#pragma once
#include "bcl_common.h"
#include "nturtl.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "bcl_w32unicodeinlinestringbuffer.h"
#ifndef NUMBER_OF
#define NUMBER_OF(q) (sizeof(q) / sizeof(*q))
class CWin32Environment { public: typedef CWin32Environment CEnv; typedef DWORD StatusCode; typedef BCL::CMutablePointerAndCountPair<BYTE, SIZE_T> CByteRegion; typedef BCL::CConstantPointerAndCountPair<BYTE, SIZE_T> CConstantByteRegion; typedef BCL::CMutablePointerAndCountPair<WCHAR, SIZE_T> CUnicodeStringPair; typedef BCL::CConstantPointerAndCountPair<WCHAR, SIZE_T> CConstantUnicodeStringPair; typedef BCL::CWin32BaseUnicodeInlineStringBuffer<128> CStringBuffer;
static const CConstantUnicodeStringPair s_FileSystemSeperator;
// Case-sensitive
static StatusCode CompareStrings(const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &Left, const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &Right, int &iResult) { iResult = 0; int iInternalResult = CompareStringW( GetThreadLocale(), 0, Left.GetPointer(), Left.GetCount(), Right.GetPointer(), Right.GetCount());
switch (iInternalResult) { case CSTR_EQUAL: iResult = 0; break; case CSTR_GREATER_THAN: iResult = 1; break; case CSTR_LESS_THAN: iResult = -1; break; case 0: return ::GetLastError(); }
return SuccessCode; }
static StatusCode CompareStringsCaseInsensitive(const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &Left, const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &Right, int &iResult) { iResult = 0; int iInternalResult = CompareStringW( GetThreadLocale(), NORM_IGNORECASE, Left.GetPointer(), Left.GetCount(), Right.GetPointer(), Right.GetCount());
switch (iInternalResult) { case CSTR_EQUAL: iResult = 0; break; case CSTR_GREATER_THAN: iResult = 1; break; case CSTR_LESS_THAN: iResult = -1; break; case 0: return ::GetLastError(); }
return SuccessCode; }
static StatusCode CreateDirectory(SIZE_T ItemCount, const CConstantUnicodeStringPair *Listing) {
PWSTR pwszWorkingBuffer = NULL, pwszCursor; SIZE_T i = 0; SIZE_T cchRequired = 0; StatusCode Result;
// Figure out how large the buffer is that we need here
for (i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++) { if (i != 0) cchRequired += s_FileSystemSeperator.GetCount();
cchRequired += Listing[i].GetCount(); }
Result = CEnv::AllocateHeap((cchRequired + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), (PVOID*)&pwszWorkingBuffer, NULL); if (CEnv::DidFail(Result)) return Result;
pwszCursor = pwszWorkingBuffer;
// Now for each path segment, start copying it into the
// working buffer and creating paths from it.
for (i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++) { const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &Me = Listing[i]; if (i != 0) { memcpy(pwszCursor, s_FileSystemSeperator.GetPointer(), s_FileSystemSeperator.GetCount() * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszCursor += s_FileSystemSeperator.GetCount(); }
memcpy(pwszCursor, Me.GetPointer(), Me.GetCount() * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszCursor += Me.GetCount(); *pwszCursor = UNICODE_NULL;
if (!::CreateDirectoryW(pwszWorkingBuffer, NULL) && (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { Result = ::GetLastError(); goto Exit; } }
Result = CEnv::SuccessCode; Exit: if (pwszWorkingBuffer) CEnv::FreeHeap(pwszWorkingBuffer, NULL);
return Result; }
static CConstantUnicodeStringPair StringFrom(const UNICODE_STRING *pus) { return CConstantUnicodeStringPair(pus->Buffer, pus->Length); }
static CConstantUnicodeStringPair StringFrom(PCWSTR pcwszInput) { return CConstantUnicodeStringPair(pcwszInput, ::wcslen(pcwszInput)); }
static CConstantUnicodeStringPair StringFrom(const CConstantUnicodeStringPair& src) { return src; }
static StatusCode Compare(const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &Left, const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &Right, int &Result) { if (((Left.GetCount() / sizeof(WCHAR)) > USHRT_MAX) || ((Right.GetCount() / sizeof(WCHAR)) > USHRT_MAX)) return InvalidParameter;
// Evil casting is required b/c UNICODE_STRING requires it.
