* Title: analog.c - main file for log analyzer * * Description: This file is a tool to analyze sorted memsnap and poolsnap log * files. It reads in the log files and records each of the * fields for each process or tag. It then does a trend analysis * of each field. If any field increases every period, it reports * a definite leak. If the difference of increase count and * decrease count for any field is more than half the periods, it * reports a probable leak. * * Functions: * * Usage Prints usage message * DetermineFileType Determines type of log file (mem/pool) & longest entry * AnalyzeMemLog Reads and analyzes sorted memsnap log * AnalyzePoolLog Reads and analyzes sorted poolsnap log * AnalyzeFile Opens file, determines type and calls analysis function * main Loops on each command arg and calls AnalyzeFile * * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation * * ToDo: * 1. Way to ignore some of the periods at the beginning. * 2. Exceptions file to ignore tags or processes. * 3. Pick up comments from file and print them as notes. * *4. switch to just show definites. * 5. Output computername, build number,checked/free, arch. etc * 6. option to ignore process that weren't around the whole time * * Revision history: LarsOp 12/8/1998 - Created * ChrisW 3/22/1999 - HTML, Calculate rates * */
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "analog.h"
#include "htmprint.c" // all the HTML procs and variables
INT g_iMaxPeriods=0; // Global for max periods
BOOL g_fVerbose=FALSE; // Global verbosity for deltas on memlogs
BOOL g_fShowExtraInfo=FALSE; // If true, show computer names, and comments
DWORD g_dwElapseTickCount=0; // Total elapse time for these logs
CHAR* g_pszComputerName=NULL; // name of computer the log file came from
CHAR* g_pszBuildNumber=NULL; // build number
CHAR* g_pszBuildType=NULL; // build type (retail/debug)
CHAR* g_pszSystemTime=NULL; // last time
CHAR* g_pszComments=NULL; INT g_ReportLevel=9; // 0= only definite, 9=all inclusive
#define TAGCHAR '!' /* character that starts tag line */
* Usage prints the usage message. */ void Usage() { printf("Usage: AnaLog [-v] [-h] [-t] [-d] <file1> [<file2>] [<file3>] [...]\n"); printf(" **no wild card support yet**\n\n"); printf("AnaLog will analyze SortLog output of MemSnap or PoolSnap files.\n\n"); printf("-v Print deltas>%d%% for all processes to be written to stderr\n", PERCENT_TO_PRINT); printf("-h Produce HTML tables\n"); printf("-t Show Extra info like computer name, and comments\n"); printf("-d Show only definite leaks\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Definite leak means that the value increased every period.\n"); printf("Probable leak means that it increased more than half the periods.\n" ); }
DWORD Trick( LONG amount, DWORD ticks ) { _int64 temp;
temp= amount; temp= temp * 3600;
temp= temp * 1000; temp= temp/(ticks);
return( (DWORD) temp ); }
// GetLocalString
// Allocate a heap block and copy string into it.
// return: pointer to heap block
CHAR* GetLocalString( CHAR* pszString ) { INT len; CHAR* pszTemp;
len= strlen( pszString ) + 1;
pszTemp= (CHAR*) LocalAlloc( LPTR, len );
if( !pszTemp ) return NULL;
strcpy( pszTemp, pszString );
return( pszTemp );
* ProcessTag * * Args: char* - pointer to something like 'tag=value' * * return: nothing (but may set global variables) * */
#define BREAKSYM "<BR>"
VOID ProcessTag( CHAR* pBuffer ) { CHAR* pszTagName; CHAR* pszEqual; CHAR* pszValue; INT len;
// eliminate trailing newline
len= strlen( pBuffer );
if( len ) { if( pBuffer[len-1] == '\n' ) { pBuffer[len-1]= 0; } }
pszTagName= pBuffer;
pszEqual= pBuffer;
while( *pszEqual && (*pszEqual != '=' ) ) { pszEqual++; }
if( !*pszEqual ) { return; }
*pszEqual= 0; // zero terminate the tag name
pszValue= pszEqual+1;
if( _stricmp( pszTagName, "elapsetickcount" ) == 0 ) { g_dwElapseTickCount= atol( pszValue ); }
else if( _stricmp( pszTagName, "computername" ) == 0 ) { g_pszComputerName= GetLocalString( pszValue ); }
