Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines to run an optional component selection wizard page and friends (details, have disk, etc).
Ted Miller (tedm) 17-Sep-1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Maximum number of levels in the OC hierarchy.
// 10 is really generous.
#define MAX_OC_LEVELS 10
// Max number of depenedent components displayed
// in the remove components Msgbox
#define MAX_DISPLAY_IDS 10
// Window messages.
// Internal flag to force routines to turn components on or off
#define OCQ_FORCE 0x40000000
#define OCQ_SKIPDISKCALC 0x20000000
#define OCQ_COLLECT_NEEDS 0x10000000
// Structure used to track parentage within the optional component page.
typedef struct _OCPAGE { //
// OC Manager structure.
// Parent string id.
LONG ParentStringId;
// Information about the dialog controls on main wizard page
// and on "details" pages.
OC_PAGE_CONTROLS WizardPageControlsInfo; OC_PAGE_CONTROLS DetailsPageControlsInfo;
// Pointer to actual set of controls in use.
// Disk space list to use when interacting with OC DLLs.
HDSKSPC DiskSpaceList;
// Flag indicating whether we've set initial states.
BOOL AlreadySetInitialStates;
// Format string for 'space needed' text, fetched from the
// dialog at init time (something like "%u.%u MB").
TCHAR SpaceNeededTextFormat[64];
// Format string for 'x or y components selected' text, fetched from the
// dialog at init time (something like "%u of %u components selected").
TCHAR InstalledCountTextFormat[100];
// String ids that we collect during selection changes to ask
// the user if it is Ok to change these as well
PLONG StringIds; UINT StringIdsCount;
// Values we sock away in case the user cancels at an OC details page,
// so we can easily restore things.
HDSKSPC OldDiskSpaceList; PVOID OldComponentStrTab;
// Structure used when enumerating the component string table to populate
// the list box.
typedef struct _POPULATE_ENUM_PARAMS { //
// Master context structure.
// List box being populated.
HWND ListBox;
// String ID of desired parent. This is how we deal with only
// those subcomponents we actually care about.
LONG DesiredParent;
WNDPROC OldListBoxProc;
INT_PTR CALLBACK pOcPageDlgProc( IN HWND hdlg, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam );
BOOL pAskUserOkToChange( IN HWND hDlg, IN LONG OcStringId, IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN BOOL TurningOn );
VOID pOcListBoxHighlightChanged( IN HWND hdlg, IN OUT POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox );
VOID pOcSetInstalledCountText( IN HWND hdlg, IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN POPTIONAL_COMPONENT OptionalComponent, OPTIONAL IN LONG OcStringId );
VOID pOcListBoxChangeSelectionState( IN HWND hdlg, IN OUT POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox );
VOID pOcInvalidateRectInListBox( IN HWND ListBox, IN LPCTSTR OptionalComponent OPTIONAL );
BOOL pChangeSubcomponentState( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox, IN LONG SubcomponentStringId, IN UINT Pass, IN UINT NewState, IN UINT Flags );
VOID pOcUpdateParentSelectionStates( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN HWND ListBox, OPTIONAL IN LONG SubcomponentStringId );
VOID pOcUpdateSpaceNeededText( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND hdlg );
BOOL pOcIsDiskSpaceOk( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND hdlg );
LRESULT pOcListBoxSubClassWndProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam );
BOOL pOcPagePopulateListBox( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox, IN LONG DesiredParent );
BOOL pOcPopulateListBoxStringTableCB( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN LPCTSTR String, IN POPTIONAL_COMPONENT OptionalComponent, IN UINT OptionalComponentSize, IN PPOPULATE_ENUM_PARAMS Params );
LONG pOcGetTopLevelComponent( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG StringId );
VOID pOcGetMbAndMbTenths( IN LONGLONG Number, OUT PUINT MbCount, OUT PUINT MbTenthsCount );
VOID pOcSetStates( IN OUT POCPAGE OcPage );
BOOL pOcSetStatesStringWorker( IN LONG StringId, IN UINT OverRideState, IN POCPAGE OcPage );
BOOL pOcSetNeededComponentState( IN LONG StringId, IN UINT OverRideState, IN POCPAGE OcPage );
UINT GetComponentState( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN LONG StringId );
#ifdef _OC_DBG
VOID pOcPrintStates( IN POCPAGE OcPage ); #endif
HPROPSHEETPAGE OcCreateOcPage( IN PVOID OcManagerContext, IN POC_PAGE_CONTROLS WizardPageControlsInfo, IN POC_PAGE_CONTROLS DetailsPageControlsInfo )
Routine Description:
This routine creates the optional component selection page using a particular dialog template.
OcManagerContext - supplies Optional Component Manager context, as returned by OcInitialize().
WizardPageControlsInfo - supplies information about the controls in the template for the top-level/wizard page.
DetailsPageControlsInfo - supplies information about the controls in the template for the top-level/wizard page.
Return Value:
Handle to newly created property sheet page, or NULL if failure (assume out of memory in this case).
// Allocate and initialize the OCPAGE structure.
OcPage = pSetupMalloc(sizeof(OCPAGE)); if (!OcPage) { goto c0; } ZeroMemory(OcPage,sizeof(OCPAGE));
OcPage->OcManager = OcManagerContext; OcPage->WizardPageControlsInfo = *WizardPageControlsInfo; OcPage->DetailsPageControlsInfo = *DetailsPageControlsInfo; OcPage->ControlsInfo = &OcPage->WizardPageControlsInfo; OcPage->ParentStringId = -1;
// Create the disk space list object.
OcPage->DiskSpaceList = SetupCreateDiskSpaceList(0,0,SPDSL_DISALLOW_NEGATIVE_ADJUST); if (!OcPage->DiskSpaceList) { goto c1; }
// Initialize the property sheet page parameters.
Page.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); Page.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; Page.hInstance = WizardPageControlsInfo->TemplateModule; Page.pszTemplate = WizardPageControlsInfo->TemplateResource; Page.pfnDlgProc = pOcPageDlgProc; Page.lParam = (LPARAM)OcPage; Page.pszHeaderTitle = NULL; Page.pszHeaderSubTitle = NULL;
if (WizardPageControlsInfo->HeaderText) { if (LoadString(Page.hInstance, WizardPageControlsInfo->HeaderText, buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(TCHAR))) { Page.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE; Page.pszHeaderTitle = _tcsdup(buffer); } }
if (WizardPageControlsInfo->SubheaderText) { if (LoadString(Page.hInstance, WizardPageControlsInfo->SubheaderText, buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(TCHAR))) { Page.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE; Page.pszHeaderSubTitle = _tcsdup(buffer); } }
// Create the property sheet page itself.
hPage = CreatePropertySheetPage(&Page); if (!hPage) { goto c2; }
return (hPage);
c2: if (Page.pszHeaderTitle) { free((LPTSTR)Page.pszHeaderTitle); } if (Page.pszHeaderSubTitle) { free((LPTSTR)Page.pszHeaderSubTitle); } SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList(OcPage->DiskSpaceList); c1: pSetupFree(OcPage); c0: return (NULL); }
INT_PTR CALLBACK pOcPageDlgProc( IN HWND hdlg, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam )
Routine Description:
Dialog procedure for the OC selection page.
Standard dialog procedure arguments.
Return Value:
Standard dialog procedure return value.
