Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Kernel Debugger extension
Balan Sethu Raman (SethuR) 11-May-1994
Revision History:
11-Nov-1994 SethuR Created 21-Aug-1995 Milans Copied for use in Mup Kernel Extensions
#ifndef _KDEXTLIB_H_
#define _KDEXTLIB_H_
#include <windef.h>
// The help strings printed out
extern LPSTR ExtensionNames[];
extern LPSTR Extensions[];
// The FIELD_DESCRIPTOR data structure is used to describe the field in a structure sufficiently
// for displaying information during debugging. The three pieces of information that are required
// are 1) the name of the field, 2) the offset in the corresponding structure and 3) a type descriptor.
// The type descriptor covers most primitive types.
// The task of generating these descriptors by augmenting the front end, but that will have to
// wait till we play around with these extensions and modify the data structures to meet most
// of the requirements.
// There are some types that can benefit from some auxillary information in the descriptors. A
// case in point is the "enum" defeinition. Merely printing out a numerical value for an enum
// type will invariably force the person using these extensions to refer to the corresponding
// include file. In order to avoid this we will accept an additional array for enum types that
// contains a textual description of the numerical value.
// There are certain conventions that have been adopted to ease the definition of the macros
// as well as facilitate the automation of the generation of these descriptors.
// These are as follows ....
// 1) All ENUM_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR definitions are named EnumValueDescrsOf_ENUMTYPENAME, where
// ENUMTYPENAME defines the corresponding enumerated type.
typedef struct _BIT_MASK_DESCRIPTOR { ULONG BitmaskValue; LPSTR BitmaskName; } BIT_MASK_DESCRIPTOR;
typedef enum _FIELD_TYPE_CLASS { FieldTypeByte, FieldTypeChar, FieldTypeBoolean, FieldTypeBool, FieldTypeULong, FieldTypeLong, FieldTypeUShort, FieldTypeShort, FieldTypeGuid, FieldTypePointer, FieldTypePWStr, FieldTypeUnicodeString, FieldTypeAnsiString, FieldTypeSymbol, FieldTypeEnum, FieldTypeByteBitMask, FieldTypeWordBitMask, FieldTypeDWordBitMask, FieldTypeFloat, FieldTypeDouble, FieldTypeStruct, FieldTypeLargeInteger, FieldTypeFileTime } FIELD_TYPE_CLASS, *PFIELD_TYPE_CLASS;
typedef struct _FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_ { FIELD_TYPE_CLASS FieldType; // The type of variable to be printed
LPSTR Name; // The name of the field
USHORT Offset; // The offset of the field in the structure
union { VOID *pDescriptor; // Generic Auxillary information - used by Field4 macro
ENUM_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR *pEnumValueDescriptor; // Auxillary information for enumerated types.
BIT_MASK_DESCRIPTOR *pBitMaskDescriptor; // Auxillary information for bitmasks.
} AuxillaryInfo; } FIELD_DESCRIPTOR;
#define FIELD3(FieldType,StructureName, FieldName) \
{FieldType, #FieldName , (USHORT) FIELD_OFFSET(StructureName,FieldName) ,NULL}
#define FIELD4(FieldType, StructureName, FieldName, AuxInfo) \
{FieldType, #FieldName , FIELD_OFFSET(StructureName,FieldName) ,(VOID *) AuxInfo}
// The structs that are displayed by the debugger extensions are further
// described in another array. Each entry in the array contains the name of
// the structure and the associated Field descriptor list.
typedef struct _STRUCT_DESCRITOR_ { LPSTR StructName; ULONG StructSize; FIELD_DESCRIPTOR *FieldDescriptors; } STRUCT_DESCRIPTOR;
#define STRUCT(StructTypeName,FieldDescriptors) \
{ #StructTypeName,sizeof(StructTypeName),FieldDescriptors}
// The array of structs handled by the debugger extension.
extern STRUCT_DESCRIPTOR Structs[];
#define SETCALLBACKS() \
lpOutputRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpOutputRoutine; \ lpGetExpressionRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpGetExpressionRoutine; \ lpGetSymbolRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpGetSymbolRoutine; \ lpReadMemoryRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpReadVirtualMemRoutine;
VOID PrintStructFields( ULONG_PTR dwAddress, VOID *ptr, FIELD_DESCRIPTOR *pFieldDescriptors );
BOOL PrintStringW( LPSTR msg, PUNICODE_STRING puStr, BOOL nl );
BOOLEAN GetData( ULONG_PTR dwAddress, PVOID ptr, ULONG size ); BOOL PrintGuid( GUID *pguid); extern ULONG s_NoOfColumns;
#endif // _KDEXTLIB_H_