Copyright (c) 1994-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the double stuff utility for compressed NTFS volumes.
Gary Kimura [garyki] 10-Jan-1994
Revision History:
// Include the standard header files.
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "support.h"
#include "msg.h"
#define lstrchr wcschr
#define lstricmp _wcsicmp
#define lstrnicmp _wcsnicmp
// FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH - When compressing files, the width of the output
// column which displays the file name
// Local procedure types
typedef BOOLEAN (*PACTION_ROUTINE) ( IN PTCHAR DirectorySpec, IN PTCHAR FileSpec );
// Declare global variables to hold the command line information
BOOLEAN DoSubdirectories = FALSE; // recurse
BOOLEAN IgnoreErrors = FALSE; // keep going despite errs
BOOLEAN UserSpecifiedFileSpec = FALSE; BOOLEAN ForceOperation = FALSE; // compress even if already so
BOOLEAN Quiet = FALSE; // be less verbose
BOOLEAN DisplayAllFiles = FALSE; // dsply hidden, system?
TCHAR StartingDirectory[MAX_PATH]; // parameter to "/s"
// Declere global variables to hold compression statistics
LARGE_INTEGER TotalDirectoryCount; LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileCount; LARGE_INTEGER TotalCompressedFileCount; LARGE_INTEGER TotalUncompressedFileCount;
LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize; LARGE_INTEGER TotalCompressedSize;
TCHAR Buf[1024]; // for displaying stuff
HANDLE OpenFileForCompress( IN PTCHAR ptcFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine jumps through the hoops necessary to open the file for READ_DATA|WRITE_DATA even if the file has the READONLY attribute set.
ptcFile - Specifies the file that should be opened.
Return Value:
A handle open on the file if successfull, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE otherwise, in which case the caller may use GetLastError() for more info.
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hRet) { return hRet; }
err = GetLastError();
if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &fi)) { CloseHandle(h); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if ((fi.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0) {
// If we couldn't open the file for some reason other than that
// the readonly attribute was set, fail.
SetLastError(err); CloseHandle(h); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
fi.dwFileAttributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
if (!SetFileAttributes(ptcFile, fi.dwFileAttributes)) { CloseHandle(h); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
fi.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
if (!SetFileAttributes(ptcFile, fi.dwFileAttributes)) { CloseHandle(hRet); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return hRet; }
// Now do the routines to list the compression state and size of
// a file and/or directory
BOOLEAN DisplayFile ( IN PTCHAR FileSpec, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA FindData ) { LARGE_INTEGER FileSize; LARGE_INTEGER CompressedSize; TCHAR PrintState;
ULONG Percentage = 100; double Ratio = 1.0;
FileSize.LowPart = FindData->nFileSizeLow; FileSize.HighPart = FindData->nFileSizeHigh; PrintState = ' ';
// Decide if the file is compressed and if so then
// get the compressed file size.
CompressedSize.LowPart = GetCompressedFileSize( FileSpec, &CompressedSize.HighPart );
if (FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) {
// detecting any error according to Jul 2000 MSDN GetCompressedFileSize doc
if (CompressedSize.LowPart == -1 && GetLastError() != 0) { CompressedSize.QuadPart = 0; }
PrintState = 'C'; TotalCompressedFileCount.QuadPart += 1;
} else {
// detecting any error according to Jul 2000 MSDN GetCompressedFileSize doc
if ((CompressedSize.LowPart != -1 || GetLastError() == 0) && CompressedSize.QuadPart != 0 && CompressedSize.QuadPart < FileSize.QuadPart) {
// File on DblSpace partition.
PrintState = 'd'; TotalCompressedFileCount.QuadPart += 1;
} else {
CompressedSize = FileSize; TotalUncompressedFileCount.QuadPart += 1; } }
// Calculate the compression ratio for this file
if (CompressedSize.QuadPart != 0) {
if (CompressedSize.QuadPart > FileSize.QuadPart) {
// The file probably grew between the time we got its size
// and the time we got its compressed size. Kludge.
