Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the routines required for interaction with network provider router interface in NT
This module has been built and tested only in UNICODE environment
#include <windows.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <winnetwk.h>
#include <npapi.h>
#include <devioctl.h>
#include "nulmrx.h"
#ifdef DBG
#define DbgP(_x_) WideDbgPrint _x_
#define DbgP(_x_)
ULONG _cdecl WideDbgPrint( PWCHAR Format, ... );
#define WNNC_DRIVER( major, minor ) ( major * 0x00010000 + minor )
Routine Description:
This routine returns the capaboilities of the Null Mini redirector network provider implementation
nIndex - category of capabilities desired
Return Value:
the appropriate capabilities
--*/ { DWORD rc = 0;
DbgP(( L"GetNetCaps .....\n" )); switch ( nIndex ) { case WNNC_SPEC_VERSION: rc = WNNC_SPEC_VERSION51; break;
case WNNC_DRIVER_VERSION: rc = WNNC_DRIVER(1, 0); break;
case WNNC_START: rc = 1; break;
case WNNC_USER: case WNNC_DIALOG: case WNNC_ADMIN: default: rc = 0; break; } return rc; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPLogonNotify( PLUID lpLogonId, LPCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR lpStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, LPWSTR *lpLogonScript) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles the logon notifications
lpLogonId -- the associated LUID
lpAuthenInfoType - the authentication information type
lpAuthenInfo - the authentication Information
lpPreviousAuthentInfoType - the previous aunthentication information type
lpPreviousAuthentInfo - the previous authentication information
lpStationName - the logon station name
LPVOID - logon station handle
lpLogonScript - the logon script to be executed.
Return Value:
This capability has not been implemented in the sample.
--*/ { *lpLogonScript = NULL;
return WN_SUCCESS; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPPasswordChangeNotify ( LPCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR lpStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, DWORD dwChangeInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles the password change notifications
lpAuthenInfoType - the authentication information type
lpAuthenInfo - the authentication Information
lpPreviousAuthentInfoType - the previous aunthentication information type
lpPreviousAuthentInfo - the previous authentication information
lpStationName - the logon station name
LPVOID - logon station handle
dwChangeInfo - the password change information.
Return Value:
This capability has not been implemented in the sample.
--*/ { SetLastError( WN_NOT_SUPPORTED );
ULONG SendToMiniRdr( IN ULONG IoctlCode, IN PVOID InputDataBuf, IN ULONG InputDataLen, IN PVOID OutputDataBuf, IN PULONG pOutputDataLen) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sends a device ioctl to the Mini Rdr.
IoctlCode - Function code for the Mini Rdr driver
InputDataBuf - Input buffer pointer
InputDataLen - Lenth of the input buffer
OutputDataBuf - Output buffer pointer
pOutputDataLen - Pointer to the length of the output buffer
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
--*/ { HANDLE DeviceHandle; // The mini rdr device handle
ULONG BytesRet; BOOL rc; ULONG Status;
Status = WN_SUCCESS;
// Grab a handle to the redirector device object
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != DeviceHandle ) { rc = DeviceIoControl( DeviceHandle, IoctlCode, InputDataBuf, InputDataLen, OutputDataBuf, *pOutputDataLen, pOutputDataLen, NULL );
if ( !rc ) { DbgP(( L"SendToMiniRdr: returning error from DeviceIoctl\n" )); Status = GetLastError( ); } else { DbgP(( L"SendToMiniRdr: The DeviceIoctl call succeded\n" )); } CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); } else { Status = GetLastError( ); DbgP(( L"SendToMiniRdr: error %lx opening device \n", Status )); }
return Status; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPAddConnection( LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, LPWSTR lpPassword, LPWSTR lpUserName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds a connection to the list of connections associated with this network provider
lpNetResource - the NETRESOURCE struct
lpPassword - the password
lpUserName - the user name
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
--*/ { DbgP(( L"NPAddConnection....\n" ));
return NPAddConnection3( NULL, lpNetResource, lpPassword, lpUserName, 0 ); }
DWORD APIENTRY NPAddConnection3( HWND hwndOwner, LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, LPWSTR lpPassword, LPWSTR lpUserName, DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds a connection to the list of connections associated with this network provider
