Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
This is the source file relating to the LAN-specific routines of the Connectivity APIs implementation.
Gopal Parupudi <GopalP>
Revision History:
GopalP 10/11/1997 Start.
#include <precomp.hxx>
// Constants
#define GETIFTABLE GetIfTable
#define GETIPADDRTABLE GetIpAddrTable
#define GETIPFORWARDTABLE GetIpForwardTable
#define GETIPSTATISTICS GetIpStatistics
#define BROADCAST_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD 2 // +2 thru -2
#define MEDIASENSE_INITIALIZATION_DELAY 3*25*1000 // 1:15 minutes
#define MEDIASENSE_EVALUATE_LAN_DELAY 4*1000 // 4 seconds
// Globals
BOOL gbIpInitSuccessful; long gdwLastLANTime; long gdwLANState; IF_STATE gIfState[MAX_IF_ENTRIES]; MIB_IPSTATS gIpStats; extern CRITICAL_SECTION gSensLock;
HANDLE ghMediaTimer; DWORD gdwMediaSenseState;
// Macros
Macro Description:
A macro to help in allocating tables when calling IP Helper APIs.
TABLE_TYPE - The type of the IP Table being queried.
ROW_TYPE - The type of the Row corresponding to the TABLE_TYPE.
FUNC_NAME - The IP API to be called to get the IP table.
MAX_NUM_ROWS - The default number of rows for the table which is being retrieved. These rows are allocated on the stack.
o lpdwLastError should be defined as an LPDWORD in the code fragment that uses this macro.
--*/ #define \
BEGIN_GETTABLE( \ TABLE_TYPE, \ ROW_TYPE, \ FUNC_NAME, \ MAX_NUM_ROWS \ ) \ { \ DWORD dwOldSize; \ DWORD dwSize; \ DWORD dwStatus; \ \ BOOL bOrder; \ \ TABLE_TYPE *pTable; \ \ bOrder = FALSE; \ \ dwSize = sizeof(DWORD) + MAX_NUM_ROWS * sizeof(ROW_TYPE); \ pTable = (TABLE_TYPE *) new char[dwSize]; \ if (pTable == NULL) \ { \ SensPrintA(SENS_MEM, (#FUNC_NAME "(): failed to new %d bytes\n", \ dwSize)); \ *lpdwLastError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; \ return FALSE; \ } \ \ dwOldSize = dwSize; \ \ dwStatus = FUNC_NAME( \ pTable, \ &dwSize, \ bOrder \ ); \ \ if ( (dwStatus == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) \ || (dwStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) \ { \ ASSERT(dwSize > dwOldSize); \ SensPrintA(SENS_WARN, (#FUNC_NAME "(%d): reallocing buffer to be %d bytes\n", \ dwOldSize, dwSize)); \ delete (char *)pTable; \ pTable = (TABLE_TYPE *) new char[dwSize]; \ if (pTable != NULL) \ { \ dwStatus = FUNC_NAME( \ pTable, \ &dwSize, \ bOrder \ ); \ } \ else \ { \ SensPrintA(SENS_MEM, (#FUNC_NAME "(): failed to new (%d) bytes\n", \ dwSize)); \ *lpdwLastError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; \ return FALSE; \ } \ } \ \ if (dwStatus != 0) \ { \ ASSERT( (dwStatus != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) \ && (dwStatus != ERROR_MORE_DATA)); \ \ SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, (#FUNC_NAME "() returned %d\n", dwStatus));\ *lpdwLastError = dwStatus; \ /* P3 BUG: Might need to fire ConnectionLost() here */ \ gdwLANState = FALSE; \ UpdateSensCache(LAN); \ delete pTable; \ return FALSE; \ }
Macro Description:
This macro ends the BEGIN_GETTABLE() macro.
a. If we have a return between BEGIN_XXX and END_XXX, we need to make sure that we free pTable.
