// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// File: DfsADBlobCache.cxx
// Contents: the ADBlob DFS Store class, this contains the
// old AD blob store specific functionality.
// Classes: DfsADBlobCache.
// History: Dec. 8 2000, Author: udayh
// April 9 2001 Rohanp - Added AD specific code.
#include <DfsAdBlobCache.hxx>
#include <dfsrootfolder.hxx>
#include <dfserror.hxx>
#include "dfsadsiapi.hxx"
#include <sddl.h>
#include <dfssecurity.h>
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include "dfsAdBlobCache.tmh"
do { m_pBlob = NULL; m_pRootBlob = NULL; m_pTable = NULL;
m_pAdHandle = NULL; m_AdReferenceCount = 0; m_RefreshCount = 0; m_ErrorOccured = DFS_DS_NOERROR;
m_pRootFolder = pRootFolder;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&m_LogicalShare, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&m_ObjectDN, NULL);
ZeroMemory(&FunctionTable, sizeof(FunctionTable)); FunctionTable.AllocFunc = AllocateShashData; FunctionTable.FreeFunc = DeallocateShashData;
ZeroMemory(&m_BlobAttributePktGuid, sizeof(GUID)); m_fCritInit = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( &m_Lock, DFS_CRIT_SPIN_COUNT); if(!m_fCritInit) { Status = GetLastError(); break; } Status = DfsCreateUnicodeString(&m_LogicalShare, pShareName);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
Status = SetupObjectDN();
if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(DfsServerGlobalData.bDfsAdAlive) { DfsServerGlobalData.bDfsAdAlive = FALSE; DfsLogDfsEvent(DFS_ERROR_ACTIVEDIRECTORY_OFFLINE, 0, NULL, 0); } break; } if(DfsServerGlobalData.bDfsAdAlive == FALSE) { DfsServerGlobalData.bDfsAdAlive = TRUE; DfsLogDfsEvent(DFS_INFO_ACTIVEDIRECTORY_ONLINE, 0, NULL, 0); }
NtStatus = ShashInitHashTable(&m_pTable, &FunctionTable); if (NtStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); break; } } while (FALSE);
*pStatus = Status; return; }
DfsADBlobCache::~DfsADBlobCache() {
if(m_pBlob) { DeallocateShashData(m_pBlob); m_pBlob = NULL; } if(m_pRootBlob) { DeallocateShashData(m_pRootBlob); m_pRootBlob = NULL; }
if (m_pTable != NULL) { InvalidateCache(); ShashTerminateHashTable(m_pTable); m_pTable = NULL; }
if (m_LogicalShare.Buffer != NULL) { delete [] m_LogicalShare.Buffer; m_LogicalShare.Buffer = NULL; } if (m_ObjectDN.Buffer != NULL) { delete [] m_ObjectDN.Buffer; m_ObjectDN.Buffer = NULL; }
if(m_fCritInit) { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_Lock); m_fCritInit = FALSE; }
#ifndef DFS_USE_LDAP
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::UpdateCacheWithDSBlob( PVOID pHandle ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BYTE *pBuffer = NULL; ULONG Length = 0; VARIANT BinaryBlob;
IADs *pADs = (IADs *)pHandle;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: updating cache with blob \n", this); VariantInit(&BinaryBlob);
hr = pADs->Get(ADBlobAttribute, &BinaryBlob); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Status = GetBinaryFromVariant( &BinaryBlob, &pBuffer, &Length ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = UnpackBlob( pBuffer, &Length, NULL );
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Unpack blob done with status %x\n", Status); delete [] pBuffer; } } else { Status = DfsGetErrorFromHr(hr); } VariantClear(&BinaryBlob);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "cache %p: Updated cache (length %x) status %x\n", this, Length, Status);
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::GetObjectPktGuid( PVOID pHandle, GUID *pGuid ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BYTE *pBuffer = NULL; ULONG Length = 0; VARIANT BinaryBlob;
IADs *pADs = (IADs *)pHandle;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: getting pkt guid\n", this);
hr = pADs->Get(ADBlobPktGuidAttribute, &BinaryBlob); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Status = GetBinaryFromVariant( &BinaryBlob, &pBuffer, &Length ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (Length > sizeof(GUID)) Length = sizeof(GUID);
RtlCopyMemory( pGuid, pBuffer, Length); delete [] pBuffer; } } VariantClear(&BinaryBlob);
Status = DfsGetErrorFromHr(hr);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "cache %p: got pkt guid, Status %x\n", this, Status );
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::UpdateDSBlobFromCache( PVOID pHandle, GUID *pGuid ) { HRESULT HResult = S_OK; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BYTE *pBuffer = NULL; ULONG Length; ULONG UseLength; ULONG TotalBlobBytes = 0; VARIANT BinaryBlob; IADs *pObject = (IADs *)pHandle;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: updating ds with cache \n", this);
UseLength = ADBlobDefaultBlobPackSize; retry: Length = UseLength; pBuffer = (BYTE *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Length ); if(pBuffer != NULL) { Status = PackBlob(pBuffer, &Length, &TotalBlobBytes); if(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = PutBinaryIntoVariant(&BinaryBlob, pBuffer, TotalBlobBytes); if(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { HResult = pObject->Put(ADBlobAttribute, BinaryBlob); if (SUCCEEDED(HResult) ) { HResult = pObject->SetInfo(); }
Status = DfsGetErrorFromHr(HResult);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = SetObjectPktGuid( pObject, pGuid ); } } } DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, ADBLOB, "Cache %p: update ds (Buffer Len %x, Length %x) Status %x\n", this, UseLength, Length, Status);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer);
if (Status == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { if (UseLength < ADBlobMaximumBlobPackSize) { UseLength *= 2; } //
// If we are still within the maximum bounds, retry.
