#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sfc.h>
PROTECTED_FILE_DATA pd; DWORD CachedFiles; DWORD NonCachedFiles; DWORD TotalFiles; WCHAR BackupDir[256];
void ProcessProtectedFile( int FileNumber ) { int action; PWSTR s; WCHAR buf[512];
// get the file name
ZeroMemory( &pd, sizeof(pd) ); pd.FileNumber = (DWORD)FileNumber; if (!SfcGetNextProtectedFile(NULL,&pd)) { return; } //
// if the file doesn't exist then there is nothing do to
if (GetFileAttributes( pd.FileName ) == 0xffffffff) { return; } //
// backup the file before we mess with it
wcscpy( buf, BackupDir ); wcscat( buf, &pd.FileName[2] ); s = wcsrchr( buf, L'\\' ); *s = 0; CreateDirectory( buf, NULL ); *s = L'\\'; CopyFile( pd.FileName, buf, FALSE ); //
// now do something
action = rand() % 3; switch (action) { case 0: //
// delete the file
DeleteFile( pd.FileName ); break; case 1: //
// rename the file
wcscpy( buf, pd.FileName ); wcscat( buf, L".sfc" ); MoveFileEx( pd.FileName, buf, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING ); break; case 2: //
// move the file
wcscpy( buf, L"c:\\temp\\sfctemp" ); wcscat( buf, &pd.FileName[2] ); MoveFileEx( pd.FileName, buf, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING ); break; case 3: //
// change the file attributes
SetFileAttributes( pd.FileName, GetFileAttributes( pd.FileName ) ); break; default: //
// should not get here....
return; } }
int __cdecl wmain( int argc, WCHAR *argv[] ) { LONG rc; HKEY hKey; PWSTR s; WCHAR buf[512]; DWORD sz; WCHAR CacheDir[512]; int rnum; DWORD FileCount = (DWORD)-1; HANDLE SfcDebugBreakEvent;
if (argc == 2) { if (_wcsicmp( argv[1], L"break" ) == 0) {
SfcDebugBreakEvent = OpenEvent( EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, L"SfcDebugBreakEvent" ); if (SfcDebugBreakEvent) { SetEvent( SfcDebugBreakEvent ); } else { wprintf( L"could not open the break event, ec=%d\n", GetLastError() ); }
return 0; } else { FileCount = _wtoi( argv[1] ); } }
rc = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\winlogon", &hKey ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return 0; }
sz = sizeof(buf);
rc = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"SFCDllCacheDir", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buf, &sz ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { wcscpy( buf, L"%systemroot%\\system32\\dllcache\\" ); }
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if (buf[wcslen(buf)-1] != L'\\') { wcscat( buf, L"\\" ); }
rc = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( buf, CacheDir, sizeof(CacheDir)/sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!rc) { return 0; }
wcscpy( BackupDir, L"c:\\temp\\sfcsave" );
while (SfcGetNextProtectedFile(NULL,&pd)) { s = wcsrchr( pd.FileName, L'\\' ); if (!s) { return 0; } s += 1; wcscpy( buf, CacheDir ); wcscat( buf, s ); if (GetFileAttributes( buf ) != 0xffffffff) { CachedFiles += 1; } }
ZeroMemory( &pd, sizeof(pd) ); pd.FileNumber = 0xffffffff; SfcGetNextProtectedFile(NULL,&pd); TotalFiles = pd.FileNumber; NonCachedFiles = TotalFiles - CachedFiles;
wprintf( L"cached files = %d\n", CachedFiles ); wprintf( L"non-cached files = %d\n", NonCachedFiles ); wprintf( L"total files = %d\n", TotalFiles );
srand( (unsigned int)GetTickCount() );
while(1) { rnum = rand(); if (rnum&1) { rnum = rand() % CachedFiles; } else { rnum = rand() % TotalFiles; if (rnum < (int)CachedFiles) { rnum = (rnum + CachedFiles) % TotalFiles; } } ProcessProtectedFile( rnum ); if (FileCount != (DWORD)-1) { FileCount -= 1; if (FileCount == 0) { break; } } }
return 0; }