Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the fill and merge functions necessary for bot inward and outward synchronization of files and directories. It also contains generic database tree-traversal code. This is used by merge as well as DoLocalRename API.
Tree Traversal: TraverseOneDirectory // traverses a subtree in the database
Fill Functions: AttemptCacheFill Fills the entire cache or a particular share DoSparseFill Fills a particular file Merge Functions: ReintOneShare // reintegrate one share
ReintAllShares // reintegrate all shares
Author: Trent-Gray-Donald/Shishir Pardikar
Win32 (user-mode) DLL
Revision History:
1-1-94 original 4-4-97 removed all the entry points to exports.c reint.c
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define UNICODE
#ifndef DEBUG
#undef VERBOSE
#undef VERBOSE
#define VERBOSE 1
#include <winioctl.h>
#include "lib3.h"
#include "shdsys.h"
#include "reint.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "traynoti.h"
#include <dbt.h>
#include "strings.h"
#include "csc_bmpu.h"
// this sets flags in a couple of headers to not include some defs.
#define REINT
#include "list.h"
#include "merge.h"
#include "recact.h"
#include "recon.h" // reconnect shares dialog
#include "reint.h"
#include "aclapi.h"
// Defines
#define chNull '\0' // terminator
#define BUFF_SIZE 64
#define MAX_ATTEMPTS 1
// for some Registry queries, this is the max len buffer that I want back
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 100
#define MY_SZ_TRUE _TEXT("true")
#define MY_SZ_FALSE _TEXT("false")
#define SLOWLINK_SPEED 400 // in 100 bitspersec units
// NB!!! these defines cannot be changed they are in the order in which
// reintegration must proceed
typedef struct tagREINT_INFO {
int nCurrentState; // 0->deleting files, 1->deleting directories, 2->creating directoires
// 3 ->creating files
node *lpnodeInsertList; // reint errors
LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress;
DWORD_PTR dwContext; DWORD dwFileSystemFlags; // From GetVolumeInformation, used to set ACCLs etc. if the
// share is hosted on NTFS
HSHARE hShare; // handle to the share being reintegrated
ULONG ulPrincipalID; _TCHAR tzDrive[4]; // mapped drive to the remote path
#define SPARSEFILL_SLEEP_TIME_FOR_WIN95 2000 // two seconds
#define MAX_SPARSEFILL_SLEEP_TIME_FOR_WIN95 2 * 60 * 100 // two minutes
#define DFS_ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAGS 0xffffffff
// Variables Global/Local
_TCHAR *vlpExclusionList = NULL; REINT_INFO vsRei; // global reint structure. NTRAID-455269-shishirp-1/31/2000 we should make this into a list
// in order to allow multiple reintegrations on various shares
unsigned long ulMinSparseFillPri = MIN_SPARSEFILL_PRI; int cntDelay=0; HANDLE vhShadow=NULL; BOOL vfTimerON = FALSE, vfAutoDeleteOrphans=TRUE; char vrgchBuff[1024], vrwBuff[4096], vrgchSrcName[350], vrgchDstName[300]; unsigned vcntDirty=0, vcntStale=0, vcntSparse=0, vcntWaitDirty=0; LPFAILINFO lpheadFI = NULL; HCURSOR vhcursor=NULL;
BOOL vfLogCopying=TRUE;
LPCONNECTINFO vlpLogonConnectList = NULL;
BOOL vfNeedPQTraversal = TRUE; DWORD vdwSparseStaleDetectionCounter = 0;
_TCHAR vrgchCRLF[] = _TEXT("\r\n"); _TCHAR tzStarDotStar[] = _TEXT("*"); #pragma data_seg(DATASEG_READONLY)
static const _TCHAR vszMachineName[]= _TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName"); static const _TCHAR vszComputerName[]=_TEXT("ComputerName"); static const _TCHAR vszLogUNCPath[]=_TEXT("\\\\scratch\\scratch\\t-trentg\\logs\\"); static const _TCHAR vszLogShare[]=_TEXT("\\\\scratch\\scratch"); static const _TCHAR vszLocalLogPath[]=_TEXT("c:\\shadow.log"); static const _TCHAR vszConflictDir[]=_TEXT("C:\\ConflictsWhileMerging");
#pragma data_seg()
AssertData; AssertError;
// Local prototypes
BOOL CheckForStalenessAndRefresh( HANDLE hShadowDB, _TCHAR *lptzDrive, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, _TCHAR * lpszFullPath, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI );
BOOL StalenessCheck( BOOL hasBeenInited );
VOID GetLogCopyStatus( VOID );
VOID CopyLogToShare( VOID );
VOID AppendToShareLog( HANDLE hLog );
int PRIVATE AttemptReint( int forceLevel );
DWORD PRIVATE DoObjectEdit( HANDLE hShadowDB, _TCHAR * lpDrive, _TCHAR * lptzFullPath, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, int iShadowStatus, int iFileStatus, int uAction, DWORD dwFileSystemFlags, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProc, DWORD_PTR dwContext );
DWORD PRIVATE DoCreateDir( HANDLE hShadowDB, _TCHAR * lpDrive, _TCHAR * lptzFullPath, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, int iShadowStatus, int iFileStatus, int uAction, DWORD dwFileSystemFlags, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProc, DWORD_PTR dwContext );
BOOL FCheckAncestor( node *lpnodeList, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP );
int PRIVATE StampReintLog( VOID );
int PRIVATE LogReintError( DWORD, _TCHAR *, _TCHAR *);
int PRIVATE WriteLog( _TCHAR * );
DWORD PRIVATE GetUniqueName( _TCHAR *, _TCHAR * );
VOID PRIVATE FormLocalNameFromRemoteName( _TCHAR *, _TCHAR * );
DWORD PRIVATE InbCreateDir( _TCHAR * lpDir, DWORD dwAttr );
int PRIVATE GetShadowByName( HSHADOW, _TCHAR *, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA, unsigned long * );
_TCHAR * PRIVATE LpGetExclusionList( VOID );
VOID PRIVATE ReleaseExclusionList( LPVOID );
VOID PRIVATE InferReplicaReintStatus( LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, // shadow info
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, // if NULL, the remote doesn't exist
int *lpiShadowStatus, int *lpiFileStatus, unsigned *lpuAction );
BOOL GetRemoteWin32Info( _TCHAR *lptzDrive, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32, BOOL *lpfExists );
BOOL PRIVATE PerformOneReint( HANDLE hShadowDB, LPSECURITYINFO pShareSecurityInfo, _TCHAR * lpszDrive, // drive mapped to the UNC name of lpSI->hShare
_TCHAR * lptzFullPath, // full UNC path
LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, // copy parameters
LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, // shadowinfo structure
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, // local win32 data
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, // remote win32 data, could be NULL
DWORD dwErrorRemoteFind32,// error code while getting remote win32 data
int iShadowStatus, // local copy status
int iFileStatus, // remote file status
unsigned uAction, // action to be taken
DWORD dwFileSystemFlags, // CODE.IMPROVEMENT, why not just pass down REINT_INFO
ULONG ulPrincipalID, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, // instead of the three parameters?
DWORD_PTR dwContext );
ImpersonateALoggedOnUser( VOID );
HANDLE CreateTmpFileWithSourceAcls( _TCHAR *lptzSrc, _TCHAR *lptzDst );
BOOL HasMultipleStreams( _TCHAR *lpExistingFileName, BOOL *lpfTrueFalse );
int PRIVATE CALLBACK RefreshProc( LPCONNECTINFO lpCI, DWORD dwCookie // LOWORD 0==Silently, 1== Give messages
// HIWORD 0==Nuke UNC, 1==Nuke all if no ongoing open/finds
// 2==Maximum force for shadow 3==Nuke ALL
BOOL CALLBACK ShdLogonProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Legacy code, used to be used in win9x implementation
--*/ { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return TRUE; } return 0; }
/**************************** Fill routines *********************************/
int AttemptCacheFill ( HSHARE hShareToSync, int type, BOOL fFullSync, ULONG ulPrincipalID, LPCSCPROC lpfnFillProgress, DWORD_PTR dwContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine called by the agent and the fill API to do filling on a share.
hShareToSync Represnts the share to fill. If 0, fill all shares
type DO_ONE or DO_ALL. No one sets it to DO_ONE anymore
fFullSync if TRUE, we do a staleness check as well ulPrincipalID ID of the principal as maintained in the shadow database used to avoid ssyncing files for which the currently logged on user doesn't have access
lpfnFillProgress Callback function to report progress, can be NULL
dwContext Callback context
count of items done
--*/ { PQPARAMS sPQP; BOOL fFound = FALSE, fFoundBusy = FALSE, fAmAgent=FALSE, fNeedImpersonation=FALSE, fInodeTransaction=FALSE; BOOL fSparseStaleDetected = FALSE; SHADOWINFO sSI; SHAREINFO sSR; LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP = NULL; DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR, dwFillStartTick=0, dwCount=0, dwSleepCount=0, dwSparseStaleDetectionCounter=0xffff; HANDLE hShadowDB; int cntDone = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32Local; _TCHAR szNameBuff[MAX_PATH+MAX_SERVER_SHARE_NAME_FOR_CSC+10], tzDrive[4];
tzDrive[0] = 0;
fAmAgent = (GetCurrentThreadId() == vdwCopyChunkThreadId); Assert(GetCurrentThreadId() != vdwAgentThreadId);
// when the agent comes here to fill, if the vfNeedPQTraversal flag is set
// we go ahead and traverse the priority Q.
// Otherwise, we check with the record manager whether since the last time we looked
// there has been any sparse or stale files encountered.
// If what the agent gets from the record manager
// is not the same as what the agent stored last time around
// then we let him traverse the Q.
// the whole idea here is to converse CPU cycles when
// there is nothing to fill
if (fAmAgent && !vfNeedPQTraversal) { GetSparseStaleDetectionCounter(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &dwSparseStaleDetectionCounter);
if (dwSparseStaleDetectionCounter == vdwSparseStaleDetectionCounter) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Agent.fill: SparseStaleDetectionCounter =%d is unchanged, not filling\n", vdwSparseStaleDetectionCounter)); return 0; } else { vfNeedPQTraversal = TRUE; vdwSparseStaleDetectionCounter = dwSparseStaleDetectionCounter; ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("**Agent.fill: SparseStaleDetectionCounter =%d is changed**\n", vdwSparseStaleDetectionCounter)); } }
if ((hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO())==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto bailout; }
Assert(!(fFullSync && fAmAgent));
lpCP = LpAllocCopyParams();
if (!lpCP){ ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Agent:Allocation of copyparam buffer failed\n")); goto bailout; }
if (fFullSync && hShareToSync) { ULONG ulStatus; BOOL fIsDfsConnect; if(GetShareInfo(hShadowDB, hShareToSync, &sSR, &ulStatus)<= 0) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("AttemptCacheFill: couldn't get status for server 0x%x\r\n", hShareToSync)); goto bailout; }
dwError = DWConnectNet(sSR.rgSharePath, tzDrive, NULL, NULL, NULL, CONNECT_INTERACTIVE, &fIsDfsConnect);
if ((dwError != WN_SUCCESS) && (dwError != WN_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD) && (dwError != WN_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("AttemptCacheFill: connect to %ls failed error=%d\r\n", sSR.rgSharePath, dwError)); goto bailout; } }
memset(&sPQP, 0, sizeof(PQPARAMS)); memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO));
if (type == DO_ALL) { PurgeSkipQueue(TRUE, hShareToSync, 0, 0); }
if(BeginPQEnum(hShadowDB, &sPQP) == 0) { goto bailout; }
ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Agent.fill:Started enumeration\n"));
do {
if (FAbortOperation()) { cntDone = 0; goto bailout; } if (fInodeTransaction) { DoShadowMaintenance(hShadowDB, SHADOW_END_INODE_TRANSACTION); fInodeTransaction = FALSE; } if (fAmAgent) { Sleep(1); // Yield on NT because we are winlogon
} if(!DoShadowMaintenance(hShadowDB, SHADOW_BEGIN_INODE_TRANSACTION)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("AttemptCacheFill: failed to begin inode transaction, aborting\n")); break; }
fInodeTransaction = TRUE; if(NextPriShadow(hShadowDB, &sPQP) == 0) { break; }
if (++dwCount > 100000) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("AttemptCacheFill: Aborting, more than 100000 entries!!!\n")); break; }
if (!sPQP.hShadow) { break; }
if (fAmAgent && !fSparseStaleDetected && ((mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus) && (sPQP.ulStatus & SHADOW_SPARSE)) || // sparse file
(sPQP.ulStatus & SHADOW_STALE))) // or stale file or dir
{ fSparseStaleDetected = TRUE; }
if (!fFullSync && !(mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus) || (sPQP.ulStatus & SHADOW_STALE))) { continue; }
if (hShareToSync && (hShareToSync != sPQP.hShare)) { continue; }
if (fAmAgent && FSkipObject(sPQP.hShare, 0, 0)){ continue; }
else if (mShadowNeedReint(sPQP.ulStatus)|| mShadowOrphan(sPQP.ulStatus)|| mShadowSuspect(sPQP.ulStatus)){ continue; }
if (fAmAgent && FSkipObject(sPQP.hShare, sPQP.hDir, sPQP.hShadow)) { continue; }
// If we are not doing full sync then do only sparse filling
// or filling stale directories
// otherwise we also want to update the attributes and timestamps on
// the directories
if (fFullSync || (sPQP.ulStatus & (SHADOW_STALE|SHADOW_SPARSE))){
if (fAmAgent) { if (!hdesktopUser) { if (!(sPQP.ulHintFlags & FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_SYSTEM)) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("AttemptCacheFill: skipping fill till logon happens\n")); continue; } } } if (FAbortOperation()) { cntDone = 0; goto bailout; }
if (!GetShadowInfoEx(hShadowDB, sPQP.hDir, sPQP.hShadow, &sFind32Local, &sSI)){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("AttemptCacheFill: GetShadowInfoEx failed\n")); continue; }
if (FAbortOperation()) { cntDone = 0; goto bailout; }
if(GetUNCPath(hShadowDB, sPQP.hShare, sPQP.hDir, sPQP.hShadow, lpCP)){
// impersonate only if we are the agent and the file we are trying to
// bring down is not pinned for system. This was for remoteboot feature
// which doesn't exist any more.
fNeedImpersonation = (fAmAgent && !(sPQP.ulHintFlags & FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_SYSTEM));
if (!fNeedImpersonation || (mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus) && SetAgentThreadImpersonation(sPQP.hDir, sPQP.hShadow, FALSE))|| (!mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus) && ImpersonateALoggedOnUser())) { BOOL fStalenessCheck;
// !!NB Stale must be dealt with first
// because a sparse shadow can become stale
// NB!!! we assume the limits because we know that
// the database handles only that much size
lstrcpy(szNameBuff, lpCP->lpSharePath); lstrcat(szNameBuff, lpCP->lpRemotePath);
fStalenessCheck = (fFullSync || (sSI.uStatus & SHADOW_STALE));
if (fStalenessCheck || (sSI.uStatus & SHADOW_SPARSE)) {
dwError = DoSparseFill(hShadowDB, szNameBuff, tzDrive, &sSI, &sFind32Local, lpCP, fStalenessCheck, ulPrincipalID, lpfnFillProgress, dwContext);
if (fNeedImpersonation) { ResetAgentThreadImpersonation(); }
if (fAmAgent) { if (dwFillStartTick == 0) { dwFillStartTick = GetTickCount(); ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("AttemptCacheFill: start tick count is %d ms\r\n", dwFillStartTick)); } else { Assert(type != DO_ALL);
// if we have been filling too long
// comeback later
if (((int)(GetTickCount() - (dwFillStartTick+dwSleepCount)) > WAIT_INTERVAL_ATTEMPT_MS/3)) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("AttemptCacheFill: aborting, been filling for more than %d ms\r\n", WAIT_INTERVAL_ATTEMPT_MS/3)); break; }
} Sleep(200); dwSleepCount+=200; } } else { Assert(fAmAgent); Sleep(200); dwSleepCount+=200;
// no one is allowed to read the entry
// go on to fill other things
} else { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Agent: Shadow %08lx doesn't have an entry in the hierarchy \r\n", sPQP.hShadow)); continue; }
if (dwError == NO_ERROR) {
cntDone += 1; } #if 0
if (type == DO_ONE_OBJECT) { break; } #endif
if (dwError == ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED) { cntDone = 0; break; }
} while (sPQP.uPos);
// if the agent traversed the entire PQ and didn't come across any item
// that needed to be filled or refreshed, then we turnoff the global flag indicating
// that we need priority Q traversal.