FileSize.QuadPart = CompressedSize.QuadPart; }
Ratio = (double)FileSize.QuadPart / (double)CompressedSize.QuadPart; }
// Print out the sizes compression state and file name
if (!Quiet && (DisplayAllFiles || (0 == (FindData->dwFileAttributes & AttributesNoDisplay)))) {
FormatFileSize(&FileSize, 9, Buf, FALSE); lstrcat(Buf, TEXT(" : ")); FormatFileSize(&CompressedSize, 9, &Buf[lstrlen(Buf)], FALSE);
swprintf(&Buf[lstrlen(Buf)], TEXT(" = %2.1lf "), Ratio);
if (_tcslen(DecimalPlace) == 1) { Buf[lstrlen(Buf)-3] = DecimalPlace[0]; }
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf);
swprintf(Buf, TEXT("%c %s"), PrintState, FindData->cFileName); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW_NL, Buf); }
// Increment our running total
TotalFileSize.QuadPart += FileSize.QuadPart; TotalCompressedSize.QuadPart += CompressedSize.QuadPart; TotalFileCount.QuadPart += 1;
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN DoListAction ( IN PTCHAR DirectorySpec, IN PTCHAR FileSpec )
{ PTCHAR DirectorySpecEnd;
// So that we can keep on appending names to the directory spec
// get a pointer to the end of its string
DirectorySpecEnd = DirectorySpec + lstrlen(DirectorySpec);
// List the compression attribute for the directory
{ ULONG Attributes;
if (!Quiet || Quiet) {
Attributes = GetFileAttributes( DirectorySpec );
if (0xFFFFFFFF == Attributes) {
if (!Quiet || !IgnoreErrors) {
// Refrain from displaying error only when in quiet
// mode *and* we're ignoring errors.
DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); }
if (!IgnoreErrors) { return FALSE; } } else {
if (Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_LIST_CDIR, DirectorySpec); } else { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_LIST_UDIR, DirectorySpec); } } }
TotalDirectoryCount.QuadPart += 1; }
// Now for every file in the directory that matches the file spec we will
// will open the file and list its compression state
{ HANDLE FindHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData;
// setup the template for findfirst/findnext
// Make sure we don't try any paths that are too long for us
// to deal with.
if (((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( FileSpec )) < MAX_PATH) {
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FileSpec );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( DirectorySpec, &FindData );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle) {
do {
// append the found file to the directory spec and open the
// file
if (0 == lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName, TEXT("..")) || 0 == lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName, TEXT("."))) { continue; }
// Make sure we don't try any paths that are too long for us
// to deal with.
if ((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( FindData.cFileName ) >= MAX_PATH ) {
continue; }
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FindData.cFileName );
// Now print out the state of the file
DisplayFile( DirectorySpec, &FindData );
} while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ));
FindClose( FindHandle ); } } }
// For if we are to do subdirectores then we will look for every
// subdirectory and recursively call ourselves to list the subdirectory
if (DoSubdirectories) {
HANDLE FindHandle;
// Setup findfirst/findnext to search the entire directory
if (((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( TEXT("*") )) < MAX_PATH) {
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, TEXT("*") );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( DirectorySpec, &FindData );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle) {
do {
// Now skip over the . and .. entries otherwise we'll recurse
// like mad
if (0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".")) || 0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".."))) {
} else {
// If the entry is for a directory then we'll tack on the
// subdirectory name to the directory spec and recursively
// call otherselves
if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
// Make sure we don't try any paths that are too long for us
// to deal with.
