Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines for processing the following SMBs in the server FSD:
Read Block Raw Write Block Raw
The routines in this module generally work closely with the routines in smbraw.c.
*** There is no support here for raw writes from MS-NET 1.03 clients. There are very few of these machines in existence, and raw mode is only a performance issue, so it is not worth the trouble to add the necessary hacks for MS-NET 1.03, which sends raw write requests in a different format.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) 8-Sep-1990 Manny Weiser (mannyw) David Treadwell (davidtr)
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "fsdraw.tmh"
#pragma hdrstop
// Forward declarations.
STATIC VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartWriteCompleteResponse ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext );
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE8FIL, SrvFsdBuildWriteCompleteResponse )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE8FIL, RestartWriteCompleteResponse )
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- RestartCopyReadRawResponse NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdRestartReadRaw NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdRestartWriteRaw #endif
#if DBG
VOID DumpMdlChain( IN PMDL mdl ); #endif
VOID SrvFsdBuildWriteCompleteResponse ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN ULONG BytesWritten )
Routine Description:
Sets up a final response to a Write Block Raw/Mpx request.
This routine is called in both the FSP and the FSD. It can be called in the FSD only if Status == STATUS_SUCCESS.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block describing server-specific context for the request.
Status - Supplies a status value to be returned to the client.
BytesWritten - Supplies the number of bytes actually written.
Return Value:
SMB_PROCESSOR_RETURN_TYPE - Returns SmbStatusSendResponse.
if ( WorkContext->Rfcb != NULL ) { UNLOCKABLE_CODE( 8FIL ); } else { ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL ); }
// Get pointers to the header and the response parameters area.
// Note that Write Block Raw/Mpx can't be chained to an AndX SMB.
header = WorkContext->ResponseHeader; response = (PRESP_WRITE_COMPLETE)WorkContext->ResponseParameters;
// Change the SMB command code to Write Complete.
header->Command = SMB_COM_WRITE_COMPLETE;
// Put the error code in the header. Note that SrvSetSmbError
// writes a null parameter area to the end of the SMB; we overwrite
// that with our own parameter area.
if ( Status != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL ); SrvSetSmbError2( WorkContext, Status, TRUE ); }
// Build the response SMB.
response->WordCount = 1; SmbPutUshort( &response->Count, (USHORT)BytesWritten ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ByteCount, 0 );
WorkContext->ResponseParameters = NEXT_LOCATION( response, RESP_WRITE_COMPLETE, 0 );
} // SrvFsdBuildWriteCompleteResponse
NTSTATUS RestartCopyReadRawResponse ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
This is the restart routine that is invoked when the send of a Read Block Raw response completes.
This routine is called in the FSD.
DeviceObject - Pointer to target device object for the request.
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet
WorkContext - Caller-specified context parameter associated with IRP. This is actually a pointer to a Work Context block.
Return Value:
{ KIRQL oldIrql; PCONNECTION connection;
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) SrvPrint0( " - RestartCopyReadRawResponse\n" );
// Check the status of the send completion.
// Reset the IRP cancelled bit.
Irp->Cancel = FALSE;
// Deallocate the raw buffer, if the original SMB buffer was not
// used. Note that we do not need to unlock the raw buffer, because
// it was allocated out of nonpaged pool and locked using
// MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool, which doesn't increment reference
// counts and therefore has no inverse.
if ( WorkContext->Parameters.ReadRaw.SavedResponseBuffer != NULL ) {
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer );
IoFreeMdl( WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Mdl );
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( WorkContext->ResponseBuffer ); WorkContext->ResponseBuffer = WorkContext->Parameters.ReadRaw.SavedResponseBuffer;
// If there is an oplock break request pending, then we must go to the
// FSP to initiate the break, otherwise complete processing in the FSD.
connection = WorkContext->Connection;
KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql ); ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
if ( IsListEmpty( &connection->OplockWorkList ) ) {
// Dereference control blocks and put the work item back on the
// receive queue.
WorkContext->Connection->RawReadsInProgress--; RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock ); SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete( WorkContext );
} else {
// Send this work context to the FSP for completion.
