Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains initialization and termination routines for server FSP heap, as well as debug routines for memory tracking.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "heapmgr.tmh"
#pragma hdrstop
// Make the retry time 15 milli-seconds
#define SRV_LOW_PRIORITY_RETRY_TIME -1*1000*10*15
// Array correlating BlockType numbers to pool tags.
// *** This array must be maintained in concert with the BlockType
// definitions in srvblock.h!
ULONG SrvPoolTags[BlockTypeMax-1] = { 'fbSL', // BlockTypeBuffer
'ncSL', // BlockTypeConnection
'peSL', // BlockTypeEndpoint
'flSL', // BlockTypeLfcb
'fmSL', // BlockTypeMfcb
'frSL', // BlockTypeRfcb
'rsSL', // BlockTypeSearch
'csSL', // BlockTypeSearchCore
'lbSL', // BlockTypeByteRangeLock for persistent handles
'ssSL', // BlockTypeSession
'hsSL', // BlockTypeShare
'rtSL', // BlockTypeTransaction
'ctSL', // BlockTypeTreeConnect
'poSL', // BlockTypeOplockBreak
'dcSL', // BlockTypeCommDevice
'iwSL', // BlockTypeWorkContextInitial
'nwSL', // BlockTypeWorkContextNormal
'rwSL', // BlockTypeWorkContextRaw
'swSL', // BlockTypeWorkContextSpecial
'dcSL', // BlockTypeCachedDirectory
'bdSL', // BlockTypeDataBuffer
'btSL', // BlockTypeTable
'hnSL', // BlockTypeNonpagedHeader
'cpSL', // BlockTypePagedConnection
'rpSL', // BlockTypePagedRfcb
'mpSL', // BlockTypePagedMfcb
'itSL', // BlockTypeTimer
'caSL', // BlockTypeAdminCheck
'qwSL', // BlockTypeWorkQueue
'fsSL', // BlockTypeDfs
'rlSL', // BlockTypeLargeReadX
'saSL', // BlockTypeAdapterStatus
'rsSL', // BlockTypeShareRemark
'dsSL', // BlockTypeShareSecurityDescriptor
'ivSL', // BlockTypeVolumeInformation
'nfSL', // BlockTypeFSName
'inSL', // BlockTypeNameInfo
'idSL', // BlockTypeDirectoryInfo
'cdSL', // BlockTypeDirCache
'imSL', // BlockTypeMisc
'nsSL', // BlockTypeSnapShot
'esSL', // BlockTypeSecurityContext
#endif // def POOL_TAGGING
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvAllocatePagedPool )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvFreePagedPool )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvClearLookAsideList )
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvAllocateNonPagedPool NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFreeNonPagedPool #endif
extern LONG SrvMemoryAllocationRetries; extern LONG SrvMemoryAllocationRetriesSuccessful;
PVOID SRVFASTCALL SrvInterlockedAllocate( PLOOK_ASIDE_LIST l, ULONG NumberOfBytes, PLONG statistics ) { PPOOL_HEADER newPool; PPOOL_HEADER *pentry = NumberOfBytes > LOOK_ASIDE_SWITCHOVER ? l->LargeFreeList : l->SmallFreeList;
do { //
// Exchange with the lookaside spot and see if we get anything
newPool = NULL; newPool = (PPOOL_HEADER)InterlockedExchangePointer( pentry, newPool );
if( newPool == NULL ) { continue; }
if( newPool->RequestedSize >= NumberOfBytes ) { //
// The one we got is big enough! Return it.
++(l->AllocHit); return newPool + 1; }
// It wasn't big enough, so put it back.
newPool = (PPOOL_HEADER)InterlockedExchangePointer( pentry, newPool ); if( newPool == NULL ) { continue; }
// Oops, somebody else freed some memory to this spot. Can we use it?
if( newPool->RequestedSize >= NumberOfBytes ) { //
// We can use it!
