Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Enables an administrator to disconnect/query open files ina given system.
Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000
Revision History:
Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000 : Created It.
******************************************************************************/ #include "pch.h"
#include "OpenFiles.h"
#include "Disconnect.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "resource.h"
#define TOKEN_BACKSLASH4 _T("\\\\")
#define IDENTIFIER_VALUE _T("Identifier")
#define X86_MACHINE _T("x86")
#define SYSTEM_64_BIT 2
#define SYSTEM_32_BIT 3
BOOL g_bIs32BitEnv = TRUE ;
// Fuction protorypes. These functions will be used only in current file.
DWORD GetCPUInfo( IN LPTSTR szComputerName ); DWORD CheckSystemType( IN LPTSTR szServer ); DWORD CheckSystemType64( IN LPTSTR szServer ); BOOL ProcessQuery( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] )throw (CHeap_Exception);
BOOL ProcessDisconnect( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] ) throw (CHeap_Exception);
BOOL ProcessLocal( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] );
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbDisconnect, OUT PBOOL pbQuery, OUT PBOOL pbUsage, OUT PBOOL pbResetFlag );
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbQuery, OUT LPTSTR* pszServer, OUT LPTSTR* pszUserName, OUT LPTSTR* pszPassword, OUT LPTSTR* pszFormat, OUT PBOOL pbShowNoHeader, OUT PBOOL pbVerbose, OUT PBOOL pbNeedPassword );
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbDisconnect, OUT LPTSTR* pszServer, OUT LPTSTR* pszUserName, OUT LPTSTR* pszPassword, OUT LPTSTR* pszID, OUT LPTSTR* pszAccessedby, OUT LPTSTR* pszOpenmode, OUT LPTSTR* pszOpenFile, OUT PBOOL pbNeedPassword ); BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT LPTSTR* pszLocalValue );
BOOL Usage( VOID );
BOOL DisconnectUsage( VOID );
BOOL QueryUsage( VOID );
BOOL LocalUsage( VOID );
// Function implimentation
DWORD _cdecl _tmain( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Main routine that calls the disconnect and query options
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments. [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments.
Returned Value:
DWORD - 0 for success exit - 1 for failure exit --*/ { BOOL bCleanExit = FALSE; try{ // local variables to this function
BOOL bResult = TRUE; // variables to hold the values specified at the command prompt
// -? ( help )
BOOL bUsage = FALSE; // -disconnect
BOOL bDisconnect = FALSE; //query command line options
// -query
BOOL bQuery = FALSE; BOOL bRestFlag = FALSE; DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
#ifndef _WIN64
dwRetVal = CheckSystemType( L"\0"); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif
// if no command line argument is given than -query option
// is takan by default.
if(1 == argc) { if(IsWin2KOrLater()==FALSE) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_OS)); bCleanExit = FALSE; } else { if ( FALSE == IsUserAdmin()) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_USER_NOT_ADMIN)); bCleanExit = FALSE; } else { bCleanExit = DoQuery(L"\0",FALSE,L"\0",FALSE); } } } else {
// process and validate the command line options
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bDisconnect, &bQuery, &bUsage, &bRestFlag); if( TRUE == bResult) { // check if -? is given as parameter.
if( TRUE == bUsage ) { //check if -create is also given.
if( TRUE == bQuery) { // show usage for -create option.
bCleanExit = QueryUsage(); } //check if -disconnect is also given.
else if ( TRUE == bDisconnect) { //Show usage for -disconnect option.
bCleanExit = DisconnectUsage(); } //check if -disconnect is also given.
else if ( TRUE == bRestFlag) { //Show usage for -local option.
bCleanExit = LocalUsage(); } else { //as no -create Or -disconnect given, show main usage.
bCleanExit = Usage(); } } else { if( TRUE == bRestFlag) { // Process command line parameter specific to -local and
// perform action for -local option.
bCleanExit = ProcessLocal(argc, argv); } else if( TRUE == bQuery) { // Process command line parameter specific to -query and
// perform action for -query option.
bCleanExit = ProcessQuery(argc, argv); } else if( TRUE == bDisconnect) { // Process command line parameter specific to -disconnect
// and perform action for -disconnect option.