if (UseLength <= ADBlobMaximumBlobPackSize) { goto retry; } } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
VariantClear(&BinaryBlob); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, ADBLOB, "Cache %p: update ds done (Buffer Length %x, Length %x) Status %x\n", this, UseLength, Length, Status);
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::SetObjectPktGuid( IADs *pObject, GUID *pGuid ) { HRESULT HResult = S_OK; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; VARIANT BinaryBlob;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: setting pkt guid\n", this); VariantInit(&BinaryBlob);
Status = PutBinaryIntoVariant( &BinaryBlob, (PBYTE)pGuid, sizeof(GUID)); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HResult = pObject->Put(ADBlobPktGuidAttribute, BinaryBlob); if (SUCCEEDED(HResult) ) { HResult = pObject->SetInfo(); }
Status = DfsGetErrorFromHr(HResult); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "cache %p: set pkt guid, Status %x\n", this, Status );
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::DfsLdapConnect( LPWSTR DCName, LDAP **ppLdap ) { LDAP *pLdap = NULL; LPWSTR ActualDC = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS LocalStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LONG PreviousState = DFS_DS_ACTIVE; const TCHAR * apszSubStrings[4];
apszSubStrings[0] = DCName; ActualDC = DCName;
pLdap = ldap_initW(DCName, LDAP_PORT); if (pLdap != NULL) { Status = ldap_set_option(pLdap, LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE, LDAP_OPT_ON);
if (Status == LDAP_SUCCESS) { UNICODE_STRING DnsDomain; if (DfsGetDnsDomainName( &DnsDomain) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = ldap_set_option(pLdap, LDAP_OPT_DNSDOMAIN_NAME, &DnsDomain.Buffer);
DfsReleaseDomainName(&DnsDomain); } } if (Status == LDAP_SUCCESS) {
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "Ldap Connect, calling LDAP Bind DC: %ws, init ldap status %x\n", DCName, Status);
Status = ldap_bind_s(pLdap, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE);
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "Ldap Connect, returning from LDAP Bind DC: %ws, init ldap status %x\n", DCName, Status); } } else { Status = LdapGetLastError(); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, ADBLOB, "Ldap Connect, DC: %ws, init ldap status %x\n", DCName, Status); }
if (Status == LDAP_SUCCESS) { *ppLdap = pLdap;
if(DCName == NULL) {
//Get the actual host name that we connected to. We don't have to free
//this name since it will get freed when ldap_unbind is called.
LocalStatus = ldap_get_optionW(pLdap, LDAP_OPT_HOST_NAME , (void *) &ActualDC); apszSubStrings[0] = ActualDC; }
DFS_TRACE_HIGH(ADBLOB, "ADBLOBConnected to actual DC: %ws, ldap status %x\n", ActualDC, Status);
PreviousState = InterlockedCompareExchange(&DfsServerGlobalData.FirstContact, DFS_DS_ACTIVE, DFS_DS_NOTACTIVE); if(PreviousState == DFS_DS_NOTACTIVE) { DfsLogDfsEvent(DFS_INFO_DS_RECONNECTED, 1, apszSubStrings, Status); } } else { PreviousState = InterlockedCompareExchange(&DfsServerGlobalData.FirstContact, DFS_DS_NOTACTIVE, DFS_DS_ACTIVE); if(PreviousState == DFS_DS_ACTIVE) { DfsLogDfsEvent(DFS_ERROR_DSCONNECT_FAILED, 1, apszSubStrings, Status); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, ADBLOB, "Ldap Connect, DC: %ws, ldap status %x\n", DCName, Status);
Status = LdapMapErrorToWin32(Status); }
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pLdap != NULL) { //
// 565302
// we need to call ldap_unbind if we have a valid connection!
// Note that this is true even if ldap_bind failed or we never
// even called ldap_bind.
ldap_unbind(pLdap); } }
return Status;
VOID DfsADBlobCache::DfsLdapDisconnect( LDAP *pLdap ) { ldap_unbind(pLdap); }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::DfsGetPktBlob( LDAP *pLdap, LPWSTR ObjectDN, PVOID *ppBlob, PULONG pBlobSize, PVOID *ppHandle, PVOID *ppHandle1 ) {
DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS LdapStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PLDAPMessage pLdapSearchedObject = NULL; PLDAPMessage pLdapObject = NULL; PLDAP_BERVAL *pLdapPktAttr = NULL; LPWSTR Attributes[2]; struct l_timeval Timeout;
Status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; // fix this after we understand
// ldap error correctly. When
// ldap_get_values_len returns NULL
// the old code return no more mem.