--*/ #define \
END_GETTABLE() \ \ delete pTable; \ \ }
BOOL DoLanSetup( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL bRetValue; WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err;
bRetValue = FALSE;
// NT5-specific stuff
#if defined(SENS_NT5)
ghMediaTimer = NULL;
// Register for Media-sense notifications
if (FALSE == MediaSenseRegister()) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("%s MediaSenseRegister() failed.\n", SERVICE_NAME)); }
#endif // SENS_NT5
// AOL-specific code
#if defined(AOL_PLATFORM)
gdwAOLState = FALSE; #endif // AOL_PLATFORM
// Initialize Winsock.
wVersionRequested = SENS_WINSOCK_VERSION; err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (err != 0) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("WSAStartup() returned %d!\n", err)); bRetValue = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
bRetValue = TRUE;
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
return bRetValue; }
#ifdef DBG
inline void PrintIfState( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { int i;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n")); SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("| Valid Index UcastIN UcastOUT NUcastIN NUcastOUT ErrIN ErrOUT DiscIN DiscOUT |\n")); SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_IF_ENTRIES; i++) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("| %c %9d %7d %7d %9d %9d %5d %6d %6d %6d |\n", gIfState[i].fValid ? 'Y' : 'N', gIfState[i].dwIndex, gIfState[i].dwInUcastPkts, gIfState[i].dwOutUcastPkts, gIfState[i].dwInNUcastPkts, gIfState[i].dwOutNUcastPkts, gIfState[i].dwInErrors, gIfState[i].dwOutErrors, gIfState[i].dwInDiscards, gIfState[i].dwOutDiscards) ); }
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n")); }
#else // DBG
#define PrintIfState() // Nothing
#endif // DBG
void PrintIfTable( MIB_IFTABLE *pTable ) { int i;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n")); SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("| Type Index Spd/1K UcastIN UcastOUT ErrorIN OUT DiscIN OUT Opr Adm |\n")); SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"));
for (i = 0; i < pTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("| %4d %7d %6d %7d %8d %7d %3d %6d %3d %3d %3d |\n", pTable->table[i].dwType, pTable->table[i].dwIndex, pTable->table[i].dwSpeed/1000, pTable->table[i].dwInUcastPkts, pTable->table[i].dwOutUcastPkts, pTable->table[i].dwInErrors, pTable->table[i].dwOutErrors, pTable->table[i].dwInDiscards, pTable->table[i].dwOutDiscards, pTable->table[i].dwOperStatus, pTable->table[i].dwAdminStatus ) ); }
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"));
void PrintIpStats( void ) {
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|------------------------------------|\n")); SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("| IP_STATS InReceives OutRequests |\n")); SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|------------------------------------|\n"));
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("| %10d %10d |\n", gIpStats.dwInReceives, gIpStats.dwOutRequests) );
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("|------------------------------------|\n"));
#define PrintIfTable(_X_) // Nothing
#define PrintIpStats() // Nothing
#endif // DETAIL_DEBUG
BOOL WINAPI EvaluateLanConnectivityDelayed( LPDWORD ) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Sleep(MEDIASENSE_EVALUATE_LAN_DELAY*i); // First time waits 0 ms, no delay
if (EvaluateLanConnectivity(NULL)) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("EvaluateLanConnectivity: Delayed eval successful (%d)\n", i)); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL WINAPI EvaluateLanConnectivity( OUT LPDWORD lpdwLastError ) /*++
Routine Description:
Evaluates LAN Connectivity.
lpdwLastError - if return value is FALSE, GetLastError is returned in this OUT parameter.
a. This routine can be entered by multiple threads at the same time. Currently only very essential code is under a critical section.
b. This routine can be executed as a threadpool work item.
Return Value:
TRUE, if LAN connectivity is present.
