// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: expst.hxx
// Contents: CExposedStream definition
// Classes: CExposedStream
// Notes:
// The CExposedStream class is the implementation
// of IStream. It also inherits from CMappedStream and provides
// the neccessary virtual functions to handle property set
// functions.
// Note that this interface is solely UNICODE, the ASCII layer
// support which is present if _UNICODE is not defined, provides
// the overloaded functions that handles the ASCII to Unicode
// conversion.
#ifndef __EXPST_HXX__
#define __EXPST_HXX__
#include "h/dfmsp.hxx"
#include "expdf.hxx"
#include "h/sstream.hxx"
#include "props/h/windef.h"
#include "h/propstm.hxx"
#endif // NEWPROPS
interface ILockBytes; class CMappedStream;
// Class: CExposedStream (est)
// Purpose: Exposed stream interface
// Interface: See below
// Note: PRevertable is a general virtual class base that
// handles updates to the storage elements. E.g.
// when an IStorage parent is deleted, the children
// underneadth them will have the reverted state.
interface CExposedStream : public IStream, #ifdef NEWPROPS
public CMappedStream, #endif
public PRevertable { public: CExposedStream(); SCODE Init(CDirectStream *pst, CExposedDocFile* pdfParent, const DFLAGS df, const CDfName *pdfn, const ULONGLONG ulPos);
inline ~CExposedStream(void);
// From IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void);
// IStream
STDMETHOD(Read)(VOID HUGEP *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead); STDMETHOD(Write)(VOID const HUGEP *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten); STDMETHOD(Seek)(LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition); STDMETHOD(SetSize)(ULARGE_INTEGER cb); STDMETHOD(CopyTo)(IStream *pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten); STDMETHOD(Commit)(DWORD grfCommitFlags); STDMETHOD(Revert)(void); STDMETHOD(LockRegion)(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType); STDMETHOD(UnlockRegion)(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType); #ifndef _UNICODE
STDMETHOD(Stat)(STATSTG *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag); #endif
STDMETHOD_(SCODE,Stat)(STATSTGW *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag); STDMETHOD(Clone)(IStream **ppstm);
public: VOID Open(/*IN*/ VOID *powner, /*OUT*/ LONG *phr); VOID Close(/* OUT */ LONG *phr); VOID ReOpen(/*IN OUT*/ VOID **ppv, /*OUT*/ LONG *phr); VOID Quiesce(VOID); VOID Map(BOOLEAN fCreate, VOID **ppv); VOID Unmap(BOOLEAN fFlush, VOID **pv); VOID Flush(/*OUT*/ LONG *phr); ULONG GetSize( /*OUT*/ LONG *phr); VOID SetSize(ULONG cb, BOOLEAN fPersistent, VOID **ppv, /*OUT*/ LONG *phr); VOID QueryTimeStamps(STATPROPSETSTG *pspss, BOOLEAN fNonSimple) const; BOOLEAN QueryModifyTime(/*OUT*/ LONGLONG *pll) const; BOOLEAN QuerySecurity(/*OUT*/ ULONG *pul) const;
BOOLEAN IsWriteable(VOID) const; BOOLEAN IsModified(VOID) const; VOID SetModified(VOID); HANDLE GetHandle(VOID) const; #if DBGPROP
BOOLEAN SetChangePending(BOOLEAN fChangePending); BOOLEAN IsNtMappedStream(VOID) const; #endif // #if DBGPROP
#if DBG
inline ULONG BytesCommitted(VOID) { return _cbUsed; } VOID DfpdbgFillUnusedMemory(VOID); VOID DfpdbgCheckUnusedMemory(VOID); #else
VOID DfpdbgFillUnusedMemory(VOID) {} VOID DfpdbgCheckUnusedMemory(VOID) {} #endif // DBG
private: HRESULT Write(VOID);
#endif // #ifdef NEWPROPS
public: inline SCODE Validate(void) const; inline CDirectStream *GetDirectStream(void) const; inline SCODE GetSize(ULONGLONG *pcb); SCODE SetSize(ULONGLONG cb); inline void SetDirty(void) { _fDirty = TRUE; }
// PRevertable
virtual void RevertFromAbove(void); inline SCODE CheckReverted(void) const; #ifdef NEWPROPS
virtual SCODE FlushBufferedData(); #endif
private: CDirectStream *_pst; CExposedDocFile *_pdfParent; ULONG _ulAccessLockBase; ULONG _sig; LONG _cReferences; ULONGLONG _ulPos; BOOL _fDirty;
private: BYTE *_pb; BYTE *_powner; // owner of this mapped stream
ULONG _cbUsed; ULONG _cbOriginalStreamSize; BOOL _fChangePending; #endif
// Member: CExposedStream::Validate, public
// Synopsis: Validates the object signature
// Returns: Returns STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE for bad signatures
inline SCODE CExposedStream::Validate(void) const { return (this == NULL || _sig != CEXPOSEDSTREAM_SIG) ?
// Member: CExposedStream::GetPub, public
// Synopsis: Returns the public
inline CDirectStream *CExposedStream::GetDirectStream(void) const { return _pst; }
// Member: CExposedStream::GetSize, public
// Synopsis: Gets the size of the stream
// Arguments: [pcb] - Stream size return
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [pcb]
inline SCODE CExposedStream::GetSize(ULONGLONG *pcb) { SCODE sc;
if (SUCCEEDED(sc = CheckReverted())) _pst->GetSize(pcb); return sc; }
// Member: CExposedStream::CheckReverted, public
// Synopsis: Returns revertedness
inline SCODE CExposedStream::CheckReverted(void) const { return P_REVERTED(_df) ? STG_E_REVERTED : S_OK; }
// Member: CExposedStream::~CExposedStream, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// Returns: Appropriate status code
inline CExposedStream::~CExposedStream(void) { olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedStream::~CExposedStream\n")); olAssert(_cReferences == 0); _sig = CEXPOSEDSTREAM_SIGDEL; if (SUCCEEDED(CheckReverted())) { if (_pdfParent) _pdfParent->ReleaseChild(this); if (_pst) _pst->Release(); } #ifdef NEWPROPS
delete[] _pb; _pb = NULL; _powner = NULL; #endif
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedStream::~CExposedStream\n")); }
#endif // #ifndef __EXPST_HXX__