#include <shash.h>
#include <limits.h>
class DfsSite;
// Minimum and maximum values for inter-site costs.
// These values were 0 and 100 once upon a tender time.
#define DFS_MIN_COST 0
// When we get a cost that's marked with a ValidityStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS
// this is how soon that entry will expire. If the entry is accessed again after this
// interval, we'll query DS again to see if we have better luck with it.
// This is the hash entry that maps
// a destination site to its cost.
typedef struct _DFS_SITE_COST_DATA { SHASH_HEADER Header; DFSSTATUS ValidityStatus; // to account for possible errors in Cost calculations
ULONG AccessTime; // For aging of individual entries.
ULONG Cost; // Cost from a client site to the following destination
DfsSite *pDestinationSite; // The above cost only applies to this destination.
// This maps sitenames of servers to their corresponding costs.
// There is one of these tables per each unique client DfsSite.
class DfsSiteCostCache : public DfsGeneric {
private: //
// Hash table mapping destination sites and their corresponding costs.
PSHASH_TABLE _pSiteCostTable; public: DfsSiteCostCache( VOID ) : DfsGeneric( DFS_OBJECT_TYPE_SITECOST_CACHE ) { _pSiteCostTable = NULL;
~DfsSiteCostCache( VOID ) { if (_pSiteCostTable != NULL) { // we have to throw out individual entries or we'll leak.
InvalidateCache(); ShashTerminateHashTable( _pSiteCostTable ); _pSiteCostTable = NULL; } } DFSSTATUS Initialize( VOID );
// Retry because the entry we have doesn't have a good ValidityStatus.
inline BOOLEAN IsTimeToRetry( PDFS_SITE_COST_DATA pSiteData ) { DWORD Interval = DFS_DEFAULT_INVALID_COST_RETRY_INTERVAL; // We should implement a staggered retry here so that we won't
// bombard the DS over and over. BUG:
return IsTime( pSiteData->AccessTime, Interval ); }
// Refresh because the entry we have is just plain too old.
inline BOOLEAN IsTimeToRefresh( PDFS_SITE_COST_DATA pSiteData ) { DWORD Interval = DfsServerGlobalData.SiteSupportRefreshInterval;
return IsTime( pSiteData->AccessTime, Interval ); }
static BOOLEAN IsTime( ULONG TimeStamp, DWORD Interval) { DWORD TimeNow = 0;
TimeNow = GetTickCount();
if ((TimeNow > TimeStamp) && (TimeNow - TimeStamp) > Interval) { return TRUE; }
if ((TimeNow < TimeStamp) && ((TimeNow - 0) + (0xFFFFFFFF - TimeStamp) > Interval)) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } DFSSTATUS GetCost ( DfsSite *pDestinationSite, PULONG pCost); DFSSTATUS SetCost( DfsSite *pDestinationSite, ULONG Cost, DWORD ValidityStatus); DFSSTATUS RemoveCost( DfsSite *pSite);
// Given a target site and the hash structure to insert,
// add the tuple to the table.
// The destination site is the hash key here.
NtStatus = SHashInsertKey(_pSiteCostTable, pSiteCostData, pDestinationSite, SHASH_REPLACE_IFFOUND);
Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); return Status; }
// Create a DFS_SITE_COST_DATA structure that is ready to
// get inserted in to the SiteCost Cache.
DFSSTATUS CreateCostData ( DfsSite *pDestinationSite, ULONG Cost, DFSSTATUS ValidityStatus, PDFS_SITE_COST_DATA *ppNewData); // Just delete the cache data entry.
static VOID DfsDeallocateSiteCostData(PVOID pPointer );
DfsSite * StartSiteEnumerate( SHASH_ITERATOR *pIter ) { PDFS_SITE_COST_DATA pData = NULL; pData = (PDFS_SITE_COST_DATA)SHashStartEnumerate( pIter, _pSiteCostTable ); if (pData == NULL) { return NULL; }
return pData->pDestinationSite; }
DfsSite * NextSiteEnumerate( SHASH_ITERATOR *pIter ) { PDFS_SITE_COST_DATA pData = NULL; pData = (PDFS_SITE_COST_DATA)SHashNextEnumerate( pIter, _pSiteCostTable ); if (pData == NULL) { return NULL; }
return pData->pDestinationSite; }
VOID FinishSiteEnumerate( SHASH_ITERATOR *pIter ) { SHashFinishEnumerate( pIter, _pSiteCostTable); } //
VOID InvalidateCache( VOID );
// DfsSiteCostSupport class provides a much needed layer of indirection
// between DfsSites and the DfsSiteCostCaches the DfsSites have a one-to-one
// mapping with. Since references on DfsSites are long lived (~12hrs+), and we
// may get flooded with DfsSiteCostCaches consuming a lot of memory, we need
// to do some trimming based simply on the total number of caches sitting around.
// For that, we need this extra level of indirection. This solves races
// between trimming and lookup/inserts.
class DfsSiteCostSupport { private: DfsSiteCostCache *_pCostTable; CRITICAL_SECTION _SiteCostLock; LONG _InUseCount;
// For aging of the entire cache.
ULONG _LastAccessTime; BOOL _CritInit; //
// The MRU hangs off the DfsServerGlobalData, and is guarded
// by the GlobalDataLock.
LIST_ENTRY MruListEntry; BOOLEAN InMruList; DfsSiteCostSupport() { _pCostTable = NULL; _InUseCount = 1; _LastAccessTime = 0; InitializeListHead( &MruListEntry ); InMruList = FALSE; _CritInit = FALSE; } ULONG InsertInMruList(VOID); VOID MoveToFrontOfMruList(VOID);
BOOLEAN RemoveFromMruList(VOID);
DFSSTATUS PopLastTableFromMruList( DfsSiteCostSupport **pTableToRemove);
ULONG TrimSiteCostCaches( ULONG MaxCachesToTrim); public: ~DfsSiteCostSupport() { // The in-use count is not tied to
// the existence of this structure.
// Rather, the references on this is implicitly the same
// as the unique DfsSite that's pointing to this.
// Hence, there's no need to call its Release() method here.
// That would've happened already, and the CostTable would've already
// gotten deleted.
if(_CritInit) { DeleteCriticalSection( &_SiteCostLock ); } _LastAccessTime = ULONG_MAX; // To help debugging.
// Just create the critical section not the table itself.
// Table is created upon demand because the default behavior is
// sitecosting turned off.
DFSSTATUS Initialize() { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; _CritInit = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( &_SiteCostLock, DFS_CRIT_SPIN_COUNT );
if (_CritInit == FALSE) { Status = GetLastError(); return Status; } return Status; } static DFSSTATUS DfsCreateSiteCostSupport( DfsSiteCostSupport **ppSup );
DFSSTATUS Acquire( DfsSiteCostCache **ppCache );
VOID Release( VOID );
VOID MarkForDeletion( VOID );
BOOLEAN IsExpired( VOID );