// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: sstream.cxx
// Contents: Stream operations for Mstream project
// Classes: None. (defined in sstream.hxx)
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 24-Apr-92 AlexT Small object support
#include "msfhead.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <dirfunc.hxx>
#include <sstream.hxx>
#include <dl.hxx>
#include <tstream.hxx>
#include <time.h>
#include <mread.hxx>
#define DEB_STREAM (DEB_ITRACE | 0x00020000)
// Member: CDirectStream::CDirectStream, public
// Synopsis: Empty object constructor
// Arguments: [dl] - LUID
// History: 25-Aug-92 DrewB Created
CDirectStream::CDirectStream(DFLUID dl) : PSStream(dl) { _pdlHolder = NULL; _cReferences = 0; #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
_ulSize = 0; _ulHighWater = 0; #endif
// Method: CDirectStream::~CDirectStream, public
// Synopsis: CDirectStream destructor
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
CDirectStream::~CDirectStream() { msfAssert(_cReferences == 0); _sig = CDIRECTSTREAM_SIGDEL; #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
if (_ulSize > _ulHighWater) { ClearSects(_ulHighWater, _ulSize); } #endif
// Member: CDirectStream::InitSystem, public
// Synopsis: Initializes special system streams like the ministream
// Arguments: [pms] - Multistream
// [sid] - SID
// [cbSize] - size
// History: 25-Aug-92 DrewB Created
void CDirectStream::InitSystem(CMStream *pms, SID sid, #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
ULONGLONG cbSize) #else
ULONG cbSize) #endif
{ _stmh.Init(pms, sid); _ulSize = _ulOldSize = cbSize;
_stmc.Init(pms, sid, this);
//If SECURE_BUFFER is defined, we've already zeroed this in the
// multistream.
memset(s_bufSecure, SECURECHAR, MINISTREAMSIZE); #endif
_ulHighWater = cbSize; #endif
AddRef(); }
// Method: CDirectStream::Init, public
// Synopsis: CDirectStream constructor
// Arguments: [pstgh] - Parent
// [pdfn] - Name of entry
// [fCreate] - Create or get
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 02-Jan-92 PhilipLa Converted to use handle.
// 25-Aug-92 DrewB Converted to use StgHandle
SCODE CDirectStream::Init( CStgHandle *pstgh, CDfName const *pdfn, BOOL const fCreate) { SCODE sc;
if (fCreate) sc = pstgh->CreateEntry(pdfn, STGTY_STREAM, &_stmh); else sc = pstgh->GetEntry(pdfn, STGTY_STREAM, &_stmh);
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { sc = _stmh.GetSize(&_ulSize); _ulOldSize = _ulSize; #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
_ulHighWater = (fCreate) ? 0 : _ulSize; #endif
#if DBG == 1
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { //Make sure that the stream is sane.
SCODE sc2; CFat *pfat; ULONG cbSector; ULONG cSect; ULONG cSectReal; SECT sectStart; if (_ulSize < MINISTREAMSIZE) { cbSector = MINISECTORSIZE; pfat = _stmh.GetMS()->GetMiniFat(); } else { cbSector = _stmh.GetMS()->GetSectorSize(); pfat = _stmh.GetMS()->GetFat(); } cSect = (ULONG)((_ulSize + cbSector - 1) / cbSector); sc2 = _stmh.GetMS()->GetDir()->GetStart( _stmh.GetSid(), §Start); if (SUCCEEDED(sc2)) { sc2 = pfat->GetLength(sectStart, &cSectReal); if (SUCCEEDED(sc2)) { msfAssert((cSect == cSectReal) && aMsg("Chain length incorrect at init.")); } } } #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) AddRef(); _stmc.Init(_stmh.GetMS(), _stmh.GetSid(), this); } return sc; }
// Member: CDirectStream::ReadAt, public
// Synposis: Reads binary data from a linear single stream
// Arguments: [ulOffset] -- Position to be read from
// [pBuffer] -- Pointer to the area into which the data
// will be read.
