(c) 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Base file for HSM shell extensions on drives
Art Bragg [abragg] 04-Aug-1997
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "rshelpid.h"
//#define RS_SHOW_ALL_PCTS
// Help Ids
static DWORD pHelpIds[] = { #ifdef RS_SHOW_ALL_PCTS
IDC_STATIC_LOCAL_PCT, idh_volume_percent_local_data, IDC_STATIC_LOCAL_PCT_UNIT, idh_volume_percent_local_data, #endif
IDC_STATIC_LOCAL_4DIGIT, idh_volume_capacity_local_data, IDC_STATIC_LOCAL_4DIGIT_LABEL, idh_volume_capacity_local_data, IDC_STATIC_LOCAL_4DIGIT_HELP, idh_volume_capacity_local_data, #ifdef RS_SHOW_ALL_PCTS
IDC_STATIC_CACHED_PCT, idh_volume_percent_remote_data_cached, IDC_STATIC_CACHED_PCT_UNIT, idh_volume_percent_remote_data_cached, #endif
IDC_STATIC_CACHED_4DIGIT, idh_volume_capacity_remote_data_cached, IDC_STATIC_CACHED_4DIGIT_LABEL, idh_volume_capacity_remote_data_cached, IDC_STATIC_FREE_PCT, idh_volume_percent_free_space, IDC_STATIC_FREE_PCT_UNIT, idh_volume_percent_free_space, IDC_STATIC_FREE_4DIGIT, idh_volume_capacity_free_space, IDC_STATIC_FREE_4DIGIT_LABEL, idh_volume_capacity_free_space, IDC_STATIC_TOTAL_4DIGIT, idh_volume_disk_capacity, IDC_STATIC_TOTAL_4DIGIT_LABEL, idh_volume_disk_capacity, IDC_STATIC_REMOTE_STORAGE_4DIGIT, idh_volume_data_remote_storage, IDC_STATIC_STATS_LABEL, idh_volume_data_remote_storage,
IDC_EDIT_LEVEL, idh_desired_free_space_percent, IDC_SPIN_LEVEL, idh_desired_free_space_percent, IDC_EDIT_LEVEL_LABEL, idh_desired_free_space_percent, IDC_EDIT_LEVEL_UNIT, idh_desired_free_space_percent, IDC_EDIT_SIZE, idh_min_file_size_criteria, IDC_SPIN_SIZE, idh_min_file_size_criteria, IDC_EDIT_SIZE_LABEL, idh_min_file_size_criteria, IDC_EDIT_SIZE_UNIT, idh_min_file_size_criteria, IDC_EDIT_TIME, idh_file_access_date_criteria, IDC_SPIN_TIME, idh_file_access_date_criteria, IDC_EDIT_TIME_LABEL, idh_file_access_date_criteria, IDC_EDIT_TIME_UNIT, idh_file_access_date_criteria,
0, 0 };
// CPrDrive
// IShellExtInit
STDMETHODIMP CPrDrive::Initialize( LPCITEMIDLIST /*pidlFolder*/, IDataObject * pDataObj, HKEY /*hkeyProgID*/ ) { //
// Initialize can be called more than once
m_pDataObj.Release( );
// duplicate the object pointer
m_pDataObj = pDataObj;
return( NOERROR ); }
// AddPages
STDMETHODIMP CPrDrive::AddPages( LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE lpfnAddPage, LPARAM lParam ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage = NULL; // Windows property page handle
TCHAR szFileSystemName [256]; TCHAR szDrive [MAX_PATH]; int nState; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pFsaRes;
FORMATETC fmte = { CF_HDROP, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }; STGMEDIUM medium; CPrDrivePg * pPageDrive = 0; CPrDriveXPg * pPageXDrive = 0;
try { //
// Find out how many files the user has selected...
UINT cbFiles = 0; BOOL bMountedVol = FALSE; WsbAssertPointer( m_pDataObj ); //Paranoid check, m_pDataObj should have something by now...
hr = m_pDataObj->GetData( &fmte, &medium ) ; // Returns hr
if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// Isn't a normal volume name. Maybe it's a mounted volume.
