Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains functions used to retrieve and see the log records recorded by filespy.sys.
User mode
Molly Brown (MollyBro) 21-Apr-1999
Revision History:
Molly Brown (mollybro) 21-May-2002 Modify sample to make it support running on Windows 2000 or later if built in the latest build environment and allow it to be built in W2K and later build environments.
--*/ #include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#include "fspyLog.h"
#include "filespyLib.h"
#define TIME_ERROR L"time error"
#define FlagOn(F,SF) ( \
(((F) & (SF))) \ )
DWORD WINAPI RetrieveLogRecords ( LPVOID lpParameter ) { PLOG_CONTEXT context = (PLOG_CONTEXT)lpParameter; CHAR buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD bytesReturned = 0; BOOL bResult; DWORD result; PLOG_RECORD pLogRecord;
printf("Log: Starting up\n");
while (TRUE) {
// Check to see if we should shut down
if (context->CleaningUp) {
break; }
// Request log data from filespy
bResult = DeviceIoControl( context->Device, FILESPY_GetLog, NULL, 0, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesReturned, NULL);
if (!bResult) {
result = GetLastError(); printf("ERROR controlling device: 0x%x\n", result); }
// Buffer is filled with a series of LOG_RECORD structures, one
// right after another. Each LOG_RECORD says how long it is, so
// we know where the next LOG_RECORD begins.
pLogRecord = (PLOG_RECORD) buffer;
// Logic to write record to screen and/or file
while ((BYTE *) pLogRecord < buffer + bytesReturned) {
PRECORD_IRP pRecordIrp; PRECORD_FASTIO pRecordFastIo; #if WINVER >= 0x0501
ULONG nameLength;
// Calculate the length of the name in the log record.
nameLength = wcslen( pLogRecord->Name ) * sizeof( WCHAR );
// A LOG_RECORD could have Irp or FastIo data in it. This
// is denoted in the low-order byte of the RecordType flag.
switch (GET_RECORD_TYPE(pLogRecord)) { case RECORD_TYPE_IRP:
// We've got an Irp record, so output this data correctly.
pRecordIrp = &(pLogRecord->Record.RecordIrp);
if (context->LogToScreen) {
IrpScreenDump( pLogRecord->SequenceNumber, pLogRecord->Name, nameLength, pRecordIrp, context->VerbosityFlags); }
if (context->LogToFile) {
IrpFileDump( pLogRecord->SequenceNumber, pLogRecord->Name, nameLength, pRecordIrp, context->OutputFile, context->VerbosityFlags); } break;
// We've got a FastIo record, so output this data correctly.
pRecordFastIo = &(pLogRecord->Record.RecordFastIo);
if (context->LogToScreen) {
FastIoScreenDump( pLogRecord->SequenceNumber, pLogRecord->Name, nameLength, pRecordFastIo); }
if (context->LogToFile) {
FastIoFileDump( pLogRecord->SequenceNumber, pLogRecord->Name, nameLength, pRecordFastIo, context->OutputFile); } break;
#if WINVER >= 0x0501 /* See comment in DriverEntry */
// We've got a FsFilter operation record, so output this
// data correctly.
pRecordFsFilterOp = &(pLogRecord->Record.RecordFsFilterOp);
if (context->LogToScreen) {
FsFilterOperationScreenDump( pLogRecord->SequenceNumber, pLogRecord->Name, nameLength, pRecordFsFilterOp );
if (context->LogToFile) {
FsFilterOperationFileDump( pLogRecord->SequenceNumber, pLogRecord->Name, nameLength, pRecordFsFilterOp, context->OutputFile ); } break; #endif
printf("FileSpy: Unknown log record type\n"); }
// The RecordType could also designate that we are out of memory
// or hit our program defined memory limit, so check for these
// cases.