{ BOOL b; POCPAGE OcPage; NMHDR *NotifyParams; HWND ListBox; HIMAGELIST ImageList; static BOOL UserClickedCancelOnThisPage = FALSE; MSG msgTemp; HCURSOR OldCursor;
// Get pointer to OcPage data structure. If we haven't processed
// WM_INITDIALOG yet, then this will be NULL, but it's still pretty
// convenient to do this here once instead of all over the place below.
if (OcPage = (POCPAGE)GetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_USER)) { ListBox = GetDlgItem(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->ListBox); } else { ListBox = NULL; } b = FALSE;
switch (msg) {
// Get the pointer to the OC Manager context structure and stick it
// in a window long.
OcPage = (POCPAGE)((PROPSHEETPAGE *)lParam)->lParam; ListBox = GetDlgItem(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->ListBox); SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_USER,(LPARAM)OcPage);
// Subclass the listview.
OldListBoxProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(ListBox,GWLP_WNDPROC,(LONG_PTR)pOcListBoxSubClassWndProc);
// Populate the listbox.
// Fetch the space needed text.
GetDlgItemText( hdlg, OcPage->ControlsInfo->SpaceNeededText, OcPage->SpaceNeededTextFormat, sizeof(OcPage->SpaceNeededTextFormat)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
GetDlgItemText( hdlg, OcPage->ControlsInfo->InstalledCountText, OcPage->InstalledCountTextFormat, sizeof(OcPage->InstalledCountTextFormat)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
// If this has a parent component, then assume it's a details page
// and set the window title to the description of the parent.
// If it has no parent, then assume it's the top-level guy and
// set the instructions text, which is too long for the rc file.
if (OcPage->ParentStringId == -1) {
TCHAR Instr[1024];
} else {
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, OcPage->ParentStringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Set component list header
{ TCHAR FormatString[150]; TCHAR Title[1000];
LoadString( MyModuleHandle, IDS_SUBCOMP_OF, FormatString, sizeof(FormatString)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
wsprintf(Title,FormatString,Oc.Description); SetDlgItemText(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->ComponentHeaderText,Title); } }
b = TRUE; break;
if (OcPage && OcPage->ControlsInfo == &OcPage->WizardPageControlsInfo) {
if (UserClickedCancelOnThisPage) {
pOcFreeOcSetupPage(OcPage->OcManager->OcSetupPage); OcPage->OcManager->OcSetupPage = NULL; }
SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList(OcPage->DiskSpaceList); OcPage->DiskSpaceList = NULL;
if (OcPage->StringIds) { pSetupFree(OcPage->StringIds); OcPage->StringIds = NULL; }
pSetupFree(OcPage); SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_USER,(LPARAM)NULL); break; }
// Height is height of text/small icon, plus space for a border.
{ HDC hdc; SIZE size; int cy;
hdc = GetDC(hdlg); if (hdc) { SelectObject(hdc,(HFONT)SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),WM_GETFONT,0,0)); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc,TEXT("W"),1,&size); ReleaseDC(hdlg,hdc); } else { size.cy = 0; }
cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
((MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *)lParam)->itemHeight = max(size.cy,cy) + (2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER)); } b = TRUE; break;
pOcDrawLineInListBox(OcPage,(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam); b = TRUE; break;
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
case IDOK:
if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { //
// Only possible from details dialog.
EndDialog(hdlg,TRUE); b = TRUE; } break;
if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { //
// Only possible from details dialog.
EndDialog(hdlg,FALSE); b = TRUE; } break;
if ((LOWORD(wParam) == OcPage->ControlsInfo->DetailsButton) && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)) { //
// Details button. Fake out WM_INITDIALOG so lParam is right.
i = (int)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0);
NewOcPage = *OcPage; NewOcPage.ControlsInfo = &NewOcPage.DetailsPageControlsInfo; NewOcPage.ParentStringId = (LONG)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETITEMDATA,i,0);
// Preserve the disk space list and component string table
// in case the user cancels the details page. Then we can
// easily restore things.
OcPage->OldDiskSpaceList = SetupDuplicateDiskSpaceList( NewOcPage.DiskSpaceList, 0,0,0 );
OcPage->OldComponentStrTab = pSetupStringTableDuplicate( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable );
Page.lParam = (LPARAM)&NewOcPage;
i = (int)DialogBoxParam( NewOcPage.DetailsPageControlsInfo.TemplateModule, NewOcPage.DetailsPageControlsInfo.TemplateResource, hdlg, pOcPageDlgProc, (LPARAM)&Page );
if (i == TRUE) {
SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList(OcPage->OldDiskSpaceList); OcPage->DiskSpaceList = NewOcPage.DiskSpaceList;
pSetupStringTableDestroy(OcPage->OldComponentStrTab); OcPage->OldComponentStrTab = NULL;
// Force repaint of the listbox, which redraws the checkboxes.
// Update count of installed subcomponents.
pOcSetInstalledCountText( hdlg, OcPage, NULL, (LONG)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETITEMDATA,SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0),0) );
} else {
pSetupStringTableDestroy(OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable); OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable = OcPage->OldComponentStrTab;
SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList(NewOcPage.DiskSpaceList); NewOcPage.DiskSpaceList = NULL; OcPage->DiskSpaceList = OcPage->OldDiskSpaceList; } OcPage->OldDiskSpaceList = NULL; OcPage->OldComponentStrTab = NULL;
// It won't hurt anything to do this even in the cancel/failure case,
// and this will update the space available.
b = TRUE; }
if (LOWORD(wParam) == OcPage->ControlsInfo->ListBox) {
switch (HIWORD(wParam)) {
case LBN_DBLCLK: //
// Double-click is the same as hitting the details button.
// First make sure the details button is enabled.
if (IsWindowEnabled(GetDlgItem(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->DetailsButton))) {
PostMessage( hdlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(OcPage->ControlsInfo->DetailsButton,BN_CLICKED), (LPARAM)GetDlgItem(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->DetailsButton) );
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)); } b = TRUE; break;
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_WAIT)); pOcListBoxHighlightChanged(hdlg,OcPage,ListBox); SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)); b = TRUE; break; } } } break;
NotifyParams = (NMHDR *)lParam;
switch (NotifyParams->code) {
case PSN_QUERYCANCEL: if (OcPage->OcManager->SetupData.OperationFlags & SETUPOP_STANDALONE) {
b = FALSE; OcPage->OcManager->InternalFlags |= OCMFLAG_USERCANCELED; UserClickedCancelOnThisPage = TRUE;
SetWindowLongPtr( hdlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, b ); }
b = TRUE; break;
// Set states based on mode bits, if necessary.
OldCursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT));
if (!OcPage->AlreadySetInitialStates) { if ( OcPage->DiskSpaceList ) { SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList(OcPage->DiskSpaceList); OcPage->DiskSpaceList=NULL; } OcPage->DiskSpaceList = SetupCreateDiskSpaceList(0,0,SPDSL_DISALLOW_NEGATIVE_ADJUST); sapiAssert(OcPage->DiskSpaceList);
pOcSetStates(OcPage); OcPage->AlreadySetInitialStates = TRUE; } #ifdef _OC_DBG
pOcPrintStates(OcPage); #endif
// we want to empty the message cue to make sure that
// people will see this page, and not accidentally click
// next because they were antsy
while (PeekMessage(&msgTemp,NULL,WM_MOUSEFIRST,WM_MOUSELAST,PM_REMOVE)); while (PeekMessage(&msgTemp,NULL,WM_KEYFIRST,WM_KEYLAST,PM_REMOVE)); SetCursor(OldCursor);
if (OcPage->OcManager->SetupData.OperationFlags & SETUPOP_STANDALONE) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),SW_SHOW); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),TRUE); } else { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),FALSE); }
// turn off 'back' button if this is the first page
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hdlg), (OcPage->OcManager->InternalFlags & OCMFLAG_NOPREOCPAGES) ? PSWIZB_NEXT : PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT);
// See whether any component wants to skip this page
// or if we are running in unattended mode.