Attributes[0] = ADBlobAttribute; Attributes[1] = NULL;
Timeout.tv_sec = DfsServerGlobalData.LdapTimeOut;
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "DfsGetPktBlob, calling LDAP Search ObjectDN: %ws, init ldap status %x\n", ObjectDN, Status); LdapStatus = ldap_search_ext_sW( pLdap, ObjectDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", Attributes, 0, // attributes only
NULL, // server controls
NULL, // client controls
&Timeout, 0, // size limit
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "DfsGetPktBlob, returning from LDAP Search ObjectDN: %ws, init ldap status %x\n", ObjectDN, Status); if (LdapStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { pLdapObject = ldap_first_entry( pLdap, pLdapSearchedObject );
if (pLdapObject != NULL) { pLdapPktAttr = ldap_get_values_len( pLdap, pLdapObject, Attributes[0] ); if (pLdapPktAttr != NULL) { *ppBlob = pLdapPktAttr[0]->bv_val; *pBlobSize = pLdapPktAttr[0]->bv_len;
*ppHandle = (PVOID)pLdapPktAttr; *ppHandle1 = (PVOID)pLdapSearchedObject; pLdapSearchedObject = NULL;
Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { if(pLdap->ld_errno == LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE) { Status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { Status = LdapMapErrorToWin32( pLdap->ld_errno ); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::DfsGetPktBlob1 (ldap error %x) status %x\n", pLdap->ld_errno, Status); } } } else { Status = LdapMapErrorToWin32(LdapStatus);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::DfsGetPktBlob2 (ldap error %x) status %x\n", LdapStatus, Status); }
if (pLdapSearchedObject != NULL) { ldap_msgfree( pLdapSearchedObject ); }
return Status; }
VOID DfsADBlobCache::DfsReleasePktBlob( PVOID pHandle, PVOID pHandle1 ) { PLDAP_BERVAL *pLdapPktAttr = (PLDAP_BERVAL *)pHandle; PLDAPMessage pLdapSearchedObject = (PLDAPMessage)pHandle1;
ldap_value_free_len( pLdapPktAttr ); ldap_msgfree( pLdapSearchedObject ); }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::UpdateCacheWithDSBlob( PVOID pHandle )
{ DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BYTE *pBuffer = NULL; ULONG Length = 0; PVOID pHandle1, pHandle2;
LDAP *pLdap = (LDAP *)pHandle; UNICODE_STRING ObjectDN;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: updating cache with blob \n", this);
Status = GetObjectDN(&ObjectDN);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsGetPktBlob( pLdap, ObjectDN.Buffer, (PVOID *)&pBuffer, &Length, &pHandle1, &pHandle2); }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = UnpackBlob( pBuffer, &Length, NULL );
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Unpack blob done with status %x\n", Status);
DfsReleasePktBlob( pHandle1, pHandle2); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "cache %p: Updated cache (length %x) status %x\n", this, Length, Status);
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::GetObjectPktGuid( PVOID pHandle, GUID *pGuid ) {
DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS LdapStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PLDAPMessage pLdapSearchedObject = NULL; PLDAPMessage pLdapObject = NULL; PLDAP_BERVAL *pLdapGuidAttr = NULL; ULONG CopySize = 0; LDAP *pLdap = (LDAP *)pHandle; UNICODE_STRING ObjectDN; struct l_timeval Timeout; LPWSTR Attributes[2];
Status = GetObjectDN(&ObjectDN); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
Status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; // fix this after we understand
// ldap error correctly. When
// ldap_get_values_len returns NULL
// the old code return no more mem.
Attributes[0] = ADBlobPktGuidAttribute; Attributes[1] = NULL;
Timeout.tv_sec = DfsServerGlobalData.LdapTimeOut;
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "DfsGetPktGuid, calling LDAP Search - ldap status %x\n", Status); LdapStatus = ldap_search_ext_sW( pLdap, ObjectDN.Buffer, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", Attributes, 0, // attributes only
NULL, // server controls
NULL, // client controls
&Timeout, 0, // size limit
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "DfsGetPktGuid, returning from LDAP Search - ldap status %x\n", Status);
if (LdapStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { pLdapObject = ldap_first_entry( pLdap, pLdapSearchedObject );
if (pLdapObject != NULL) { pLdapGuidAttr = ldap_get_values_len( pLdap, pLdapObject, Attributes[0] ); if (pLdapGuidAttr != NULL) { CopySize = min( pLdapGuidAttr[0]->bv_len, sizeof(GUID)); RtlCopyMemory( pGuid, pLdapGuidAttr[0]->bv_val, CopySize );
ldap_value_free_len( pLdapGuidAttr ); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { if(pLdap->ld_errno == LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE) { Status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { Status = LdapMapErrorToWin32( pLdap->ld_errno ); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::GetObjectPktGuid1 (ldap error %x) status %x\n", LdapStatus, Status); } } } else { Status = LdapMapErrorToWin32(LdapStatus);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::GetObjectPktGuid2 (ldap error %x) status %x\n", pLdap->ld_errno, Status); }
