Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Isz.h : String resource IDs for dialogs
  3. //
  4. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1990-
  5. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. // 0x0000 - 0x00ff Error codes
  7. // MESSAGES: 0x0100 to 0x01ff
  8. #define iszOverwriteCaption 0x0100
  9. #define iszOverwriteQuestion 0x0101
  10. #define iszDefExitCaption 0x0102
  11. #define iszDefExitText 0x0103
  12. #define iszDefaultPitch 0x0104
  13. #define iszFixedPitch 0x0105
  14. #define iszVariablePitch 0x0106
  15. #define iszAnsiCharset 0x0107
  16. #define iszOemCharset 0x0108
  17. #define iszSymbolCharset 0x0109
  18. #define iszDecorativeFamily 0x010a
  19. #define iszUnknownFamily 0x010b
  20. #define iszModernFamily 0x010c
  21. #define iszRomanFamily 0x010d
  22. #define iszScriptFamily 0x010e
  23. #define iszSwissFamily 0x010f
  24. #define iszSystemFont 0x0110
  25. #define iszHelvFont 0x0111
  26. #define iszCourierFont 0x0112
  27. #define iszTmsRmnFont 0x0113
  28. #define iszSymbolFont 0x0114
  29. #define iszRomanFont 0x0115
  30. #define iszScriptFont 0x0116
  31. #define iszModernFont 0x0117
  32. #define iszLastFont iszModernFont
  33. #define iszFileOpenTitle 0x0180
  34. #define iszFileSaveTitle 0x0181
  35. #define iszSaveFileAsType 0x0182
  36. #define iszDriveDoesNotExist 0x0183
  37. #define iszNoDiskInDrive 0x0184
  38. #define iszWrongDiskInDrive 0x0185
  39. #define iszUnformatedDisk 0x0186
  40. #define iszFileNotFound 0x0187
  41. #define iszPathNotFound 0x0188
  42. #define iszInvalidFileName 0x0189
  43. #define iszSharingViolation 0x018A
  44. #define iszAccessDenied 0x018B
  45. #define iszReadOnly 0x018C
  46. #define iszInt24Error 0x018D
  47. #define iszPortName 0x018E
  48. #define iszWriteProtection 0x018F
  49. #define iszDiskFull 0x0190
  50. #define iszNoFileHandles 0x0191
  51. #define iszCreatePrompt 0x0192
  52. #define iszCreateNoModify 0x0193
  53. #define iszSelectDriveTrouble 0x0194
  54. // RESOURCES: 0x0200 to 0x020f
  55. // Menus: 0x0200 to 0x020f
  56. // Icons: 0x0210 to 0x021f
  57. // Cursors: 0x0220 to 0x022f
  58. // Accelerators: 0x0230 to 0x023f
  59. // Bitmaps: 0x0240 to 0x024f
  60. // Private: 0x0250 to 0x025f
  61. #define icoPortrait 528
  62. #define icoLandscape 529
  63. #define bmpDirDrive 576
  64. #define bmpCrossHair 584
  65. #define bmpCurLum 585
  66. #define bmpHls 586
  67. #define rcdataDefColors 592
  68. // DIALOGS: 0x0300 to 0x03ff
  69. #define dlgFileOpen 0x0300
  70. #define dlgFileSave 0x0301
  71. #define dlgExitChanges 0x0302
  72. #define dlgChooseColor 0x0303
  73. #define dlgFindText 0x0304
  74. #define dlgReplaceText 0x0305
  75. #define dlgFormatChar 0x0306
  76. #define dlgFontInfo 0x0307
  77. #define dlgPrintDlg 0x0308
  78. #define dlgPrintSetupDlg 0x0309
  79. #define dlgMultiFileOpen 0x030a
  80. // MISC: 0x0400 to 0x04ff
  81. #define BMLEFT 30
  82. #define BMUP 31
  83. #define BMRIGHT 32
  84. #define BMDOWN 33
  85. #define BMLEFTI 34
  86. #define BMUPI 35
  87. #define BMRIGHTI 36
  88. #define BMDOWNI 37
  89. #define BMFONT 38
  90. #define iszSampleString 0x040c /* sample text for Font picker */
  91. #define iszClose 0x040d /* "Close" text for find/replace */
  92. #define iszBlack 0x0410
  93. #define iszDkRed 0x0411
  94. #define iszDkGreen 0x0412
  95. #define iszDkYellow 0x0413
  96. #define iszDkBlue 0x0414
  97. #define iszDkPurple 0x0415
  98. #define iszDkAqua 0x0416
  99. #define iszDkGrey 0x0417
  100. #define iszLtGrey 0x0418
  101. #define iszLtRed 0x0419
  102. #define iszLtGreen 0x041a
  103. #define iszLtYellow 0x041b
  104. #define iszLtBlue 0x041c
  105. #define iszLtPurple 0x041d
  106. #define iszLtAqua 0x041e
  107. #define iszWhite 0x041f
  108. #define iszAtomData 0x0420
  109. #define iszHighPrnQ 0x0430
  110. #define iszMedPrnQ 0x0431
  111. #define iszLowPrnQ 0x0432
  112. #define iszDraftPrnQ 0x0433
  113. #define iszPrinter 0x0440
  114. #define iszSysPrn 0x0441
  115. #define iszPrnOnPort 0x0442
  116. #define iszExtDev 0x0443
  117. #define iszDevMode 0x0444
  118. #define iszDevCap 0x0445
  119. #define iszDefCurOn 0x0446
  120. #define iszLocal 0x0447
  121. #define iszPrintSetup 0x0448
  122. #define iszSizeNumber 0x44A
  123. #define iszSizeRange 0x44B
  124. #define iszSynth 0x44C
  125. #define iszTrueType 0x44D
  126. #define iszPrinterFont 0x44E
  127. #define iszGDIFont 0x44F
  128. #define iszFromBelowMin 0x450
  129. #define iszFromAboveMax 0x451
  130. #define iszToBelowMin 0x452
  131. #define iszToAboveMax 0x453
  132. #define iszFromInvalidChar 0x454
  133. #define iszToInvalidChar 0x455
  134. #define iszFromAndToEmpty 0x456
  135. #define iszCopiesEmpty 0x457
  136. #define iszCopiesInvalidChar 0x458
  137. #define iszCopiesZero 0x459
  138. #define iszNoPrnsInstalled 0x45A
  139. #define iszPrnDrvNotFound 0x45B
  140. #define iszPaperSizeIndex 0x0480 // and up are used
  141. #define iszNoFontsTitle 0x0500
  142. #define iszNoFontsMsg 0x0501
  143. #define iszNoFaceSel 0x0502
  144. #define iszNoStyleSel 0x0503
  145. #define iszRegular 0x0504
  146. #define iszBold 0x0505
  147. #define iszItalic 0x0506
  148. #define iszBoldItalic 0x0507
  149. /* CCHSTYLE is the max allowed length of iszRegular to iszBoldItalic strings */
  150. #define CCHSTYLE 32