// From here on, the agent will be driven by the SparseStaleDetectionCount
if (fAmAgent) { // if even one sparse or stale was detected, traverse the queue again
if (fSparseStaleDetected) { vfNeedPQTraversal = TRUE; } else if (!sPQP.uPos) { vfNeedPQTraversal = FALSE; ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Agent.fill: No sparse stale entries found, going in querycount mode\r\n")); } }
// Close the enumeration
EndPQEnum(hShadowDB, &sPQP);
bailout: if (fInodeTransaction) { DoShadowMaintenance(hShadowDB, SHADOW_END_INODE_TRANSACTION); fInodeTransaction = FALSE; } if (hShadowDB != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (lpCP) { FreeCopyParams(lpCP); }
if (tzDrive[0]) { if(DWDisconnectDriveMappedNet(tzDrive, TRUE)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed disconnection of merge drive \r\n")); } else { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Disconnected merge drive \r\n")); } }
ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Agent.fill:done cachefill\n")); return (cntDone); }
DWORD DoRefresh( HANDLE hShadowDB, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, _TCHAR * lpszFullPath, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, _TCHAR * lptzDrive ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks whether an item in the database has gone stale and if so, it refreshes it. If it is a file, it is truncated and marked SPARSE
--*/ { DWORD dwError = 0xffffffff;
if (!CheckForStalenessAndRefresh(hShadowDB, lptzDrive, lpCP, lpszFullPath, lpSI)) { dwError = GetLastError(); } else { dwError = NO_ERROR; }
if ((dwError != NOERROR) && IsNetDisconnected(dwError)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, lpszFullPath); #else
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow); #endif //DEBUG
return (dwError); }
/*********************** Merging related routines **************************/
int TraverseOneDirectory( HANDLE hShadowDB, LPSECURITYINFO pShareSecurityInfo, HSHADOW hParentDir, HSHADOW hDir, LPTSTR lptzInputPath, TRAVERSEFUNC lpfnTraverseDir, LPVOID lpContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Generic routine that traverses a directory in the database recursively and issues a callback function to let callers do interesting things, such as merge or rename.
hShadowDB Handle to the redir for issuing ioctls
hParentDir handle to the parent directory
hDir handle to the directory to be traversed
lptzInputPath full qualified path of the directory
lpfnTraverseDir callback function to call at each step in the traversal
lpContext callback context
return code, whether continue, cancel etc.
--*/ { WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32; SHADOWINFO sSI; int retCode = TOD_CONTINUE, lenInputPath = 0, retCodeSav; CSC_ENUMCOOKIE ulEnumCookie = NULL;
lenInputPath = lstrlen(lptzInputPath);
Assert(lenInputPath && (lenInputPath < MAX_PATH));
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Begin_Traverse directory %ls\r\n", lptzInputPath));
sSI.hDir = hParentDir; sSI.hShadow = hDir; retCode = (lpfnTraverseDir)(hShadowDB, pShareSecurityInfo, lptzInputPath, TOD_CALLBACK_REASON_BEGIN, &sFind32, &sSI, lpContext);
memset(&sFind32, 0, sizeof(sFind32)); lstrcpy(sFind32.cFileName, tzStarDotStar);
if(FindOpenShadow( hShadowDB, hDir, FINDOPEN_SHADOWINFO_ALL, &sFind32, &sSI)) { if (FAbortOperation()) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("TraverseOneDirectory:Abort received\r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); goto bailout; }
ulEnumCookie = sSI.uEnumCookie;
do { int lenChildName;
lenChildName = lstrlen(sFind32.cFileName);
if (!lenChildName || ((lenInputPath+lenChildName+1) >= MAX_PATH)) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("TraverseOneDirectory: path exceeds max path or is invalid\r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); retCode = TOD_ABORT; goto bailout; }
lptzInputPath[lenInputPath] = _T('\\'); lstrcpy(&lptzInputPath[lenInputPath+1], sFind32.cFileName);
if (sFind32.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { retCode = (lpfnTraverseDir)(hShadowDB, pShareSecurityInfo, lptzInputPath, TOD_CALLBACK_REASON_NEXT_ITEM, &sFind32, &sSI, lpContext);
if (retCode == TOD_ABORT) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("TraverseOneDirectory:Abort\r\n")); goto bailout; } retCode = TraverseOneDirectory(hShadowDB, pShareSecurityInfo, sSI.hDir, sSI.hShadow, lptzInputPath, lpfnTraverseDir, lpContext); } else { retCode = (lpfnTraverseDir)(hShadowDB, pShareSecurityInfo, lptzInputPath, TOD_CALLBACK_REASON_NEXT_ITEM, &sFind32, &sSI, lpContext);
lptzInputPath[lenInputPath] = 0;
if (retCode == TOD_ABORT) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("TraverseOneDirectory:Abort\r\n")); goto bailout; }
} while(FindNextShadow(hShadowDB, ulEnumCookie, &sFind32, &sSI)); }
sSI.hDir = hParentDir; sSI.hShadow = hDir; retCodeSav = (lpfnTraverseDir)(hShadowDB, pShareSecurityInfo, lptzInputPath, TOD_CALLBACK_REASON_END, &sFind32, &sSI, lpContext); if (retCode != TOD_ABORT) { retCode = retCodeSav; } ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("End_Traverse directory %ls\r\n", lptzInputPath));
if (ulEnumCookie) { FindCloseShadow(hShadowDB, ulEnumCookie); }
return retCode; }
int ReintDirCallback( HANDLE hShadowDB, LPSECURITYINFO pShareSecurityInfo, LPTSTR lptzFullPath, DWORD dwCallbackReason, WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFind32, SHADOWINFO *lpSI, LPREINT_INFO lpRei ) /*++
Routine Description:
callback function used by ReintOneShare while calling TraverseOneDirectory. It is called on each step in the traversal. This routine issues call to do the merging
hShadowDB Handle to issue ioctls to the redir
lptzFullPath fully qualified path to the item
lpFind32 local win32info
lpSI other info such as priority, pincount etc.
lpRei reintegration information context
return code, whether continue, cancel etc.
--*/ { int retCode = TOD_CONTINUE; int iFileStatus, iShadowStatus; LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP = NULL; BOOL fInsertInList = FALSE, fIsFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32Remote, *lpFind32Remote = NULL; unsigned uAction; DWORD dwErrorRemote = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (dwCallbackReason != TOD_CALLBACK_REASON_NEXT_ITEM) { return TOD_CONTINUE; }
if ( mShadowOrphan(lpSI->uStatus)|| mShadowSuspect(lpSI->uStatus)) { return TOD_CONTINUE; }
if (!mShadowNeedReint(lpSI->uStatus)) { return TOD_CONTINUE; }
fIsFile = ((lpFind32->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0);
switch (lpRei->nCurrentState) { case REINT_DELETE_FILES: if (!fIsFile || !mShadowDeleted(lpSI->uStatus)) { return TOD_CONTINUE; } break; case REINT_DELETE_DIRS: if (fIsFile || !mShadowDeleted(lpSI->uStatus)) { return TOD_CONTINUE; } break; case REINT_CREATE_UPDATE_FILES: if (!fIsFile) { return TOD_CONTINUE; } break; case REINT_CREATE_UPDATE_DIRS: if (fIsFile) { return TOD_CONTINUE; } break; default: Assert(FALSE); break; }
#if 0
if (!fStamped){ StampReintLog(); fStamped = TRUE; } #endif
lpCP = LpAllocCopyParams();
if (!lpCP){ ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintDirCallback: Allocation of copyparam buffer failed\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); retCode = TOD_ABORT; goto bailout; } if(!GetUNCPath(hShadowDB, lpSI->hShare, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, lpCP)){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintDirCallback: GetUNCPath failed\n")); Assert(FALSE); retCode = TOD_CONTINUE; goto bailout; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Merging local changes to <%ls%ls>\n", lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath));
fInsertInList = FALSE;
lpFind32Remote = NULL;
// if there is an insertion list, then check whether his ancestor
// didn't fail in reintegration
if (lpRei->lpnodeInsertList) { // if there is an acestor then we should put this guy in the list
fInsertInList = FCheckAncestor(lpRei->lpnodeInsertList, lpCP); }
// if we are not supposed to put him in the list then try getting
// his win32 strucuture
if (!fInsertInList) {
BOOL fExists;
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("getting Remote win32 Info \n"));
if (!GetRemoteWin32Info(lpRei->tzDrive, lpCP, &sFind32Remote, &fExists) && (fExists == -1)) { // NB: dwErrorRemote is set only when fExists is -1, ie there some error
// besides the file not being there
// some error happened while getting remote find32
if (IsNetDisconnected(dwErrorRemote = GetLastError())) { #ifdef DEBUG
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, 0, 0, lpCP->lpSharePath); #else
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, 0, 0); #endif //DEBUG
retCode = TOD_ABORT; ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintDirCallback: Error = %d NetDisconnected aborting\r\n", GetLastError())); goto bailout; }
// passing remote find32 only if it succeeded
if (fExists == TRUE) { lpFind32Remote = &sFind32Remote; } Assert(!((fExists != -1) && (dwErrorRemote != NO_ERROR))); } else { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintDirCallback: Inserting in failed list\r\n")); }
// find out what needs to be done
// this is one central place to infer all the stuff
InferReplicaReintStatus( lpSI, // shadowinfo
lpFind32, // win32 info for the shadow
lpFind32Remote, // remote win32 info
&iShadowStatus, &iFileStatus, &uAction );
if (!fInsertInList) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Silently doing <%ls%ls>\n", lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath));
fInsertInList = (PerformOneReint( hShadowDB, pShareSecurityInfo, lpRei->tzDrive, lptzFullPath, lpCP, lpSI, lpFind32, lpFind32Remote, dwErrorRemote, iShadowStatus, iFileStatus, uAction, lpRei->dwFileSystemFlags, lpRei->ulPrincipalID, lpRei->lpfnMergeProgress, lpRei->dwContext ) == FALSE); if (fInsertInList) { if (IsNetDisconnected(GetLastError())) { #ifdef DEBUG
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, 0, 0, lpCP->lpSharePath); #else
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, 0, 0); #endif //DEBUG
retCode = TOD_ABORT; ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintDirCallback: Error = %d NetDisconnected aborting\r\n", GetLastError())); goto bailout; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED) { retCode = TOD_ABORT; ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintDirCallback: operation aborted becuase of ERROR_OPERATION_ABORT\r\n")); goto bailout; }
} else { retCode = TOD_CONTINUE; } } else { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintDirCallback: Was Inserted in failed list\r\n")); }
bailout: if (lpCP) { FreeCopyParams(lpCP); }
return retCode; }
BOOL PUBLIC ReintOneShare( HSHARE hShare, HSHADOW hRoot, // root inode
_TCHAR *lpDomainName, _TCHAR *lpUserName, _TCHAR *lpPassword, ULONG ulPrincipalID, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, DWORD_PTR dwContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the workhorse routine that does the merging of a share which may have modifications made while offline.
The routine, first checks whether any modifications have been done at all on this share. Is so, then it gets a list of all the drive-mapped and explicit UNC connections made to this share.
The routine then creates a special drive mapping to the share, done by passing in an extended attribute flag CSC_BYPASS (defined in lmuse.h). This tells the redir to bypass all CSC functionality.
It then deletes all the connections in the list gathered before making the EA based connections.
The merge then proceeds by enumerating the share from the database. It uses, TraverseOneDirectory routine and gives it ReintDirCallback routine as a callback with REINT_INFO as the context. The directory travesal proceeds from the root of the share
At the end of the merge, the EA connection is deleted and the connections in the list are reconnected.
hShare // Represents the share to merged
hRoot // the root inode for the share
lpDomainName // domain name for EA drivemapping (can be NULL)
lpUserName // username for EA drivemapping (can be NULL)
lpPassword // password for EA drivemapping (can be NULL)
ulPrinciaplID // the ID of the guy calling reint
lpfnMergeProgress // callback function for reporting progress
dwContext // callback context
TRUE if successful. If FALSE, GetLastError returns the actual errorcode.
The EA drivemap is passed back to the callback routine during the CSCPROC_REASON_BEGIN callback so that the callback routine can use the same driveletter to bypass CSC for doing whatever it needs to do on the server without having CSC get in it's way. --*/
{ BOOL fConnected=FALSE, fDone = FALSE; BOOL fStamped = FALSE, fInsertInList = FALSE, fBeginReint = FALSE, fDisabledShadowing = FALSE; unsigned long ulStatus; HANDLE hShadowDB; SHAREINFO sSR; SHADOWINFO sSI; int iRet, i; ULONG nRet = 0; DWORD dwError, dwRet, dwMaxComponentLength=0; TCHAR tzFullPath[MAX_PATH+1], tzDrive[4]; LPCONNECTINFO lpHead = NULL; BOOL fIsDfsConnect = FALSE; LPVOID lpContext = NULL; DWORD dwDummy; SECURITYINFO rgsSecurityInfo[CSC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CACHED_PRINCIPAL_IDS]; LPSECURITYINFO pShareSecurityInfo = NULL;
// if reintegration is going on on a share, then ask him to stop
// NTRAID-455269-shishirp-1/31/2000 we should allow reintegration on multiple shares
if (vsRei.hShare) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: reintegration is in progress\r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION); return FALSE; }
// we enter a critical section because eventually we should allocate a reint_info strucuture
// and thread it in a list
EnterAgentCrit(); memset(&vsRei, 0, sizeof(vsRei)); vsRei.lpfnMergeProgress = lpfnMergeProgress;
vsRei.dwContext = dwContext; vsRei.hShare = hShare; vsRei.ulPrincipalID = ulPrincipalID;
memset(tzDrive, 0, sizeof(tzDrive));
if ((hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO()) ==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: failed to open database\r\n")); return FALSE; } if(GetShareInfo(hShadowDB, hShare, &sSR, &ulStatus)<= 0) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: couldn't get status for server 0x%x\r\n", hShare)); goto bailout; }
dwDummy = sizeof(rgsSecurityInfo); nRet = GetSecurityInfoForCSC( hShadowDB, 0, hRoot, rgsSecurityInfo, &dwDummy);
if (nRet > 0) pShareSecurityInfo = rgsSecurityInfo;
lstrcpy(tzFullPath, sSR.rgSharePath);
// this will modify the reint bit on the share if necessary
if(!CSCEnumForStatsInternal(sSR.rgSharePath, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, 0)) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("ReintOneShare: Couldn't get stats for %ls \r\n", sSR.rgSharePath)); goto bailout;
if (!(ulStatus & SHARE_REINT)) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("ReintOneShare: server %ls doesn't need reintegration\r\n", sSR.rgSharePath)); fDone = TRUE; goto bailout; }
if (!GetShadowInfoEx(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, hRoot, NULL, &sSI)){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: GetShadowInfoEx failed\n")); goto bailout; }
// put the share in reintegration mode
// if this is not marked system pinned, then it would be a blocking reint
// Putting the share in reintegration mode makes all open calls fail, except those
// done on the special EA drive mapping
// NB, beginreint is an async ioctl. This is the basis for cleanup
// when the thread does the merge dies
// All reint's are blocking reints.
if (!BeginReint(hShare, TRUE /*!(sSI.ulHintFlags & FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_SYSTEM)*/, &lpContext)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: Couldn't put server 0x%x in reintegration state\r\n", hShare)); goto bailout; } }
fBeginReint = TRUE;
// After putting the share in reintegration mode, we get the list of all
// connection to the share and delete them with maximum force.