// Mounted volume names come in on a different clipboard format
// so we can treat them differently from normal volume
// names like "C:\". A mounted volume name will be the path
// to the folder hosting the mounted volume.
// For mounted volumes, the DataObject provides CF "MountedVolume".
fmte.cfFormat = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_MOUNTEDVOLUME); WsbAffirmHr(m_pDataObj->GetData(&fmte, &medium)); bMountedVol = TRUE; }
cbFiles = DragQueryFile( ( HDROP )medium.hGlobal,( UINT )-1, NULL, 0 );
if( 1 == cbFiles ) {
// Do we have admin privileges?
//OK, the user has only selected a single file, so lets go ahead
//and get more information
//Get the name of the file the user has clicked on
DragQueryFile( (HDROP)medium.hGlobal, 0, (USHORT *)szDrive, (sizeof szDrive)/(sizeof szDrive[0]) );
// Is this a local drive?
if( ( GetDriveType( szDrive ) )!= DRIVE_REMOTE ) {
// Is this an NTFS drive?
GetVolumeInformation( szDrive, NULL, 0, NULL, // Serial Number
NULL, // Filename length
NULL, // flags
szFileSystemName, 256 ); if( wcscmp( szFileSystemName, L"NTFS" ) == 0 ) {
// Make sure the Fsa is running - if not do not do anything that
// could cause it to load.
if( WsbCheckService( NULL, APPID_RemoteStorageFileSystemAgent ) == S_OK ) {
// Try to get the FSA object for the drive. If we fail, we don't
// put up the property page.
CWsbStringPtr computerName;
WsbAffirmHr( WsbGetComputerName( computerName ) );
CString szFullResName = computerName; CString szResName = szDrive; //
// If a drive letter is present, the format to connect is:
// <computer-name>\NTFS\<drive-letter>, no trailing '\' or ':'
// i.e. RAVI\NTFS\D
// If it's a sticky vol. name however the format is:
// <computer-name>\NTFS\<volume-name>\ (WITH the trailing '\'
// i.e. RAVI\NTFS\Volume{445a4110-60aa-11d3-0060b0ededdb\ //
if (bMountedVol) { //
// Remove the leading \\?\ //
szResName = szResName.Right(szResName.GetLength() - 4); szFullResName = szFullResName + "\\" + "NTFS" + "\\" + szResName; } else { szFullResName = szFullResName + "\\" + "NTFS" + "\\" + szDrive; //
// Remove trailing \ and or :
if( szFullResName [szFullResName.GetLength()- 1] == '\\' ) { szFullResName = szFullResName.Left( szFullResName.GetLength( ) - 1 ); }
if( szFullResName [szFullResName.GetLength( )- 1] == ':' ) { szFullResName = szFullResName.Left( szFullResName.GetLength( ) - 1 ); } }
if( HsmConnectFromName( HSMCONN_TYPE_RESOURCE, szFullResName, IID_IFsaResource,( void** )&pFsaRes ) == S_OK ) {
// Connected to Hsm
// Is the resource managed?
if( pFsaRes->IsManaged( ) == S_OK ) {
nState = MANAGED;
} else {
} else {
// Couldn't connect to Fsa
nState = NO_FSA;
} else {
// Fsa is not running
nState = NO_FSA;
} else {
nState = NOT_NTFS;
} else {
// Remote volume
nState = REMOTE; }
} else {
nState = NOT_ADMIN;
} else {
// For Not admin, Remote and Multi-Select, we don't even show the page
switch( nState ) { case NOT_NTFS: case NOT_ADMIN: case REMOTE: case MULTI_SELECT: //
// For Not admin, Remote and Multi-Select, we don't even show the page
case MANAGED: { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create the property page
WsbAssertPointer( pFsaRes );
// Create the Drive property page.