if ((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( TEXT("\\") ) + lstrlen( FindData.cFileName ) >= MAX_PATH ) {
continue; }
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FindData.cFileName ); lstrcat( DirectorySpecEnd, TEXT("\\") );
if (!DoListAction( DirectorySpec, FileSpec )) {
FindClose( FindHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; } } }
} while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ));
FindClose( FindHandle ); } } }
return TRUE; }
VOID DoFinalListAction ( ) { ULONG TotalPercentage = 100; double f = 1.0;
TCHAR FileCount[32]; TCHAR DirectoryCount[32]; TCHAR CompressedFileCount[32]; TCHAR UncompressedFileCount[32]; TCHAR CompressedSize[32]; TCHAR FileSize[32]; TCHAR Percentage[10]; TCHAR Ratio[8];
if (TotalCompressedSize.QuadPart != 0) { f = (double)TotalFileSize.QuadPart / (double)TotalCompressedSize.QuadPart; }
FormatFileSize(&TotalFileCount, 0, FileCount, FALSE); FormatFileSize(&TotalDirectoryCount, 0, DirectoryCount, FALSE); FormatFileSize(&TotalCompressedFileCount, 0, CompressedFileCount, FALSE); FormatFileSize(&TotalUncompressedFileCount, 0, UncompressedFileCount, FALSE); FormatFileSize(&TotalCompressedSize, 0, CompressedSize, TRUE); FormatFileSize(&TotalFileSize, 0, FileSize, TRUE);
swprintf(Percentage, TEXT("%d"), TotalPercentage); swprintf(Ratio, TEXT("%2.1lf"), f);
if (_tcslen(DecimalPlace) == 1) Ratio[lstrlen(Ratio)-2] = DecimalPlace[0];
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_LIST_SUMMARY, FileCount, DirectoryCount, CompressedFileCount, UncompressedFileCount, FileSize, CompressedSize, Ratio );
return; }
BOOLEAN CompressFile ( IN HANDLE Handle, IN PTCHAR FileSpec, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA FindData )
{ USHORT State = 1; ULONG Length; ULONG i; BOOL Success; double f = 1.0;
if ((FindData->dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED)) && !ForceOperation) {
return TRUE; }
Success = DeviceIoControl(Handle, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &State, sizeof(USHORT), NULL, 0, &Length, FALSE );
if (!Success) {
if (Quiet && IgnoreErrors) { return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
swprintf(Buf, TEXT("%s "), FindData->cFileName); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf);
for (i = lstrlen(FindData->cFileName) + 1; i < FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH; ++i) { swprintf(Buf, TEXT("%c"), ' '); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf); }
if (!Quiet && !IgnoreErrors) { if (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION == GetLastError()) {
// This error is caused by doing the fsctl on a
// non-compressing volume.
} else { DisplayErr(FindData->cFileName, GetLastError()); } }
return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
if (!Quiet && (DisplayAllFiles || (0 == (FindData->dwFileAttributes & AttributesNoDisplay)))) { swprintf(Buf, TEXT("%s "), FindData->cFileName); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf);
for (i = lstrlen(FindData->cFileName) + 1; i < FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH; ++i) { swprintf(Buf, TEXT("%c"), ' '); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf); } }
// Gather statistics and increment our running total
{ LARGE_INTEGER FileSize; LARGE_INTEGER CompressedSize; ULONG Percentage = 100;
FileSize.LowPart = FindData->nFileSizeLow; FileSize.HighPart = FindData->nFileSizeHigh;
CompressedSize.LowPart = GetCompressedFileSize( FileSpec, &CompressedSize.HighPart );
if (CompressedSize.LowPart == -1 && GetLastError() != 0) CompressedSize.QuadPart = 0;
// This statement to prevent confusion from the case where the
// compressed file had been 0 size, but has grown since the filesize
// was examined.
if (0 == FileSize.QuadPart) { CompressedSize.QuadPart = 0; }
if (CompressedSize.QuadPart != 0) {
f = (double)FileSize.QuadPart / (double)CompressedSize.QuadPart; }
// Print out the sizes compression state and file name
if (!Quiet && (DisplayAllFiles || (0 == (FindData->dwFileAttributes & AttributesNoDisplay)))) {
FormatFileSize(&FileSize, 9, Buf, FALSE); lstrcat(Buf, TEXT(" : ")); FormatFileSize(&CompressedSize, 9, &Buf[lstrlen(Buf)], FALSE);
swprintf(&Buf[lstrlen(Buf)], TEXT(" = %2.1lf "), f);
if (_tcslen(DecimalPlace) == 1) Buf[lstrlen(Buf)-3] = DecimalPlace[0];
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf);
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_TO_ONE); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_OK); }
// Increment our running total
TotalFileSize.QuadPart += FileSize.QuadPart; TotalCompressedSize.QuadPart += CompressedSize.QuadPart; TotalFileCount.QuadPart += 1; }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN DoCompressAction ( IN PTCHAR DirectorySpec, IN PTCHAR FileSpec )
{ PTCHAR DirectorySpecEnd;
// If the file spec is null then we'll set the compression bit for the
// the directory spec and get out.