hwndOwner - the owner handle
lpNetResource - the NETRESOURCE struct
lpPassword - the password
lpUserName - the user name
dwFlags - flags for the connection
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
--*/ { DWORD Status; WCHAR ConnectionName[128]; WCHAR wszScratch[128]; WCHAR LocalName[3]; DWORD CopyBytes = 0;
DbgP(( L"NPAddConnection3....\n" ));
DbgP(( L"Local Name: %s\n", lpNetResource->lpLocalName )); DbgP(( L"Remote Name: %s\n", lpNetResource->lpRemoteName ));
Status = WN_SUCCESS;
// \device\miniredirector\;<DriveLetter>:\Server\Share
if ( lstrlen( lpNetResource->lpLocalName ) > 1 ) { if ( lpNetResource->lpLocalName[1] == L':' ) { // LocalName[0] = (WCHAR) CharUpper( (PWCHAR) MAKELONG( (USHORT) lpNetResource->lpLocalName[0], 0 ) );
LocalName[0] = (WCHAR) toupper(lpNetResource->lpLocalName[0]); LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; lstrcpyn( ConnectionName, DD_NULMRX_FS_DEVICE_NAME_U, 126 ); wcsncat(ConnectionName, L"\\;", 3 ); wcsncat(ConnectionName, LocalName, 128-wcslen(ConnectionName)); } else { Status = WN_BAD_LOCALNAME; } } else { Status = WN_BAD_LOCALNAME; }
if (Status == WN_SUCCESS) { if(lpNetResource->lpRemoteName[0] == L'\0') { Status = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } // format proper server name
else if ( lpNetResource->lpRemoteName[0] == L'\\' && lpNetResource->lpRemoteName[1] == L'\\' ) { wcsncat( ConnectionName, lpNetResource->lpRemoteName + 1 , 128-wcslen(ConnectionName)); DbgP(( L"Full Connect Name: %s\n", ConnectionName )); DbgP(( L"Full Connect Name Length: %d\n", ( wcslen( ConnectionName ) + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) )); } else { Status = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } }
if ( Status == WN_SUCCESS ) { if ( QueryDosDevice( LocalName, wszScratch, 128 ) ) { Status = WN_ALREADY_CONNECTED; } else if ( GetLastError( ) == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { HANDLE hFile;
Status = SendToMiniRdr( IOCTL_NULMRX_ADDCONN, ConnectionName, ( lstrlen( ConnectionName ) + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ), NULL, &CopyBytes ); if ( Status == WN_SUCCESS ) { if ( !DefineDosDevice( DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM, lpNetResource->lpLocalName, ConnectionName ) ) { Status = GetLastError( ); } } else { Status = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } } else { Status = WN_ALREADY_CONNECTED; } } return Status; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPCancelConnection( LPWSTR lpName, BOOL fForce ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine cancels ( deletes ) a connection from the list of connections associated with this network provider
lpName - name of the connection
fForce - forcefully delete the connection
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
{ WCHAR LocalName[3]; WCHAR RemoteName[128]; WCHAR ConnectionName[128]; ULONG CopyBytes; DWORD DisconnectResult; DWORD Status = WN_NOT_CONNECTED;
if(lpName == NULL) return Status;
if ( lstrlen( lpName ) > 1 ) { if ( lpName[1] == L':' ) { // LocalName[0] = (WCHAR) CharUpper( (PWCHAR) MAKELONG( (USHORT) lpName[0], 0 ) );
LocalName[0] = (WCHAR) toupper(lpName[0]); LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0';
CopyBytes = 128 * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = SendToMiniRdr( IOCTL_NULMRX_GETCONN, LocalName, 3 * sizeof( WCHAR ), (PVOID) RemoteName, &CopyBytes ); if ( Status == WN_SUCCESS && CopyBytes > 0 && CopyBytes < 128 * sizeof(WCHAR) ) { RemoteName[CopyBytes/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; lstrcpyn( ConnectionName, DD_NULMRX_FS_DEVICE_NAME_U, 126 ); wcsncat( ConnectionName, L"\\;", 3); wcsncat( ConnectionName, LocalName, 128-wcslen(ConnectionName) ); wcsncat( ConnectionName, RemoteName, 128-wcslen(ConnectionName) ); ConnectionName[127] = L'\0';
CopyBytes = 0; Status = SendToMiniRdr( IOCTL_NULMRX_DELCONN, ConnectionName, ( wcslen( ConnectionName ) + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ), NULL, &CopyBytes ); if ( Status == WN_SUCCESS ) { if ( !DefineDosDevice( DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION | DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE, LocalName, ConnectionName ) ) { Status = GetLastError( ); } } } else { Status = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; } } }
