// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// File: DfsMisc.c
// Contents: miscellaneous dfs functions.
// History: Dec. 8 2000, Author: udayh
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "rpc.h"
#include "rpcdce.h"
#include <dfsheader.h>
#include "lm.h"
#include "lmdfs.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <dfsmisc.h>
DFSSTATUS DfsGenerateUuidString( LPWSTR *UuidString ) { RPC_STATUS RpcStatus = RPC_S_OK; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; UUID NewUid;
RpcStatus = UuidCreate(&NewUid); if (RpcStatus == RPC_S_OK) { RpcStatus = UuidToString( &NewUid, UuidString ); if (RpcStatus == RPC_S_OK) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
return Status; }
VOID DfsReleaseUuidString( LPWSTR *UuidString ) { RpcStringFree(UuidString); }
// Function: DfsCreateUnicodeString
// Arguments: pDest - the destination unicode string
// pSrc - the source unicode string
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine creates a new unicode string that is a copy
// of the original. The copied unicode string has a buffer
// that is null terminated, so the buffer can be used as a
// normal string if necessary.
NewString = malloc(pSrc->Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( NewString == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } RtlCopyMemory( NewString, pSrc->Buffer, pSrc->Length); NewString[ pSrc->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL;
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( pDest, NewString ); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { free (NewString); }
return Status; }
// Function: DfsCreateUnicodeStringFromString
// Arguments: pDest - the destination unicode string
// pSrcString - the source string
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine creates a new unicode string that has a copy
// of the passed in source string. The unicode string has
// a buffer that is null terminated, so the buffer can be
// used as a normal string if necessary.
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &Source, pSrcString ); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsCreateUnicodeString( pDest, &Source ); }
return Status; }
// Function: DfsCreateUnicodePathString
// Arguments: pDest - the destination unicode string
// Number of leading seperators.
// pFirstComponent - the first componet of the name.
// pRemaining - the rest of the name.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine creates a pathname given two components.
// If it is DOS unc name, it creates a name prefixed with
// \\.
// it just creates a name that is formed by
// combining the first component, followed by a \ followed
// by the rest of the name.
// If it is DOS unc name, it creates a name prefixed with
// \\.
DFSSTATUS DfsCreateUnicodePathStringFromUnicode( PUNICODE_STRING pDest, ULONG NumberOfLeadingSeperators, PUNICODE_STRING pFirst, PUNICODE_STRING pRemaining ) { ULONG NameLen = 0; LPWSTR NewString = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG NewOffset = 0; ULONG Index = 0; if (NumberOfLeadingSeperators > 2) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
for (Index = 0; (Index < pFirst->Length) && (NumberOfLeadingSeperators != 0); Index++) { if (pFirst->Buffer[Index] != UNICODE_PATH_SEP) { break; } NumberOfLeadingSeperators--; }
NameLen += NumberOfLeadingSeperators * sizeof(WCHAR);
NameLen += pFirst->Length;
if (pRemaining && (IsEmptyString(pRemaining->Buffer) == FALSE)) { NameLen += sizeof(UNICODE_PATH_SEP); NameLen += pRemaining->Length; } NameLen += sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
if (NameLen > MAXUSHORT) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } NewString = malloc( NameLen );
if (NewString != NULL) { RtlZeroMemory( NewString, NameLen ); for (NewOffset = 0; NewOffset < NumberOfLeadingSeperators; NewOffset++) { NewString[NewOffset] = UNICODE_PATH_SEP; } RtlCopyMemory( &NewString[NewOffset], pFirst->Buffer, pFirst->Length); NewOffset += (pFirst->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pRemaining && (IsEmptyString(pRemaining->Buffer) == FALSE)) { NewString[NewOffset++] = UNICODE_PATH_SEP; RtlCopyMemory( &NewString[NewOffset], pRemaining->Buffer, pRemaining->Length); NewOffset += (pRemaining->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
NewString[NewOffset] = UNICODE_NULL;
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx(pDest, NewString); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { free(NewString); } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } return Status; }
// Function: DfsCreateUnicodePathString
// Arguments: pDest - the destination unicode string
// DosUncName - Do we want to create a unc path name?
