// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: msf.cxx
// Contents: Entry points for MSF DLL
// Classes: None.
// Functions: DllMuliStreamFromStream
// DllConvertStreamToMultiStream
// DllReleaseMultiStream
// DllGetScratchMultiStream
// DllIsMultiStream
// History: 17-Aug-91 PhilipLa Created.
#include "msfhead.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <handle.hxx>
#include <filelkb.hxx>
#include <ole.hxx>
#include <entry.hxx>
#include <smalloc.hxx>
// Function: DllMultiStreamFromStream
// Synopsis: Create a new multistream instance from an existing stream.
// This is used to reopen a stored multi-stream.
// Effects: Creates a new CMStream instance
// Arguments: [ppms] -- Pointer to storage for return of multistream
// [pplstStream] -- Stream to be used by multi-stream for
// reads and writes
// [dwFlags] - Startup flags
// Returns: STG_E_INVALIDHEADER if signature on pStream does not
// match.
// STG_E_UNKNOWN if there was a problem in setup.
// S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm: Check the signature on the pStream and on the contents
// of the pStream. If either is a mismatch, return
// Create a new CMStream instance and run the setup function.
// If the setup function fails, return STG_E_UNKNOWN.
// Otherwise, return S_OK.
// History: 17-Aug-91 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
SCODE DllMultiStreamFromStream(IMalloc *pMalloc, CMStream **ppms, ILockBytes **pplstStream, DWORD dwStartFlags, DFLAGS df) { SCODE sc; CMStream *temp;
BOOL fConvert = ((dwStartFlags & RSF_CONVERT) != 0); BOOL fDelay = ((dwStartFlags & RSF_DELAY) != 0); BOOL fTruncate = ((dwStartFlags & RSF_TRUNCATE) != 0); BOOL fCreate = ((dwStartFlags & RSF_CREATE) != 0);
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In DllMultiStreamFromStream\n"));
msfMem(temp = new (pMalloc) CMStream(pMalloc, pplstStream, FALSE, (df & ~DF_NOSCRATCH), (dwStartFlags & RSF_SECTORSIZE_MASK) ? (USHORT)((dwStartFlags & RSF_SECTORSIZE_MASK) >> 12) : SECTORSHIFT512)); #else
msfMem(temp = new (pMalloc) CMStream(pMalloc, pplstStream, FALSE, (dwStartFlags & RSF_SECTORSIZE_MASK) ? (USHORT)((dwStartFlags & RSF_SECTORSIZE_MASK) >> 12) : SECTORSHIFT512)); #endif //USE_NOSCRATCH
STATSTG stat; HRESULT hr; IFileLockBytes *pfl;
// ILockBytes::Stat is an expensive operation; for our own file
// stream we call our faster GetSize method.
if (SUCCEEDED((*pplstStream)->QueryInterface(IID_IFileLockBytes, (void**) &pfl))) { msfAssert(pfl != NULL && aMsg("ILockBytes::QueryInterface succeeded but returned NULL")); hr = pfl->GetSize(&stat.cbSize); pfl->Release(); } else hr = (*pplstStream)->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME); msfHChk(hr);
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Size is: %lu\n",ULIGetLow(stat.cbSize)));
do { if ((stat.cbSize.QuadPart != 0) && (fConvert)) { msfChk(temp->InitConvert(fDelay)); break; }
if ((stat.cbSize.QuadPart == 0 && fCreate) || (fTruncate)) { msfChk(temp->InitNew(fDelay, stat.cbSize)); break; } msfChk(temp->Init()); } while (FALSE);
*ppms = temp;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Leaving DllMultiStreamFromStream\n"));
if (fConvert && (stat.cbSize.QuadPart != 0) && !fDelay) { return STG_S_CONVERTED; }
return S_OK;
Err: #if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
//take the mutex here instead of in the allocator.
g_smAllocator.GetMutex()->Take(DFM_TIMEOUT); #endif
delete temp; #if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
g_smAllocator.GetMutex()->Release(); #endif
return sc; }
// Function: DllReleaseMultiStream
// Synopsis: Release a CMStream instance
// Effects: Deletes a multi-stream instance
// Arguments: [pms] -- pointer to object to be deleted
// Returns: S_OK.
// Modifies: Deletes the object pointed to by pMultiStream
// Algorithm: Delete the passed in pointer.
// History: 17-Aug-91 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
void DllReleaseMultiStream(CMStream *pms) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In DllReleaseMultiStream(%p)\n",pms)); #if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
//take the mutex here instead of in the allocator.
g_smAllocator.GetMutex()->Take(DFM_TIMEOUT); #endif
delete pms; #if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
g_smAllocator.GetMutex()->Release(); #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out DllReleaseMultiStream()\n")); }
// Function: DllGetScratchMultiStream
// Synopsis: Get a scratch multistream for a given LStream
// Effects: Creates new MStream instance and new handle
// Arguments: [ppms] -- pointer to location in which root
// handle is to be returned.
// [pplstStream] -- pointer to LStream object to be used
// [pmsMaster] - Multistream to pattern scratch after
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// STG_E_UNKNOWN if there was a problem in setup.