pPageDrive = new CPrDrivePg( ); WsbAffirmPointer( pPageDrive );
// Assign the Fsa object to the page
pPageDrive->m_pFsaResource = pFsaRes;
// Set the state
pPageDrive->m_nState = nState;
hPage = CreatePropertySheetPage( &pPageDrive->m_psp ); WsbAffirmHandle( hPage );
// Call the callback function with the handle to the new
// page
WsbAffirm( lpfnAddPage( hPage, lParam ), E_UNEXPECTED ); break; }
default: { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create the property page
pPageXDrive = new CPrDriveXPg( ); WsbAffirmPointer( pPageXDrive );
// Set the state
pPageXDrive->m_nState = nState; hPage = CreatePropertySheetPage( &pPageXDrive->m_psp ); WsbAffirmHandle( hPage );
// Call the callback function with the handle to the new
// page
WsbAffirm( lpfnAddPage( hPage, lParam ), E_UNEXPECTED ); } }
} WsbCatchAndDo( hr, if( pPageDrive ) delete pPageDrive; if( pPageXDrive ) delete pPageXDrive; );
return( hr ); }
// PURPOSE: Called by the shell only for Control Panel property sheet
// extensions
// uPageID - ID of page to be replaced
// lpfnReplaceWith - Pointer to the Shell's Replace function
// lParam - Passed as second parameter to lpfnReplaceWith
// E_FAIL, since we don't support this function. It should never be
// called.
STDMETHODIMP CPrDrive::ReplacePage( UINT /*uPageID*/, LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE /*lpfnReplaceWith*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/ ) { return( E_FAIL ); }
// CPrDrivePg property page
CPrDrivePg::CPrDrivePg( ): CPropertyPage( CPrDrivePg::IDD ) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT( CPrDrivePg )
m_accessTime = 0; m_hsmLevel = 0; m_fileSize = 0; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
// Lock the module while this object lives.
// Otherwise, modules can call CoFreeUnusedLibraries( )
// and cause us to unload before our page gets destroyed,
// which causes an AV in the common control.
_Module.Lock( );
// initialize state
m_nState = NO_STATE;
// Get and save the MFC callback function.
// This is so we can delete the class the dialog never gets created.
m_pMfcCallback = m_psp.pfnCallback;
// Set the call back to our callback
m_psp.pfnCallback = PropPageCallback;
CPrDrivePg::~CPrDrivePg( ) { _Module.Unlock( ); }
void CPrDrivePg::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange( pDX ); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP( CPrDrivePg )
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT_SIZE, m_editSize ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT_LEVEL, m_editLevel ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT_TIME, m_editTime ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_SPIN_TIME, m_spinTime ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_SPIN_SIZE, m_spinSize ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_SPIN_LEVEL, m_spinLevel ); DDX_Text( pDX, IDC_EDIT_TIME, m_accessTime ); DDV_MinMaxUInt( pDX, m_accessTime, HSMADMIN_MIN_INACTIVITY, HSMADMIN_MAX_INACTIVITY ); DDX_Text( pDX, IDC_EDIT_LEVEL, m_hsmLevel ); DDV_MinMaxUInt( pDX, m_hsmLevel, HSMADMIN_MIN_FREESPACE, HSMADMIN_MAX_FREESPACE ); DDX_Text( pDX, IDC_EDIT_SIZE, m_fileSize ); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// Since we limit the number of characters in the buddy edits, we
// don't expect the previous two DDV's to ever really kick in.
// However, it is possible to enter bad minumum size since both
// '0' and '1' can be entered, but are not in the valid range.
