#pragma once
// Two flavors of allocator.
#define CRT_ALLOC 0
#define COM_ALLOC 1
// Buffer alloc chungks must be a power of 2.
#define ROUNDUPTOPOWEROF2(bytesize, powerof2) (((bytesize) + (powerof2) - 1) & ~((powerof2) - 1))
// MAXCHARCOUNT is nice for simple overflow calculations; it allows rollover checks only on the character
// counts themselves and not also again on the underlying byte counts passed to memcpy.
// Find the right include for this.
#define ULONG_MAX 0xffffffff
#define OVERFLOW_CHECK1(_x) do { if (_x > MAXCHARCOUNT) { _hr = BADMATH; ASSERT(PREDICATE); goto exit; } } while (0)
#define OVERFLOW_CHECK2(_x, _y) do { if ((_y > MAXCHARCOUNT) || (_y < _x)) { _hr = BADMATH; ASSERT(PREDICATE); goto exit; } } while (0)
// CBaseString
template <ULONG T> class CBaseString { public:
enum AllocFlags { COM_Allocator = 0, CRT_Allocator };
enum HashFlags { CaseInsensitive = 0, CaseSensitive };
DWORD _dwSig; HRESULT _hr; WCHAR _wz[T]; LPWSTR _pwz; // Str ptr.
DWORD _cc; // String length
DWORD _ccBuf; // Buffer length
AllocFlags _eAlloc; // Allocator
BOOL _fLocked; // Accessor lock
// ctor
CBaseString(); // ctor w/ allocator
CBaseString(AllocFlags eAlloc); // dtor
operator LPCWSTR ( ) const;
// Used by accessor.
HRESULT Lock(); HRESULT UnLock(); // Allocations
HRESULT ResizeBuffer(DWORD ccNew);
// Deallocations
VOID FreeBuffer();
// Assume control for a buffer.
HRESULT TakeOwnership(WCHAR* pwz, DWORD cc = 0); // Release control.
HRESULT ReleaseOwnership(LPWSTR *ppwz); // Direct copy assign from string.
HRESULT Assign(LPCWSTR pwzSource, DWORD ccSource = 0);
// Direct copy assign from CBaseString
HRESULT Assign(CBaseString& sSource);
// Append given wchar string.
HRESULT Append(LPCWSTR pwzSource, DWORD ccSource = 0);
// Append given CBaseString
HRESULT Append(CBaseString& sSource);
// Append given number (DWORD)
HRESULT Append(DWORD dwValue);
// Compare to string
HRESULT CompareString(CBaseString& s);
HRESULT CompareString(LPCWSTR pwz);
HRESULT LastElement(CBaseString &sSource);
HRESULT RemoveLastElement();
HRESULT SplitLastElement(WCHAR wcSeparator, CBaseString &sSource);
HRESULT StartsWith(LPCWSTR pwzPrefix);
HRESULT EndsWith(LPCWSTR pwzSuffix);
DWORD ByteCount();
DWORD CharCount(); // / -> \ in string
HRESULT PathNormalize();
HRESULT GetHash(LPDWORD pdwhash, DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT Get65599Hash(LPDWORD pdwHash, DWORD dwFlags);
// ctor
template<ULONG T> CBaseString<T>::CBaseString() { _dwSig = 'NRTS'; _wz[0] = 'L\0'; _pwz = NULL; _cc = 0; _ccBuf = 0; _eAlloc = CRT_Allocator; _hr = S_OK; _fLocked = FALSE; }
// ctor w/ allocator
template<ULONG T> CBaseString<T>::CBaseString(AllocFlags eAlloc) { _dwSig = 'NRTS'; _wz[0] = L'\0'; _pwz = NULL; _cc = 0; _ccBuf = 0; _eAlloc = eAlloc; _hr = S_OK; _fLocked = FALSE; }
// dtor
template<ULONG T> CBaseString<T>::~CBaseString() { FreeBuffer(); }
// operator LPCWSTR
template<ULONG T> CBaseString<T>::operator LPCWSTR () const { return _pwz; }
// Lock
template<ULONG T>HRESULT CBaseString<T>::Lock() { IF_FALSE_EXIT(_fLocked != TRUE, E_UNEXPECTED); _fLocked = TRUE;
exit: return _hr; }
// Lock
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::UnLock() { IF_FALSE_EXIT(_fLocked != FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); _fLocked = FALSE;
exit: return _hr; }
// ResizeBuffer
// NOTICE: Does not decrease buffer size.
