// Need to include below 3 files for "IsNEC_98", even if DEBUGPERFTRACE does not defined.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <prsht.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#ifdef DBG
#include <objbase.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <spapip.h>
#include <ocmanage.h>
#include <ocmgrlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#ifdef UNICODE
#include <sfcapip.h>
#include "msg.h"
#include "res.h"
#if DBG
#define MYASSERT( exp ) \
if (!(exp)) \ RtlAssert( #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL )
#define MYASSERT( exp )
#endif // DBG
// Names of wizard page types.
extern LPCTSTR WizardPagesTypeNames[WizPagesTypeMax];
// Window handle of wizard dialog. Set when the OC Manager client
// calls OcRememberWizardDialogHandle.
extern HWND WizardDialogHandle;
// Name of sections and keys in infs.
extern LPCTSTR szComponents; extern LPCTSTR szOptionalComponents; extern LPCTSTR szExtraSetupFiles; extern LPCTSTR szNeeds; extern LPCTSTR szParent; extern LPCTSTR szIconIndex; extern LPCTSTR szTip; extern LPCTSTR szOptionDesc; extern LPCTSTR szInstalledFlag;
// Key in registry where private component data is kept.
// We form a unique name within this key for the OC Manager
// instantiation.
extern LPCTSTR szPrivateDataRoot; extern LPCTSTR szMasterInfs; extern LPCTSTR szSubcompList;
// Other string constants.
extern LPCTSTR szSetupDir; extern LPCTSTR szOcManagerErrors; //
// DLL module handle.
extern HMODULE MyModuleHandle;
// for debugging
extern DWORD gDebugLevel;
// Define structure describing an optional component.
typedef struct _OPTIONAL_COMPONENT { //
// String id of name of inf file in the OC Manager's
// InfListStringTable string table. If -1, then
// the subcomponent does not appear on the OC page.
LONG InfStringId;
// Backpointer to top level component
LONG TopLevelStringId;
// String id of parent component, -1 if none.
LONG ParentStringId;
// String id of first child, -1 if none.
LONG FirstChildStringId;
// Count of children.
UINT ChildrenCount;
// String id of next sibling, -1 if none.
LONG NextSiblingStringId;
// String ids of needs and needed by.
PLONG NeedsStringIds; UINT NeedsCount; PLONG NeededByStringIds; UINT NeededByCount;
// String ids of exclude and excluded by
PLONG ExcludeStringIds; UINT ExcludeCount; PLONG ExcludedByStringIds; UINT ExcludedByCount;
// Misc flags.
UINT InternalFlags;
// Approximation of required disk space.
LONGLONG SizeApproximation;
// Icon index of the component.
// -1 means we're supposed to get it from the component itself.
// -2 means we're supposed to use IconDll and IconResource
UINT IconIndex; TCHAR IconDll[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR IconResource[50];
// Selection state (SELSTATE_xxx constants).
UINT SelectionState; UINT OriginalSelectionState;
// Installation Flag as obtained from the inf
UINT InstalledState;
// Mode bits.
UINT ModeBits;
// Human-readable stuff describing the component.
// From here down, stuff is meaningful only for top-level components.
// Stuff describing the OC's installation DLL and how to call it.
TCHAR InstallationDllName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR InterfaceFunctionName[MAX_PATH];
HMODULE InstallationDll; POCSETUPPROC InstallationRoutine;
// Version of the OC Manager to which this component was written.
UINT ExpectedVersion;
// this flag indicates whether the subcomponent was intialialized
BOOL Exists;
// points to the helper context for this component
struct _HELPER_CONTEXT *HelperContext;
// Flags: ANSI/Unicode, etc.
UINT Flags;
// locale info
typedef struct _LOCALE { LCID lcid; TCHAR DecimalSeparator[4]; } LOCALE, *PLOCALE;
extern LOCALE locale;
// Indices for installation states.
#define INSTSTATE_NO 0
// Flags for InternalFlags member of OPTIONAL_COMPONENT structure.
#define OCFLAG_PROCESSED 0x00000001
#define OCFLAG_HIDE 0x00000008
#define OCFLAG_STATECHANGE 0x00000010
#define OCFLAG_TOPLEVELITEM 0x00000020
#define OCFLAG_NEWITEM 0x00000040
#define OCFLAG_NOWIZARDPAGES 0x00000080
#define OCFLAG_APPROXSPACE 0x00000100
// indicates an exception when calling a component
// values to sync copies with the OS
#define OC_ALLOWRENAME TEXT("AllowProtectedRenames")
// Define structure describing a per-component inf.
typedef struct _OC_INF { //
// Handle to open inf file.
HINF Handle;
// Define structure corresponding to an instance of the OC Manager.
