Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Win32 application to display performance statictics. This routine implements graphics output for display windows.
Mark Enstrom (marke)
Revision History:
10-07-92 Initial version
// set variable to define global variables
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "pperf.h"
extern WINPERF_INFO WinperfInfo; extern ULONG NumberOfProcessors, LogIt;
BOOLEAN FitPerfWindows( IN HWND hWnd, IN HDC hDC, IN PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItems )
Routine Description:
Calculate all parameters to fit the given number of windows into the app window. Fill out the data structure for each sub-window
hDC - Screen context DisplayItems - List of display structures NumberOfWindows - Number of sub-windows
Return Value:
Revision History:
02-17-91 Initial code
{ RECT ClientRect; int cx,cy; UINT Index; int ActiveWindows,IndexX,IndexY; int WindowsX,WindowsY,WindowWidth,WindowHeight; int LastRowWidth,LoopWidth; double fWindowsX,fActiveWindows,fcx,fcy; PDISPLAY_ITEM pPerf;
// Find out the client area bounds
cx = ClientRect.right; cy = ClientRect.bottom - 2; // subtract 2 to give a little more border
// Find out how many perf windows are active
ActiveWindows = 0;
for (pPerf=DisplayItems; pPerf; pPerf = pPerf->Next) { if (pPerf->Display == TRUE) { ActiveWindows++; } }
// Return if there are no active windows to display
if (ActiveWindows == 0) { return(TRUE); }
// Now convert the window dimensions to floating point and
// then take the square root of the window dimension to find
// out the number of windows in the x direction
fActiveWindows = 1.0 * ActiveWindows;
fcx = 1.0 * cx; fcy = 1.0 * cy;
if (fcy != 0.0) { fWindowsX = sqrt((fcx * fActiveWindows) / fcy); } else {
// If fcy = 0 then return since this is an error condition that
// would cause a divide by zero.
return(FALSE); }
// convert back to integer
WindowsX = (int)fWindowsX;
if (WindowsX == 0) { WindowsX = 1; } else if (WindowsX > ActiveWindows) { WindowsX = ActiveWindows; }
WindowsY = ActiveWindows / WindowsX;
// Add on extra line to Y to take care of the left over windows ie:
// if there are 15 active windows and the x number = 7 then y = 2 with 1
// left over.
Index = ActiveWindows - (WindowsX * WindowsY);
if (Index > 0) { WindowsY++; LastRowWidth = cx / Index; } else { LastRowWidth = cx / WindowsX; }
WindowWidth = cx / WindowsX; WindowHeight = cy / WindowsY;
// Assign positions for each active window
pPerf = DisplayItems; for (IndexY=0;IndexY<WindowsY;IndexY++) { for (IndexX=0;IndexX<WindowsX;IndexX++) {
// Find the next active display item
while (pPerf->Display != TRUE && pPerf) { pPerf = pPerf->Next; } if (!pPerf) { break; }
// Add y fixup for last row
if (IndexY == WindowsY - 1) { LoopWidth = LastRowWidth; } else { LoopWidth = WindowWidth; }
pPerf->PositionX = LoopWidth * IndexX; pPerf->PositionY = WindowHeight * IndexY + 1; // +1 for more top border
pPerf->Width = LoopWidth - 1; pPerf->Height = WindowHeight - 1;
// Last Column fix-up to use all of window.