// this ensures that no files are open after the share is put in reintegration mode
// Moreover any files that are open are only thorugh the EA drive mapping
// obtain the list of connections to this share.
// do this before making a the special CSC_BYPASS connection
// so that the list won't have it
FGetConnectionListEx(&lpHead, sSR.rgSharePath, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
// now make the connection
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSC.ReintOneShare: Attempting to map drive letter to %ls \r\n", sSR.rgSharePath)); dwError = DWConnectNet(sSR.rgSharePath, tzDrive, lpDomainName, lpUserName, lpPassword, CONNECT_INTERACTIVE, &fIsDfsConnect); if ((dwError != WN_SUCCESS) && (dwError != WN_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT) && (dwError != WN_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD)) { #ifdef DEBUG
EnterSkipQueue(hShare, 0, 0, sSR.rgSharePath); #else
EnterSkipQueue(hShare, 0, 0); #endif
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: Error %d, couldn't connect to %ls\r\n", dwError, sSR.rgSharePath));
// clear the connection list and bailout
if (lpHead) { ClearConnectionList(&lpHead); lpHead = NULL; }
goto bailout;
fConnected = TRUE;
// if we have a connectionlist, disconnect all connections before attempting merge
// NB, this is done after the drivemapped connection is made, so that
// if there are special credentials on the server, they are maintained
// as there is always atelast one outstanding connection
if (lpHead) { DisconnectList(&lpHead, NULL, 0); }
lstrcpy(vsRei.tzDrive, tzDrive);
tzDrive[2]='\\';tzDrive[3]=0; ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSC.ReintOneShare: mapped drive letter %ls IsDfs=%d\r\n", tzDrive, fIsDfsConnect));
vsRei.dwFileSystemFlags = 0;
// NTRAID#455273-shishirp-1/31/2000 we do getvolumeinfo only for non-dfs shares. This is because of a problem in
// the DFS code that doesn't bypass volume operations for CSC agent. GetVolumeInfo is not implemented
// by DFS
if (!fIsDfsConnect) { if(!GetVolumeInformation(tzDrive, NULL, 0, NULL, &dwMaxComponentLength, &vsRei.dwFileSystemFlags, NULL, 0)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CSC.ReintOneShare: failed to get volume info for %ls Error=%d\r\n", tzDrive, GetLastError())); goto bailout;
} } else { vsRei.dwFileSystemFlags = DFS_ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAGS; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSC.ReintOneShare: FileSystemFlags=%x \r\n", vsRei.dwFileSystemFlags));
if (lpfnMergeProgress) { WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFT;
lpFT = (WIN32_FIND_DATA *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA));
if (!lpFT) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: Couldn't allocate find32 strucutre for callback \r\n")); goto bailout; }
lstrcpy(lpFT->cFileName, vsRei.tzDrive);
try { dwRet = (*lpfnMergeProgress)(sSR.rgSharePath, ulStatus, 0, 0, lpFT, CSCPROC_REASON_BEGIN, 0, 0, dwContext); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRet = CSCPROC_RETURN_ABORT; }
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { // for now we don't do directory deletions
// we will fix this later
if (i==REINT_DELETE_DIRS) { continue; }
vsRei.nCurrentState = i;
try { iRet = TraverseOneDirectory( hShadowDB, pShareSecurityInfo, 0, hRoot, tzFullPath, ReintDirCallback, (LPVOID)&vsRei); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { iRet = TOD_ABORT; }
if (iRet == TOD_ABORT) { break; } }
if (iRet != TOD_ABORT) { if(!vsRei.lpnodeInsertList) { fDone = TRUE; } }
if (fDone) {
SetShareStatus(hShadowDB, hShare, (unsigned long)(~SHARE_REINT), SHADOW_FLAGS_AND); }
if (!fDone) { dwError = GetLastError(); }
#if 0
if (fIsDfsConnect) { DbgPrint("Nuking DFS connects On Close %ls \n", sSR.rgSharePath); do { if(WNetCancelConnection2(sSR.rgSharePath, 0, TRUE) != NO_ERROR) { DbgPrint("Nuked On Close %ls Error=%d\n", sSR.rgSharePath, GetLastError()); break; } else { DbgPrint("Nuked On Close %ls \n", sSR.rgSharePath); }
} while (TRUE); } #endif
if (fBeginReint){
Assert(hShare == vsRei.hShare);
EndReint(hShare, lpContext);
vsRei.hShare = 0;
fBeginReint = FALSE; if (lpfnMergeProgress) { try { dwRet = (*lpfnMergeProgress)(sSR.rgSharePath, ulStatus, 0, 0, NULL, CSCPROC_REASON_END, 0, 0, dwContext); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRet = CSCPROC_RETURN_ABORT; } } }
if (fDisabledShadowing) { EnableShadowingForThisThread(hShadowDB); }
if(vsRei.lpnodeInsertList) { killList(vsRei.lpnodeInsertList); }
// reestablish the connection list
// NB we do this before we disconnect the drive mapping
// so that if any special credentials stay because
// there is always one connection outstanding to the server
if (lpHead) { ReconnectList(&lpHead, NULL); ClearConnectionList(&lpHead); }
if (fConnected) {
if(DWDisconnectDriveMappedNet(vsRei.tzDrive, TRUE)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed disconnection of merge drive \r\n")); } else { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Disconnected merge drive \r\n")); } }
memset(&vsRei, 0, sizeof(vsRei));
if (!fDone) {
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed merge dwError=%d\r\n", dwError)); SetLastError(dwError); }
return (fDone); }
* enumerate all the shares, checking to see if the share needs to be * merged before starting. * Returns: # of shares that needed to be merged and were successfully done. */ // HWND for parent for UI.
int PUBLIC ReintAllShares( HWND hwndParent ) /*++
Routine Description:
{ unsigned long ulStatus; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32; int iDone=0, iDoneOne; SHADOWINFO sSI; HANDLE hShadowDB; CSC_ENUMCOOKIE ulEnumCookie=NULL;
if ((hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO()) ==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; }
#if 0
if (!EnterAgentCrit()) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintAllShares:Failed to enter critsect \r\n")); return 0; } #endif
vhcursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT);
memset(&sFind32, 0, sizeof(sFind32)); lstrcpy(sFind32.cFileName, tzStarDotStar);
if(FindOpenShadow( hShadowDB, 0, FINDOPEN_SHADOWINFO_ALL, &sFind32, &sSI)){
ulEnumCookie = sSI.uEnumCookie;
do { if (FAbortOperation()) { break; }
if(GetShareStatus(hShadowDB, sSI.hShare, &ulStatus)) { if(TRUE/*ulStatus & SHARE_REINT*/){ // OLDCODE
iDoneOne = ReintOneShare(sSI.hShare, sSI.hShadow, NULL, NULL, NULL, CSC_INVALID_PRINCIPAL_ID, NULL, 0); if (iDoneOne > 0){ if (iDone >= 0) ++iDone; } else if (iDoneOne < 0){ iDone = -1; } } else { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("server %d doesn't need reint.\n", sSI.hShare)); } } } while(FindNextShadow( hShadowDB, ulEnumCookie, &sFind32, &sSI));
FindCloseShadow(hShadowDB, ulEnumCookie); }
#if 0
LeaveAgentCrit(); #endif
vhcursor = NULL;
CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); return (iDone); }
int CheckDirtyShares( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
{ unsigned long ulStatus; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32; int cntDirty=0; SHADOWINFO sSI; HANDLE hShadowDB; CSC_ENUMCOOKIE ulEnumCookie=NULL;
if ((hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO()) ==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; }
memset(&sFind32, 0, sizeof(sFind32)); lstrcpy(sFind32.cFileName, tzStarDotStar);
if(FindOpenShadow( hShadowDB, 0, FINDOPEN_SHADOWINFO_ALL, &sFind32, &sSI)) { ulEnumCookie = sSI.uEnumCookie;
do { if(GetShareStatus(hShadowDB, sSI.hShare, &ulStatus)) {
if(ulStatus & SHARE_REINT){ ++cntDirty; }
} } while(FindNextShadow(hShadowDB, ulEnumCookie, &sFind32, &sSI));
FindCloseShadow(hShadowDB, ulEnumCookie); }
return cntDirty; }
BOOL GetRemoteWin32Info( _TCHAR *lptzDrive, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32, BOOL *lpfExists ) /*++
Routine Description:
{ _TCHAR * lpT = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE; _TCHAR tzDrive[4]; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
*lpfExists = -1; tzDrive[0] = 0;
lpT = AllocMem((lstrlen(lpCP->lpSharePath) + lstrlen(lpCP->lpRemotePath) + 2) * sizeof(_TCHAR));
if (lpT) {
if (lptzDrive && lptzDrive[0]) { lstrcpy(lpT, lptzDrive); } else { dwError = DWConnectNet(lpCP->lpSharePath, tzDrive, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((dwError != WN_SUCCESS) && (dwError != WN_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) { tzDrive[0] = 0; goto bailout; }
lstrcpy(lpT, tzDrive); }
lstrcat(lpT, lpCP->lpRemotePath);
fRet = GetWin32Info(lpT, lpFind32); // if this fails, GetLastError is properly set
if (fRet) { *lpfExists = TRUE; } else { dwError = GetLastError(); if ((dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)|| (dwError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)|| (dwError == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) ) { *lpfExists = FALSE; } } } else { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } bailout: if (tzDrive[0]) { if(DWDisconnectDriveMappedNet(tzDrive, TRUE)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed disconnection of remote drive \r\n")); } } if (lpT) { FreeMem(lpT); } if (!fRet) { SetLastError(dwError); } return (fRet); }
VOID PRIVATE InferReplicaReintStatus( LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, // shadow info
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, // win32 info in the database
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, // if NULL, the remote doesn't exist
int *lpiShadowStatus, int *lpiFileStatus, unsigned *lpuAction ) /*++
Routine Description:
As the name sugggests, the routine find out what changes have occurred on the local replica and whether there is a conflict with the original on the remote.
lpSI shadow info
lpFind32Local win32 info in the database
lpFind32Remote win32 info for the original if NULL, the original doesn't exist
lpiShadowStatus status of local replica returned
lpiFileStatus status of remote replica returned
lpuAction Action to be performed to do the merge returned
{ int iShadowStatus=SI_UNCHANGED, iFileStatus=SI_UNCHANGED; unsigned int uAction=RAIA_TOOUT;
if(mShadowDeleted(lpSI->uStatus)){ iShadowStatus=SI_DELETED; }
if(mShadowLocallyCreated(lpSI->uStatus)){ iShadowStatus=SI_NEW; }
// no one should be calling this if there have been no offline changes
Assert(iShadowStatus != SI_UNCHANGED);
if(!lpFind32Remote){ // does the remote exist?
// No
// if the shadow was not locally created then it must have vanished from the share
if(iShadowStatus != SI_NEW) { iFileStatus=SI_DELETED; uAction = RAIA_MERGE; ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("<%ls> deleted at some stage\n", lpFind32Local->cFileName)); } else { // we mark the outside as not existing. We also have to
// create a file locally to get the insert to work right...
// don't forget to kill it later.
iFileStatus=SI_NOEXIST; ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("<%ls> will be created\n", lpFind32Local->cFileName)); } } else { // check to see if server version has been touched
// NB the last accesstime field of the lpFind32Local contains the replica time
if ((lpFind32Local->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != (lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // dir became file or vice versa
iFileStatus=SI_CHANGED; uAction = RAIA_MERGE; } else { if(CompareTimesAtDosTimePrecision(lpFind32Remote->ftLastWriteTime, //dst
lpFind32Local->ftLastAccessTime)) //src , does (dst-src)
{ // the timestamps don't match
// mark the remote as changed only if it is a file
// will do the directories quitely
if (!(lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { iFileStatus=SI_CHANGED; uAction = RAIA_MERGE; ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("<%ls> will be merged\n", lpFind32Local->cFileName)); } } } }
*lpiShadowStatus = iShadowStatus; *lpiFileStatus = iFileStatus; *lpuAction = uAction;
BOOL PRIVATE PerformOneReint( HANDLE hShadowDB, LPSECURITYINFO pShareSecurityInfo, _TCHAR * lpszDrive, // drive mapped to the UNC name of lpSI->hShare
_TCHAR * lptzFullPath, // full UNC path
LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, // copy parameters
LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, // shadowinfo structure
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, // local win32 data
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, // remote win32 data, could be NULL
DWORD dwErrorRemoteFind32,// error code while getting remote win32 data
int iShadowStatus, // local copy status
int iFileStatus, // remote file status
unsigned uAction, // action to be taken
DWORD dwFileSystemFlags, // CODE.IMPROVEMENT, why not just pass down REINT_INFO
ULONG ulPrincipalID, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, // instead of the three parameters?
DWORD_PTR dwContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Merges a filesystem object by calling the routine for the appropriate type of FS object. We implement only files and directories for NT5. Also does callbacks for the UI.
hShadowDB Shadow Database handle lpszDrive drive mapped to the UNC name of lpSI->hShare lptzFullPath full UNC path lpCP copy parameters containing various paths for the object being merged lpSI shadowinfo structure for the object being merged lpFind32Local local win32 data for the object being merged lpFind32Remote remote win32 data for the object being merged, could be NULL iShadowStatus local copy status iFileStatus remote file status uAction action to be taken dwFileSystemFlags remote filesystem ulPrincipalID principal ID in order to skip selectively lpfnMergeProgress callback function dwContext callback context
--*/ { DWORD dwError, dwRet;
dwError = NO_ERROR;
ReintKdPrint( MERGE, ("++++++++PerformOneReint: %s (%08x) %d %d perform:\n", lptzFullPath, lpSI->hShadow, iShadowStatus, iFileStatus));
if (lpfnMergeProgress) { ULONG uStatus = lpSI->uStatus; DWORD dwsav0, dwsav1;
// if there is an error in getting remote find32, then
// don't tell any conflicts to the callback, because we don't want to show any UI
if (dwErrorRemoteFind32 != NO_ERROR) { iFileStatus = SI_CHANGED; uAction = RAIA_TOOUT; }
// if this is a file, check whether access is allowed for this user
if (!(lpFind32Local->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { BOOL fRet;
Assert(dwError == NO_ERROR); Assert(ulPrincipalID != CSC_INVALID_PRINCIPAL_ID);
dwsav0 = lpFind32Local->dwReserved0; dwsav1 = lpFind32Local->dwReserved1;
fRet = GetCSCAccessMaskForPrincipalEx( ulPrincipalID, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, &uStatus, &lpFind32Local->dwReserved0, &lpFind32Local->dwReserved1);
// Adjust user and guest permissions based on share security, if
// we have such info.
