#include "stdinc.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <svcs.h>
#include "sxsserviceserver.h"
EXTERN_C RPC_IF_HANDLE SxsStoreManager_ServerIfHandle;
BOOL CServiceStatus::Initialize( PCWSTR pcwszServiceName, LPHANDLER_FUNCTION pHandler, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwControlsAccepted, DWORD dwInitialState ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
// Double-initialization isn't a bad thing, but it's frowned on.
ASSERT(m_StatusHandle == NULL); if (m_StatusHandle != NULL) return TRUE;
// Register this service as owning the service status
m_StatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(pcwszServiceName, pHandler); if (m_StatusHandle == NULL) { goto Failure; }
// Set the initial state of the world
ZeroMemory(static_cast<SERVICE_STATUS*>(this), sizeof(SERVICE_STATUS)); this->dwServiceType = dwServiceType; this->dwCurrentState = dwInitialState; this->dwControlsAccepted = dwControlsAccepted; if (!SetServiceStatus(m_StatusHandle, this)) { goto Failure; }
return TRUE;
Failure: { const DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CSection); m_StatusHandle = NULL; SetLastError(dwLastError); } return FALSE; }
BOOL CServiceStatus::SetServiceState( DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwCheckpoint ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; EnterCriticalSection(&m_CSection); __try {
if (m_StatusHandle != NULL) { this->dwCurrentState = dwStatus;
if (dwCheckpoint != 0xFFFFFFFF) { this->dwCheckPoint = dwCheckpoint; }
fSuccess = SetServiceStatus(m_StatusHandle, this); } } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CSection); }
return fSuccess; }
// In-place construction
bool CServiceStatus::Construct( CServiceStatus *&pServiceStatusTarget ) {
ASSERT(pServiceStatusTarget == NULL); return (pServiceStatusTarget = new CServiceStatus) != NULL; }
EXTERN_C HANDLE g_hFakeServiceControllerThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; EXTERN_C DWORD g_dwFakeServiceControllerThreadId = 0; EXTERN_C PSVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA g_pGlobalServiceData = NULL; BYTE g_rgbServiceStatusStorage[sizeof(CServiceStatus)]; EXTERN_C CServiceStatus *g_pServiceStatus = NULL;
// The service host will call this to send in API callbacks
VOID SvchostPushServiceGlobals( PSVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA pGlobals ) { ASSERT(g_pGlobalServiceData == NULL); g_pGlobalServiceData = pGlobals; }
PVOID operator new(size_t cb, PVOID pv) { return pv; }
// Control handler for service notifications
VOID ServiceHandler( DWORD dwControlCode ) { return; }
// Stop the service with an error code, ERROR_SUCCESS for a successful stoppage
VOID ShutdownService( DWORD dwLastError ) { return; }
// Where the fun starts
VOID WINAPI ServiceMain( DWORD dwServiceArgs, LPWSTR lpServiceArgList[] ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; //
// svchost must have given us some global data before we got to this point.
ASSERT(g_pGlobalServiceData != NULL); ASSERT(g_pServiceStatus == NULL);
g_pServiceStatus = new (g_rgbServiceStatusStorage) CServiceStatus; if (!g_pServiceStatus->Initialize( SXS_STORE_SERVICE_NAME, ServiceHandler, SERVICE_WIN32, SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE, SERVICE_START_PENDING)) { DebugPrint(DBGPRINT_LVL_ERROR, "Can't start service status handler, error 0x%08lx\n", ::GetLastError()); }
// Go initialize RPC, and register our interface. If this fails, we shut down.
status = g_pGlobalServiceData->StartRpcServer( SXS_STORE_SERVICE_NAME, SxsStoreManager_ServerIfHandle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ShutdownService(status); return; }
// Tell the world that we're off and running
g_pServiceStatus->SetServiceState(SERVICE_RUNNING); return; }
DWORD WINAPI FakeServiceController(PVOID pvCookie);
// This stub will start a dispatch thread, and then call into the
// service main function
BOOL FakeRunningAsService() { //
// Create a thread running the service dispatch function, and then call
// the service main function to get things rolling
g_hFakeServiceControllerThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, FakeServiceController, 0, 0, &g_dwFakeServiceControllerThreadId);
if (g_hFakeServiceControllerThread == NULL) { return FALSE; }
ServiceMain(0, NULL); return TRUE; }
VOID __cdecl wmain(INT argc, WCHAR** argv) { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW SxsGacServiceEntries[] = { { SXS_STORE_SERVICE_NAME, ServiceMain }, { NULL, NULL } };
BOOL RunningAsService = TRUE; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (argc > 1 && (lstrcmpiW(argv[1], L"notservice") == 0)) { RunningAsService = FALSE; }
if (RunningAsService) { fSuccess = StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW(SxsGacServiceEntries); if (!fSuccess) { const DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError(); DebugPrint(DBGPRINT_LVL_ERROR, "Failed starting service dispatch, error %ld\n", dwError); } } else { fSuccess = FakeRunningAsService(); if (!fSuccess) { const DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError(); DebugPrint(DBGPRINT_LVL_ERROR, "Failed faking service startup, error %ld\n", dwError); } }
return; }