if (IndexX == WindowsX - 1) { pPerf->Width = cx - pPerf->PositionX - 1; }
pPerf = pPerf->Next; if (!pPerf) { break; }
if (!pPerf) { break; } }
return(TRUE); }
VOID CalcDrawFrame( PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
Calculate all borders for graphics windows
DisplayItem - Data structure with all perf window info
Return Value:
status of operation
Revision History:
03-21-91 Initial code
{ LONG x1,x2,y1,y2; LONG gx1,gx2,gy1,gy2; LONG tx1,tx2,ty1,ty2; LONG GraphHeight,TextHeight; BOOLEAN TextWindow;
double fx1,fx2,fy1;
// Draw a 3-d stand out box around item window
x1 = DisplayItem->PositionX + 2; x2 = DisplayItem->PositionX + DisplayItem->Width - 2; y1 = DisplayItem->PositionY + 2; y2 = DisplayItem->PositionY + DisplayItem->Height - 2;
// find out in there is enough space for a text window
if ((y2 - y1 - 12) > 30) {
TextWindow = TRUE;
// Calculate dimensions for a text window and a graphics window
// fx1 = portion of the window - bordres and free space
// fx2 = fraction of window used for graphics
// fy1 = fraction of winddow used for text
fx1 = (y2 - y1 - 10);
fx2 = fx1 * 0.6666; fy1 = fx1 * 0.3333;
GraphHeight = (LONG)fx2; TextHeight = (LONG)fy1;
if (TextHeight > 20) { GraphHeight += TextHeight-20; TextHeight = 20; }
// Calculate window boundaries
gx1 = x1 + 4; gx2 = x2 - 4; gy1 = y1 + 4; gy2 = y1 + 4 + GraphHeight + 1;
tx1 = x1 + 4; tx2 = x2 - 4; ty1 = gy2 + 1 + 2 + 1; // border,free space,border
ty2 = gy2 + TextHeight + 1;
} else {
TextWindow = FALSE; GraphHeight = y2 - y1 - 10; gx1 = x1 + 4; gx2 = x2 - 4; gy1 = y1 + 4; gy2 = y2 - 4; tx1 = tx2 = ty1 = ty2 = 0;
// Fill in structures for drawing text and graphics
DisplayItem->Border.left = x1; DisplayItem->Border.right = x2; DisplayItem->Border.top = y1; DisplayItem->Border.bottom = y2;
DisplayItem->GraphBorder.left = gx1; DisplayItem->GraphBorder.right = gx2; DisplayItem->GraphBorder.top = gy1; DisplayItem->GraphBorder.bottom = gy2;
DisplayItem->TextBorder.left = tx1; DisplayItem->TextBorder.right = tx2; DisplayItem->TextBorder.top = ty1; DisplayItem->TextBorder.bottom = ty2; }
VOID DrawFrame( HDC hDC, PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
Draw the window frame for a performance window
hDC - Device Context for window DisplayItem - Data structure with all perf window info
Return Value:
status of operation
Revision History:
03-21-91 Initial code
{ RECT DrawRect; LONG x1,x2,y1,y2; LONG gx1,gx2,gy1,gy2; LONG tx1,tx2,ty1,ty2;
// Draw a 3-d stand out box around item window
x1 = DisplayItem->Border.left; x2 = DisplayItem->Border.right; y1 = DisplayItem->Border.top; y2 = DisplayItem->Border.bottom;
gx1 = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.left; gx2 = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.right; gy1 = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.top; gy2 = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.bottom;
tx1 = DisplayItem->TextBorder.left; tx2 = DisplayItem->TextBorder.right; ty1 = DisplayItem->TextBorder.top; ty2 = DisplayItem->TextBorder.bottom;
// Draw top border in light shade
DrawRect.left = x1; DrawRect.right = x2; DrawRect.top = y1; DrawRect.bottom = y1 + 2;
// Draw Left border in light shade
DrawRect.left = x1; DrawRect.right = x1 + 2; DrawRect.top = y1; DrawRect.bottom = y2;
// Draw right border in dark shade
DrawRect.left = x2 - 2; DrawRect.right = x2; DrawRect.top = y1; DrawRect.bottom = y2;
// draw bottom in dark shade
DrawRect.left = x1; DrawRect.right = x2; DrawRect.top = y2-2; DrawRect.bottom = y2;
// Draw graphics area single border
// Draw top border in dark shade
DrawRect.left = gx1; DrawRect.right = gx2; DrawRect.top = gy1; DrawRect.bottom = gy1+1;
// Draw Left border in Dark shade
DrawRect.left = gx1; DrawRect.right = gx1 + 1; DrawRect.top = gy1; DrawRect.bottom = gy2;
// Draw right border in Light shade
DrawRect.left = gx2 - 1; DrawRect.right = gx2; DrawRect.top = gy1; DrawRect.bottom = gy2;
// draw bottom in Light shade
DrawRect.left = gx1; DrawRect.right = gx2; DrawRect.top = gy2-1; DrawRect.bottom = gy2;
if (tx2 > 0) {
// Draw top border in Dark shade
DrawRect.left = tx1; DrawRect.right = tx2; DrawRect.top = ty1; DrawRect.bottom = ty1 + 1;
// Draw Left border in Dark shade
DrawRect.left = tx1; DrawRect.right = tx1 + 1; DrawRect.top = ty1; DrawRect.bottom = ty2;
// Draw right border in Light shade
DrawRect.left = tx2 - 1; DrawRect.right = tx2; DrawRect.top = ty1; DrawRect.bottom = ty2;
// draw bottom in Light shade
