Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module dumps the contents of the entrypoint tree and translation cache to a file.
Dave Hastings (daveh) creation-date 02-May-1996
Revision History:
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <entrypt.h>
#include <coded.h>
extern PEPNODE intelRoot; extern EPNODE _NIL;
ULONG ProfileFlags = 0;
BOOL ProcessEntrypoint( PENTRYPOINT Entrypoint );
#define CODE_BUFFER_SIZE 8184
#define STACK_DEPTH 200
#define STACK_RESET() DumpStackTop=0;
#define PUSH(x) { \
if (DumpStackTop == STACK_DEPTH-1) { \ CHAR ErrorString[80]; \ sprintf(ErrorString, "Error: Dump stack overflow\n"); \ OutputDebugString(ErrorString); \ goto Exit; \ } else { \ DumpStack[DumpStackTop] = x; \ DumpStackTop++; \ } \ }
#define POP(x) { \
if (DumpStackTop == 0) { \ CHAR ErrorString[80]; \ sprintf(ErrorString, "Error: Dump stack underflow\n"); \ OutputDebugString(ErrorString); \ goto Exit; \ } else { \ DumpStackTop--; \ x = DumpStack[DumpStackTop]; \ } \ }
BOOL CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; PCHAR CpuCodegenProfilePath = NULL; HANDLE CpuCodegenProfileFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Code Description file state
ULONG CurrentFileLocation; ULONG CodeDescriptionFlags = 0;
VOID InitCodegenProfile( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine gets the configuration information from the registry and creates the file to put the profile data into.
None. Return Value:
--*/ { LONG RetVal; DWORD KeyType; DWORD ProfileEnabled; DWORD BufferSize; CHAR FileName[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR CommandLine; CODEDESCRIPTIONHEADER Header; ULONG CommandLineLength; ULONG BytesWritten; BOOL Success; HKEY Key; //
// Find out if codegen profiling is enabled. If there is a problem
// with the value in the registry, we will be disabled by default.
RetVal = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Wx86", 0, KEY_READ, &Key );
BufferSize = sizeof(ProfileEnabled); RetVal = RegQueryValueEx( Key, "CpuCodegenProfile", NULL, &KeyType, (PVOID)&ProfileEnabled, &BufferSize ); if ((RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (KeyType != REG_DWORD)) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: No CpuCodegenProfile value, or wrong type\n"); return; } CpuCodegenProfile = ProfileEnabled; //
// Get the path to store the datafile to.
// First we get the size of the string (and verify that it is a string)
// Then we get the actual string.
BufferSize = 0; RetVal = RegQueryValueEx( Key, "CpuCodegenProfilePath", NULL, &KeyType, (PVOID)&ProfileEnabled, &BufferSize ); if ((RetVal != ERROR_MORE_DATA) || (KeyType != REG_SZ)) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: Problem with CpuCodegenProfilePath\n"); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } CpuCodegenProfilePath = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, BufferSize); if (CpuCodegenProfilePath == NULL) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: Can't allocate CpuCodegenProfilePath\n"); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } RetVal = RegQueryValueEx( Key, "CpuCodegenProfilePath", NULL, &KeyType, CpuCodegenProfilePath, &BufferSize ); if ((RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (KeyType != REG_SZ)) { //
// Something really bad just happened. Don't do the profiling
OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: Inexplicable problem with CpuCodegenProfilePath\n"); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CpuCodegenProfilePath); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } //
// Create file for the data
RetVal = GetTempFileName(CpuCodegenProfilePath, "prf", 0, FileName); if (RetVal == 0) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: GetTempFileName failed\n"); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CpuCodegenProfilePath); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } CpuCodegenProfileFile = CreateFile( FileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED, NULL ); if (CpuCodegenProfileFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: Unable to create profile file\n"); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CpuCodegenProfilePath); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } //
// Write the file header to the file
CommandLine = GetCommandLine(); CommandLineLength = strlen(CommandLine) + 1; Header.CommandLineOffset = sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTIONHEADER); Header.NextCodeDescriptionOffset = ((sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTIONHEADER) + CommandLineLength) + 3) & ~3; Header.DumpFileRev = CODEGEN_PROFILE_REV; Header.StartTime = GetCurrentTime(); Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, &Header, sizeof(Header), &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != sizeof(Header))) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: Failed to write profile header\n"); CloseHandle(CpuCodegenProfileFile); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CpuCodegenProfilePath); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, CommandLine, CommandLineLength, &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != CommandLineLength)) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: Failed to write profile header\n"); CloseHandle(CpuCodegenProfileFile); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CpuCodegenProfilePath); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } //
// Set the file position for the first code description
CurrentFileLocation = SetFilePointer( CpuCodegenProfileFile, Header.NextCodeDescriptionOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); if (CurrentFileLocation != Header.NextCodeDescriptionOffset) { OutputDebugString("Wx86Cpu: failed to update file position\n"); CloseHandle(CpuCodegenProfileFile); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CpuCodegenProfilePath); CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; return; } }
VOID TerminateCodegenProfile( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function put in the terminating record and closes the file.