// [ulCount] -- Indicates the number of bytes to be read
// [pulRetval] -- Area into which return value will be stored
// Returns: Error Code of parent MStream call
// Algorithm: Calculate start and end sectors and offsets, then
// pass call up to parent MStream.
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 16-Aug-91 PhilipLa Converted to use multi-sect read
// 23-Aug-91 PhilipLa Brought into compliance with protocol
// 11-Sep-91 PhilipLa Moved most functionality up
// to MStream level.
// 24-Apr-92 AlexT Move everything to MStream::MRead
// 09-Jun-92 PhilipLa Added fUnconverted support
// Notes: [pBuffer] may be unsafe memory
SCODE CDirectStream::ReadAt( #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
ULONGLONG ulOffset, #else
ULONG ulOffset, #endif
VOID HUGEP *pBuffer, ULONG ulCount, ULONG STACKBASED *pulRetval) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CDirectStream::ReadAt(%lu,%p,%lu)\n", ulOffset,pBuffer,ulCount));
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CMStream *pms = _stmh.GetMS();
*pulRetval = 0;
if (NULL == pms) return STG_E_UNKNOWN;
// Check for offset beyond stream size and zero count
if ((ulOffset >= _ulSize) || (0 == ulCount)) { return S_OK; }
if (ulOffset + ulCount > _ulSize) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Truncating Read: ulOffset = %lu, ulCount = %lu, _ulSize = %lu\n", ulOffset,ulCount,_ulSize)); ulCount = (ULONG)(_ulSize - ulOffset); }
if (pms->IsUnconverted()) { ULARGE_INTEGER ulTmp; ULISet32(ulTmp, ulOffset); return DfGetScode(pms->GetILB()->ReadAt(ulTmp, pBuffer, ulCount, pulRetval)); } #else
msfAssert(!pms->IsUnconverted()); #endif
// Stream is stored in ministream if size < MINISTREAMSIZE
// and this is not a scratch stream.
if (ulOffset + ulCount > _ulHighWater) { if (ulOffset > _ulHighWater) { //Zero the whole buffer and return.
memset(pBuffer, SECURECHAR, ulCount); *pulRetval = ulCount; return S_OK; }
//Need to read into part of the buffer, then zero fill the
// rest.
if (FAILED(sc = ReadAt(ulOffset, pBuffer, _ulHighWater - ulOffset, pulRetval)) || (*pulRetval != _ulHighWater - ulOffset)) { return sc; } memset((BYTE *)pBuffer + *pulRetval, SECURECHAR, ulCount - (_ulHighWater - ulOffset)); *pulRetval = ulCount; return S_OK; } #endif
SID sid = _stmh.GetSid(); CFat *pfat = pms->GetFat(); USHORT cbSector = pms->GetSectorSize(); USHORT uShift = pms->GetSectorShift(); USHORT uMask = pms->GetSectorMask();
if ((_ulSize < MINISTREAMSIZE) && (!pms->IsScratch()) && (sid != SIDMINISTREAM)) { msfAssert(sid <= MAXREGSID);
// This stream is stored in the ministream
cbSector = MINISECTORSIZE; uShift = MINISECTORSHIFT; uMask = cbSector - 1; pfat = pms->GetMiniFat(); }
SECT start = (SECT)(ulOffset >> uShift); OFFSET oStart = (OFFSET)(ulOffset & uMask);
SECT end = (SECT)((ulOffset + ulCount - 1) >> uShift); OFFSET oEnd = (OFFSET)((ulOffset + ulCount - 1) & uMask);
ULONG total = 0;
ULONG cSect = end - start + 1;
USHORT offset; offset = oStart;
while (TRUE) { ULONG cSeg; SSegment segtab[CSEG + 1];
msfChk(_stmc.Contig(start, FALSE, (SSegment STACKBASED *) segtab, cSect, &cSeg)); msfAssert(cSeg <= CSEG); USHORT oend = cbSector - 1; for (USHORT iseg = 0; iseg < cSeg;) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Segment: (%lu,%lu)\n",segtab[iseg].sectStart,segtab[iseg].cSect)); SECT sectStart = segtab[iseg].sectStart; ULONG i = segtab[iseg].cSect; if (i > cSect) i = cSect; cSect -= i; start += i;