// If so, disallow activation and move to next page;
// if not then fall through to allow activation of the page.
if (((OcPage->OcManager->SetupData.OperationFlags & SETUPOP_BATCH) || pOcDoesAnyoneWantToSkipPage(OcPage->OcManager,OcPageComponentHierarchy)) && pOcIsDiskSpaceOk(OcPage,hdlg)) {
// Skiping this page...
// Set Initial State to false because when we
// back up from the next page we will go to the
// Previos page.
OcPage->AlreadySetInitialStates = FALSE; SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,-1); } else { SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,0); } b = TRUE; break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: //
// Check disk space. If not OK, stop here.
// Otherwise allow advancing.
SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,pOcIsDiskSpaceOk(OcPage,hdlg) ? 0 : -1); b = TRUE; break;
// Restore the wizard's cancel button if we removed it earlier
if (OcPage->OcManager->SetupData.OperationFlags & SETUPOP_STANDALONE) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),SW_SHOW); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),TRUE); } // pass through
// Allow activation/motion.
SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_MSGRESULT,0); b = TRUE; break; } break;
// User changed the selection state of an item.
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_WAIT)); pOcListBoxChangeSelectionState(hdlg,OcPage,ListBox);
pOcSetInstalledCountText( hdlg, OcPage, NULL, (LONG)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETITEMDATA,SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0),0) );
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)); b = TRUE;
break; }
return (b); }
LRESULT pOcListBoxSubClassWndProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam )
Routine Description:
Subclass window procecure for listbox controls to handle the following:
- Highlighting/selection of an item when the user clicks its state icon
- Spacebar needs to be interpreted as a click on the state icon.
Standard window procedure arguments.
Return Value:
Standard window procedure return value.
{ int index; LRESULT l;
if (OldListBoxProc == NULL) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Warning: old list box proc is NULL\n")); sapiAssert(FALSE && "Warning: old list box proc is NULL\n"); }
switch (msg) {
// We want to let the standard list box window proc
// set selection regardless of what else we do.
l = CallWindowProc(OldListBoxProc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam);
// If we're over a state icon, then toggle selection state.
if (LOWORD(lParam) < GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON)) { if (SendMessage(hwnd, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, lParam) < SendMessage(hwnd, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)) { PostMessage(GetParent(hwnd),WMX_SELSTATECHANGE,0,0); } } break;
// Ignore double-clicks over the state icon.
if (LOWORD(lParam) < GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON)) { l = 0; } else { l = CallWindowProc(OldListBoxProc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } break;
case WM_KEYDOWN: //
// Catch space bar and treat as a click on the state icon.
if (wParam == VK_SPACE) { PostMessage(GetParent(hwnd),WMX_SELSTATECHANGE,0,0); l = 0; } else { l = CallWindowProc(OldListBoxProc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } break;
default: //
// Let the standard listview window proc handle it.
l = CallWindowProc(OldListBoxProc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); break; }
return (l); }
Routine Description:
Paint a line in the owner-draw listbox, including a state icon, mini-icon, and text.
OcPage - supplies OC page context.
Params - supplies the draw-item structure.
Return Value:
{ TCHAR Text[MAXOCDESC]; TCHAR Text2[128]; SIZE Size; int OldMode; DWORD OldBackColor,OldTextColor; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc; UINT IconId; int x; UINT Length; UINT Mb,Tenths; TCHAR Dll[MAX_PATH]; LPCTSTR pDll,Resource; LPTSTR p;
if ((int)Params->itemID < 0) { return; }
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, (LONG)Params->itemData, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
Length = (UINT)SendMessage(Params->hwndItem,LB_GETTEXT,Params->itemID,(LPARAM)Text), GetTextExtentPoint32(Params->hDC,Text,Length,&Size);
if (Params->itemAction != ODA_FOCUS) {
OldMode = GetBkMode(Params->hDC);
OldBackColor = SetBkColor( Params->hDC, GetSysColor((Params->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT : COLOR_WINDOW) );
OldTextColor = SetTextColor( Params->hDC, GetSysColor((Params->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT : COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) );
// Fill in the background (before mini-icon is drawn!)
// Draw check box mini-icon.
switch (Oc.SelectionState) {
case SELSTATE_NO: IconId = 13; break;
case SELSTATE_YES: IconId = 12; break;
case SELSTATE_PARTIAL: IconId = 25; break;
default: IconId = 0; break; }
x = SetupDiDrawMiniIcon( Params->hDC, Params->rcItem, IconId, (Params->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? MAKELONG(DMI_BKCOLOR, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) : 0 );
Params->rcItem.left += x;
// Draw mini-icon for this OC and move string accordingly
if ((INT)Oc.IconIndex < 0) { //
// Component-supplied miniicon. We query the component dll for the bitmap,
// which gets added to the mini icon list in setupapi, and thus we can
// use SetupDiDrawMiniIcon(). Save the index for future use -- we only
// go through this code path once per subcomponent.
if (Oc.IconIndex == (UINT)(-2)) {
pOcFormSuitePath(OcPage->OcManager->SuiteName,Oc.IconDll,Dll); pDll = Dll; Resource = MAKEINTRESOURCE(_tcstoul(Oc.IconResource,&p,10)); //
// If the char that stopped the conversion in _tcstoul is
// not the terminating nul then the value is not a valid
// base-10 number; assume it's a name in string form.
if (*p) { Resource = Oc.IconResource; } } else { pDll = NULL; Resource = NULL; }
Oc.IconIndex = pOcCreateComponentSpecificMiniIcon( OcPage->OcManager, pOcGetTopLevelComponent(OcPage->OcManager,(LONG)Params->itemData), pSetupStringTableStringFromId( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, (LONG)Params->itemData ), x-2, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), pDll, Resource );
pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, (LONG)Params->itemData, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); }
x = SetupDiDrawMiniIcon( Params->hDC, Params->rcItem, Oc.IconIndex, (Params->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? MAKELONG(DMI_BKCOLOR, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) : 0 );
// Draw the text transparently on top of the background
ExtTextOut( Params->hDC, x + Params->rcItem.left, Params->rcItem.top + ((Params->rcItem.bottom - Params->rcItem.top) - Size.cy) / 2, 0, NULL, Text, Length, NULL );
pOcGetMbAndMbTenths(Oc.SizeApproximation,&Mb,&Tenths); LoadString(MyModuleHandle,IDS_MB_AND_TENTHS,Text2,sizeof(Text2)/sizeof(TCHAR)); wsprintf(Text,Text2,Mb,locale.DecimalSeparator,Tenths); GetTextExtentPoint32(Params->hDC,Text,lstrlen(Text),&Size); Params->rcItem.left = Params->rcItem.right - Size.cx - 8;
ExtTextOut( Params->hDC, Params->rcItem.left, Params->rcItem.top + ((Params->rcItem.bottom - Params->rcItem.top) - Size.cy) / 2, 0, NULL, Text, lstrlen(Text), NULL );
// Restore hdc colors.