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock ); WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartReadRawComplete; QUEUE_WORK_TO_FSP( WorkContext );
IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartCopyReadRawResponse complete\n" );
} // RestartCopyReadRawResponse
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
Restart routine for completion of a "prepare MDL write" I/O request. Prepares a work context block and an IRP describing the raw receive, posts the receive, and sends a "go-ahead" response.
This routine is called in both the FSP and the FSD.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block describing server-specific context for the request.
Return Value:
PVOID finalResponseBuffer; PWORK_CONTEXT rawWorkContext; ULONG writeLength; ULONG immediateLength; BOOLEAN immediateWriteDone; PMDL mdl;
PCHAR src; PCHAR dest; ULONG lengthToCopy;
PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; BOOLEAN bNeedTrace = (WorkContext->bAlreadyTrace == FALSE);
if (bNeedTrace) { if (WorkContext->PreviousSMB == EVENT_TYPE_SMB_LAST_EVENT) WorkContext->PreviousSMB = EVENT_TYPE_SMB_WRITE_RAW; SrvWmiStartContext(WorkContext); } else WorkContext->bAlreadyTrace = FALSE;
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) SrvPrint0( " - SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite\n" );
// Get request parameters and saved context.
request = (PREQ_WRITE_RAW)WorkContext->RequestParameters;
rawWorkContext = WorkContext->Parameters.WriteRawPhase1.RawWorkContext;
writeLength = SmbGetUshort( &request->Count ); immediateLength = SmbGetUshort( &request->DataLength ); immediateWriteDone = rawWorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.ImmediateWriteDone; if ( immediateWriteDone ) { writeLength -= immediateLength; }
finalResponseBuffer = rawWorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.FinalResponseBuffer;
// If the prepare MDL write I/O failed, send an error response.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite: Write failed: %X\n", WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status ); }
// We won't be needing the final response buffer or the raw mode
// work item.
if ( finalResponseBuffer != NULL ) { DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( finalResponseBuffer ); }
rawWorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer = NULL; RestartWriteCompleteResponse( rawWorkContext );
// Build and send the response.
if ( KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL ) { WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information = immediateWriteDone ? immediateLength : 0; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvBuildAndSendWriteCompleteResponse; WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete; // after response
QUEUE_WORK_TO_FSP( WorkContext ); } else { SrvFsdBuildWriteCompleteResponse( WorkContext, WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status, immediateWriteDone ? immediateLength : 0 ); SrvFsdSendResponse( WorkContext ); }
IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) { SrvPrint0( "SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite complete\n" ); } goto Cleanup;
// If a final response is going to be sent, save information from
// the request in the final response buffer.
if ( finalResponseBuffer != NULL ) { RtlCopyMemory( (PSMB_HEADER)finalResponseBuffer, WorkContext->RequestHeader, sizeof(SMB_HEADER) ); }
// If the immediate data has not yet been written, copy it now.
mdl = WorkContext->Irp->MdlAddress; #if DBG
IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite: input chain:\n" )); DumpMdlChain( mdl ); } #endif
rawWorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.FirstMdl = mdl;
if ( !immediateWriteDone ) {
src = (PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestHeader + SmbGetUshort( &request->DataOffset );
while ( immediateLength ) {
lengthToCopy = MIN( immediateLength, mdl->ByteCount ); dest = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe( mdl,NormalPoolPriority );
if (dest == NULL) { WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvBuildAndSendWriteCompleteResponse; WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete; // after response
QUEUE_WORK_TO_FSP( WorkContext ); goto Cleanup; }
RtlCopyMemory( dest, src, lengthToCopy );
src += lengthToCopy; immediateLength -= lengthToCopy; writeLength -= lengthToCopy;
if ( lengthToCopy == mdl->ByteCount ) {
mdl = mdl->Next;
} else {
PCHAR baseVa; ULONG lengthOfMdl; PMDL rawMdl;
ASSERT( immediateLength == 0 ); baseVa = (PCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(mdl) + lengthToCopy; lengthOfMdl = mdl->ByteCount - lengthToCopy; ASSERT( lengthOfMdl <= 65535 );
rawMdl = rawWorkContext->RequestBuffer->Mdl; rawMdl->Size = (CSHORT)(sizeof(MDL) + (sizeof(ULONG_PTR) * ADDRESS_AND_SIZE_TO_SPAN_PAGES( baseVa, lengthOfMdl )));
IoBuildPartialMdl( mdl, rawMdl, baseVa, lengthOfMdl );
rawMdl->Next = mdl->Next; #if DBG
IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite: built partial MDL at 0x%p\n", rawMdl )); DumpMdlChain( rawMdl ); } #endif
mdl = rawMdl;
// Save the length of the raw write.