else if( _stricmp( pszTagName, "buildnumber" ) == 0 ) { g_pszBuildNumber= GetLocalString( pszValue ); }
else if( _stricmp( pszTagName, "buildtype" ) == 0 ) { g_pszBuildType= GetLocalString( pszValue ); }
else if( _stricmp( pszTagName, "systemtime" ) == 0 ) { g_pszSystemTime= GetLocalString( pszValue ); }
else if( _stricmp( pszTagName, "logtype" ) == 0 ) { // just ignore
else { INT length; CHAR* pBuf; BOOL bIgnoreTag= FALSE;
if( _stricmp(pszTagName,"comment")==0 ) { bIgnoreTag=TRUE; } if( g_pszComments == NULL ) { length= strlen(pszTagName) + 1 + strlen(pszValue) + 1 +1; pBuf= (CHAR*) LocalAlloc( LPTR, length ); if( pBuf ) { if( bIgnoreTag ) { sprintf(pBuf,"%s\n",pszValue); } else { sprintf(pBuf,"%s %s\n",pszTagName,pszValue); } g_pszComments= pBuf; } } else { length= strlen(g_pszComments)+strlen(pszTagName)+1+strlen(pszValue)+sizeof(BREAKSYM)+1 +1; pBuf= (CHAR*) LocalAlloc( LPTR, length ); if( pBuf ) { if( bIgnoreTag ) { sprintf(pBuf,"%s%s%s\n",g_pszComments,BREAKSYM,pszValue); } else { sprintf(pBuf,"%s%s%s=%s\n",g_pszComments,BREAKSYM,pszTagName,pszValue); } LocalFree( g_pszComments ); g_pszComments= pBuf; } } }
* DetermineFileType * * Args: pFile - File pointer to check * * Returns: The type of log of given file. UNKNOWN_LOG_TYPE is the error return. * * This function scans the file to determine the log type (based on the first * word) and the maximum number of lines for any process or tag. * */ LogType DetermineFileType(FILE *pFile) { char buffer[BUF_LEN]; // buffer for reading lines
char idstring[BUF_LEN]; // ident string (1st word of 1st line)
LogType retval=UNKNOWN_LOG_TYPE;// return value (default to error case)
fpos_t savedFilePosition; // file pos to reset after computing max
int iTemp; // temporary used for computing max entries
int iStatus;
// Read the first string of the first line to identify the type
if (fgets(buffer, BUF_LEN, pFile)) { iStatus= sscanf(buffer, "%s", idstring); if( iStatus == 0 ) { return UNKNOWN_LOG_TYPE; } if (0==_strcmpi(idstring, "Tag")) { retval=POOL_LOG; } else if (0==_strcmpi(idstring, "Process")) { retval=MEM_LOG; } else { return UNKNOWN_LOG_TYPE; } } else { return UNKNOWN_LOG_TYPE; }
// Save the position to reset after counting the number of polling periods
fgetpos(pFile, &savedFilePosition);
// Loop until you get a blank line or end of file
g_iMaxPeriods=0; while (TRUE) { iTemp=0; while (TRUE) { //
// Blank line actually has length 1 for LF character.
if( (NULL==fgets(buffer, BUF_LEN, pFile)) || (*buffer == TAGCHAR ) || (strlen(buffer)<2)) { break; } iTemp++; } g_iMaxPeriods=MAX(g_iMaxPeriods, iTemp);
if( *buffer == TAGCHAR ) { ProcessTag( buffer+1 ); } if (feof(pFile)) { break; } }
// Reset position to first record for reading/analyzing data
(void) fsetpos(pFile, &savedFilePosition);
return retval; }
* AnalyzeMemLog * * Args: pointer to sorted memsnap log file * * Returns: nothing * * This function reads a sorted memsnap logfile. For each process in the file, * it records each column for every period and then analyzes the memory trends * for leaks. * * If any column increases for each period, that is flagged as a definite leak. * If any column increases significatnly more often than decrease, it is a * flagged as a probable leak. * */ void AnalyzeMemLog(FILE *pFile) { int iPeriod; // index for which period being read
MemLogRec Delta; // Record to track increase from first to last entry
MemLogRec TrendInfo; // Record to track period increases
MemLogRec* pLogArray; // Array of records for each process
char buffer[BUF_LEN]; // Buffer for reading each line from pFile
// Allocate enough space for the largest set
pLogArray = malloc(g_iMaxPeriods*sizeof(MemLogRec));
if (NULL == pLogArray) {
fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory, aborting file.\n"); return; }
// Read the entire file
while( !feof(pFile) ) {
// Reset trend and period info for each new process
memset(&TrendInfo, 0, sizeof(TrendInfo)); iPeriod=0;
// Loop until you've read all the entries for this process or tag.
