#include "pch.h"
#ifdef CSC_ON_NT
#pragma hdrstop
#include <winioctl.h>
#endif //CSC_ON_NT
#include "shdcom.h"
#include "shdsys.h"
#include "reint.h"
#include "lib3.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "oslayeru.h"
#include "record.h"
#include "utils.h"
typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef VOID (*PRINTPROC)(LPSTR);
typedef struct tagRBA { unsigned ulidShadow; // Inode which is represented by this structure
GENERICHEADER sGH; // it's header
CSCHFILE hf; // open handle to the file
DWORD cntRBE; // count of buffer entries in the array
DWORD cntRecsPerRBE; // #of records per buffer entry
DWORD cbRBE; // size in bytes of each buffer entry
LPBYTE rgRBE[]; // buffer entry array
} RBA, *LPRBA; // stands for RecordBuffArray
#define MAX_RECBUFF_ENTRY_SIZE (0x10000-0x100)
#define MAX_RBES_EXPECTED 1024
#define INODE_NULL 0L
#define UPDATE_REC 1
#define FIND_REC 2
#define DELETE_REC 3
#define ALLOC_REC 4
extern BOOL vfCSCEnabled; extern DWORD vdwAgentThreadId; extern char vszDBDir[MAX_PATH];
static char szBackslash[] = "\\"; static const char vszWorstCaseDefDir[] ="c:\\csc\\"; // directory name where the CSC database lives
// subdirectories under CSC directory
char szStarDotStar[]="*.*"; char vchBuff[256], vchPrintBuff[1024];
extern DWORD vdwDBCapacity, vdwClusterSize;
#define RecFromInode(hShadow) ((hShadow & 0x7fffffff) - (ULID_FIRST_USER_DIR-1))
AssertData; AssertError;
int DoDBMaintenance(VOID); int CALLBACK CheckDBProc( int cntDrives, DWORD dwCookie ); int PUBLIC CheckPQ(VOID); int CountProc(HANDLE hf, LPQHEADER lpQH, LPQREC lpQR, unsigned *lpcnt);
BOOL FindCreateDBDir( BOOL *lpfCreated, BOOL fCleanup // empty the directory if found
BOOL DeleteDirectoryFiles( LPCSTR lpszDir );
int ClearShadowCache(); int CALLBACK ReinitShadowDBProc( int cntDrives, DWORD dwCookie ); BOOL IsValidName(LPSTR lpName); int SetDefaultSpace(LPSTR lpShadowDir);
VOID PrintShareHeader( LPSHAREHEADER lpSH, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc );
VOID PrintPQHeader( LPQHEADER lpQH, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc );
VOID PrintFileHeader( LPFILEHEADER lpFH, unsigned ulSpaces, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc );
VOID PrintShareRec( unsigned ulRec, LPSHAREREC lpSR, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc );
VOID PrintFilerec( unsigned ulRec, LPFILERECEXT lpFR, unsigned ulSpaces, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc );
VOID PrintPQrec( unsigned ulRec, LPQREC lpQrec, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc );
int PrintSpaces( LPSTR lpBuff, unsigned ulSpaces );
#ifdef CSC_ON_NT
BOOL PUBLIC CheckCSCShare( USHORT *lptzShare, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, DWORD dwContext ); #else
BOOL PUBLIC CheckCSCShare( LPSTR lptzShare, LPCSCPROC lpfnMergeProgress, DWORD dwContext ); #endif
#ifndef CSC_ON_NT
BOOL CheckCSCDatabaseVersion( BOOL *lpfWasDirty ) {
CSCHFILE hfShare = 0, hfPQ=0; BOOL fOK = FALSE; DWORD dwErrorShare=NO_ERROR, dwErrorPQ=NO_ERROR;
// OutputDebugStringA("Checking version...\r\n");
lpszName = FormNameString(vszDBDir, ULID_SHARE);
if (!lpszName) { return FALSE; }