if (lstrlen(FileSpec) == 0) {
HANDLE FileHandle; USHORT State = 1; ULONG Length;
FileHandle = OpenFileForCompress(DirectorySpec);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FileHandle) {
DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_COMPRESS_DIR, DirectorySpec);
if (!DeviceIoControl(FileHandle, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &State, sizeof(USHORT), NULL, 0, &Length, FALSE )) {
if (!Quiet || !IgnoreErrors) { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_ERR); } if (!Quiet && !IgnoreErrors) { if (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION == GetLastError()) {
// This error is caused by doing the fsctl on a
// non-compressing volume.
} else { DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); } } CloseHandle( FileHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
if (!Quiet) { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_OK); }
CloseHandle( FileHandle );
TotalDirectoryCount.QuadPart += 1; TotalFileCount.QuadPart += 1;
return TRUE; }
// So that we can keep on appending names to the directory spec
// get a pointer to the end of its string
DirectorySpecEnd = DirectorySpec + lstrlen( DirectorySpec );
// List the directory that we will be compressing within and say what its
// current compress attribute is
{ ULONG Attributes;
if (!Quiet || Quiet) {
Attributes = GetFileAttributes( DirectorySpec );
if (Attributes == 0xFFFFFFFF) { DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_COMPRESS_CDIR, DirectorySpec);
} else {
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_COMPRESS_UDIR, DirectorySpec);
} }
TotalDirectoryCount.QuadPart += 1; }
// Now for every file in the directory that matches the file spec we will
// will open the file and compress it
{ HANDLE FindHandle; HANDLE FileHandle;
// setup the template for findfirst/findnext
if (((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( FileSpec )) < MAX_PATH) {
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FileSpec );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( DirectorySpec, &FindData );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle) {
do {
// Now skip over the . and .. entries
if (0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".")) || 0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".."))) {
} else {
// Make sure we don't try any paths that are too long for us
// to deal with.
if ( (DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( FindData.cFileName ) >= MAX_PATH ) {
continue; }
// append the found file to the directory spec and open
// the file
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FindData.cFileName );
// Hack hack, kludge kludge. Refrain from compressing
// files named "\NTDLR" to help users avoid hosing
// themselves.
if (ExcludeThisFile(DirectorySpec)) {
if (!Quiet) { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_SKIPPING, DirectorySpecEnd); }
continue; }
FileHandle = OpenFileForCompress(DirectorySpec);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FileHandle) {
if (!Quiet || !IgnoreErrors) { DisplayErr(FindData.cFileName, GetLastError()); }
if (!IgnoreErrors) { FindClose(FindHandle); return FALSE; } continue; }
// Now compress the file
if (!CompressFile( FileHandle, DirectorySpec, &FindData )) { CloseHandle( FileHandle ); FindClose( FindHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
// Close the file and go get the next file
CloseHandle( FileHandle ); }
} while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ));
FindClose( FindHandle ); } } }
// If we are to do subdirectores then we will look for every subdirectory
// and recursively call ourselves to list the subdirectory
if (DoSubdirectories) {
HANDLE FindHandle;
// Setup findfirst/findnext to search the entire directory
if (((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( TEXT("*") )) < MAX_PATH) {
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, TEXT("*") );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( DirectorySpec, &FindData );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle) {
do {
// Now skip over the . and .. entries otherwise we'll recurse
// like mad
if (0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".")) || 0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".."))) {
} else {
// If the entry is for a directory then we'll tack on the
// subdirectory name to the directory spec and recursively
// call otherselves
if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
// Make sure we don't try any paths that are too long for us
// to deal with.