return Status; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPGetConnection( LPWSTR lpLocalName, LPWSTR lpRemoteName, LPDWORD lpBufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the information associated with a connection
lpLocalName - local name associated with the connection
lpRemoteName - the remote name associated with the connection
lpBufferSize - the remote name buffer size
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
--*/ { DWORD Status, len, i; ULONG CopyBytes; WCHAR RemoteName[128]; WCHAR LocalName[3]; Status = WN_NOT_CONNECTED;
DbgP(( L"NPGetConnection....\n" ));
if(lpLocalName == NULL) return Status;
if ( wcslen( lpLocalName ) > 1 ) { if ( lpLocalName[1] == L':' ) { CopyBytes = 128*sizeof(WCHAR); // LocalName[0] = (WCHAR) CharUpper( (PWCHAR) MAKELONG( (USHORT) lpLocalName[0], 0 ) );
LocalName[0] = (WCHAR) toupper(lpLocalName[0]); LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; Status = SendToMiniRdr( IOCTL_NULMRX_GETCONN, LocalName, 3 * sizeof( WCHAR ), (PVOID) RemoteName, &CopyBytes ); } } if ( Status == WN_SUCCESS ) { len = CopyBytes + sizeof(WCHAR); if ( *lpBufferSize > len ) { *lpRemoteName++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory( lpRemoteName, RemoteName, CopyBytes ); lpRemoteName[CopyBytes/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; } else { Status = WN_MORE_DATA; *lpBufferSize = len; } }
return Status; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPOpenEnum( DWORD dwScope, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwUsage, LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, LPHANDLE lphEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine opens a handle for enumeration of resources. The only capability implemented in the sample is for enumerating connected shares
dwScope - the scope of enumeration
dwType - the type of resources to be enumerated
dwUsage - the usage parameter
lpNetResource - a pointer to the desired NETRESOURCE struct.
lphEnum - aptr. for passing nack the enumeration handle
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
The sample only supports the notion of enumerating connected shares
The handle passed back is merely the index of the last entry returned
--*/ { DWORD Status;
*lphEnum = NULL;
switch ( dwScope ) { case RESOURCE_CONNECTED: { *lphEnum = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap( ), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( ULONG ) );
if (*lphEnum ) { Status = WN_SUCCESS; } else { Status = WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } break; } break;
case RESOURCE_CONTEXT: default: Status = WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
DbgP((L"NPOpenEnum returning Status %lx\n",Status));
return(Status); }
DWORD APIENTRY NPEnumResource( HANDLE hEnum, LPDWORD lpcCount, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpBufferSize) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine uses the handle obtained by a call to NPOpenEnum for enuerating the connected shares
hEnum - the enumeration handle
lpcCount - the number of resources returned
lpBuffer - the buffere for passing back the entries
lpBufferSize - the size of the buffer
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES - if the enumeration has exhausted the entries
WN_MORE_DATA - if nmore data is available
The sample only supports the notion of enumerating connected shares
The handle passed back is merely the index of the last entry returned
--*/ { DWORD Status = WN_SUCCESS; BYTE ConnectionList[26]; ULONG CopyBytes; ULONG EntriesCopied; ULONG i; LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource; ULONG SpaceNeeded; ULONG SpaceAvailable; WCHAR LocalName[3]; WCHAR RemoteName[128]; PWCHAR StringZone;
DbgP((L"NPEnumResource Count Requested %d\n", *lpcCount));
pNetResource = (LPNETRESOURCE) lpBuffer; SpaceAvailable = *lpBufferSize; EntriesCopied = 0; StringZone = (PWCHAR) ((PBYTE)lpBuffer + *lpBufferSize); CopyBytes = 26; Status = SendToMiniRdr( IOCTL_NULMRX_GETLIST, NULL, 0, (PVOID) ConnectionList, &CopyBytes ); i = *((PULONG)hEnum); if ( Status == WN_SUCCESS) { for ( i = *((PULONG) hEnum); EntriesCopied < *lpcCount && i < 26; i++ ) { if ( ConnectionList[i] ) { CopyBytes = 128*sizeof(WCHAR); LocalName[0] = L'A' + (WCHAR) i; LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; Status = SendToMiniRdr( IOCTL_NULMRX_GETCONN, LocalName, 3 * sizeof(WCHAR), (PVOID) RemoteName, &CopyBytes );
// if something strange happended then just say there are no more entries
if ( Status != WN_SUCCESS || CopyBytes == 0 ) { Status = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; break; } // Determine the space needed for this entry...