rawWorkContext->RequestBuffer->BufferLength = writeLength;
// Set up the restart routines in the work context.
rawWorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; rawWorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartRawReceive;
// Build the TdiReceive request packet.
{ PIRP irp = rawWorkContext->Irp; PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_RECEIVE parameters;
irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = NULL; irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = WorkContext->CurrentWorkQueue->IrpThread; DEBUG irp->RequestorMode = KernelMode;
// Get a pointer to the next stack location. This one is used to
// hold the parameters for the device I/O control request.
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
// Set up the completion routine.
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine, rawWorkContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; irpSp->MinorFunction = (UCHAR)TDI_RECEIVE;
irpSp->FileObject = NULL; irpSp->DeviceObject = NULL;
// Copy the caller's parameters to the service-specific portion of the
// IRP for those parameters that are the same for all three methods.
parameters = (PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_RECEIVE)&irpSp->Parameters; parameters->ReceiveLength = writeLength; parameters->ReceiveFlags = 0;
irp->MdlAddress = mdl; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL; irp->Flags = (ULONG)IRP_BUFFERED_IO; }
IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { KdPrint(( "Issuing receive with MDL %p\n", rawWorkContext->Irp->MdlAddress )); }
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( rawWorkContext->Irp );
// If this is a writebehind write, tell the transport that we don't
// plan to reply to the received message.
if ( finalResponseBuffer == NULL ) { ((PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_RECEIVE)&irpSp->Parameters)->ReceiveFlags |= TDI_RECEIVE_NO_RESPONSE_EXP; }
// Post the receive.
irpSp->Flags = 0; irpSp->DeviceObject = rawWorkContext->Connection->DeviceObject; irpSp->FileObject = rawWorkContext->Connection->FileObject;
ASSERT( rawWorkContext->Irp->StackCount >= irpSp->DeviceObject->StackSize );
(VOID)IoCallDriver( irpSp->DeviceObject, rawWorkContext->Irp );
// Send the interim (go-ahead) response.
response = (PRESP_WRITE_RAW_INTERIM)WorkContext->ResponseParameters;
response->WordCount = 1; SmbPutUshort( &response->Remaining, (USHORT)-1 ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ByteCount, 0 ); WorkContext->ResponseParameters = NEXT_LOCATION( response, RESP_WRITE_RAW_INTERIM, 0 );
SrvFsdSendResponse( WorkContext );
IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite complete\n" );
Cleanup: if (bNeedTrace) { SrvWmiEndContext(WorkContext); } return;
} // SrvFsdRestartPrepareRawMdlWrite
Routine Description:
Processes file read completion for the Read Block Raw SMB.
This routine is called in both the FSP and the FSD.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block describing server-specific context for the request.
Return Value:
{ PRFCB rfcb; KIRQL oldIrql; USHORT readLength; BOOLEAN bNeedTrace = (WorkContext->bAlreadyTrace == FALSE);
if (bNeedTrace) { if (WorkContext->PreviousSMB == EVENT_TYPE_SMB_LAST_EVENT) WorkContext->PreviousSMB = EVENT_TYPE_SMB_READ_RAW; SrvWmiStartContext(WorkContext); } else WorkContext->bAlreadyTrace = FALSE;
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) SrvPrint0( " - SrvFsdRestartReadRaw\n" );
// Get the file pointer.
rfcb = WorkContext->Rfcb; IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) { SrvPrint2( " connection 0x%p, RFCB 0x%p\n", WorkContext->Connection, rfcb ); }
// Calculate the amount of data read.
if ( WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE ) {
readLength = 0; IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { SrvPrint0( "SrvFsdRestartReadRaw: 0 bytes read, at end-of-file\n" ); }
} else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status) ) {
readLength = 0; IF_SMB_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvFsdRestartReadRaw: read request failed: %X\n", WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status ); }
} else if ( WorkContext->Parameters.ReadRaw.MdlRead ) {
// For an MDL read, we have to walk the MDL chain in order to
// determine how much data was read. This is because the
// operation may have happened in multiple step, with the MDLs
// being chained together. For example, part of the read may
// have been satisfied by the fast path, while the rest was
// satisfied using an IRP.
#if DBG
ULONG mdlCount = 0; #endif
PMDL mdl = WorkContext->Irp->MdlAddress;
readLength = 0;
while ( mdl != NULL ) { IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { #if DBG
SrvPrint3( " mdl %ld at 0x%p, %ld bytes\n", mdlCount, mdl, MmGetMdlByteCount(mdl) ); #else
SrvPrint3( " mdl 0x%p, %ld bytes\n", mdl, MmGetMdlByteCount(mdl) ); #endif
} readLength += (USHORT)MmGetMdlByteCount(mdl); #if DBG
mdlCount++; #endif
mdl = mdl->Next; } IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { #if DBG
SrvPrint2( "SrvFsdRestartReadRaw: %ld bytes in %ld MDLs\n", readLength, mdlCount ); #else
SrvPrint2( "SrvFsdRestartReadRaw: %ld bytes\n", readLength ); #endif
SrvPrint1( " info = 0x%p\n", (PVOID)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information ); }
} else {
// Copy read. The I/O status block has the length.
readLength = (USHORT)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information; IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { SrvPrint1( "SrvFsdRestartReadRaw: %ld bytes read\n", readLength ); }
// Update the file position.
// *** Note that we ignore the status of the operation, except to
// check for end-of-file, since we can't tell the client what
// the status was. We simply return as many bytes as the file
// system says were read.
// !!! Should we save the error and return it when the client
// retries?
// !!! Need to worry about wraparound?
if ( rfcb->ShareType == ShareTypeDisk ) {
rfcb->CurrentPosition = WorkContext->Parameters.ReadRaw.ReadRawOtherInfo.Offset.LowPart + readLength;
// Save the count of bytes read, to be used to update the server
// statistics database.
UPDATE_READ_STATS( WorkContext, readLength );
// Send the raw read data as the response.
WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->DataLength = readLength;
// There is no header on this SMB, do not generate a security signature
WorkContext->NoResponseSmbSecuritySignature = TRUE;
if ( WorkContext->Parameters.ReadRaw.MdlRead ) {
// MDL read. The data is described by the MDL returned by the
// file system (in irp->MdlAddress).
// *** Note that if the read failed completely (which happens if
// the read starts beyond EOF), there is no MDL.
// SrvStartSend handles this appropriately. So must
// RestartMdlReadRawResponse.
// Send the response.
SRV_START_SEND( WorkContext, WorkContext->Irp->MdlAddress, 0, SrvQueueWorkToFspAtSendCompletion, NULL, RestartMdlReadRawResponse );
} else {
// Copy read. The data is described by the MDL allocated in
// SrvFsdSmbReadRaw.
// *** Changing Mdl->ByteCount like this would be a problem if
// we had to unlock the pages in RestartCopyReadRawResponse,
// because we might end up unlocking fewer pages than we
// locked. But we don't actually lock the pages to build
// the MDL -- the buffer is allocated from nonpaged pool, so
// we use MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool rather than
// MmProbeAndLockPages. So the pages haven't been
// referenced to account for the MDL, so there's no need to
// unlock them, so changing ByteCount isn't a problem.
// Send the response.
SRV_START_SEND_2( WorkContext, RestartCopyReadRawResponse, NULL, NULL );
// The response send has been started.
IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvFsdRestartReadRaw complete\n" );
if (bNeedTrace) { SrvWmiEndContext(WorkContext); } return;
} // SrvFsdRestartReadRaw
VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartWriteCompleteResponse ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
This routine attempts, at DPC level, to clean up after a Write Raw completes. It tries to dereference control blocks referenced by the raw mode work item. If this cannot be done at DPC level (e.g., a reference count goes to zero), this routine queues the work item to the FSP for processing.
This routine is called in the FSD. Its FSP counterpart is SrvRestartWriteCompleteResponse.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block describing server-specific context for the request.
Return Value:
{ PCONNECTION connection; KIRQL oldIrql; PRFCB rfcb; PWORK_QUEUE queue;
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) SrvPrint0( " - RestartWriteCompleteResponse\n" );
connection = WorkContext->Connection; queue = connection->CurrentWorkQueue;
// If a final response was sent, check the status and deallocate the
// buffer.
if ( WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer != NULL ) {
// If the I/O request failed or was canceled, print an error
// message.
// !!! If I/O failure, should we drop the connection?
if ( WorkContext->Irp->Cancel || !NT_SUCCESS(WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) { if ( WorkContext->Irp->Cancel ) { SrvPrint0( " I/O canceled\n" ); } else { SrvPrint1( " I/O failed: %X\n", WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status ); } }
// Deallocate the final response buffer.
// *** Note that we don't need to unlock it, because it was
// allocated from nonpaged pool.
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer );
// If the work context block has references to a share, a session,
// or a tree connect, queue it to the FSP immediately. These blocks
// are not in nonpaged pool, so they can't be touched at DPC level.
if ( (WorkContext->Share != NULL) || (WorkContext->Session != NULL) || (WorkContext->TreeConnect != NULL) ) {
goto queueToFsp;
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, &oldIrql );
// See if we can dereference the RawWriteCount here. If the raw
// write count goes to 0, and the RFCB is closing, or if there are
// work items queued waiting for the raw write to complete, we need
// to do this in the FSP.
// NOTE: The FSP decrements the count if WorkContext->Rfcb != NULL.
rfcb = WorkContext->Rfcb; --rfcb->RawWriteCount;
if ( (rfcb->RawWriteCount == 0) && ( (GET_BLOCK_STATE(rfcb) == BlockStateClosing) || !IsListEmpty(&rfcb->RawWriteSerializationList) ) ) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, oldIrql ); goto queueToFsp;
// Dereference the file block. It is safe to decrement the count here
// because either the rfcb is not closed or RawWriteCount is not zero
// which means that the active reference is still there.
UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( rfcb, TRUE ); --rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount; ASSERT( rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount > 0 );
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, oldIrql ); WorkContext->Rfcb = NULL;
// Attempt to dereference the connection.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock, &oldIrql );
if ( connection->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 1 ) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock, oldIrql ); goto queueToFsp; }
--connection->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount; RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock, oldIrql );
WorkContext->Connection = NULL; WorkContext->Endpoint = NULL; // not a referenced pointer
// Put the work item back on the raw mode work item list.
InterlockedIncrement( &queue->FreeRawModeWorkItems );
ExInterlockedPushEntrySList( &queue->RawModeWorkItemList, &WorkContext->SingleListEntry, &queue->SpinLock );
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) SrvPrint0( "RestartWriteCompleteResponse complete\n" ); return;
// We were unable to do all the necessary cleanup at DPC level.
// Queue the work item to the FSP.
WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartWriteCompleteResponse;
SrvQueueWorkToFsp( WorkContext );
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) SrvPrint0( "RestartWriteCompleteResponse complete\n" ); return;
} // RestartWriteCompleteResponse
Routine Description:
Processes file write completion for the Write Block Raw SMB.
This routine is called in both the FSP and the FSD.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block describing server-specific context for the request.
Return Value:
{ KIRQL oldIrql; ULONG writeLength; ULONG immediateLength; BOOLEAN immediateWriteDone; SHARE_TYPE shareType; PMDL mdl; ULONG sendLength; PVOID finalResponseBuffer; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PRFCB rfcb = WorkContext->Rfcb;
if (WorkContext->PreviousSMB == EVENT_TYPE_SMB_LAST_EVENT) WorkContext->PreviousSMB = EVENT_TYPE_SMB_WRITE_RAW; SrvWmiStartContext(WorkContext); IF_DEBUG(FSD1) SrvPrint0( " - SrvFsdRestartWriteRaw\n" );
// Find out the file type that we are dealing with. If it is a pipe
// then we have not prewritten the immediate data.
// immediateLength is the length of the data sent with the write
// block raw request.
shareType = rfcb->ShareType; immediateLength = WorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.ImmediateLength; immediateWriteDone = WorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.ImmediateWriteDone;
// Deallocate the raw receive buffer. Note that we do not need to
// unlock the raw buffer, because it was allocated out of nonpaged
// pool and locked using MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool, which doesn't
// increment reference counts and therefore has no inverse.
if ( !WorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.MdlWrite ) {
// If this is a named pipe the request buffer actually points
// "immediateLength" bytes into the write buffer.
if ( immediateWriteDone ) { DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer ); IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { SrvPrint1( "raw buffer 0x%p deallocated\n", WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer ); } } else { DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( (PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer - immediateLength ); IF_SMB_DEBUG(RAW2) { SrvPrint1( "raw buffer 0x%p deallocated\n", (PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer - immediateLength ); } }
status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status;
// If this is not a pipe we have already successfully written the
// immediate pipe data, so return the total bytes written by the two
// write operations.
writeLength = (ULONG)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information;
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) && writeLength == 0 ) {
writeLength = WorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.Length;
} else {
if ( immediateWriteDone ) { writeLength += immediateLength; } }
UPDATE_WRITE_STATS( WorkContext, writeLength );
finalResponseBuffer = WorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.FinalResponseBuffer;
// Update the file position.
// !!! Need to worry about wraparound?
if ( shareType == ShareTypeDisk || shareType == ShareTypePrint ) {
rfcb->CurrentPosition = WorkContext->Parameters.WriteRaw.Offset.LowPart + writeLength;
if ( finalResponseBuffer == NULL ) {
// Update server statistics.
// Save the write behind error, if any.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
// because of our assumption that the cached rfcb does
// not have a write behind error stored. This saves us
// a compare on our critical path.
if ( WorkContext->Connection->CachedFid == (ULONG)rfcb->Fid ) { WorkContext->Connection->CachedFid = (ULONG)-1; } rfcb->SavedError = status; }
// Dereference control blocks, etc.
WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer = NULL;
RestartWriteCompleteResponse( WorkContext );
IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvFsdRestartWriteRaw complete\n" ); goto Cleanup;
// Writethrough mode. Send a response to the client. We have to
// get a little tricky here, to make the raw mode work item look
// enough like a normal one to be able to send using it. Note that
// the header from the original request SMB was copied into the
// final response buffer.
WorkContext->ResponseHeader = (PSMB_HEADER)finalResponseBuffer; WorkContext->ResponseParameters = WorkContext->ResponseHeader + 1;
ASSERT( WorkContext->RequestBuffer == WorkContext->ResponseBuffer );
WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer = finalResponseBuffer; sendLength = (ULONG)( (PCHAR)NEXT_LOCATION( WorkContext->ResponseParameters, RESP_WRITE_COMPLETE, 0 ) - (PCHAR)finalResponseBuffer ); WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->DataLength = sendLength;
// Remap the MDL to describe the final response buffer.
mdl = WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Mdl;
MmInitializeMdl( mdl, finalResponseBuffer, sendLength ); MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( mdl );
// Set the bit in the SMB that indicates this is a response from the
// server.
WorkContext->ResponseHeader->Flags |= SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR;
// Send the response. When the send completes, the restart routine
// RestartWriteCompleteResponse is called. We then dereference
// control blocks and put the raw mode work item back on the free
// list.
if ( (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) && (KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL) ) { WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information = writeLength; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvBuildAndSendWriteCompleteResponse; WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = RestartWriteCompleteResponse; // after response
QUEUE_WORK_TO_FSP( WorkContext ); } else { SrvFsdBuildWriteCompleteResponse( WorkContext, status, writeLength ); SRV_START_SEND_2( WorkContext, SrvFsdSendCompletionRoutine, RestartWriteCompleteResponse, NULL ); }
Cleanup: SrvWmiEndContext(WorkContext); return;
} // SrvFsdRestartWriteRaw