#include "stdinc.h"
#define SHA1_HASH_SIZE_BYTES ( 160 / 8 )
#define HASHFLAG_AUTODETECT ( 0x0001 )
#define HASHFLAG_STRAIGHT_HASH ( 0x0002 )
#define HASHFLAG_PROCESS_IMAGE ( 0x0004 )
const wstring XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = (L"name");
HRESULT FreshenFileNodeHashes( PVOID, int argc, WCHAR *argv[] ); HRESULT ProcessSingleFileNode( ISXSManifestPtr pDocument, IXMLDOMNode *pDocNode );
BOOL SxspCreateFileHash( DWORD dwFlags, ALG_ID PreferredAlgorithm, wstring pwsFileName, wstring &HashBytes );
const wstring p_bstHashAlgName = (L"SHA1");
wstring ConvertHashToString( std::vector<BYTE> Hash ) { wstringstream output; output << hex; output.fill(L'0'); output.width(2);
for ( std::vector<BYTE>::const_iterator it = Hash.begin(); it != Hash.end(); it++ ) { output << *it; }
return output.str(); }
HRESULT ProcessSingleFileNode( ISXSManifestPtr Document, ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> DocNode ) { //
// Here, we're dealing with a single file. So, we have to go and see if
// there's a Verification subtag of this file, and process it properly.
wstring bstFileName; wstring bstNamespace, bstPrefix; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> Attributes; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> Dump; HRESULT hr; wstring Hash;
// So we get the attributes of this node, which should contain the file
// name and hash information.
if ( FAILED( hr = DocNode->get_attributes( &Attributes ) ) ) goto lblGetOut;
// Now just the values out
SxspSimplifyGetAttribute( Attributes, XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, bstFileName, ASM_NAMESPACE_URI );
// Now we use this to gather information about the file, and to fix
// the values in the hash entry if need be.
if (::SxspCreateFileHash(HASHFLAG_AUTODETECT, CALG_SHA1, bstFileName, Hash)) { //
// Write the data back into the node, don't change the file name at all
::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> Dump; Attributes->removeNamedItem( _bstr_t(L"hash"), &Dump ); Attributes->removeNamedItem( _bstr_t(L"hashalg"), &Dump ); SxspSimplifyPutAttribute( Document, Attributes, L"hash", Hash ); SxspSimplifyPutAttribute( Document, Attributes, L"hashalg", p_bstHashAlgName ); { wstringstream ss; ss << bstFileName.c_str() << wstring(L" hashed to ") << Hash.c_str(); ReportError( ErrorSpew, ss ); } } else { wstringstream ss; ss << wstring(L"Unable to create hash for file ") << bstFileName.c_str(); ReportError( ErrorWarning, ss ); goto lblGetOut; }
lblGetOut: return hr; }
wstring AssemblyFileXSLPattern = (L"/assembly/file");
bool UpdateManifestHashes( const CPostbuildProcessListEntry& item ) { ISXSManifestPtr document; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMElement> rootElement; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> fileTags; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> fileNode; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( FAILED(hr = ConstructXMLDOMObject( item.getManifestFullPath(), document )) ) { wstringstream ss; ss << wstring(L"Failed opening the manifest ") << item.getManifestFullPath() << wstring(L" for input under the DOM."); ReportError( ErrorFatal, ss ); return false; }
if ( FAILED(document->get_documentElement( &rootElement ) ) ) { wstringstream ss; ss << wstring(L"The manifest ") << item.getManifestFullPath() << wstring(L" may be malformed,") << wstring(L" as we were unable to load the root element!"); ReportError( ErrorFatal, ss ); return false; }
// Now, let's select all the 'file' nodes under 'assembly' tags:
hr = document->selectNodes( _bstr_t(AssemblyFileXSLPattern.c_str()), &fileTags ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { wstringstream ss; ss << wstring(L"Unable to select the file nodes under this assembly tag, can't proceed."); ReportError( ErrorFatal, ss ); }
long length; fileTags->get_length( &length );
// And for each, process it
fileTags->reset(); while ( SUCCEEDED(fileTags->nextNode( &fileNode ) ) ) { //
// All done
if ( fileNode == NULL ) { break; }
SetCurrentDirectoryW( item.getManifestPathOnly().c_str() ); ProcessSingleFileNode( document, fileNode ); }
if ( FAILED( hr = document->save( _variant_t(_bstr_t(item.getManifestFullPath().c_str())) ) ) ) { wstringstream ss; ss << wstring(L"Unable to save manifest ") << item.getManifestFullPath() << wstring(L" back after updating hashes! Changes will be lost."); ReportError( ErrorFatal, ss ); }
return true; }
// There has to be some nice way of including this code (which otherwise lives
// in hashfile.cpp in the fusion\dll\whistler tree) other than just glomping
// it here.
