Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements routines for managing endpoint blocks.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) 4-Oct-1989
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "blkendp.tmh"
#pragma hdrstop
#define BugCheckFileId SRV_FILE_BLKENDP
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvAllocateEndpoint )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCheckAndReferenceEndpoint )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCloseEndpoint )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvDereferenceEndpoint )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvFreeEndpoint )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvReferenceEndpoint )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvFindNamedEndpoint )
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- EmptyFreeConnectionList NOT PAGEABLE -- WalkConnectionTable #endif
VOID SrvAllocateEndpoint ( OUT PENDPOINT *Endpoint, IN PUNICODE_STRING NetworkName, IN PUNICODE_STRING TransportName, IN PANSI_STRING TransportAddress, IN PUNICODE_STRING DomainName )
Routine Description:
This function allocates an Endpoint Block from the system nonpaged pool.
Endpoint - Returns a pointer to the endpoint block, or NULL if no pool was available.
NetworkName - Supplies a pointer to the network name (e.g., NET1).
TransportName - The fully qualified name of the transport device. For example, "\Device\Nbf".
TransportAddress - The fully qualified address (or name ) of the server's endpoint. This name is used exactly as specified. For NETBIOS-compatible networks, the caller must upcase and blank-fill the name. E.g., "\Device\Nbf\NTSERVERbbbbbbbb".
DomainName - the domain being serviced by this endpoint
Return Value:
{ CLONG length; PENDPOINT endpoint; NTSTATUS status;
// Attempt to allocate from nonpaged pool.
length = sizeof(ENDPOINT) + NetworkName->Length + sizeof(*NetworkName->Buffer) + TransportName->Length + sizeof(*TransportName->Buffer) + TransportAddress->Length + sizeof(*TransportAddress->Buffer) + RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize( TransportAddress ) + DNLEN * sizeof( *DomainName->Buffer ) + DNLEN + sizeof(CHAR);
endpoint = ALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( length, BlockTypeEndpoint ); *Endpoint = endpoint;
if ( endpoint == NULL ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR ( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvAllocateEndpoint: Unable to allocate %d bytes from nonpaged " "pool.", length, NULL );
return; }
IF_DEBUG(HEAP) { SrvPrint1( "SrvAllocateEndpoint: Allocated endpoint at %p\n", endpoint ); }
// Initialize the endpoint block. Zero it first.
RtlZeroMemory( endpoint, length );
SET_BLOCK_TYPE_STATE_SIZE( endpoint, BlockTypeEndpoint, BlockStateActive, length ); endpoint->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount = 2; // allow for Active status
// and caller's pointer
// Allocate connection table.
SrvAllocateTable( &endpoint->ConnectionTable, 6, // !!!
TRUE ); if ( endpoint->ConnectionTable.Table == NULL ) { DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( endpoint ); *Endpoint = NULL; return; }
InitializeListHead( &endpoint->FreeConnectionList ); #if SRVDBG29
UpdateConnectionHistory( "INIT", endpoint, NULL ); #endif
// Copy the network name, transport name, and server address, and domain
// name into the block.
endpoint->NetworkName.Length = NetworkName->Length; endpoint->NetworkName.MaximumLength = (SHORT)(NetworkName->Length + sizeof(*NetworkName->Buffer)); endpoint->NetworkName.Buffer = (PWCH)(endpoint + 1); RtlCopyMemory( endpoint->NetworkName.Buffer, NetworkName->Buffer, NetworkName->Length );
endpoint->TransportName.Length = TransportName->Length; endpoint->TransportName.MaximumLength = (SHORT)(TransportName->Length + sizeof(*TransportName->Buffer)); endpoint->TransportName.Buffer = (PWCH)((PCHAR)endpoint->NetworkName.Buffer + endpoint->NetworkName.MaximumLength); RtlCopyMemory( endpoint->TransportName.Buffer, TransportName->Buffer, TransportName->Length );
endpoint->ServerName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize( TransportAddress ); endpoint->ServerName.Length = 0; endpoint->ServerName.Buffer = endpoint->TransportName.Buffer + endpoint->TransportName.MaximumLength / sizeof( WCHAR );
endpoint->TransportAddress.Length = TransportAddress->Length; endpoint->TransportAddress.MaximumLength = (SHORT)(TransportAddress->Length + 1); endpoint->TransportAddress.Buffer = (PCHAR)endpoint->ServerName.Buffer + endpoint->ServerName.MaximumLength; RtlCopyMemory( endpoint->TransportAddress.Buffer, TransportAddress->Buffer, TransportAddress->Length );
status = RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &endpoint->ServerName, TransportAddress, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DbgPrint("SRv ENDPOINT Name translation failed status %lx\n",status); KdPrint(("SRv ENDPOINT Name translation failed status %lx\n",status)); }
// Trim the trailing blanks off the end of servername
while( endpoint->ServerName.Length && endpoint->ServerName.Buffer[ (endpoint->ServerName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR))-1 ] == L' ' ) {
endpoint->ServerName.Length -= sizeof( WCHAR ); }
endpoint->DomainName.Length = DomainName->Length; endpoint->DomainName.MaximumLength = DNLEN * sizeof( *endpoint->DomainName.Buffer ); endpoint->DomainName.Buffer = (PWCH)((PCHAR)endpoint->TransportAddress.Buffer + TransportAddress->MaximumLength); RtlCopyMemory( endpoint->DomainName.Buffer, DomainName->Buffer, DomainName->Length );
endpoint->OemDomainName.Length = (SHORT)RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( DomainName ); endpoint->OemDomainName.MaximumLength = DNLEN + sizeof( CHAR ); endpoint->OemDomainName.Buffer = (PCHAR)endpoint->DomainName.Buffer + endpoint->DomainName.MaximumLength;
status = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &endpoint->OemDomainName, &endpoint->DomainName, FALSE // Do not allocate the OEM string
); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) );
// Initialize the network address field.
endpoint->NetworkAddress.Buffer = endpoint->NetworkAddressData; endpoint->NetworkAddress.Length = sizeof( endpoint->NetworkAddressData ) - sizeof(endpoint->NetworkAddressData[0]); endpoint->NetworkAddress.MaximumLength = sizeof( endpoint->NetworkAddressData );
// Increment the count of endpoints in the server.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock ); SrvEndpointCount++;
// If an endpoint is coming back after a NIC disconnect, reset the event
if( SrvEndpointCount == 1 ) { KeResetEvent( &SrvEndpointEvent ); }
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.EndpointInfo.Allocations );
} // SrvAllocateEndpoint
BOOLEAN SRVFASTCALL SrvCheckAndReferenceEndpoint ( PENDPOINT Endpoint )
Routine Description:
This function atomically verifies that an endpoint is active and increments the reference count on the endpoint if it is.
Endpoint - Address of endpoint
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - Returns TRUE if the endpoint is active, FALSE otherwise.
// Acquire the lock that guards the endpoint's state field.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
// If the endpoint is active, reference it and return TRUE.
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(Endpoint) == BlockStateActive ) {
SrvReferenceEndpoint( Endpoint );
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
return TRUE;
// The endpoint isn't active. Return FALSE.
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
return FALSE;
} // SrvCheckAndReferenceEndpoint
VOID SrvCloseEndpoint ( IN PENDPOINT Endpoint )
Routine Description:
This function closes a transport endpoint.
*** This function must be called with SrvEndpointLock held exactly once. The lock is released on exit.
Endpoint - Supplies a pointer to an Endpoint Block
Return Value:
{ USHORT index; PCONNECTION connection;
ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite(&RESOURCE_OF(SrvEndpointLock)) );
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(Endpoint) == BlockStateActive ) {
IF_DEBUG(BLOCK1) SrvPrint1( "Closing endpoint at %p\n", Endpoint );
SET_BLOCK_STATE( Endpoint, BlockStateClosing );
// Close all active connections.
index = (USHORT)-1;
while ( TRUE ) {
// Get the next active connection in the table. If no more
// are available, WalkConnectionTable returns NULL.
// Otherwise, it returns a referenced pointer to a
// connection.
connection = WalkConnectionTable( Endpoint, &index ); if ( connection == NULL ) { break; }
// We don't want to hold the endpoint lock while we close the
// connection (this causes lock level problems). Since we
// already have a referenced pointer to the connection, this
// is safe.
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
#if SRVDBG29
UpdateConnectionHistory( "CEND", Endpoint, connection ); #endif
connection->DisconnectReason = DisconnectEndpointClosing; SrvCloseConnection( connection, FALSE );
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
SrvDereferenceConnection( connection );
// Close all free connections.
EmptyFreeConnectionList( Endpoint );
// We don't need to hold the endpoint lock anymore.
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
// Close the endpoint file handle. This causes all pending
// requests to be aborted. It also deregisters all event
// handlers.
