// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: olereg.cpp
// Contents: Helper routines to interrogate the reg database
// Classes:
// Functions: OleRegGetUserType
// OleRegGetMiscStatus
// OleGetAutoConvert
// OleSetAutoConvert
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 11-Jan-94 alexgo added VDATEHEAP macros to every function
// 30-Nov-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 11-Nov-92 jasonful author
#include <le2int.h>
#pragma SEG(olereg)
#include <reterr.h>
#include "oleregpv.h"
#include <ctype.h>
// Reg Db Keys
static const OLECHAR szAuxUserTypeKey[] = OLESTR("AuxUserType"); static const OLECHAR szMiscStatusKey[] = OLESTR("MiscStatus") ; static const OLECHAR szProgIDKey[] = OLESTR("ProgID"); static const OLECHAR szClsidKey[] = OLESTR("Clsid"); static const OLECHAR szAutoConverTo[] = OLESTR("AutoConvertTo");
// this is really a global variable
const OLECHAR szClsidRoot[] = OLESTR("CLSID\\");
static INTERNAL OleRegGetDword (HKEY hkey, LPCOLESTR szKey, DWORD FAR* pdw);
static INTERNAL OleRegGetDword (HKEY hkey, DWORD dwKey, DWORD FAR* pdw);
static INTERNAL OleRegGetString (HKEY hkey, LPCOLESTR szKey, LPOLESTR FAR* pszValue);
static INTERNAL OleRegGetString (HKEY hkey, DWORD dwKey, LPOLESTR FAR* pszValue);
// Function: Atol (static)
// Synopsis: Converts string to integer
// Effects:
// Arguments: [sz] -- the string
// Requires:
// Returns: LONG
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Nov-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes: 32bit OLE just uses wcstol as a #define
// original 16bit comment:
// Replacement for stdlib atol,
// which didn't work and doesn't take far pointers.
// Must be tolerant of leading spaces.
#ifndef WIN32
#pragma SEG(Atol)
signed int sign = +1; UINT base = 10; LONG l = 0;
if (NULL==sz) { Assert (0); return 0; } while (isspace(*sz)) { sz++; }
if (*sz== OLESTR('-')) { sz++; sign = -1; } if (sz[0]==OLESTR('0') && sz[1]==OLESTR('x')) { base = 16; sz+=2; }
if (base==10) { while (isdigit(*sz)) { l = l * base + *sz - OLESTR('0'); sz++; } } else { Assert (base==16); while (isxdigit(*sz)) { l = l * base + isdigit(*sz) ? *sz - OLESTR('0') : toupper(*sz) - OLESTR('A') + 10; sz++; } } return l * sign; } #endif //!WIN32
// Function: OleRegGetDword
// Synopsis: returns the value of subkey "szKey" as a DWORD
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hkey] -- handle to a key in the regdb
// [szKey] -- the subkey to look for
// [pdw] -- where to put the dword
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Nov-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleRegGetDword)
static INTERNAL OleRegGetDword (HKEY hkey, LPCOLESTR szKey, DWORD FAR* pdw) { VDATEHEAP();
HRESULT hresult = OleRegGetString (hkey, szKey, &szLong); if (hresult != NOERROR) { return hresult; } *pdw = Atol (szLong); PubMemFree(szLong); return NOERROR; }
// Function: OleRegGetDword (overloaded)
// Synopsis: Gets a dword from a sub-key given as a dword
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hkey] -- handle to a key in the regdb
// [dwKey] -- number to convert to a string key to lookup in
// the regdb
// [pdw] -- where to put the dword
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Nov-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes: REVIEW32: This deep layering is kinda strange, as each
// overloaded function is used exactly once. It might be
// better just to inline the stuff and be done with it.