// Note: Empty line includes LF character that fgets doesn't eat.
while (TRUE) {
if( iPeriod >= g_iMaxPeriods ) break; // done
if ((NULL==fgets(buffer, BUF_LEN, pFile)) || (strlen(buffer)<2) || (*buffer == TAGCHAR) || (0==sscanf(buffer, "%lx %s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &pLogArray[iPeriod].Pid, pLogArray[iPeriod].Name, &pLogArray[iPeriod].WorkingSet, &pLogArray[iPeriod].PagedPool, &pLogArray[iPeriod].NonPagedPool, &pLogArray[iPeriod].PageFile, &pLogArray[iPeriod].Commit, &pLogArray[iPeriod].Handles, &pLogArray[iPeriod].Threads))) { break; } //
// Calculate TrendInfo:
// TrendInfo is a running tally of the periods a value went up vs.
// the periods it went down. See macro in analog.h
// if (curval>oldval) {
// trend++;
// } else if (curval<oldval) {
// trend--;
// } else {
// trend=trend; // stay same
// }
if (iPeriod>0) { GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, WorkingSet); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, PagedPool); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, NonPagedPool); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, PageFile); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, Commit); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, Handles); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, Threads); } iPeriod++; }
if (iPeriod>1) { //
// GET_DELTA simply records the difference (end-begin) for each field
// Macro in analog.h
GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, WorkingSet); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, PagedPool); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, NonPagedPool); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, PageFile); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, Commit); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, Handles); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, Threads);
// PRINT_IF_TREND reports probable or definite leaks for any field.
// Definite leak is where the value goes up every period
// Probable leak is where the value goes up most of the time
// Macro in analog.h
// if (trend==numperiods-1) {
// definite_leak;
// } else if (trend>=numperiods/2) {
// probable_leak;
// }
// PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, WorkingSet);
PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, PagedPool); PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, NonPagedPool); // PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, PageFile);
PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, Commit); PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, Handles); PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, Threads); if (g_fVerbose && ANY_PERCENT_GREATER(Delta, pLogArray)) { printf("%-12s:WS=%4ld%% PP=%4ld%% NP=%4ld%% " "PF=%4ld%% C=%4ld%% H=%4ld%% T=%4ld%%\n", pLogArray[0].Name, PERCENT(Delta.WorkingSet , pLogArray[0].WorkingSet ), PERCENT(Delta.PagedPool , pLogArray[0].PagedPool ), PERCENT(Delta.NonPagedPool, pLogArray[0].NonPagedPool), PERCENT(Delta.PageFile , pLogArray[0].PageFile ), PERCENT(Delta.Commit , pLogArray[0].Commit ), PERCENT(Delta.Handles , pLogArray[0].Handles ), PERCENT(Delta.Threads , pLogArray[0].Threads )); } } }
if (pLogArray) { free (pLogArray); } }
* AnalyzePoolLog * * Args: pointer to sorted poolsnap log file * * Returns: nothing * * This function reads a sorted poolsnap logfile. For each pool tag in the file, * it records each column for every period and then analyzes the memory trends * for leaks. * * If any column increases for each period, that is flagged as a definite leak. * If any column increases significatnly more often than decrease, it is a * flagged as a probable leak. * */ void AnalyzePoolLog(FILE *pFile) { int iPeriod; // index for which period being read
PoolLogRec Delta, // Record to track increase from first to last entry
TrendInfo, // Record to track period increases
*pLogArray;// Array of records for each pool tag
char buffer[BUF_LEN]; // Buffer for reading each line from pFile
// Allocate enough space for the largest set
pLogArray=malloc(g_iMaxPeriods*sizeof(PoolLogRec)); if (NULL==pLogArray) { fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory, aborting file.\n"); return; }
// Read the entire file
while( !feof(pFile) ) {
// Reset trend and period info for each new pool tag
memset(&TrendInfo, 0, sizeof(TrendInfo)); iPeriod=0;
// Loop until you've read all the entries for this process or tag.
