Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements user mode exception tests.
David N. Cutler (davec) 18-Sep-1990
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "nt.h"
#include "ntrtl.h"
#include "setjmpex.h"
#include "float.h"
#pragma warning(disable:4532)
// Define switch constants.
#define BLUE 0
#define RED 1
// Define function prototypes.
VOID addtwo ( IN LONG First, IN LONG Second, IN PLONG Place );
VOID bar1 ( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN PLONG Counter );
VOID bar2 ( IN PLONG BlackHole, IN PLONG BadAddress, IN PLONG Counter );
VOID dojump ( IN jmp_buf JumpBuffer, IN PLONG Counter );
LONG Echo( IN LONG Value );
VOID eret ( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN PLONG Counter );
VOID except1 ( IN PLONG Counter );
ULONG except2 ( IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers, IN PLONG Counter );
ULONG except3 ( IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers, IN PLONG Counter );
VOID foo1 ( IN NTSTATUS Status );
VOID foo2 ( IN PLONG BlackHole, IN PLONG BadAddress );
VOID fret ( IN PLONG Counter );
VOID Test61Part2 ( IN OUT PULONG Counter );
VOID PerformFpTest( VOID );
double SquareDouble ( IN double op );
VOID SquareDouble17E300 ( OUT PVOID ans );
VOID __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] )
PLONG BadAddress; PCHAR BadByte; PLONG BlackHole; ULONG Index1; ULONG Index2 = RED; jmp_buf JumpBuffer; LONG Counter; EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord; double doubleresult;
// Announce start of exception test.
printf("Start of exception test\n");
// Initialize exception record.
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags = 0; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionRecord = NULL; ExceptionRecord.NumberParameters = 0;
// Initialize pointers.
BadAddress = (PLONG)NULL; BadByte = (PCHAR)NULL; BadByte += 1; BlackHole = &Counter;
// Simply try statement with a finally clause that is entered sequentially.
printf(" test1..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 1; } }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try statement with an exception clause that is never executed
// because there is no exception raised in the try clause.
printf(" test2..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1;
} except (Counter) { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 1) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try statement with an exception handler that is never executed
// because the exception expression continues execution.
printf(" test3..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter -= 1; RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord);
} except (Counter) { Counter -= 1; }
if (Counter != - 1) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try statement with an exception clause that is always executed.
printf(" test4..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except (Counter) { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try statement with an exception clause that is always executed.
printf(" test5..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; *BlackHole += *BadAddress;
} except (Counter) { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simply try statement with a finally clause that is entered as the
// result of an exception.
printf(" test6..."); Counter = 0; try { try { Counter += 1; RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord);
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() != FALSE) { Counter += 1; } }
} except (Counter) { if (Counter == 2) { Counter += 1; } }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simply try statement with a finally clause that is entered as the
// result of an exception.
printf(" test7..."); Counter = 0; try { try { Counter += 1; *BlackHole += *BadAddress;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() != FALSE) { Counter += 1; } }
} except (Counter) { if (Counter == 2) { Counter += 1; } }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try that calls a function which raises an exception.
printf(" test8..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; foo1(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION);
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try that calls a function which raises an exception.
printf(" test9..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; foo2(BlackHole, BadAddress);
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try that calls a function which calls a function that
// raises an exception. The first function has a finally clause
// that must be executed for this test to work.
printf(" test10..."); Counter = 0; try { bar1(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, &Counter);
if (Counter != 98) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try that calls a function which calls a function that
// raises an exception. The first function has a finally clause
// that must be executed for this test to work.
printf(" test11..."); Counter = 0; try { bar2(BlackHole, BadAddress, &Counter);
if (Counter != 98) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A try within an except
printf(" test12..."); Counter = 0; try { foo1(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION);
} except ((GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_SUCCESS) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { if (Counter != 1) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded..."); }
Counter += 1; } }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A try within an except
printf(" test13..."); Counter = 0; try { foo2(BlackHole, BadAddress);
} except ((GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_SUCCESS) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { if (Counter != 1) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded..."); }
Counter += 1; } }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A goto from an exception clause that needs to pass
// through a finally
printf(" test14..."); Counter = 0; try { try { foo1(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION);
} finally { Counter += 1; }
t9:; if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A goto from an finally clause that needs to pass
// through a finally
printf(" test15..."); Counter = 0; try { try { Counter += 1;
} finally { Counter += 1; goto t10; }
} finally { Counter += 1; }
t10:; if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A goto from an exception clause that needs to pass
// through a finally into the outer finally clause.