// This is actually somewhat broken, in that this actually closely corresponds
// to a master OC INF, and we might want to consider breaking out the string
// tables into another structure, so we can more easily achieve a unified
// namespace if we have multiple master OC INFs at play simultaneously.
typedef struct _OC_MANAGER { //
// Callbacks into OC Manaer client.
// Handle of Master OC INF.
HINF MasterOcInf;
// unattended inf handle
HINF UnattendedInf;
// Master OC Inf file, and unattended file
TCHAR MasterOcInfPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR UnattendedInfPath[MAX_PATH];
// we run from whatever directory the master inf is in
// Name of "suite" -- in other words, a shortname that
// is unique to the master OC inf that this structure represents.
// We base it on the name of the master OC inf itself.
// page titles
TCHAR SetupPageTitle[MAX_PATH];
// window title
TCHAR WindowTitle[MAX_PATH];
// List of per-component OC INFs currently loaded.
// Each inf's name is in the string table and the extra data
// for each is an OC_INF structure.
PVOID InfListStringTable;
// String table for names of all components and subcomponents.
// Extra data for each is an OPTIONAL_COMPONENT structure.
PVOID ComponentStringTable;
// pointer to OcSetupPage structure so we can free this data
// if the user cancels before we get to the wizard page.
PVOID OcSetupPage;
// Setup mode (custom, typical, etc)
UINT SetupMode;
// List of top-level optional component string IDs.
// This is necessary because we need to preserve ordering
// from the master OC Inf.
UINT TopLevelOcCount; PLONG TopLevelOcStringIds; UINT TopLevelParentOcCount; PLONG TopLevelParentOcStringIds;
// Are there subcomponents on the details page?
BOOL SubComponentsPresent;
// Each element in this array points to an array that
// gives ordering for querying wizard pages from the optional components.
PLONG WizardPagesOrder[WizPagesTypeMax];
// Subkey relative to szPrivateDataRoot where private
// data for components plugged into the OC will live.
// 2 8-char DWORD representations plus a separator and nul.
TCHAR PrivateDataSubkey[18]; HKEY hKeyPrivateData; HKEY hKeyPrivateDataRoot;
// If we are completing installation, this item is the window handle
// of the progress text control.
HWND ProgressTextWindow;
// String id of component currently processing an interface routine.
// -1 means the OC manager is not currently processing one.
LONG CurrentComponentStringId;
// Component Ids of aborted components
PLONG AbortedComponentIds; UINT AbortedCount;
// Various flags
UINT InternalFlags;
// setup data
// Flags for InternalFlags member of OC_MANAGER structure
#define OCMFLAG_NEWINF 0x00000008
#define OCMFLAG_USERCANCELED 0x00000010
#define OCMFLAG_FILEABORT 0x00000020
#define OCMFLAG_NOPREOCPAGES 0x00000040
#define OCMFLAG_KILLSUBCOMPS 0x00000080
#define OCMFLAG_ANYINSTALLED 0x00000100
#define OCMFLAG_RUNQUIET 0x00000400
#define OCMFLAG_LANGUAGEAWARE 0x00000800
// Define structure we use to get back to a particular component
// when a component calls a helper routine asynchronously (for routines
// such as get and set private data).
// As each component is initialized it gets one of these structures.
// Macros for callbacks. Assumes there is a local variable called OcManager
// that is of type POC_MANAGER.
#define OcFillInSetupDataA(p) OcManager->Callbacks.FillInSetupDataA(p)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define OcFillInSetupDataW(p) OcManager->Callbacks.FillInSetupDataW(p)
#define OcLogError OcManager->Callbacks.LogError
// Global table of helper routines.
extern OCMANAGER_ROUTINESA HelperRoutinesA; #ifdef UNICODE
extern OCMANAGER_ROUTINESW HelperRoutinesW; #endif
extern EXTRA_ROUTINESA ExtraRoutinesA; #ifdef UNICODE
extern EXTRA_ROUTINESW ExtraRoutinesW; #endif
// ocm phase ids for reporting errors with
typedef enum { pidCallComponent = 0, pidLoadComponent, pidPreInit, pidInitComponent, pidRequestPages, pidCalcDiskSpace, pidQueueFileOps, pidQueryStepCount, pidCompleteInstallation, pidExtraRoutines } pid;
// Misc routines.
