathSize(DevicePath);
* Add it to the store */
Status = RT->SetVariable ( Found ? Found->Name : Name, &SEnvMapId, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE, DataSize, DevicePath );
if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { /*
* Make a new in memory copy */
Size = sizeof(VARIABLE_ID) + StrSize(Name) + DataSize; Var = AllocateZeroPool (Size);
Var->Signature = VARIABLE_SIGNATURE; Var->u.Value = ((UINT8 *) Var) + sizeof(VARIABLE_ID); Var->Name = (CHAR16*) (Var->u.Value + DataSize); Var->ValueSize = DataSize; CopyMem (Var->u.Value, DevicePath, DataSize); StrCpy (Var->Name, Found ? Found->Name : Name); InsertTailList (Head, &Var->Link); }
} else {
if (Found) { SEnvDumpMapping(SLen, Verbose, Var); } else { Print(L"map: '%es' not found\n", Name); }
Found = NULL; }
* Remove the old in memory copy if there was one */
if (Found) { RemoveEntryList (&Found->Link); FreePool (Found); } }
Done: ReleaseLock (&SEnvLock); SEnvFreeHandleTable (); return Status; }
VARIABLE_ID * SEnvMapDeviceFromName ( IN OUT CHAR16 **pPath ) /* Check the Path for a device name, and updates the path to point after
* the device name. If no device name is found, the current default is used. */ { CHAR16 *Path, *p; CHAR16 *MappedName, c; VARIABLE_ID *Var; LIST_ENTRY *Link;
Var = NULL; Path = *pPath;
* Check for a device name terminator */
for(p = Path; *p && *p != ':' && *p != '\\'; p++) ;
* Use either the passed in name or the current device name setting */
MappedName = *p == ':' ? Path : SEnvCurDevice; /*
* Null terminate the string in Path just in case that is the one we * are using */
c = *p; *p = 0;
* Find the mapping for the device */
for (Link=SEnvMap.Flink; Link != &SEnvMap; Link=Link->Flink) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); if (StriCmp(Var->Name, MappedName) == 0) { break; } }
* Restore the path */
*p = c;
* If the mapped device was not found, return NULL */
if (Link == &SEnvMap) { DEBUG((D_PARSE, "SEnvNameToPath: Mapping for '%es' not found\n", Path)); return NULL; }
* If we found it as part of the path, skip the path over it */
if (MappedName == Path) { *pPath = p + 1; }
* Return the target mapping */ return Var; }
EFI_DEVICE_PATH * SEnvIFileNameToPath ( IN CHAR16 *Path ) /* Builds a device path from the filename string. Note that the
* device name must already be stripped off of the file name string */ { CHAR16 *LPath, *ps; BOOLEAN UseLPath; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DPath, *Node, *NewPath; CHAR16 Buffer[MAX_ARG_LENGTH]; UINTN Index;
DPath = NULL;
* If no path, return the root */
if (!*Path) { DPath = FileDevicePath(NULL, L"\\"); }
* Build a file path for the name component(s) */
while (*Path) {
Index = 0; LPath = NULL; UseLPath = FALSE;
ps = Path; while (*ps) {
/* if buffer has run out, just handle to LPath */ if (Index > MAX_ARG_LENGTH-2 || *ps == '#') { UseLPath = TRUE; break; }
if (*ps == '^') { if (ps[1]) { ps += 1; Buffer[Index++] = *ps; } ps += 1; continue; }
if (*ps == '\\') { LPath = ps; }
Buffer[Index++] = *ps; ps += 1; }
if (UseLPath) { Index = LPath ? LPath - Path : 0; ps = Path + Index; }
* If we have part of a path name, append it to the device path */
if (Index) { Buffer[Index] = 0; Node = FileDevicePath(NULL, Buffer); NewPath = AppendDevicePath (DPath, Node); FreePool (Node); if (DPath) { FreePool (DPath); } DPath = NewPath; }
if (*ps == 0) { break; }
Path = ps + 1; }
return DPath; }
EFI_DEVICE_PATH * SEnvFileNameToPath ( IN CHAR16 *Path ) { EFI_DEVICE_PATH *FilePath;
AcquireLock (&SEnvLock); FilePath = SEnvIFileNameToPath (Path); ReleaseLock (&SEnvLock); return FilePath; }
EFI_DEVICE_PATH * SEnvINameToPath ( IN CHAR16 *Path ) /* Convert a filesystem stlye name to an file path */ { EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DPath, *FPath, *RPath, *FilePath; VARIABLE_ID *Var; BOOLEAN FreeDPath; DPath = NULL; RPath = NULL; FPath = NULL; FilePath = NULL; FreeDPath = FALSE;
* Get the device for the name, and advance past the device name */
Var = SEnvMapDeviceFromName (&Path); if (!Var) { DEBUG((D_PARSE, "SEnvNameToPath: mapped device not found\n")); goto Done; }