SetBkColor(Params->hDC,OldBackColor); SetTextColor(Params->hDC,OldTextColor); SetBkMode(Params->hDC,OldMode); }
if ((Params->itemAction == ODA_FOCUS) || (Params->itemState & ODS_FOCUS)) { DrawFocusRect(Params->hDC,&Params->rcItem); } }
VOID pOcListBoxHighlightChanged( IN HWND hdlg, IN OUT POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox )
Routine Description:
This routine handles a change in the highlight in the listbox control in the oc page. It enables or disables the details button based on whether the newly selected component has children subcomponents, and changes the tip text.
hdlg - supplies window handle of OC page
OcPage - supplies OC page context structure
ListBox - supplies window handle of list view control in hdlg
Return Value:
// Fetch the optional component data for the highlighted/slected item.
i = (int)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0); if (i < 0) { return; }
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, (LONG)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETITEMDATA,i,0), &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Enable/disable the details button.
// The selected item's lParam is the string id for the selected item.
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->DetailsButton), Oc.FirstChildStringId != -1 );
// Change the tip text.
// Set up the count of installed subcomponents.
pOcSetInstalledCountText(hdlg,OcPage,&Oc,0); }
VOID pOcSetInstalledCountText( IN HWND hdlg, IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN POPTIONAL_COMPONENT OptionalComponent, OPTIONAL IN LONG OcStringId ) { TCHAR Text[256]; UINT TotalCount; UINT SelectedCount; HWND TextWindow; DWORD Args[2]; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc; BOOL b;
if (OptionalComponent) { Oc = *OptionalComponent; } else { pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, OcStringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); }
TextWindow = GetDlgItem(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->InstalledCountText);
// Set up the count ("1 of 3 items selected").
// If this is not a parent component, then hide that text item.
if (Oc.FirstChildStringId == -1) { ShowWindow(TextWindow,SW_HIDE); } else { ShowWindow(TextWindow,SW_SHOW);
// Examine all child components to see how many of them are in
// a selected state (selected or partially selected). We only count
// direct children, not children of children, etc.
TotalCount = 0; SelectedCount = 0; b = TRUE;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, Oc.FirstChildStringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
do { TotalCount++; if (Oc.SelectionState != SELSTATE_NO) { SelectedCount++; }
if (Oc.NextSiblingStringId == -1) { b = FALSE; } else { pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, Oc.NextSiblingStringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); } } while (b);
Args[0] = SelectedCount; Args[1] = TotalCount;
// Use FormatMessage since order of numbers could change from
// language to language; wsprintf isn't good enough.
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, OcPage->InstalledCountTextFormat, 0, 0, Text, sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)Args );
SetWindowText(TextWindow,Text); } }
VOID pOcListBoxChangeSelectionState( IN HWND hdlg, IN OUT POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox )
Routine Description:
This routine handles a change in selection state for an item. Selection state refers to whether the user has placed or cleared a checkbox next to an item in the listbox.
It is assumed that the currently highlighted item is the one we want to operate on.
Selecting/deselecting a component involves calling through the installation DLL interface to inform the component's installation DLL that a change in selection state has taken place, updating disk space requirements, etc.
hdlg - supplies window handle of OC page
OcPage - supplies OC page context structure
ListBox - supplies window handle of listbox control in hdlg
Return Value:
int i; LONG StringId;
// Fetch the optional component data for the highlighted/slected item.
i = (int)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETCURSEL,0,0); if (i < 0) { return; }
StringId = (LONG)SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETITEMDATA,i,0);
// Figure out whether the item is being turned on or off.
// If the state is deselected then we're turning it on.
// Otherwise it's partially or fully selected and we're turning it off.
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
TurningOn = (Oc.SelectionState == SELSTATE_NO); //
// Tell the user about needs and validate that he wants to continue.
// turn on or off the needed components.
OcPage->StringIds = NULL; OcPage->StringIdsCount = 0;
// Do it.
if (TurningOn) { b = pChangeSubcomponentState(OcPage, ListBox, StringId, 1, SELSTATE_YES, OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION|OCQ_COLLECT_NEEDS);
if (b) { if (b = pAskUserOkToChange(hdlg, StringId, OcPage, TurningOn)) { pChangeSubcomponentState(OcPage, ListBox, StringId, 2, SELSTATE_YES, OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION); } } } else { b = pChangeSubcomponentState(OcPage, ListBox, StringId, 1, SELSTATE_NO, OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION|OCQ_COLLECT_NEEDS);
if (b) { if (b = pAskUserOkToChange(hdlg, StringId, OcPage, TurningOn)) { pChangeSubcomponentState(OcPage, ListBox, StringId, 2, SELSTATE_NO, OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION); } } }
if (b) { //
// Refresh space needed text.
pOcUpdateSpaceNeededText(OcPage,hdlg); } }
BOOL pAskUserOkToChange( IN HWND hDlg, IN LONG SubcomponentStringId, IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN BOOL AddComponents )
Routine Description:
This routine asks the user if it ok to turn off all needed subcomponents
hDlg - parent dialog handle for the messagebox SubcomponentStringId - string id of the component that is being changed OcPage - supplies OC page context info. AddComponents - TRUE if we're adding components, FALSE if they are being removed
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether the routine was successful.
{ BOOL b = TRUE; UINT n; UINT Id; TCHAR buffer[2024]; TCHAR caption[256]; LPCTSTR pArgs; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT OptionalComponent;
// Only display warning if there are dependents or
// user is removing components
if ( OcPage->StringIdsCount == 0 || AddComponents ) { return b; }
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, SubcomponentStringId, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT));
// Format the first Half of the message with the component name
pArgs = OptionalComponent.Description;
n = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, MyModuleHandle, MSG_OC_PAGE_DEPENDENTS1, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)&pArgs );
// Add each dependent component to the message
// Only add as many components as we have room for
// Leave roon on the end of buffer for the last message.
for (Id = 0; Id < OcPage->StringIdsCount && n < (sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 200 ); Id++) {
// Only allow so many components in the messgebox, otherwise will
// be larger then a VGA display
if ( Id > MAX_DISPLAY_IDS ) {
n = lstrlen(buffer); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, MyModuleHandle, MSG_OC_PAGE_DEPENDENTS2, 0, &buffer[n], (sizeof(buffer)-n)/sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)NULL ); break;
} pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, OcPage->StringIds[Id], &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Skip this item if it is a dependent of the Parent, we can arrive
// at this situation when dependents of the parent needs other
// dependents. The Collection code can not detect this.
if ( OptionalComponent.ParentStringId != SubcomponentStringId ) { OPTIONAL_COMPONENT ParentOc; UINT ParentId;
// Scan the parentenal chain until we find a match or run out of parents
// if there is a match then this dependent is the same dependent as the
// the target component
ParentId = OptionalComponent.ParentStringId; while (ParentId != -1) {
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, ParentId, &ParentOc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
if ( ParentOc.ParentStringId == SubcomponentStringId ) { goto skip; } ParentId = ParentOc.ParentStringId; }
n += lstrlen(OptionalComponent.Description); lstrcat(buffer, OptionalComponent.Description); lstrcat(buffer, _T("\n")); b = FALSE; skip:;
} }
// Continue if any components got by the Parent and dependent screen
if ( ! b ) { //
// Add the last half of the message
n = lstrlen(buffer); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, MyModuleHandle, MSG_OC_PAGE_DEPENDENTS3, 0, &buffer[n], (sizeof(buffer)-n)/sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)NULL );
// Returns codes from MessageBox()
*caption = 0; LoadString(MyModuleHandle, IDS_SETUP, caption, sizeof(caption)/sizeof(TCHAR)); sapiAssert(*caption);
b = (MessageBox(hDlg, buffer, caption, MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES); }
if (OcPage->StringIds) { pSetupFree(OcPage->StringIds); OcPage->StringIds = NULL; OcPage->StringIdsCount = 0;
} return b; }
BOOL pChangeSubcomponentState( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox, IN LONG SubcomponentStringId, IN UINT Pass, IN UINT NewState, IN UINT Flags )
Routine Description:
This routine turns on or off a subcomponent and all needed subcomponents and child subcomponents.