// Note: Empty line includes LF character that fgets doesn't eat.
while( TRUE ) { if( iPeriod >= g_iMaxPeriods ) break; // done
if ((NULL==fgets(buffer, BUF_LEN, pFile)) || (strlen(buffer)<2) || (*buffer == TAGCHAR ) || (0==sscanf(buffer, " %4c %s %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", pLogArray[iPeriod].Name, pLogArray[iPeriod].Type, &pLogArray[iPeriod].Allocs, &pLogArray[iPeriod].Frees, &pLogArray[iPeriod].Diff, &pLogArray[iPeriod].Bytes, &pLogArray[iPeriod].PerAlloc))) { break; } pLogArray[iPeriod].Name[4]='\0'; // Terminate the tag
// Calculate TrendInfo:
// TrendInfo is a running tally of the periods a value went up vs.
// the periods it went down. See macro in analog.h
// if (curval>oldval) {
// trend++;
// } else if (curval<oldval) {
// trend--;
// } else {
// trend=trend; // stay same
// }
if (iPeriod>0) { GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, Allocs); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, Frees); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, Diff); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, Bytes); GREATER_LESS_OR_EQUAL(TrendInfo, pLogArray, iPeriod, PerAlloc); } iPeriod++; }
// skip rest of loop if a blank line or useless line
if( iPeriod == 0 ) continue;
// GET_DELTA simply records the difference (end-begin) for each field
// Macro in analog.h
GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, Allocs); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, Frees); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, Diff); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, Bytes); GET_DELTA(Delta, pLogArray, iPeriod, PerAlloc);
// PRINT_IF_TREND reports probable or definite leaks for any field.
// Definite leak is where the value goes up every period
// Probable leak is where the value goes up most of the time
// Macro in analog.h
// if (trend==numperiods-1) {
// definite_leak;
// } else if (trend>=numperiods/2) {
// probable_leak;
// }
// Note: Allocs, Frees and PerAlloc don't make sense to report trends.
// PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, Allocs);
// PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, Frees);
// PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, PerAlloc);
// PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, Diff);
PRINT_IF_TREND(pLogArray, TrendInfo, Delta, iPeriod, Bytes); }
PRINT_TRAILER(); if (pLogArray) { free (pLogArray); } }
* AnalyzeFile * * Args: pFileName - filename to analyze * * Returns: nothing * * This function opens the specified file, determines the file type and calls * the appropriate analyze function. * */ void AnalyzeFile(char *pFileName) { FILE *pFile; // using fopen for fgets functionality
LogType WhichType=UNKNOWN_LOG_TYPE; // which type of log (pool/mem)
pFile=fopen(pFileName, "r"); if (NULL==pFile) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open %s, Error=%d\n", pFileName, GetLastError()); return; }
switch (WhichType) { case MEM_LOG: AnalyzeMemLog(pFile); break; case POOL_LOG: AnalyzePoolLog(pFile); break; default: ; }
fclose(pFile); }
* main * * Args: argc - count of command line args * argv - array of command line args * * Returns: 0 if called correctly, 1 if not. * * This is the entry point for analog. It simply parses the command line args * and then calls AnalyzeFile on each file. * */ int _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ArgIndex; if (argc<2) { Usage(); return 1; }
for( ArgIndex=1; ArgIndex<argc; ArgIndex++) { if( (*argv[ArgIndex] == '/') || (*argv[ArgIndex]=='-') ) { CHAR chr;
chr= argv[ArgIndex][1]; switch( chr ) { case 'v': case 'V': // verbose
g_fVerbose= TRUE; break; case 'h': case 'H': // output HTML
bHtmlStyle= TRUE; break; case 't': case 'T': // show all the extra info
g_fShowExtraInfo=TRUE; break; case 'd': case 'D': // print definite only
g_ReportLevel= 0; break; default: Usage(); break; } } else { AnalyzeFile(argv[ArgIndex]); } } return 0; }