bCleanExit = ProcessDisconnect(argc, argv); } else { TCHAR szTemp[2*MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; TCHAR szErrstr[MAX_RES_STRING]; TCHAR szFormatStr[MAX_RES_STRING]; SecureZeroMemory(szFormatStr,sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_RES_STRING ); SecureZeroMemory(szErrstr,sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_RES_STRING ); SecureZeroMemory(szTemp,sizeof(TCHAR)*(2*MAX_STRING_LENGTH));
ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); StringCopy(szErrstr,GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szFormatStr)); StringCopy(szFormatStr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szFormatStr)); StringCchPrintfW(szTemp,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp),szFormatStr,szErrstr); ShowMessage( stderr,(LPCWSTR)szTemp); bCleanExit = FALSE; } } } else { if( TRUE == g_bIs32BitEnv ) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason()); } // return from the function
bCleanExit = FALSE; }
} } catch(CHeap_Exception cheapException) { // catching the CHStrig related memory exceptions...
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); bCleanExit = FALSE; }
// Release global memory if any allocated through common functionality
ReleaseGlobals(); return bCleanExit?EXIT_SUCCESS:EXIT_FAILURE; }//_tmain
BOOL ProcessLocal( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description: This function will perform Local related tasks.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. --*/ { // Variable to store function return value
BOOL bResult = FALSE; LPTSTR pszLocalValue = NULL;
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc,argv,&pszLocalValue); if( FALSE ==bResult) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); //Release allocated memory safely
SAFEDELETE(pszLocalValue); // return from the function
return FALSE; } if ( FALSE == IsUserAdmin()) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_USER_NOT_ADMIN)); bResult = FALSE; } else { // Only last argument is of interst
bResult = DoLocalOpenFiles(0,FALSE,FALSE,pszLocalValue); }
FreeMemory( (LPVOID*)(&pszLocalValue)); return bResult; }
BOOL ProcessQuery( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description: This function will perform query related tasks.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. --*/ { // Variable to store function return value
BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bCloseConnection = FALSE; // options.
// -query query
BOOL bQuery = FALSE; // -nh (noheader)
BOOL bShowNoHeader = FALSE; // -v (verbose)
BOOL bVerbose = FALSE; // need password or not
BOOL bNeedPassword = FALSE; // -s ( server name)
LPTSTR pszServer = NULL; // -u ( user name)
LPTSTR pszUserName = NULL; // -p ( password)
LPTSTR pszPassword = NULL; // -format
LPTSTR pszFormat = NULL;
// server name used for EstablishConnection Function.
LPTSTR pszServerName = NULL; LPTSTR pszServerNameHeadPosition = NULL;
try {
//Stores status if connection to beclosed or not
CHString szChString = L"";
// Process command line options.
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bQuery, &pszServer, &pszUserName, &pszPassword, &pszFormat, &bShowNoHeader, &bVerbose, &bNeedPassword); if ( FALSE == bResult) { // Invalid syntax.
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); // return from the function
return FALSE; }
if( 0 != StringLength(pszServer,0)) { pszServerName = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory(GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszServer)); if( NULL == pszServerName) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); // return from the function
return FALSE; } // Initialize currently allocated arrays.
// Store head position of 'pszServerName'.
pszServerNameHeadPosition = pszServerName;
szChString = pszServer; if((StringCompare(szChString.Left(2),DOUBLE_SLASH,FALSE,2)==0) &&(szChString.GetLength()>2)) { szChString = szChString.Mid( 2,szChString.GetLength()) ; } if(StringCompare(szChString.Left(1),SINGLE_SLASH,FALSE,1)!=0) { StringCopy(pszServer,(LPCWSTR)szChString, GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszServer)); } StringCopy(pszServerName,pszServer,GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszServerName));
// Try to connect to remote server. Function checks for local machine
// so here no checking is done.
if(IsLocalSystem(pszServerName)==TRUE) { #ifndef _WIN64
DWORD dwRetVal = CheckSystemType( L"\0"); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition);
return EXIT_FAILURE; } #else
DWORD dwRetVal = CheckSystemType64( L"\0"); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition);
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if(StringLength(pszUserName,0)>0) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_SYSTEM)); } // Check if current logon user had administrative rights.