FALSE, otherwise
--*/ { DWORD dwNow; DWORD dwLocalLastError; DWORD dwActiveInterfaceSpeed; WCHAR wszActiveInterfaceName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN]; BOOL bLanAlive; BOOL bSomeInterfaceActive; BOOL bCheckCache;
dwNow = GetTickCount(); dwLocalLastError = ERROR_NO_NETWORK; dwActiveInterfaceSpeed = 0x0; bLanAlive = FALSE; bSomeInterfaceActive = FALSE; bCheckCache = FALSE;
if (lpdwLastError) { *lpdwLastError = dwLocalLastError; } else { lpdwLastError = &dwLocalLastError; }
// Get infomation about IP statistics.
// PurgeStaleInterfaces
PurgeStaleInterfaces(pTable, lpdwLastError);
// Algorithm:
// o Create a record.
// o See if this record exists.
// o Save the record, if not and return success.
// o If it does exist, compare. If greater, then save record.
// o If not greater, try other entries.
// o All entries? return failure.
IF_STATE ifEntry; DWORD i;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("GetIfTable(): Number of entries - %d.\n", pTable->dwNumEntries));
i = 0; while (i < pTable->dwNumEntries) { //
// Calculate only if it is a non-WAN and non-Loopback interface.
if ( (pTable->table[i].dwType != MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP) && (pTable->table[i].dwType != MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP) && (pTable->table[i].dwType != MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK)) { BOOL bForceInvalid = FALSE;
// Check to see if both UnicastIN and UnicastOUT are zero. If so,
// this interface is considered as not active and we skip it.
if ( (pTable->table[i].dwInUcastPkts == 0) && (pTable->table[i].dwOutUcastPkts == 0)) { bForceInvalid = TRUE; }
// Check if networking says it is connected, if not, skip it.
if (pTable->table[i].dwOperStatus < MIB_IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTING) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("GetIfTable: Found interface %d in < connecting state (%d), ignored\n", pTable->table[i].dwIndex, pTable->table[i].dwOperStatus) ); bForceInvalid = TRUE; }
// At this stage, there is some Unicast activity on this interface.
// So, we can skip the check for Unicast activity below.
// Fill the IF_STATE structure
ifEntry.dwIndex = pTable->table[i].dwIndex; ifEntry.dwInUcastPkts = pTable->table[i].dwInUcastPkts; ifEntry.dwOutUcastPkts = pTable->table[i].dwOutUcastPkts; ifEntry.dwInNUcastPkts = pTable->table[i].dwInNUcastPkts; ifEntry.dwOutNUcastPkts = pTable->table[i].dwOutNUcastPkts; ifEntry.dwInErrors = pTable->table[i].dwInErrors; ifEntry.dwOutErrors = pTable->table[i].dwOutErrors; ifEntry.dwInDiscards = pTable->table[i].dwInDiscards; ifEntry.dwOutDiscards = pTable->table[i].dwOutDiscards;
bSomeInterfaceActive = HasIfStateChanged(ifEntry, bForceInvalid); if (TRUE == bSomeInterfaceActive) { bLanAlive = TRUE;
// Save info about interface for later use.
dwActiveInterfaceSpeed = max(pTable->table[i].dwSpeed,dwActiveInterfaceSpeed); StringCchCopy(wszActiveInterfaceName, MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN, pTable->table[i].wszName); } else { if (!bForceInvalid) { bCheckCache = TRUE; // Idle IF found but still valid (enable MAX_LAN_INTERNAL check below)
} } }
} // while ()
// RACE Condition Fix:
// If there are 2 threads that are in EvaluateLanConnectivity() and one
// of them updates the interface's packet cache, then there is a distinct
// possibility that the second thread will compare with the updated cache
// and wrongly conclude that there is no activity. We ignore any loss of
// connectivity that was evaluated before MAX_LAN_INTERVAL (ie., we should
// keep giving cached information for MAX_LAN_INTERVAL seconds).
if ( (TRUE == bCheckCache) && (FALSE == bLanAlive) ) {
dwNow = GetTickCount(); if ( ((dwNow - gdwLastLANTime) <= MAX_LAN_INTERVAL) && (gdwLastLANTime != 0) ) { SensPrintA(SENS_DBG, ("EvaluateLanConnectivity(): Returning TRUE " "(Now - %d sec, LastLANTime - %d sec)\n", dwNow/1000, gdwLastLANTime/1000)); return TRUE; } }
// NOTE: If we are doing DWORD InterlockedExchange, then assignment
// should suffice. Using InterlockedExchange is not a bug, though.