iseg++; if (cSect == 0) oend = oEnd;
ULONG ulSize = ((i - 1) << uShift) - offset + oend + 1;
ULONG bytecount;
if (pms->GetMiniFat() == pfat) { sc = pms->GetMiniStream()->CDirectStream::ReadAt( (sectStart << uShift) + offset, pBuffer, ulSize, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&bytecount); } else { ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffset2; #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
ulOffset2.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectStart,offset,uShift); #else
ULISet32(ulOffset2, ConvertSectOffset(sectStart,offset,uShift)); #endif
sc = DfGetScode(pms->GetILB()->ReadAt(ulOffset2, (BYTE *)pBuffer, ulSize, &bytecount)); }
total += bytecount; if ((0 == cSect) || (FAILED(sc))) { *pulRetval = total; msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Leaving CDirectStream::ReadAt()=>%lu, ret is %lu\n", sc,*pulRetval)); return sc; }
pBuffer = (BYTE HUGEP *)pBuffer + bytecount; offset = 0; } }
msfDebugOut((DEB_ERROR,"In CDirectStream::ReadAt - reached end of function\n")); Err: return sc; }
// Member: CDirectStream::Write, public
// Synposis: Writes binary data from a linear single stream
// Effects: Modifies _ulSeekPos. May cause modification in parent
// MStream.
// Arguments: [pBuffer] -- Pointer to the area from which the data
// will be written.
// [ulCount] -- Indicates the number of bytes to be written
// [pulRetval] -- Pointer to area in which number of bytes
// will be returned
// Returns: Error code of MStream call.
// Algorithm: Calculate sector and offset for beginning and end of
// write, then pass call up to MStream.
// History: 18-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 16-Aug-91 PhilipLa Converted to use multi-sect write
// 23-Aug-91 PhilipLa Brought into compliance with protocol
// 11-Sep-91 PhilipLa Moved most functionality up
// to MStream level.
// Notes: [pBuffer] may be unsafe memory
SCODE CDirectStream::WriteAt( #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
ULONGLONG ulOffset, #else
ULONG ulOffset, #endif
VOID const HUGEP *pBuffer, ULONG ulCount, ULONG STACKBASED *pulRetval) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CDirectStream::WriteAt(%lu,%p,%lu)\n",ulOffset,pBuffer,ulCount));
*pulRetval = 0;
if (0 == ulCount) return S_OK;
CMStream *pms; pms = _stmh.GetMS();
if (NULL == pms) return STG_E_UNKNOWN;
if (ulOffset + ulCount > _ulSize) { if (_ulSize > MINISTREAMSIZE) { } else { msfChk(SetSize(ulOffset + ulCount)); } }
// This should be an inline call to MWrite
if (ulOffset > _ulHighWater) { ClearSects(_ulHighWater, ulOffset); } #endif
msfChk(pms->MWrite( _stmh.GetSid(), (_ulSize < MINISTREAMSIZE), ulOffset, pBuffer, ulCount, &_stmc, pulRetval));
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Leaving CDirectStream::WriteAt()==>%lu, ret is %lu\n",sc,*pulRetval));
if ((*pulRetval > 0 ) && (ulOffset + *pulRetval > _ulHighWater)) { _ulHighWater = ulOffset + *pulRetval; } #endif
if (*pulRetval > 0 && ulOffset + *pulRetval > _ulSize) { SCODE scSet;
_ulSize = ulOffset + *pulRetval;
scSet = pms->GetDir()->SetSize(_stmh.GetSid(), _ulSize); if (SUCCEEDED(sc) && FAILED(scSet)) { sc = scSet; } } #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
msfAssert(_ulHighWater <= _ulSize); #endif
return sc; }
// Member: CDirectStream::SetSize, public
// Synposis: Set the size of a linear stream
// Effects: Modifies _ulSize. May cause change in parent MStream.