BOOL ImageDigesterFunc( DIGEST_HANDLE hSomething, PBYTE pbDataBlock, DWORD dwLength ) { return CryptHashData( (HCRYPTHASH)hSomething, pbDataBlock, dwLength, 0 ); }
BOOL pSimpleHashRoutine( HCRYPTHASH hHash, HANDLE hFile ) { static const DWORD FILE_BUFFER = 64 * 1024; BYTE pbBuffer[FILE_BUFFER]; DWORD dwDataRead; BOOL b = FALSE; BOOL bKeepReading = TRUE; while ( bKeepReading ) { b = ReadFile( hFile, pbBuffer, FILE_BUFFER, &dwDataRead, NULL ); if ( b && ( dwDataRead == 0 ) ) { bKeepReading = FALSE; b = TRUE; continue; } else if ( !b ) { WCHAR ws[8192]; FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, ::GetLastError(), MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), ws, 0, NULL ); bKeepReading = FALSE; continue; } if ( CryptHashData( hHash, pbBuffer, dwDataRead, 0 ) == 0 ) { b = FALSE; break; } }
return b; }
BOOL pImageHashRoutine( HCRYPTHASH hHash, HANDLE hFile ) { return ImageGetDigestStream( hFile, CERT_PE_IMAGE_DIGEST_ALL_IMPORT_INFO, ImageDigesterFunc, (DIGEST_HANDLE)hHash ); }
BOOL SxspCreateFileHash(DWORD dwFlags, ALG_ID PreferredAlgorithm, wstring pwsFileName, wstring &HashBytes ) { BOOL fSuccessCode = FALSE; HCRYPTPROV hProvider; HCRYPTHASH hCurrentHash; HANDLE hFile;
// Initialization
// First try and open the file. No sense in doing anything else if we
// can't get to the data to start with. Use a very friendly set of
// rights to check the file. Future users might want to be sure that
// you're in the right security context before doing this - system
// level to check system files, etc.
// Create a cryptological provider that supports everything RSA needs.
if (!CryptAcquireContextW(&hProvider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) goto lblCleanup; //
// We'll be using SHA1 for the file hash
if ( !CryptCreateHash( hProvider, PreferredAlgorithm, 0, 0, &hCurrentHash ) ) goto lblCleanup;
// So first try hashing it via the image, and if that fails, try the
// normal file-reading hash routine instead.
if ( dwFlags & HASHFLAG_AUTODETECT ) { if ( !pImageHashRoutine( hCurrentHash, hFile ) ) { //
// Oops, the image-hasher wasn't happy. Let's try the straight
// hasher instead.
if ( !pSimpleHashRoutine( hCurrentHash, hFile ) ) { goto lblCleanup; } else { fSuccessCode = TRUE; } } else { fSuccessCode = TRUE; } } else if ( dwFlags & HASHFLAG_STRAIGHT_HASH ) { fSuccessCode = pSimpleHashRoutine( hCurrentHash, hFile ); } else if ( dwFlags & HASHFLAG_PROCESS_IMAGE ) { fSuccessCode = pImageHashRoutine( hCurrentHash, hFile ); } else { ::SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); goto lblCleanup; }
// We know the buffer is the right size, so we just call down to the hash parameter
// getter, which will be smart and bop out (setting the pdwDestinationSize parameter)
// if the user passed an invalid parameter.
if ( fSuccessCode ) { wstringstream ss; DWORD dwSize, dwDump; BYTE *pb = NULL; fSuccessCode = CryptGetHashParam( hCurrentHash, HP_HASHSIZE, (BYTE*)&dwSize, &(dwDump=sizeof(dwSize)), 0 ); if ( !fSuccessCode || ( pb = new BYTE[dwSize] ) == NULL ) { goto lblCleanup; } fSuccessCode = CryptGetHashParam( hCurrentHash, HP_HASHVAL, pb, &dwSize, 0); if ( !fSuccessCode ) { delete[] pb; goto lblCleanup; }
for ( dwDump = 0; dwDump < dwSize; dwDump++ ) { ss << hex; ss.fill('0'); ss.width(2); ss << (unsigned int)pb[dwDump]; }
HashBytes = ss.str(); delete[] pb; }
lblCleanup: DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); }
// We just destroy the hash and the crypto context blindly. If they were
// invalid before, the release and destroy would just return with a failure,
// not an exception or fault.
CryptDestroyHash( hCurrentHash ); CryptReleaseContext( hProvider, 0 );
::SetLastError( dwLastError ); return fSuccessCode; }