if (pLdapSearchedObject != NULL) { ldap_msgfree( pLdapSearchedObject ); }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::DfsSetPktBlobAndPktGuid ( LDAP *pLdap, LPWSTR ObjectDN, PVOID pBlob, ULONG BlobSize, GUID *pGuid ) { LDAP_BERVAL LdapPkt, LdapPktGuid; PLDAP_BERVAL pLdapPktValues[2], pLdapPktGuidValues[2]; LDAPModW LdapPktMod, LdapPktGuidMod; PLDAPModW pLdapDfsMod[3]; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS LdapStatus;
LDAPControlW LazyCommitControl = { LDAP_SERVER_LAZY_COMMIT_OID_W, // the control
{ 0, NULL}, // no associated data
FALSE // control isn't mandatory
PLDAPControlW ServerControls[2] = { &LazyCommitControl, NULL };
LdapPkt.bv_len = BlobSize; LdapPkt.bv_val = (PCHAR)pBlob; pLdapPktValues[0] = &LdapPkt; pLdapPktValues[1] = NULL; LdapPktMod.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; LdapPktMod.mod_type = ADBlobAttribute; LdapPktMod.mod_vals.modv_bvals = pLdapPktValues;
LdapPktGuid.bv_len = sizeof(GUID); LdapPktGuid.bv_val = (PCHAR)pGuid; pLdapPktGuidValues[0] = &LdapPktGuid; pLdapPktGuidValues[1] = NULL; LdapPktGuidMod.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; LdapPktGuidMod.mod_type = ADBlobPktGuidAttribute; LdapPktGuidMod.mod_vals.modv_bvals = pLdapPktGuidValues;
pLdapDfsMod[0] = &LdapPktMod; pLdapDfsMod[1] = &LdapPktGuidMod; pLdapDfsMod[2] = NULL;
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "DfsSetPktBlobAndPktGuid, calling LDAP ldap_modify_ext_sW ObjectDN: %ws, init ldap status %x\n", ObjectDN, Status); LdapStatus = ldap_modify_ext_sW( pLdap, ObjectDN, pLdapDfsMod, (PLDAPControlW *)ServerControls, NULL );
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "DfsSetPktBlobAndPktGuid, returning from LDAP ldap_modify_ext_sW ObjectDN: %ws, init ldap status %x\n", ObjectDN, Status);
if (LdapStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { Status = LdapMapErrorToWin32(LdapStatus); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::DfsSetPktBlobAndPktGuid cache %p: LDAP Status %x, Win32 status %x\n", this, LdapStatus, Status); return Status;
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::UpdateDSBlobFromCache( PVOID pHandle, GUID *pGuid ) { LDAP *pLdap = (LDAP *)pHandle; UNICODE_STRING ObjectDN; BYTE *pBuffer = NULL; ULONG Length = 0; ULONG UseLength = 0; ULONG TotalBlobBytes = 0; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Status = GetObjectDN(&ObjectDN); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::UpdateDSBlobFromCache cache %p: GetObjectDN failed status %x\n", this, Status); return Status; }
UseLength = ADBlobDefaultBlobPackSize; retry: Length = UseLength; pBuffer = (BYTE *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Length ); if(pBuffer != NULL) { Status = PackBlob(pBuffer, &Length, &TotalBlobBytes); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer);
if (Status == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { if (UseLength < ADBlobMaximumBlobPackSize) { UseLength *= 2; } goto retry; } }
if(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Status = DfsSetPktBlobAndPktGuid( pLdap, ObjectDN.Buffer, pBuffer, TotalBlobBytes, pGuid ); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, ADBLOB, "Cache %p: DfsADBlobCache::UpdateDSBlobFromCache (Buffer Len %x, Length %x) Status %x\n", this, UseLength, Length, Status);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer); } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } return Status; } #endif
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::CacheRefresh(BOOLEAN fForceSync, BOOLEAN fFromPDC)
{ PVOID pHandle = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; LONG PreviousState = DFS_DS_NOERROR; LONG RefreshCount = 0; PUNICODE_STRING pUseShare = NULL; GUID CurrentGuid; const TCHAR * apszSubStrings[4];
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: from pdc? %d cache refresh\n", this, fFromPDC);
if (fFromPDC == TRUE) { PDCStatus = DfsGetBlobPDCName( &pPDC, 0 ); //
// Ignore the status here. If this call fails, we dont care
// since we will just use a non-pdc dc. All callers who
// *really* care have already got the object with the right dc.
// see apiprologue for more details.
if (PDCStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { UseDC = pPDC->GetString(); } }
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "Cache refresh using dc %ws\n", UseDC);
Status = GetADObject( &pHandle, UseDC); if ((Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (UseDC != NULL)) { //
// hmmm. failed here going to pdc. Just get the object without bothering
// about the PDC.