// Arguments: [ulNewSize] -- New size for stream
// Returns: Error code returned by MStream call.
// Algorithm: Pass call up to parent.
// History: 29-Jul-91 PhilipLa Created.
// 14-May-92 AlexT Add small object support
// Notes: When changing the size of a stream, we need to be concerned
// with the cases where each stream is either zero length,
// stored in the ministream, or stored in a regular stream. The following
// grid shows the actions that we must perform in each case:
// New Sector Count (Cn)
// 0 S L
// O ------------------------------------------------
// l | same size | allocate Cn | allocate Cn
// d 0 | (fast out) | small sectors | large sectors
// ------------------------------------------------
// S | small | Co > Cn: | cbCopy = cbOld
// e S | setchain(Cn) | small | large allocate Cn
// c | | setchain(Cn)| copy bytes
// t | | Cn > Co: | small setchain(0)
// o | | extend small | copy data
// r ------------------------------------------------
// L | large | cbCopy = cbNew| Co > Cn:
// C | setchain(Cn) | small | large setchain(Cn)
// o | | allocate Cn | Cn > Co:
// u | | copy bytes | extend large
// n | | large |
// t | | setchain(0) |
// | | copy data |
// (Co) ------------------------------------------------
// where S indicates small sectors, L indicates large sectors, and Cx
// represents count of sectors. For example, the middle box represents
// doing a setsize on a stream which is currently stored in a small
// stream in Co small sectors and which will end up in a large stream
// with Cn sectors.
SCODE CDirectStream::SetSize(ULONGLONG cbNewSize) #else
SCODE CDirectStream::SetSize(ULONG cbNewSize) #endif
{ msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CDirectStream::SetSize(%lu)\n",cbNewSize));
SCODE sc = S_OK; BYTE *pBuf = NULL; SID sid = _stmh.GetSid(); CMStream *pms = _stmh.GetMS(); msfAssert(sid <= MAXREGSID);
if (NULL == pms) return STG_E_UNKNOWN;
CDirectory *pdir = pms->GetDir();
if (_ulSize == cbNewSize) { return S_OK; }
msfAssert(_ulHighWater <= _ulSize); #endif
USHORT cbpsOld = pms->GetSectorSize(); // Count of Bytes Per Sector
USHORT cbpsNew = cbpsOld; CFat *pfatOld = pms->GetFat(); CFat *pfatNew = pfatOld;
if ((!pms->IsScratch()) && (SIDMINISTREAM != sid)) { // This is not a scratch DocFile, nor is this stream the ministream;
// check if this stream is and/or will be stored in the ministream.
if (cbNewSize < MINISTREAMSIZE) { cbpsNew = MINISECTORSIZE; pfatNew = pms->GetMiniFat(); }
if (_ulSize < MINISTREAMSIZE) { cbpsOld = MINISECTORSIZE; pfatOld = pms->GetMiniFat(); } }
ULONG csectOld = (ULONG)((_ulSize + cbpsOld - 1) / cbpsOld); ULONG csectNew = (ULONG)((cbNewSize + cbpsNew - 1) / cbpsNew);
msfAssert(sid <= MAXREGSID); SECT sectstart, sectOldStart; msfChk(pdir->GetStart(sid, §start));
//Save start sector so we can free it later.
