* * - fakewife.c - Dummy functions * * Windows Intelligent Font Environment Maneger for Win32 and NT * * Author : kazuyuki Kato [ V-kazuyK ] * * History : * * 11.Nov.1993 -By- kazuyuki Kato [ V-kazuyK ] * Create it. * *************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include "wife.h"
extern HINSTANCE hInst;
#define IDCANCEL 2
SHORT FAR PASCAL InternalWarningMessageByString( HWND hParentWindow, LPSTR szMsg, LPSTR szTitle, USHORT mode ) { HANDLE hUser; LPMESSAGEBOX lpMessageBox; SHORT result;
/* get instance of user.exe */ hUser = GetModuleHandle("USER.EXE"); if( hUser == NULL ) return(IDCANCEL);
/* get procedure instance of MessageBox */ lpMessageBox = (LPMESSAGEBOX)GetProcAddress( hUser, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1) ); if( lpMessageBox == NULL ) return(IDCANCEL);
result = (*lpMessageBox)( NULL, /* no current window handle */ szMsg, szTitle, mode );
return( result ); }
VOID NotifyNoSuport( VOID ) {
if ( IDNO == MiscWarningMessage( hInst, IDS_NOTSUPORTFUNCTION, IDS_WIFETITLE, MB_YESNO )) FatalAppExit( 0, NULL );
// MessageBox( NULL, sz, sz2, MB_OK );
// OutputDebugString( sz );
LONG FAR PASCAL FdiClaimFontFile( HFD hFD, LPSTR lpszFileName ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;} LONG FAR PASCAL FdiConvertFontFile( HFD hFD, LPSTR lpszSrcFileName, LPSTR lpszDestDirName, LPSTR lpszResultPackName ) {NotifyNoSuport();return -1L;} HFF FAR PASCAL FdiLoadFontFile( HFD hFD, LPSTR lpszPackName ) {NotifyNoSuport();return -1L;} LONG FAR PASCAL FdiUnloadFontFile( HFD hFD, HFF hFF ) {NotifyNoSuport();return -1L;}
LONG FAR PASCAL FdiQueryFaces( HFD hFD, HFF hFF, LPIFIMETRICS lpIfiMetrics, ULONG cMetricLen, ULONG cFontCount, ULONG cStart ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;} HFC FAR PASCAL FdiOpenFontContext( HFD hFD, HFF hFF, ULONG ulFont ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LONG FAR PASCAL FdiCloseFontContext( HFD hFD, HFC hFC ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LONG FAR PASCAL FdiSetFontContext( HFD hFD, HFC hFC, LPCONTEXTINFO lpContextInfo ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LONG FAR PASCAL FdiQueryFaceAttr( HFD hFD, HFC hFC, ULONG iQuery, LPVOID lpBuffer, ULONG cb, LPVOID lpIndex, SHORT Start ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LONG FAR PASCAL FdiQueryCharAttr( HFD hFD, HFC hFC, LPCHARATTR lpCharAttr, LPBITMAPMETRICS lpbmm ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FdiControl( HFD hFD, HFC hFC, LPCONTROLTAG lpControlTag, LPVOID lpOutData ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFD FAR PASCAL MimAddFontDriver( LPSTR lpszFileName ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MimRemoveFontDriver( HFD hFD ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL NEAR PASCAL RealRemoveFontDriver( HFD hFD ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFF FAR PASCAL MimAddFontPack( HFD hFD, LPSTR lpszPackName ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MimRemoveFontPack( HFD hFD, HFF hFontPack ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFD FAR PASCAL MimEnumFontDrivers( HFD hLastDriver ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFF FAR PASCAL MimEnumFontPacks( HFD hFD, HFF hLastPack ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFC FAR PASCAL MimOpenFontContext( HFD hFD, HFF hFF, ULONG ulFont ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LONG FAR PASCAL MimCloseFontContext( HFD hFD, HFF hFF, HFC hFC ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL MimGetInformations( MIMGETINFO_ORDER order, HFD hFD, HFF hFF, LPVOID AnswerBuffer, USHORT SizeOfBuffer ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
VOID FAR PASCAL MiscSetErroInfo( ULONG ErrorCode ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
ULONG FAR PASCAL MiscGetErroInfo( VOID ) { return( 0L ); }
* SHORT FAR PASCAL MiscWarningMessage( * HANDLE hInst, * USHORT idsMsg, * USHORT idsTitle, * USHORT mode * ) * * read string from resource and show it by message box * * Effects: * * Warnings: * This function is available after delayed init. * * History: * 04-Sep-1990 12:00:00 -by- Akira Kawamata [akirak] * Creation \***********************************************************************/
char szTitle[256]; char szMsg[256]; char szNewMsg[256];
SHORT FAR PASCAL MiscWarningMessage( HANDLE hInst, USHORT idsMsg, USHORT idsTitle, USHORT mode ) { HANDLE hUser; LPLOADSTRING lpLoadString; SHORT result; SHORT nLength;
/* get instance of user.exe */ hUser = GetModuleHandle("USER.EXE"); if( hUser == NULL ) return(IDCANCEL);
/* get procedure instance of LoadString */ lpLoadString = (LPLOADSTRING)GetProcAddress( hUser, MAKEINTRESOURCE(176) ); if( lpLoadString == NULL ) return(IDCANCEL);
/* load message string */ nLength = (*lpLoadString)( hInst, idsMsg, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg) ); if( nLength == sizeof(szMsg) ){ szMsg[sizeof(szMsg)-1] = '\0'; }
