// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: scmrot.hxx
// Contents: Implementation of classes for the ROT in the SCM
// Functions: RoundTo8 - round size to 8 byte boundary
// CalcIfdSize - calculate size needed for marhaled interface
// SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry - calculate size for moniker eq buffer
// AllocateAndCopy - create copy of a marshaled interface
// GetEntryFromScmReg - convert SCMREGKEY to ROT entry ptr
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
#include "act.hxx"
// Function: RoundTo8
// Synopsis: Round size to next 8 byte boundary
// Arguments: [sizeToRound] - Size to round
// Returns: Input rounded to the next 8 byte boundary
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
inline size_t RoundTo8(size_t sizeToRound) { return (sizeToRound + 7) & ~7; }
// Function: CalcIfdSize
// Synopsis: Calculate size required by a marshaled interface
// Arguments: [pifd] - interface whose size to calculate
// Returns: size required for interface
// Algorithm: Get size from the interface and round to next 8 bytes so
// data packed following this buffer will be nicely aligned.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
size_t CalcIfdSize(InterfaceData *pifd) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CalcIfdSize ( %p )\n", NULL, pifd));
size_t sizeRet = RoundTo8(IFD_SIZE(pifd));
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CalcIfdSize ( %lx )\n", NULL, sizeRet));
return sizeRet; }
// Function: SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry
// Synopsis: Calculate 8 byte aligned size for moniker equality buffer
// Arguments: [pmnkeqbuf] - Moniker equality buffer
// Returns: 8 byte aligned size of moniker buffer.
// Algorithm: Calculate size for the moniker equality buffer from input
// buffer and then round to next 8 byte boundary
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
size_t SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry(MNKEQBUF *pmnkeqbuf) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry ( %p )\n", NULL, pmnkeqbuf));
size_t sizeRet = RoundTo8((sizeof(MNKEQBUF) - 1) + pmnkeqbuf->cdwSize);
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry ( %lx )\n", NULL, sizeRet));
return sizeRet; }
// Function: AllocateAndCopy
// Synopsis: Make a copy of the input marshaled interface
// Arguments: [pifdIn] - input marshaled interface.
// Returns: Copy of input marshaled interface.
// Algorithm: Calculate size required for marshaled interface. Allocate
// memory for the interface and then copy input interface into
// the new buffer.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
InterfaceData *AllocateAndCopy(InterfaceData *pifdIn) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN AllocateAndCopy ( %p )\n", NULL, pifdIn));
size_t cbSizeObj = CalcIfdSize(pifdIn);
InterfaceData *pifd = (InterfaceData *) MIDL_user_allocate(cbSizeObj);
if (pifd) { // Copy all the data. Remember that pifdIn was allocated rounded
// to an 8 byte boundary so we will not run off the end of the
// memory buffer
memcpy(pifd, pifdIn, cbSizeObj); }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT AllocateAndCopy ( %lx )\n", NULL, pifd));
return pifd; }
// Member: CScmRotEntry::CScmRotEntry
// Synopsis: Create a ROT entry for a registration
// Arguments: [dwScmRotId] - signiture for item
// [pmkeqbuf] - moniker equality buffer to use
// [pfiletime] - file time to use
// [dwProcessID] - process id to use
// [pifdObject] - marshaled interface for the object
// [pifdObjectName] - marshaled moniker for the object
// Algorithm: Initialize data and calcualte offsets into the object for
// the variable length data.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
CScmRotEntry::CScmRotEntry( DWORD dwScmRotId, DWORD dwHash, MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf, FILETIME *pfiletime, DWORD dwProcessID, CToken *pToken, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, InterfaceData *pifdObject, InterfaceData *pifdObjectName) : _dwSig(SCMROT_SIG), _dwScmRotId(dwScmRotId), _dwHash(dwHash), _dwProcessID(dwProcessID), _filetimeLastChange(*pfiletime), _pifdObject((InterfaceData *) &_ab[0]), _pProcessNext(NULL), _cRefs(1) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRotEntry::CScmRotEntry " "( %lx , %p , %p , %lx , %p , %p )\n", this, pmkeqbuf, pfiletime, dwProcessID, pifdObject, pifdObjectName));