OcPage - supplies OC page context info.
SubcomponentStringId - supplies string id for subcomponent to be turned on.
Pass - Supplies an ordinal value that controls operation of this routine.
Pass = 1: do not actually turn on the subcomponents, but instead perform a dry-run wherein subcomponent installation DLLs are asked whether they will allow the selection.
Pass = 2: actually turn on the subcomponents and update the selection state in the optional component structure.
NewState - indicates the new state, SELSTATE_YES or SELSTATE_NO.
Flags - supplies misc flags
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether the routine was successful.
{ UINT n; BOOL b; BOOL any; LONG l; UINT SaveState; UINT state; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT Subcomponent; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT OptionalComponent;
state = NewState;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, SubcomponentStringId, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// If the subcomponent is already in the desired state, do nothing.
if ((OptionalComponent.SelectionState == NewState) || (OptionalComponent.InternalFlags & OCFLAG_STATECHANGE)) { return (TRUE); }
// Save the state so we can back out in case of failure,
// then set the "state change in progress" flag.
SaveState = OptionalComponent.SelectionState; OptionalComponent.InternalFlags |= OCFLAG_STATECHANGE; pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, SubcomponentStringId, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// ask the component whether it will allow being turned on.
b = OcInterfaceQueryChangeSelState( OcPage->OcManager, pOcGetTopLevelComponent(OcPage->OcManager,SubcomponentStringId), pSetupStringTableStringFromId(OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable,SubcomponentStringId), (NewState != SELSTATE_NO), (Pass == 1) ? Flags : Flags & ~(OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION) );
if (!b) goto Backout_ExtraData;
// Next, turn on needed/needed-by components.
// and turn off excluded/excluded-by components
if (NewState == SELSTATE_YES) { for (n=0; n<OptionalComponent.NeedsCount; n++) { b = pChangeSubcomponentState( OcPage, ListBox, OptionalComponent.NeedsStringIds[n], Pass, NewState, Flags & ~(OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION|OCO_COLLECT_NODEPENDENT));
if (!b) { goto Backout_ExtraData; } } } else if (NewState == SELSTATE_NO) { for (n=0; n<OptionalComponent.NeededByCount; n++) { b = pChangeSubcomponentState( OcPage, ListBox, OptionalComponent.NeededByStringIds[n], Pass, NewState, Flags & ~(OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION|OCO_COLLECT_NODEPENDENT));
if (!b) { goto Backout_ExtraData; } } }
// handle exclusives
if (NewState != SELSTATE_NO) { for (n=0; n<OptionalComponent.ExcludedByCount; n++) { b = pChangeSubcomponentState( OcPage, ListBox, OptionalComponent.ExcludedByStringIds[n], Pass, SELSTATE_NO, Flags & OCO_COLLECT_NODEPENDENT & ~(OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION));
if (!b) { goto Backout_ExtraData; } } for (n=0; n<OptionalComponent.ExcludeCount; n++) { b = pChangeSubcomponentState( OcPage, ListBox, OptionalComponent.ExcludeStringIds[n], Pass, SELSTATE_NO, Flags & OCO_COLLECT_NODEPENDENT & ~(OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION));
if (!b) { goto Backout_ExtraData; } } }
// Turn off Collect needs if this is the top level selection or the
// dependent of the toplevel item
// Now turn on/off all subcomponents.
any = (OptionalComponent.FirstChildStringId == -1) ? TRUE : FALSE; for (l = OptionalComponent.FirstChildStringId; l != -1; l = Subcomponent.NextSiblingStringId) { b = pChangeSubcomponentState( OcPage, ListBox, l, Pass, NewState, Flags & ~OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION);
if (b) any = TRUE;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, l, &Subcomponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); }
// if all changes were rejected - fail
if (!any) { b = FALSE; goto Backout_ExtraData; }
// load the return value and do the work
b = TRUE;
switch (Pass) {
case 1: //
// Component says it's ok add this string ID to the list of Dependents
// Only if the user is making the selection
if ( (Flags & OCQ_COLLECT_NEEDS) // Are we checking
&& !(Flags & OCO_COLLECT_NODEPENDENT ) // dependents of the Selection
&& !(Flags & OCQ_ACTUAL_SELECTION ) // The current selections
) {
LONG *p; INT count = (INT)OcPage->StringIdsCount; BOOL Found = FALSE;
// Search the list of dependent components
// Skip if the current component or the parent of the current component
// All ready is in the list
while (count-- ) {
if ( (OcPage->StringIds[count] == SubcomponentStringId) || (OcPage->StringIds[count] == OptionalComponent.ParentStringId) ){ Found = TRUE; break; } }
if ( !Found ) { if (OcPage->StringIds) { p = pSetupRealloc( OcPage->StringIds, (OcPage->StringIdsCount+1) * sizeof(LONG) ); } else { OcPage->StringIdsCount = 0; p = pSetupMalloc(sizeof(LONG)); } if (p) { OcPage->StringIds = (PVOID)p; OcPage->StringIds[OcPage->StringIdsCount++] = SubcomponentStringId; } else { _LogError(OcPage->OcManager,OcErrLevFatal,MSG_OC_OOM); return (FALSE); } } } goto Backout_ExtraData; break;
case 2: //
// In pass 2, we update the states in the optional component structures
// and request the component DLL put its stuff on the disk space list.
// (The component itself is called only for leaf nodes. We do not call
// down to the subcomponent's DLL for parent components).
// check one more time to see if the state change wasn't as expected
if (OptionalComponent.FirstChildStringId != -1) state = GetComponentState(OcPage, SubcomponentStringId);
OptionalComponent.SelectionState = state; OptionalComponent.InternalFlags &= ~OCFLAG_STATECHANGE;
pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, SubcomponentStringId, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
if (ListBox) { pOcInvalidateRectInListBox(ListBox,OptionalComponent.Description); }
if ((OptionalComponent.FirstChildStringId == -1) && !(Flags & OCQ_SKIPDISKCALC)) {
OcInterfaceCalcDiskSpace( OcPage->OcManager, pOcGetTopLevelComponent(OcPage->OcManager,SubcomponentStringId), pSetupStringTableStringFromId(OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable,SubcomponentStringId), OcPage->DiskSpaceList, (NewState != SELSTATE_NO) ); }
pOcUpdateParentSelectionStates(OcPage->OcManager,ListBox,SubcomponentStringId); b = TRUE; break; }
return (b);
OptionalComponent.SelectionState = SaveState; OptionalComponent.InternalFlags &= ~OCFLAG_STATECHANGE;
pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, SubcomponentStringId, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
return (b); }
VOID pOcUpdateParentSelectionStates( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN HWND ListBox, OPTIONAL IN LONG SubcomponentStringId )
Routine Description:
Examines parent subcomponents of a given component and determines the parent states. For example if only some of a parent's children are selected, then the parent's state is partially selected.
Structures are updated and if necessary the relevent items in the list box are invalidated to force their checkboxes to be repainted.
OcManager - supplies OC Manager page context.
ListBox - supplies window handle of list box.
SubcomponentStringId - supplies string identifier in the component string table, for the subcomponent whose parent(s) state(s) are to be checked and updated.
