Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: initodat.c
Abstract: Routines for converting Perf???.ini to Perf???.dat files. Source INI files are localed under ..\perfini\<country> directories. Generated DAT files will be put under %SystemRoot%\System32 directory.
Author: HonWah Chan (a-honwah) October, 1993
Revision History: --*/
#include "initodat.h"
#include "strids.h"
#include "common.h"
BOOL MakeUpgradeFilename( LPCWSTR szDataFileName, LPWSTR szUpgradeFileName ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; // note: assumes szUpgradeFileName buffer is large enough for result
_wsplitpath(szDataFileName, (LPWSTR) szDrive, (LPWSTR) szDir, (LPWSTR) szFileName, (LPWSTR) szExt);
// see if the filename fits the "PERF[C|H]XXX" format
if (szFileName[4] == L'C' || szFileName[4] == L'H' || szFileName[4] == L'c' || szFileName[4] == L'h') { // then it's the correct format so change the 4th letter up 1 letter
szFileName[4] += 1; // and make a new path
_wmakepath(szUpgradeFileName, (LPCWSTR) szDrive, (LPCWSTR) szDir, (LPCWSTR) szFileName, (LPCWSTR) szExt); bReturn = TRUE; } return bReturn; }
BOOL GetFilesFromCommandLine( LPWSTR lpCommandLine, #ifdef FE_SB
UINT * puCodePage, #endif
LPWSTR lpFileNameI, DWORD dwFileNameI, LPWSTR lpFileNameD, DWORD dwFileNameD ) /*++
GetFilesFromCommandLine parses the command line to retrieve the ini filename that should be the first and only argument.
Arguments lpCommandLine pointer to command line (returned by GetCommandLine) lpFileNameI pointer to buffer that will receive address of the validated input filename entered on the command line lpFileNameD pointer to buffer that will receive address of the optional output filename entered on the command line
Return Value TRUE if a valid filename was returned FALSE if the filename is not valid or missing error is returned in GetLastError --*/ { INT iNumArgs; HFILE hIniFile; OFSTRUCT ofIniFile; CHAR lpIniFileName[FILE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; WCHAR lpExeName[FILE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; WCHAR lpIniName[FILE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// check for valid arguments
if (lpCommandLine == NULL || lpFileNameI == NULL || lpFileNameD == NULL) { goto Cleanup; }
// get strings from command line
#ifdef FE_SB
iNumArgs = swscanf(lpCommandLine, L" %s %d %s %s ", lpExeName, puCodePage, lpIniName, lpFileNameD); #else
iNumArgs = swscanf(lpCommandLine, L" %s %s %s ", lpExeName, lpIniName, lpFileNameD); #endif
#ifdef FE_SB
if (iNumArgs < 3 || iNumArgs > 4) { #else
if (iNumArgs < 2 || iNumArgs > 3) { #endif
// wrong number of arguments
goto Cleanup; }
// see if file specified exists
// file name is always an ANSI buffer
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpIniName, -1, lpIniFileName, FILE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, NULL); hIniFile = OpenFile(lpIniFileName, & ofIniFile, OF_PARSE); if (hIniFile != HFILE_ERROR) { _lclose(hIniFile); hIniFile = OpenFile(lpIniFileName, & ofIniFile, OF_EXIST); if ((hIniFile && hIniFile != HFILE_ERROR) || GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) { // file exists, so return name and success
// return full pathname if found
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ofIniFile.szPathName, -1, lpFileNameI, dwFileNameI); bReturn = TRUE; _lclose(hIniFile); } else { // filename was on command line, but not valid so return
// false, but send name back for error message
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpIniFileName, -1, lpFileNameI, dwFileNameI); if (hIniFile && hIniFile != HFILE_ERROR) _lclose(hIniFile); } }