printf(" test16..."); Counter = 0; try { try { try { Counter += 1; foo1(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 1; goto t11; }
} finally { Counter += 1; } t11:; } finally { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 4) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A goto from an finally clause that needs to pass
// through a finally into the outer finally clause.
printf(" test17..."); Counter = 0; try { try { Counter += 1;
} finally { Counter += 1; goto t12; } t12:; } finally { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A return from an except clause
printf(" test18..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; eret(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, &Counter);
} finally { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 4) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A return from a finally clause
printf(" test19..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; fret(&Counter);
} finally { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 5) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A simple set jump followed by a long jump.
printf(" test20..."); Counter = 0; if (setjmp(JumpBuffer) == 0) { Counter += 1; longjmp(JumpBuffer, 1);
} else { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A set jump followed by a long jump out of a finally clause that is
// sequentially executed.
printf(" test21..."); Counter = 0; if (setjmp(JumpBuffer) == 0) { try { Counter += 1;
} finally { Counter += 1; longjmp(JumpBuffer, 1); }
} else { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A set jump within a try clause followed by a long jump out of a
// finally clause that is sequentially executed.
printf(" test22..."); Counter = 0; try { if (setjmp(JumpBuffer) == 0) { Counter += 1;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 1; if (Counter == 2) { Counter += 1; longjmp(JumpBuffer, 1); } }
if (Counter != 5) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A set jump followed by a try/except, followed by a try/finally where
// the try body of the try/finally raises an exception that is handled
// by the try/excecpt which causes the try/finally to do a long jump out
// of a finally clause. This will create a collided unwind.
printf(" test23..."); Counter = 0; if (setjmp(JumpBuffer) == 0) { try { try { Counter += 1; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} finally { Counter += 1; longjmp(JumpBuffer, 1); }
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 1; }
} else { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A set jump followed by a try/except, followed by a several nested
// try/finally's where the inner try body of the try/finally raises an
// exception that is handled by the try/except which causes the
// try/finally to do a long jump out of a finally clause. This will
// create a collided unwind.
printf(" test24..."); Counter = 0; if (setjmp(JumpBuffer) == 0) { try { try { try { try { Counter += 1; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} finally { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 1; longjmp(JumpBuffer, 1); }
} finally { Counter += 1; }
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 1; }
} else { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 5) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A set jump followed by a try/except, followed by a try/finally which
// calls a subroutine which contains a try finally that raises an
// exception that is handled to the try/except.
printf(" test25..."); Counter = 0; if (setjmp(JumpBuffer) == 0) { try { try { try { Counter += 1; dojump(JumpBuffer, &Counter);
} finally { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 1; }
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 1; }
} else { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 7) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// A set jump followed by a try/except, followed by a try/finally which
// calls a subroutine which contains a try finally that raises an
// exception that is handled to the try/except.
printf(" test26..."); Counter = 0; if (setjmp(JumpBuffer) == 0) { try { try { try { try { Counter += 1; dojump(JumpBuffer, &Counter);
} finally { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 1; longjmp(JumpBuffer, 1); }
} finally { Counter += 1; }
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 1; }
} else { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 8) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Test nested exceptions.
printf(" test27..."); Counter = 0; try { try { Counter += 1; except1(&Counter);
} except(except2(GetExceptionInformation(), &Counter)) { Counter += 2; }
} except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 55) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try that causes an integer overflow exception.
printf(" test28..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; addtwo(0x7fff0000, 0x10000, &Counter);
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Simple try that raises an misaligned data exception.
#ifndef i386
printf(" test29..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; foo2(BlackHole, (PLONG)BadByte);
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Continue from a try body with an exception clause in a loop.
printf(" test30..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 0) { continue;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 40; }
Counter += 2; }
if (Counter != 15) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Continue from a try body with an finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test31..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 0) { continue;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 40) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Continue from doubly nested try body with an exception clause in a
// loop.
printf(" test32..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 0) { continue;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 10; }
Counter += 2;
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 20; }
Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 30) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Continue from doubly nested try body with an finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test33..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 0) { continue;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 3;
} finally { Counter += 4; }
Counter += 5; }
if (Counter != 105) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Continue from a finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test34..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 0) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; continue; }
Counter += 4; }
if (Counter != 25) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Continue from a doubly nested finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test35..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 0) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; continue; }
Counter += 4;
} finally { Counter += 5; }
Counter += 6; }
if (Counter != 75) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Continue from a doubly nested finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test36..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 0) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 4;
} finally { Counter += 5; continue; }
Counter += 6; }
if (Counter != 115) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a try body with an exception clause in a loop.