#pragma SEG(OleRegGetDword)
static INTERNAL OleRegGetDword (HKEY hkey, DWORD dwKey, DWORD FAR* pdw) { VDATEHEAP();
OLECHAR szBuf[MAX_STR]; wsprintf(szBuf, OLESTR("%ld"), dwKey);
return OleRegGetDword (hkey, szBuf, pdw); }
// Function: OleRegGetString
// Synopsis: Return the value of subkey [szKey] of key [hkey] as a string
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hkey] -- a handle to a key in the reg db
// [szKey] -- the subkey to get the value of
// [ppszValue] -- where to put the value string
// Requires:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// 15-Dec-93 ChrisWe cb is supposed to be the size of the
// buffer in bytes; changed to use sizeof()
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleRegGetString)
static INTERNAL OleRegGetString (HKEY hkey, LPCOLESTR szKey, LPOLESTR FAR* ppszValue) { VDATEHEAP();
OLECHAR szBuf [MAX_STR]; LONG cb = sizeof(szBuf);
*ppszValue = NULL;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValue (hkey, (LPOLESTR) szKey, szBuf, &cb)) { *ppszValue = UtDupString (szBuf); return *ppszValue ? NOERROR : ResultFromScode (E_OUTOFMEMORY); } return ReportResult(0, REGDB_E_KEYMISSING, 0, 0); }
// Function: OleRegGetString (overloaded)
// Synopsis: Gets the string value of the DWORD subkey
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hkey] -- handle to a key in the regdb
// [dwKey] -- the subkey value
// [ppszValue] -- where to put the return value
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
static INTERNAL OleRegGetString (HKEY hkey, DWORD dwKey, LPOLESTR FAR* ppszValue) { VDATEHEAP();
OLECHAR szBuf[MAX_STR]; wsprintf(szBuf, OLESTR("%ld"), dwKey);
return OleRegGetString (hkey, szBuf, ppszValue); }
// Function: OleRegGetUserType
// Synopsis: Returns the user type name for the class id.
// Effects:
// Arguments: [clsid] -- the class ID to look up
// [dwFormOfType] -- flag indicating whether the fullname,
// shortname, or app name is desired
// [ppszUserType] -- where to put the type string
// Requires: returned string must be deleted
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Nov-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleRegGetUserType)
STDAPI OleRegGetUserType (REFCLSID clsid, DWORD dwFormOfType, // as in IOleObject::GetUserType
LPOLESTR FAR* ppszUserType) // out parm
{ OLETRACEIN((API_OleRegGetUserType, PARAMFMT("clsid= %I, dwFormOfType= %x, ppszUserType= %p"), &clsid, dwFormOfType, ppszUserType));
LPOLESTR pszTemp; HKEY hkeyClsid = NULL; HKEY hkeyAux = NULL; HRESULT hresult = NOERROR;
VDATEPTROUT_LABEL (ppszUserType, LPOLESTR, safeRtn, hresult); *ppszUserType = NULL;
ErrRtnH(CoOpenClassKey(clsid, FALSE, &hkeyClsid));
if (dwFormOfType == USERCLASSTYPE_FULL || ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx (hkeyClsid, szAuxUserTypeKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyAux)) { // use Main User Type Name (value of key CLSID(...))
hresult = OleRegGetString(hkeyClsid, (LPOLESTR)NULL, &pszTemp); if (SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { // If no user type string is registered under the class key,
// OleRegGetString returns NOERROR and returns an empty string.
// We need to check for this and return the appropriate error.
if ( !pszTemp[0] ) { PubMemFree(pszTemp); hresult = ResultFromScode(REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE); goto errRtn; } *ppszUserType = pszTemp; } } else { // look under key AuxUserType
if (NOERROR != OleRegGetString (hkeyAux, dwFormOfType, ppszUserType) || NULL==*ppszUserType || '\0'==(*ppszUserType)[0]) { // Couldn't find the particular FormOfType requested,
// so use Full User Type Name (value of main
// CLSID key), as per spec
ErrRtnH (OleRegGetString (hkeyClsid, (LPOLESTR)NULL, ppszUserType)); } }
CLOSE (hkeyClsid); CLOSE (hkeyAux);
safeRtn: OLETRACEOUT((API_OleRegGetUserType, hresult));
return hresult; }
// Function: OleRegGetMiscStatus
// Synopsis: Retrieves misc status bits from the reg db
// Effects:
// Arguments: [clsid] -- the class ID
// [dwAspect] -- specify the aspect (used in querrying
// the reg db)
// [pdwStatus] -- return to return the status bits
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes: Uses default (0) is the MiscStatus key is missing
#pragma SEG(OleRegGetMiscStatus)
STDAPI OleRegGetMiscStatus (REFCLSID clsid, DWORD dwAspect, DWORD FAR* pdwStatus) { OLETRACEIN((API_OleRegGetMiscStatus, PARAMFMT("clsid= %I, dwAspect= %x, pdwStatus= %p"), &clsid, dwAspect, pdwStatus));
HKEY hkeyClsid = NULL; HKEY hkeyMisc = NULL; HRESULT hresult = NOERROR;
VDATEPTROUT_LABEL(pdwStatus, DWORD, safeRtn, hresult); *pdwStatus = 0;
ErrRtnH(CoOpenClassKey(clsid, FALSE, &hkeyClsid));
// Open MiscStatus key
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx (hkeyClsid, szMiscStatusKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyMisc)) { // MiscStatus key not there, so use default.