// Preceed only if current logon user had administrative rights.
if ( FALSE == IsUserAdmin()) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_USER_NOT_ADMIN)); //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); // return from the function
return FALSE; } } else { if( FALSE == EstablishConnection( pszServerName, pszUserName, GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszUserName)/sizeof(WCHAR), pszPassword, GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszPassword)/sizeof(WCHAR), bNeedPassword )) { // Connection to remote system failed , Show corresponding error
// and exit from function.
ShowMessage( stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); if(StringLength(GetReason(),0)==0) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)); } else { ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); } //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); return FALSE; } // determine whether this connection needs to disconnected later or not
// though the connection is successfull, some conflict might have
// occured
switch( GetLastError() ) { case I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION: bCloseConnection = FALSE; break; case E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: case ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT: { //
// some error occured ... but can be ignored
// connection need not be disconnected
bCloseConnection= FALSE; // show the warning message
ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_WARNING)); ShowMessage(stderr,GetReason()); break; } default: bCloseConnection = TRUE; } } } // Password is no longer needed, better to free it.
// Perform Qyery operation.
bResult = DoQuery(pszServer, bShowNoHeader, pszFormat, bVerbose); // Close the network connection which is previously opened by
// EstablishConnection
if(bCloseConnection==TRUE) { CloseConnection(pszServerName); } FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); } catch ( CHeap_Exception cheapException) { FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszFormat); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); throw(cheapException); } return bResult; }
BOOL ProcessDisconnect( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description: This function will perform Disconnect related tasks.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. --*/ { // Variable to store function return value
BOOL bResult = FALSE; DWORD dwRetVal = 0; //Check whether connection to be closed or not.
BOOL bCloseConnection = FALSE; // Ask for password or not.
BOOL bNeedPassword = FALSE; // options.
// -query query
BOOL bQuery = FALSE;
// -s ( server name)
LPTSTR pszServer = NULL; // -u ( user name)
LPTSTR pszUserName = NULL; // -p ( password)
LPTSTR pszPassword = NULL; // server name used for EstablishConnection Function.
LPTSTR pszServerName = NULL; LPTSTR pszServerNameHeadPosition = NULL; //LPTSTR pszServerHeadPosition = NULL;
// -I ( id )
LPTSTR pszAccessedby = NULL; // -o ( openmode)
LPTSTR pszOpenmode = NULL;
// -op( openfile)
LPTSTR pszOpenFile = NULL; try { // Temp. variable
CHString szChString = L"\0"; // Process commandline options.
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bQuery, &pszServer, &pszUserName, &pszPassword, &pszID, &pszAccessedby, &pszOpenmode, &pszOpenFile, &bNeedPassword); if ( FALSE == bResult) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszID); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszAccessedby); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenmode); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenFile); // return from the function
return FALSE; }
if( 0 != StringLength(pszServer,0)) { pszServerName = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory(GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszServer)); if (NULL == pszServerName) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszID); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszAccessedby); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenmode); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenFile); } // Initialize currently allocated arrays.
// store Head position Address to successfully delete allocated memory
// block.
pszServerNameHeadPosition = pszServerName; szChString = pszServer;
// Append '\\' in front of server name is not specified.
if((StringCompare(szChString.Left(2),DOUBLE_SLASH,FALSE,2)==0) &&(szChString.GetLength()>2)) { szChString = szChString.Mid( 2,szChString.GetLength()) ; } if(StringCompare(szChString.Left(2),SINGLE_SLASH,FALSE,2)!=0) { StringCopy(pszServer,(LPCWSTR)szChString, GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszServer)); } StringCopy(pszServerName,pszServer,GetBufferSize((LPVOID )pszServerName)); }
if(IsLocalSystem(pszServerName)==TRUE) { #ifndef _WIN64
dwRetVal = CheckSystemType( L"\0"); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszID); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszAccessedby); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenmode); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #else
dwRetVal = CheckSystemType64( L"\0"); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszID); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszAccessedby); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenmode); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if(StringLength(pszUserName,0)>0) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_SYSTEM)); }
} else { // Connet to remote system.
if(EstablishConnection( pszServerName, pszUserName, GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszUserName)/sizeof(WCHAR), pszPassword, GetBufferSize((LPVOID)pszPassword)/sizeof(WCHAR), bNeedPassword )==FALSE) { // Connection to remote system failed , Show corresponding error
// and exit from function.
ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); if(StringLength(GetReason(),0)==0) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)); } else { ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); } //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszID); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszAccessedby); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenmode); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenFile); return FALSE; }
// determine whether this connection needs to disconnected later or not
// though the connection is successfull, some conflict might have
// occured
switch( GetLastError() ) { case I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION: bCloseConnection = FALSE; break;
// some error occured ... but can be ignored
// connection need not be disconnected
bCloseConnection= FALSE;
// show the warning message
ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_WARNING)); ShowMessage(stderr,GetReason()); break; } default: bCloseConnection = TRUE;
} // Password is no longer needed, better to free it.
// Do Disconnect open files.....
bResult = DisconnectOpenFile(pszServer, pszID, pszAccessedby, pszOpenmode, pszOpenFile ); // Close the network connection which is previously opened by
// EstablishConnection
if(bCloseConnection==TRUE) { CloseConnection(pszServerName); } // Free memory which is previously allocated.
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszID); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszAccessedby); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenmode); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenFile); } catch (CHeap_Exception cheapException) { //Release allocated memory safely
FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServer); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszUserName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszPassword); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszID); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszAccessedby); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenmode); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszOpenFile); FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&pszServerNameHeadPosition); throw(cheapException); } return bResult; }
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT LPTSTR* pszLocalValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, Out variables [out] will contain respective values.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [out] pszLocalValue - contains the values for -local option
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. --*/ { TCMDPARSER2 cmdOptions[ MAX_LOCAL_OPTIONS ];//Variable to store command line
CHString szTempString; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING*2]; TCHAR szOptionAllowed[MAX_RES_STRING]; StringCopy(szOptionAllowed,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_OPTION),SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp));
szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); StringCchPrintfW(szTemp,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); SecureZeroMemory(cmdOptions,sizeof(TCMDPARSER2) * MAX_LOCAL_OPTIONS);
// -local
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pwszOptions = szLocalOption; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pwszValues = szOptionAllowed; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwFlags = CP2_VALUE_OPTIONAL | CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP2_MODE_VALUES ; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwLength = StringLength(szOptionAllowed,0); cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// do the command line parsing
if ( FALSE == DoParseParam2( argc, argv, -1, MAX_LOCAL_OPTIONS, cmdOptions,0 )) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; // invalid syntax
} *pszLocalValue = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pValue; if( NULL == *pszLocalValue) { // this string does not require localization
// as it is storing value other than ON/OFF
*pszLocalValue = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory( (StringLength(L"SHOW_STATUS",0)+1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( *pszLocalValue == NULL ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } StringCopy(*pszLocalValue, L"SHOW_STATUS", GetBufferSize((LPVOID)*pszLocalValue)); } return TRUE; }
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbDisconnect, OUT PBOOL pbQuery, OUT PBOOL pbUsage, OUT PBOOL pbResetFlag ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, it returns the values in different variables. variables [out] will contain respective values.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [out] pbDisconnect - Discoonect option string [out] pbQuery - Query option string [out] pbUsage - The usage option [out] pbResetFlag - Reset flag. Returned Value:
BOOL -- TRUE if it succeeds -- FALSE if it fails. --*/ {
// local variables
TCMDPARSER2 cmdOptions[ MAX_OPTIONS ];//Variable to store command line
// options.
TARRAY arrTemp = NULL;
CHString szTempString; TCHAR szTemp[MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED*2]; szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); StringCchPrintfW( szTemp,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); arrTemp = CreateDynamicArray(); if( NULL == arrTemp) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); return FALSE; }
SecureZeroMemory(cmdOptions,sizeof(TCMDPARSER2) * MAX_OPTIONS);
// prepare the command options
// -disconnect option for help
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pwszOptions = szDisconnectOption; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pValue = pbDisconnect; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -query option for help
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pwszOptions = szQueryOption; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pValue = pbQuery; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// /? option for help
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pwszOptions = szUsageOption; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwFlags = CP_USAGE; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pValue = pbUsage; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -local
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pwszOptions = szLocalOption; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pValue = pbResetFlag; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// default ..
// Although there is no default option for this utility...
// At this moment all the switches other than specified above will be
// treated as default parameter for Main DoParceParam.
// Exact parcing depending on optins (-query or -disconnect) will be done
// at that respective places.