// Algorithm: *Finish This*
// History: 08-Jan-91 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
SCODE DllGetScratchMultiStream(CMStream **ppms, #ifdef USE_NOSCRATCH
BOOL fIsNoScratch, #endif
ILockBytes **pplstStream, CMStream *pmsMaster) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In DllGetScratchMultiStream(%p,%p,%p)\n",ppms,pplstStream,pmsMaster)); SCODE sc; ULARGE_INTEGER uliZero;
CMStream *temp = NULL;
msfMem(temp = new (pmsMaster->GetMalloc()) CMStream(pmsMaster->GetMalloc(), pplstStream, TRUE, (fIsNoScratch) ? DF_NOSCRATCH : 0, SCRATCHSECTORSHIFT)); #else
msfMem(temp = new (pmsMaster->GetMalloc()) CMStream(pmsMaster->GetMalloc(), pplstStream, TRUE, SCRATCHSECTORSHIFT)); #endif
ULISetHigh(uliZero, 0); ULISetLow(uliZero, 0); msfChk(temp->InitNew(FALSE, uliZero)); *ppms = temp;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out DllGetScratchMultiStream()\n")); return S_OK;
Err: #if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
//take the mutex here instead of in the allocator
g_smAllocator.GetMutex()->Take(DFM_TIMEOUT); #endif
delete temp; #if !defined(MULTIHEAP)
g_smAllocator.GetMutex()->Release(); #endif
return sc; }
// Function: DllIsMultiStream
// Synopsis: Check a given Lstream to determine if it is a valid
// multistream.
// Arguments: [plst] -- Pointer to lstream to check
// Returns: S_OK if lstream is a valid multistream
// STG_E_UNKNOWN otherwise
// History: 20-Feb-92 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
SCODE DllIsMultiStream(ILockBytes *plst) { SCODE sc; CMSFHeader *phdr; ULONG ul; ULONG ulSectorSize = HEADERSIZE;
IFileLockBytes *pfl; if (SUCCEEDED(plst->QueryInterface(IID_IFileLockBytes, (void**) &pfl))) { ulSectorSize = pfl->GetSectorSize(); pfl->Release(); }
// CMSFHeader can be larger than a sector due to its dirty flag
ul = (ULONG) (ulSectorSize < sizeof(CMSFHeader) ? sizeof(CMSFHeader) : ulSectorSize); GetSafeBuffer(ul, ul, (BYTE **) &phdr, &ul);
ULONG ulTemp;
ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffset; ULISet32(ulOffset, 0); msfHChk(plst->ReadAt( ulOffset, phdr->GetData(), ulSectorSize, &ulTemp));
if (ulTemp != ulSectorSize) { msfErr(Err, STG_E_UNKNOWN); }
Err: FreeBuffer((BYTE *) phdr); return sc; }
// Function: DllSetCommitSig
// Synopsis: Set the commit signature on a given lstream, for use
// in OnlyIfCurrent support
// Arguments: [plst] -- Pointer to the LStream to modify.
// [sig] -- New signature
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm:
// History: 22-Apr-92 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
SCODE DllSetCommitSig(ILockBytes *plst, DFSIGNATURE sig) { SCODE sc; CMSFHeader *phdr; ULONG ul; ULONG ulSectorSize = HEADERSIZE;
IFileLockBytes *pfl; if (SUCCEEDED(plst->QueryInterface(IID_IFileLockBytes, (void**) &pfl))) { ulSectorSize = pfl->GetSectorSize(); pfl->Release(); } // CMSFHeader can be larger than a sector due to its dirty flag
ul = (ULONG) (ulSectorSize < sizeof(CMSFHeader) ? sizeof(CMSFHeader) : ulSectorSize); GetSafeBuffer(ul, ul, (BYTE **) &phdr, &ul);
ULONG ulTemp;
ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffset; ULISet32(ulOffset, 0); msfHChk(plst->ReadAt( ulOffset, phdr->GetData(), ulSectorSize, &ulTemp));
if (ulTemp != ulSectorSize) { msfErr(Err, STG_E_UNKNOWN); }
msfHChk(plst->WriteAt(ulOffset, phdr->GetData(), ulSectorSize, &ulTemp));
if (ulTemp != ulSectorSize) { msfErr(Err,STG_E_UNKNOWN); }
Err: FreeBuffer((BYTE *) phdr); return sc; }
// Function: DllGetCommitSig
// Synopsis: Get the commit signature from an lstream
// Arguments: [plst] -- Pointer to lstream to be operated on
// [psig] -- Storage place for signature return
// Returns: S_OK if call completed OK.
// Algorithm:
// History: 22-Apr-92 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
SCODE DllGetCommitSig(ILockBytes *plst, DFSIGNATURE *psig) { CMSFHeader *phdr; SCODE sc; ULONG ul; ULONG ulSectorSize = HEADERSIZE;
IFileLockBytes *pfl; if (SUCCEEDED(plst->QueryInterface(IID_IFileLockBytes, (void**) &pfl))) { ulSectorSize = pfl->GetSectorSize(); pfl->Release(); }
// CMSFHeader can be larger than a sector due to its dirty flag
ul = (ULONG) (ulSectorSize < sizeof(CMSFHeader) ? sizeof(CMSFHeader) : ulSectorSize); GetSafeBuffer(ul, ul, (BYTE **) &phdr, &ul);
ULONG ulTemp;
ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffset; ULISet32(ulOffset, 0); msfHChk(plst->ReadAt( ulOffset, phdr->GetData(), ulSectorSize, &ulTemp));
if (ulTemp != ulSectorSize) { msfErr(Err, STG_E_UNKNOWN); } msfChk(phdr->Validate()); *psig = phdr->GetCommitSig();
Err: FreeBuffer((BYTE *) phdr); return sc; }
#if DBG == 1
//The following is a private function so I can set the debug level easily.
VOID SetInfoLevel(ULONG x) {
#if DBG == 1
msfInfoLevel=x; _SetWin4InfoLevel(0xFFFFFFFF); #endif