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::ResizeBuffer(DWORD ccNew) { LPWSTR pwzNew = NULL; DWORD ccOriginal = 0; DWORD ccNewRoundUp = 0; IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_TRUE_EXIT((ccNew <= _ccBuf), S_OK); if (!_pwz && (ccNew <= T)) { _pwz = _wz; _ccBuf = T; goto exit; }
ccNewRoundUp = ROUNDUPTOPOWEROF2(ccNew, BUFFER_ALLOCATION_SIZE); OVERFLOW_CHECK2(ccNew, ccNewRoundUp); if (_eAlloc == CRT_Allocator) pwzNew = new WCHAR[ccNewRoundUp]; else if (_eAlloc == COM_Allocator) pwzNew = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(ccNewRoundUp * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (_pwz && _cc) memcpy(pwzNew, _pwz, _cc * sizeof(WCHAR)); ccOriginal = _cc; FreeBuffer(); _pwz = pwzNew; _cc = ccOriginal; _ccBuf = ccNewRoundUp;
return _hr; }
// FreeBuffer
template<ULONG T> VOID CBaseString<T>::FreeBuffer() { IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (_pwz == _wz) goto exit; if (_eAlloc == CRT_Allocator) { SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwz); } else if (_eAlloc == COM_Allocator) { if (_pwz) CoTaskMemFree(_pwz); }
_pwz = NULL; _cc = 0; _ccBuf = 0;
return; }
// TakeOwnership
// Working assumption here is that incoming buffer size if not
// specified is equal to strlen + 1. If it's bigger, that's fine but
// we won't know about the extra.
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::TakeOwnership(WCHAR* pwz, DWORD cc) { DWORD ccNew = 0, ccLen = 0;
if (cc) { ccNew = cc; } else { ccLen = lstrlen(pwz); ccNew = ccLen+1; OVERFLOW_CHECK2(ccLen, ccNew); }
_pwz = pwz; _cc = _ccBuf = ccNew;
exit: return _hr; }
// ReleaseOwnership
template<ULONG T>HRESULT CBaseString<T>::ReleaseOwnership(LPWSTR *ppwz) { IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (_pwz == _wz) { IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(*ppwz = new WCHAR[_ccBuf]); memcpy(*ppwz, _wz, _ccBuf * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else *ppwz = _pwz; _pwz = NULL; _cc = 0; _ccBuf = 0;
return _hr; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assign
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::Assign(LPCWSTR pwzSource, DWORD ccSource) { DWORD ccSourceLen = 0;
IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_NULL_EXIT(pwzSource, E_INVALIDARG); OVERFLOW_CHECK1(ccSource); if (!ccSource) { ccSourceLen = lstrlen(pwzSource); ccSource = ccSourceLen + 1; OVERFLOW_CHECK2(ccSourceLen, ccSource); }
IF_FAILED_EXIT(ResizeBuffer(ccSource)); _cc = ccSource;
memcpy(_pwz, pwzSource, _cc * sizeof(WCHAR));
return _hr; }
// Assign
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::Assign(CBaseString& sSource) { return Assign(sSource._pwz, sSource._cc); }
// Append
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::Append(LPCWSTR pwzSource, DWORD ccSource) { DWORD ccRequired = 0, ccSourceLen = 0;
IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_NULL_EXIT(pwzSource, E_INVALIDARG); OVERFLOW_CHECK1(ccSource); if (!ccSource) { ccSourceLen = lstrlen(pwzSource); ccSource = ccSourceLen + 1; OVERFLOW_CHECK2(ccSourceLen, ccSource); }
if (_cc) { ccRequired = _cc -1 + ccSource; OVERFLOW_CHECK2(ccSource, ccRequired); } else { ccRequired = ccSource; }
IF_FAILED_EXIT(ResizeBuffer(ccRequired)); memcpy(_pwz + (_cc ? _cc-1 : 0), pwzSource, ccSource * sizeof(WCHAR));
_cc = ccRequired;
return _hr; }
// Append
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::Append(CBaseString& sSource) { IF_NULL_EXIT(sSource._pwz, E_INVALIDARG); IF_FAILED_EXIT(Append(sSource._pwz, sSource._cc));
return _hr; }
// Append
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::Append(DWORD dwValue) { LPWSTR pwzBuf = NULL;
// ISSUE-05/31/02-felixybc optimize by using internal buffer if not currently used
// 2^32 has 10 digits(base 10) + sign + '\0' = 12 WCHAR
IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwzBuf = new WCHAR[12]); pwzBuf[0] = L'\0';
// ISSUE- check error?