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pwszOptions = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwCount = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwFlags = CP2_MODE_ARRAY|CP2_DEFAULT; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pValue = &arrTemp; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// do the command line parsing
if ( FALSE == DoParseParam2( argc,argv,-1, MAX_OPTIONS,cmdOptions,0)) { // invalid syntax.
// Release momory.
return FALSE; } //Release memory as variable no longer needed
// Check if all of following is true is an error
if((*pbUsage==TRUE)&&argc>3) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // -query ,-disconnect and -local options cannot come together
if(((*pbQuery)+(*pbDisconnect)+(*pbResetFlag))>1) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return FALSE; } else if((2 == argc )&&( TRUE == *pbUsage)) { // if -? alone given its a valid conmmand line
SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return TRUE; } if((argc>2)&& ( FALSE == *pbQuery)&&(FALSE == *pbDisconnect)&& (FALSE == *pbResetFlag)) { // If command line argument is equals or greater than 2 atleast one
// of -query OR -local OR -disconnect should be present in it.
// (for "-?" previous condition already takes care)
// This to prevent from following type of command line argument:
// OpnFiles.exe -nh ... Which is a invalid syntax.
ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return FALSE; }
// Release momory.
SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return TRUE; }//ProcesOptions
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbQuery, OUT LPTSTR* pszServer, OUT LPTSTR* pszUserName, OUT LPTSTR* pszPassword, OUT LPTSTR* pszFormat, OUT PBOOL pbShowNoHeader, OUT PBOOL pbVerbose, OUT PBOOL pbNeedPassword ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, it returns the values in different variables. variables [out] will contain respective values. This Functin specifically checks command line parameters requered for QUERY option.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments. [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments. [out] pbQuery - query option string. [out] pszServer - remote server name. [out] pszUserName - username for the remote system. [out] pszPassword - password for the remote system for the username. [out] pszFormat - format checking. [out] pbShowNoHeader - show header. [out] pbVerbose - show verbose. [out] pbNeedPassword - To check whether the password is required or not.
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. --*/ { // Check in/out parameters...
//Variable to store command line structure.
szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); StringCchPrintfW(szTemp,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); StringCchPrintfW(szTypeHelpMsg, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTypeHelpMsg), GetResString(IDS_TYPE_Q_HELP),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); StringCopy(szFormatValues, FORMAT_OPTIONS, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szFormatValues));
// prepare the command options
SecureZeroMemory(cmdOptions, sizeof(TCMDPARSER2) * MAX_QUERY_OPTIONS);
// -query option for help
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pwszOptions = szQueryOption; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pValue = pbQuery; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -s option remote system name
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pwszOptions = szServerNameOption; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY|CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -u option user name for the specified system
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pwszOptions = szUserNameOption; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY |CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -p option password for the given username
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pwszOptions = szPasswordOption; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP2_VALUE_OPTIONAL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -fo (format)
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pwszOptions = szFormatOption; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pwszValues = szFormatValues; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwFlags = CP2_MODE_VALUES | CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT| CP2_VALUE_NONULL | CP2_ALLOCMEMORY; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pReserved3 = NULL;
//-nh (noheader)
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pwszOptions = szNoHeadeOption; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pValue = pbShowNoHeader; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pReserved3 = NULL;
//-v verbose
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pwszOptions = szVerboseOption; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pValue = pbVerbose; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// do the command line parsing
if ( FALSE == DoParseParam2( argc,argv,OI_Q_QUERY, MAX_QUERY_OPTIONS,cmdOptions,0 )) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; } *pszServer = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pValue; *pszUserName = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pValue; *pszPassword = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pValue; *pszFormat = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pValue;
// -n is allowed only with -fo TABLE (which is also default)
// and CSV.