Cleanup: return bReturn; }
BOOL VerifyIniData( PVOID pValueBuffer, ULONG ValueLength ) /*++
VerifyIniData This routine does some simple check to see if the ini file is good. Basically, it is looking for (ID, Text) and checking that ID is an integer. Mostly in case of missing comma or quote, the ID will be an invalid integer. --*/ { INT iNumArg; INT TextID; LPWSTR lpID = NULL; LPWSTR lpText = NULL; LPWSTR lpLastID; LPWSTR lpLastText; LPWSTR lpInputBuffer = (LPWSTR) pValueBuffer; LPWSTR lpBeginBuffer = (LPWSTR) pValueBuffer; BOOL returnCode = TRUE; UINT NumOfID = 0; ULONG CurrentLength;
while (TRUE) { // save up the last items for summary display later
lpLastID = lpID; lpLastText = lpText;
// increment to next ID and text location
lpID = lpInputBuffer; CurrentLength = (ULONG) ((PBYTE) lpID - (PBYTE) lpBeginBuffer + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (CurrentLength >= ValueLength) break;
CurrentLength += lstrlenW(lpID) + 1; if (CurrentLength >= ValueLength) break; lpText = lpID + lstrlenW(lpID) + 1;
CurrentLength += lstrlenW(lpText) + 1; if (CurrentLength >= ValueLength) break; lpInputBuffer = lpText + lstrlenW(lpText) + 1; iNumArg = swscanf(lpID, L"%d", & TextID);
if (iNumArg != 1) { // bad ID
returnCode = FALSE; break; } NumOfID ++; }
if (returnCode == FALSE) { DisplaySummaryError(lpLastID, lpLastText, NumOfID); } else { DisplaySummary(lpLastID, lpLastText, NumOfID); } return (returnCode); }
__cdecl main( ) /*++
ReturnValue 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) if command was processed Non-Zero if command error was detected. --*/ { LPWSTR lpCommandLine; WCHAR lpIniFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR lpDatFile[MAX_PATH]; UNICODE_STRING IniFileName; PVOID pValueBuffer = NULL; ULONG ValueLength; BOOL bStatus; NTSTATUS NtStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; #ifdef FE_SB
UINT uCodePage = CP_ACP; #endif
lpCommandLine = GetCommandLineW(); // get command line
if (lpCommandLine == NULL) { NtStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// read command line to determine what to do
lpIniFile[0] = lpDatFile[0] = L'\0'; #ifdef FE_SB // FE_SB
if (GetFilesFromCommandLine(lpCommandLine, & uCodePage, lpIniFile, RTL_NUMBER_OF(lpIniFile), lpDatFile, RTL_NUMBER_OF(lpDatFile))) { if (! IsValidCodePage(uCodePage)) { uCodePage = CP_ACP; } #else
if (GetFilesFromCommandLine(lpCommandLine, lpIniFile, RTL_NUMBER_OF(lpIniFile), lpDatFile, RTL_NUMBER_OF(lpDatFile))) { #endif // FE_SB
// valid filename (i.e. ini file exists)
RtlInitUnicodeString(& IniFileName, lpIniFile); #ifdef FE_SB
NtStatus = DatReadMultiSzFile(uCodePage, & IniFileName, & pValueBuffer, & ValueLength); #else
NtStatus = DatReadMultiSzFile(& IniFileName, & pValueBuffer, & ValueLength); #endif
bStatus = NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus); if (bStatus) { bStatus = VerifyIniData(pValueBuffer, ValueLength); if (bStatus) { bStatus = OutputIniData( & IniFileName, lpDatFile, RTL_NUMBER_OF(lpDatFile), pValueBuffer, ValueLength); bStatus = MakeUpgradeFilename(lpDatFile, lpDatFile); if (bStatus) { bStatus = OutputIniData( & IniFileName, lpDatFile, RTL_NUMBER_OF(lpDatFile), pValueBuffer, ValueLength); } } } } else { if (* lpIniFile) { printf(GetFormatResource(LC_NO_INIFILE), lpIniFile); } else { //Incorrect Command Format
// display command line usage
DisplayCommandHelp(LC_FIRST_CMD_HELP, LC_LAST_CMD_HELP); } }
Cleanup: if (pValueBuffer != NULL) FREEMEM(pValueBuffer); return (NtStatus); // success