printf(" test37..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 40; }
Counter += 2; }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a try body with an finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test38..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 8) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from doubly nested try body with an exception clause in a
// loop.
printf(" test39..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 10; }
Counter += 2;
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 20; }
Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 6) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from doubly nested try body with an finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test40..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 3;
} finally { Counter += 4; }
Counter += 5; }
if (Counter != 21) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test41..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; break; }
Counter += 4; }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a doubly nested finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test42..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; break; }
Counter += 4;
} finally { Counter += 5; }
Counter += 6; }
if (Counter != 7) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a doubly nested finally clause in a loop.
printf(" test43..."); Counter = 0; for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 4;
} finally { Counter += 5; break; }
Counter += 6; }
if (Counter != 11) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a try body with an exception clause in a switch.
printf(" test44..."); Counter = 0; Index1 = 1; switch (Index2) { case BLUE: Counter += 100; break;
case RED: try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 40; }
Counter += 2; break; }
if (Counter != 0) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a try body with an finally clause in a switch.
printf(" test45..."); Counter = 0; Index1 = 1; switch (Index2) { case BLUE: Counter += 100; break;
case RED: try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 2) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from doubly nested try body with an exception clause in a
// switch.
printf(" test46..."); Counter = 0; Index1 = 1; switch (Index2) { case BLUE: Counter += 100; break;
case RED: try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 10; }
Counter += 2;
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 20; }
Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 0) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from doubly nested try body with an finally clause in a switch.
printf(" test47..."); Counter = 0; Index1 = 1; switch (Index2) { case BLUE: Counter += 100; break;
case RED: try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { break;
} else { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 3;
} finally { Counter += 4; }
Counter += 5; }
if (Counter != 6) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a finally clause in a switch.
printf(" test48..."); Counter = 0; Index1 = 1; switch (Index2) { case BLUE: Counter += 100; break;
case RED: try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; break; }
Counter += 4; }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a doubly nested finally clause in a switch.
printf(" test49..."); Counter = 0; Index1 = 1; switch (Index2) { case BLUE: Counter += 100; break;
case RED: try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; break; }
Counter += 4;
} finally { Counter += 5; }
Counter += 6; }
if (Counter != 8) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Break from a doubly nested finally clause in a switch.
printf(" test50..."); Counter = 0; Index1 = 1; switch (Index2) { case BLUE: Counter += 100; break;
case RED: try { try { if ((Index1 & 0x1) == 1) { Counter += 1; }
} finally { Counter += 2; }
Counter += 4;
} finally { Counter += 5; break; }
Counter += 6; }
if (Counter != 12) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Leave from an if in a simple try/finally.
printf(" test51..."); Counter = 0; try { if (Echo(Counter) == Counter) { Counter += 3; leave;
} else { Counter += 100; }
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } }
if (Counter != 8) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Leave from a loop in a simple try/finally.
printf(" test52..."); Counter = 0; try { for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < 10; Index1 += 1) { if (Echo(Index1) == Index1) { Counter += 3; leave; }
Counter += 100; }
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } }
if (Counter != 8) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Leave from a switch in a simple try/finally.
printf(" test53..."); Counter = 0; try { switch (Index2) { case BLUE: break;
case RED: Counter += 3; leave; }
Counter += 100;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } }
if (Counter != 8) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Leave from an if in doubly nested try/finally followed by a leave
// from an if in the outer try/finally.
printf(" test54..."); Counter = 0; try { try { if (Echo(Counter) == Counter) { Counter += 3; leave;
} else { Counter += 100; }
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } }
if (Echo(Counter) == Counter) { Counter += 3; leave;
} else { Counter += 100; }
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } }
if (Counter != 16) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Leave from an if in doubly nested try/finally followed by a leave
// from the finally of the outer try/finally.
printf(" test55..."); Counter = 0; try { try { if (Echo(Counter) == Counter) { Counter += 3; leave;
} else { Counter += 100; }
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; leave; } }
Counter += 100;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } }
if (Counter != 13) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Try/finally within the except clause of a try/except that is always
// executed.
printf(" test56..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except (Counter) { try { Counter += 3;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } } }
if (Counter != 9) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Try/finally within the finally clause of a try/finally.
printf(" test57..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { try { Counter += 3;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } } } }
if (Counter != 9) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Try/except within the finally clause of a try/finally.