if(!(hfShare = OpenFileLocal(lpszName))) { dwErrorShare = GetLastError(); }
lpszName = FormNameString(vszDBDir, ULID_PQ);
if (!lpszName) { goto bailout; }
if(!(hfPQ = OpenFileLocal(lpszName))) { dwErrorPQ = GetLastError(); }
FreeNameString(lpszName); lpszName = NULL;
if ((dwErrorShare == NO_ERROR)&&(dwErrorPQ==NO_ERROR)) { if(ReadFileLocal(hfShare, 0, &sSH, sizeof(SHAREHEADER))!=sizeof(SHAREHEADER)) { //error message
goto bailout; }
if (sSH.ulVersion != CSC_DATABASE_VERSION) { goto bailout; }
if (lpfWasDirty) { *lpfWasDirty = ((sSH.uFlags & FLAG_SHAREHEADER_DATABASE_OPEN) != 0); }
// reset the database open flag
// don't worry about any errors here
WriteFileLocal(hfShare, 0, &sSH, sizeof(SHAREHEADER));
if(ReadFileLocal(hfPQ, 0, &sPQ, sizeof(PRIQHEADER))!=sizeof(PRIQHEADER)) { //error message
goto bailout; }
if (sPQ.ulVersion != CSC_DATABASE_VERSION) { goto bailout; }
fOK = TRUE; } else { if (((dwErrorShare == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)&&(dwErrorPQ==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND))|| ((dwErrorShare == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)&&(dwErrorPQ==ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND))) { fOK = TRUE; } }
if (lpszName) { FreeNameString(lpszName); }
if (hfShare) { CloseFileLocal(hfShare); }
if (hfPQ) { CloseFileLocal(hfPQ); }
return (fOK); }
BOOL UpgradeCSCDatabase( LPSTR lpszDir
) { BOOL fCreated;
return (FindCreateDBDir(&fCreated, TRUE)); // cleanup dirs if exist
BOOL FindCreateDBDirEx( BOOL *lpfCreated, BOOL *lpfIncorrectSubdirs, BOOL fCleanup // empty the directory if found
) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwAttr; BOOL fRet = FALSE; char buff[MAX_PATH+1]; int i; UINT lenDir;
*lpfIncorrectSubdirs = *lpfCreated = FALSE;
DEBUG_PRINT(("InbCreateDir: looking for %s \r\n", vszDBDir));
if ((dwAttr = GetFileAttributesA(vszDBDir)) == 0xffffffff) { DEBUG_PRINT(("InbCreateDir: didnt' find the CSC directory trying to create one \r\n")); if(CreateDirectoryA(vszDBDir, NULL)) { *lpfCreated = TRUE; } else { goto bailout; } } else { if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (fCleanup && !DeleteDirectoryFiles(vszDBDir)) { goto bailout; } } else { goto bailout; } }
strcpy(buff, vszDBDir);
lenDir = strlen(buff); buff[lenDir++] = '\\'; buff[lenDir++] = CSCDbSubdirFirstChar(); buff[lenDir++] = '1'; buff[lenDir] = 0;
for (i=0; i<CSCDB_SUBDIR_COUNT; ++i) { if ((dwAttr = GetFileAttributesA(buff)) == 0xffffffff) { *lpfIncorrectSubdirs = TRUE;
DEBUG_PRINT(("InbCreateDir: didnt' find the CSC directory trying to create one \r\n")); if(!CreateDirectoryA(buff, NULL)) { goto bailout; } } else { if (!(dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { goto bailout; }
if (fCleanup && !DeleteDirectoryFiles(buff)) { goto bailout; }
buff[lenDir-1]++; }
fRet = TRUE;
return (fRet); }
BOOL FindCreateDBDir( BOOL *lpfCreated, BOOL fCleanup // empty the directory if found
) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL fIncorrectSubdirs = FALSE, fRet;
if (fRet = FindCreateDBDirEx(lpfCreated, &fIncorrectSubdirs, fCleanup)) { // if the root directory wasn't created and there in correct subdirs
// then we need to recreate the database.