// Find the user's and guest's entries
for (i = 0; i < CSC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CACHED_PRINCIPAL_IDS; i++) { if (pShareSecurityInfo[i].ulPrincipalID == ulPrincipalID) UserIdx = i; if (pShareSecurityInfo[i].ulPrincipalID == CSC_GUEST_PRINCIPAL_ID) GuestIdx = i; } //
// Only work with share perms if we found a guest perm in the list
// Logical AND the share perms with the file perms - to prevent
// ACCESS_DENIED errors on files which a user has access to via
// file perms, but share perms deny such access.
lpFind32Local->dwReserved0 &= pShareSecurityInfo[UserIdx].ulPermissions; lpFind32Local->dwReserved1 &= pShareSecurityInfo[GuestIdx].ulPermissions; } }
if (!fRet) { dwError = GetLastError(); ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Failed to get accessmask Error=%d \n", dwError)); lpFind32Local->dwReserved0 = dwsav0; lpFind32Local->dwReserved1 = dwsav1; goto bailout; } else { Assert((uStatus & ~FLAG_CSC_ACCESS_MASK) == lpSI->uStatus); ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("PerformOneReint: Status with mask 0x%x\n",uStatus)); } }
try{ dwRet = (*lpfnMergeProgress)( lptzFullPath, uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32Local, CSCPROC_REASON_BEGIN, (uAction == RAIA_MERGE), (iFileStatus == SI_DELETED), dwContext ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRet = CSCPROC_RETURN_ABORT; }
lpFind32Local->dwReserved0 = dwsav0; lpFind32Local->dwReserved1 = dwsav1;
if (dwRet != CSCPROC_RETURN_CONTINUE) { // if the guy said abort, we want to quit with the correct error code
if (dwRet == CSCPROC_RETURN_ABORT) { dwError = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto bailout; }
if (dwRet == CSCPROC_RETURN_FORCE_INWARD) { // the remote copy wins
uAction = RAIA_TOIN; } else if (dwRet == CSCPROC_RETURN_FORCE_OUTWARD) { // local copy wins
#if defined(BITCOPY)
uAction = RAIA_TOOUT; #endif // defined(BITCOPY)
} else { goto bailout; } } else { // if we are asked to continue, we press on irrespective of whether there is
// a conflict or not
#if defined(BITCOPY)
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSCPROC_RETURN_CONTINUE\n")); #endif // defined(BITCOPY)
uAction = RAIA_TOOUT; }
// if there is an error in getting remote find32, then
// tell the real error code to the callback
if (dwErrorRemoteFind32 != NO_ERROR) { dwError = dwErrorRemoteFind32; goto bailout; } }
case RAIA_MERGE: case RAIA_TOOUT: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ((uAction==RAIA_TOOUT)?"RAIA_TOOUT\n":"RAIA_MERGE\n"));
if (lpFind32Local->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY){ dwError = DoCreateDir( hShadowDB, lpszDrive, lptzFullPath, lpCP, lpSI, lpFind32Local, lpFind32Remote, iShadowStatus, iFileStatus, uAction, dwFileSystemFlags, lpfnMergeProgress, dwContext ); } else { dwError = DoObjectEdit( hShadowDB, lpszDrive, lptzFullPath, lpCP, lpSI, lpFind32Local, lpFind32Remote, iShadowStatus, iFileStatus, uAction, dwFileSystemFlags, lpfnMergeProgress, dwContext ); ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("DoObjectEdit returned 0x%x\n", dwError)); } break;
case RAIA_TOIN: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("RAIA_TOIN\n"));
if((!SetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, NULL, (unsigned long)~(SHADOW_MODFLAGS), SHADOW_FLAGS_AND)) ||!CheckForStalenessAndRefresh(hShadowDB, lpszDrive, lpCP, lptzFullPath, lpSI)) { dwError = GetLastError(); } break;
case RAIA_SKIP: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("RAIA_SKIP\n")); break;
case RAIA_CONFLICT: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("RAIA_CONFLICT\n")); break;
case RAIA_SOMETHING: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("RAIA_SOMETHING\n")); break;
case RAIA_NOTHING: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("RAIA_NOTHING\n")); break;
case RAIA_ORPHAN: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("RAIA_ORPHAN\n")); break;
default: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("BOGUS!!!!!!!!!!!! %d\n",uAction)); } bailout:
if (lpfnMergeProgress) { try { dwRet = (*lpfnMergeProgress)( lptzFullPath, lpSI->uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32Local, CSCPROC_REASON_END, (uAction == RAIA_MERGE), dwError, dwContext ); ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Got %d from callback at CSCPROC_REASON_END\n", dwRet)); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRet = CSCPROC_RETURN_ABORT; } if (dwRet == CSCPROC_RETURN_ABORT) { dwError = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; } }
if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("--------PerformOneReint exit TRUE\n")); return TRUE; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("--------PerformOneReint exit FALSE (0x%x)\n", dwError)); SetLastError(dwError); return (FALSE); }
/******************************* Conflict related operations ****************/
DWORD PRIVATE CheckFileConflict( LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote ) { unsigned long ulStatus = lpSI->uStatus;
if (!lpFind32Remote){ if (!(mShadowLocallyCreated(ulStatus)||mShadowDeleted(ulStatus))){ return (ERROR_DELETE_CONFLICT); } else{ return (NO_ERROR); } } else { // Create/Create conflict
if (mShadowLocallyCreated(ulStatus)){ return (ERROR_CREATE_CONFLICT); }
if (lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY){ if (mShadowDeleted(ulStatus)){ return (NO_ERROR); } else{ return(ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICT); } }
if(ChkUpdtStatus(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, lpFind32Remote, &ulStatus) == 0){ return (GetLastError()); }
if (mShadowConflict(ulStatus)){ return (ERROR_UPDATE_CONFLICT); } }
return (NO_ERROR); }
sSA.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sSA.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
if ((dwT = GetFileAttributes(lpDir))==0xffffffff){ if (!CreateDirectory(lpDir, &sSA)){ dwError = GetLastError(); } } else { if (!(dwT & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { dwError = ERROR_FILE_EXISTS; // there is a file by the same name
} } if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { if (dwAttr != 0xffffffff) { if(!SetFileAttributes(lpDir, dwAttr)) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Benign error %x \n", GetLastError())); } } } return (dwError); }
/*********************************** Misc routines **************************/
#if defined(BITCOPY)
int PRIVATE GetShadowByName( HSHADOW hDir, _TCHAR * lpName, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32, unsigned long *lpuStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { HSHADOW hShadow; memset(lpFind32, 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); lstrcpyn(lpFind32->cFileName, lpName, sizeof(lpFind32->cFileName)-1); return(GetShadow(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, hDir, &hShadow, lpFind32, lpuStatus)); } #endif // defined(BITCOPY)
DWORD DoSparseFill( HANDLE hShadowDB, _TCHAR * lpszFullPath, _TCHAR * lptzDrive, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFind32, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, BOOL fStalenessCheck, ULONG ulPrincipalID, LPCSCPROC lpfnProgress, DWORD_PTR dwContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { DWORD dwError = 0xffffffff, dwRet, dwTotal=0, dwTotalSleepTime = 0, cntRetries=0, cntMaxRetries=1; BOOL fConnected = FALSE, fIsSlowLink, fDisabledShadowing = FALSE, fAmAgent; int cbRead; COPYCHUNKCONTEXT CopyChunkContext; HANDLE hAnchor = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ULONG uStatus;
fAmAgent = (GetCurrentThreadId() == vdwCopyChunkThreadId); Assert(GetCurrentThreadId() != vdwAgentThreadId);
memset(&CopyChunkContext, 0, sizeof(CopyChunkContext)); CopyChunkContext.handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!fAmAgent) { cntMaxRetries = MAX_SPARSE_FILL_RETRIES; }
ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("cntMaxRetries = %d \r\n", cntMaxRetries));
if(!DoShadowMaintenance(hShadowDB, SHADOW_BEGIN_INODE_TRANSACTION)) { return GetLastError(); }
// report the progress
if (lpfnProgress) { DWORD dwsav0, dwsav1; BOOL fRet;
uStatus = lpSI->uStatus;
Assert(ulPrincipalID != CSC_INVALID_PRINCIPAL_ID);
dwsav0 = lpFind32->dwReserved0; dwsav1 = lpFind32->dwReserved1;
fRet = GetCSCAccessMaskForPrincipalEx(ulPrincipalID, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, &uStatus, &lpFind32->dwReserved0, &lpFind32->dwReserved1);
if (!fRet) { dwError = GetLastError(); ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("DoSparseFill Failed to get accessmask Error=%d\r\n", dwError)); lpFind32->dwReserved0 = dwsav0; lpFind32->dwReserved1 = dwsav1; goto done; } else { Assert((uStatus & ~FLAG_CSC_ACCESS_MASK) == lpSI->uStatus); }
try{ dwRet = (*lpfnProgress)( lpszFullPath, uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32, CSCPROC_REASON_BEGIN, 0, 0, dwContext ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRet = CSCPROC_RETURN_ABORT; }
lpFind32->dwReserved0 = dwsav0; lpFind32->dwReserved1 = dwsav1;
goto done; } }
if (fStalenessCheck) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Doing staleness check %ls \r\n", lpszFullPath)); dwError = DoRefresh(hShadowDB, lpCP, lpszFullPath, lpSI, lptzDrive);
if (dwError != NO_ERROR) { ReintKdPrint(ALWAYS, ("Error = %x on refresh for %ls \r\n", dwError, lpszFullPath)); goto bailout; }
if (!(lpSI->uStatus & SHADOW_SPARSE) && !(lpFind32->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { HANDLE hFile;
if ( !lpfnProgress || // if this is not UI
(uStatus & FLAG_CSC_USER_ACCESS_MASK) || // or the user already has a mask
((uStatus & FLAG_CSC_GUEST_ACCESS_MASK)== // or the guest has full permission
// open the file to get the access rights for the user
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); } else { dwError = GetLastError(); goto bailout; }
goto done; }
if (!lpSI->hDir || !mShadowIsFile(lpSI->uStatus)) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Done staleness check for directory %ls, quitting \r\n", lpszFullPath)); goto done; } }
Assert(mShadowIsFile(lpSI->uStatus)); Assert((lpSI->uStatus & SHADOW_SPARSE));
fIsSlowLink = FALSE; // on NT we are always going aggressively
for (cntRetries=0; cntRetries<cntMaxRetries; ++cntRetries) {
memset(&CopyChunkContext, 0, sizeof(CopyChunkContext)); CopyChunkContext.handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (fAmAgent) { CopyChunkContext.dwFlags |= COPYCHUNKCONTEXT_FLAG_IS_AGENT_OPEN; }
if (!OpenFileWithCopyChunkIntent(hShadowDB, lpszFullPath, &CopyChunkContext, (fIsSlowLink)?FILL_BUF_SIZE_SLOWLINK :FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN )) { dwError = GetLastError(); if(dwError == ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION) { if (cntMaxRetries > 1) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("LockViolation, Retrying Sparse filling %ls \r\n", lpszFullPath)); Sleep(1000); continue; } } ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("error %x, OpenCopyChunk failed %ls \r\n", dwError, lpszFullPath)); goto bailout; }
do { CopyChunkContext.ChunkSize = cbRead;
if (FAbortOperation()) { dwError = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto done; }
if((CopyChunk(hShadowDB, lpSI, &CopyChunkContext)) == 0){
// NB we break here deliberately in order to get into the outer loop
// where we will retry the operation
dwError = GetLastError(); ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("error %x, CopyChunk failed %ls \r\n", dwError, lpszFullPath)); break; }
if (lpfnProgress) { dwRet = (*lpfnProgress)( lpszFullPath, lpSI->uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32, CSCPROC_REASON_MORE_DATA, (DWORD)(CopyChunkContext.LastAmountRead+ CopyChunkContext.TotalSizeBeforeThisRead), // low dword of bytes transferred
0, dwContext );
if (dwRet != CSCPROC_RETURN_CONTINUE) { // once we start copying, any return code
// other than continue is abort
dwError = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto done; } }
// NB there seems to be a timing window here. The file could get out of ssync
// by the time we came here and it could have been marked sparse by then
if (!CopyChunkContext.LastAmountRead) { SetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, NULL, (unsigned long)~SHADOW_SPARSE, SHADOW_FLAGS_AND); ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Done Sparse filling %ls \r\n", lpszFullPath)); goto success; }
}while (TRUE);
if (dwError == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE) { // this might be due to the fact that
// the guy we were piggybacking on went away
// Just try a few times
ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Retrying Sparse filling %ls \r\n", lpszFullPath)); CloseFileWithCopyChunkIntent(hShadowDB, &CopyChunkContext); CopyChunkContext.handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; dwError = 0xffffffff; continue; } else if (dwError != NO_ERROR) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error %x while Sparse filling %ls \r\n", dwError, lpszFullPath)); goto bailout; }
dwError = NO_ERROR; goto done;
// if the net is disconnected then put the whole share in the skip queue
// else put the file in the queue
if (IsNetDisconnected(dwError)) { #ifdef DEBUG
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, 0, 0, lpszFullPath); #else
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, 0, 0); #endif //DEBUG
} else { #ifdef DEBUG
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, lpszFullPath); #else
EnterSkipQueue(lpSI->hShare, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow); #endif //DEBUG
if (lpfnProgress) { dwRet = (*lpfnProgress)( lpszFullPath, lpSI->uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32, CSCPROC_REASON_END, (DWORD)(CopyChunkContext.LastAmountRead+ CopyChunkContext.TotalSizeBeforeThisRead), // low dword of bytes transferred
dwError, // errorcode
dwContext );
if (CopyChunkContext.handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseFileWithCopyChunkIntent(hShadowDB, &CopyChunkContext); }
if (hAnchor != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hAnchor); }
return (dwError); }
BOOL CheckForStalenessAndRefresh( HANDLE hShadowDB, _TCHAR *lptzDrive, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, _TCHAR *lpRemoteName, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { BOOL fDone = FALSE, fDisabledShadowing=FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32; BOOL fExists = FALSE;
// Let us get the latest info
if (GetRemoteWin32Info(lptzDrive, lpCP, &sFind32, &fExists)) { // If this is a file, update the file status
if (lpSI->hDir && mShadowIsFile(lpSI->uStatus)) { if (!(lpSI->uStatus & SHADOW_STALE)) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Checking update status for a file %ls\r\n", lpRemoteName)); // compare the timestamp as obtained from the
// server with that on the database. If the two are the same
// the file in our database is still consistent with the one on the server
// Otherwise the call below will mark it as stale
if(ChkUpdtStatus( hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, &sFind32, &(lpSI->uStatus)) == 0){ ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ChkUpdt failed %X \r\n", lpSI->hShadow)); goto bailout; }
if (lpSI->uStatus & SHADOW_STALE) { // if it changed from being a file, then mark it a orphan
// else truncate it's data and mark it sparse
if (IsFile(sFind32.dwFileAttributes)) { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("File %ls is stale, truncating\r\n", lpRemoteName));
if(SetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, &sFind32, 0, SHADOW_FLAGS_OR|SHADOW_FLAGS_TRUNCATE_DATA)) { lpSI->uStatus &= ~SHADOW_STALE; lpSI->uStatus |= SHADOW_SPARSE;
fDone = TRUE; } } else { ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("File %ls become directory, marking orphan\r\n", lpRemoteName)); if(SetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, NULL, SHADOW_ORPHAN, SHADOW_FLAGS_OR)) { lpSI->uStatus |= SHADOW_ORPHAN;
fDone = TRUE; } } } else { fDone = TRUE; } } else { // NB, we do nothing if a directory changed to file
// we are letting the scavenging code remove the entries in due course.