if(( TRUE == *pbShowNoHeader) && (1 == cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwActuals) && (0 == StringCompare(*pszFormat,GetResString(IDS_LIST),TRUE,0))) { StringCopy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
// "-p" should not be specified without "-u"
if ( 0 == cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals && 0 != cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwActuals) { // invalid syntax
StringCopy(szTemp,ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
if(*pbQuery==FALSE) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // "-u" should not be specified without "-s"
if ( 0 == cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals && 0 != cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals) { // invalid syntax
StringCopy(szTemp,ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
// check the remote connectivity information
if ( *pszServer != NULL ) { //
// if -u is not specified, we need to allocate memory
// in order to be able to retrive the current user name
// case 1: -p is not at all specified
// as the value for this switch is optional, we have to rely
// on the dwActuals to determine whether the switch is specified or not
// in this case utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails
// then prompt for the password -- in fact, we need not check for this
// condition explicitly except for noting that we need to prompt for the
// password
// case 2: -p is specified
// but we need to check whether the value is specified or not
// in this case user wants the utility to prompt for the password
// before trying to connect
// case 3: -p * is specified
// user name
if ( *pszUserName == NULL ) { *pszUserName = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory( MAX_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( *pszUserName == NULL ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } }
// password
if ( *pszPassword == NULL ) { *pbNeedPassword = TRUE; *pszPassword = (LPTSTR)AllocateMemory( MAX_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( *pszPassword == NULL ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } }
// case 1
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwActuals == 0 ) { // we need not do anything special here
// case 2
else if ( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pValue == NULL ) { StringCopy( *pszPassword, L"*", GetBufferSize((LPVOID)*pszPassword)); }
// case 3
else if ( StringCompareEx( *pszPassword, L"*", TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { if ( ReallocateMemory( (LPVOID*)pszPassword, MAX_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ) == FALSE ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// ...
*pbNeedPassword = TRUE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbDisconnect, OUT LPTSTR* pszServer, OUT LPTSTR* pszUserName, OUT LPTSTR* pszPassword, OUT LPTSTR* pszID, OUT LPTSTR* pszAccessedby, OUT LPTSTR* pszOpenmode, OUT LPTSTR* pszOpenFile, OUT PBOOL pbNeedPassword ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, it returns the values in different variables. variables [out] will contain respective values. This Functin specifically checks command line parameters requered for DISCONNECT option.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [out] pbDisconnect - discoonect option string [out] pszServer - remote server name [out] pszUserName - username for the remote system [out] pszPassword - password for the remote system for the username [out] pszID - Open file ids [out] pszAccessedby - Name of user name who access the file [out] pszOpenmode - accessed mode (read/Write) [out] pszOpenFile - Open file name [out] pbNeedPassword - To check whether the password is required or not.
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. --*/ { //Variable to store command line
SecureZeroMemory(szOpenModeValues,sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_STRING_LENGTH); szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); StringCchPrintfW( szTemp,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); StringCchPrintfW( szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTypeHelpMsg), GetResString(IDS_TYPE_D_HELP),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); StringCopy(szOpenModeValues,OPENMODE_OPTIONS,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szOpenModeValues)); //
// prepare the command options
// -disconnect option for help
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pwszOptions = szDisconnectOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pValue = pbDisconnect; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -s option remote system name
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pwszOptions = szServerNameOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY|CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -u option user name for the specified system
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pwszOptions = szUserNameOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY |CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -p option password for the given username
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pwszOptions = szPasswordOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP2_VALUE_OPTIONAL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -id Values
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pwszOptions = szIDOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY|CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -a (accessed by)
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pwszOptions = szAccessedByOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY|CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -o (openmode)
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pwszOptions = szOpenModeOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pwszValues = szOpenModeValues; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY|CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT| CP2_VALUE_NONULL|CP2_MODE_VALUES; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// -op (openfile)
StringCopyA( cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pwszOptions = szOpenFileOption; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pwszFriendlyName = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pwszValues = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY|CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pValue = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwLength = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pFunctionData = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwReserved = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pReserved1 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pReserved2 = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pReserved3 = NULL;
// do the command line parsing.
if ( FALSE == DoParseParam2( argc,argv,OI_D_DISCONNECT, MAX_DISCONNECT_OPTIONS ,cmdOptions,0)) { // invalid syntax.
ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; }
// Take values from parcer structure.