DrawRect.left = tx1; DrawRect.right = tx2; DrawRect.top = ty2-1; DrawRect.bottom = ty2;
} }
VOID DrawPerfText( HDC hDC, PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
Draw text into the perf window
hDC - Device Context for window DisplayItem - Data structure with all perf window info
Return Value:
status of operation
Revision History:
03-21-91 Initial code
{ RECT TextRect; UCHAR TextStr[50]; ULONG j; UINT FontSize;
// Check that text display is enabled
if (DisplayItem->TextBorder.right == 0) { return; }
TextRect.left = DisplayItem->TextBorder.left +1; TextRect.right = DisplayItem->TextBorder.right -1; TextRect.top = DisplayItem->TextBorder.top +1; TextRect.bottom = DisplayItem->TextBorder.bottom -1;
// Decide which font to draw with
FontSize = TextRect.bottom - TextRect.top;
if (FontSize >= 15) { WinperfInfo.hOldFont = SelectObject(hDC,WinperfInfo.LargeFont); } else if (FontSize > 10) { WinperfInfo.hOldFont = SelectObject(hDC,WinperfInfo.MediumFont); } else { WinperfInfo.hOldFont = SelectObject(hDC,WinperfInfo.SmallFont); }
DrawText( hDC, DisplayItem->DispName, DisplayItem->DispNameLen, &TextRect, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE );
// Build the numeric value
if (DisplayItem->Mega) { wsprintf(TextStr," %liK",DisplayItem->DataList[0][0]); } else { if (DisplayItem->IsPercent) { j = wsprintf(TextStr," %03li", DisplayItem->DataList[0][0]); TextStr[j+1] = 0; TextStr[j-0] = TextStr[j-1]; TextStr[j-1] = TextStr[j-2]; TextStr[j-2] = '.'; } else { wsprintf(TextStr," %li",DisplayItem->DataList[0][0]); } }
DrawText( hDC, TextStr, strlen(TextStr), &TextRect, DT_RIGHT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE );
VOID DrawPerfGraph( HDC hDC, PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
Draw graphics into the perf window
hDC - Device Context for window DisplayItem - Data structure with all perf window info
Return Value:
status of operation
Revision History:
03-21-91 Initial code
{ RECT GraphRect,MemGraphRect; ULONG Scale,i,j,GraphWidth,GraphHeight,Max; PULONG pDL; HPEN pen;
GraphRect.left = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.left + 1; GraphRect.right = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.right - 1; GraphRect.top = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.top + 1; GraphRect.bottom = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.bottom - 1;
GraphWidth = GraphRect.right - GraphRect.left -1; GraphHeight = GraphRect.bottom - GraphRect.top -1;
// Memory bitmap is zero-offset for all windows, add 1 to make fillrect fill out
// to right and bottom edge
MemGraphRect.left = 0; MemGraphRect.right = GraphWidth +1; MemGraphRect.top = 0; MemGraphRect.bottom = GraphHeight +1;
MemGraphRect.right = GraphWidth; MemGraphRect.bottom = GraphHeight;
Max = *DisplayItem->MaxToUse; if (Max == 0) { Max = 1; }
// calculate scale from data to perf window
// X scale factor (100 items in x space). Scale can not be less than 1
Scale = (GraphWidth -1)/ DATA_LIST_LENGTH; if (Scale == 0) { Scale = 1; }
if (DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_BREAKDOWN || DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_PER_PROCESSOR) {
for (j=0; j < NumberOfProcessors; j++) { pen = WinperfInfo.hPPen[j]; SelectObject(DisplayItem->MemoryDC,pen);
pDL = DisplayItem->DataList[j+1]; MoveToEx(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[0] * GraphHeight) / Max, (LPPOINT)NULL);
for (i=1;((i<DATA_LIST_LENGTH) && i*Scale < GraphWidth);i++) { LineTo(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right - Scale * i, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[i] * GraphHeight)/Max); } } }
if (DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_TOTAL || DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_BREAKDOWN) {
SelectObject(DisplayItem->MemoryDC,WinperfInfo.hBluePen); pDL = DisplayItem->DataList[0];
MoveToEx(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[0] * GraphHeight)/Max, (LPPOINT)NULL);
for (i=1;((i<DATA_LIST_LENGTH) && i*Scale < GraphWidth);i++) { LineTo(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right - Scale * i, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[i] * GraphHeight)/Max); } }
BitBlt( hDC, GraphRect.left, GraphRect.top, GraphWidth+1, GraphHeight+1, DisplayItem->MemoryDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); }
VOID ShiftPerfGraph( HDC hDC, PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
Shift memory bitmap 1 location left then draw the 1 new data point. BitBlt this to the screen.