if (bLanAlive) { SensPrintA(SENS_DBG, ("**** EvaluateLanConnectivity(): Setting" " gdwLastLANTime to %d secs\n", dwNow/1000)); InterlockedExchange(&gdwLastLANTime, dwNow); } else { SensPrintA(SENS_DBG, ("**** EvaluateLanConnectivity(): Setting" " gdwLastLANTime to 0 secs\n")); InterlockedExchange(&gdwLastLANTime, 0x0); }
// Adjust LAN state and fire an event, if necessary.
if (InterlockedExchange(&gdwLANState, bLanAlive) != bLanAlive) { //
// LAN Connectivity state changed.
Data.eType = SENS_EVENT_NETALIVE; Data.bAlive = bLanAlive; memset(&Data.QocInfo, 0x0, sizeof(QOCINFO)); Data.QocInfo.dwSize = sizeof(QOCINFO); Data.QocInfo.dwFlags = NETWORK_ALIVE_LAN; Data.QocInfo.dwInSpeed = dwActiveInterfaceSpeed; Data.QocInfo.dwOutSpeed = dwActiveInterfaceSpeed; //
// NOTE: When dwActiveInterfaceName gets the right value from
// IPHLPAPIs we should use that name. Until then, we use a default.
SensFireEvent((PVOID)&Data); }
return bLanAlive; }
BOOL HasIfStateChanged( IF_STATE ifEntry, BOOL bForceInvalid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Compares the current state of a remote network IF with the cached history to determine if it is active or not.
ifEntry - An interface that appears to have changed state and is "valid" as a remote LAN if. (ie, loopback, pptp, etc should be filtered out) bForceInvalid - If TRUE, don't bother to look at the stats; this interface is NOT valid.
Return Value: TRUE - ifEntry appears up and active FALSE - ifEntry inactive or down --*/ { int i, j; static int iLastActiveIndex = -1; BOOL bActive; BOOL bSeenButInactive; DWORD dwInDiff; DWORD dwOutDiff; int iNUcastDiff;
i = 0; bActive = FALSE; bSeenButInactive = FALSE; dwInDiff = 0; dwOutDiff = 0; iNUcastDiff = 0;
// Compare the current snapshot with the saved snapshot
// for this interface.
while (i < MAX_IF_ENTRIES) { if ( (gIfState[i].fValid == TRUE) && (gIfState[i].dwIndex == ifEntry.dwIndex)) {
if (bForceInvalid) { gIfState[i].fValid = FALSE; break; }
if ( (ifEntry.dwInUcastPkts > gIfState[i].dwInUcastPkts) || (ifEntry.dwOutUcastPkts > gIfState[i].dwOutUcastPkts) || (ifEntry.dwInNUcastPkts > gIfState[i].dwInNUcastPkts) || (ifEntry.dwOutNUcastPkts > gIfState[i].dwOutNUcastPkts) || (ifEntry.dwInErrors > gIfState[i].dwInErrors) || (ifEntry.dwOutErrors > gIfState[i].dwOutErrors) || (ifEntry.dwInDiscards > gIfState[i].dwInDiscards) || (ifEntry.dwOutDiscards > gIfState[i].dwOutDiscards)) { //
// a. When the net tap is pulled out, it has been observed that
// the difference in the incoming non-Unicast packet count
// is within +1 thru -1 of the difference in the outgoing
// non-Unicast packet count. Most of the times the diff of
// these differences is 0. We don't count this as LAN alive
// b. Also, there should be no change in the unicast IN packet
// count. Unicast OUT packet count may change. This could be
// problematic.