// If one of the descendents of this directory are pinned, then they stay on
// in the database till the user actually cleans then up.
// Need a good startegy to warn the user about it.
if (!IsFile(sFind32.dwFileAttributes)) { // this is a directory
// update it's win32 data so that things like attributes get updated
// We get here only during fullsync operations
if(SetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, &sFind32, ~(SHADOW_STALE), SHADOW_FLAGS_AND|SHADOW_FLAGS_CHANGE_83NAME)) { fDone = TRUE; } }
} }
if (fDisabledShadowing) { int iEnable;
iEnable = EnableShadowingForThisThread(hShadowDB);
if (!fDone) { ReportLastError();
return (fDone); }
DWORD DWConnectNetEx( _TCHAR * lpSharePath, _TCHAR * lpOutDrive, BOOL fInteractive ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { NETRESOURCE sNR; DWORD dwError; _TCHAR szErr[16], szNP[16];
if (lpOutDrive){ lpOutDrive[0]='E'; // Let use start searching from e:
lpOutDrive[1]=':'; lpOutDrive[2]=0; } do{ memset(&sNR, 0, sizeof(NETRESOURCE)); sNR.lpRemoteName = lpSharePath; if (lpOutDrive){ if(lpOutDrive[0]=='Z') { break; } sNR.lpLocalName = lpOutDrive; } sNR.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; dwError = WNetAddConnection3(vhwndMain, &sNR, NULL, NULL, 0); if (dwError==WN_SUCCESS){ break; } else if (lpOutDrive && ((dwError == WN_BAD_LOCALNAME)|| (dwError == WN_ALREADY_CONNECTED))){ ++lpOutDrive[0]; continue; } else{ if (dwError==WN_EXTENDED_ERROR){ WNetGetLastError(&dwError, szErr, sizeof(szErr), szNP, sizeof(szNP)); } break; } } while (TRUE);
if ((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) && !IsShareReallyConnected((LPCTSTR)lpSharePath)) { WNetCancelConnection2((lpOutDrive)?lpOutDrive:lpSharePath, 0, FALSE); SetLastError(dwError = ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST); }
return (dwError); }
/************************** Skip queue related operations *******************/
#ifdef DEBUG
VOID EnterSkipQueue( HSHARE hShare, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, _TCHAR * lpPath ) #else
VOID EnterSkipQueue( HSHARE hShare, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow ) #endif //DEBUG
Routine Description:
if (!EnterAgentCrit()){ return; }
if(lplpFI = LplpFindFailInfo(hShare, hDir, hShadow)){ lpFI = *lplpFI; }
if (!lpFI){ if (lpFI = (LPFAILINFO)AllocMem(sizeof(FAILINFO))){ lpFI->hShare = hShare; lpFI->hDir = hDir; lpFI->hShadow = hShadow; #ifdef DEBUG
lstrcpyn(lpFI->rgchPath, lpPath, MAX_SERVER_SHARE_NAME_FOR_CSC); #endif //DEBUG
lpFI->cntFail = 1; lpFI->cntMaxFail = (hShadow)?MAX_ATTEMPTS_SHADOW:MAX_ATTEMPTS_SHARE; lpFI->lpnextFI = lpheadFI; lpheadFI = lpFI; } }
if (lpFI){ if (lpFI->cntFail >= lpFI->cntMaxFail){ lpFI->dwFailTime = GetTickCount(); ReintKdPrint(SKIPQUEUE, ("EnterSkipQueue: Marking %ls for Skipping \r\n", lpPath)); } else{ // Increment the fail count
lpFI->cntFail++; ReintKdPrint(SKIPQUEUE, ("EnterSkipQueue: Incementing failcount for %ls \r\n", lpPath)); } } LeaveAgentCrit(); }
BOOL PRIVATE FSkipObject( HSHARE hShare, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { LPFAILINFO FAR *lplpFI;
if (!EnterAgentCrit()){ return 0; }
if (lplpFI = LplpFindFailInfo(hShare, hDir, hShadow)){ if ((*lplpFI)->cntFail >= (*lplpFI)->cntMaxFail) { LeaveAgentCrit(); return TRUE; } }
LeaveAgentCrit(); return FALSE; }
int PRIVATE PurgeSkipQueue( BOOL fAll, HSHARE hShare, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { LPFAILINFO FAR *lplpFI = NULL, lpfiTemp; DWORD dwCurTime = GetTickCount(); int cntUnmark=0;
if (!EnterAgentCrit()){ return 0; }
for (lplpFI = &lpheadFI; *lplpFI; lplpFI = &((*lplpFI)->lpnextFI)){
if (fAll || ((dwCurTime - (*lplpFI)->dwFailTime) > WAIT_INTERVAL_SKIP_MS)){ if ((!hShare || (hShare==(*lplpFI)->hShare)) && (!hDir || (hDir==(*lplpFI)->hDir)) && (!hShadow || (hShadow==(*lplpFI)->hShadow))) { ReintKdPrint(SKIPQUEUE, ("PurgeSkipQueue: Purging Skip Queue Entry for %s \r\n" ,(*lplpFI)->rgchPath)); lpfiTemp = *lplpFI; *lplpFI = lpfiTemp->lpnextFI; FreeMem(lpfiTemp); ++cntUnmark; if (!*lplpFI){ break; } } } } LeaveAgentCrit(); return (cntUnmark); }
LPFAILINFO FAR * LplpFindFailInfo( HSHARE hShare, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow ) /*++
Routine Description:
// look for the inode or the server entry
for (lplpFI = &lpheadFI; *lplpFI; lplpFI = &((*lplpFI)->lpnextFI)) { if ((hShadow && (hShadow == (*lplpFI)->hShadow)) || (hShare && ((*lplpFI)->hShare == hShare))){ return (lplpFI); } } return (NULL); }
VOID ReportLastError( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { DWORD dwError;
dwError = GetLastError();
ReintKdPrint(FILL, ("Error # %ld \r\n", dwError)); }
VOID PRIVATE ReportStats( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("dirty=%d stale=%d sparse=%d \r\n" , vcntDirty , vcntStale , vcntSparse)); }
Routine Description:
--*/ { lpShadowInfo->hShare = lpPQ->hShare; lpShadowInfo->hDir = lpPQ->hDir; lpShadowInfo->hShadow = lpPQ->hShadow; lpShadowInfo->uStatus = lpPQ->ulStatus; //Sic
int PUBLIC EnterAgentCrit( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { if (!vhMutex){ return 0; } WaitForSingleObject(vhMutex, INFINITE); return 1; }
VOID PUBLIC LeaveAgentCrit( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { ReleaseMutex(vhMutex); }
BOOL FGetConnectionList( LPCONNECTINFO *lplpHead, int *lpcntDiscon ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { return (FGetConnectionListEx(lplpHead, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, lpcntDiscon)); }
BOOL FGetConnectionListEx( LPCONNECTINFO *lplpHead, LPCTSTR lptzShareName, BOOL fAllSharesOnServer, BOOL fServerIsOffline, int *lpcntDiscon ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine makes a list of shares that are connected and are in disconnected state. If lptzShareName is not NULL it returns all the mapping of that share that are in disconnected state.
This is the first of a trilogy of routines used while doing a merge. The other two are DisconnectList and ReconnectList.
lplpHead head of the list is created here.
lptzShareName list of connections for this share, if NULL, list of all connected shares
lpcntDiscon # of shares in the list. Can be NULL.
TRUE if there are some entries in the connection list
List is allocated using LocalAlloc. It is upto the caller to free it.
--*/ { HANDLE hEnum; DWORD cbNum, cbSize, dwError, dwDummy, len=0; LPCONNECTINFO lpCI; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32;
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Getting conection list\r\n"));
try { if (lpcntDiscon){ *lpcntDiscon = 0; }
*lplpHead = NULL;
if (lptzShareName) { len = lstrlen(lptzShareName); if (fAllSharesOnServer) { _TCHAR *lpT, chT; len = 2; for (lpT = (LPTSTR)lptzShareName+2;;) { chT = *lpT++; Assert(chT); if (chT == (_TCHAR)'\\') { break; }
++len; } ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Nuking shares %ls len %d \n", (LPTSTR)lptzShareName, len)); } }
// enumerate all connected shares
if (WNetOpenEnum( RESOURCE_CONNECTED, RESOURCETYPE_DISK, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE, NULL, &hEnum) == NO_ERROR ){ do{ cbNum = 1; cbSize = sizeof(dwDummy); dwError = WNetEnumResource(hEnum, &cbNum, &dwDummy, &cbSize);
if (dwError==ERROR_MORE_DATA){
if (lpCI = (LPCONNECTINFO)AllocMem(sizeof(CONNECTINFO)+cbSize)){ cbNum = 1; dwError = WNetEnumResource(hEnum, &cbNum , &(lpCI->rgFill[0]) , &cbSize);
if (!cbNum || (dwError!=NO_ERROR)){ FreeMem(lpCI); break; } if(lptzShareName) {
// do case insensitive prefix matching and ensure that
// the next character after the match is a path delimiter
if (!((CompareString(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, lptzShareName, len, ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName,len) == CSTR_EQUAL)&& ((((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName[len] == (_TCHAR)'\\')|| (((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName[len] == (_TCHAR)0)))) { FreeMem(lpCI); continue; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Got %ls on %ls\r\n" , (((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName)?((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName:L"Empty" , ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName));
} lpCI->lpnextCI = *lplpHead; *lplpHead = lpCI;
if (!fServerIsOffline) { BOOL fRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; fRet = FindCreateShadowFromPath(((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName, FALSE, // Don't create, just look
&sFind32, &sSI, NULL ); lpCI->uStatus = 0; if (fRet && sSI.hShadow) { lpCI->uStatus = sSI.uStatus; } } else { lpCI->uStatus |= SHARE_DISCONNECTED_OP; } if (lpcntDiscon && (lpCI->uStatus & SHARE_DISCONNECTED_OP)){ ++*lpcntDiscon; } } else{ //PANIC
break; } } else{ break; } }while (TRUE); WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Took exception in FGetConnectionListEx list \n")); }
return (*lplpHead != NULL); }
int DisconnectList( LPCONNECTINFO *lplpHead, LPFNREFRESHPROC lpfn, DWORD dwCookie ) /*++
Routine Description:
disconnects all drive mapped shares in a list accumulated using FGetConnectionList
--*/ { BOOL fOk = TRUE; DWORD dwError; int icntDriveMapped=0; LPCONNECTINFO lpTmp = *lplpHead;
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("In DisconnectList \n")); try { for (;lpTmp;lpTmp = lpTmp->lpnextCI){ if (!(lpTmp->uStatus & SHARE_DISCONNECTED_OP)) { continue; } if (((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName){ ++icntDriveMapped;
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Nuking %ls on %ls\r\n" , ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName , ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName)); dwError = WNetCancelConnection2( ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName, 0, TRUE);
} else{ ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Nuking %ls \r\n" , ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName)); dwError = WNetCancelConnection2( ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName , 0 , TRUE); }
if (dwError != NO_ERROR){ ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error=%ld \r\n", dwError)); fOk = FALSE; } } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Took exception in Disconnecte list \n")); fOk = FALSE; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Out DisconnectList %x\n", (fOk?icntDriveMapped:-1))); return (fOk?icntDriveMapped:-1); }
int CALLBACK RefreshProc( LPCONNECTINFO lpCI, DWORD dwCookie // LOWORD 0==Silently, 1== Give messages
// HIWORD 0==Nuke UNC, 1==Nuke all if no ongoing open/finds
// 2==Maximum force for shadow 3==Nuke ALL
) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { WORD wVerbose = LOWORD(dwCookie), wForce = HIWORD(dwCookie); int iRet = 0; BOOL fDisconnectedOp=FALSE, fOpensFinds = FALSE;
fDisconnectedOp = (lpCI->uStatus & SHARE_DISCONNECTED_OP); fOpensFinds = (lpCI->uStatus & (SHARE_FILES_OPEN|SHARE_FINDS_IN_PROGRESS));
switch (wForce){ case 0://shadow UNC connections with no opens/finds in progress
iRet = (fDisconnectedOp && !fOpensFinds && !((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName)?1:0; break; case 1://shadow connections (UNC+drivemapped) with no opens/finds in progress
iRet = (fDisconnectedOp && !fOpensFinds)?1:0; break; case 2://shadow connections with or without opens/finds
iRet = (fDisconnectedOp)?1:0; break; case 3://all connections
iRet = 1; break; } if ((iRet==1) && wVerbose && fOpensFinds){ LoadString(vhinstCur, IDS_OPS_IN_PROGRESS, (LPTSTR)(vrgchBuff), 128 * sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(vhinstCur, IDS_SHADOW_AGENT, (LPTSTR)(vrgchBuff+128* sizeof(TCHAR)), 128* sizeof(TCHAR)); wsprintf((LPTSTR)(vrgchBuff+256), (LPTSTR)(vrgchBuff), ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpCI->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName); MessageBox(vhwndMain, (LPTSTR)(vrgchBuff+256* sizeof(TCHAR)), (LPTSTR)(vrgchBuff+128* sizeof(TCHAR)), MB_OK); }
return (iRet); }
// Reconnects a list of shares
// if you pass in a parent HWND then you will get UI
int ReconnectList( LPCONNECTINFO *lplpHead, HWND hwndParent ) /*++
Routine Description:
reconnects all the connections in disconnected state.