// Code is equivalent to:
if( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate && ( m_fileSize < HSMADMIN_MIN_MINSIZE || m_fileSize > HSMADMIN_MAX_MINSIZE ) ) {
CString message; AfxFormatString2( message, IDS_ERR_MINSIZE_RANGE, CString( WsbLongAsString( (LONG)HSMADMIN_MIN_MINSIZE ) ), CString( WsbLongAsString( (LONG)HSMADMIN_MAX_MINSIZE ) ) ); AfxMessageBox( message, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING ); pDX->Fail();
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CPrDrivePg, CPropertyPage ) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP( CPrDrivePg )
// CPrDrivePg message handlers
BOOL CPrDrivePg::OnInitDialog( ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
LONGLONG total = 0; LONGLONG free = 0; LONGLONG premigrated = 0; LONGLONG truncated = 0; LONGLONG remoteStorage = 0; ULONG totalMB = 0; ULONG freeMB = 0; ULONG premigratedMB = 0; ULONG truncatedMB = 0; CString sFormat; CString sBufFormat;
CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog( );
try {
WsbAffirmPointer( m_pFsaResource );
// Set the spinner ranges
// Set text limits
m_editTime.SetLimitText( 3 ); m_editSize.SetLimitText( 5 ); m_editLevel.SetLimitText( 2 );
// Get statistics
WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->GetSizes( &total, &free, &premigrated, &truncated ) );
// "Local" data
LONGLONG local = max( ( total - free - premigrated ),( LONGLONG )0 );
// Calculate percents
int freePct; int premigratedPct; if( 0 == total ) {
freePct = 0; premigratedPct = 0;
} else {
freePct = (int)( ( free * 100 )/ total ); premigratedPct = (int)( ( premigrated * 100 )/ total );
int localPct = 100 - freePct - premigratedPct; remoteStorage = premigrated + truncated;
// Show the statistics in 4-char format
RsGuiFormatLongLong4Char( local, sBufFormat ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_LOCAL_4DIGIT, sBufFormat );
RsGuiFormatLongLong4Char( premigrated, sBufFormat ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_CACHED_4DIGIT, sBufFormat );
RsGuiFormatLongLong4Char( free, sBufFormat ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_FREE_4DIGIT, sBufFormat );
RsGuiFormatLongLong4Char( total, sBufFormat ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_TOTAL_4DIGIT, sBufFormat );
RsGuiFormatLongLong4Char( remoteStorage, sBufFormat ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_REMOTE_STORAGE_4DIGIT, sBufFormat );
// Show Percents
sFormat.Format( L"%d", localPct ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_LOCAL_PCT, sFormat );
sFormat.Format( L"%d", premigratedPct ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_CACHED_PCT, sFormat ); #endif
sFormat.Format( L"%d", freePct ); SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_FREE_PCT, sFormat );
// Get levels
ULONG hsmLevel = 0; LONGLONG fileSize = 0; BOOL isRelative = TRUE; // assumed to be TRUE
FILETIME accessTime;
WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->GetHsmLevel( &hsmLevel ) ); m_hsmLevel = hsmLevel / FSA_HSMLEVEL_1; WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->GetManageableItemLogicalSize( &fileSize ) ); m_fileSize = (DWORD)(fileSize / 1024); // Show KBytes
WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->GetManageableItemAccessTime( &isRelative, &accessTime ) ); WsbAssert( isRelative, E_FAIL ); // We only do relative time
// Convert FILETIME to days
m_accessTime = (UINT)( WsbFTtoLL( accessTime ) / WSB_FT_TICKS_PER_DAY ); if(m_accessTime > HSMADMIN_MAX_INACTIVITY ) {
UpdateData( FALSE );
// Get help file name
CString helpFile; helpFile.LoadString(IDS_HELPFILEPOPUP);
CWsbStringPtr winDir; WsbAffirmHr( winDir.Alloc( RS_WINDIR_SIZE ) ); WsbAffirmStatus( ::GetWindowsDirectory( (WCHAR*)winDir, RS_WINDIR_SIZE ) != 0 );
m_pszHelpFilePath = CString(winDir) + L"\\help\\" + helpFile;
} WsbCatch( hr )
return( TRUE ); }
void CPrDrivePg::OnChangeEditAccess( ) { SetModified( ); }
void CPrDrivePg::OnChangeEditLevel( ) { SetModified( ); }
void CPrDrivePg::OnChangeEditSize( ) { SetModified( ); }
BOOL CPrDrivePg::OnApply( ) { HRESULT hr;
try {
// m_pFsaResource is NULL if we didn't show any properties, in which case there is nothing
// to apply.. Note that apply may have been enabled by another page in the sheet.