sectOldStart = sectstart;
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"pdbOld size is %lu\n\tSid is %lu\n\tStart is %lu\n", _ulSize,sid,sectstart)); msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"CMStream::SetSize() needs %lu %u byte sectors\n", csectNew, cbpsNew)); msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"SetSize() currently has %lu %u byte sectors\n", csectOld, cbpsOld));
ULONG cbCopy; cbCopy = 0; if (cbpsOld != cbpsNew) { // Sector sizes are different, so we'll copy the data
msfAssert((cbNewSize > _ulSize ? _ulSize : cbNewSize) < 0x10000); cbCopy = (ULONG)(cbNewSize > _ulSize ? _ulSize : cbNewSize); }
if (cbCopy > 0) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Copying between fat and minifat\n")); GetSafeBuffer(cbCopy, cbCopy, &pBuf, &cbCopy); msfAssert((pBuf != NULL) && aMsg("Couldn't get scratch buffer"));
ULONG ulRetVal; sc = ReadAt(0, pBuf, cbCopy, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&ulRetVal); #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
//Part of the buffer may have gunk in it, so clear it out.
if (_ulHighWater < cbCopy) { memset(pBuf + _ulHighWater, SECURECHAR, cbCopy - _ulHighWater); } #endif
if ((FAILED(sc)) || ((ulRetVal != cbCopy) ? (sc = STG_E_UNKNOWN) : 0)) { msfErr(Err, sc); } #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
ClearSects(_ulHighWater, _ulSize); _ulHighWater = cbNewSize; #endif
//The cache is no longer valid, so empty it.
msfChk(_stmc.Allocate(pfatNew, csectNew, §start)); } else { SECT dummy;
if ((csectOld > csectNew)) { #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
ClearSects(_ulHighWater, _ulSize); _ulHighWater = cbNewSize; #endif
if (0 == csectNew) { //Note: We need to set the start sect in the directory
// first in case the SetChainLength call fails part way
// through, which would leave this directory entry pointing
// to a FREESECT.
SECT sectOldStart2 = sectstart; msfChk(pdir->SetStart(sid, ENDOFCHAIN)); sectstart = ENDOFCHAIN; msfChk(pfatOld->SetChainLength(sectOldStart2, 0)); } else { msfChk(pfatOld->SetChainLength(sectstart, csectNew)); }
//If this turns out to be a common case, we can
// sometimes keep the cache valid here.
_stmc.Empty(); } else if (0 == csectOld) { msfChk(_stmc.Allocate(pfatNew, csectNew, §start)); } else if (csectNew > csectOld) { ULONG start = csectNew - 1; msfChk(_stmc.GetESect(start, &dummy)); } }
// Resize the ministream, if necessary
if (((MINISECTORSIZE == cbpsOld) && (csectOld > 0)) || ((MINISECTORSIZE == cbpsNew) && (csectNew > 0))) { msfChk(pms->SetMiniSize()); }
//If we fail on either of these operations and cbCopy != 0,
// we will have data loss. Ick.
// Optimization - we only set the start sector if it has changed.
if (sectstart != sectOldStart) { msfChk(pdir->SetStart(sid, sectstart)); }
//If we fail here, we're in big trouble.
msfChk(pdir->SetSize(sid, cbNewSize));
_ulSize = cbNewSize; #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
if (_ulHighWater > _ulSize) { _ulHighWater = _ulSize; } #endif
if (cbCopy > 0) { // now copy the data
ULONG ulRetVal;
msfAssert(cbCopy <= _ulSize); msfChk(WriteAt(0, pBuf, cbCopy, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&ulRetVal));
if (ulRetVal != cbCopy) { msfErr(Err, STG_E_UNKNOWN); }
msfChk(pfatOld->SetChainLength(sectOldStart, 0)); msfChk(pms->SetMiniSize()); msfChk(pms->SetSize()); }
#ifdef SECURE
if (((csectNew > csectOld) || (cbCopy > 0)) && ((cbNewSize & (cbpsNew - 1)) != 0)) { SECT sectLast; msfChk(_stmc.GetSect(csectNew - 1, §Last));
msfVerify(SUCCEEDED(pms->SecureSect( sectLast, cbNewSize, (cbNewSize < MINISTREAMSIZE) && (sid != SIDMINISTREAM)))); } #endif //SECURE
msfAssert(_ulHighWater <= _ulSize); #endif
if (_ulHighWater > _ulSize) { _ulHighWater = _ulSize; } #endif
// Optimization - avoid calling FreeBuffer (which will end up calling
// out to CompObj.DLL) when pBuf is NULL (common case).
if (pBuf != NULL) FreeBuffer(pBuf);
if (FAILED(sc)) _stmc.Empty();
return sc; }
// Method: CDirectStream::BeginCommitFromChild, public
// Synopsis: Begin a commit from a child stream
// Arguments: [ulSize] -- Size of child stream
// [pDelta] -- Pointer to delta list
// [pstChild] - Child
// Returns: S_OK if call completed successfully.