--*/ { int iDone = 0; DWORD dwError; LPCONNECTINFO lpTmp = *lplpHead; _TCHAR * lpSave; HWND hwndUI=NULL;
try { for (;lpTmp;lpTmp = lpTmp->lpnextCI){ if (!(lpTmp->uStatus & SHARE_DISCONNECTED_OP)) { continue; }
if (((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName){ ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Adding back %ls on %ls\r\n" , ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpLocalName , ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName));
} else{ ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ((LPSTR)vrgchBuff, "Adding back %ls\r\n" , ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpRemoteName)); }
lpSave = ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpProvider; ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpProvider = NULL; dwError = WNetAddConnection3(vhwndMain, (NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]), NULL, NULL, CONNECT_INTERACTIVE); ((NETRESOURCE *)&(lpTmp->rgFill[0]))->lpProvider = lpSave; if (dwError!=NO_ERROR){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error=%ld \r\n", dwError)); iDone = -1; } else if (iDone >= 0){ ++iDone; } }
if( hwndUI ){
DestroyWindow(hwndUI); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Took exception in Reconnect list \n")); iDone = 0; } return (iDone); }
VOID ClearConnectionList( LPCONNECTINFO *lplpHead ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { LPCONNECTINFO lpTmp = *lplpHead, lpSave; for (;lpTmp;){ lpSave = lpTmp->lpnextCI; FreeMem(lpTmp); lpTmp = lpSave; } *lplpHead = NULL; }
BOOL PRIVATE IsSlowLink( _TCHAR * lpPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
memset(&sNCINFO, 0, sizeof(NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT)); sNCINFO.cbStructure = sizeof(NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT); memset(&sNR, 0, sizeof(NETRESOURCE)); sNR.lpRemoteName=lpPath; if ((MultinetGetConnectionPerformance(&sNR, &sNCINFO)==WN_SUCCESS) && (sNCINFO.dwSpeed < SLOWLINK_SPEED)){ fRet = TRUE; }
return (fRet); }
int RefreshConnectionsInternal( int force, BOOL verbose ) { return (RefreshConnectionsEx(force, verbose, NULL, 0)); }
int BreakConnectionsInternal( int force, BOOL verbose ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { LPCONNECTINFO lpHead = NULL; if (FGetConnectionList(&lpHead, NULL)){ DisconnectList(&lpHead, RefreshProc, MAKELONG(verbose,force)); ClearConnectionList(&lpHead); return (1); } return (0); }
// This refreshes all the connections.
// Force -
// Verbose - causes annoying UI to be displayed
// lpfn -
// dwCookie - parameter for lpfn
int RefreshConnectionsEx( int force, BOOL verbose, LPFNREFRESHEXPROC lpfn, DWORD dwCookie) { int cntDriveMapped, iRet = -1; LPCONNECTINFO lpHead = NULL;
if (FGetConnectionList(&lpHead, NULL)){ cntDriveMapped = DisconnectList(&lpHead, RefreshProc, MAKELONG(verbose,force)); if (cntDriveMapped < 0){ goto bailout; } if (lpfn){ (*lpfn)(cntDriveMapped, dwCookie); } if (cntDriveMapped > 0){ ReconnectList(&lpHead,verbose?vhwndMain:NULL); } ClearConnectionList(&lpHead); iRet = 1; } else { iRet = 0; }
return iRet; }
BOOL FCheckAncestor( node *lpnodeList, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP ) { node *lpItem; BOOL fHaveAncestor = FALSE; unsigned lenDest; #ifdef DEBUG
unsigned lenSrc; #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
lenSrc = lstrlen(lpCP->lpRemotePath); #endif
for(lpItem = lpnodeList; lpItem; lpItem = lpItem->next) { // is it on the same share?
if (!lstrcmpi(lpItem->lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpSharePath)) { // check upto the length of the ancestor. By definition he is supposed to be smaller
// than the src
lenDest = lstrlen(lpItem->lpCP->lpRemotePath); Assert(lenDest <= lenSrc);
// NB, we do memcmp because, the strings will have the same case
// as they are obtained from the same source, ie, the CSC database.
// is it a child of any item in the list?
if (!memcmp(lpItem->lpCP->lpRemotePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath, lenDest * sizeof(_TCHAR))) { fHaveAncestor = TRUE; break; } } }
return (fHaveAncestor); }
DWORD PRIVATE GetUniqueName( _TCHAR * lpName, _TCHAR * lpUniqueName ) /*++
Routine Description:
{ int i=0, orglen; DWORD dwError; _TCHAR buff[10 * sizeof(_TCHAR)];
lstrcpy(lpUniqueName, lpName);
orglen = lstrlen(lpName);
if (orglen >= MAX_PATH-1){ lpUniqueName[MAX_PATH-5] = 0; orglen = MAX_PATH-5; } for (i=0; i<100; ++i){ if (GetFileAttributes(lpUniqueName)==0xffffffff){ dwError = GetLastError(); if ((dwError==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)|| (dwError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)){ break; } } lpUniqueName[orglen] = 0; wsprintf(buff, _TEXT("(%2d)"), i); lstrcat(lpUniqueName, (LPTSTR)buff); } if (i < 100){ dwError = NO_ERROR; } else{ dwError = 0xffffffff; } return(dwError); }
* reintegrate one server. */ //
// Pass in the Share to merge on
// and the parent window.
BOOL PUBLIC ReintOneShare( HSHARE hShare, HWND hwndParent ) /*++
Routine Description:
{ node *lpnodeInsertList=NULL; // merge file list.
PQPARAMS sPQP; int state, iFileStatus, iShadowStatus; BOOL fConnected=FALSE, fBeginReint=FALSE, fDone = FALSE; BOOL fStamped = FALSE, fInsertInList = FALSE; SHADOWINFO sSI; LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP = NULL; _TCHAR szDrive[3]; unsigned long ulStatus, uAction; DWORD dwError; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32Local, sFind32Remote; WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFind32Remote = NULL; // temporary variable
if ((hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO()) ==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; }
fAmAgent = (GetCurrentThreadId() == vdwCopyChunkThreadId);
lpCP = LpAllocCopyParams();
if (!lpCP){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare():Allocation of copyparam buffer failed \r\n"));
goto bailout; }
// Reint in multiple passes. Do directories first, files next
for (state=STATE_REINT_BEGIN;state<STATE_REINT_END;++state) { if (FAbortOperation()) { goto bailout; } dwError = NO_ERROR; memset(&sPQP, 0, sizeof(PQPARAMS)); memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO));
// Start looking through the queue
if(BeginPQEnum(hShadowDB, &sPQP) == 0) { goto bailout; } // Start looking through the queue
do {
if (FAbortOperation()) { goto bailout; }
if(PrevPriShadow(hShadowDB, &sPQP) == 0){ break; } // end of this enumeration
if (!sPQP.hShadow){ break; }
if ( mShadowOrphan(sPQP.ulStatus)|| mShadowSuspect(sPQP.ulStatus)) { continue; }
// keep going if this is a file and we are trying to reintegrate directories
// or if this entry isn't from the server we are dealing with.
if ((sPQP.hShare != hShare) || ((state != STATE_REINT_FILES) && mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus)) || ((state == STATE_REINT_FILES) && !mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus))){ continue; }
if (mShadowNeedReint(sPQP.ulStatus)){
if (!fStamped){
StampReintLog(); fStamped = TRUE; }
if (fAmAgent && FSkipObject(sPQP.hShare, 0, 0)){ continue; }
if (!GetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, sPQP.hDir, sPQP.hShadow, &sFind32Local, &ulStatus)){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: GetShadowInfo failed\n")); continue; }
CopyPQInfoToShadowInfo(&sPQP, &sSI);
sSI.lpFind32 = &sFind32Local;
if(!GetUNCPath(hShadowDB, sPQP.hShare, sPQP.hDir, sPQP.hShadow, lpCP)){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: GetUNCPath failed\n")); continue; } if (!fConnected){ DWORD dwError2; dwError2 = DWConnectNetEx(lpCP->lpSharePath, szDrive, TRUE); if(dwError2 == WN_SUCCESS || dwError2 == WN_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT) { fConnected = TRUE;
if (!BeginReint(hShadowDB, hShare)) { goto bailout; }
fBeginReint = TRUE; } else{ #ifdef DEBUG
EnterSkipQueue(sPQP.hShare, 0, 0, lpCP->lpSharePath); #else
EnterSkipQueue(sPQP.hShare, 0, 0); #endif //DEBUG
// try some other server for reintegration
goto bailout; } }
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Merging local changes to <%s%s>\n", lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath));
Assert((sPQP.hShare == hShare) && // this is the given server
( ((state != STATE_REINT_FILES) && !mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus)) || ((state == STATE_REINT_FILES) && mShadowIsFile(sPQP.ulStatus)) ) );
fInsertInList = FALSE;
lpFind32Remote = NULL;
// if there is an insertion list, then check whether his ancestor
// didn't fail in reintegration
if (lpnodeInsertList) { // if there is an acestor then we should put this guy in the list
fInsertInList = FCheckAncestor(lpnodeInsertList, lpCP); }
// if we are not supposed to put him in the list then try getting
// his win32 strucuture
if (!fInsertInList) { BOOL fExists;
GetRemoteWin32Info(NULL, lpCP, &sFind32Remote, &fExists);
// insert in list only if some error happened
if (fExists == -1) { fInsertInList = TRUE; }
// passing remote find32 only if it succeeded
if (fExists == TRUE) { lpFind32Remote = &sFind32Remote; } }
// find out what needs to be done
// this one central place to infer all the stuff
InferReplicaReintStatus( &sSI, // shadowinfo
&sFind32Local, // win32 info for the shadow
lpFind32Remote, // remote win32 info
&iShadowStatus, &iFileStatus, &uAction );
// insert if it had an ancestor in the list or some merge needed to be done
fInsertInList = (fInsertInList || (uAction == RAIA_MERGE) || (uAction==RAIA_CONFLICT));
if (!fInsertInList) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Silently doing <%s%s>\n", lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath)); fInsertInList = (PerformOneReint( hShadowDB, szDrive, lpCP, &sSI, &sFind32Local, lpFind32Remote, iShadowStatus, iFileStatus, uAction ) == FALSE); }
if (fInsertInList) { if(!insertList( &lpnodeInsertList, lpCP, &sSI, &sFind32Local, lpFind32Remote, iShadowStatus, iFileStatus, uAction )) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("ReintOneShare: insertlist failed in memory allocation \r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); fDone = FALSE; goto bailout; } ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Inserted <%s%s> in list\n", lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath)); } } } while (sPQP.uPos); // Priority queue enumeration
// Close the enumeration
EndPQEnum(hShadowDB, &sPQP);
} // reint pass 1 & 2
if (fBeginReint){ // we found something to merge
if (lpnodeInsertList) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Found reint list, doing UI \n")); fDone = DoFilesListReint(hShadowDB, szDrive, hwndParent, lpnodeInsertList); // 1 if successful, -1 if error, 0 if cancelled
} else { // all went well
fDone = TRUE; } }
if (fConnected){
DWDisconnectDriveMappedNet(szDrive, TRUE); // force a disconnect
fConnected = FALSE; }
if (fDone==TRUE) {
SetShareStatus(hShadowDB, hShare, (unsigned long)(~SHARE_REINT), SHADOW_FLAGS_AND); }
if (fBeginReint){ EndReint(hShadowDB, hShare); fBeginReint = FALSE; }
if(lpnodeInsertList) { killList(lpnodeInsertList); lpnodeInsertList = NULL; //general paranoia
if (fConnected) { WNetCancelConnection2(szDrive, 0, FALSE); }
// Remove the tray notification about merging
if( CheckDirtyShares()==0 ) {
Tray_Modify(vhwndMain,0,NULL); }
return fDone; }
* Query the registry to see if we should make log copies */ VOID GetLogCopyStatus(VOID) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwSize = MAX_NAME_LEN; _TCHAR szDoCopy[MAX_NAME_LEN];
// get the user name.
if(RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, vszShadowReg, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("GetLogCopyStatus: RegOpenKey failed\n")); return; }
if(RegQueryValueEx(hKey, vszDoLogCopy, NULL, NULL, szDoCopy, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("GetLogCopyStatus: RegQueryValueEx failed\n")); return; }
if(mystrnicmp(szDoCopy, MY_SZ_TRUE, strlen(szDoCopy))) vfLogCopying = FALSE; else vfLogCopying = TRUE;
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
* Make a connection to the logging server and copy the log over. */ VOID CopyLogToShare(VOID) { HKEY hKeyShadow; DWORD dwSize = MAX_NAME_LEN, dwRes; _TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_NAME_LEN]; _TCHAR szLogDirPath[MAX_PATH], szLogPath[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATAA sFind32; int iCurrFile=0; NETRESOURCE sNR; HANDLE hLog;
// check to see if we should copy the log over.
if(!vfLogCopying) { return; }
// get the user name.
if(RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, vszMachineName, &hKeyShadow) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("RegOpenKey failed\n")); }
if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, vszComputerName, NULL, NULL, szComputerName, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKeyShadow); ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("RegQueryValueEx failed\n")); return; } RegCloseKey(hKeyShadow);
lstrcpy(szLogDirPath, vszLogUNCPath); lstrcat(szLogDirPath, szComputerName);
sNR.lpRemoteName = vszLogShare; sNR.lpLocalName = NULL; sNR.lpProvider = NULL; sNR.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; dwRes = WNetAddConnection3(vhwndMain, &sNR, NULL, NULL, CONNECT_TEMPORARY); if(dwRes != WN_SUCCESS) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CopyLogToShare() AddConn3 failed (%d)\n", dwRes)); return; }
// check to see if that dir lives on the server.
if(!GetWin32Info(szLogDirPath, &sFind32)) { // if not, create it.
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("dir not found\n")); if(!CreateDirectory(szLogDirPath, NULL)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Create dir failed, reason = %d\n", GetLastError())); } } wsprintf(szLogPath, "%s\\status.log",szLogDirPath); // copy file over.
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("we'll use <%s> next\n", szLogPath)); if((hLog = CreateFile(szLogPath , GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE , FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE , NULL , OPEN_ALWAYS , 0 , NULL)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("file created\n")); AppendToShareLog(hLog); CloseHandle(hLog); } else { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("create failed, reason = %d\n", GetLastError())); } WNetCancelConnection2(vszLogShare, CONNECT_REFCOUNT, FALSE); }
#define MAX_BUF_SIZE 1024
* Copy the final stats from local log to the server version (hLog) */ VOID AppendToShareLog(HANDLE hLog) { HANDLE hLocal=0; DWORD dwBytesRead, dwBytesWritten, dwPos, x; BOOL fDone=FALSE; _TCHAR cBuffer[MAX_BUF_SIZE];
if((hLocal = CreateFile(vszLocalLogPath , GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ , NULL , OPEN_EXISTING , 0 , NULL)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("local log file opened (0x%x)\n", hLocal)); dwPos = SetFilePointer(hLog, 0, NULL, FILE_END); if(dwPos == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed seek on remote file, reason = %d\n", GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } dwPos = SetFilePointer(hLocal, 0, NULL, FILE_END); if(dwPos == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed seek on local file, reason = %d\n", GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } if((dwPos = SetFilePointer(hLocal, -MAX_BUF_SIZE, NULL, FILE_CURRENT)) == 0xFFFFFFFF) goto cleanup;
// move backwards until we find the "!*" that I use as my start token.
while(!fDone) { if(!ReadFile(hLocal, cBuffer, MAX_BUF_SIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL) || !dwBytesRead) { if(!dwBytesRead) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("local eof\n")); } else { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("R error: %d\n", GetLastError())); } goto cleanup; }
for(x=0;x<dwBytesRead;x++) { if(cBuffer[x] == '!' && cBuffer[x+1] == '*') { fDone = TRUE; dwPos += x; break; } } if(!fDone) if((dwPos = SetFilePointer(hLocal, -2*MAX_BUF_SIZE, NULL, FILE_CURRENT)) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("seeked all the way and failed, error=%d\n",GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } } // we have found the !*. Seek there and copy until end of file.