printf(" test58..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter -= 1;
} finally { try { Counter += 2; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except (Counter) { try { Counter += 3;
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() == FALSE) { Counter += 5; } } } }
if (Counter != 9) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); } */ //
// Try/except within the except clause of a try/except that is always
// executed.
printf(" test59..."); Counter = 0; try { Counter += 1; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except (Counter) { try { Counter += 3; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except(Counter - 3) { Counter += 5; } }
if (Counter != 9) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Try with a Try which exits the scope with a goto
printf(" test60..."); Counter = 0; try { try { goto outside;
} except(1) { Counter += 1; }
outside: RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except(1) { Counter += 3; }
if (Counter != 3) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter); } else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Try/except which gets an exception from a subfunction within
// a try/finally which has a try/except in the finally clause
printf(" test61..."); Counter = 0; try { Test61Part2 (&Counter); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Counter += 11; }
if (Counter != 24) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
// Check for precision of floating point exception
printf(" test62...");
/* enable floating point overflow */ _controlfp(_controlfp(0,0) & ~EM_OVERFLOW, _MCW_EM);
Counter = 0; try { doubleresult = SquareDouble (1.7e300);
try { doubleresult = SquareDouble (1.0);
} except (1) { Counter += 3; }
} except (1) { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 1) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
_clearfp ();
// Callout for test #63 due to bogus compiler behaviour caused by test #62.
PerformFpTest ();
// Announce end of exception test.
printf("End of exception test\n"); return; }
VOID PerformFpTest() { LONG Counter; double doubleresult;
// Check for precision of floating point exception in subfunction
printf(" test63...");
Counter = 0; try { SquareDouble17E300 ((PVOID) &doubleresult);
try { SquareDouble17E300 ((PVOID) &doubleresult);
} except (1) { Counter += 3; }
} except (1) { Counter += 1; }
if (Counter != 1) { printf("failed, count = %d\n", Counter);
} else { printf("succeeded\n"); }
_clearfp ();
VOID addtwo ( long First, long Second, long *Place )
RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW); *Place = First + Second; return; }
VOID bar1 ( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN PLONG Counter ) {
try { foo1(Status);
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() != FALSE) { *Counter = 99;
} else { *Counter = 100; } }
return; }
VOID bar2 ( IN PLONG BlackHole, IN PLONG BadAddress, IN PLONG Counter ) {
try { foo2(BlackHole, BadAddress);
} finally { if (abnormal_termination() != FALSE) { *Counter = 99;
} else { *Counter = 100; } }
return; }
VOID dojump ( IN jmp_buf JumpBuffer, IN PLONG Counter )
try { try { *Counter += 1; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} finally { *Counter += 1; }
} finally { *Counter += 1; longjmp(JumpBuffer, 1); } }
VOID eret( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN PLONG Counter )
try { try { foo1(Status);
} except ((GetExceptionCode() == Status) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { *Counter += 1; return; }
} finally { *Counter += 1; }
return; }
VOID except1 ( IN PLONG Counter )
try { *Counter += 5; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
} except (except3(GetExceptionInformation(), Counter)) { *Counter += 7; }
*Counter += 9; return; }
ULONG except2 ( IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers, IN PLONG Counter )
ExceptionRecord = ExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord; if ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL) && ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_NESTED_CALL) == 0)) { *Counter += 11; return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER;
} else { *Counter += 13; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } }
ULONG except3 ( IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers, IN PLONG Counter )
ExceptionRecord = ExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord; if ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW) && ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_NESTED_CALL) == 0)) { *Counter += 17; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL);
} else if ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL) && ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_NESTED_CALL) != 0)) { *Counter += 19; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; }
*Counter += 23; return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; }
VOID foo1 ( IN NTSTATUS Status )
// Raise exception.
RtlRaiseStatus(Status); return; }
VOID foo2 ( IN PLONG BlackHole, IN PLONG BadAddress )
// Raise exception.
*BlackHole += *BadAddress; return; }
VOID fret( IN PLONG Counter )
try { try { *Counter += 1;
} finally { *Counter += 1; return; } } finally { *Counter += 1; }
return; }
LONG Echo( IN LONG Value )
{ return Value; }
VOID Test61Part2 ( IN OUT PULONG Counter ) {
try { *Counter -= 1; RtlRaiseStatus(STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW); } finally { *Counter += 2; *Counter += 5; *Counter += 7; } }
double SquareDouble ( IN double op ) { return op * op; }
VOID SquareDouble17E300 ( OUT PVOID output ) { double ans;
ans = SquareDouble (1.7e300); *(double *) output = ans; }