// Algorithm: *Finish This*
// History: 22-Jan-92 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
SCODE CDirectStream::BeginCommitFromChild( #ifdef LARGE_STREAMS
ULONGLONG ulSize, #else
ULONG ulSize, #endif
CDeltaList *pDelta, CTransactedStream *pstChild) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CDirectStream::BeginCommitFromChild:%p(" "%lu, %p, %p)\n", this, ulSize, pDelta, pstChild));
// msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"MultiStrean is %p\nStream name is: %ws\n",_stmh.GetMS(),((_stmh.GetMS()))->GetName(_stmh.GetSid())));
SCODE sc = S_OK; ULONG temp; BYTE *pb = NULL;
_pdlHolder = P_TO_BP(CBasedDeltaListPtr, pDelta);
// Copy-on-write will back out these changes if we fail
//For no-scratch mode, we commit very differently than we do regularly,
// unless this commit is somehow involving the minifat.
if ((pDelta->IsNoScratch()) && (ulSize >= MINISTREAMSIZE) && ((_ulSize >= MINISTREAMSIZE) || (_ulSize == 0)) && (!pDelta->IsEmpty())) { USHORT cbSector = pDelta->GetDataSectorSize(); SECT sectEnd = (SECT)((ulSize + cbSector - 1) / cbSector); SECT sectLast = ENDOFCHAIN; //We update our size and directory first so the stream cache
// code knows which fat to get to.
_ulOldSize = _ulSize; _ulSize = ulSize; msfChk(_stmh.GetMS()->GetDir()->SetSize(_stmh.GetSid(), ulSize));
if (_ulOldSize > _ulSize) { //We need to truncate the chain.
SECT sectStart; _stmh.GetMS()->GetDir()->GetStart(_stmh.GetSid(), §Start); _stmh.GetMS()->GetFat()->SetChainLength(sectStart, sectEnd); _stmc.Empty(); } for (ULONG i = 0; i < sectEnd; i++) { SECT sectDirty; SECT sectOld; SECT sectNext; //For each sector, chain the old sector with the
//existing new one.
msfChk(pDelta->GetMap(i, DL_READ, §Dirty)); if (sectDirty != ENDOFCHAIN) { if (i > 0) { CFat *pfat = _stmh.GetMS()->GetFat(); msfChk(_stmc.GetSect(i - 1, §Last)); msfAssert(sectLast != ENDOFCHAIN);
msfChk(pfat->GetNext(sectLast, §Old)); msfChk(pfat->SetNext(sectLast, sectDirty)); if (sectOld != ENDOFCHAIN) { msfChk(pfat->GetNext(sectOld, §Next)); msfChk(pfat->SetNext(sectOld, FREESECT)); } else { sectNext = ENDOFCHAIN; } msfChk(pfat->SetNext(sectDirty, sectNext)); msfChk(_stmc.EmptyRegion(i, i)); } else { CFat *pfat = _stmh.GetMS()->GetFat(); CDirectory *pdir = _stmh.GetMS()->GetDir(); sectNext = ENDOFCHAIN; msfChk(pdir->GetStart(_stmh.GetSid(), §Last)); if (sectLast != ENDOFCHAIN) { msfChk(pfat->GetNext(sectLast, §Next)); msfChk(pfat->SetNext(sectLast, FREESECT)); } msfChk(pfat->SetNext(sectDirty, sectNext)); msfChk(pdir->SetStart(_stmh.GetSid(), sectDirty)); msfChk(_stmc.EmptyRegion(i, i)); } } } #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
_ulHighWater = _ulSize; #endif
#if DBG == 1
//Make sure that the stream is sane.