VOID pOcGetApproximateDiskSpace( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager );
LONG pOcGetTopLevelComponent( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG StringId );
VOID pOcTickSetupGauge( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager );
UINT _LogError( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN OcErrorLevel ErrorLevel, IN UINT MessageId, ... );
UINT pOcCreateComponentSpecificMiniIcon( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN UINT Width, IN UINT Height, IN LPCTSTR DllName, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR ResourceId OPTIONAL );
VOID pOcUpdateParentSelectionStates( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN HWND ListBox, OPTIONAL IN LONG SubcomponentStringId );
BOOL OcHelperConfirmCancel( IN HWND ParentWindow );
BOOL pOcDoesAnyoneWantToSkipPage( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN OcManagerPage WhichPage );
VOID pOcExternalProgressIndicator( IN PHELPER_CONTEXT OcManagerContext, IN BOOL ExternalIndicator );
BOOL pConvertStringToLongLong( IN PCTSTR String, OUT PLONGLONG Value );
VOID pOcFreeOcSetupPage( IN PVOID SetupPageData );
HRESULT FTestForOutstandingCoInits( VOID );
// wrapper for calling components
DWORD CallComponent( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN POPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc, IN LPCVOID ComponentId, IN LPCVOID SubcomponentId, IN UINT Function, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN OUT PVOID Param2 );
// Interfacing routines.
UINT OcInterfacePreinitialize( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId );
UINT OcInterfaceInitComponent( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId );
UINT OcInterfaceExtraRoutines( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId );
SubComponentState OcInterfaceQueryState( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN UINT WhichState );
BOOL OcInterfaceSetLanguage( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN WORD LanguageId );
HBITMAP OcInterfaceQueryImage( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN SubComponentInfo WhichImage, IN UINT DesiredWidth, IN UINT DesiredHeight );
HBITMAP OcInterfaceQueryImageEx( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN SubComponentInfo WhichImage, IN UINT DesiredWidth, IN UINT DesiredHeight );
VOID OcInterfaceWizardCreated( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN HWND DialogHandle );
UINT OcInterfaceRequestPages( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN WizardPagesType WhichPages, OUT PSETUP_REQUEST_PAGES *RequestPages );
BOOL OcInterfaceQuerySkipPage( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN OcManagerPage WhichPage );
BOOL OcInterfaceNeedMedia( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN PSOURCE_MEDIA SourceMedia, OUT LPTSTR NewPath );
BOOL OcInterfaceFileBusy( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN PFILEPATHS FIlePaths, OUT LPTSTR NewPath );
BOOL OcInterfaceQueryChangeSelState( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN BOOL Selected, IN UINT Flags );
UINT OcInterfaceCalcDiskSpace( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN HDSKSPC DiskSpaceList, IN BOOL AddingToList );
UINT OcInterfaceQueueFileOps( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN HSPFILEQ FileQueue );
UINT OcInterfaceQueryStepCount( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, OUT PUINT StepCount );
UINT OcInterfaceCompleteInstallation( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LPCTSTR Subcomponent, IN BOOL PreQueueCommit );
VOID OcInterfaceCleanup( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId );
DWORD StandAloneSetupAppInterfaceRoutine( IN LPCVOID ComponentId, IN LPCVOID SubcomponentId, IN UINT Function, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN OUT PVOID Param2 );
// Persistent state fetch/store
BOOL pOcFetchInstallStates( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager );
BOOL pOcRememberInstallStates( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager );
BOOL pOcSetOneInstallState( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG StringId );
BOOL pOcRemoveComponent( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN DWORD PhaseId );
BOOL pOcComponentWasRemoved( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId );
BOOL pOcHelperReportExternalError( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LONG SubcomponentId, OPTIONAL IN DWORD_PTR MessageId, IN DWORD Flags, ... ); //
// Use this flag to call OcHelperReportExternalError and use
// a Message ID defined in the OCManage.dll
#define ERRFLG_OCM_MESSAGE 0x80000000
BOOL OcHelperClearExternalError ( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG ComponentId, IN LONG SubcomponentId OPTIONAL );
// Debuging stuff
#if DBG
#define _OC_DBG
// should not be defined for retail release!!!
#define _OC_DBG
VOID _ErrOut( IN LPCTSTR Format, ... );
VOID _WrnOut( IN LPCTSTR Format, ... );
VOID _TrcOut( IN LPCTSTR Format, ... );
#define ERR(x) _ErrOut x
// these guys are switched out in a free build.
#ifdef _OC_DBG
#define TRACE(x) _TrcOut x
#define WRN(x) _WrnOut x
#define DBGOUT(x) \
if (gDebugLevel >= 100) _TrcOut x #else
#define TRACE(x)
#define WRN(x)
#define DBGOUT(x)
// Normally a call to tmbox is for debug tracing and all such calls
// should be removed before checking in. However, if called through
// the mbox() macro, this indicates the call is meant to ship.
DWORD tmbox( LPCTSTR fmt, ... );
#define mbox tmbox