if ((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( TEXT("\\") ) + lstrlen( FindData.cFileName ) >= MAX_PATH ) {
continue; }
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FindData.cFileName ); lstrcat( DirectorySpecEnd, TEXT("\\") );
if (!DoCompressAction( DirectorySpec, FileSpec )) { FindClose( FindHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; } } }
} while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ));
FindClose( FindHandle ); } } }
return TRUE; }
VOID DoFinalCompressAction ( ) { ULONG TotalPercentage = 100; double f = 1.0;
TCHAR FileCount[32]; TCHAR DirectoryCount[32]; TCHAR CompressedSize[32]; TCHAR FileSize[32]; TCHAR Percentage[32]; TCHAR Ratio[8];
if (TotalCompressedSize.QuadPart != 0) { f = (double)TotalFileSize.QuadPart / (double)TotalCompressedSize.QuadPart; }
FormatFileSize(&TotalFileCount, 0, FileCount, FALSE); FormatFileSize(&TotalDirectoryCount, 0, DirectoryCount, FALSE); FormatFileSize(&TotalCompressedSize, 0, CompressedSize, TRUE); FormatFileSize(&TotalFileSize, 0, FileSize, TRUE);
swprintf(Percentage, TEXT("%d"), TotalPercentage); swprintf(Ratio, TEXT("%2.1f"), f);
if (_tcslen(DecimalPlace) == 1) Ratio[lstrlen(Ratio)-2] = DecimalPlace[0];
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_COMPRESS_SUMMARY, FileCount, DirectoryCount, FileSize, CompressedSize, Ratio );
BOOLEAN UncompressFile ( IN HANDLE Handle, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA FindData ) { USHORT State = 0; ULONG Length;
if (!(FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) && !ForceOperation) {
return TRUE; }
if (!DeviceIoControl(Handle, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &State, sizeof(USHORT), NULL, 0, &Length, FALSE )) {
if (!Quiet || !IgnoreErrors) {
swprintf(Buf, TEXT("%s "), FindData->cFileName); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf);
if (!Quiet && !IgnoreErrors) {
if (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION == GetLastError()) {
// This error is caused by doing the fsctl on a
// non-compressing volume.
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_WRONG_FILE_SYSTEM, FindData->cFileName);
} else { DisplayErr(FindData->cFileName, GetLastError()); } } } return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
if (!Quiet && (DisplayAllFiles || (0 == (FindData->dwFileAttributes & AttributesNoDisplay)))) { swprintf(Buf, TEXT("%s "), FindData->cFileName); DisplayMsg(COMPACT_THROW, Buf);
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_OK); }
// Increment our running total
TotalFileCount.QuadPart += 1;
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN DoUncompressAction ( IN PTCHAR DirectorySpec, IN PTCHAR FileSpec )
{ PTCHAR DirectorySpecEnd;
// If the file spec is null then we'll clear the compression bit for the
// the directory spec and get out.
if (lstrlen(FileSpec) == 0) {
HANDLE FileHandle; USHORT State = 0; ULONG Length;
FileHandle = OpenFileForCompress(DirectorySpec);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FileHandle) {
if (!Quiet || !IgnoreErrors) { DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); } CloseHandle( FileHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_UNCOMPRESS_DIR, DirectorySpec);
if (!DeviceIoControl(FileHandle, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &State, sizeof(USHORT), NULL, 0, &Length, FALSE )) {
if (!Quiet || !IgnoreErrors) { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_ERR);
} if (!Quiet && !IgnoreErrors) { if (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION == GetLastError()) {
// This error is caused by doing the fsctl on a
// non-compressing volume.
} else { DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); } } CloseHandle( FileHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
if (!Quiet) { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_OK); }
CloseHandle( FileHandle );
TotalDirectoryCount.QuadPart += 1; TotalFileCount.QuadPart += 1;
return TRUE; }
// So that we can keep on appending names to the directory spec
// get a pointer to the end of its string
DirectorySpecEnd = DirectorySpec + lstrlen( DirectorySpec );
// List the directory that we will be uncompressing within and say what its
// current compress attribute is
{ ULONG Attributes;
if (!Quiet || Quiet) {
Attributes = GetFileAttributes( DirectorySpec );
if (Attributes == 0xFFFFFFFF) { DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_UNCOMPRESS_CDIR, DirectorySpec);
} else {
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_UNCOMPRESS_UDIR, DirectorySpec); } }
TotalDirectoryCount.QuadPart += 1; }
// Now for every file in the directory that matches the file spec we will
// will open the file and uncompress it
{ HANDLE FindHandle; HANDLE FileHandle;
// setup the template for findfirst/findnext
if (((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( FileSpec )) < MAX_PATH) {
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FileSpec );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( DirectorySpec, &FindData );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle) {
do {
// Now skip over the . and .. entries
if (0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".")) || 0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".."))) {
} else {
// Make sure we don't try any paths that are too long for us
// to deal with.
if ((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( FindData.cFileName ) >= MAX_PATH ) {
continue; }
// append the found file to the directory spec and open
// the file
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FindData.cFileName );
FileHandle = OpenFileForCompress(DirectorySpec);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FileHandle) {
if (!Quiet || !IgnoreErrors) { DisplayErr(DirectorySpec, GetLastError()); }
if (!IgnoreErrors) { FindClose( FindHandle ); return FALSE; } continue; }
// Now compress the file
if (!UncompressFile( FileHandle, &FindData )) { CloseHandle( FileHandle ); FindClose( FindHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; }
// Close the file and go get the next file
CloseHandle( FileHandle ); }
} while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ));
FindClose( FindHandle ); } } }
// If we are to do subdirectores then we will look for every subdirectory
// and recursively call ourselves to list the subdirectory
if (DoSubdirectories) {
HANDLE FindHandle;
// Setup findfirst/findnext to search the entire directory
if (((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( TEXT("*") )) < MAX_PATH) {
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, TEXT("*") );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( DirectorySpec, &FindData ); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle) {
do {
// Now skip over the . and .. entries otherwise we'll recurse
// like mad
if (0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".")) || 0 == lstrcmp(&FindData.cFileName[0], TEXT(".."))) {
} else {
// If the entry is for a directory then we'll tack on the
// subdirectory name to the directory spec and recursively
// call otherselves
if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
// Make sure we don't try any paths that are too long for us
// to deal with.
if ((DirectorySpecEnd - DirectorySpec) + lstrlen( TEXT("\\") ) + lstrlen( FindData.cFileName ) >= MAX_PATH ) {
continue; }
lstrcpy( DirectorySpecEnd, FindData.cFileName ); lstrcat( DirectorySpecEnd, TEXT("\\") );
if (!DoUncompressAction( DirectorySpec, FileSpec )) { FindClose( FindHandle ); return FALSE || IgnoreErrors; } } }
} while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ));
FindClose( FindHandle ); } } }
return TRUE; }
VOID DoFinalUncompressAction ( )
{ TCHAR FileCount[32]; TCHAR DirectoryCount[32];
FormatFileSize(&TotalFileCount, 0, FileCount, FALSE); FormatFileSize(&TotalDirectoryCount, 0, DirectoryCount, FALSE);
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_UNCOMPRESS_SUMMARY, FileCount, DirectoryCount);
return; }
int __cdecl main() { PTCHAR *argv; ULONG argc;
BOOLEAN UserSpecifiedFileSpec = FALSE;
TCHAR DirectorySpec[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR FileSpec[MAX_PATH]; PTCHAR p; INT rtncode;
DirectorySpec[0] = '\0';
argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &argc); if (NULL == argv) { DisplayErr(NULL, GetLastError()); return 1; }
// Scan through the arguments looking for switches
for (i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) {
if (argv[i][0] == '/') {
if (0 == lstricmp(argv[i], TEXT("/c"))) {
if (ActionRoutine != NULL && ActionRoutine != DoCompressAction) {
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_USAGE, NULL); return 1; }
ActionRoutine = DoCompressAction; FinalActionRoutine = DoFinalCompressAction;
} else if (0 == lstricmp(argv[i], TEXT("/u"))) {
if (ActionRoutine != NULL && ActionRoutine != DoListAction) {
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_USAGE, NULL); return 1; }
ActionRoutine = DoUncompressAction; FinalActionRoutine = DoFinalUncompressAction;
} else if (0 == lstricmp(argv[i], TEXT("/q"))) {
Quiet = TRUE;
} else if (0 == lstrnicmp(argv[i], TEXT("/s"), 2)) {
DoSubdirectories = TRUE;
pch = lstrchr(argv[i], ':'); if (NULL != pch) { lstrcpy(StartingDirectory, pch + 1); } else if (2 == lstrlen(argv[i])) {
// Starting dir is CWD
GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, StartingDirectory );
} else { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_USAGE, NULL); return 1; }
} else if (0 == lstricmp(argv[i], TEXT("/i"))) {
IgnoreErrors = TRUE;
} else if (0 == lstricmp(argv[i], TEXT("/f"))) {
ForceOperation = TRUE;
} else if (0 == lstricmp(argv[i], TEXT("/a"))) {
DisplayAllFiles = TRUE;
} else {
DisplayMsg(COMPACT_USAGE, NULL); if (0 == lstricmp(argv[i], TEXT("/?"))) return 0; else return 1; }
} else {
UserSpecifiedFileSpec = TRUE; } }
// If the use didn't specify an action then set the default to do a listing
if (ActionRoutine == NULL) {
ActionRoutine = DoListAction; FinalActionRoutine = DoFinalListAction; }
// Get our current directoy because the action routines might move us
// around
if (!DoSubdirectories) { GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, StartingDirectory ); } else if (!SetCurrentDirectory( StartingDirectory )) { DisplayErr(StartingDirectory, GetLastError()); return 1; }
// If the user didn't specify a file spec then we'll do just "*"
rtncode = 0;
if (!UserSpecifiedFileSpec) {
(VOID)GetFullPathName( TEXT("*"), MAX_PATH, DirectorySpec, &p );
lstrcpy( FileSpec, p ); *p = '\0';
// Also want to make "compact /c" set the bit for the current
// directory.
if (ActionRoutine != DoListAction) {
if (!(ActionRoutine)( DirectorySpec, TEXT("") )) rtncode = 1; }
if (!(ActionRoutine)( DirectorySpec, FileSpec )) rtncode = 1;
} else {
// Now scan the arguments again looking for non-switches
// and this time do the action, but before calling reset
// the current directory so that things work again
for (i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) {
if (argv[i][0] != '/') {
SetCurrentDirectory( StartingDirectory );
// Handle a command with "." as the file argument specially,
// since it doesn't make good sense and the results without
// this code are surprising.
if ('.' == argv[i][0] && '\0' == argv[i][1]) { argv[i] = TEXT("*"); GetFullPathName(argv[i], MAX_PATH, DirectorySpec, &p); *p = '\0'; p = NULL; } else {
PWCHAR pwch;
GetFullPathName(argv[i], MAX_PATH, DirectorySpec, &p);
// We want to treat "foobie:xxx" as an invalid drive name,
// rather than as a name identifying a stream. If there's
// a colon, there should be only a single character before
// it.
pwch = wcschr(argv[i], ':'); if (NULL != pwch && pwch - argv[i] != 1) { DisplayMsg(COMPACT_INVALID_PATH, argv[i]); rtncode = 1; break; }
// GetFullPathName strips trailing dots, but we want
// to save them so that "*." will work correctly.
if ((lstrlen(argv[i]) > 0) && ('.' == argv[i][lstrlen(argv[i]) - 1])) { lstrcat(DirectorySpec, TEXT(".")); } }
if (IsUncRoot(DirectorySpec)) {
// If the path is like \\server\share, we append an
// additional slash to make things come out right.
lstrcat(DirectorySpec, TEXT("\\")); p = NULL; }
if (p != NULL) { lstrcpy( FileSpec, p ); *p = '\0'; } else { FileSpec[0] = '\0'; }
if (!(ActionRoutine)( DirectorySpec, FileSpec ) && !IgnoreErrors) { rtncode = 1; break; } } } }
// Reset our current directory back
SetCurrentDirectory( StartingDirectory );
// And do the final action routine that will print out the final
// statistics of what we've done
return rtncode; }