ULONGLONG ulDirSize; #else
ULONG ulDirSize; #endif
ULONG cSect; ULONG cSectReal; SECT sectStart;
_stmh.GetMS()->GetDir()->GetSize(_stmh.GetSid(), &ulDirSize); cSect = (ULONG)((ulDirSize + cbSector - 1) / cbSector); _stmh.GetMS()->GetDir()->GetStart(_stmh.GetSid(), §Start); _stmh.GetMS()->GetFat()->GetLength(sectStart, &cSectReal); msfAssert((cSect == cSectReal) && aMsg("Chain length incorrect after commit.")); #endif
else { #endif //USE_NOSCRATCH
// Note: It's critical that we do this SetSize first (since we
// use our scratch buffer below and SetSize can potentially also
// use the scratch buffer.
msfChk(SetSize(ulSize)); _ulOldSize = _ulSize;
msfAssert(pDelta != NULL);
if (!pDelta->IsEmpty()) { USHORT cbSector = pDelta->GetDataSectorSize(); USHORT uSectorShift = pDelta->GetDataSectorShift(); ULONG cbActualSize = 0; ULONG cbMaxSects = 15;
GetSafeBuffer(cbSector, cbSector * cbMaxSects, &pb, &cbActualSize);
BYTE *pbcurrent = pb; msfAssert((pb != NULL) && aMsg("Couldn't get scratch buffer")); cbMaxSects = cbActualSize / cbSector;
OFFSET oEnd; oEnd = (OFFSET)((_ulSize - 1) % cbSector) + 1;
SECT sectEnd; sectEnd = (SECT)((_ulSize + cbSector - 1) / cbSector);
ULONG ulOffset; ILockBytes *pilbDirty; SECT sectBeginRead = ENDOFCHAIN; //the first sector to read
SECT sectBeginWrite = ENDOFCHAIN; //the offset of the first place to write
SECT sectDirty = ENDOFCHAIN; //the sector at this offset
USHORT uReadCount = 0; ULARGE_INTEGER ulTmp; pilbDirty = pDelta->GetDataILB();
for (ulOffset = 0; ulOffset < sectEnd; ulOffset++) { if (sectDirty == ENDOFCHAIN) { sectBeginWrite = ulOffset; }
msfChk(pDelta->GetMap(ulOffset, DL_READ, §Dirty));
// Read will happen when we have determined there is something to read
// and either
// we have reached an ENDOFCHAIN
// we have reached a non-adjacent sector
// or we have reached the maximun amount that can be read
if ( (uReadCount) && ( (sectDirty == ENDOFCHAIN) || (sectDirty != sectBeginRead + uReadCount) || (ulOffset - sectBeginWrite == cbMaxSects) )) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Reading %u sectors from sect %lu\n", uReadCount, sectBeginRead));
ulTmp.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectBeginRead, 0, uSectorShift); #else
ULISet32(ulTmp, ConvertSectOffset(sectBeginRead, 0, uSectorShift)); #endif
msfHChk(pilbDirty->ReadAt( ulTmp, pbcurrent, cbSector * uReadCount, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&temp)); pbcurrent += cbSector * uReadCount; sectBeginRead = sectDirty; //reset the ReadCount now that we are done reading
if (sectDirty == ENDOFCHAIN) uReadCount = 0; else uReadCount = 1; }
// increment the read count
else if (sectDirty != ENDOFCHAIN) { if (sectBeginRead == ENDOFCHAIN) { sectBeginRead = sectDirty; uReadCount=1; } else if (sectDirty == sectBeginRead + uReadCount) { uReadCount++; } } // Write occurs when we have something to write
// and we have reached an ENDOFCHAIN
// or the write buffer is full
if (((sectDirty == ENDOFCHAIN) && (sectBeginWrite != ulOffset) ) || (ulOffset - sectBeginWrite == cbMaxSects) ) {
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Writing %u sectors from sect %lu\n", ulOffset - sectBeginWrite, sectBeginWrite)); msfChk(WriteAt(sectBeginWrite * cbSector, pb, cbSector * (ulOffset - sectBeginWrite), (ULONG STACKBASED *)&temp)); pbcurrent = pb; sectBeginWrite = ulOffset; }