_pToken = pToken; if ( _pToken ) _pToken->AddRef();
// Copy data for object to preallocated area
_pifdObject->ulCntData = pifdObject->ulCntData; memcpy(&_pifdObject->abData[0], &pifdObject->abData[0], _pifdObject->ulCntData);
// Calculate the location of the equality buffer in the allocated data
size_t cbOffsetMnkEqBuf = CalcIfdSize(_pifdObject); _pmkeqbufKey = (MNKEQBUF *) &_ab[cbOffsetMnkEqBuf];
// Copy data for moniker equality buffer into preallocated area
_pmkeqbufKey->cdwSize = pmkeqbuf->cdwSize; memcpy(&_pmkeqbufKey->abEqData[0], &pmkeqbuf->abEqData[0], _pmkeqbufKey->cdwSize);
// Calculate the location of the moniker name buffer
_pifdObjectName = (InterfaceData *) &_ab[cbOffsetMnkEqBuf + SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry(_pmkeqbufKey)];
// Copy in the data for the moniker name
_pifdObjectName->ulCntData = pifdObjectName->ulCntData; memcpy(&_pifdObjectName->abData[0], &pifdObjectName->abData[0], _pifdObjectName->ulCntData);
if ( pwszWinstaDesktop ) { _pwszWinstaDesktop = (WCHAR *) &_ab[cbOffsetMnkEqBuf + SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry(_pmkeqbufKey) + CalcIfdSize(_pifdObjectName)]; lstrcpyW( _pwszWinstaDesktop, pwszWinstaDesktop ); } else { _pwszWinstaDesktop = NULL; }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRotEntry::CScmRotEntry \n", this)); }
// Member: CScmRotEntry::IsEqual
// Synopsis: Determine if input key is equal to the ROT entry's key
// Arguments: [pKey] - Key to use for the test
// [cbKey] - Count of bytes in key
// Returns: TRUE - input key equals this object's key
// FALSE - keys are not equal
// Algorithm: If the two sizes are equal then compare the actual data
// buffers and return the result of that compare.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
BOOL CScmRotEntry::IsEqual(LPVOID pKey, UINT cbKey) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRotEntry::IsEqual " "( %p , %lx )\n", this, pKey, cbKey));
if (cbKey == _pmkeqbufKey->cdwSize) { fRet = memcmp(pKey, &_pmkeqbufKey->abEqData[0], cbKey) == 0; }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRotEntry::IsEqual ( %lx )\n", this, fRet));
return fRet; }
// Member: CScmRot::Register
// Synopsis: Add entry to the ROT
// Arguments: [pmkeqbuf] - moniker equality buffer to use
// [pfiletime] - file time to use
// [dwProcessID] - process id to use
// [pifdObject] - marshaled interface for the object
// [pifdObjectName] - marshaled moniker for the object
// Returns: NOERROR - successfully registered
// Algorithm: Lock the ROT from all other threads. The create a new
// entry and determine if there is an eqivalent entry in
// the ROT. Calculate the hash value and then put the
// entry into our hash table. Finally, build a registration
// key to return to the caller.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
// 07-Mar-02 JohnDoty Hang ROT entries off the process.
HRESULT CScmRot::Register( CProcess *pProcess, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, MNKEQBUF *pmnkeqbuf, InterfaceData *pifdObject, InterfaceData *pifdObjectName, FILETIME *pfiletime, DWORD dwProcessID, WCHAR *pwszServerExe, SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "%p _IN CScmRot::Register: Process: %p MNKEQBUF: %p pifdObject: %p pifdObjName: %p\n", this, pProcess, pifdObject, pifdObjectName));
// Assume that there is a memory problem
CToken * pToken;
pToken = pProcess->GetToken();
if ( pwszServerExe ) { HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG RegStatus; WCHAR wszAppid[40]; DWORD Size;
// The pwszServerExe string may contain an AppId string or
// a module name. If it looks like a GUID string, we can bypass
// the AppId lookup. Otherwise, we go to the Registry to
if ( pwszServerExe[0] == L'{' ) { // Use the given string as the AppId
lstrcpyn(wszAppid, pwszServerExe, sizeof(wszAppid)/sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { // Try to map the Exe name to an AppId
HKEY hAppidMachine = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition = 0;
// This may fail during GUI mode setup.
RegStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("AppID"), 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hAppidMachine, &dwDisposition); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegStatus ) { RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( hAppidMachine, pwszServerExe, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey ); RegCloseKey(hAppidMachine); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegStatus ) { Size = sizeof(wszAppid); RegStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"AppId", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)wszAppid, &Size ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
CAppidData Appid( wszAppid, pToken ); BOOL Access;
Access = FALSE;
// Load appid info
hr = Appid.Load(NULL); if ( S_OK == hr ) { // If this is not an activate-as-activator server, then force them to
// pass CertifyServer. You can only register in the ROT if you pass
// CertifyServer.
if ((Appid.GetRunAsType() != RunAsLaunchingUser) || (Appid.GetProcessType() == ProcessTypeService)) { Access = Appid.CertifyServer( pProcess ); } }
if ( ! Access ) return CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY;
// NULL these to indicate that any client can connect to this
// registration.
pwszWinstaDesktop = NULL; pToken = NULL; }
// Lock to add to the table...
CPortableLock lck(_mxs);
// Bump the id
DWORD dwHash = ScmRotHash(&pmnkeqbuf->abEqData[0], pmnkeqbuf->cdwSize, 0);
// Build a record to put into the table
size_t cbExtra = (pwszWinstaDesktop ? (lstrlenW(pwszWinstaDesktop) + 1) : 0) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbExtra += CalcIfdSize(pifdObject); cbExtra += SizeMnkEqBufForRotEntry(pmnkeqbuf); cbExtra += CalcIfdSize(pifdObjectName); CScmRotEntry *psreNew = new(cbExtra) CScmRotEntry(_dwIdCntr, dwHash, pmnkeqbuf, pfiletime, dwProcessID, pToken, pwszWinstaDesktop, pifdObject, pifdObjectName); if (psreNew != NULL) { CScmRotEntry *psreRunning = GetRotEntry( pToken, pwszWinstaDesktop, pmnkeqbuf ); // Put record into the hash table
_sht.SetAt(dwHash, psreNew);
// Update the hint table
// Build return value
// Link to process. The process link owns another reference on the object.
psreNew->SetProcessNext((CScmRotEntry *)pProcess->GetFirstROTEntry()); pProcess->SetFirstROTEntry(psreNew); psreNew->AddRef();
// Map return result based on prior existence of the object.
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "%p OUT CScmRot::Register: hr: 0x%08x, psrkReg: [ 0x%I64x, %08x, %08x ]\n", this, hr, (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? psrkRegister->dwEntryLoc : 0, (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? psrkRegister->dwHash : 0, (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? psrkRegister->dwScmId : 0));
return hr; }
// Function: CScmRot::GetEntryFromScmReg
// Synopsis: Convert SCMREGKEY into a pointer to a ROT entry if possible.
// Arguments: [psrk] - Pointer to a SCMREGKEY
// Returns: NULL - psrk not valid
// ROT entry for the given input key
// Algorithm: Take the pointer portion of the key, along with the hash
// portion of the key, and search for that entry in _sht.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
// 05-Mar-02 JohnDoty Modified to use _sht in validation.