if (pLogRecord->RecordType & RECORD_TYPE_OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
if (context->LogToScreen) {
printf("M %08X SYSTEM OUT OF MEMORY\n", pLogRecord->SequenceNumber); }
if (context->LogToFile) {
fprintf(context->OutputFile, "M:\t%u", pLogRecord->SequenceNumber); }
} else if (pLogRecord->RecordType & RECORD_TYPE_EXCEED_MEMORY_ALLOWANCE) {
if (context->LogToScreen) {
printf("M %08X EXCEEDED MEMORY ALLOWANCE\n", pLogRecord->SequenceNumber); }
if (context->LogToFile) {
fprintf(context->OutputFile, "M:\t%u", pLogRecord->SequenceNumber); } }
// Move to next LOG_RECORD
pLogRecord = (PLOG_RECORD) (((BYTE *) pLogRecord) + pLogRecord->Length); }
if (bytesReturned == 0) {
Sleep( 500 ); } }
printf("Log: Shutting down\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(context->ShutDown, 1, NULL); printf("Log: All done\n"); return 0; }
VOID PrintIrpCode ( UCHAR MajorCode, UCHAR MinorCode, ULONG FsControlCode, FILE *OutputFile, BOOLEAN PrintMajorCode ) { CHAR irpMajorString[OPERATION_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; CHAR irpMinorString[OPERATION_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; CHAR formatBuf[OPERATION_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE*2];
if (OutputFile) {
sprintf(formatBuf, "%s %s", irpMajorString, irpMinorString); fprintf(OutputFile, "\t%-50s", formatBuf);
} else {
if (PrintMajorCode) {
printf("%-31s ", irpMajorString);
} else {
if (irpMinorString[0] != 0) {
printf(" %-35s\n", irpMinorString); } } } }
VOID PrintFastIoType ( FASTIO_TYPE Code, FILE *OutputFile ) { CHAR outputString[OPERATION_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
if (OutputFile) {
fprintf(OutputFile, "\t%-50s", outputString);
} else {
printf("%-31s ", outputString); } }
#if WINVER >= 0x0501 /* See comment in DriverEntry */
VOID PrintFsFilterOperation ( UCHAR Operation, FILE *OutputFile ) { CHAR outputString[OPERATION_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
if (OutputFile) { fprintf( OutputFile, "\t%-50s", outputString ); } else {
printf( "%-31s ", outputString ); } }
ULONG FormatSystemTime ( SYSTEMTIME *SystemTime, PWCHAR Buffer, ULONG BufferLength ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Formats the values in a SystemTime struct into the buffer passed in. The resulting string is NULL terminated. The format for the time is: hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds
SystemTime - the struct to format Buffer - the buffer to place the formatted time in BufferLength - the size of the buffer in characters
Return Value:
The number of characters returned in Buffer.
--*/ { PWCHAR writePosition; ULONG returnLength = 0;
writePosition = Buffer;
if (BufferLength < TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
// Buffer is too short so exit
return 0; }
returnLength = swprintf( Buffer, L"%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d", SystemTime->wHour, SystemTime->wMinute, SystemTime->wSecond, SystemTime->wMilliseconds);
return returnLength; }
VOID IrpFileDump ( ULONG SequenceNumber, PWCHAR Name, ULONG NameLength, PRECORD_IRP RecordIrp, FILE *File, ULONG VerbosityFlags ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Prints a Irp log record to the specified file. The output is in a tab delimited format with the fields in the following order:
SequenceNumber, OriginatingTime, CompletionTime, IrpMajor, IrpMinor, IrpFlags, NoCache, Paging I/O, Synchronous, Synchronous paging, FileName, ReturnStatus, FileName
SequenceNumber - the sequence number for this log record Name - the name of the file that this Irp relates to NameLength - the length of Name in bytes RecordIrp - the Irp record to print File - the file to print to
Return Value:
fprintf(File, "I\t%08X", SequenceNumber);
// Convert originating time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordIrp->OriginatingTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", time );
} else {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", TIME_ERROR ); }
// Convert completion time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordIrp->CompletionTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime ); if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", time );
} else {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", TIME_ERROR ); }
fprintf( File, "\t%8x.%-4x ", RecordIrp->ProcessId, RecordIrp->ThreadId );
PrintIrpCode( RecordIrp->IrpMajor, RecordIrp->IrpMinor, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)RecordIrp->Argument3, File, TRUE );
fprintf( File, "\t%p", (PVOID)RecordIrp->DeviceObject ); fprintf( File, "\t%p", (PVOID)RecordIrp->FileObject ); fprintf( File, "\t%08lx:%08lx", RecordIrp->ReturnStatus, RecordIrp->ReturnInformation );
// Interpret set flags