dwInDiff = ifEntry.dwInNUcastPkts - gIfState[i].dwInNUcastPkts; dwOutDiff = ifEntry.dwOutNUcastPkts - gIfState[i].dwOutNUcastPkts; iNUcastDiff = dwOutDiff - dwInDiff; SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("HasIfStateChanged(): dwInDiff = %d, " "dwOutDiff = %d, dwNUcastDiff = %d, UcastINDiff = " "%d, UcastOUTDiff = %d\n", dwInDiff, dwOutDiff, iNUcastDiff, ifEntry.dwInUcastPkts - gIfState[i].dwInUcastPkts, ifEntry.dwOutUcastPkts - gIfState[i].dwOutUcastPkts));
if ( (ifEntry.dwInUcastPkts == gIfState[i].dwInUcastPkts) && (iNUcastDiff <= BROADCAST_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD) && (iNUcastDiff >= -BROADCAST_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD)) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("HasIfStateChanged(): Interface %d" " has only Broadcast activity (Diff is %d)!\n", gIfState[i].dwIndex, iNUcastDiff)); bSeenButInactive = TRUE; } else { //
// Unicast IN packet counts have changed or Broadcast
// activity is greater than the threshold.
iLastActiveIndex = i; bActive = TRUE; SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("HasStateChanged(): Interface %d " "has been active.\n", gIfState[i].dwIndex));
gdwLastLANTime = GetTickCount(); SensPrintA(SENS_DBG, ("**** HasIfStateChanged(): Setting " "gdwLastLANTime to %d secs\n", gdwLastLANTime/1000)); }
// Save the new values.
memcpy(&gIfState[i], &ifEntry, sizeof(IF_STATE)); gIfState[i].fValid = TRUE; } else { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("HasStateChanged(): Interface %d has NO activity.\n", gIfState[i].dwIndex)); bSeenButInactive = TRUE; }
// Found the interface, so stop searching
break; }
} // while ()
if ( (bSeenButInactive == TRUE) || (bForceInvalid) ) { return FALSE; }
if (bActive == TRUE) { return TRUE; }
// We are seeing this interface for the first time. Go ahead and save it
// in the global interface state array.
i = MAX_IF_ENTRIES; j = iLastActiveIndex;
while (i > 0) { // Try to find a free slot starting from the last active slot.
j = (j+1) % MAX_IF_ENTRIES;
if (gIfState[j].fValid == FALSE) { // Found one!
break; }
i--; }
// NOTE: If there are more than MAX_IF_ENTRIES, we will start
// start reusing valid interface elements in gIfState array. This,
// I guess, is OK since we will have enough interfaces to figure
// out connectivity.
memcpy(&gIfState[j], &ifEntry, sizeof(IF_STATE)); gIfState[j].fValid = TRUE;
SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("******** HasIfStateChanged(): Adding a new " "interface with index %d\n", gIfState[j].dwIndex));
return TRUE; }
BOOL MediaSenseRegister( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Schedule a workitem to register for Media-sense notifications from WMI.
Return Value:
TRUE, if success.
FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL bRetVal;
bRetVal = TRUE;
ASSERT(gdwMediaSenseState == SENSSVC_START);
// Create a timer object to schedule (one-time only) Media-sense
// registration.
SensSetTimerQueueTimer( bRetVal, // Bool return on NT5
ghMediaTimer, // Handle return on IE5
NULL, // Use default process timer queue
MediaSenseRegisterHelper, // Callback
NULL, // Parameter
MEDIASENSE_INITIALIZATION_DELAY, // Time from now when timer should fire
0x0, // Time inbetween firings of this timer
0x0 // No Flags.
); if (SENS_TIMER_CREATE_FAILED(bRetVal, ghMediaTimer)) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("MediaSenseRegister(): SensSetTimerQueueTimer() failed with %d.\n", GetLastError())); bRetVal = FALSE; }
return bRetVal; }
SENS_TIMER_CALLBACK_RETURN MediaSenseRegisterHelper( PVOID pvIgnore, BOOLEAN bIgnore ) /*++
Routine Description:
Helper routine that is scheduled to the WMI registration.
pvIgnore - Ignored.
bIgnore - Ignored.