/* load title string */ nLength = (*lpLoadString)( hInst, idsTitle, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); if( nLength == sizeof(szTitle) ){ szMsg[sizeof(szTitle)-1] = '\0'; }
result = InternalWarningMessageByString( NULL, /* no current window handle */ szMsg, szTitle, mode );
return( result ); }
* SHORT FAR PASCAL MiscWarningMessageWithArgument( * HANDLE hInst, * USHORT idsMsg, * USHORT idsTitle, * LPSTR lpszArgument * USHORT mode * ) * * read string from resource and conbine argument, * then show it by message box * * Effects: * * Warnings: * This function is available after delayed init. * idsMsg must include only one "%s". if it's not "%s" or many % is appear, * this function wouldn't work right. * * History: * 04-Sep-1990 12:00:00 -by- Akira Kawamata [akirak] * Creation \***********************************************************************/
SHORT FAR PASCAL MiscWarningMessageWithArgument( HANDLE hInst, USHORT idsMsg, USHORT idsTitle, LPSTR lpszArgument, USHORT mode ) { HANDLE hUser; LPLOADSTRING lpLoadString; LPWSPRINTF lpwsprintf; SHORT result; SHORT nLength;
/* get instance of user.exe */ hUser = GetModuleHandle("USER.EXE"); if( hUser == NULL ) return(IDCANCEL);
/* get procedure instance of LoadString */ lpLoadString = (LPLOADSTRING)GetProcAddress( hUser, MAKEINTRESOURCE(176) ); if( lpLoadString == NULL ) return(IDCANCEL);
/* get procedure instance of wsprintf */ lpwsprintf = (LPWSPRINTF)GetProcAddress( hUser, MAKEINTRESOURCE(420) ); if( lpwsprintf == NULL ) return(IDCANCEL);
/* load message string */ nLength = (*lpLoadString)( hInst, idsMsg, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg) ); if( nLength == sizeof(szMsg) ){ szMsg[sizeof(szMsg)-1] = '\0'; }
/* load title string */ nLength = (*lpLoadString)( hInst, idsTitle, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); if( nLength == sizeof(szTitle) ){ szMsg[sizeof(szTitle)-1] = '\0'; }
(*lpwsprintf)(szNewMsg, szMsg, lpszArgument );
result = InternalWarningMessageByString( NULL, /* no current window handle */ szNewMsg, szTitle, mode );
return( result ); }
VOID FAR PASCAL MiscTrancateString( LPSTR lpszStr, SHORT length, SHORT CharSet ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
USHORT FAR PASCAL ubstrlen( LPUBCHAR cp ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LPUBCHAR FAR PASCAL ubstrcpy( LPUBCHAR dst, LPUBCHAR src ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LPUBCHAR FAR PASCAL ubstrncpy( LPUBCHAR dst, LPUBCHAR src, USHORT limit ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LPUBCHAR FAR PASCAL ubstrcat( LPUBCHAR dst, LPUBCHAR src ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL ubstrcmp( LPUBCHAR str1, LPUBCHAR str2 ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
USHORT FAR PASCAL AscizToUz( LPUBCHAR dst, LPSTR src, USHORT limit, CHAR_SET CharSet ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
USHORT FAR PASCAL UzToAsciz( LPSTR dst, LPUBCHAR src, USHORT limit ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FcmCalcByteWidth( SHORT nBitWidth ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFB FAR PASCAL FcmEnumFontBuffers( HFB hLastBuffer ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL FcmValidateFC( HFB hFB ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL FcmUnvalidateFC( HFB hFB ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFB FAR PASCAL FcmCreateCacheBuffer( HFD hFD, HFF hFF, ULONG ulFont, LPVOID lpXform, USHORT usMinorCharSet, USHORT usAttribute ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL FcmDeleteCacheBuffer( HFB hFB ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FcmForceCacheIn( HFB hFB, LPUBCHAR lpubStr ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFC FAR PASCAL FcmGetFontContext( HFB hFB ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
USHORT FAR PASCAL FcmGetEUDCLeadByteRange( HFB hFB ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFB FAR PASCAL FcmGetEUDCFB( HFB hFB ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
VOID FAR PASCAL MapWifeFont( LPLOGFONT lpLogFont, LPVOID lpMapResult) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
WORD FAR PASCAL MiscRealizeWifeFont( LPLOGFONT lpLogFont, LPVOID lpExtFont, LPVOID lpTextXform) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MiscDeleteWifeFont( LPVOID lpExtFont) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
VOID FAR PASCAL FillFontInfo( LPVOID lpExtFont, LPIFIMETRICS lpIFIMetrics, HFD hFD, HFF hFF, LONG MetricsOrder ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FcmRequestImages( HFB hFB, LPVOID AnswerBuffer, short length
) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL FcmReleaseImages( HFB hFB, LPVOID AnswerBuffer, short length ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LPVOID FAR PASCAL MiscAddHugePtr( LPVOID src, ULONG offset ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
USHORT FAR PASCAL MiscGetSegmentIncrement( VOID ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFB FAR PASCAL FcmRequestDefaultFB( LPVOID lpFont, LPVOID lpTextXform ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL FcmReleaseDefaultFB( HFB hFB ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
DWORD FAR PASCAL FcmCalculateTextExtent( HFB hFB, LPSTR lpString, short count, LPVOID lpFont, LPVOID lpvoid, LPVOID lpXform, LPSHORT lpCharWidths, USHORT usMode ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FcmCalculateOutputPositions( HFB hFB, LPVOID lpFcmCharacteristics, SHORT nArrayLength, LPSHORT lpx, LPSHORT lpy, LPRECT lpClipRect, LPSTR FAR * lplpString, LPSHORT lpcount, LPVOID lpFont, LPVOID lpDrawMode, LPVOID lpXform, LPSHORT FAR * lplpCharWidths, USHORT usMode ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FcmCleanUp( VOID ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BYTE FAR PASCAL MiscConvertFontFamily( LPSTR szFamilyName ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BYTE FAR PASCAL MiscConvertCharSet( LPSTR CharSetString ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
VOID FAR PASCAL MiscIfiMetricsToLogFont( LPLOGFONT lpLogFont, LPIFIMETRICS lpIFIMetrics, USHORT usLogicalMapFlag ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
VOID FAR PASCAL MiscIfiMetricsToTextMetrics( LPTEXTMETRIC lpTextMetrics, LPIFIMETRICS lpIFIMetrics ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
VOID FAR PASCAL MiscMakeTextXform( LPVOID lpTXF, LPIFIMETRICS lpIM, LPLOGFONT lpLF ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
LONG FAR PASCAL FcmQueryFaceAttr( HFB hFB, ULONG iQuery, LPABC_TRIPLETS lpBuffer, ULONG cb, LPUBCHAR lpIndex, UBCHAR Start ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FcmProcessDeviceControl( HFB hFB, SHORT nFunction, LPVOID lpGI, LPVOID lpOutData ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MiscIsWifeControl( SHORT function ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MiscIsGaijiControl( SHORT function ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
USHORT FAR PASCAL FcmGetCharWidth( WORD hFB_, DWORD lpBuffer_, WORD wFirstChar_, WORD wLastChar_, DWORD lpFont_, DWORD lpDrawMode_, DWORD lpFontTrans_, WORD usExpandPixels_, WORD usMode_ ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MiscStretchMonoFontImage( LPVOID lpDestImage, USHORT usSizeOfDestX, USHORT usSizeOfDestY, LPVOID lpSrcImage, USHORT usSizeOfSrcX, USHORT usSizeOfSrcY ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LP_QUICK_SEARCH_TABLE FAR PASCAL MiscValidateQuickSearchTable( USHORT usLogicalMapFlag ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MiscUnvalidateQuickSearchTable( USHORT usLogicalMapFlag ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MiscRegisterNotifyFunction( LPVOID lpfnCallBack ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL MiscUnregisterNotifyFunction( LPVOID lpfnCallBack ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
HFB FAR PASCAL FcmRequestDefaultFBEx( LPVOID lpFont, LPVOID lpTextXform, WORD wControlFlag ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
VOID FAR PASCAL SetCloseOldestFCFunc(LPVOID lpfnCallbackFunc) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
HFC FAR PASCAL CachedOpenFontContext( HFD hFD, HFF hFF, ULONG ulFont, LPCONTEXTINFO lpContextInfo, SHORT sMinorCharSet, SHORT sAttribute ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL FillContextInfo( unsigned short ftHeight, unsigned short ftWidth, LPIFIMETRICS lpIfiMetrics, HFD hFD, LPCONTEXTINFO lpContextInfo, LPCONTEXTINFO lpContextInfoEUDC, LPVOID lpEUDCContext, BOOL FAR *lpbSelfMode ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
VOID FAR PASCAL GetEUDCFD( HFD FAR *lphFD, HFF FAR *lphFF ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
VOID FAR PASCAL GetDefaultFontInfo( LPVOID lpInfo ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
LPVOID FAR PASCAL DiagLocalLockAnything( LOCALHANDLE hAny ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
LPVOID FAR PASCAL DiagLocalUnlockAnything( LOCALHANDLE hAny ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL DiagGetConfirmString( LPSTR buffer, SHORT length ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL DiagSelfCheck( VOID ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
SHORT FAR PASCAL DiagSelfCheckAndWarning( VOID ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
VOID FAR PASCAL DebugAssertion( VOID ) {NotifyNoSuport();return ;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL DelayedInit( VOID ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}
BOOL FAR PASCAL FirstInit( VOID ) {NotifyNoSuport();return 0;}