if (!*lpfCreated && fIncorrectSubdirs) { fRet = FindCreateDBDirEx(lpfCreated, &fIncorrectSubdirs, TRUE); } } return fRet; }
BOOL DeleteDirectoryFiles( LPCSTR lpszDir ) { WIN32_FIND_DATAA sFind32; char buff[MAX_PATH+32]; HANDLE hFind; int lenDir; BOOL fOK = TRUE;
lstrcpyA(buff, lpszDir); lenDir = lstrlenA(buff);
if (!lenDir) { return (FALSE); }
if (buff[lenDir-1] != '\\') { buff[lenDir++] ='\\'; buff[lenDir]=0; }
lstrcatA(buff, szStarDotStar);
if ((hFind = FindFirstFileA(buff, &sFind32))!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { buff[lenDir] = 0;
if (!(sFind32.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && IsValidName(sFind32.cFileName)) { lstrcatA(buff, sFind32.cFileName); fOK = DeleteFileA(buff); if (!fOK) { break; } } } while(FindNextFileA(hFind, &sFind32));
FindClose(hFind); } return (fOK); }
BOOL IsValidName(LPSTR lpName) { int len = strlen(lpName), ch, i=0;
if (len != INODE_STRING_LENGTH) { return FALSE; }
while (len--) { ++i;
ch = *lpName++; if (!(((ch>='0') && (ch <='9'))|| ((ch>='A') && (ch <='F'))|| ((ch>='a') && (ch <='f')))) { return FALSE; } }
if (i != INODE_STRING_LENGTH) { return FALSE; }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL WINAPI CheckCSCEx( LPSTR lpszShare, LPCSCPROC lpfnProgress, DWORD dwContext, DWORD dwType ) { #ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef CSC_ON_NT
memset(uBuff, 0, sizeof(uBuff)); if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszShare, strlen(lpszShare), uBuff, sizeof(uBuff))) { return(CheckCSCShare(uBuff, lpfnProgress, dwContext)); } #else
return(CheckCSCShare(lpszShare, lpfnProgress, dwContext));
return FALSE; #endif
return FALSE; }
BOOL WINAPI CheckCSC( LPSTR lpszDBDir, BOOL fFix ) { LPVOID lpdbID = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE; char szDBDir[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwDBCapacity; DWORD dwClusterSize; ULONG ulDatabaseStatus; // if we are the agent and CSC is enabled then bailout;
if (vdwAgentThreadId) { if (vfCSCEnabled) { DEBUG_PRINT(("CheckCSC: CSC is enabled, cannot do database check\r\n")); return FALSE; } } else { unsigned ulSwitch = SHADOW_SWITCH_SHADOWING; if(ShadowSwitches(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &ulSwitch, SHADOW_SWITCH_GET_STATE)) { if((ulSwitch & SHADOW_SWITCH_SHADOWING)!=0) { DEBUG_PRINT(("CheckCSC: CSC is enabled, cannot do database check\r\n")); return FALSE; } } }
if (InitValues(szDBDir, sizeof(szDBDir), &dwDBCapacity, &dwClusterSize)) { if (!(lpdbID = OpenRecDB((lpszDBDir)?lpszDBDir:szDBDir, "Test", 0, dwDBCapacity, dwClusterSize, FALSE, NULL, &ulDatabaseStatus))) { DEBUG_PRINT(("CheckCSC: failed to open record database at %s\r\n", (lpszDBDir)?lpszDBDir:szDBDir)); goto bailout; }
fRet = TraverseHierarchy(lpdbID, fFix); } bailout: if (lpdbID) { CloseRecDB(lpdbID); }
return (fRet); }
VOID PrintShareHeader( LPSHAREHEADER lpSH, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc ) { int iRet=0;
if (lpfnPrintProc) { iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff,"****ShareHeader****\r\n" );
iRet+=wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Header: Flags=%xh Version=%lxh Records=%ld Size=%d \r\n", lpSH->uchFlags, lpSH->ulVersion, lpSH->ulRecords, lpSH->uRecSize);
iRet+=wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Store: Max=%ld Current=%ld \r\n", lpSH->sMax.ulSize, lpSH->sCur.ulSize);
(lpfnPrintProc)(vchPrintBuff); } }
VOID PrintPQHeader( LPQHEADER lpQH, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc ) { int iRet=0;
if (lpfnPrintProc) { iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"****PQHeader****\r\n" );
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Flags=%xh Version=%lxh Records=%ld Size=%d head=%ld tail=%ld\r\n", lpQH->uchFlags, lpQH->ulVersion, lpQH->ulRecords, lpQH->uRecSize, lpQH->ulrecHead, lpQH->ulrecTail); iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"\r\n");