Return Value:
{ UINT Count; UINT FullySelectedCount; UINT DeselectedCount; LONG l,m; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT OptionalComponent,Subcomponent; BOOL Changed;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcManager->ComponentStringTable, SubcomponentStringId, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
for (l = OptionalComponent.ParentStringId; l != -1; l = OptionalComponent.ParentStringId) {
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcManager->ComponentStringTable, l, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Examine all children of this parent subcomponent.
// If all of them are fully selected, then the parent state is
// fully selected. If all of them are deselected then the parent state
// is deselected. Any other case means partially selected.
Count = 0; FullySelectedCount = 0; DeselectedCount = 0;
for (m = OptionalComponent.FirstChildStringId; m != -1; m = Subcomponent.NextSiblingStringId) {
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcManager->ComponentStringTable, m, &Subcomponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Only count viewable components
if (!(Subcomponent.InternalFlags & OCFLAG_HIDE)) { Count++;
if (Subcomponent.SelectionState == SELSTATE_YES) { FullySelectedCount++; } else { if (Subcomponent.SelectionState == SELSTATE_NO) { DeselectedCount++; } } } }
if (Count && (Count == FullySelectedCount)) { Changed = (OptionalComponent.SelectionState != SELSTATE_YES); OptionalComponent.SelectionState = SELSTATE_YES; } else { if (Count == DeselectedCount) { Changed = (OptionalComponent.SelectionState != SELSTATE_NO); OptionalComponent.SelectionState = SELSTATE_NO; } else { Changed = (OptionalComponent.SelectionState != SELSTATE_PARTIAL); OptionalComponent.SelectionState = SELSTATE_PARTIAL; } }
pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcManager->ComponentStringTable, l, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Force repaint of the list to get the checkbox state right
// if the state changed and the item is in the current listbox.
if (Changed && ListBox) { pOcInvalidateRectInListBox(ListBox,OptionalComponent.Description); } } }
VOID pOcInvalidateRectInListBox( IN HWND ListBox, IN LPCTSTR OptionalComponentName OPTIONAL ) { int i; RECT Rect;
if (OptionalComponentName) {
i = (int)SendMessage( ListBox, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)(-1), (LPARAM)OptionalComponentName );
if (i >= 0) { SendMessage(ListBox,LB_GETITEMRECT,i,(LPARAM)&Rect); InvalidateRect(ListBox,&Rect,FALSE); } } else { InvalidateRect(ListBox,NULL,FALSE); } }
VOID pOcUpdateSpaceNeededText( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND hdlg )
Routine Description:
Updates the space needed/space available text on the current oc page. Assumes that space needed and available refer to the drive where the system is installed.
OcPage - supplies OC page context.
hdlg - supplies handle to current oc page dialog.
Return Value:
{ TCHAR Text[128]; LONGLONG Value; DWORD ValueMB; DWORD ValueMBTenths; TCHAR Drive[MAX_PATH]; BOOL b; DWORD spc,bps,freeclus,totalclus;
// We check the return code of GetWindowsDirectory to make Prefix happy.
if (0 == GetWindowsDirectory(Drive,MAX_PATH)) return;
// Needed first.
Drive[2] = 0; b = SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDrive(OcPage->DiskSpaceList,Drive,&Value,0,0); if (!b || (Value < 0)) { Value = 0; }
pOcGetMbAndMbTenths(Value,&ValueMB,&ValueMBTenths); wsprintf(Text,OcPage->SpaceNeededTextFormat,ValueMB,locale.DecimalSeparator,ValueMBTenths); SetDlgItemText(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->SpaceNeededText,Text);
// Available next.
Drive[2] = TEXT('\\'); Drive[3] = 0;
if (GetDiskFreeSpace(Drive,&spc,&bps,&freeclus,&totalclus)) { Value = ((LONGLONG)(spc*bps)) * freeclus; } else { Value = 0; }
pOcGetMbAndMbTenths(Value,&ValueMB,&ValueMBTenths); wsprintf(Text,OcPage->SpaceNeededTextFormat,ValueMB,locale.DecimalSeparator,ValueMBTenths); SetDlgItemText(hdlg,OcPage->ControlsInfo->SpaceAvailableText,Text); }
BOOL pOcIsDiskSpaceOk( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND hdlg )
Routine Description:
This routine checks the space required against the space available, for the system drive only (that's the only one the user sees on the oc page so it's the only one we check here).
If there's not enough space, a message box is generated.
OcPage - supplies OC page context structure.
hdlg - supplies handle to page in oc manager wizard.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether disk space is sufficient.
{ BOOL b; TCHAR Drive[3*MAX_PATH]; TCHAR caption[256]; LONGLONG FreeSpace,NeededSpace; ULARGE_INTEGER freespace,totalspace,unused; DWORD spc,bps,freeclus,totclus; HMODULE k32; BOOL (WINAPI * pGetSpace)(LPCTSTR,PULARGE_INTEGER,PULARGE_INTEGER,PULARGE_INTEGER);
if (!GetWindowsDirectory(Drive,MAX_PATH)) { return(FALSE); }
b = FALSE;
if (k32 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("KERNEL32"))) {
pGetSpace = (PVOID)GetProcAddress( k32, #ifdef UNICODE
"GetDiskFreeSpaceExW" #else
"GetDiskFreeSpaceExA" #endif
if (pGetSpace) { if (b = pGetSpace(Drive,&freespace,&totalspace,&unused)) { FreeSpace = (LONGLONG)freespace.QuadPart; } }
FreeLibrary(k32); }
if (!b) { Drive[3] = 0; if (GetDiskFreeSpace(Drive,&spc,&bps,&freeclus,&totclus)) { FreeSpace = (LONGLONG)(spc * bps * (DWORDLONG)freeclus); } else { FreeSpace = 0; } }
Drive[2] = 0; b = SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDrive(OcPage->DiskSpaceList,Drive,&NeededSpace,0,0); if (!b || (NeededSpace < 0)) { NeededSpace = 0; }
if (FreeSpace < NeededSpace) {
spc = (DWORD)(UCHAR)Drive[0];
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, MyModuleHandle, MSG_OC_PAGE_NODISKSPACE, 0, Drive, sizeof(Drive)/sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)&spc );
OcPage->OcManager->Callbacks.LogError(OcErrLevInfo, Drive, NULL);
// If Batch mode log the error and ignore
if ( OcPage->OcManager->SetupData.OperationFlags & SETUPOP_BATCH ) { b = TRUE; } else { *caption = 0; LoadString(MyModuleHandle, IDS_SETUP, caption, sizeof(caption)/sizeof(TCHAR)); sapiAssert(*caption);
MessageBox(WizardDialogHandle, Drive, caption, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
b = FALSE; }
} else { b = TRUE; }
return (b); }
BOOL pOcPagePopulateListBox( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN HWND ListBox, IN LONG DesiredParent )
Routine Description:
This routine add one item to a listbox control for every subcomponent that has a given subcomponent as its parent. (In other words it populates the listbox for a specific level in the hierarchy.)
This includes handling the small icons and selection state icons.
The 0th element is selected.
OcPage - supplies OC page context structure.
List - supplies handle to list box control to be populated.
DesiredParent - supplies string id of subcomponent that is the parent of the level we care about. -1 indicates the topmost level.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether population was successful. If FALSE, the caller can assume OOM.
// The string table enum callback does the real work.