fprintf( File, "\t%08lx ", RecordIrp->IrpFlags ); fprintf( File, "%s", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_NOCACHE) ? "N":"-" ); fprintf( File, "%s", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_PAGING_IO) ? "P":"-" ); fprintf( File, "%s", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_API) ? "S":"-" ); fprintf( File, "%s", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_PAGING_IO) ? "Y":"-" );
if (FlagOn( VerbosityFlags, FS_VF_DUMP_PARAMETERS )) {
fprintf( File, "%p %p %p %p ", RecordIrp->Argument1, RecordIrp->Argument2, RecordIrp->Argument3, RecordIrp->Argument4 ); if (IRP_MJ_CREATE == RecordIrp->IrpMajor) {
fprintf( File, "DesiredAccess->%08lx ", RecordIrp->DesiredAccess ); } }
fprintf( File, "\t%.*S", NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR), Name ); fprintf( File, "\n" ); }
VOID IrpScreenDump ( ULONG SequenceNumber, PWCHAR Name, ULONG NameLength, PRECORD_IRP RecordIrp, ULONG VerbosityFlags ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Prints a Irp log record to the screen in the following order: SequenceNumber, OriginatingTime, CompletionTime, IrpMajor, IrpMinor, IrpFlags, NoCache, Paging I/O, Synchronous, Synchronous paging, FileName, ReturnStatus, FileName
SequenceNumber - the sequence number for this log record Name - the file name to which this Irp relates NameLength - the length of Name in bytes RecordIrp - the Irp record to print
Return Value:
printf( "I %08X ", SequenceNumber );
// Convert originating time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordIrp->OriginatingTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
printf( "%-12S ", time );
} else {
printf( "%-12S ", TIME_ERROR ); }
// Convert completion time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordIrp->CompletionTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
printf( "%-12S ", time );
} else {
printf( "%-12S ", TIME_ERROR ); }
printf( "%8x.%-4x ", RecordIrp->ProcessId, RecordIrp->ThreadId );
PrintIrpCode( RecordIrp->IrpMajor, RecordIrp->IrpMinor, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)RecordIrp->Argument3, NULL, TRUE );
printf( "%p ", (PVOID)RecordIrp->DeviceObject ); printf( "%p ", (PVOID)RecordIrp->FileObject ); printf( "%08lx:%08lx ", RecordIrp->ReturnStatus, RecordIrp->ReturnInformation );
// Interpret set flags
printf( "%08lx ", RecordIrp->IrpFlags ); printf( "%s", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_NOCACHE) ? "N":"-" ); printf( "%s", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_PAGING_IO) ? "P":"-" ); printf( "%s", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_API) ? "S":"-" ); printf( "%s ", (RecordIrp->IrpFlags & IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_PAGING_IO) ? "Y":"-" );
if (FlagOn( VerbosityFlags, FS_VF_DUMP_PARAMETERS )) {
printf( "%p %p %p %p ", RecordIrp->Argument1, RecordIrp->Argument2, RecordIrp->Argument3, RecordIrp->Argument4 ); if (IRP_MJ_CREATE == RecordIrp->IrpMajor) {
printf( "DesiredAccess->%08lx ", RecordIrp->DesiredAccess ); } }
printf( "%.*S", NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR), Name ); printf( "\n" ); PrintIrpCode( RecordIrp->IrpMajor, RecordIrp->IrpMinor, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)RecordIrp->Argument3, NULL, FALSE ); }
VOID FastIoFileDump ( ULONG SequenceNumber, PWCHAR Name, ULONG NameLength, PRECORD_FASTIO RecordFastIo, FILE *File ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Prints a FastIo log record to the specified file. The output is in a tab delimited format with the fields in the following order: SequenceNumber, StartTime, CompletionTime, Fast I/O Type, FileName, Length, Wait, ReturnStatus, FileName
SequenceNumber - the sequence number for this log record Name - the name of the file referenced by this Fast I/O operation NameLength - the length of name in bytes RecordFastIo - the FastIo record to print File - the file to print to
Return Value:
fprintf( File, "F\t%08X", SequenceNumber );
// Convert start time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFastIo->StartTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", time );
} else {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", TIME_ERROR ); }
// Convert completion time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFastIo->CompletionTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", time );
} else {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", TIME_ERROR ); }
fprintf( File, "\t%8x.%-4x ", RecordFastIo->ProcessId, RecordFastIo->ThreadId );
PrintFastIoType( RecordFastIo->Type, File );
fprintf( File, "\t%p", (PVOID)RecordFastIo->DeviceObject ); fprintf( File, "\t%p", (PVOID)RecordFastIo->FileObject ); fprintf( File, "\t%08x", RecordFastIo->ReturnStatus );
fprintf( File, "\t%s", (RecordFastIo->Wait)?"T":"F" ); fprintf( File, "\t%08x", RecordFastIo->Length ); fprintf( File, "\t%016I64x ", RecordFastIo->FileOffset.QuadPart );
fprintf( File, "\t%.*S", NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR), Name ); fprintf( File, "\n" ); }