if( m_pFsaResource ) { LONGLONG fileSize = 0;
UpdateData( TRUE ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->SetHsmLevel( m_hsmLevel * FSA_HSMLEVEL_1 ) ); fileSize = ((LONGLONG)m_fileSize) * 1024; WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->SetManageableItemLogicalSize( fileSize ) );
// Convert days to FILETIME
FILETIME accessTime; accessTime = WsbLLtoFT( ( LONGLONG )m_accessTime * WSB_FT_TICKS_PER_DAY ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->SetManageableItemAccessTime( TRUE, accessTime ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( CPropertyPage::OnApply( ) ); }
UINT CALLBACK CPrDrivePg::PropPageCallback( HWND hWnd, UINT uMessage, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp ) {
UINT rVal = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
WsbAffirmPointer( ppsp ); WsbAffirmPointer( ppsp->lParam );
// Get the page object from lParam
CPrDrivePg* pPage = (CPrDrivePg*)ppsp->lParam;
WsbAssertPointer( pPage->m_pMfcCallback );
rVal = ( pPage->m_pMfcCallback )( hWnd, uMessage, ppsp );
switch( uMessage ) { case PSPCB_CREATE: break;
case PSPCB_RELEASE: delete pPage; break; }
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( rVal ); }
void CPrDrivePg::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pWnd); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(point);
if(pHelpIds && (m_pszHelpFilePath != L"")) {
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); ::WinHelp(m_hWnd, m_pszHelpFilePath, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR)pHelpIds);
} }
BOOL CPrDrivePg::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo) { if( (HELPINFO_WINDOW == pHelpInfo->iContextType) && pHelpIds && (m_pszHelpFilePath != L"") ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
// Look through list to see if we have help for this control
// If not, we want to avoid the "No Help Available" box
DWORD *pTmp = pHelpIds; DWORD helpId = 0; DWORD tmpHelpId = 0; DWORD tmpCtrlId = 0;
while( pTmp && *pTmp ) { //
// Array is a pairing of control ID and help ID
tmpCtrlId = pTmp[0]; tmpHelpId = pTmp[1]; pTmp += 2; if(tmpCtrlId == (DWORD)pHelpInfo->iCtrlId) { helpId = tmpHelpId; break; } }
if( helpId != 0 ) { ::WinHelp(m_hWnd, m_pszHelpFilePath, HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, helpId); } } return CPropertyPage ::OnHelpInfo(pHelpInfo); }
// CPrDriveXPg property page
CPrDriveXPg::CPrDriveXPg( ): CPropertyPage( CPrDriveXPg::IDD ) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT( CPrDriveXPg )
// Lock the module while this object lives.
// Otherwise, modules can call CoFreeUnusedLibraries( )
// and cause us to unload before our page gets destroyed,
// which causes an AV in the common control.
_Module.Lock( ); m_nState = NO_STATE;
// Get and save the MFC callback function.
// This is so we can delete the class the dialog never gets created.
m_pMfcCallback = m_psp.pfnCallback;
// Set the call back to our callback
m_psp.pfnCallback = PropPageCallback; }
CPrDriveXPg::~CPrDriveXPg( ) { _Module.Unlock( ); }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CPrDriveXPg, CPropertyPage ) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP( CPrDriveXPg )
// CPrDriveXPg message handlers
BOOL CPrDriveXPg::OnInitDialog( ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog( );
try {
switch( m_nState ) {
case NO_FSA: m_szError.LoadString( IDS_NO_FSA ); break; case NOT_MANAGED: m_szError.LoadString( IDS_NOT_MANAGED ); break; case NOT_NTFS: m_szError.LoadString( IDS_NOT_NTFS ); break; }
SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_ERROR, m_szError );
} WsbCatch( hr )
return( TRUE ); }
UINT CALLBACK CPrDriveXPg::PropPageCallback( HWND hWnd, UINT uMessage, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp ) {
UINT rVal = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
WsbAffirmPointer( ppsp ); WsbAffirmPointer( ppsp->lParam );
// Get the page object from lParam
CPrDriveXPg* pPage = (CPrDriveXPg*)ppsp->lParam;
WsbAssertPointer( pPage->m_pMfcCallback );
rVal = ( pPage->m_pMfcCallback )( hWnd, uMessage, ppsp );
switch( uMessage ) { case PSPCB_CREATE: break;
case PSPCB_RELEASE: delete pPage; break; }
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( rVal ); }