EnumParams.OcPage = OcPage; EnumParams.ListBox = ListBox; EnumParams.DesiredParent = DesiredParent;
b = pSetupStringTableEnum( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, &OptionalComponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT), (PSTRTAB_ENUM_ROUTINE)pOcPopulateListBoxStringTableCB, (LPARAM)&EnumParams );
SendMessage(ListBox,LB_SETCURSEL,0,0); PostMessage( GetParent(ListBox), WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(OcPage->ControlsInfo->ListBox,LBN_SELCHANGE), (LPARAM)ListBox ); return (b); }
BOOL pOcPopulateListBoxStringTableCB( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN LPCTSTR String, IN POPTIONAL_COMPONENT OptionalComponent, IN UINT OptionalComponentSize, IN PPOPULATE_ENUM_PARAMS Params )
Routine Description:
String table enumeration callback routine, used when populating the listbox with items for subcomponents that are relevent at a given level in the OC hierarchy.
We check to see whether the parent of the optional component is the parent we care about before processing. If so, we add the item to the listbox.
Standard string table enumeration callback routine arguments.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether enumeration should continue.
{ int i; BOOL b;
// If the parent is not the desired parent, nothing to do.
if ((OptionalComponent->InfStringId == -1) || (OptionalComponent->ParentStringId != Params->DesiredParent) || (OptionalComponent->InternalFlags & OCFLAG_HIDE)) { return (TRUE); }
// Initialize the item structure that tells the listview control
// what to do.
b = FALSE; i = (int)SendMessage(Params->ListBox,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)OptionalComponent->Description); if (i != -1) { b = (SendMessage(Params->ListBox,LB_SETITEMDATA,i,StringId) != LB_ERR); }
return (b); }
LONG pOcGetTopLevelComponent( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LONG StringId )
Routine Description:
Given a string id for an optional component subcomponent, locate the top-level component for the subcomponent.
The top-level component is the subcomponent whose parent is -1.
OcManager - supplies OC Manager context structure.
StringId - supplies id for subcomponent whose top-level parent is desired. Note that StringId may itself be a top-level subcomponent.
Return Value:
String ID of top-level subcomponent.
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// if the result is 0, then the component is
// a top level component without an inf file
if (!Oc.TopLevelStringId) return StringId; else return Oc.TopLevelStringId; }
VOID pOcGetMbAndMbTenths( IN LONGLONG Number, OUT PUINT MbCount, OUT PUINT MbTenthsCount )
Routine Description:
This routine figures out how many MB and how many tenths of a MB are in a number. These values are properly rounded (not truncated) and are based on 1MB = 1024*1024.
Number - supplies number to be examined.
MbCount - receives rounded number of MB units in Number.
MbTenthsCount - receives rounded number of tenths of MB in Number.
Return Value:
None. MbCount and MbTenthsCount filled are in.
{ UINT ValueMB; UINT ValueMBTenths; UINT ValueMBHundredths;
#define _1MB (1024*1024)
// Figure out how many whole 1MB units are in the number.
ValueMB = (UINT)(Number / _1MB);
// Figure out how many whole hundredths of 1MB units are in
// the number. Do it in such a way as to not lose any accuracy.
// ValueMBHundredths will be 0-99 and ValueMBTenths will be 0-9.
ValueMBHundredths = (UINT)(((Number % _1MB) * 100) / _1MB); ValueMBTenths = ValueMBHundredths / 10;
// If the one's place in the number of hundredths is >=5,
// then round up the tenths. That might in turn cause is to round
// up the the next whole # of MB.
if ((ValueMBHundredths % 10) >= 5) { if (++ValueMBTenths == 10) { ValueMBTenths = 0; ValueMB++; } }
// Done.
*MbCount = ValueMB; *MbTenthsCount = ValueMBTenths; }
UINT OcGetUnattendComponentSpec( IN POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN LPCTSTR Component ) { LPCTSTR p; LPCTSTR szOn = TEXT("ON"); LPCTSTR szOff = TEXT("OFF"); LPCTSTR szDefault = TEXT("DEFAULT");
extern LPCTSTR szComponents; // defined in ocmanage.c
UINT NewState = SubcompUseOcManagerDefault;
if (SetupFindFirstLine(OcManager->UnattendedInf,szComponents,Component,&InfLine)) { //
// Get State parameter from as the first field
if (p = pSetupGetField(&InfLine,1)) { //
// Found Something now Decode it
if (!lstrcmpi(p,szOn)) { NewState = SubcompOn; } else if (!lstrcmpi(p,szOff)) { NewState = SubcompOff; } else if (!lstrcmpi(p,szDefault)) { NewState = SubcompUseOcManagerDefault; } else { WRN((TEXT("OcGetUnattendComponentSpec: Unknown Component State(%s)\n"),p)); } } }
return NewState; }
BOOL pOcClearStateChange( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN LPCTSTR String, IN POPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc, IN UINT OcSize, IN LPARAM lParam ) { POCPAGE OcPage = (POCPAGE) lParam; int i;
// clear the State change flag
Oc->InternalFlags &= ~OCFLAG_STATECHANGE;
pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
return TRUE;
VOID pOcSetStates( IN OUT POCPAGE OcPage )
Routine Description:
Set current states for all components.
If all components were initially off (indicating that this is a first-time install) then this routine initializes the current states of each leaf component based on the mode bits gathered from the per-component infs.
Otherwise (not a first-time install) query the dll if any to determine the current state.
No confirmations are sent to component dlls as subcomponents are set to the selected state, but we do send the calcdiskspace notifications.
OcPage - supplies current oc context.
Return Value:
// Process each top level parent item in the tree
for ( tli = 0; tli < OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelOcCount; tli++)
for (i=0; i<OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelParentOcCount; i++) {
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelParentOcStringIds[i], &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Traverse the list in the order defined inf fil
if ( OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelOcStringIds[tli] == pOcGetTopLevelComponent(OcPage->OcManager,OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelParentOcStringIds[i])) { //
// Call each top level item, Each top level item then will call it's
// suboridiates and Needs and or Needed by components
pOcSetStatesStringWorker(OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelParentOcStringIds[i], SubcompUseOcManagerDefault, OcPage ); } }
pSetupStringTableEnum( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT), pOcSetStatesStringCB2, (LPARAM)OcPage ); }
BOOL pOcSetStatesStringWorker( IN LONG StringId, IN UINT OverRideState, IN POCPAGE OcPage ) { OPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc, Subcomponent; LPCTSTR String; SubComponentState s; UINT NewState; UINT l;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Deal only with leaf components.
if (Oc.FirstChildStringId != -1) {
// Now turn on all subcomponents.
for (l = Oc.FirstChildStringId; l != -1; l = Oc.NextSiblingStringId) {
pOcSetStatesStringWorker( l, OverRideState, OcPage ); //
// Get the next Depenend in the list
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, l, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); } pOcUpdateParentSelectionStates(OcPage->OcManager,NULL,StringId);
} else { //
// Don't process the same node twice
if ( Oc.InternalFlags & OCFLAG_STATECHANGE ) { return TRUE; }
String = pSetupStringTableStringFromId(OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable,StringId); //
// Not initial install case. Call out to component dll to find out
// whether state needs to be set.
s = OcInterfaceQueryState( OcPage->OcManager, pOcGetTopLevelComponent(OcPage->OcManager,StringId),String, OCSELSTATETYPE_CURRENT);
if ( (OcPage->OcManager->SetupMode & SETUPMODE_PRIVATE_MASK) == SETUPMODE_REMOVEALL ) { // If Remove all Override all install states and mark the compoent to be
// removed
} else { //
// If needs or Needby relationtionships are driving this path
// OverRideState May be something other then Default
if ( OverRideState != SubcompUseOcManagerDefault ) { s = OverRideState; } //
// If the component returned Default and we are in Batch Mode
// Get the the Spec from the Unattended file
if ( s == SubcompUseOcManagerDefault && OcPage->OcManager->SetupData.OperationFlags & SETUPOP_BATCH ){ s = OcGetUnattendComponentSpec(OcPage->OcManager, String); }
if (s == SubcompUseOcManagerDefault) { if (Oc.InternalFlags & (OCFLAG_ANYORIGINALLYON | OCFLAG_ANYORIGINALLYOFF)) {
NewState = Oc.OriginalSelectionState;
} else {
if ((1 << (OcPage->OcManager->SetupMode & SETUPMODE_STANDARD_MASK)) & Oc.ModeBits) { //
// Allow Modes= lines to act an override condition if it ON
NewState = SELSTATE_YES; s = SubcompOn; } else { NewState = SELSTATE_NO; } } } else { NewState = (s == SubcompOn ? SELSTATE_YES: SELSTATE_NO); } }
DBGOUT(( TEXT("SubComp=%s, Original=%d, Current=%d, NewState=%s\n"), String, Oc.OriginalSelectionState, s, (NewState == SELSTATE_YES) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF") ));
// Save the current state of the component
Oc.SelectionState = NewState; Oc.InternalFlags |= OCFLAG_STATECHANGE;
if ( NewState == SELSTATE_YES ) { //
// Make a pass over the Needs
for (l=0; l<Oc.NeedsCount; l++) {
if (!pOcSetNeededComponentState( Oc.NeedsStringIds[l], OverRideState, OcPage )) return TRUE;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, Oc.NeedsStringIds[l], &Subcomponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); } }
pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
if ( NewState == SELSTATE_YES ) { //
// Make a pass over the Needs
for (l=0; l<Oc.NeedsCount; l++) {
pOcSetStatesStringWorker( Oc.NeedsStringIds[l], s, OcPage );
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, Oc.NeedsStringIds[l], &Subcomponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); } } else { //
// Make a pass over the NeedsBy - turning off components
for (l=0; l<Oc.NeededByCount; l++) { pOcSetStatesStringWorker( Oc.NeededByStringIds[l], s, OcPage );
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, Oc.NeededByStringIds[l], &Subcomponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); } } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL pOcSetNeededComponentState( IN LONG StringId, IN UINT OverRideState, IN POCPAGE OcPage ) { OPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc, Subcomponent; LPCTSTR String; SubComponentState s; UINT NewState; UINT l; BOOL b;
// first find any components this one needs
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
for (l=0; l<Oc.NeedsCount; l++) {
if (!pOcSetNeededComponentState( Oc.NeedsStringIds[l], OverRideState, OcPage )) return TRUE;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, Oc.NeedsStringIds[l], &Subcomponent, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); }
// now handle this one
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
String = pSetupStringTableStringFromId(OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable,StringId);
b = OcInterfaceQueryChangeSelState( OcPage->OcManager, pOcGetTopLevelComponent(OcPage->OcManager,StringId), String, TRUE, 0 );
if (b) { NewState = SELSTATE_YES; s = SubcompOn; } else { NewState = SELSTATE_NO; s = SubcompOff; }
DBGOUT(( TEXT("SubComp=%s, Original=%d, Current=%d, NewState=%s\n"), String, Oc.OriginalSelectionState, s, (NewState == SELSTATE_YES) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF") ));
// Save the current state of the component
Oc.SelectionState = NewState; Oc.InternalFlags |= OCFLAG_STATECHANGE;
pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
return b; }
BOOL pOcSetStatesStringCB2( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN LPCTSTR String, IN POPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc, IN UINT OcSize, IN LPARAM lParam ) { POCPAGE OcPage; int i;
OcPage = (POCPAGE)lParam; //
// clear the State change flag left over from
// the pOcSetStatesStringWorker
Oc->InternalFlags &= ~OCFLAG_STATECHANGE; pSetupStringTableSetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
// Deal only with leaf components.
if (Oc->FirstChildStringId != -1) { return (TRUE); }
i = 0;
if (OcPage->OcManager->InternalFlags & OCMFLAG_ANYORIGINALLYON) { //
// Not initial install case. Deal with disk space based on
// original state.
if (Oc->OriginalSelectionState == SELSTATE_YES) { if (Oc->SelectionState == SELSTATE_NO) { //
// Turning off what was previously on
i = 1; } } else { if (Oc->SelectionState == SELSTATE_YES) { //
// Turning on what was previous off
i = 2; } }
} else { //
// Initial install case. If a component is on, do its disk space calc.
// If a component is off, we assume it's not already there and so
// we do nothing relating to its disk space requirements.
if (Oc->SelectionState == SELSTATE_YES) { i = 2; } }
if (i) { OcInterfaceCalcDiskSpace( OcPage->OcManager, pOcGetTopLevelComponent(OcPage->OcManager,StringId), String, OcPage->DiskSpaceList, i-1 ); }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL pOcDoesAnyoneWantToSkipPage( IN OUT POC_MANAGER OcManager, IN OcManagerPage WhichPage ) { UINT u;
for (u=0; u<OcManager->TopLevelOcCount; u++) {
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcManager->ComponentStringTable, OcManager->TopLevelOcStringIds[u], &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
if ((Oc.InternalFlags & OCFLAG_NOQUERYSKIPPAGES) == 0) {
if (OcInterfaceQuerySkipPage(OcManager,OcManager->TopLevelOcStringIds[u],WhichPage)) { return (TRUE); } } }
return (FALSE); }
UINT GetComponentState( IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN LONG StringId ) { LONG id; UINT rc; UINT state; SubComponentState s; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
if (Oc.FirstChildStringId == -1) return Oc.SelectionState;
// We have a parent; do all the children
rc = SELSTATE_INIT; for (id = Oc.FirstChildStringId; id != -1; id = Oc.NextSiblingStringId) {
state = GetComponentState(OcPage, id);
if (state == SELSTATE_PARTIAL) return state;
if (rc == SELSTATE_INIT) rc = state;
if (rc != state) return SELSTATE_PARTIAL;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, id, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); }
return rc; }
#ifdef _OC_DBG
VOID pOcPrintStatesWorker( IN LPCTSTR Offset, IN POCPAGE OcPage, IN LONG StringId ) { SubComponentState s; OPTIONAL_COMPONENT Oc;
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, StringId, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) );
DBGOUT(( TEXT("%32s\n"), pSetupStringTableStringFromId(OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable,StringId) ));
// Deal only with leaf components.
if (Oc.FirstChildStringId == -1) {
DBGOUT(( TEXT(" Orignial(%s) Current(%s) ANYORIGINALLYON (%s) Mode (%d)\n"), (Oc.OriginalSelectionState == SELSTATE_YES ? TEXT("Yes") : TEXT("No")), (Oc.SelectionState == SELSTATE_YES ? TEXT("Yes") : TEXT("No")), (Oc.InternalFlags & OCFLAG_ANYORIGINALLYON) ? TEXT("TRUE") : TEXT("FALSE"), SETUPMODE_STANDARD_MASK & Oc.ModeBits ));
} else { //
// We have a parent; do all the children
for (Id = Oc.FirstChildStringId; Id != -1; Id = Oc.NextSiblingStringId) {
pOcPrintStatesWorker( Offset, OcPage, Id );
pSetupStringTableGetExtraData( OcPage->OcManager->ComponentStringTable, Id, &Oc, sizeof(OPTIONAL_COMPONENT) ); } } }
for (i=0; i<OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelOcCount; i++) {
pOcPrintStatesWorker( TEXT(" "), OcPage, OcPage->OcManager->TopLevelOcStringIds[i] ); } }