// tHACK. We should have a final delimiter (ie: *!)
if((dwPos = SetFilePointer(hLocal, dwPos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) == 0xFFFFFFFF) goto cleanup; for(;;) { if(!ReadFile(hLocal, cBuffer, MAX_BUF_SIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("R error: %d\n", GetLastError())); break; } if(dwBytesRead == 0) break; if(!WriteFile(hLog, cBuffer, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("W error: %d\n", GetLastError())); break; } } } cleanup: if(hLocal) CloseHandle(hLocal); if(!FlushFileBuffers(hLog)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("FlushFileBuffers failed, reason = %d\n",GetLastError())); } }
DWORD PRIVATE MoveConflictingFile( LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { DWORD dwError; _TCHAR * lpLeaf;
lstrcpy(vrgchBuff, vszConflictDir); lstrcat(vrgchBuff, vszSlash); FormLocalNameFromRemoteName(vrgchBuff+strlen(vrgchBuff), lpCP->lpSharePath);
dwError = InbCreateDir(vrgchBuff, 0xffffffff);
if (dwError != NO_ERROR) { dwError = ERROR_NO_CONFLICT_DIR; goto bailout; }
lpLeaf = GetLeafPtr(lpCP->lpRemotePath);
lstrcat(vrgchBuff, vszSlash); lstrcat(vrgchBuff, lpLeaf); GetUniqueName(vrgchBuff, vrgchBuff+512); ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Shadow of %s!%s is saved as %s \r\n" , lpCP->lpSharePath , lpCP->lpRemotePath , vrgchBuff+512));
if(!MoveFile(lpCP->lpLocalPath, vrgchBuff+512)){ dwError = GetLastError(); } else{ wsprintf(vrwBuff, "Shadow of %s!%s is saved as %s \r\n" , lpCP->lpSharePath , lpCP->lpRemotePath , vrgchBuff+512); WriteLog(vrwBuff); dwError = 0; } bailout: return (dwError); }
VOID PRIVATE FormLocalNameFromRemoteName( _TCHAR * lpBuff, _TCHAR * lpRemoteName ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { int i; lstrcpy(lpBuff, lpRemoteName); for (i= strlen(lpRemoteName)-1; i>=0 ; --i){ if (lpBuff[i]=='\\') { lpBuff[i] = '_'; } } }
int PRIVATE StampReintLog( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
GetLocalTime(&sST); wsprintf(vrgchBuff, vszTimeDateFormat, sST.wHour, sST.wMinute, sST.wSecond, sST.wMonth, sST.wDay, sST.wYear); return (WriteLog(vrgchBuff)); }
int PRIVATE LogReintError( DWORD dwError, _TCHAR * lpSharePath, _TCHAR * lpRemotePath ) /*++
Routine Description:
{ int i;
for (i=0; i< sizeof(rgErrorTab)/sizeof(ERRMSG); ++i){ if (dwError == rgErrorTab[i].dwError){ LoadString(vhinstCur, rgErrorTab[i].uMessageID, vrgchBuff, 128); wsprintf(vrgchBuff+128, "%s%s: %s \r\n" , lpSharePath , lpRemotePath , vrgchBuff); WriteLog(vrgchBuff+128); return (1); } } wsprintf(vrgchBuff, "%s%s: ", lpSharePath, lpRemotePath); WriteLog(vrgchBuff); if (FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), vrgchBuff, sizeof(vrgchBuff), NULL)){ WriteLog(vrgchBuff); }
WriteLog(vrgchCRLF); }
int PRIVATE WriteLog( _TCHAR * lpStrLog ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { HANDLE hfLog; DWORD dwRetLen;
if((hfLog = CreateFile(vszLogFile , GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE , FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE , NULL , OPEN_ALWAYS , 0 , NULL)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ SetFilePointer(hfLog, 0, NULL, FILE_END); WriteFile(hfLog, lpStrLog, strlen(lpStrLog), &dwRetLen, NULL); CloseHandle(hfLog); return (1); }
return (0); }
BOOL GetWin32Info( _TCHAR * lpFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFW32 ) /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { return GetWin32InfoForNT(lpFile, lpFW32); }
DWORD PRIVATE DoObjectEdit( HANDLE hShadowDB, _TCHAR * lpDrive, _TCHAR * lptzFullPath, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, int iShadowStatus, int iFileStatus, int uAction, DWORD dwFileSystemFlags, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, DWORD_PTR dwContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine does the actual merge for files
hShadowDB Handle to the redir to call issue ioctl calls
lpDrive drivemapping to bypass CSC while making changes on the remote
lptzFullPath Fully qualified path
lpCP Copy parameters, contain share name, path relative to the share and the the name in the local database
lpSI info such as pincount and pinflags
lpFind32Local win32 info for the local replica
lpFind32Remote win32 infor for the origianl, NULL if the original doesn't exist
iShadowStatus status of the local copy
iFileStatus status of the remote copy
uAction action to be performed
dwFileSystemFlags filesystem flags to do special things for NTFS
lpfnMergeProgress progress callback
dwContext callback context
error code as defined in winerror.h
{ HANDLE hfSrc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, hfDst = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hDst=0; _TCHAR * lpT; LONG lOffset=0; DWORD dwError=ERROR_REINT_FAILED; BOOL fRet, fFileExists, fOverWrite=FALSE, fForceAttribute = FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32Remote; DWORD dwTotal = 0, dwRet; _TCHAR szSrcName[MAX_PATH+MAX_SERVER_SHARE_NAME_FOR_CSC+10]; _TCHAR szDstName[MAX_PATH+MAX_SERVER_SHARE_NAME_FOR_CSC+10]; _TCHAR *lprwBuff = NULL; _TCHAR *lptzLocalPath = NULL; _TCHAR *lptzLocalPathCscBmp = NULL; LPCSC_BITMAP_U lpbitmap = NULL; DWORD fileSize, fileSizeHigh; int cscReintRet;
lprwBuff = LocalAlloc(LPTR, FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN);
if (!lprwBuff) { return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
if (!(lptzLocalPath = GetTempFileForCSC(NULL))) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("DoObjectEdit: failed to get temp file\r\n")); goto bailout; }
if (!CopyShadow(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, lptzLocalPath)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("DoObjectEdit: failed to make local copy\r\n")); goto bailout; }
// for EFS files, we overwrite the original file, that way the encryption information
// will not be lost due to us doing a new create followed by a rename and delete
fOverWrite = ((lpFind32Local->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) != 0);
if (!fOverWrite && lpFind32Remote) { fOverWrite = (((lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) != 0)|| ((lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) != 0)); }
// if this is the DFS root, always overwrite. This is to avoind sharing violation problems
// while merging
if (!fOverWrite && (dwFileSystemFlags == DFS_ROOT_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAGS)) { fOverWrite = TRUE; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Overwrite=%d\r\n", fOverWrite));
// Create x:\foo\00010002 kind of temporary filename
lstrcpy(szDstName, lpDrive); lstrcat(szDstName, lpCP->lpRemotePath);
lpT = GetLeafPtr(szDstName); *lpT = 0; // remove the remote leaf
lpT = GetLeafPtr(lpCP->lpLocalPath);
// attach the local leaf
lstrcat(szDstName, lpT);
// Let us also create the real name x:\foo\bar
lstrcpy(szSrcName, lpDrive); lstrcat(szSrcName, lpCP->lpRemotePath);
fFileExists = (lpFind32Remote != NULL);
if (!fFileExists) { fOverWrite = FALSE; ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("File doesn't exist, Overwrite=%d\r\n", fOverWrite)); }
if (mShadowDeleted(lpSI->uStatus)){
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Deleting %ls \r\n", szSrcName));
if (lpFind32Remote) { if((lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("DoObjectEdit:attribute conflict on %ls \r\n", szSrcName)); goto bailout; } if(!DeleteFile(szSrcName)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("DoObjectEdit:delete failed %ls error=%d\r\n", szSrcName, GetLastError())); goto bailout; } }
// if this operation fails we want to abort
// directory
if(!DeleteShadow(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow)) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto error; } else { dwError = 0; goto bailout; }
if (mShadowDirty(lpSI->uStatus) || mShadowLocallyCreated(lpSI->uStatus)){
if (hfSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto bailout; }
if (lpFind32Remote && uAction != RAIA_MERGE) { // Load the bitmap only when the remote file exists and
// that no conflict occurs. (if there's a conflict,
// uAction == RAIA_MERGE. See PerformOneReint()
lptzLocalPathCscBmp = (_TCHAR *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, (lstrlen(lptzLocalPath) + CSC_BitmapStreamNameLen() + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); lstrcpy(lptzLocalPathCscBmp, lptzLocalPath); CSC_BitmapAppendStreamName( lptzLocalPathCscBmp, (lstrlen(lptzLocalPath) + CSC_BitmapStreamNameLen() + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("TempFileBmp (WCHAR) %ws\r\n", lptzLocalPathCscBmp)); switch(CSC_BitmapRead(&lpbitmap, lptzLocalPathCscBmp)) { // for return values of CSC_BitmapRead see csc_bmpu.c
case 0: ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("&lpbitmap is null, cannot happen\n")); lpbitmap = NULL; break; case 1: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Read bitmap successful\n")); // Overwrite the updated parts of the original file in the
// share
fOverWrite = TRUE; CSC_BitmapOutput(lpbitmap); // this is NOTHING in free build
break; case -2: ReintKdPrint( MERGE, ("No Bitmap file %ws exists\n", lptzLocalPathCscBmp)); lpbitmap = NULL; break; case -1: ReintKdPrint( MERGE, ("Error in reading Bitmap file %ws\n", lptzLocalPathCscBmp)); lpbitmap = NULL; break; default: ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSC_BitmapRead return code unknown\n")); lpbitmap = NULL; break; } } // if the destination file has multiple streams
// we should overwrite it
if (mShadowDirty(lpSI->uStatus) && (dwFileSystemFlags & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS)&& // indication of NTFS
(fFileExists)&& !fOverWrite) { BOOL fStreams = FALSE;
// check if this has multiple streams
if(!HasMultipleStreams(szSrcName, &fStreams) || fStreams ) { // if the call failed, we go conservative and assume there are multiple streams
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Have multiple streams, overwriting\n")); fOverWrite = TRUE; }
} if (!fOverWrite) {
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Creating temp \r\n"));
if ((dwFileSystemFlags & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS)&&(fFileExists)) { hfDst = CreateTmpFileWithSourceAcls( szSrcName, szDstName); } else { hfDst = CreateFile(szDstName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); } } else { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Overwriting existing file\r\n")); Assert(lpFind32Remote); if (lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Clearing Readonly attribute \r\n")); if(!SetFileAttributes(szSrcName, (lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY))){ ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Failed to clear Readonly attribute, bailing\r\n")); goto error; } fForceAttribute = TRUE; }
// Want to open existing so can copy only those parts of
// file that needs to be updated
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Opening %ws\n", szSrcName)); hfDst = CreateFile( szSrcName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, (lpbitmap == NULL) ? TRUNCATE_EXISTING : OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if (hfDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwError = GetLastError(); ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("open failed %d\n", dwError)); SetLastError(dwError); goto error; }
if (lpbitmap != NULL) {
// Resize the destination file
fileSizeHigh = 0; fileSize = GetFileSize(hfSrc, &fileSizeHigh); if (fileSize == 0xFFFFFFFF && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error getting source file size\n")); goto error; } ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Source FileSize %u\n", fileSize)); if (SetFilePointer( hfDst, fileSize, &fileSizeHigh, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR ) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error setting destination file pointer\n")); goto error; } if (!SetEndOfFile(hfDst)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error setting EOF info of destination file\n")); goto error; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Resized Destination FileSize %u\n", GetFileSize(hfDst, NULL)));
if (fileSizeHigh != 0 && lpbitmap) { // file size cannot be represented by 32 bit (> 4Gb)
// do not use CSCBmp
CSC_BitmapDelete(&lpbitmap); lpbitmap = NULL; } } }
if (hfDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto error; }
// let us append
if((lOffset = SetFilePointer(hfDst, 0, NULL, FILE_END))==0xffffffff) { goto error; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Copying back %ls to %ls%ls \r\n" , lpCP->lpLocalPath , lpCP->lpSharePath , lpCP->lpRemotePath ));
do { unsigned cbRead; if (lpbitmap) { // Use CSC_BitmapReint Function
cscReintRet = CSC_BitmapReint( lpbitmap, hfSrc, hfDst, lprwBuff, FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN, &cbRead); if (cscReintRet == CSC_BITMAPReintCont) { NOTHING; } else if (cscReintRet == CSC_BITMAPReintDone) { ReintKdPrint( MERGE, ("Done reint\n")); break; } else if (cscReintRet == CSC_BITMAPReintInvalid) { ReintKdPrint( BADERRORS, ("Invalid param in calling CSC_BitmapReint\n")); goto error; } else if (cscReintRet == CSC_BITMAPReintError) { ReintKdPrint( BADERRORS, ("Error in transferring data\n")); goto error; } else { ReintKdPrint( BADERRORS, ("Unrecognized CSC_BitmapReint return code\n")); goto error; } } else { if (!ReadFile(hfSrc, lprwBuff, FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN, &cbRead, NULL)) { goto error; } // ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Read %d bytes \r\n", cbRead));
if (!cbRead) { break; } if(!WriteFile(hfDst, (LPBYTE)lprwBuff, cbRead, &cbRead, NULL)){ goto error; } dwTotal += cbRead; } if (lpfnMergeProgress) { dwRet = (*lpfnMergeProgress)( szSrcName, lpSI->uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32Local, CSCPROC_REASON_MORE_DATA, cbRead, 0, dwContext);
if (dwRet != CSCPROC_RETURN_CONTINUE) { SetLastError(ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); goto bailout; }
if (FAbortOperation()) { SetLastError(ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); goto error; } } while(TRUE);
CloseHandle(hfSrc); hfSrc = 0;
CloseHandle(hfDst); hfDst = 0;
// if we are not overwriting the original file, then we must make sure to cleanup
if (!fOverWrite) { // nuke the remote one if it exists
if (fFileExists){ if(!SetFileAttributes(szSrcName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) || !DeleteFile(szSrcName)){ goto error; } }
// Now rename the temp file to the real filename
if(!MoveFile(szDstName, szSrcName)){ ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error #%ld Renaming %ls to %ls%ls\r\n" , GetLastError() , szSrcName , lpCP->lpSharePath , lpCP->lpRemotePath )); goto error; }
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Renamed %ls to %ls%ls\r\n" , szDstName , lpCP->lpSharePath , lpCP->lpRemotePath)); } }
if (fForceAttribute || mShadowAttribChange((lpSI->uStatus))|| mShadowTimeChange((lpSI->uStatus))){
if(!SetFileAttributes(szSrcName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { goto error; }
if (mShadowTimeChange((lpSI->uStatus))){
if((hDst = CreateFile(szSrcName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ))!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ fRet = SetFileTime( hDst, NULL, NULL, &(lpFind32Local->ftLastWriteTime)); } CloseHandle(hDst); hDst = 0;
if (!fRet) { goto error; } }
if(!SetFileAttributes(szSrcName, lpFind32Local->dwFileAttributes)){ goto error; } }