hDC - Device Context for window DisplayItem - Data structure with all perf window info
Return Value:
status of operation
Revision History:
03-21-91 Initial code
{ RECT GraphRect,MemGraphRect,FillArea; ULONG Scale,j,GraphWidth,GraphHeight,Max; PULONG pDL; HPEN pen;
GraphRect.left = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.left + 1; GraphRect.right = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.right - 1; GraphRect.top = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.top + 1; GraphRect.bottom = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.bottom - 1;
GraphWidth = GraphRect.right - GraphRect.left -1; GraphHeight = GraphRect.bottom - GraphRect.top -1;
// Memory bitmap is zero-offset for all windows, add 1 to make fillrect fill out
// to right and bottom edge
MemGraphRect.left = 0; MemGraphRect.right = GraphWidth; MemGraphRect.top = 0; MemGraphRect.bottom = GraphHeight;
Max = *DisplayItem->MaxToUse; if (Max == 0) { Max = 1; }
// calculate scale from data to perf window
// X scale factor (100 items in x space). Scale can not be less than 1
Scale = (GraphWidth -1)/ DATA_LIST_LENGTH; if (Scale == 0) { Scale = 1; }
// Shift memory image left by scale
BitBlt( DisplayItem->MemoryDC, 0, 0, GraphWidth+1 - Scale, GraphHeight+1, DisplayItem->MemoryDC, Scale, 0, SRCCOPY);
// Fill The new area on the right of the screen
FillArea.left = GraphWidth +1 - Scale; FillArea.right = GraphWidth +1; FillArea.top = 0; FillArea.bottom = GraphHeight +1;
if (DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_BREAKDOWN || DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_PER_PROCESSOR) {
for (j=0; j < NumberOfProcessors; j++) { pen = WinperfInfo.hPPen[j]; SelectObject(DisplayItem->MemoryDC,pen);
pDL = DisplayItem->DataList[j+1]; MoveToEx(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[0] * GraphHeight)/ Max, (LPPOINT)NULL);
LineTo(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right - Scale, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[1] * GraphHeight)/ Max); } }
if (DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_TOTAL || DisplayItem->DisplayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_BREAKDOWN) {
pDL = DisplayItem->DataList[0]; MoveToEx(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[0] * GraphHeight)/Max, (LPPOINT)NULL);
LineTo(DisplayItem->MemoryDC, MemGraphRect.right - Scale, MemGraphRect.bottom - (pDL[1] * GraphHeight)/Max); }
BitBlt( hDC, GraphRect.left, GraphRect.top, GraphWidth+1, GraphHeight+1, DisplayItem->MemoryDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
BOOLEAN CreateMemoryContext( HDC hDC, PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create a memory context and a memory bitmap for each perf window
hDC - Device Context for window DisplayItem - Data structure with all perf window info
Return Value:
status of operation
Revision History:
03-21-91 Initial code
int Width; int Height;
if (DisplayItem->Display == TRUE) {
// Calculate width of memory bitmap needed
Width = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.right - DisplayItem->GraphBorder.left; Height = DisplayItem->GraphBorder.bottom - DisplayItem->GraphBorder.top;
if ((Width<=0) || (Height <= 0)) {
// Disable this window that is to small to be seen
//DisplayItem->Display = FALSE;
// make a fake width and height
Width = 1; Height = 1; }
// Create DC and Bitmap
DisplayItem->MemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
if (DisplayItem->MemoryDC == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
DisplayItem->MemoryBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC,Width,Height);
if (DisplayItem->MemoryBitmap == 0) { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
VOID DeleteMemoryContext( PDISPLAY_ITEM DisplayItem ) /*++
Routine Description:
Delete memory bitmap and context
hDC - Device Context for window DisplayItem - Data structure with all perf window info
Return Value:
status of operation
Revision History:
03-21-91 Initial code
if (DisplayItem->MemoryDC != NULL) { DeleteDC(DisplayItem->MemoryDC); }
if (DisplayItem->MemoryBitmap != NULL) { DeleteObject(DisplayItem->MemoryBitmap); }