Return Value:
None (void).
--*/ { ULONG Status; GUID guid;
RequestSensLock(); if ( (SENSSVC_STOP == gdwMediaSenseState) || (UNREGISTERED == gdwMediaSenseState)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Enable the media disconnect event.
Status = WmiNotificationRegistrationW( &guid, // Event of interest
TRUE, // Enable Notification?
EventCallbackRoutine, // Callback function
0, // Callback context
); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("Unable to enable media disconnect event: 0x%x!\n", Status)); goto Cleanup; }
// Enable the media connect event
Status = WmiNotificationRegistrationW( &guid, // Event of interest
TRUE, // Enable Notification?
EventCallbackRoutine, // Callback function
0, // Callback context
); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("Unable to enable media connect event: 0x%x!\n", Status)); ASSERT(0); // If we hit this then we need to unregister the first registration above.
goto Cleanup; }
SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("MediaSenseRegister(): Media-sense registration successful.\n"));
gdwMediaSenseState = REGISTERED;
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
return; }
BOOL MediaSenseUnregister( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unregister from Media-sense notifications from WMI.
Return Value:
TRUE, if success.
FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { ULONG Status; GUID guid; BOOL bRetVal; BOOL bRegistered;
bRetVal = TRUE; bRegistered = FALSE;
ASSERT(gdwMediaSenseState == REGISTERED || gdwMediaSenseState == SENSSVC_START);
if (gdwMediaSenseState == REGISTERED) { bRegistered = TRUE; }
gdwMediaSenseState = SENSSVC_STOP;
if (NULL != ghMediaTimer) { bRetVal = SensCancelTimerQueueTimer(NULL, ghMediaTimer, NULL); ghMediaTimer = NULL;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("[%d] MediaSensUnregister(): SensCancelTimer" "QueueTimer(Media) %s\n", GetTickCount(), bRetVal ? "succeeded" : "failed!")); }
if (!bRegistered) { // Should not do unregistration.
goto Cleanup; }
// Disable the media disconnect event.
Status = WmiNotificationRegistrationW( &guid, // Event of interest
FALSE, // Enable Notification?
EventCallbackRoutine, // Callback function
0, // Callback context
); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("[%d] MediaSensUnregister(): Unable to disable " "media disconnect event: 0x%x!\n", GetTickCount(), Status)); ASSERT(0); // If this fails analyze if we should still to the second unregister
bRetVal = FALSE; }
// Disable the connect event
Status = WmiNotificationRegistrationW( &guid, // Event of interest
FALSE, // Enable Notification?
EventCallbackRoutine, // Callback function
0, // Callback context
); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("[%d] MediaSensUnregister(): Unable to disable " "media disconnect event: 0x%x!\n", GetTickCount(), Status)); bRetVal = FALSE; }
Cleanup: //
gdwMediaSenseState = UNREGISTERED;
return bRetVal; }
void EventCallbackRoutine( IN PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader, IN ULONG Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PULONG Data; PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE Wnode = (PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)WnodeHeader; PWCHAR Name; DWORD dwIgnore; ULONG NameLen; int result;
// Get the information for the media disconnect.
result = memcmp(&WnodeHeader->Guid, &GUID_NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT, sizeof(GUID)); if (0 == result) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("NDIS: received a media disconnect!\n")); EvaluateConnectivity(TYPE_LAN); } else { //
// Get the information for the media connect.
result = memcmp(&WnodeHeader->Guid, &GUID_NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT, sizeof(GUID)); if (0 == result) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("NDIS: received a media connect!\n")); EvaluateConnectivity(TYPE_DELAY_LAN); } else { SensPrintA(SENS_WARN, ("NDIS: Unknown event received!\n")); } }
Name = (PWCHAR)RtlOffsetToPointer(Wnode, Wnode->OffsetInstanceName);
SensPrintW(SENS_INFO, (L"NDIS: Instance: %ws\n", Name)); }
BOOL GetIfEntryStats( IN DWORD dwIfIndex, IN LPQOCINFO lpQOCInfo, OUT LPDWORD lpdwLastError, OUT LPBOOL lpbIsWanIf ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the Statistics field of the Interface entry which has the given index.
dwIfIndex - The interface of interest.
lpQOCInfo - QOC Info structure whose fields are set when the interface entry is found in the interface table.
lpdwLastError - The GLE, if any.
lpbIsWanIf - Is the interface at this index a WAN interface or not.