_ultow(dwValue, pwzBuf, 10);
exit: SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzBuf); return _hr; }
// CompareString
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::CompareString(CBaseString& s) { return CompareString(s._pwz); }
// CompareString
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::CompareString(LPCWSTR pwz) { DWORD iCompare = 0; IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED);
iCompare = ::CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, _pwz, -1, pwz, -1);
_hr = (iCompare == CSTR_EQUAL) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
return _hr; }
// LastElement
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::LastElement(CBaseString<T> &sSource) { LPWSTR pwz = NULL;
IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_FALSE_EXIT((_pwz && _cc), E_UNEXPECTED); pwz = _pwz + _cc - 1;
while (1) { pwz = CharPrev(_pwz, pwz); if (*pwz == L'\\' || *pwz == L'/') break; IF_FALSE_EXIT((pwz != _pwz), E_FAIL); }
return _hr; }
// RemoveLastElement
// remove last element, also the L'\\' or L'/'
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::RemoveLastElement() { DWORD cc = 0; LPWSTR pwz = NULL;
pwz = _pwz + _cc - 1;
while (1) { pwz = CharPrev(_pwz, pwz); cc++; if (*pwz == L'\\' || *pwz == L'/' || (pwz == _pwz) ) break; // IF_FALSE_EXIT((pwz != _pwz), E_FAIL);
*pwz = L'\0'; _cc -= cc;
exit: return _hr; }
// SplitLastElement
// remove last element, also the separator
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::SplitLastElement(WCHAR wcSeparator, CBaseString &sSource) { DWORD cc = 0; LPWSTR pwz = NULL;
IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_FALSE_EXIT((_pwz && _cc), E_UNEXPECTED); pwz = _pwz + _cc - 1;
while (1) { pwz = CharPrev(_pwz, pwz); cc++; if (*pwz == wcSeparator) break; IF_FALSE_EXIT((pwz != _pwz), E_FAIL); }
*pwz = L'\0'; _cc -= cc;
return _hr; }
// ByteCount
template<ULONG T> DWORD CBaseString<T>::ByteCount() { IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED);
return (_cc * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
// CharCount
template<ULONG T> DWORD CBaseString<T>::CharCount() { IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED);
return _cc; }
// StartsWith
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::StartsWith(LPCWSTR pwzPrefix) { DWORD ccPrefixLen = 0, iCompare = 0;
IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_FALSE_EXIT((_pwz && _cc), E_UNEXPECTED); IF_NULL_EXIT(pwzPrefix, E_INVALIDARG); ccPrefixLen = lstrlen(pwzPrefix);
IF_FALSE_EXIT((ccPrefixLen < _cc-1), E_INVALIDARG);
iCompare = ::CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, _pwz, ccPrefixLen, pwzPrefix, ccPrefixLen);
_hr = (iCompare == CSTR_EQUAL) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
return _hr; }
// EndsWith
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::EndsWith(LPCWSTR pwzSuffix) { DWORD ccSuffixLen = 0, iCompare = 0;
IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_FALSE_EXIT((_pwz && _cc), E_UNEXPECTED); IF_NULL_EXIT(pwzSuffix, E_INVALIDARG); ccSuffixLen = lstrlen(pwzSuffix);
IF_FALSE_EXIT((ccSuffixLen < _cc-1), E_INVALIDARG);
iCompare = ::CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, _pwz+_cc-ccSuffixLen, ccSuffixLen, pwzSuffix, ccSuffixLen);
_hr = (iCompare == CSTR_EQUAL) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
return _hr; }
// PathNormalize
// / -> \ in string
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::PathNormalize() { LPWSTR pwz = NULL; IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_FALSE_EXIT((_pwz && _cc), E_UNEXPECTED);
pwz = _pwz;
if (*pwz == L'/') *pwz = L'\\'; while ((pwz = CharNext(pwz)) && *pwz) { if (*pwz == L'/') *pwz = L'\\'; }
return _hr; }
// GetHash
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::GetHash(LPDWORD pdwHash, DWORD dwFlags) { IF_FALSE_EXIT(!_fLocked, E_UNEXPECTED); _hr = Get65599Hash(pdwHash, dwFlags); exit: return _hr; }
// Get65599Hash
template<ULONG T> HRESULT CBaseString<T>::Get65599Hash(LPDWORD pdwHash, DWORD dwFlags) { ULONG TmpHashValue = 0; DWORD cc = 0; LPWSTR pwz = 0;
if (pdwHash != NULL) *pdwHash = 0;
cc = _cc; pwz = _pwz; if (dwFlags == CaseSensitive) { while (cc-- != 0) { WCHAR Char = *pwz++; TmpHashValue = (TmpHashValue * 65599) + (WCHAR) ::CharUpperW((PWSTR) Char); } } else { while (cc-- != 0) TmpHashValue = (TmpHashValue * 65599) + *pwz++; }
*pdwHash = TmpHashValue;
exit: return _hr; }
// CString
class CString : public CBaseString<DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE> { public: CString() : CBaseString<DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE> (){} CString(AllocFlags eAllocFlags) : CBaseString<DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE>(eAllocFlags) {} };
// CStringAccessor
template<class T> class CStringAccessor { private:
HRESULT _hr; T* _ps;
public: CStringAccessor(); ~CStringAccessor();
HRESULT Attach(T& s); HRESULT Detach(DWORD cc = 0);
LPWSTR* operator &(); LPWSTR GetBuf(); };
// ctor
template<class T> CStringAccessor<T>::CStringAccessor() : _ps(NULL), _hr(S_OK) {}
// dtor
template<class T> CStringAccessor<T>::~CStringAccessor() {}
// Attach
template<class T> HRESULT CStringAccessor<T>::Attach(T &s) { _ps = &s; IF_FAILED_EXIT(_ps->Lock()); exit: return _hr; }
// Detach
template<class T> HRESULT CStringAccessor<T>::Detach(DWORD cc) { DWORD ccLen = 0; IF_NULL_EXIT(_ps, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_NULL_EXIT(_ps->_pwz, E_UNEXPECTED); if (!cc) { ccLen = lstrlen(_ps->_pwz); cc = ccLen+1; OVERFLOW_CHECK2(ccLen, cc); } else { IF_FALSE_EXIT((*(_ps->_pwz + cc - 1) == L'\0'), E_INVALIDARG); }
_ps->_cc = _ps->_ccBuf = cc;
return _hr; }
// operator &
template<class T> LPWSTR* CStringAccessor<T>::operator &() { if (!_ps) { ASSERT(FALSE); }
return (_ps ? &(_ps->_pwz) : NULL); }
// GetBuf
template<class T> LPWSTR CStringAccessor<T>::GetBuf() { if (!_ps) { ASSERT(FALSE); }
return (_ps ? (_ps->_pwz) : NULL); }