*pszServer = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pValue; *pszUserName = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pValue; *pszPassword = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pValue; *pszID = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pValue; *pszAccessedby = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pValue; *pszOpenmode = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pValue; *pszOpenFile = (LPTSTR)cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pValue;
if(*pbDisconnect==FALSE) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // At least one of -id OR -a OR -o is required.
if((cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwActuals==0)&& (cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwActuals==0)&& (cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwActuals==0) ) { StringCopy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_NO_ID_ACC_OF),SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
// "-u" should not be specified without "-s"
if ( 0 == cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals && 0 != cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals) { // invalid syntax
StringCopy(szTemp,ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // "-p" should not be specified without "-u"
if ( 0 == cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals && 0 != cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwActuals) { // invalid syntax
StringCopy(szTemp,ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } if(1 == cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY].dwActuals) { if(FindOneOf(*pszAccessedby,INVALID_USER_CHARS,0)) { StringCopy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_USER_INVALID_ADMIN),SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } } if (1 == cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE].dwActuals) { if(FindOneOf(*pszOpenFile,INVALID_FILE_NAME_CHARS,0)) { StringCopy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_FILENAME_INVALID),SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } }
// check the remote connectivity information
if ( *pszServer != NULL ) { //
// if -u is not specified, we need to allocate memory
// in order to be able to retrive the current user name
// case 1: -p is not at all specified
// as the value for this switch is optional, we have to rely
// on the dwActuals to determine whether the switch is specified or not
// in this case utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails
// then prompt for the password -- in fact, we need not check for this
// condition explicitly except for noting that we need to prompt for the
// password
// case 2: -p is specified
// but we need to check whether the value is specified or not
// in this case user wants the utility to prompt for the password
// before trying to connect
// case 3: -p * is specified
// user name
if ( *pszUserName == NULL ) { *pszUserName = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory( MAX_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( *pszUserName == NULL ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } }
// password
if ( *pszPassword == NULL ) { *pbNeedPassword = TRUE; *pszPassword = (LPTSTR)AllocateMemory( MAX_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( *pszPassword == NULL ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } }
// case 1
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwActuals == 0 ) { // we need not do anything special here
// case 2
else if ( cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pValue == NULL ) { StringCopy( *pszPassword, L"*", GetBufferSize((LPVOID)*pszPassword)); }
// case 3
else if ( StringCompareEx( *pszPassword, L"*", TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { if ( ReallocateMemory( (LPVOID*)pszPassword, MAX_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ) == FALSE ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// ...
*pbNeedPassword = TRUE; } }
// Check if -id option is given and if it is numeric ,
// also if it is numeric then check its range
if(1 == cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwActuals) { if ( TRUE == IsNumeric((LPCTSTR)(*pszID),10,TRUE)) { if((AsLong((LPCTSTR)(*pszID),10)>UINT_MAX) || (AsLong((LPCTSTR)(*pszID),10)<1)) { // Message shown on screen will be...
// ERROR: Invlid ID.
StringCopy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_ID),SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
} // check user given "*" or any junk string....
if(!((StringCompare((LPCTSTR)(*pszID), ASTERIX, FALSE, 0)==0)|| (IsNumeric((LPCTSTR)(*pszID),10,TRUE)==TRUE)) &&(StringLength((LPCTSTR)(*pszID), 0)!=0)) { // Message shown on screen will be...
// ERROR: Invlid ID.
StringCopy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_ID),SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); StringConcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
} return TRUE; }
BOOL DisconnectUsage( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays how to use -disconnect option
Returned Value: TRUE : Function returns successfully. FALSE : otherwise.
--*/ { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_LINE1; dw <= IDS_HELP_LINE_END; dw++ ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); } return TRUE; }//DisconnectUsage
BOOL QueryUsage( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Displays how to use -query option Arguments: None Returned Value: TRUE : Function returns successfully. FALSE : otherwise. --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_QUERY1; dw <= IDS_HELP_QUERY_END; dw++ ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); } return TRUE; }//query Usage
BOOL Usage( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Displays how to use this Utility Arguments: None Returned Value: TRUE : Function returns successfully. FALSE : otherwise. --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_MAIN1; dw <= IDS_HELP_MAIN_END; dw++ ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); } return TRUE; }//Usage
BOOL LocalUsage() /*++
Routine Description: Displays how to use -local option Arguments: None Returned Value: TRUE : Function returns successfully. FALSE : otherwise.
--*/ { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_LOCAL1; dw <= IDS_HELP_LOCAL_END; dw++ ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); } return TRUE; }//-local
DWORD CheckSystemType( IN LPTSTR szServer ) /*++
Routine Description: This function returns type of present Operating system. As this function is called only in case of 32 bit compilation, its value is useful only build for 32 bit compilation.