const UNICODE_STRING TheLeft = { (USHORT)Left.GetCount(), 0, (PWSTR)Left.GetPointer() }; const UNICODE_STRING TheRight = { (SHORT)Right.GetCount(), 0, (PWSTR)Right.GetPointer() };
Result = RtlCompareUnicodeString(&TheLeft, &TheRight, FALSE); return SuccessCode; } static bool DidFail(StatusCode dwCode) { return (dwCode != SuccessCode); } static StatusCode VirtualAlloc(PVOID pvAddress, SIZE_T cbSize, DWORD flAllocationType, DWORD flProtect, PVOID *ppvRegion) { if (NULL == (*ppvRegion = ::VirtualAlloc(pvAddress, cbSize, flAllocationType, flProtect))) { return ::GetLastError(); } else { return SuccessCode; } }
static StatusCode VirtualFree(PVOID pvAddress, SIZE_T cbSize, DWORD dwFreeType) { if (!::VirtualFree(pvAddress, cbSize, dwFreeType)) { return ::GetLastError(); } else { return SuccessCode; } }
static NTSTATUS FASTCALL AllocateHeap(SIZE_T cb, CByteRegion &Recipient, PVOID pvContext) { PVOID pvAcquired = NULL; CEnv::StatusCode Result; Recipient.SetPointerAndCount(NULL, 0); if (CEnv::DidFail(Result = CEnv::AllocateHeap(cb, &pvAcquired, pvContext))) return Result; Recipient.SetPointerAndCount((CByteRegion::TMutableArray)pvAcquired, cb); return Result; }
static NTSTATUS FASTCALL AllocateHeap(SIZE_T cb, PVOID *ppvTarget, PVOID pvContext) { if (NULL == (*ppvTarget = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, cb))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { return SuccessCode; } }
static NTSTATUS FASTCALL FreeHeap(PVOID ppvTarget, PVOID pvContext) { if (!RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, ppvTarget)) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { return SuccessCode; } }
static StatusCode CloseHandle(HANDLE h) { if (!::CloseHandle(h)) { return ::GetLastError(); } else { return SuccessCode; } }
static StatusCode GetFileHandle(HANDLE* pHandle, const CConstantUnicodeStringPair &FileName, DWORD dwRights, DWORD dwSharing, DWORD dwCreation) {
PCWSTR pcwszTemp = NULL; PCWSTR pcwszInput = NULL; StatusCode dwRetVal = SuccessCode;
pcwszInput = FileName.GetPointer();
if (!pcwszInput || (FileName.GetCount() == 0) || (pcwszInput[FileName.GetCount() - 1] != UNICODE_NULL)) { PWSTR pwszAllocTemp = NULL; dwRetVal = AllocateHeap((FileName.GetCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), (PVOID*)&pwszAllocTemp, NULL); if (dwRetVal != SuccessCode) { return dwRetVal; } RtlCopyMemory(pwszAllocTemp, pcwszInput, FileName.GetCount() * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszAllocTemp[FileName.GetCount()] = UNICODE_NULL; pcwszTemp = pwszAllocTemp; } else { pcwszTemp = pcwszInput; }
*pHandle = CreateFileW(pcwszTemp, dwRights, dwSharing, NULL, dwCreation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (*pHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwRetVal = ::GetLastError(); } else { dwRetVal = SuccessCode; }
if (pcwszTemp != pcwszInput) { FreeHeap((PVOID)pcwszTemp, NULL); }
return dwRetVal; }
static StatusCode ReadFile(HANDLE hFile, CEnv::CByteRegion &Target, SIZE_T &cbDidRead) { return CEnv::ReadFile(hFile, Target.GetPointer(), Target.GetCount(), cbDidRead); }
static StatusCode ReadFile(HANDLE hFile, PVOID pvTarget, SIZE_T cbToRead, SIZE_T &cbDidRead) { DWORD dwToRead, dwDidRead; cbDidRead = 0; if (cbToRead > 0xFFFFFFFF) { return InvalidParameter; } dwToRead = (DWORD)cbToRead; if (!::ReadFile(hFile, pvTarget, dwToRead, &dwDidRead, NULL)) { return ::GetLastError(); }
cbDidRead = dwDidRead; return SuccessCode; }
static StatusCode WriteFile(HANDLE hFile, const CEnv::CConstantByteRegion &Source, SIZE_T &cbDidWrite) { return CEnv::WriteFile(hFile, (PVOID)Source.GetPointer(), Source.GetCount(), cbDidWrite); }
static StatusCode WriteFile(HANDLE hFile, const PVOID pvSource, SIZE_T cbToWrite, SIZE_T &cbDidWrite) { DWORD dwToWrite, dwDidWrite;
cbDidWrite = 0; if (cbDidWrite > 0xFFFFFFFF) { return InvalidParameter; } dwToWrite = (DWORD)cbToWrite;
if (!::WriteFile(hFile, pvSource, dwToWrite, &dwDidWrite, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
cbDidWrite = dwDidWrite; return SuccessCode; }
static StatusCode GetFileSize(HANDLE hFile, PLARGE_INTEGER pcbFileSize) { if (GetFileSizeEx(hFile, pcbFileSize)) { return SuccessCode; } else { return ::GetLastError(); } }
__declspec(selectany) const CWin32Environment::CConstantUnicodeStringPair CWin32Environment::s_FileSystemSeperator(L"\\", 1); #endif
class CNtEnvironment { public: typedef NTSTATUS StatusCode;
enum { SuccessCode = STATUS_SUCCESS, InvalidParameter = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, NotEnoughBuffer = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, };
template <typename T> static T ConvertStatusToOther(StatusCode src);
template <> static CWin32Environment::StatusCode ConvertStatusToOther(StatusCode src) { return RtlNtStatusToDosError(src); }
template <> static CNtEnvironment::StatusCode ConvertStatusToOther(StatusCode src) { return src; }
static bool DidFail(StatusCode status) { return (status < 0); } };
typedef CWin32Environment CEnv; typedef CNtEnvironment COtherEnv; #else
typedef CNtEnvironment CEnv; typedef CWin32Environment COtherEnv; #endif