Status = GetADObject(&pHandle, NULL);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // fFromPDC == FALSE means root scalability mode..every so often, get a new
// Blob and guid
if(fFromPDC == FALSE) { RefreshCount = InterlockedIncrement(&m_RefreshCount); if(RefreshCount >= DFS_ROOTSCALABILTY_FORCED_REFRESH_INTERVAL) { fForceSync = TRUE; InterlockedExchange((LPLONG volatile ) &m_RefreshCount, 0); } }
Status = GetObjectPktGuid( pHandle, &CurrentGuid );
if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(!fForceSync) { //
// here we pass the 2 guids by reference...
if (IsEqualGUID( CurrentGuid, m_BlobAttributePktGuid) == FALSE) { Status = UpdateCacheWithDSBlob( pHandle ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_BlobAttributePktGuid = CurrentGuid; } } } else { Status = UpdateCacheWithDSBlob( pHandle ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_BlobAttributePktGuid = CurrentGuid; } } }
ReleaseADObject( pHandle );
DfsReleaseBlobPDCName( pPDC );
if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PreviousState = InterlockedCompareExchange(&m_ErrorOccured, DFS_DS_ERROR, DFS_DS_NOERROR); if(PreviousState == DFS_DS_NOERROR) { pUseShare = m_pRootFolder->GetRootPhysicalShareName(); apszSubStrings[0] = pUseShare->Buffer; DfsLogDfsEvent(DFS_ERROR_NO_DFS_DATA, 1, apszSubStrings, Status); } } else { PreviousState = InterlockedCompareExchange(&m_ErrorOccured, DFS_DS_NOERROR, DFS_DS_ERROR); if(PreviousState == DFS_DS_ERROR) { pUseShare = m_pRootFolder->GetRootPhysicalShareName(); apszSubStrings[0] = pUseShare->Buffer; DfsLogDfsEvent(DFS_INFO_RECONNECT_DATA, 1, apszSubStrings, Status); }
} DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "Cache %p: CacheRefresh status 0x%x\n", this, Status); return Status; }
void DfsADBlobCache::InvalidateCache() { PDFSBLOB_DATA pBlobData; DFSBOB_ITER Iter; DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: invalidate cache\n", this); pBlobData = FindFirstBlob(&Iter); while (pBlobData != NULL) { DFSSTATUS RemoveStatus;
RemoveStatus = RemoveNamedBlob(&pBlobData->BlobName); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( RemoveStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "BlobCache %p, invalidate cache, remove blob status %x\n", this, RemoveStatus); pBlobData = FindNextBlob(&Iter); }
FindCloseBlob(&Iter); DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: invalidate cache done\n", this); }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::PutBinaryIntoVariant(VARIANT * ovData, BYTE * pBuf, unsigned long cBufLen) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; void * pArrayData = NULL; VARIANT var; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
VariantInit(&var); //Initialize our variant
var.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1;
rgsabound[0].cElements = cBufLen; rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
var.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1,1,rgsabound);
if(var.parray != NULL) { //Get a safe pointer to the array
//Copy bitmap to it
memcpy(pArrayData, pBuf, cBufLen);
//Unlock the variant data
*ovData = var;
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; DFS_TRACE_HIGH( REFERRAL_SERVER, "PutBinaryIntoVariant failed error %d\n", Status); }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::GetBinaryFromVariant(VARIANT *ovData, BYTE ** ppBuf, unsigned long * pcBufLen) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; void * pArrayData = NULL;
//Binary data is stored in the variant as an array of unsigned char
if(ovData->vt == (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1)) { //Retrieve size of array
*pcBufLen = ovData->parray->rgsabound[0].cElements;
*ppBuf = new BYTE[*pcBufLen]; //Allocate a buffer to store the data
if(*ppBuf != NULL) { //Obtain safe pointer to the array
//Copy the bitmap into our buffer
memcpy(*ppBuf, pArrayData, *pcBufLen);
//Unlock the variant data
Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::CacheFlush( PVOID pHandle ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; GUID NewGuid;
IADs *pObject = (IADs *)pHandle;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "Cache %p: cache flush\n", this); Status = UuidCreate(&NewGuid); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_BlobAttributePktGuid = NewGuid;
Status = UpdateDSBlobFromCache( pObject, &NewGuid );
} DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "Cache %p: cache flush, Status %x\n", this, Status); return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::UnpackBlob( BYTE *pBuffer, PULONG pLength, PDFSBLOB_DATA * pRetBlob ) { ULONG Discard = 0; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BYTE *pUseBuffer = NULL; ULONG BufferSize = 0; ULONG ObjNdx = 0; ULONG TotalObjects = 0; ULONG BlobSize = 0; BYTE *BlobBuffer = NULL; PDFSBLOB_DATA pLocalBlob = NULL; UNICODE_STRING BlobName; UNICODE_STRING SiteRoot; UNICODE_STRING BlobRoot; pUseBuffer = pBuffer; BufferSize = *pLength;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "BlobCache %p, UnPackBlob \n", this); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pRetBlob);
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &SiteRoot, ADBlobSiteRoot ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto done; }
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &BlobRoot, ADBlobMetaDataNamePrefix); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto done; }
// Note the size of the whole blob.
m_BlobSize = BufferSize; //
// dfsdev: we should not need an interlocked here: this code
// is already mutex'd by the caller.
InterlockedIncrement( &m_CurrentSequenceNumber ); //
// dfsdev: investigate what the first ulong is and add comment
// here as to why we are discarding it.