Arguments: [in] szServer : Server Name.
Returned Value: DWORD: EXIT_SUCCESS - If system is 32 bit. EXIT_FAILURE - Any error or system is not 32 bit. --*/
DWORD dwSystemType = 0 ; #ifndef _WIN64
//display the error message if the target system is a 64 bit system or if
// error occured in retreiving the information
dwSystemType = GetCPUInfo(szServer); if( ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY == dwSystemType) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_INFO)); return (EXIT_FAILURE);
} if( SYSTEM_64_BIT == dwSystemType) { if( 0 == StringLength(szServer, 0)) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH)); } else { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED)); } return (EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
DWORD GetCPUInfo( IN LPTSTR szComputerName ) /*++
Routine Description: This function determines if the computer is 32 bit system or 64 bit. Arguments [ in ] szComputerName : System name Return Type : BOOL TRUE : if the system is a 32 bit system FALSE : if the system is a 64 bit system --*/ { HKEY hKey1 = 0;
HKEY hRemoteKey = 0; TCHAR szCurrentPath[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; TCHAR szPath[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1] = SUBKEY ;
TCHAR szTemp[MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED]; TCHAR szVal[MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED]; DWORD dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 10; LPTSTR szReturnValue = NULL ; DWORD dwCode = 0 ; szReturnValue = ( LPTSTR ) AllocateMemory( dwLength*sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if( NULL == szReturnValue) { return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; }
SecureZeroMemory(szCurrentPath, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szCurrentPath)); SecureZeroMemory(szTmpCompName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpCompName)); SecureZeroMemory(szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SecureZeroMemory(szVal, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szVal));
if( 0 != StringLength(szComputerName,0)) { StringCopy(szTmpCompName,TOKEN_BACKSLASH4,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpCompName)); StringConcat(szTmpCompName,szComputerName,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpCompName)); } else { StringCopy(szTmpCompName,szComputerName,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpCompName)); }
// Get Remote computer local machine key
dwError = RegConnectRegistry(szTmpCompName,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,&hRemoteKey); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { dwError = RegOpenKeyEx(hRemoteKey,szPath,0,KEY_READ,&hKey1); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, IDENTIFIER_VALUE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szReturnValue, &dwValueSize); if ( ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwRetCode) { if (!ReallocateMemory((LPVOID *)&szReturnValue, dwValueSize*sizeof( TCHAR ))) { RegCloseKey(hKey1); RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); FreeMemory( (LPVOID *)&szReturnValue ); return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; }
dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, IDENTIFIER_VALUE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szReturnValue, &dwValueSize); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRetCode) { FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&szReturnValue); RegCloseKey(hKey1); RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; } } else { FreeMemory( (LPVOID*)&szReturnValue); RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; }
RegCloseKey(hKey1); } else { FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&szReturnValue); RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; }
StringCopy(szVal,X86_MACHINE, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szVal));
//check if the specified system contains the words x86 (belongs to the 32 )
// set the flag to true if the specified system is 64 bit .
if( !FindString(szReturnValue,szVal,0)) { dwCode = SYSTEM_64_BIT ; } else { dwCode = SYSTEM_32_BIT ; } FreeMemory((LPVOID*)&szReturnValue); return dwCode ;
DWORD CheckSystemType64( IN LPTSTR szServer ) /*++
Routine Description: This function returns type of present Operating system. As this function is called only in case of 64 bit compilation, its value is useful only build for 64 bit compilation.
Arguments: [in] szServer : Server Name.
Returned Value: DWORD: EXIT_SUCCESS - If system is 64 bit. EXIT_FAILURE - Any error or system is not 64 bit. --*/ {
if( NULL == szServer) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_INFO)); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef _WIN64
DWORD dwSystemType = 0 ; //display the error message if the target system is a 64 bit system or
//if error occured in retreiving the information
dwSystemType = GetCPUInfo(szServer); if( ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY == dwSystemType) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_INFO)); return (EXIT_FAILURE);
} if( SYSTEM_32_BIT == dwSystemType) { if( 0 == StringLength(szServer,0)) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH1)); } else { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED1)); } return (EXIT_FAILURE); }
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }