Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: lodctr.c
Abstract: Program to read the contents of the file specified in the command line and update the registry accordingly
Author: Bob Watson (a-robw) 10 Feb 93
Revision History: a-robw 25-Feb-93 revised calls to make it compile as a UNICODE or an ANSI app.
a-robw 10-Nov-95 revised to use DLL functions for all the dirty work
// command line arguments supported:
/C:<filename> upgrade counter text strings using <filename> /H:<filename> upgrade help text strings using <filename> /L:<LangID> /C and /H params are for language <LangID>
/S:<filename> save current perf registry strings & info to <filname> /R:<filename> restore perf registry strings & info using <filname>
/T:<service> set <service> to be Trusted using current DLL --*/
// Windows Include files
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "mbctype.h"
#include "strsafe.h"
#include <winperf.h>
#include <loadperf.h>
static CHAR szFileNameBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2];
LPWSTR LodctrMultiByteToWideChar(LPSTR aszString) { LPWSTR wszString = NULL; int dwValue = MultiByteToWideChar(_getmbcp(), 0, aszString, -1, NULL, 0); if (dwValue != 0) { wszString = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (dwValue + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (wszString != NULL) { MultiByteToWideChar(_getmbcp(), 0, aszString, -1, wszString, dwValue + 1); } } return wszString; }
LPCSTR GetTrustedServiceName(LPCSTR szArg1) { LPSTR szReturn = NULL;
if (lstrlenA(szArg1) >= 4) { if ((szArg1[0] == '-' || szArg1[0] == '/') && (szArg1[1] == 't' || szArg1[1] == 'T') && (szArg1[2] == ':')) { szReturn = (LPSTR) & szArg1[3]; } } return (LPCSTR) szReturn; }
BOOL GetUpgradeFileNames(LPCSTR * szArgs, LPSTR * szCounterFile, LPSTR * szHelpFile, LPSTR * szLangId) { DWORD dwArgIdx = 1; DWORD dwMask = 0;
* szCounterFile = NULL; * szHelpFile = NULL; * szLangId = NULL;
do { if (lstrlenA(szArgs[dwArgIdx]) >= 4) { if ((szArgs[dwArgIdx][0] == '-') || (szArgs[dwArgIdx][0] == '/')) { if ((szArgs[dwArgIdx][1] == 'c' || szArgs[dwArgIdx ][1] == 'C') && (szArgs[dwArgIdx][2] == ':')) { * szCounterFile = (LPSTR) & szArgs[dwArgIdx][3]; dwMask |= 1; } else if ((szArgs[dwArgIdx][1] == 'h' || szArgs[dwArgIdx][1] == 'H') && (szArgs[dwArgIdx][2] == ':')) { * szHelpFile = (LPSTR) & szArgs[dwArgIdx][3]; dwMask |= 2; } else if ((szArgs[dwArgIdx][1] == 'l' || szArgs[dwArgIdx][1] == 'L') && (szArgs[dwArgIdx][2] == ':')) { * szLangId = (LPSTR) & szArgs[dwArgIdx][3]; dwMask |= 4; } } } dwArgIdx ++; } while (dwArgIdx <= 3);
return (dwMask == 7) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE); }
BOOL GetSaveFileName(LPCSTR szArg1, LPCSTR * szSaveFile) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSize = 0;
* szSaveFile = NULL; if (lstrlenA(szArg1) >= 4) { if ((szArg1[0] == '-' || szArg1[0] == '/') && (szArg1[1] == 's' || szArg1[1] == 'S') && (szArg1[2] == ':')) { bReturn = TRUE; ZeroMemory(szFileNameBuffer, sizeof(szFileNameBuffer)); dwSize = SearchPathA(NULL, (LPSTR) & szArg1[3], NULL, RTL_NUMBER_OF(szFileNameBuffer), szFileNameBuffer, NULL); if (dwSize == 0) { * szSaveFile = (LPSTR) & szArg1[3]; } else { * szSaveFile = szFileNameBuffer; } } } return bReturn; }
BOOL GetRestoreFileName(LPCSTR szArg1, LPCSTR * szRestoreFile) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSize = 0;
* szRestoreFile = NULL; if (lstrlenA(szArg1) >= 2) { if ((szArg1[0] == '-' || szArg1[0] == '/') && (szArg1[1] == 'r' || szArg1[1] == 'R')) { if (lstrlenA(szArg1) >= 4 && szArg1[2] == ':') { ZeroMemory(szFileNameBuffer, sizeof(szFileNameBuffer)); dwSize = SearchPathA(NULL, (LPSTR) & szArg1[3], NULL, RTL_NUMBER_OF(szFileNameBuffer), szFileNameBuffer, NULL); if (dwSize == 0) { * szRestoreFile = (LPSTR) & szArg1[3]; } else { * szRestoreFile = szFileNameBuffer; } } bReturn = TRUE; } } return bReturn; }
// MySetThreadUILanguage
// This routine sets the thread UI language based on the console codepage.
// 9-29-00 WeiWu Created.
// Copied from Base\Win32\Winnls so that it works in W2K as well
LANGID WINAPI MySetThreadUILanguage(WORD wReserved) { //
// Cache system locale and CP info
static LCID s_lidSystem = 0; static UINT s_uiSysCp = 0; static UINT s_uiSysOEMCp = 0; ULONG uiUserUICp; ULONG uiUserUIOEMCp; WCHAR szData[16]; UNICODE_STRING ucStr; LANGID lidUserUI = GetUserDefaultUILanguage(); LCID lcidThreadOld = GetThreadLocale(); //
// Set default thread locale to EN-US
// This allow us to fall back to English UI to avoid trashed characters
// when console doesn't meet the criteria of rendering native UI.
// Make sure nobody uses it yet
ASSERT(wReserved == 0); //
// Get cached system locale and CP info.
if (!s_uiSysCp) { LCID lcidSystem = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
if (lcidSystem) { //
// Get ANSI CP
GetLocaleInfoW(lcidSystem, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ucStr, szData); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ucStr, 10, &uiUserUICp); //
// Get OEM CP
GetLocaleInfoW(lcidSystem, LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ucStr, szData); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ucStr, 10, &s_uiSysOEMCp); //
// Cache system primary langauge
s_lidSystem = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(lcidSystem)); } } //
// Don't cache user UI language and CP info, UI language can be changed without system reboot.
if (lidUserUI) { GetLocaleInfoW(MAKELCID(lidUserUI,SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); RtlInitUnicodeString(& ucStr, szData); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(& ucStr, 10, &uiUserUICp);
GetLocaleInfoW(MAKELCID(lidUserUI,SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE, szData, sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR)); RtlInitUnicodeString(& ucStr, szData); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(& ucStr, 10, &uiUserUIOEMCp); } //
// Complex scripts cannot be rendered in the console, so we
// force the English (US) resource.
if (uiConsoleCp && s_lidSystem != LANG_ARABIC && s_lidSystem != LANG_HEBREW && s_lidSystem != LANG_VIETNAMESE && s_lidSystem != LANG_THAI) { //
// Use UI language for console only when console CP, system CP and UI language CP match.
if ((uiConsoleCp == s_uiSysCp || uiConsoleCp == s_uiSysOEMCp) && (uiConsoleCp == uiUserUICp || uiConsoleCp == uiUserUIOEMCp)) { lcidThread = MAKELCID(lidUserUI, SORT_DEFAULT); } } //
// Set the thread locale if it's different from the currently set
// thread locale.
if ((lcidThread != lcidThreadOld) && (!SetThreadLocale(lcidThread))) { lcidThread = lcidThreadOld; } //
// Return the thread locale that was set.
return (LANGIDFROMLCID(lcidThread)); }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char * argv[]) { LPSTR szCmdArgFileName = NULL; LPWSTR wszFileName = NULL; int nReturn = 0; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
setlocale(LC_ALL, ".OCP"); MySetThreadUILanguage(0); // check for a service name in the command line
if (argc >= 4) { LPSTR szCounterFile = NULL; LPSTR szHelpFile = NULL; LPSTR szLanguageID = NULL;
bSuccess = GetUpgradeFileNames(argv, & szCounterFile, & szHelpFile, & szLanguageID); if (bSuccess) { nReturn = (int) UpdatePerfNameFilesA(szCounterFile, szHelpFile, szLanguageID, 0); } } else if (argc >= 2) { // then there's a param to check
bSuccess = GetSaveFileName(argv[1], & szCmdArgFileName); if (bSuccess && szCmdArgFileName != NULL) { wszFileName = LodctrMultiByteToWideChar(szCmdArgFileName); if (wszFileName != NULL) { nReturn = (int) BackupPerfRegistryToFileW((LPCWSTR) wszFileName, (LPCWSTR) L""); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wszFileName); } } if (! bSuccess) { bSuccess = GetRestoreFileName(argv[1], & szCmdArgFileName); if (bSuccess) { wszFileName = NULL; if (szCmdArgFileName != NULL) { wszFileName = LodctrMultiByteToWideChar(szCmdArgFileName); } nReturn = (int) RestorePerfRegistryFromFileW((LPCWSTR) wszFileName, NULL); if (wszFileName != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wszFileName); } } } if (! bSuccess) { szCmdArgFileName = (LPSTR) GetTrustedServiceName(argv[1]); if (szCmdArgFileName != NULL) { wszFileName = LodctrMultiByteToWideChar(szCmdArgFileName); if (wszFileName != NULL) { nReturn = (int) SetServiceAsTrustedW(NULL, (LPCWSTR) wszFileName); bSuccess = TRUE; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wszFileName); } } } } if (! bSuccess) { // if here then load the registry from an ini file
LPWSTR lpCommandLine = GetCommandLineW(); nReturn = (int) LoadPerfCounterTextStringsW(lpCommandLine, FALSE); }
return nReturn; }