Status = PackGetULong( &Discard, (PVOID *) &pUseBuffer, &BufferSize ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto done; }
if(BufferSize == 0) { goto done; }
Status = PackGetULong(&TotalObjects, (PVOID *) &pUseBuffer, &BufferSize); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto done; }
for (ObjNdx = 0; ObjNdx < TotalObjects; ObjNdx++) { BOOLEAN FoundSite = FALSE; BOOLEAN FoundRoot = FALSE;
Status = GetSubBlob( &BlobName, &BlobBuffer, &BlobSize, &pUseBuffer, &BufferSize );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!FoundSite && (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &BlobName, &SiteRoot, TRUE ) == 0)) { FoundSite = TRUE; Status = CreateBlob(&BlobName, BlobBuffer, BlobSize, &pLocalBlob ); if(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { DeallocateShashData(m_pBlob); m_pBlob = pLocalBlob; }
continue; } if (!FoundRoot && (RtlCompareUnicodeString( &BlobName, &BlobRoot, TRUE ) == 0)) { FoundRoot = TRUE; UNICODE_STRING RootName; RtlInitUnicodeString(&RootName, NULL); Status = CreateBlob(&RootName, BlobBuffer, BlobSize, &pLocalBlob ); if(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { DeallocateShashData(m_pRootBlob); m_pRootBlob = pLocalBlob; }
continue; }
Status = StoreBlobInCache( &BlobName, BlobBuffer, BlobSize); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } } }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "BlobCache %p: UnPackBlob status %x\n", this, Status); return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::CreateBlob(PUNICODE_STRING BlobName, PBYTE pBlobBuffer, ULONG BlobSize, PDFSBLOB_DATA *pNewBlob ) { PDFSBLOB_DATA BlobStructure = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PBYTE NextBufOffset;
ULONG TotalSize = sizeof(DFSBLOB_DATA) + BlobName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR) + BlobSize;
BlobStructure = (PDFSBLOB_DATA) AllocateShashData( TotalSize );
if (BlobStructure != NULL) { RtlZeroMemory(BlobStructure, sizeof(DFSBLOB_DATA)); NextBufOffset = (PBYTE)(BlobStructure + 1);
BlobStructure->Header.RefCount = 1; BlobStructure->Header.pvKey = &BlobStructure->BlobName; BlobStructure->Header.pData = (PVOID)BlobStructure;
BlobStructure->SequenceNumber = m_CurrentSequenceNumber; BlobStructure->BlobName.Length = BlobName->Length; BlobStructure->BlobName.MaximumLength = BlobName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); BlobStructure->BlobName.Buffer = (WCHAR *) (NextBufOffset);
NextBufOffset = (PBYTE)((ULONG_PTR)(NextBufOffset) + BlobName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR));
if (BlobName->Length != 0) { RtlCopyMemory(BlobStructure->BlobName.Buffer, BlobName->Buffer, BlobName->Length); } BlobStructure->BlobName.Buffer[BlobName->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL;
BlobStructure->Size = BlobSize; BlobStructure->pBlob = (PBYTE)(NextBufOffset);
if(pBlobBuffer && BlobSize) { RtlCopyMemory(BlobStructure->pBlob, pBlobBuffer, BlobSize); } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } *pNewBlob = BlobStructure;
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::CreateSiteBlobIfNecessary(void) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDFSBLOB_DATA pSiteBlob = NULL; PBYTE pBuffer = NULL; PVOID pUseBuffer = NULL; ULONG SiteBlobSize = 0; ULONG SizeRemaining = 0; GUID NewGuid; UNICODE_STRING SiteMetadataName;
if(m_pBlob == NULL) { do { Status = UuidCreate(&NewGuid); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx(&SiteMetadataName, ADBlobSiteRoot); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
SiteBlobSize = sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(GUID);
pBuffer = (PBYTE) AllocateShashData (SiteBlobSize); if (pBuffer == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
pUseBuffer = pBuffer; SizeRemaining = SiteBlobSize;
Status = PackSetGuid( &NewGuid, &pUseBuffer, &SizeRemaining); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
Status = PackSetULong( 0, &pUseBuffer, &SizeRemaining ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
Status = CreateBlob(&SiteMetadataName, pBuffer, SiteBlobSize, &pSiteBlob); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
m_pBlob = pSiteBlob;
}while(0); }
if (pBuffer) { DeallocateShashData(pBuffer); }
return Status;
// UpdateSiteBlob: This routine takes a binary stream and stuffs that
// as the site information. It gets rid of the old site information.
// No update is done here, the caller has to call us back to say
// that data needs to be written out.