VOID FastIoScreenDump ( ULONG SequenceNumber, PWCHAR Name, ULONG NameLength, PRECORD_FASTIO RecordFastIo ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Prints a FastIo log record to the screen in the following order: SequenceNumber, StartTime, CompletionTime, Fast I/O Type, FileName, Length, Wait, ReturnStatus, FileName
SequenceNumber - the sequence number for this log record Name - the name of the file referenced by this Fast I/O operation NameLength - the length of name in bytes RecordIrp - the Irp record to print
Return Value:
printf( "F %08X ", SequenceNumber );
// Convert start time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFastIo->StartTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
printf( "%-12S ", time );
} else {
printf( "%-12S ", TIME_ERROR ); }
// Convert completion time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFastIo->CompletionTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
printf( "%-12S ", time );
} else {
printf( "%-12S ", TIME_ERROR ); }
printf( "%8x.%-4x ", RecordFastIo->ProcessId, RecordFastIo->ThreadId );
PrintFastIoType( RecordFastIo->Type, NULL );
printf( "%p ", (PVOID)RecordFastIo->DeviceObject ); printf( "%p ", (PVOID)RecordFastIo->FileObject ); printf( "%08x ", RecordFastIo->ReturnStatus );
printf( "%s ", (RecordFastIo->Wait)?"T":"F" ); printf( "%08x ", RecordFastIo->Length ); printf( "%016I64x ", RecordFastIo->FileOffset.QuadPart );
printf( "%.*S", NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR), Name ); printf ("\n" ); }
#if WINVER >= 0x0501 /* See comment in DriverEntry */
VOID FsFilterOperationFileDump ( ULONG SequenceNumber, PWCHAR Name, ULONG NameLength, PRECORD_FS_FILTER_OPERATION RecordFsFilterOp, FILE *File ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Prints a FsFilterOperation log record to the specified file. The output is in a tab delimited format with the fields in the following order:
SequenceNumber, OriginatingTime, CompletionTime, ProcessId, ThreadId, Operation, FileObject, ReturnStatus, FileName
SequenceNumber - the sequence number for this log record Name - the name of the file that this operation relates to NameLength - the length of Name in bytes RecordFsFilterOp - the FsFilter operation record to print File - the file to print to
Return Value:
fprintf(File, "O\t%08X", SequenceNumber);
// Convert originating time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFsFilterOp->OriginatingTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", time );
} else {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", TIME_ERROR ); }
// Convert completion time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFsFilterOp->CompletionTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime ); if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", time );
} else {
fprintf( File, "\t%-12S", TIME_ERROR ); }
// Output the process and thread id
fprintf( File, "\t%8x.%-4x ", RecordFsFilterOp->ProcessId, RecordFsFilterOp->ThreadId );
// Output the FsFilter operation parameters
PrintFsFilterOperation( RecordFsFilterOp->FsFilterOperation, File );
fprintf( File, "\t%p", (PVOID)RecordFsFilterOp->DeviceObject ); fprintf( File, "\t%p", (PVOID)RecordFsFilterOp->FileObject ); fprintf( File, "\t%08lx", RecordFsFilterOp->ReturnStatus ); fprintf( File, "\t%.*S", NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR), Name ); fprintf( File, "\n" ); }
VOID FsFilterOperationScreenDump ( ULONG SequenceNumber, PWCHAR Name, ULONG NameLength, PRECORD_FS_FILTER_OPERATION RecordFsFilterOp ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Prints a FsFilterOperation log record to the screen in the following order: SequenceNumber, OriginatingTime, CompletionTime, ProcessId, ThreadId, Operation, FileObject, ReturnStatus, FileName
SequenceNumber - the sequence number for this log record Name - the file name to which this Irp relates NameLength - the length of name in bytes RecordFsFilterOp - the FsFilterOperation record to print
Return Value:
printf( "O %08X ", SequenceNumber );
// Convert originating time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFsFilterOp->OriginatingTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
printf( "%-12S ", time );
} else {
printf( "%-12S ", TIME_ERROR ); }
// Convert completion time
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (FILETIME *)&(RecordFsFilterOp->CompletionTime), &localTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localTime, &systemTime );
if (FormatSystemTime( &systemTime, time, TIME_BUFFER_LENGTH )) {
printf( "%-12S ", time );
} else {
printf( "%-12S ", TIME_ERROR ); }
printf( "%8x.%-4x ", RecordFsFilterOp->ProcessId, RecordFsFilterOp->ThreadId );
PrintFsFilterOperation( RecordFsFilterOp->FsFilterOperation, NULL );
// Print FsFilter operation specific values.
printf( "%p ", (PVOID)RecordFsFilterOp->DeviceObject ); printf( "%p ", (PVOID)RecordFsFilterOp->FileObject ); printf( "%08lx ", RecordFsFilterOp->ReturnStatus ); printf( "%.*S", NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR),Name ); printf( "\n" ); } #endif