Return Value:
TRUE, if we find the index.
FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD i; BOOL bFound;
*lpdwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; *lpbIsWanIf = FALSE; bFound = FALSE;
// Search the Interface table for the entry with the given index.
for (i = 0; i < pTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { if (pTable->table[i].dwIndex == dwIfIndex) { bFound = TRUE;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("GetIfEntryStats(): Interface %d is of " "type %d\n", dwIfIndex, pTable->table[i].dwType));
if ( (pTable->table[i].dwType == MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP) || (pTable->table[i].dwType == MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP)) { *lpbIsWanIf = TRUE; } else { *lpbIsWanIf = FALSE; }
if (lpQOCInfo != NULL) { lpQOCInfo->dwSize = sizeof(QOCINFO); lpQOCInfo->dwInSpeed = pTable->table[i].dwSpeed; lpQOCInfo->dwOutSpeed = pTable->table[i].dwSpeed; lpQOCInfo->dwFlags = (*lpbIsWanIf) ? CONNECTION_WAN : CONNECTION_LAN; }
break; } }
return bFound; }
BOOL CheckForReachability( IN IPAddr DestIpAddr, IN OUT LPQOCINFO lpQOCInfo, OUT LPDWORD lpdwLastError ) /*++
Routine Description:
This helper function does all the dirty work in checking for Reachability of a particular destination.
DestIpAddr - The Destination of interest.
lpQOCInfo - The QOC Info structure.
lpdwLastError - Returns the GetLastError value when the destination is not reachable.
Return Value:
TRUE, if the destination IP Address is reachable
FALSE, otherwise. GLE returned in lpdwLastError.
--*/ { DWORD i; BOOL bSuccess; BOOL bSameNetId; BOOL bReachable; BOOL bIsWanIf; DWORD dwNetId; DWORD dwSubnetMask; DWORD ifNum; DWORD dwHopCount; DWORD dwRtt;
ifNum = -1; dwRtt = 0; bSuccess = FALSE; bIsWanIf = FALSE; bReachable = FALSE; bSameNetId = FALSE;
// Search the IP Address table for an entry with the same NetId as the
// Destination. If such an entry exists, the Destination is in the same
// sub-net and hence reachable.
// Search for an entry with the same NetId
for (i = 0; i < pTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { // Compare NetIds.
dwSubnetMask = pTable->table[i].dwMask; dwNetId = pTable->table[i].dwAddr & dwSubnetMask;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("IPADDRESS(%d) - Mask %8x, IP %8x, NETID %8x, COMP %8x\n", i, pTable->table[i].dwMask, pTable->table[i].dwAddr, dwNetId, (DestIpAddr & dwSubnetMask)) );
if ( (pTable->table[i].dwAddr != 0x0) && ((DestIpAddr & dwSubnetMask) == dwNetId)) { bSameNetId = TRUE; ifNum = pTable->table[i].dwIndex; SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("CheckForReachability(): Found entry in IPAddr Table with same NetId\n")); break; } }
if (bSameNetId) { // Destination is in the same Subnet. Get stats from the IfTable.
bSuccess = GetIfEntryStats(ifNum, lpQOCInfo, lpdwLastError, &bIsWanIf); ASSERT(bSuccess == TRUE); if (bSuccess) { return TRUE; } }
// Entry is not in the IP AddrTable. We need to Ping. Search the Gateway
// table for default gateway and get it's interface statistics.