// Get the latest timestamps/attributes/LFN/SFN on the file we just copied back
if (!GetWin32Info(szSrcName, &sFind32Remote)) { goto error; }
lpSI->uStatus &= (unsigned long)(~(SHADOW_MODFLAGS));
if (!SetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, &sFind32Remote, ~(SHADOW_MODFLAGS), SHADOW_FLAGS_AND|SHADOW_FLAGS_CHANGE_83NAME)) { goto error; } else { dwError = NO_ERROR; goto bailout; }
error: dwError = GetLastError(); ReportLastError();
#if 0
LogReintError( dwError, lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath); #endif
if (hfSrc != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hfSrc);
// if we failed,
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) DeleteFile(szDstName); }
if (lptzLocalPath) { DeleteFile(lptzLocalPath); LocalFree(lptzLocalPath); }
if (lprwBuff) LocalFree(lprwBuff);
if (lptzLocalPathCscBmp) LocalFree(lptzLocalPathCscBmp);
if (lpbitmap) CSC_BitmapDelete(&lpbitmap);
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("DoObjectEdit returning %d\n", dwError)); return (dwError); }
DWORD PRIVATE DoCreateDir( HANDLE hShadowDB, _TCHAR * lpDrive, _TCHAR * lptzFullPath, LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Local, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind32Remote, int iShadowStatus, int iFileStatus, int uAction, DWORD dwFileSystemFlags, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, DWORD_PTR dwContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine does the actual merge for directories
hShadowDB Handle to the redir to call issue ioctl calls
lpDrive drivemapping to bypass CSC while making changes on the remote
lptzFullPath Fully qualified path
lpCP Copy parameters, contain share name, path relative to the share and the the name in the local database
lpSI info such as pincount and pinflags
lpFind32Local win32 info for the local replica
lpFind32Remote win32 infor for the origianl, NULL if the original doesn't exist
iShadowStatus status of the local copy
iFileStatus status of the remote copy
uAction action to be performed
dwFileSystemFlags filesystem flags to do special things for NTFS
lpfnMergeProgress progress callback
dwContext callback context
error code as defined in winerror.h
lprwBuff = LocalAlloc(LPTR, FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN);
if (!lprwBuff) { return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// Let us create the real name x:\foo\bar
lstrcpy(szSrcName, lpDrive); lstrcat(szSrcName, lpCP->lpRemotePath);
if(lpFind32Remote && !(lpFind32Remote->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)){
if (lpSI->uStatus & SHADOW_REUSED){
// we now know that a file by this name has been deleted
// and a directory has been created in it's place
// we try to delete the file before createing the directory
// NB, the other way is not possible because we don't allow directory deletes
// in disconnected mode
dwError = (!DeleteFile(szSrcName)) ? GetLastError(): NO_ERROR;
if ((dwError==NO_ERROR)|| (dwError==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)|| (dwError==ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)){ lstrcpy(lprwBuff, szSrcName); dwError = NO_ERROR; } }
if (dwError != NO_ERROR){ #if 0
LogReintError(ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICT, lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath); #endif
dwError = GetUniqueName(szSrcName, lprwBuff); }
if (dwError == NO_ERROR){ if ((dwError = InbCreateDir( lprwBuff, (mShadowAttribChange(lpSI->uStatus) ? lpFind32Local->dwFileAttributes : 0xffffffff) ))==NO_ERROR) { if(!GetWin32Info(lprwBuff, &sFind32Remote)){ dwError = GetLastError(); } else{ #if 0
lpLeaf1 = GetLeafPtr(szSrcName); lpLeaf2 = GetLeafPtr(lprwBuff); wsprintf(lprwBuff+512 , "Directory Name changed from %s to %s on %s\r\n" , lpLeaf1, lpLeaf2, lpCP->lpSharePath); WriteLog(lprwBuff+512); #endif
} } } } else{ if ((dwError = InbCreateDir(szSrcName, (mShadowAttribChange(lpSI->uStatus) ? lpFind32Local->dwFileAttributes : 0xffffffff) ))==NO_ERROR){ if (!GetWin32Info(szSrcName, &sFind32Remote)){ dwError = GetLastError(); } } }
if (dwError == NO_ERROR){
if(!SetShadowInfo(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, &sFind32Remote, (unsigned)(~SHADOW_MODFLAGS), SHADOW_FLAGS_AND)) { dwError = GetLastError(); } else { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Created directory %s%s", lpCP->lpSharePath, lpCP->lpRemotePath)); } } else{ #if 0
wsprintf(lprwBuff, "Error merging %s%s\r\n" , lpCP->lpSharePath , lpCP->lpRemotePath); WriteLog(lprwBuff); #endif
if (lprwBuff) { LocalFree(lprwBuff);
} return (dwError); }
VOID CleanupReintState( VOID ) { if (vsRei.hShare) {
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSCDLL.CleanupReintState: ending reint on hShare=%x\r\n", vsRei.hShare)); // EndReint(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, vsRei.hShare);
if (vsRei.tzDrive[0]) { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSCDLL.CleanupReintState: unmapping merge drive\r\n")); DWDisconnectDriveMappedNet(vsRei.tzDrive, TRUE); vsRei.tzDrive[0] = 0; }
vsRei.hShare = 0;
} }
HANDLE CreateTmpFileWithSourceAcls( _TCHAR *lptzSrc, _TCHAR *lptzDst ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is used by DoObjectEdit while pushing back a file during merge. It's job is to get the descritionary ACLs from the source file and use them to create a temp file to which we are going to copy the data before renaming it to the source
file handle is successful, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if failed. In case of failure, GetLastError() tells the specific error code.
memset(&sSA, 0, sizeof(sSA));
sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor = buff; dwSize = 0;
if(!GetFileSecurity( lptzSrc, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor, 0, &dwSize)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwSize);
if (sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor) { if(GetFileSecurity( lptzSrc, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor, dwSize, &sSA.nLength)) { sSA.nLength = sizeof(sSA); fRet = TRUE; } else { dwSize = GetLastError(); LocalFree(sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor); SetLastError(dwSize); } } } } else { fRet = TRUE; }
if (fRet) { hDst = CreateFile(lptzDst, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, &sSA, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
if (hDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwSize = GetLastError(); }
if (sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor) { LocalFree(sSA.lpSecurityDescriptor); } if (hDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetLastError(dwSize); }
return hDst; }
BOOL HasMultipleStreams( _TCHAR *lpExistingFileName, BOOL *lpfTrueFalse ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is used by DoObjectEdit while pushing back a file during merge. It looks to see whether the destination file has multiple streams.
lpExistingFileName Name of an existing file lpfTrueFalse output parameter, returns TRUE is the call succeedes and there are multiple streams
returns TRUE if successful
*lpfTrueFalse = FALSE;
// Obtain the full set of streams we have to copy. Since the Io subsystem does
// not provide us a way to find out how much space this information will take,
// we must iterate the call, doubling the buffer size upon each failure.
// If the underlying file system does not support stream enumeration, we end up
// with a NULL buffer. This is acceptable since we have at least a default
// data stream,
StreamInfoSize = 4096; do { StreamInfoBase = LocalAlloc(LPTR, StreamInfoSize );
if ( !StreamInfoBase ) { SetLastError( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); goto bailout; }
Status = NtQueryInformationFile( SourceFile, &IoStatus, (PVOID) StreamInfoBase, StreamInfoSize, FileStreamInformation );
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// We failed the call. Free up the previous buffer and set up
// for another pass with a buffer twice as large
LocalFree(StreamInfoBase); StreamInfoBase = NULL; StreamInfoSize *= 2; }
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { fRet = TRUE;
if (StreamInfoBase) { if (StreamInfoBase->NextEntryOffset) { *lpfTrueFalse = TRUE; } } }
if (SourceFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(SourceFile); }
if (StreamInfoBase) { LocalFree(StreamInfoBase); }
return fRet; }
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL CompareFilePrefixes( _TCHAR *lptzRemotePath, _TCHAR *lptzLocalPath, SHADOWINFO *lpSI, WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFind32, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, DWORD_PTR dwContext ) {
HANDLE hfSrc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, hfDst = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPVOID lpvSrc = NULL, lpvDst = NULL; unsigned cbSrcTotal = 0, cbDstTotal = 0; DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR, dwRemoteSize;
if (lpfnMergeProgress) { (*lpfnMergeProgress)(lptzRemotePath, lpSI->uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32, CSCPROC_REASON_BEGIN, 0, 0, dwContext); }
ReintKdPrint(ALWAYS, ("Comparing %ls with %ls \r\n", lptzLocalPath, lptzRemotePath));
lpvSrc = LocalAlloc(LPTR, FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN);
if (!lpvSrc) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CompareFilesPrefix: Memory Allocation Error\r\n")); goto bailout; }
lpvDst = LocalAlloc(LPTR, FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN);
if (!lpvDst) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CompareFilesPrefix: Memory Allocation Error\r\n")); goto bailout; }
if (hfSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed to open database file for Inode=%x\r\n", lpSI->hShadow)); goto bailout; }
if (hfDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed to open remote file for Inode=%x\r\n", lpSI->hShadow)); goto error; }
dwRemoteSize = GetFileSize(hfDst, NULL);
if (dwRemoteSize == 0xffffffff) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed to get size for remote file for Inode=%x\r\n", lpSI->hShadow)); goto error; }
if (dwRemoteSize != lpFind32->nFileSizeLow) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("mismatched local and remote sizes for Inode=%x\r\n", lpSI->hShadow)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto error; }
do{ unsigned cbReadSrc, cbReadDst;
if (!ReadFile(hfSrc, lpvSrc, FILL_BUF_SIZE_LAN, &cbReadSrc, NULL)){ goto error; }
if (!cbReadSrc) { break; }
cbSrcTotal += cbReadSrc;
if(!ReadFile(hfDst, (LPBYTE)lpvDst, cbReadSrc, &cbReadDst, NULL)){ goto error; }
cbDstTotal += cbReadDst;
if (cbReadSrc > cbReadDst) { ReintKdPrint(ALWAYS, ("CompareFilesPrefix: RemoteFile sized is smaller than Local Size\r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto error; }
if (memcmp(lpvSrc, lpvDst, cbReadSrc)) { ReintKdPrint(ALWAYS, ("mismatched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto error; }
} while(TRUE);
goto bailout;
error: dwError = GetLastError(); ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Error=%d\r\n", dwError));
bailout: if (hfSrc != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hfSrc); }
CloseHandle(hfDst); }
if (lpvSrc) { FreeMem(lpvSrc); }
if (lpvDst) { FreeMem(lpvDst); }
if (lpfnMergeProgress) { (*lpfnMergeProgress)(lptzRemotePath, lpSI->uStatus, lpSI->ulHintFlags, lpSI->ulHintPri, lpFind32, CSCPROC_REASON_END, cbDstTotal, dwError, dwContext); }
return TRUE; }
int CheckCSCDirCallback( HANDLE hShadowDB, LPSECURITYINFO pShareSecurityInfo, LPTSTR lptzFullPath, DWORD dwCallbackReason, WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFind32, SHADOWINFO *lpSI, LPREINT_INFO lpRei ) { int retCode = TOD_CONTINUE; LPCOPYPARAMS lpCP = NULL; BOOL fInsertInList = FALSE, fIsFile; _TCHAR *lptzLocalPath = NULL; _TCHAR szRemoteName[MAX_PATH+MAX_SERVER_SHARE_NAME_FOR_CSC+10];
if (dwCallbackReason != TOD_CALLBACK_REASON_NEXT_ITEM) { return retCode; } fIsFile = ((lpFind32->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0);
if (!fIsFile) { return retCode; }
lpCP = LpAllocCopyParams();
if (!lpCP){ ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CheckCSCDirCallback: Allocation of copyparam buffer failed\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); retCode = TOD_ABORT; goto bailout; }
if(!GetUNCPath(hShadowDB, lpSI->hShare, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, lpCP)){
ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CheckCSCDirCallback: GetUNCPath failed\n")); Assert(FALSE); retCode = TOD_CONTINUE; goto bailout; }
if (!(lptzLocalPath = GetTempFileForCSC(NULL))) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CheckCSCDirCallback: failed to get temp file\r\n")); goto bailout; }
if (!CopyShadow(hShadowDB, lpSI->hDir, lpSI->hShadow, lptzLocalPath)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CheckCSCDirCallback: failed to make local copy\r\n")); goto bailout; }
// Let us create the real name x:\foo\bar
lstrcpy(szRemoteName, lpRei->tzDrive); lstrcat(szRemoteName, lpCP->lpRemotePath); CompareFilePrefixes( szRemoteName, lptzLocalPath, lpSI, lpFind32, lpRei->lpfnMergeProgress, lpRei->dwContext );
bailout: if (lptzLocalPath) { DeleteFile(lptzLocalPath); LocalFree(lptzLocalPath); } if (lpCP) { FreeCopyParams(lpCP); }
return retCode; }
BOOL PUBLIC CheckCSCShare( _TCHAR *lptzShare, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, DWORD dwContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
{ BOOL fConnected=FALSE, fDone = FALSE; BOOL fStamped = FALSE, fInsertInList = FALSE, fBeginReint = FALSE, fDisabledShadowing = FALSE; HANDLE hShadowDB; SHADOWINFO sSI; int iRet; DWORD dwError=NO_ERROR; TCHAR tzFullPath[MAX_PATH+1]; WIN32_FIND_DATA sFind32; REINT_INFO sRei;
if (!LpBreakPath(lptzShare, TRUE, &fDone) && !fDone) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
fDone = FALSE;
memset(&sRei, 0, sizeof(sRei)); sRei.lpfnMergeProgress = lpfnMergeProgress; sRei.dwContext = dwContext; memset(sRei.tzDrive, 0, sizeof(sRei.tzDrive));
if ((hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO()) ==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CheckShare: failed to open database\r\n")); goto bailout; }
memset(&sFind32, 0, sizeof(sFind32)); lstrcpy(sFind32.cFileName, lptzShare);
if(!GetShadowEx(hShadowDB, 0, &sFind32, &sSI)||(!sSI.hShadow)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CheckShare: failed to get the share info\r\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto bailout; }
lstrcpy(tzFullPath, lptzShare);
dwError = DWConnectNet(lptzShare, sRei.tzDrive, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); if ((dwError != WN_SUCCESS) && (dwError != WN_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("CheckCSCOneShare: Error %d, couldn't connect to %s\r\n", dwError, lptzShare)); SetLastError(dwError); goto bailout;
ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("CSC.CheckShare: mapped drive letter %ls \r\n", sRei.tzDrive));
if (lpfnMergeProgress) { (*lpfnMergeProgress)(lptzShare, 0, 0, 0, NULL, CSCPROC_REASON_BEGIN, 0, 0, dwContext); }
fConnected = TRUE;
iRet = TraverseOneDirectory(hShadowDB, NULL, 0, sSI.hShadow, tzFullPath, CheckCSCDirCallback, &sRei);
if (lpfnMergeProgress) { (*lpfnMergeProgress)(lptzShare, 0, 0, 0, NULL, CSCPROC_REASON_END, 0, 0, dwContext); }
fDone = TRUE;
if (fConnected) {
if(DWDisconnectDriveMappedNet(sRei.tzDrive, TRUE)) { ReintKdPrint(BADERRORS, ("Failed disconnection of merge drive \r\n")); } else { ReintKdPrint(MERGE, ("Disconnected merge drive \r\n")); } }
return (fDone); } #endif