CScmRotEntry *CScmRot::GetEntryFromScmReg(SCMREGKEY *psrk) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN GetEntryFromScmReg ( %p )\n", this, psrk));
CScmRotEntry *psreRet = NULL;
CScmRotEntry *psre = (CScmRotEntry *) _sht.Lookup(psrk->dwHash, (CScmRotEntry*)psrk->dwEntryLoc); if (psre != NULL) { if (psre->IsValid(psrk->dwScmId)) { psreRet = psre; } }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT GetEntryFromScmReg ( %p )\n", this, psreRet));
return psreRet; }
// Member: CScmRot::Revoke
// Synopsis: Remove entry from the ROT
// Arguments: [psrkRegister] - registration to revoke
// [fServer] - whether this is the object server
// [ppifdObject] - output marshaled interface (optional)
// [ppifdName] - output marshaled moniker (optional)
// Returns: NOERROR - successfully removed.
// Algorithm: Convert SCMREGKEY to anentry in the ROT. Remove the
// entry from the hash table. If this is the object server
// for the entry, then return the marshaled interfaces
// so the object server can release them.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
// 07-Mar-02 JohnDoty Validate most revokes against the process
HRESULT CScmRot::Revoke( CProcess *pProcess, SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister, InterfaceData **ppifdObject, InterfaceData **ppifdName) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "%p _IN CScmRot::Revoke: Process: %p psrkRegister: [ 0x%I64x, %08x, %08x ]\n", this, pProcess, psrkRegister->dwEntryLoc, psrkRegister->dwHash, psrkRegister->dwScmId));
// Lock for the duration of the call
CPortableLock lck(_mxs); // Verify registration key
CScmRotEntry *psreToRemove = GetEntryFromScmReg(psrkRegister);
if (psreToRemove != NULL) { BOOL fValid; if (pProcess != NULL) { // Make sure that this entry belongs to the specified process.
// If it does not, then ignore the revoke request.
fValid = FALSE; if (pProcess->GetFirstROTEntry() != NULL) { ASSERT( !gpServerLock->HeldExclusive() ); gpServerLock->LockExclusive(); CScmRotEntry *pChase = NULL; CScmRotEntry *pEntry = (CScmRotEntry *)pProcess->GetFirstROTEntry(); while (pEntry) { if (pEntry == psreToRemove) { CScmRotEntry *pNext = psreToRemove->GetProcessNext(); // Great! This is valid-- remove it from the list.
fValid = TRUE;
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "%p ___ CScmRot::Revoke: Remove from process: Chase %p Next %p\n", this, pChase, pNext)); if (pChase != NULL) pChase->SetProcessNext(pNext); else pProcess->SetFirstROTEntry(pNext);
// Remove the reference that the list took on us.
psreToRemove->Release(); break; }
pChase = pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->GetProcessNext(); }
gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); } } else { // No process specified, just do the revoke.
fValid = TRUE; } if (fValid) { // Get the hash value
DWORD dwHash = psrkRegister->dwHash;
// Remove object from the list
_sht.RemoveEntry(dwHash, psreToRemove); // Is this a server doing a revoke?
if (ppifdObject && ppifdName) { // Error handling here - suppose these allocations fail, what
// can we do? The bottom line is nothing. This will cause a
// memory leak in the server because they can't release the
// marshaled data. However, this is assumed to be a rare
// occurance and will really only cause the moniker to live
// longer than it ought to which should not be too serious.
*ppifdObject = AllocateAndCopy(psreToRemove->GetObject()); *ppifdName = AllocateAndCopy(psreToRemove->GetMoniker()); } // Release the table reference on the entry.
// (A reference may still exist in the CProcess list, if we're racing
// a revoke with a rundown. This should never really happen, because
// we should not be running the process down since it's being used as
// a context handle in the IrotRevoke RPC, but still... better safe
// than busy writing QFE fixes.)
// See if bucket is empty
if (_sht.IsBucketEmpty(dwHash)) { // Update the hint table.
_rht.ClearIndicator(dwHash); }
hr = S_OK; } else { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "%p ERR CScmRot::Revoke: Attempt to revoke invalid entry 0x%p\n", this, psreToRemove)); } }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "%p OUT CScmRot::Revoke: ( %lx ) [ %p, %p ] \n", this, hr, (ppifdObject != NULL) ? *ppifdObject : NULL, (ppifdName != NULL) ? *ppifdName : NULL)); return hr; }
// Member: CScmRot::IsRunning
// Synopsis: Determine if there is a registered entry for an item
// Arguments: [pmnkeqbuf] - Moniker equality buffer to search for
// Returns: NOERROR - moniker is registered as running
// S_FALSE - moniker is not running.
// Algorithm: Get the entry for the moniker equality buffer if there is
// one. If there is one, then return NOERROR otherwise return
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
HRESULT CScmRot::IsRunning( CToken *pToken, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, MNKEQBUF *pmnkeqbuf) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRot::IsRunning " "( %p )\n", this, pmnkeqbuf));
// Lock for the duration of the call
CPortableLock lck(_mxs);
CScmRotEntry *psreRunning = GetRotEntry( pToken, pwszWinstaDesktop, pmnkeqbuf );
HRESULT hr = (psreRunning != NULL) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRot::IsRunning " " ( %lx ) \n", this, hr));
return hr; }
// Member: CScmRot::GetObject
// Synopsis: Get running object for input
// Arguments: [dwProcessID] - process id of object (optional)
// [pmnkeqbuf] - moniker equality buffer
// [psrkRegister] - output registration id.
// [ppifdObject] - marshaled interface for registration
// Returns: NOERROR - got object
// MK_E_UNAVAILABLE - registration could not be found
// Algorithm: If not process ID is input, then search for the first
// matching entry that we can find. Otherwise, search the
// hash for the entry with both the same key and the same
// process id.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
HRESULT CScmRot::GetObject( CToken *pToken, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, DWORD dwProcessID, MNKEQBUF *pmnkeqbuf, SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister, InterfaceData **ppifdObject) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRot::GetObject " "( %lx , %p , %p , %p )\n", this, dwProcessID, pmnkeqbuf, psrkRegister, ppifdObject));
// Lock for the duration of the call
CPortableLock lck(_mxs);
CScmRotEntry *psreRunning;
if (dwProcessID == 0) { psreRunning = GetRotEntry( pToken, pwszWinstaDesktop, pmnkeqbuf ); } else { // Special search based on process ID - get the head of the list
// for the bucket
psreRunning = (CScmRotEntry *) _sht.GetBucketList( ScmRotHash(&pmnkeqbuf->abEqData[0], pmnkeqbuf->cdwSize, 0));
// Search list for a matching entry
while (psreRunning != NULL) { if ((psreRunning->GetProcessID() == dwProcessID) && psreRunning->IsEqual(&pmnkeqbuf->abEqData[0], pmnkeqbuf->cdwSize)) { // We found a match so we are done.
break; }
// Try the next item in the bucket.
psreRunning = (CScmRotEntry *) psreRunning->GetNext(); } } if (psreRunning != NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
*ppifdObject = AllocateAndCopy(psreRunning->GetObject());
if (*ppifdObject != NULL) { hr = NOERROR; }
// Build return registration key
psreRunning->SetScmRegKey(psrkRegister); }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRot::GetObject " " ( %lx ) [ %p ] \n", this, hr, *ppifdObject));
return hr; }
// Member: CScmRot::NoteChangeTime
// Synopsis: Set the time of last change for a ROT entry
// Arguments: [psrkRegister] - ID of entry to change
// [pfiletime] - new time for the entry.
// Returns: NOERROR - time set
// E_INVALIDARG - ROT entry could not be found
// Algorithm: Convert SCMREGKEY into a pointer to a ROT entry and then
// update the time of that entry.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
HRESULT CScmRot::NoteChangeTime( SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister, FILETIME *pfiletime) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRot::NoteChangeTime " "( %p , %p )\n", this, psrkRegister, pfiletime));
// Lock for the duration of the call
CPortableLock lck(_mxs);
CScmRotEntry *psre = GetEntryFromScmReg(psrkRegister);
if (psre != NULL) { psre->SetTime(pfiletime); hr = S_OK; }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRot::NoteChangeTime " " ( %lx ) \n", this, hr));
return hr; }
// Member: CScmRot::GetTimeOfLastChange
// Synopsis: Get time of last change for a moniker in the ROT
// Arguments: [pmnkeqbuf] - Moniker equality buffer
// [pfiletime] - Where to put the time
// Returns: NOERROR - got the time
// MK_E_UNAVAILABLE - couldn't find an entry/
// Algorithm: Search the hash for an entry with the same moniker. If
// found, then copy out the time.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
HRESULT CScmRot::GetTimeOfLastChange( CToken *pToken, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, MNKEQBUF *pmnkeqbuf, FILETIME *pfiletime) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRot::GetTimeOfLastChange " "( %p , %p )\n", this, pmnkeqbuf, pfiletime));
// Lock for the duration of the call
CPortableLock lck(_mxs);
CScmRotEntry *psreRunning = GetRotEntry( pToken, pwszWinstaDesktop, pmnkeqbuf );
if (psreRunning != NULL) { psreRunning->GetTime(pfiletime); hr = S_OK; }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRot::GetTimeOfLastChange " " ( %lx ) \n", this, hr));
return hr; }
// Member: CScmRot::EnumRunning
// Synopsis: Get a list of all the monikers that are currently running
// Arguments: [ppMkIFList] - Where to put list of monikers running
// Returns: NOERROR - got list
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - couldn't allocate space for the list
// Algorithm: Loop through the ROT copying out the marshaled moniker buffers
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
HRESULT CScmRot::EnumRunning( CToken *pToken, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, MkInterfaceList **ppMkIFList) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRot::EnumRunning " "( %p )\n", this, ppMkIFList));
// Lock for the duration of the call
CPortableLock lck(_mxs);
*ppMkIFList = NULL;
MkInterfaceList *pMkIFList = NULL;
// This is the upper limit on how much space we'll need.
DWORD dwSize = sizeof(MkInterfaceList) + (_sht.GetCount() - 1) * sizeof(InterfaceData *);
// Allocate buffer
pMkIFList = (MkInterfaceList *) MIDL_user_allocate(dwSize);
// We use this to keep track fof the number of monikers we are returning
DWORD dwOffset = 0;
if (pMkIFList != NULL) { // Iterate list getting the pointers
CScmHashIter shi(&_sht); CScmRotEntry *psre;
while ((psre = (CScmRotEntry *) shi.GetNext()) != NULL) { InterfaceData *pifdForOutput;
if ( psre->WinstaDesktop() && (lstrcmpW( pwszWinstaDesktop, psre->WinstaDesktop() ) != 0) ) continue;
if ( S_OK != pToken->MatchToken2(psre->Token(), FALSE) ) continue;
if ( gbSAFERROTChecksEnabled ) { HRESULT hr = pToken->CompareSaferLevels(psre->Token()); // S_FALSE: pToken is of lesser authorization, i.e., this
// is untrusted code calling into trusted code.
if (hr == S_FALSE) { //DbgPrint("RPCSS: SCMROT: SAFER level did not match.\n");
continue; } }
pifdForOutput = AllocateAndCopy(psre->GetMoniker());
if (pifdForOutput == NULL) { goto Exit; }
// Put copy in the array
pMkIFList->apIFDList[dwOffset] = pifdForOutput;
// We bump the count because it makes clean up easier
dwOffset++; }
// Teller caller and cleanup that everything went ok.
hr = S_OK;
// Set the output buffer to the buffer we have allocated.
*ppMkIFList = pMkIFList;
// Set the size of the object to return
pMkIFList->dwSize = dwOffset; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { // We failed so clean up
if (pMkIFList != NULL) { // Clean up the moniker interfaces that were allocated
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwOffset; i++) { MIDL_user_free(pMkIFList->apIFDList[i]); }
// Clean up the table structure itself
MIDL_user_free(pMkIFList); } }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRot::EnumRunning " " ( %lx ) [ %p ]\n", this, hr, *ppMkIFList));
return hr; }
// Member: CScmRot::GetRotEntry
// Synopsis: Search ROT for entry that matches the equality buffer input.
// Arguments: [pmnkeqbuf] - Moniker equality buffer to search for.
// Returns: NULL - no entry could be found
// Pointer to ROT entry with matching key
// Algorithm: Calculate the hash value for the input buffer. The search
// the hash table for the matching value.
// History: 20-Jan-95 Ricksa Created
CScmRotEntry *CScmRot::GetRotEntry( CToken *pToken, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, MNKEQBUF *pmnkeqbuf) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN CScmRot::GetRotEntry " "( %p )\n", this, pmnkeqbuf));
DWORD dwHash; CScmRotEntry * psre;
dwHash = ScmRotHash(&pmnkeqbuf->abEqData[0], pmnkeqbuf->cdwSize, 0); psre = (CScmRotEntry *) _sht.GetBucketList( dwHash );
for ( ; psre != NULL; psre = (CScmRotEntry *) psre->GetNext() ) { if ( psre->IsEqual(&pmnkeqbuf->abEqData[0], pmnkeqbuf->cdwSize) ) { //
// Note that this routine is actually called during a Register
// to see if there is a duplicate moniker and also during a
// client Lookup. This makes things a little complicated.
// The winsta\desktop param can only be null in two instances.
// + While doing a Register from a service or RunAs server. The
// pToken will also be null.
// + While doing a ROT lookup during a secure remote activation.
// The pToken will be non-null. We only check that the SIDs
// match in this case.
// During an usecure activation the pToken will be NULL. The
// winsta/desktop will actually be "" in this case (see
// Activation) to allow us to distinguish just this case.
// The ROT entry's winsta\desktop can be null if a service or RunAs
// server registered a globally available object.
// Existing registration is globally available.
if ( ! psre->WinstaDesktop() ) break;
// NULL token and winsta/desktop means a server is doing a register
// for a globally available object, return the match.
// NULL token but non-null ("") winsta/desktop is a lookup from a
// remote unsecure client, no match.
if ( ! pToken ) { if ( ! pwszWinstaDesktop ) break; else continue; }
ASSERT( psre->Token() );
if ( pwszWinstaDesktop && (lstrcmpW( pwszWinstaDesktop, psre->WinstaDesktop() ) != 0) ) continue;
// Check to make sure the token matches
if(S_OK != pToken->MatchToken2(psre->Token(), FALSE)) continue;
// Check to make sure that the safer token matches
if ( gbSAFERROTChecksEnabled ) { HRESULT hr = pToken->CompareSaferLevels(psre->Token()); // S_FALSE: pToken is of lesser authorization, i.e., this
// is untrusted code calling into trusted code.
if (hr == S_FALSE) { //DbgPrint("RPCSS: SCMROT: SAFER level did not match.\n");
continue; } }
break; } }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT CScmRot::GetRotEntry " " ( %p )\n", this, psre));
return psre; }
// Function: SCMCleanupROTEntries
// Synopsis: Revoke the ROT entries in the list.
// Arguments: pvFirstEntry: First entry in the list.
// History: 07-Mar-2002 JohnDoty Created
void SCMCleanupROTEntries( void *pvFirstEntry) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "SCMCleanupROTEntries: First entry @ 0x%p\n", pvFirstEntry)); CScmRotEntry *pEntry = (CScmRotEntry *)pvFirstEntry; while (pEntry) { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "SCMCleanupROTEntries: Removing entry 0x%p...\n", pEntry)); CScmRotEntry *pEntryNext = pEntry->GetProcessNext();
// Revoke this entry from the ROT. Pass in NULL for the
// CServerOxid, since these entries are no longer associated
// with the OXID.
SCMREGKEY srkReg; pEntry->SetScmRegKey(&srkReg); gpscmrot->Revoke(NULL, &srkReg, NULL, NULL);
// Remove the reference this list held on me.
pEntry = pEntryNext; }
CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT | DEB_ROT_ADDREMOVE, "SCMCleanupROTEntries: Done\n", pvFirstEntry)); }