// File: addrrefresh.cxx
// Contents: Implements classes for handling dynamic TCP/IP address
// changes
// Classes: CAddrRefreshMgr
// History: 26-Oct-00 jsimmons Created
#include "act.hxx"
// The single instance of this object
CAddrRefreshMgr gAddrRefreshMgr;
// Constructor
CAddrRefreshMgr::CAddrRefreshMgr() : _bListenedOnTCP(FALSE), _bCheckedForIPV6(FALSE), _bIPV6Installed(FALSE) { InitACD(&_IPV4AddrChangeData, AF_INET); InitACD(&_IPV6AddrChangeData, AF_INET6); }
// InitACD
// Initializes a new ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA structure for use.
void CAddrRefreshMgr::InitACD(ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA* paddrchangedata, int addrfamily) { ASSERT(paddrchangedata); ZeroMemory(paddrchangedata, sizeof(ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA)); paddrchangedata->dwSig = ADDRCHANGEDATA_SIG; paddrchangedata->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; paddrchangedata->socket_af = addrfamily; paddrchangedata->pThis = this; }
// RegisterForAddressChanges
// Method to tell us to register with the network
// stack to be notified of address changes. This is
// a best-effort, if it fails we simply return; if
// that happens, DCOM will not handle dynamic address
// changes. Once this method succeeds, calling it
// is a no-op until an address change notification
// is signalled.
// Caller must be holding gpClientLock.
void CAddrRefreshMgr::RegisterForAddressChanges() { ASSERT(gpClientLock->HeldExclusive()); // If we haven't yet listened on TCP, there is
// no point in any of this
if (!_bListenedOnTCP) return;
// Always register for IPV4 changes (currently it's not possible
// to install TCP/IP and not get IPV4)
// Register for IPV6 changes if it's installed
if (IsIPV6Installed()) { RegisterForAddrChangesHelper(&_IPV6AddrChangeData); } return; }
// RegisterForAddrChangesHelper
// Registers address change notifications for a specific ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA
// struct. This is a best-effort, if it fails we simply return; if that happens,
// DCOM will not handle dynamic address changes. Once this method succeeds,
// calling it again for the same ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA is a no-op until an address
// change notification is signalled.
void CAddrRefreshMgr::RegisterForAddrChangesHelper(ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA* pAddrChangeData) { ASSERT(gpClientLock->HeldExclusive()); ASSERT(_bListenedOnTCP); if (pAddrChangeData->hAddressChangeEvent == NULL) { pAddrChangeData->hAddressChangeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!pAddrChangeData->hAddressChangeEvent) return; }
// We do not call WSAStartup, it is the responsibility of the caller
// to make sure WSAStartup has already been been called successfully.
// In practice, not calling this function until after we have
// successfully listened on TCP satisfies this requirement.
if (pAddrChangeData->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { pAddrChangeData->socket = WSASocket(pAddrChangeData->socket_af, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED ); if (pAddrChangeData->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "Failed to create notification socket\n")); return; } }
// First make sure we have successfully registered for a
// wait on the notification event with the NT thread pool
if (!pAddrChangeData->bWaitRegistered) { pAddrChangeData->bWaitRegistered = RegisterWaitForSingleObject( &(pAddrChangeData->hWaitObject), pAddrChangeData->hAddressChangeEvent, CAddrRefreshMgr::TimerCallbackFn, pAddrChangeData, INFINITE, 0); if (!pAddrChangeData->bWaitRegistered) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "RegisterWaitForSingleObject failed\n")); return; } }
// Setup the notification again if we failed to register last time,
// or if this is the first time we've ever been here
if (!pAddrChangeData->bRegisteredForNotifications) { // Initialize overlapped structure
ZeroMemory(&(pAddrChangeData->WSAOverlapped), sizeof(pAddrChangeData->WSAOverlapped)); pAddrChangeData->WSAOverlapped.hEvent = pAddrChangeData->hAddressChangeEvent;
int err; DWORD dwByteCnt; err = WSAIoctl( pAddrChangeData->socket, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwByteCnt, &(pAddrChangeData->WSAOverlapped), NULL ); pAddrChangeData->bRegisteredForNotifications = (err == 0) || (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING); if (!pAddrChangeData->bRegisteredForNotifications) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "Failed to request ip change notification on socket (WSAGetLastError=%u)\n", WSAGetLastError())); return; } }
// Success
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "DCOM: successfully registered for address change notifications\n"));
return; }
// TimerCallbackFnHelper
// Helper function to handle address change notifications.