for (i = 0; i < pTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { dwSubnetMask = pTable->table[i].dwForwardMask; dwNetId = pTable->table[i].dwForwardDest & dwSubnetMask; ifNum = pTable->table[i].dwForwardIfIndex;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("IPFORWARD(%d) - Mask %8x, IP %8x, NETID %8x, COMP %8x\n", i, pTable->table[i].dwForwardMask, pTable->table[i].dwForwardDest, dwNetId, (DestIpAddr & dwSubnetMask)) );
if (pTable->table[i].dwForwardDest == 0x0) { //
// Skip the default gateway But, get the statistics
// anyways. The QOC of the default gateway is used if we have
// to Ping the destination.
bSuccess = GetIfEntryStats(ifNum, lpQOCInfo, lpdwLastError, &bIsWanIf); SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("Default Gateway statistics (if = %d, " "dwSpeed = %d, IsWanIf = %s)\n", ifNum, lpQOCInfo ? lpQOCInfo->dwInSpeed : 0x0, bIsWanIf ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); ASSERT(bSuccess == TRUE); break; } }
// Resort to a Ping
bReachable = GETRTTANDHOPCOUNT( DestIpAddr, &dwHopCount, MAX_HOPS_COUNT, &dwRtt );
// If we got around to doing a Ping, QOC information will have been
// retrieved when we found the Default Gateway entry.
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("CheckForReachability(): Ping returned %s with GLE of %d\n", bReachable ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", GetLastError()));
if (bReachable == FALSE) { *lpdwLastError = ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE; }
// P3 BUG:
// a. We determine whether the interface on which the Ping went is a LAN
// or WAN by checking the interface type of the default gateway. This
// is not TRUE!
return bReachable; }
BOOL GetActiveWanInterfaceStatistics( OUT LPDWORD lpdwLastError, OUT LPDWORD lpdwWanSpeed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the Statistics field of the Interface entry
lpdwLastError - The GLE, if any.
lpdwWanSpeed - Speed of the WAN interface
P3 BUG: Currently, this will return the speed of the first WAN interface it finds. This won't work properly if there are multiple "active" WAN interfaces.
Return Value:
TRUE, if statistics were successfully retrieved
FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD i; BOOL bFound;
*lpdwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; *lpdwWanSpeed = DEFAULT_WAN_BANDWIDTH; bFound = FALSE;
// Search the Interface table for the first active WAN interface.
for (i = 0; i < pTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { if ( (pTable->table[i].dwType == MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP) || (pTable->table[i].dwType == MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP)) { bFound = TRUE;
if ( (pTable->table[i].dwInNUcastPkts != 0) || (pTable->table[i].dwOutNUcastPkts != 0) || (pTable->table[i].dwInErrors != 0) || (pTable->table[i].dwOutErrors != 0) || (pTable->table[i].dwInDiscards != 0) || (pTable->table[i].dwOutDiscards != 0)) { *lpdwWanSpeed = pTable->table[i].dwSpeed; break; } } } // for
return bFound; }
BOOL PurgeStaleInterfaces( IN MIB_IFTABLE *pTable, OUT LPDWORD lpdwLastError ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove statistics from the interfaces that went away.
pTable - The current If table.
lpdwLastError - The GLE, if any.
Return Value:
TRUE, always.
--*/ { DWORD i; DWORD j; BOOL bFound;
*lpdwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Check if each valid interface in the cache still exists.
for (j = 0; j < MAX_IF_ENTRIES; j++) { if (gIfState[j].fValid == FALSE) { continue; }
bFound = FALSE;
// Search if the interface in the cache is present in the IF_TABLE.
for (i = 0; i < pTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { if (pTable->table[i].dwIndex == gIfState[j].dwIndex) { bFound = TRUE; } } // for (i)
if (FALSE == bFound) { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("******** PurgeStaleInterfaces(): Purging" "interface with index %d\n", gIfState[j].dwIndex));
// Interface went away. So remove from Cache.
memset(&gIfState[j], 0x0, sizeof(IF_STATE)); gIfState[j].fValid = FALSE; }
} // for (j)
return TRUE; }