SpaceNeeded = sizeof( NETRESOURCE ); // resource struct
SpaceNeeded += 3 * sizeof(WCHAR); // local name
SpaceNeeded += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) + CopyBytes; // remote name
SpaceNeeded += 5 * sizeof(WCHAR); // comment
SpaceNeeded += sizeof(NULMRX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); // provider name
if ( SpaceNeeded > SpaceAvailable ) { break; } else { SpaceAvailable -= SpaceNeeded;
pNetResource->dwScope = RESOURCE_CONNECTED; pNetResource->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; pNetResource->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE; pNetResource->dwUsage = 0;
// setup string area at opposite end of buffer
SpaceNeeded -= sizeof( NETRESOURCE ); StringZone = (PWCHAR)( (PBYTE) StringZone - SpaceNeeded ); // copy local name
pNetResource->lpLocalName = StringZone; *StringZone++ = L'A' + (WCHAR) i; *StringZone++ = L':'; *StringZone++ = L'\0'; // copy remote name
pNetResource->lpRemoteName = StringZone; *StringZone++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory( StringZone, RemoteName, CopyBytes ); StringZone += CopyBytes / sizeof(WCHAR); *StringZone++ = L'\0'; // copy comment
pNetResource->lpComment = StringZone; *StringZone++ = L'A'; *StringZone++ = L'_'; *StringZone++ = L'O'; *StringZone++ = L'K'; *StringZone++ = L'\0'; // copy provider name
pNetResource->lpProvider = StringZone; lstrcpyn( StringZone, NULMRX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(NULMRX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
EntriesCopied++; // set new bottom of string zone
StringZone = (PWCHAR)( (PBYTE) StringZone - SpaceNeeded ); } pNetResource++; } } } else { Status = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; }
*lpcCount = EntriesCopied; if ( EntriesCopied == 0 && Status == WN_SUCCESS ) { if ( i > 25 ) { Status = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; } else { DbgP((L"NPEnumResource More Data Needed - %d\n", SpaceNeeded)); Status = WN_MORE_DATA; *lpBufferSize = SpaceNeeded; } } // update entry index
*(PULONG) hEnum = i;
DbgP((L"NPEnumResource Entries returned - %d\n", EntriesCopied));
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This routine closes the handle for enumeration of resources.
hEnum - the enumeration handle
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the appropriate error
The sample only supports the notion of enumerating connected shares
--*/ { DbgP((L"NPCloseEnum\n"));
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap( ), 0, (PVOID) hEnum );
return WN_SUCCESS; }
DWORD APIENTRY NPGetResourceParent( LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpBufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the information about net resource parent
lpNetResource - the NETRESOURCE struct
lpBuffer - the buffer for passing back the parent information
lpBufferSize - the buffer size
Return Value:
--*/ { DbgP(( L"NPGetResourceParent: WN_NOT_SUPPORTED\n" ));
DWORD APIENTRY NPGetResourceInformation( LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpBufferSize, LPWSTR *lplpSystem ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the information associated net resource
lpNetResource - the NETRESOURCE struct
lpBuffer - the buffer for passing back the parent information
lpBufferSize - the buffer size
lplpSystem -
Return Value:
--*/ { DbgP(( L"NPGetResourceInformation: WN_NOT_SUPPORTED\n" ));
DWORD APIENTRY NPGetUniversalName( LPCWSTR lpLocalPath, DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpBufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the information associated net resource
lpLocalPath - the local path name
dwInfoLevel - the desired info level
lpBuffer - the buffer for the univeral name
lpBufferSize - the buffer size
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS if successful
--*/ { DbgP(( L"NPGetUniversalName: WN_NOT_SUPPORTED\n" ));
int _cdecl _vsnwprintf( wchar_t *buffer, size_t count, wchar_t *format, va_list arg_ptr);
// Format and write debug information to OutputDebugString
ULONG _cdecl WideDbgPrint( LPTSTR Format, ... ) { ULONG rc = 0; TCHAR szbuffer[256];
va_list marker; va_start( marker, Format ); { rc = _vsnwprintf( szbuffer, 254, Format, marker ); szbuffer[255] = (TCHAR)0; OutputDebugString( TRACE_TAG ); OutputDebugString( szbuffer ); }
return rc; }