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx(&SiteMetadataName, ADBlobSiteRoot); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = CreateBlob(&SiteMetadataName, (PBYTE)pBuffer, Size, &pSiteBlob); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (m_pBlob != NULL) { DeallocateShashData(m_pBlob); } m_pBlob = pSiteBlob; } }
return Status;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "cache %p: Storing Blob %wZ in cache, size %x\n", this, BlobName, BlobSize );
Status = CreateBlob( BlobName, pBlobBuffer, BlobSize, &BlobStructure );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (IsEmptyString(BlobStructure->BlobName.Buffer)) { ReleaseRootBlob(); m_pRootBlob = BlobStructure; } else { NtStatus = SHashInsertKey(m_pTable, BlobStructure, &BlobStructure->BlobName, SHASH_REPLACE_IFFOUND); if(NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { InterlockedDecrement(&BlobStructure->Header.RefCount); } else { DeallocateShashData( BlobStructure ); Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); } } } DFS_TRACE_LOW( ADBLOB, "cache %p: storing Blob %wZ done, status %x\n", this, BlobName, Status);
return Status; }
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "cache %p: writing blob to ad\n", this);
// ForceFlush flag is currently implemented as a DirectMode
// specific functionality. Essentially all normal flushes that happen
// during direct-mode operations are no-ops unless the ForceFlush
// flag is specified. All regular mode operations are left unaffected.
if (DfsCheckDirectMode() && !ForceFlush) { DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "cache %p: WriteBlobToAd is a NOOP\n", this); return Status; }
Status = GetCachedADObject ( &pHandle );
if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = CacheFlush(pHandle);
ReleaseADObject( pHandle ); } DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, ADBLOB, "cache %p: writing blob to ad, status %x\n", this, Status);
return Status;
// Function: GetSubBlob
// Arguments:
// PUNICODE_STRING pBlobName (name of the sub blob)
// BYTE **ppBlobBuffer - holds pointer to sub blob buffer
// PULONG pBlobSize - holds the blob size
// BYTE **ppBuffer - holds the pointer to the main blob buffer
// PULONG pSize - holds size of the main blob stream.
// Returns: Status: Success or Error status code
// Description: This routine reads the next stream in the main blob, and
// returns all the information necessary to unravel the
// sub blob held within the main blob,
// It adjusts the main blob buffer and size appropriately
// to point to the next stream or sub-blob within the main
// blob.
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::GetSubBlob( PUNICODE_STRING pName, BYTE **ppBlobBuffer, PULONG pBlobSize, BYTE **ppBuffer, PULONG pSize ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// ppbuffer is the main blob, and it is point to a stream at this
// point
// the first part is the name of the sub-blob.
Status = PackGetString( pName, (PVOID *) ppBuffer, pSize ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// now get the size of the sub blob.
Status = PackGetULong( pBlobSize, (PVOID *) ppBuffer, pSize ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(*pBlobSize > *pSize) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_DATA ; } else {
// At this point the main blob is point to the sub-blob itself.
// So copy the pointer of the main blob so we can return it
// as the sub blob.
*ppBlobBuffer = *ppBuffer;
// update the main blob pointer to point to the next stream
// in the blob.
*ppBuffer = (BYTE *)*ppBuffer + *pBlobSize; *pSize -= *pBlobSize; } } }
return Status; }
if (IsEmptyString(pBlobName->Buffer)) { *pBlobStructure = AcquireRootBlob(); if (*pBlobStructure == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } } else { NtStatus = SHashGetDataFromTable(m_pTable, (void *)pBlobName, (void **) pBlobStructure); Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); }
return Status; }
if (IsEmptyString(pBlobStructure->BlobName.Buffer)) { ReleaseRootBlob(); m_pRootBlob = pBlobStructure; AcquireRootBlob(); } else { NtStatus = SHashInsertKey(m_pTable, pBlobStructure, &pBlobStructure->BlobName, SHASH_REPLACE_IFFOUND);
Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); } return Status; }
if (IsEmptyString(pBlobName->Buffer)) { if (m_pRootBlob == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } ReleaseRootBlob(); } else { NtStatus = SHashRemoveKey(m_pTable, pBlobName, NULL );
Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); } return Status;
if (pBlobStructure->SequenceNumber == pEnumCtx->SequenceNumber) { Status = AddStreamToBlob( pBlobName, pBlobStructure->pBlob, pBlobStructure->Size, &pEnumCtx->pBuffer, &pEnumCtx->Size );
pEnumCtx->NumItems++; pEnumCtx->CurrentSize += (pBlobName->Length + sizeof(USHORT) + sizeof(ULONG) + pBlobStructure->Size); } return Status; }
// skeleton of pack blob.
// The buffer is passed in. The length is passed in.
// If the information does not fit the buffer, return required length.
// Required for API implementation.
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::PackBlob( BYTE *pBuffer, PULONG pLength, PULONG TotalBlobBytes )
{ ULONG Discard = 0; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; BYTE *pUseBuffer = NULL; BYTE *pSavedBuffer = NULL; ULONG SavedBufferSize = 0; ULONG BufferSize = 0; PACKBLOB_ENUMCTX EnumCtx; pUseBuffer = pBuffer; BufferSize = *pLength;
DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "BlobCache %p: packing blob\n", this); //
// dfsdev: investigate what the first ulong is and add comment
// here as to why we are setting it to 0.
Status = PackSetULong( 0, (PVOID *) &pUseBuffer, &BufferSize ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
//save the place where we should write back the number of objects
pSavedBuffer = pUseBuffer; SavedBufferSize = BufferSize; //
// the next argument is the number of objects in the blob.