None Return Value:
--*/ { CODEDESCRIPTION CodeDescription; BOOL Success; ULONG BytesWritten; CHAR ErrorString[80]; if (!CpuCodegenProfile) { return; } CodeDescription.NextCodeDescriptionOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF; CodeDescription.TypeTag = PROFILE_TAG_EOF; CodeDescription.CreationTime = GetCurrentTime(); Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, &CodeDescription, sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION), &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION))) { sprintf( ErrorString, "Error: Could not write termination record, %lu\n", ProxyGetLastError() ); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); } CpuCodegenProfile = FALSE; CloseHandle(CpuCodegenProfileFile); }
VOID DumpCodeDescriptions( BOOL TCFlush ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine dumps out the entrypoints, and the corresponding code to a file in binary form.
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PEPNODE NextEntrypoint; EPNODE Entrypoint; ULONG Epcount = 0; if (!CpuCodegenProfile) { return; } //
// Get the root of the entrypoint tree
NextEntrypoint = intelRoot; //
// Initialize stack
// iterate over every entrypoint
while (NextEntrypoint != NULL) { Entrypoint = *NextEntrypoint; //
// Process the top level entrypoint
if (!ProcessEntrypoint(&Entrypoint.ep)){ goto Exit; } //
// Process the sub entrypoints
while (Entrypoint.ep.SubEP) { Entrypoint.ep = *Entrypoint.ep.SubEP; //
// Write the sub-entrypoint to the file
if (!ProcessEntrypoint(&Entrypoint.ep)){ goto Exit; } } //
// Set up for future iterations
if (Entrypoint.intelRight != &_NIL) { PUSH((ULONG)Entrypoint.intelRight); } if (Entrypoint.intelLeft != &_NIL) { PUSH((ULONG)Entrypoint.intelLeft); } POP((ULONG)NextEntrypoint); } Exit: ; if (TCFlush) { CODEDESCRIPTION CodeDescription; ULONG NextCodeDescriptionOffset; BOOL Success; ULONG BytesWritten; CHAR ErrorString[80]; NextCodeDescriptionOffset = (CurrentFileLocation + sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION)) & ~3; CodeDescription.TypeTag = PROFILE_TAG_TCFLUSH; CodeDescription.NextCodeDescriptionOffset = NextCodeDescriptionOffset; CodeDescription.CreationTime = GetCurrentTime(); Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, &CodeDescription, sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION), &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION))) { sprintf( ErrorString, "Error: Could not write code description, %lu\n", ProxyGetLastError() ); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return; } CurrentFileLocation = SetFilePointer( CpuCodegenProfileFile, NextCodeDescriptionOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); if (CurrentFileLocation != (ULONG)NextCodeDescriptionOffset) { sprintf(ErrorString, "Error: SetFilePointer didn't work\n"); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return; } } }
BOOL ProcessEntrypoint( PENTRYPOINT Entrypoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine writes the description for this entrypoint to the file.