* Start the file path with this mapping */
DPath = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH *) Var->u.Value;
* If the path is realitve, append the current dir of the device to the dpath */
if (*Path != '\\') { RPath = SEnvIFileNameToPath (Var->CurDir ? Var->CurDir : L"\\"); DPath = AppendDevicePath (DPath, RPath); FreeDPath = TRUE; } /*
* Build a file path for the rest of the name string */
FPath = SEnvIFileNameToPath (Path);
* Append the 2 paths */
FilePath = AppendDevicePath(DPath, FPath);
* Done */
Done: if (DPath && FreeDPath) { FreePool (DPath); }
if (RPath) { FreePool (RPath); }
if (FPath) { FreePool (FPath); }
return FilePath; }
AcquireLock (&SEnvLock); DPath = SEnvINameToPath (Path); ReleaseLock (&SEnvLock);
return DPath; }
InitializeShellApplication (ImageHandle, SystemTable); FilePath = NULL;
* If no arguments, print the current directory */
if (SI->Argc == 1) { Dir = SEnvGetCurDir(NULL); if (Dir) { Print (L"%s\n", Dir); FreePool (Dir); } else { Print (L"no current directory\n"); } return EFI_SUCCESS; }
AcquireLock (&SEnvLock);
* If more then 1 argument, syntax */
if (SI->Argc > 2) { Print (L"cd: too many arguments\n"); Status =EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
* Find the target device */
Dir = SI->Argv[1]; Var = SEnvMapDeviceFromName (&Dir); if (!Var) { Print(L"cd: mapped device not found\n"); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; }
* If there's no path specified, print the current path for the device */
if (*Dir == 0) { Print (L"%s\n", Var->CurDir ? Var->CurDir : L"\\"); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; goto Done; }
* Build a file path for the argument */
FilePath = SEnvINameToPath (SI->Argv[1]); if (!FilePath) { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; }
* Open the target directory */
OpenDir = ShellOpenFilePath(FilePath, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ);
if (!OpenDir) { Print (L"cd: target directory not found\n"); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; }
* Get information on the file path that was opened. */
FileInfo = LibFileInfo(OpenDir); if (FileInfo == NULL) { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; }
* Verify that the file opened is a directory. */
if (!(FileInfo->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY)) { Print (L"cd: target is not a directory\n"); FreePool (FileInfo); OpenDir->Close (OpenDir); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; } FreePool (FileInfo);
CurDir = SEnvFileHandleToFileName(OpenDir); OpenDir->Close (OpenDir); /*
* If we have a new path, update the device */
if (CurDir) { if (Var->CurDir) { FreePool(Var->CurDir); } Var->CurDir = CurDir;
} else {
Print (L"cd: could not cd to '%hs%'\n", FilePath);
Done: ReleaseLock (&SEnvLock);
if (FilePath) { FreePool (FilePath); }
return Status; }
CHAR16 * SEnvGetCurDir ( IN CHAR16 *DeviceName OPTIONAL ) /* N.B. results are allocated in pool */ { CHAR16 *Dir; LIST_ENTRY *Link; VARIABLE_ID *Var;
Dir = NULL; if (!DeviceName) { DeviceName = SEnvCurDevice; }
AcquireLock (&SEnvLock); for (Link=SEnvMap.Flink; Link != &SEnvMap; Link=Link->Flink) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); if (StriCmp(Var->Name, DeviceName) == 0) { Dir = PoolPrint(L"%s:%s", Var->Name, Var->CurDir ? Var->CurDir : L"\\"); break; } }
ReleaseLock (&SEnvLock); return Dir; }
EFI_STATUS SEnvSetCurrentDevice ( IN CHAR16 *Name ) { VARIABLE_ID *Var; LIST_ENTRY *Link; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Len; CHAR16 *NewName, c;
Len = StrLen(Name); if (Len < 1) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
* If the name ends with a ":" strip it off */
Len -= 1; c = Name[Len]; if (c == ':') { Name[Len] = 0; }
Status = EFI_NO_MAPPING; AcquireLock (&SEnvLock);
for (Link=SEnvMap.Flink; Link != &SEnvMap; Link=Link->Flink) { Var = CR(Link, VARIABLE_ID, Link, VARIABLE_SIGNATURE); if (StriCmp(Var->Name, Name) == 0) { NewName = StrDuplicate(Name); if (NewName) { FreePool (SEnvCurDevice); SEnvCurDevice = NewName; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; } }
ReleaseLock (&SEnvLock);
* Restore the name */
Name[Len] = c; return Status; }