} // After loop, do last read and write
if (uReadCount) { #ifdef LARGE_DOCFILE
ulTmp.QuadPart = ConvertSectOffset(sectBeginRead, 0, uSectorShift); #else
ULISet32(ulTmp, ConvertSectOffset(sectBeginRead, 0, uSectorShift)); #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"END::Reading %u sectors from sect %lu\n", uReadCount, sectBeginRead)); msfHChk(pilbDirty->ReadAt( ulTmp, pbcurrent, cbSector * uReadCount, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&temp)); msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"END::Writing %u sectors from sect %lu\n", ulOffset - sectBeginWrite, sectBeginWrite));
msfChk(WriteAt(sectBeginWrite * cbSector, pb, // all sectors except the last one
(cbSector * ((ulOffset-1) - sectBeginWrite) // last sector fragment
+ oEnd ), (ULONG STACKBASED *)&temp)); } } #ifdef USE_NOSCRATCH
} #endif
msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CDirectStream::BeginCommitFromChild()\n"));
msfAssert(_ulHighWater <= _ulSize); #endif
FreeBuffer(pb); return sc; }
// Method: CDirectStream::EndCommitFromChild
// Synopsis: End a commit sequence from a child stream
// Arguments: [df] -- Indicates whether to commit or abort
// [pstChild] - Child
// Returns: S_OK if call completed successfully.
// Algorithm: *Finish This*
// History: 22-Jan-92 PhilipLa Created.
// Notes:
void CDirectStream::EndCommitFromChild(DFLAGS df, CTransactedStream *pstChild) { msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"In CDirectStream::EndCommitFromChild:%p(" "%lu, %p)\n", this, df, pstChild)); if (!P_COMMIT(df)) { _ulSize = _ulOldSize; #ifdef SECURE_STREAMS
_ulHighWater = _ulSize; #endif
//Stream cache is no longer valid, so nuke it.
_stmc.Empty(); }
_pdlHolder = NULL; msfDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Out CDirectStream::EndCommitFromChild()\n")); }
// Member: CDirectStream::GetSize, public
// Synopsis: Gets the size of the stream
// Arguments: [pulSize] - Size return
// Modifies: [pulSize]
// History: 08-May-92 DrewB Created
void CDirectStream::GetSize(ULONGLONG *pulSize) #else
void CDirectStream::GetSize(ULONG *pulSize) #endif
{ *pulSize = _ulSize; }
// Member: CDirectStream::GetDeltaList, public
// Synopsis: Returns NULL, since a direct stream can never have
// a delta list.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: NULL
// History: 30-Jul-93 PhilipLa Created
CDeltaList * CDirectStream::GetDeltaList(void) { return NULL; }
// Member: CDirectStream::ClearSects, private
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns: void
// History: 10-Oct-95 PhilipLa Created
void CDirectStream::ClearSects(ULONG ulStartOffset, ULONG ulEndOffset) { ULONG cbBytesToWrite = ulEndOffset - ulStartOffset; ULONG ulOffset = ulStartOffset; msfAssert(ulEndOffset >= ulStartOffset); //Start offset must be less than high water mark, or the WriteAt
// will recurse.
msfAssert(ulStartOffset <= _ulHighWater); while (cbBytesToWrite > 0) { ULONG cbWritten; if (FAILED(WriteAt(ulOffset, s_bufSecure, min(MINISTREAMSIZE, cbBytesToWrite), &cbWritten))) { break; } ulOffset += cbWritten; cbBytesToWrite -= cbWritten; } return; } #endif