Entrypoint -- Supplies the entrypoint to describe File -- Supplies the file to write to Return Value:
True for success, False for failure --*/ { ULONG NativeCodeLength, IntelCodeLength; CODEDESCRIPTION CodeDescription; ULONG NextCodeDescriptionOffset; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL Success; ULONG BytesWritten; CHAR ErrorString[80]; //
// Create the code description
NativeCodeLength = ((ULONG)Entrypoint->nativeEnd - (ULONG)Entrypoint->nativeStart + 4) & ~3; IntelCodeLength = (ULONG)Entrypoint->intelEnd - (ULONG)Entrypoint->intelStart + 1; CodeDescription.NativeCodeOffset = CurrentFileLocation + sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION); CodeDescription.IntelCodeOffset = CodeDescription.NativeCodeOffset + NativeCodeLength; NextCodeDescriptionOffset = (CodeDescription.IntelCodeOffset + IntelCodeLength + 3) & ~3; CodeDescription.NextCodeDescriptionOffset = NextCodeDescriptionOffset; CodeDescription.IntelAddress = (ULONG)Entrypoint->intelStart; CodeDescription.NativeAddress = (ULONG)Entrypoint->nativeStart; CodeDescription.SequenceNumber = Entrypoint->SequenceNumber; CodeDescription.ExecutionCount = Entrypoint->ExecutionCount; CodeDescription.IntelCodeSize = IntelCodeLength; CodeDescription.NativeCodeSize = NativeCodeLength; CodeDescription.TypeTag = PROFILE_TAG_CODEDESCRIPTION; CodeDescription.CreationTime = Entrypoint->CreationTime; //
// Verify that we can get all of the Intel and Native code
if ( (IntelCodeLength / sizeof(IntelCodeBuffer[1]) > CODE_BUFFER_SIZE) || (NativeCodeLength) && (NativeCodeLength / sizeof(NativeCodeBuffer[1]) > CODE_BUFFER_SIZE) ) { sprintf(ErrorString, "Error: Code buffers not big enough:N %lx:I %lx\n", NativeCodeLength, IntelCodeLength); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return FALSE; } //
// Get the native code
if (NativeCodeLength) { memcpy(NativeCodeBuffer, Entrypoint->nativeStart, NativeCodeLength); } //
// Get the Intel code
try { memcpy(IntelCodeBuffer, Entrypoint->intelStart, IntelCodeLength); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //
// Apparently the intel code is no longer there. This happens
// if a dll gets unloaded
IntelCodeLength = 0; CodeDescription.IntelCodeSize = 0; CodeDescription.IntelCodeOffset = CodeDescription.NativeCodeOffset + NativeCodeLength; NextCodeDescriptionOffset = (CodeDescription.IntelCodeOffset + IntelCodeLength + 3) & ~3; CodeDescription.NextCodeDescriptionOffset = NextCodeDescriptionOffset; } //
// Write code description to disk
Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, &CodeDescription, sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION), &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION))) { sprintf( ErrorString, "Error: Could not write code description, %lu\n", ProxyGetLastError() ); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return FALSE; } //
// Write Native code to disk
if (NativeCodeLength) { Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, NativeCodeBuffer, NativeCodeLength, &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != NativeCodeLength)) { sprintf( ErrorString, "Error: Could not write native code, %lu\n", ProxyGetLastError() ); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return FALSE; } } //
// Write Intel code to disk
if (IntelCodeLength) { Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, IntelCodeBuffer, IntelCodeLength, &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != IntelCodeLength)) { sprintf( ErrorString, "Error: Could not write native code, %lu\n", ProxyGetLastError() ); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return FALSE; } } Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, IntelCodeBuffer, IntelCodeLength, &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != IntelCodeLength)) { sprintf( ErrorString, "Error: Could not write native code, %lu\n", ProxyGetLastError() ); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return FALSE; } //
// Update file pointer position
CurrentFileLocation = SetFilePointer( CpuCodegenProfileFile, NextCodeDescriptionOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); if (CurrentFileLocation != (ULONG)NextCodeDescriptionOffset) { sprintf(ErrorString, "Error: SetFilePointer didn't work\n"); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
VOID DumpAllocFailure( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds an allocation failure record to the profile dump.
None. Return Value:
--*/ { CODEDESCRIPTION CodeDescription; BOOL Success; ULONG BytesWritten; CHAR ErrorString[80]; ULONG NextCodeDescriptionOffset;
if (!CpuCodegenProfile) { return; } NextCodeDescriptionOffset = CurrentFileLocation + sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION); CodeDescription.NextCodeDescriptionOffset = NextCodeDescriptionOffset; CodeDescription.TypeTag = PROFILE_TAG_TCALLOCFAIL; CodeDescription.CreationTime = GetCurrentTime(); Success = WriteFile( CpuCodegenProfileFile, &CodeDescription, sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION), &BytesWritten, NULL ); if (!Success || (BytesWritten != sizeof(CODEDESCRIPTION))) { sprintf( ErrorString, "Error: Could not write termination record, %lu\n", ProxyGetLastError() ); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); } //
// Update file pointer position
CurrentFileLocation = SetFilePointer( CpuCodegenProfileFile, NextCodeDescriptionOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); if (CurrentFileLocation != (ULONG)NextCodeDescriptionOffset) { sprintf(ErrorString, "Error: SetFilePointer didn't work\n"); OutputDebugString(ErrorString); } } #endif