// Does the following tasks:
// 1) re-registers for further address changes
// 2) recomputes current resolver bindings
// 3) pushes new bindings to currently running processes; note
// that this is done async, so we don't tie up the thread.
void CAddrRefreshMgr::TimerCallbackFnHelper(ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA* paddrchangedata) { RPC_STATUS status;
gpClientLock->LockExclusive(); ASSERT(gpClientLock->HeldExclusive());
// The fact that we we got this callback means that our
// previous registration has been consumed. Remember
// that fact so we can re-register down below.
paddrchangedata->bRegisteredForNotifications = FALSE;
// re-register for address changes. The ordering of when
// we do this and when we query for the new list is impt,
// see docs for WSAIoctl that talk about proper ordering
// Tell machine address object that addresses have changed
// Compute new resolver bindings
status = ComputeNewResolverBindings();
// Release lock now, so we don't hold it across PushCurrentBindings
ASSERT(gpClientLock->HeldExclusive()); gpClientLock->UnlockExclusive();
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { // Push new bindings to running processes
PushCurrentBindings(); }
return; }
// TimerCallbackFn
// Static entry point that gets called by NT thread pool whenever
// a notification event is signalled. pvParam points to the
// ADDRESS_CHANGE_DATA for the changed notification.
void CALLBACK CAddrRefreshMgr::TimerCallbackFn(void* pvParam, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired) { ASSERT(!TimerOrWaitFired); // should always be FALSE, ie event was signalled
ASSERT(paddrchangedata); ASSERT(paddrchangedata->dwSig == ADDRCHANGEDATA_SIG); ASSERT(paddrchangedata->pThis == &gAddrRefreshMgr); paddrchangedata->pThis->TimerCallbackFnHelper(paddrchangedata);
return; }
// IsIPV6Installed
BOOL CAddrRefreshMgr::IsIPV6Installed() { if (_bCheckedForIPV6) return _bIPV6Installed;
// don't do anything until we've listened on TCP
if (!_bListenedOnTCP) return FALSE;
// Try to check again
// If check was successful return answer, otherwise say no
return _bCheckedForIPV6 ? _bIPV6Installed : FALSE; }
// CheckForIPV6Installed
// Helper function that checks to see if IPV6 is installed;
// sets as a side-effect, upon success, _bCheckedForIPV6 and
// _bIPV6Installed. Note that like other configureable DCOM
// protocols, we don't support dynamic configuration (ie, you
// must reboot for DCOM to recognize that IPV6 is installed).
void CAddrRefreshMgr::CheckForIPV6Installed() { BYTE* pProtocolBuffer = NULL; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO* lpProtocolInfos = NULL; DWORD dwBufLen = 0; int iRet = 0; BOOL fIPV6Installed = FALSE;
if (_bCheckedForIPV6) return; // Ask for buffer size
dwBufLen = 0; iRet = WSAEnumProtocols(NULL, lpProtocolInfos, &dwBufLen); if (iRet != SOCKET_ERROR) goto done; // should not succeed
if (WSAENOBUFS != WSAGetLastError()) goto done; // should fail for insuf. buffer
// Allocate memory
pProtocolBuffer = new BYTE[dwBufLen]; if (!pProtocolBuffer) goto done;
lpProtocolInfos = (WSAPROTOCOL_INFO*)pProtocolBuffer; // Make call for real this time
iRet = WSAEnumProtocols(NULL, lpProtocolInfos, &dwBufLen); if (iRet == SOCKET_ERROR) goto done;
// Enumerate thru the installed protocols, looking for IPV6
for (int i = 0; i < iRet; i++) { if (lpProtocolInfos[i].iAddressFamily == AF_INET6) { fIPV6Installed = TRUE; break; } }
// We're done
_bCheckedForIPV6 = TRUE; _bIPV6Installed = fIPV6Installed;
done: if (pProtocolBuffer) delete [] pProtocolBuffer;
return; }