// pFirstComponent - the first componet of the name.
// pRemaining - the rest of the name.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine creates a pathname given two components.
// If it is DOS unc name, it creates a name prefixed with
// \\.
// it just creates a name that is formed by
// combining the first component, followed by a \ followed
// by the rest of the name.
// If it is DOS unc name, it creates a name prefixed with
// \\.
DFSSTATUS DfsCreateUnicodePathString( PUNICODE_STRING pDest, ULONG NumberOfLeadingSeperators, LPWSTR pFirstComponent, LPWSTR pRemaining ) { ULONG NameLen = 0; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING FirstComponent; UNICODE_STRING Remaining;
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &FirstComponent, pFirstComponent); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &Remaining, pRemaining); if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
Status = DfsCreateUnicodePathStringFromUnicode( pDest, NumberOfLeadingSeperators, &FirstComponent, &Remaining ); return Status; }
// Function: DfsFreeUnicodeString
// Arguments: pString - the unicode string,
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine frees up a unicode string that was
// previously created by calling one of the above
// routines.
// Only the unicode strings created by the above functions
// are valid arguments. Passing any other unicode string
// will result in fatal component errors.
VOID DfsFreeUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING pDfsString ) { if (pDfsString->Buffer != NULL) { free (pDfsString->Buffer); } }
DFSSTATUS DfsApiSizeLevelHeader( ULONG Level, LONG * NewSize ) { ULONG ReturnSize = 0; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(NewSize == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
switch (Level) {
case 4: ReturnSize = sizeof(DFS_INFO_4); break;
case 3: ReturnSize = sizeof(DFS_INFO_3); break;
case 2: ReturnSize = sizeof(DFS_INFO_2); break;
case 1: ReturnSize = sizeof(DFS_INFO_1); break; case 200: ReturnSize = sizeof(DFS_INFO_200); break;
case 300: ReturnSize = sizeof(DFS_INFO_300); break; default: Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break;
*NewSize = ReturnSize;
return Status; }
// Wrapper around StringCchLength to return DFSSTATUS.
DFSSTATUS DfsStringCchLength( LPWSTR pStr, size_t CchMax, size_t *pCch) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT Hr = S_OK;
Hr = StringCchLengthW( pStr, CchMax, pCch ); if (!SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Status = HRESULT_CODE(Hr); }
return Status; }
// Retrieve a string value from the registry.
// The unicode-string will be allocated on successful return.
DFSSTATUS DfsGetRegValueString( HKEY Key, LPWSTR pKeyName, PUNICODE_STRING pValue ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG DataSize = 0; ULONG DataType = 0; LPWSTR pRegString = NULL;
Status = RegQueryInfoKey( Key, // Key
NULL, // Class string
NULL, // Size of class string
NULL, // Reserved
NULL, // # of subkeys
NULL, // max size of subkey name
NULL, // max size of class name
NULL, // # of values
NULL, // max size of value name
&DataSize, // max size of value data,
NULL, // security descriptor
NULL ); // Last write time
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DataSize += sizeof(WCHAR); // NULL Terminator
pRegString = (LPWSTR) malloc( DataSize ); if ( pRegString == NULL ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { Status = RegQueryValueEx( Key, pKeyName, NULL, &DataType, (LPBYTE)pRegString, &DataSize ); } } if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (DataType == REG_SZ) { Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( pValue, pRegString ); } else { Status = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pRegString != NULL) { free( pRegString ); pValue->Buffer = NULL; } } return Status; }
VOID DfsReleaseRegValueString( PUNICODE_STRING pValue ) { if (pValue != NULL) { free( pValue->Buffer ); pValue->Buffer = NULL; } }