// *** Note that we have a separate reference to the file
// object, in addition to the handle. We don't release that
// reference until all activity on the endpoint has ceased
// (in SrvDereferenceEndpoint).
SRVDBG_RELEASE_HANDLE( Endpoint->EndpointHandle, "END", 2, Endpoint ); SrvNtClose( Endpoint->EndpointHandle, FALSE ); if ( Endpoint->IsConnectionless ) { SRVDBG_RELEASE_HANDLE( Endpoint->NameSocketHandle, "END", 2, Endpoint ); SrvNtClose( Endpoint->NameSocketHandle, FALSE ); }
// Dereference the endpoint (to indicate that it's no longer
// open).
SrvDereferenceEndpoint( Endpoint );
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.EndpointInfo.Closes );
} else {
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
} // SrvCloseEndpoint
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvDereferenceEndpoint ( IN PENDPOINT Endpoint )
Routine Description:
This function decrements the reference count on an endpoint. If the reference count goes to zero, the endpoint block is deleted.
Endpoint - Address of endpoint
Return Value:
{ ULONG newEndpointCount;
// Enter a critical section and decrement the reference count on the
// block.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
IF_DEBUG(REFCNT) { SrvPrint2( "Dereferencing endpoint %p; old refcnt %lx\n", Endpoint, Endpoint->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount ); }
ASSERT( GET_BLOCK_TYPE( Endpoint ) == BlockTypeEndpoint ); ASSERT( (LONG)Endpoint->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount > 0 ); UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( Endpoint, TRUE );
if ( --Endpoint->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 0 ) {
// The new reference count is 0, meaning that it's time to
// delete this block.
ASSERT( GET_BLOCK_STATE(Endpoint) != BlockStateActive );
// Decrement the count of endpoints in the server. If the new
// count is zero, set the endpoint event.
ASSERT( SrvEndpointCount >= 1 );
newEndpointCount = --SrvEndpointCount;
if ( newEndpointCount == 0 ) { KeSetEvent( &SrvEndpointEvent, 0, FALSE ); }
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
// Remove the endpoint from the global list of endpoints.
SrvRemoveEntryOrderedList( &SrvEndpointList, Endpoint );
// Dereference the file object pointer. (The handle to the file
// object was closed in SrvCloseEndpoint.)
ObDereferenceObject( Endpoint->FileObject ); if ( Endpoint->IsConnectionless ) { ObDereferenceObject( Endpoint->NameSocketFileObject ); }
// Free the endpoint block's storage.
SrvFreeEndpoint( Endpoint );
} else {
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
} // SrvDereferenceEndpoint
VOID SrvFreeEndpoint ( IN PENDPOINT Endpoint )
Routine Description:
This function returns an Endpoint Block to the system nonpaged pool.
Endpoint - Address of endpoint
Return Value:
DEBUG SET_BLOCK_TYPE_STATE_SIZE( Endpoint, BlockTypeGarbage, BlockStateDead, -1 ); DEBUG Endpoint->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount = (ULONG)-1; TERMINATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( Endpoint );
if ( Endpoint->IpxMaxPacketSizeArray != NULL ) { FREE_HEAP( Endpoint->IpxMaxPacketSizeArray ); }
if ( Endpoint->ConnectionTable.Table != NULL ) { SrvFreeTable( &Endpoint->ConnectionTable ); }
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( Endpoint ); IF_DEBUG(HEAP) SrvPrint1( "SrvFreeEndpoint: Freed endpoint block at %p\n", Endpoint );
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.EndpointInfo.Frees );
} // SrvFreeEndpoint
VOID SrvReferenceEndpoint ( PENDPOINT Endpoint )
Routine Description:
This function increments the reference count on an endpoint block.
Endpoint - Address of endpoint
Return Value:
// Enter a critical section and increment the reference count on the
// endpoint.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
ASSERT( (LONG)Endpoint->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount > 0 ); ASSERT( GET_BLOCK_TYPE(Endpoint) == BlockTypeEndpoint ); ASSERT( GET_BLOCK_STATE(Endpoint) == BlockStateActive ); UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( Endpoint, FALSE );
IF_DEBUG(REFCNT) SrvPrint2( "Referencing endpoint %p; new refcnt %lx\n", Endpoint, Endpoint->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount );
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
} // SrvReferenceEndpoint
BOOLEAN SrvFindNamedEndpoint( IN PUNICODE_STRING ServerName, OUT PBOOLEAN RemapPipeNames OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns TRUE of any endpoint is supporting 'ServerName'.
Additionally, set the RemapPipeNames variable from the found endpoint.
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; PENDPOINT endpoint = NULL;
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( RemapPipeNames ) ) { *RemapPipeNames = FALSE; }
// Find an endpoint block supporting the specified name.
ACQUIRE_LOCK_SHARED( &SrvEndpointLock );
for( listEntry = SrvEndpointList.ListHead.Flink; listEntry != &SrvEndpointList.ListHead; endpoint = NULL, listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) {
endpoint = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, ENDPOINT, GlobalEndpointListEntry );
// Skip any inappropriate endpoints
if( GET_BLOCK_STATE( endpoint ) != BlockStateActive || endpoint->IsConnectionless || (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( RemapPipeNames ) && endpoint->IsNoNetBios) ) {
continue; }
// See if this endpoint literally matches the name we're looking for
if( RtlEqualUnicodeString( ServerName, &endpoint->ServerName, TRUE ) ) { break; }
// We might have a case where the ServerName is something like
// server.dns.company.com
// but the endpoint netbios name is only 'server'. We should match this
if( endpoint->ServerName.Length < ServerName->Length ) { UNICODE_STRING shortServerName;
shortServerName = *ServerName; shortServerName.Length = endpoint->ServerName.Length;
if (RtlEqualUnicodeString( &endpoint->ServerName, &shortServerName, TRUE)) { if (endpoint->ServerName.Length < ((NETBIOS_NAME_LEN - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) { if (ServerName->Buffer[ shortServerName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] == L'.') { break; } } else { if (endpoint->ServerName.Length == (NETBIOS_NAME_LEN - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) { break; } } } }
// See if this endpoint domain name literally matches the name we're
// looking for. The following two tests against the domain name are
// required to cover the case when there are certain components that
// use the domain name to talk to the server. Given the way name resolution
// records are setup this used to work before this checkin. This change
// breaks them. These tests provide us the backward compatibility.
if( RtlEqualUnicodeString( ServerName, &endpoint->DomainName, TRUE ) ) { break; }
// We might have a case where the ServerName is something like
// server.dns.company.com
// but the endpoint netbios name is only 'server'. We should match this
if( endpoint->DomainName.Length < ServerName->Length ) { UNICODE_STRING shortServerName;
shortServerName = *ServerName; shortServerName.Length = endpoint->DomainName.Length;
if (RtlEqualUnicodeString( &endpoint->DomainName, &shortServerName, TRUE)) { if (endpoint->DomainName.Length <= (NETBIOS_NAME_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR))) { if (ServerName->Buffer[ shortServerName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] == L'.') { break; } } else { if (endpoint->DomainName.Length == (NETBIOS_NAME_LEN - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) { break; } } } }
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( RemapPipeNames ) && endpoint != NULL ) { *RemapPipeNames = ( endpoint->RemapPipeNames == TRUE ); }
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
return endpoint != NULL; }
VOID EmptyFreeConnectionList ( IN PENDPOINT Endpoint ) { PCONNECTION connection; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; KIRQL oldIrql;
// *** In order to synchronize with the TDI connect handler in
// the FSD, which only uses a spin lock to serialize access
// to the free connection list (and does not check the
// endpoint state), we need to atomically capture the list
// head and empty the list.
listEntry = Endpoint->FreeConnectionList.Flink; InitializeListHead( &Endpoint->FreeConnectionList ); #if SRVDBG29
UpdateConnectionHistory( "CLOS", Endpoint, NULL ); #endif
while ( listEntry != &Endpoint->FreeConnectionList ) {
connection = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CONNECTION, EndpointFreeListEntry );
listEntry = listEntry->Flink; SrvCloseFreeConnection( connection );
} // EmptyFreeConnectionList
PCONNECTION WalkConnectionTable ( IN PENDPOINT Endpoint, IN OUT PUSHORT Index ) { USHORT i; PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; PCONNECTION connection; KIRQL oldIrql;
tableHeader = &Endpoint->ConnectionTable;
for ( i = *Index + 1; i < tableHeader->TableSize; i++ ) {
connection = (PCONNECTION)tableHeader->Table[i].Owner; if ( (connection != NULL) && (GET_BLOCK_STATE(connection) == BlockStateActive) ) { *Index = i; SrvReferenceConnectionLocked( connection ); goto exit; } } connection = NULL;
return connection; } // WalkConnectionTable