++(l->AllocHit); return newPool + 1; }
// Can't use the memory -- so really free it and keep looking
if( statistics ) { InterlockedExchangeAdd( statistics, -(LONG)newPool->RequestedSize ); }
ExFreePool( newPool );
} while( ++pentry < pend );
++(l->AllocMiss); return NULL; }
PPOOL_HEADER SRVFASTCALL SrvInterlockedFree( PPOOL_HEADER block ) { PPOOL_HEADER *pentry = block->FreeList; PPOOL_HEADER *pend = pentry + LOOK_ASIDE_MAX_ELEMENTS;
do {
block = (PPOOL_HEADER)InterlockedExchangePointer( pentry, block );
} while( block != NULL && ++pentry < pend );
return block; }
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvClearLookAsideList( PLOOK_ASIDE_LIST l, VOID (SRVFASTCALL *FreeRoutine )( PVOID ) ) { PPOOL_HEADER *pentry, *pend, block;
// Clear out the list of large chunks
pentry = l->LargeFreeList; pend = pentry + LOOK_ASIDE_MAX_ELEMENTS;
do { block = NULL; block = (PPOOL_HEADER)InterlockedExchangePointer( pentry, block );
if( block != NULL ) { block->FreeList = NULL; FreeRoutine( block + 1 ); }
} while( ++pentry < pend );
// Clear out the list of small chunks
pentry = l->SmallFreeList; pend = pentry + LOOK_ASIDE_MAX_ELEMENTS;
do { block = NULL; block = (PPOOL_HEADER)InterlockedExchangePointer( pentry, block );
if( block != NULL ) { block->FreeList = NULL; FreeRoutine( block + 1 ); }
} while( ++pentry < pend ); }
PVOID SRVFASTCALL SrvAllocateNonPagedPool ( IN CLONG NumberOfBytes #ifdef POOL_TAGGING
, IN CLONG BlockType #endif
Routine Description:
This routine allocates nonpaged pool in the server. A check is made to ensure that the server's total nonpaged pool usage is below the configurable limit.
NumberOfBytes - the number of bytes to allocate.
BlockType - the type of block (used to pass pool tag to allocator)
Return Value:
PVOID - a pointer to the allocated memory or NULL if the memory could not be allocated.
{ PPOOL_HEADER newPool; PPOOL_HEADER *FreeList = NULL; ULONG newUsage; BOOLEAN IsLowPriority = FALSE; LARGE_INTEGER interval;
ASSERT( BlockType > 0 && BlockType < BlockTypeMax ); #endif
// Pull this allocation off the per-processor free list if we can
if( SrvWorkQueues ) {
if( NumberOfBytes <= queue->NonPagedPoolLookAsideList.MaxSize ) {
newPool = SrvInterlockedAllocate( &queue->NonPagedPoolLookAsideList, NumberOfBytes, (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage );
if( newPool != NULL ) { return newPool; }
FreeList = NumberOfBytes > LOOK_ASIDE_SWITCHOVER ? queue->NonPagedPoolLookAsideList.LargeFreeList : queue->NonPagedPoolLookAsideList.SmallFreeList ; } }
// Account for this allocation in the statistics database and make
// sure that this allocation will not put us over the limit of
// nonpaged pool that we can allocate.
newUsage = InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage, (LONG)NumberOfBytes ); newUsage += NumberOfBytes;
if ( newUsage > SrvMaxNonPagedPoolUsage ) {
// Count the failure, but do NOT log an event. The scavenger
// will log an event when it next wakes up. This keeps us from
// flooding the event log.
SrvNonPagedPoolLimitHitCount++; SrvStatistics.NonPagedPoolFailures++;
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)NumberOfBytes );
return NULL;
if (SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage > SrvStatistics.PeakNonPagedPoolUsage) { SrvStatistics.PeakNonPagedPoolUsage = SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage; }
// Do the actual memory allocation. Allocate extra space so that we
// can store the size of the allocation for the free routine.
if( NumberOfBytes > 2*4096 ) { IsLowPriority = TRUE; }
newPool = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority( NonPagedPool, NumberOfBytes + sizeof(POOL_HEADER), TAG_FROM_TYPE(BlockType), IsLowPriority ? LowPoolPriority : NormalPoolPriority );
if( (newPool == NULL) && IsLowPriority && (KeGetCurrentIrql() <= APC_LEVEL) ) { interval.QuadPart = SRV_LOW_PRIORITY_RETRY_TIME; InterlockedIncrement( &SrvMemoryAllocationRetries );
// Wait and try again
KeDelayExecutionThread( KernelMode, FALSE, &interval );
newPool = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority( NonPagedPool, NumberOfBytes + sizeof(POOL_HEADER), TAG_FROM_TYPE(BlockType), LowPoolPriority );
if( newPool ) { InterlockedIncrement( &SrvMemoryAllocationRetriesSuccessful ); } }
// If the system couldn't satisfy the request, return NULL.
if ( newPool != NULL ) { //
// Save the size of this block in the extra space we allocated.
newPool->RequestedSize = NumberOfBytes; newPool->FreeList = FreeList;
// Return a pointer to the memory after the size longword.
return (PVOID)( newPool + 1 ); }
// Count the failure, but do NOT log an event. The scavenger
// will log an event when it next wakes up. This keeps us from
// flooding the event log.
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)NumberOfBytes );
return NULL;
} // SrvAllocateNonPagedPool
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvFreeNonPagedPool ( IN PVOID Address )
Routine Description:
Frees the memory allocated by a call to SrvAllocateNonPagedPool. The statistics database is updated to reflect the current nonpaged pool usage.
Address - the address of allocated memory returned by SrvAllocateNonPagedPool.