hresult = NOERROR; goto errRtn; } if (OleRegGetDword (hkeyMisc, dwAspect, pdwStatus) != NOERROR) { // Get default value from main Misc key
ErrRtnH (OleRegGetDword (hkeyMisc, (LPOLESTR)NULL, pdwStatus)); // Got default value
} // Got value for dwAspect
errRtn: CLOSE (hkeyMisc); CLOSE (hkeyClsid);
safeRtn: OLETRACEOUT((API_OleRegGetMiscStatus, hresult));
return hresult; }
// Function: OleGetAutoConvert
// Synopsis: Retrieves the class ID that [clsidOld] should be converted
// to via auto convert
// Effects:
// Arguments: [clsidOld] -- the original class ID
// [pClsidNew] -- where to put the new convert-to class ID
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 05-Apr-94 kevinro removed bogus assert, restructured
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleGetAutoConvert)
STDAPI OleGetAutoConvert(REFCLSID clsidOld, LPCLSID pClsidNew) { OLETRACEIN((API_OleGetAutoConvert, PARAMFMT("clsidOld= %I, pClsidNew= %p"), &clsidOld, pClsidNew));
HRESULT hresult; HKEY hkeyClsid = NULL; LPOLESTR lpszClsid = NULL; VDATEPTROUT_LABEL (pClsidNew, CLSID, errRtn, hresult); *pClsidNew = CLSID_NULL;
hresult = CoOpenClassKey(clsidOld, FALSE, &hkeyClsid); if (FAILED(hresult)) { goto errRtn; }
hresult = OleRegGetString(hkeyClsid, szAutoConverTo, &lpszClsid);
if (SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { // Its Possible there is an AutoConvert Key under the CLSID but it has not value
if (OLESTR('\0') == lpszClsid[0]) { hresult = REGDB_E_KEYMISSING; } else { // convert string into CLSID
hresult = CLSIDFromString(lpszClsid, pClsidNew); } }
CLOSE(hkeyClsid); PubMemFree(lpszClsid);
errRtn: OLETRACEOUT((API_OleGetAutoConvert, hresult));
return hresult; }
// Function: OleSetAutoConvert
// Synopsis: Sets the autoconvert information in the regdb
// Effects:
// Arguments: [clsidOld] -- the original class id
// [clsidNew] -- that class id that [clsidOld] should be
// auto-converted to
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port
// Notes:
#pragma SEG(OleSetAutoConvert)
STDAPI OleSetAutoConvert(REFCLSID clsidOld, REFCLSID clsidNew) { OLETRACEIN((API_OleSetAutoConvert, PARAMFMT("clsidOld= %I, clsidNew= %I"), &clsidOld, &clsidNew));
HRESULT hresult; HKEY hkeyClsid = NULL;
ErrRtnH(CoOpenClassKey(clsidOld, TRUE, &hkeyClsid));
if (IsEqualCLSID(clsidNew, CLSID_NULL)) { // ignore error since there may not be a value at present
(void)RegDeleteKey(hkeyClsid, szAutoConverTo); } else { OLECHAR szClsid[MAX_STR]; Verify(StringFromCLSID2(clsidNew, szClsid, sizeof(szClsid)) != 0);
if (RegSetValue(hkeyClsid, szAutoConverTo, REG_SZ, szClsid, _xstrlen(szClsid)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hresult = ResultFromScode(REGDB_E_WRITEREGDB); } }
errRtn: CLOSE(hkeyClsid);
OLETRACEOUT((API_OleSetAutoConvert, hresult));
return hresult; }