// set 0 until we find how many blobs there are
Status = PackSetULong(0, (PVOID *) &pUseBuffer, &BufferSize); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
EnumCtx.pBuffer = pUseBuffer; EnumCtx.Size = BufferSize; EnumCtx.NumItems = 0; EnumCtx.SequenceNumber = m_CurrentSequenceNumber; EnumCtx.CurrentSize = sizeof(ULONG); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (m_pRootBlob != NULL) { PDFSBLOB_DATA pRootBlob; UNICODE_STRING RootMetadataName;
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx(&RootMetadataName, ADBlobMetaDataNamePrefix); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = CreateBlob( &RootMetadataName, m_pRootBlob->pBlob, m_pRootBlob->Size, &pRootBlob);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = PackBlobEnumerator( (SHASH_HEADER *)pRootBlob, (PVOID) &EnumCtx);
DeallocateShashData(pRootBlob); } }
} }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = ShashEnumerateItems(m_pTable, PackBlobEnumerator, &EnumCtx);
//dfsdev: make sure that shash enumerate retuns NTSTATUS.
// it does not appear to do so... I think it is the packblobenumerator
// that is returning a non-ntstatus. Till we fix it dont convert err
// Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus);
Status = NtStatus; }
// Now add the site blob as the LAST blob. It appears that old
// downlevel dfs may rely on this.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CreateSiteBlobIfNecessary();
if (m_pBlob != NULL) { Status = PackBlobEnumerator( (SHASH_HEADER *) m_pBlob, (PVOID) &EnumCtx); } }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (EnumCtx.NumItems > 0) { Status = PackSetULong(EnumCtx.NumItems, (PVOID *) &pSavedBuffer, &SavedBufferSize);
EnumCtx.CurrentSize += sizeof(ULONG); }
*TotalBlobBytes = EnumCtx.CurrentSize; }
m_BlobSize = *TotalBlobBytes; //*TotalBlobBytes = (ULONG) (EnumCtx.pBuffer - pBuffer);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, ADBLOB, "BlobCache %p, PackBlob status %x\n", this, Status); return Status; }
ULONG DfsADBlobCache::GetBlobSize() { return m_BlobSize; }
pIter->RootReferenced = AcquireRootBlob(); if (pIter->RootReferenced != NULL) { pIter->Started = FALSE; pBlob = pIter->RootReferenced; } else { pIter->Started = TRUE; pBlob = (PDFSBLOB_DATA) SHashStartEnumerate(&pIter->Iter, m_pTable); }
return pBlob; }
if (pIter->Started == FALSE) { pIter->Started = TRUE; pBlob = (PDFSBLOB_DATA) SHashStartEnumerate(&pIter->Iter, m_pTable); } else { pBlob = (PDFSBLOB_DATA) SHashNextEnumerate(&pIter->Iter, m_pTable); }
return pBlob; }
void DfsADBlobCache::FindCloseBlob(PDFSBLOB_ITER pIter) {
if (pIter->RootReferenced) { ReleaseBlobReference(pIter->RootReferenced); pIter->RootReferenced = NULL; } if (pIter->Started) { SHashFinishEnumerate(&pIter->Iter, m_pTable); pIter->Started = FALSE; } }
DFSSTATUS AddStreamToBlob(PUNICODE_STRING BlobName, BYTE *pBlobBuffer, ULONG BlobSize, BYTE ** pUseBuffer, ULONG *BufferSize ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Status = PackSetString(BlobName, (PVOID *) pUseBuffer, BufferSize); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = PackSetULong(BlobSize, (PVOID *) pUseBuffer, BufferSize); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( *BufferSize >= BlobSize ) { RtlCopyMemory((*pUseBuffer), pBlobBuffer, BlobSize);
*pUseBuffer = (BYTE *)((ULONG_PTR)*pUseBuffer + BlobSize); *BufferSize -= BlobSize; } else { Status = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } }
return Status; }
PVOID AllocateShashData(ULONG Size ) { PVOID RetValue = NULL;
if (Size) { RetValue = (PVOID) new BYTE[Size]; } return RetValue; }
VOID DeallocateShashData(PVOID pPointer ) { if(pPointer) { delete [] (PBYTE)pPointer; } }
DFSSTATUS DfsADBlobCache::DfsDoesUserHaveAccess(DWORD DesiredAccess) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD = NULL; PVOID pHandle = NULL; UNICODE_STRING ObjectDN; DFS_TRACE_LOW(ADBLOB, "BlobCache %p: DfsADBlobCache::DfsDoesUserHaveAccess\n", this);
do {
Status = GetCachedADObject ( &pHandle ); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::DfsDoesUserHaveAccess: GetCachedADObject failed status %x\n", Status); break; }
Status = GetObjectDN(&ObjectDN); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::DfsDoesUserHaveAccess: GetObjectDN failed status %x\n", Status); break; }
Status = DfsGetObjSecurity((LDAP *) pHandle, ObjectDN.Buffer, &pSD);
if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::DfsDoesUserHaveAccess: DfsGetObjectSecurity failed status %x\n", Status); break; }
Status = DfsDoesUserHaveDesiredAccessToAd(DesiredAccess, pSD); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, ADBLOB, "DfsADBlobCache::DfsDoesUserHaveAccess: DfsDoesUserHaveDesiredAccessToAd failed status %x\n", Status); break; }
}while (0);
if(pHandle != NULL) { ReleaseADObject( pHandle ); }
if(pSD) { DfsDeallocateSecurityData (pSD); }
return Status; }