(lpfnPrintProc)(vchPrintBuff); } }
VOID PrintFileHeader( LPFILEHEADER lpFH, unsigned ulSpaces, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc ) {
int iRet=0;
if (lpfnPrintProc) { iRet += PrintSpaces(vchPrintBuff+iRet, ulSpaces); iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"****FileHeader****\r\n" );
iRet += PrintSpaces(vchPrintBuff+iRet, ulSpaces); iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Flags=%xh Version=%lxh Records=%ld Size=%d\r\n", lpFH->uchFlags, lpFH->ulVersion, lpFH->ulRecords, lpFH->uRecSize);
iRet += PrintSpaces(vchPrintBuff+iRet, ulSpaces); iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"bytes=%ld entries=%d Share=%xh Dir=%xh\r\n", lpFH->ulsizeShadow, lpFH->ucShadows, lpFH->ulidShare, lpFH->ulidDir);
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"\r\n");
(lpfnPrintProc)(vchPrintBuff); } }
VOID PrintPQrec( unsigned ulRec, LPQREC lpQrec, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc ) { int iRet=0;
if (lpfnPrintProc) { iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"rec=%xh: Srvr=%xh dir=%xh shd=%xh prev=%xh next=%xh Stts=%xh, RfPr=%d PnCnt=%x PnFlgs=%xh DrEntr=%d\r\n" ,ulRec , lpQrec->ulidShare , lpQrec->ulidDir , lpQrec->ulidShadow , lpQrec->ulrecPrev , lpQrec->ulrecNext , (unsigned long)(lpQrec->usStatus) , (unsigned long)(lpQrec->uchRefPri) , (unsigned long)(lpQrec->uchHintPri) , (unsigned long)(lpQrec->uchHintFlags) , lpQrec->ulrecDirEntry
(lpfnPrintProc)(vchPrintBuff); } }
VOID PrintShareRec( unsigned ulRec, LPSHAREREC lpSR, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc ) { int iRet=0;
if (lpfnPrintProc) { iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Type=%c Flags=%xh hShare=%lxh Root=%0lxh status=%xh Share=%s \r\n" , lpSR->uchType, (unsigned)lpSR->uchFlags, ulRec, lpSR->ulidShadow , lpSR->uStatus, lpSR->rgPath); iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Hint: HintFlags=%xh\r\n", (unsigned)(lpSR->uchHintFlags));
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet, "\r\n");
(lpfnPrintProc)(vchPrintBuff+iRet); } }
VOID PrintFilerec( unsigned ulRec, LPFILERECEXT lpFR, unsigned ulSpaces, PRINTPROC lpfnPrintProc ) { int i; int iRet=0;
if (lpfnPrintProc) { iRet += PrintSpaces(vchPrintBuff+iRet, ulSpaces);
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Type=%c Flags=%xh Inode=%0lxh status=%xh 83Name=%ls size=%ld attrib=%lxh \r\n", lpFR->sFR.uchType, (unsigned)lpFR->sFR.uchFlags, lpFR->sFR.ulidShadow, lpFR->sFR.uStatus, lpFR->sFR.rgw83Name, lpFR->sFR.ulFileSize, lpFR->sFR.dwFileAttrib);
iRet += PrintSpaces(vchPrintBuff+iRet, ulSpaces);
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"time: hi=%lxh lo=%lxh orgtime: hi=%lxh lo=%lxh\r\n" , lpFR->sFR.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime,lpFR->sFR.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime , lpFR->sFR.ftOrgTime.dwHighDateTime,lpFR->sFR.ftOrgTime.dwLowDateTime);
iRet += PrintSpaces(vchPrintBuff+iRet, ulSpaces);
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"Hint: HintFlags=%xh, RefPri=%d, HintPri=%d AliasInode=%0lxh \r\n", (unsigned)(lpFR->sFR.uchHintFlags) , (int)(lpFR->sFR.uchRefPri) , (int)(lpFR->sFR.uchHintPri) , lpFR->sFR.ulidShadowOrg);
iRet += PrintSpaces(vchPrintBuff+iRet, ulSpaces);
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"LFN=%-14ls", lpFR->sFR.rgwName);
for(i = 0; i < OvfCount(lpFR); ++i) { iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"%-74s", &(lpFR->sFR.ulidShadow)); }
iRet += wsprintfA(vchPrintBuff+iRet,"\r\n");
(lpfnPrintProc)(vchPrintBuff); } }
int PrintSpaces( LPSTR lpBuff, unsigned ulSpaces ) { unsigned i; int iRet=0;
for (i=0; i< ulSpaces; ++i) { iRet += wsprintfA(lpBuff+iRet," "); } return iRet;