Return Value:
{ PPOOL_HEADER actualBlock = (PPOOL_HEADER)Address - 1;
// See if we can stash this bit of memory away in the NonPagedPoolFreeList
if( actualBlock->FreeList ) {
actualBlock = SrvInterlockedFree( actualBlock ); }
if( actualBlock != NULL ) {
// Update the nonpaged pool usage statistic.
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)actualBlock->RequestedSize );
// Free the pool and return.
ExFreePool( actualBlock ); }
} // SrvFreeNonPagedPool
PVOID SRVFASTCALL SrvAllocatePagedPool ( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN CLONG NumberOfBytes #ifdef POOL_TAGGING
, IN CLONG BlockType #endif
Routine Description:
This routine allocates Paged pool in the server. A check is made to ensure that the server's total Paged pool usage is below the configurable limit.
NumberOfBytes - the number of bytes to allocate.
BlockType - the type of block (used to pass pool tag to allocator)
Return Value:
PVOID - a pointer to the allocated memory or NULL if the memory could not be allocated.
{ PPOOL_HEADER newPool; PPOOL_HEADER *FreeList = NULL; ULONG newUsage; BOOLEAN IsLowPriority = FALSE; LARGE_INTEGER interval;
ASSERT( BlockType > 0 && BlockType < BlockTypeMax ); #endif
// Pull this allocation off the per-processor free list if we can
if( SrvWorkQueues ) {
if( NumberOfBytes <= queue->PagedPoolLookAsideList.MaxSize ) {
newPool = SrvInterlockedAllocate( &queue->PagedPoolLookAsideList, NumberOfBytes, (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage );
if( newPool != NULL ) { return newPool; }
FreeList = NumberOfBytes > LOOK_ASIDE_SWITCHOVER ? queue->PagedPoolLookAsideList.LargeFreeList : queue->PagedPoolLookAsideList.SmallFreeList ; } }
// Account for this allocation in the statistics database and make
// sure that this allocation will not put us over the limit of
// nonpaged pool that we can allocate.
newUsage = InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage, (LONG)NumberOfBytes ); newUsage += NumberOfBytes;
if ( newUsage > SrvMaxPagedPoolUsage ) {
// Count the failure, but do NOT log an event. The scavenger
// will log an event when it next wakes up. This keeps us from
// flooding the event log.
SrvPagedPoolLimitHitCount++; SrvStatistics.PagedPoolFailures++;
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)NumberOfBytes );
return NULL; }
if (SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage > SrvStatistics.PeakPagedPoolUsage ) { SrvStatistics.PeakPagedPoolUsage = SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage; }
// Do the actual memory allocation. Allocate extra space so that we
// can store the size of the allocation for the free routine.
if( NumberOfBytes > 2*4096 ) { IsLowPriority = TRUE; }
newPool = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority( PoolType, NumberOfBytes + sizeof(POOL_HEADER), TAG_FROM_TYPE(BlockType), IsLowPriority ? LowPoolPriority : NormalPoolPriority );
if( (newPool == NULL) && IsLowPriority && (KeGetCurrentIrql() <= APC_LEVEL) ) { interval.QuadPart = SRV_LOW_PRIORITY_RETRY_TIME; InterlockedIncrement( &SrvMemoryAllocationRetries );
// Wait and try again
KeDelayExecutionThread( KernelMode, FALSE, &interval );
newPool = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority( PoolType, NumberOfBytes + sizeof(POOL_HEADER), TAG_FROM_TYPE(BlockType), LowPoolPriority );
if( newPool ) { InterlockedIncrement( &SrvMemoryAllocationRetriesSuccessful ); } }
if( newPool != NULL ) {
newPool->FreeList = FreeList; newPool->RequestedSize = NumberOfBytes;
// Return a pointer to the memory after the POOL_HEADER
return newPool + 1; }
// If the system couldn't satisfy the request, return NULL.
// Count the failure, but do NOT log an event. The scavenger
// will log an event when it next wakes up. This keeps us from
// flooding the event log.
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)NumberOfBytes );
return NULL;
} // SrvAllocatePagedPool
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvFreePagedPool ( IN PVOID Address )
Routine Description:
Frees the memory allocated by a call to SrvAllocatePagedPool. The statistics database is updated to reflect the current Paged pool usage. If this routine is change, look at scavengr.c
Address - the address of allocated memory returned by SrvAllocatePagedPool.
Return Value:
{ PPOOL_HEADER actualBlock = (PPOOL_HEADER)Address - 1;
ASSERT( actualBlock != NULL );
// See if we can stash this bit of memory away in the PagedPoolFreeList
if( actualBlock->FreeList ) {
actualBlock = SrvInterlockedFree( actualBlock ); }
if( actualBlock != NULL ) {
// Update the Paged pool usage statistic.
ASSERT( SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= actualBlock->RequestedSize );
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)actualBlock->RequestedSize );
ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= 0 );
// Free the pool and return.
ExFreePool( actualBlock ); }
} // SrvFreePagedPool