// File: testvars.cxx
// Synopsis: source code for Interface Marshaling stress test
// variations.
// History: 21-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
#include <smarshal.hxx>
// Private Function ProtoTypes:
BOOL SingleThreadOps(ULONG cThreads, ULONG cReps, DWORD dwFlags);
BOOL ThreadPairOps(ULONG cThreadPairs, ULONG cReps, DWORD dwServerFlags, DWORD dwClientFlags);
// Function: TestVar1
// Synopsis: Multiple Operations on the Same Thread.
// History: 21-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
BOOL TestVar1(void) { MSGOUT("TestStart: TestLevel1\n");
ULONG cThreads = gicThreads; ULONG cReps = gicReps; DWORD dwOps = 0; BOOL fRes;
// VAR1: test Marshal + ReleaseMarshalData
dwOps = giThreadModel | OPF_MARSHAL | OPF_RELEASEMARSHALDATA; fRes = SingleThreadOps(cThreads, cReps, dwOps); CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestVar1");
// VAR2: test Marshal + Unmarshal + Release
dwOps = giThreadModel | OPF_MARSHAL | OPF_UNMARSHAL | OPF_RELEASE; fRes = SingleThreadOps(cThreads, cReps, dwOps); CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestVar2");
// VAR3: test Marshal + Disconnect
dwOps = giThreadModel | OPF_MARSHAL | OPF_DISCONNECT; fRes = SingleThreadOps(cThreads, cReps, dwOps); CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestVar3");
CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestLevel1"); return fRes; }
// Function: SingleThreadOps
// Synopsis: Perform Operations on the Same Thread.
// History: 21-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
BOOL SingleThreadOps(ULONG cThreads, ULONG cReps, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fRes = TRUE; MSGOUT("SingleThreadOps Start\n");
// CODEWORK: multiple interfaces
ULONG cIPs = 1;
EXECPARAMS *pEP[20]; // can launch up to 20 threads at once
for (ULONG i=0; i<cThreads; i++) { // build an execution parameter block
pEP[i] = CreateExecParam(cIPs);
// fill in the execution parameter block. we dont need events
// to synchronize the repetitions since all operations are done
// on the same thread.
FillExecParam(pEP[i], dwFlags, // dwFlags (operations to perform)
cReps, // cReps
NULL, // hEventRepStart
NULL, // hEventRepDone
GetEvent(), // hEventThreadStart
GetEvent()); // hEventThreadDone
// fill in the INTERFACEPARAMSs
for (ULONG j=0; j<cIPs; j++) { INTERFACEPARAMS *pIP = &(pEP[i]->aIP[j]);
FillInterfaceParam(pIP, IID_IUnknown, // iid to operate on
GetInterface(), // interface pointer to operate on
GetStream(), // stream to use
NULL, // per interface start event
NULL); // per interface done event
} }
// Execute all the command blocks simultaneously
fRes = GenericExecute(cThreads, pEP);
GenericCleanup(cThreads, pEP);
CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "SingleThreadOps"); return fRes; }
// Function: TestVar2
// Synopsis: Operations on Thread Pairs (1 server, 1 client)
// History: 21-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
BOOL TestVar2(void) { MSGOUT("TestStart: TestLevel2\n");
ULONG cThreads = gicThreads; ULONG cReps = gicReps; DWORD dwOps = 0; BOOL fRes;
// VAR1: test Marshal on Server, Unmarshal + Release on Client.
DWORD dwSrvOps = giThreadModel | OPF_MARSHAL; DWORD dwCliOps = giThreadModel | OPF_UNMARSHAL | OPF_RELEASE; fRes = ThreadPairOps(cThreads, cReps, dwSrvOps, dwCliOps); CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestVar1");
// VAR2: test Marshal on Server, RMD on Client.
#if 0
dwSrvOps = giThreadModel | OPF_MARSHAL; dwCliOps = giThreadModel | OPF_RELEASEMARSHALDATA; fRes = ThreadPairOps(cThreads, cReps, dwSrvOps, dwCliOps); CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestVar1"); #endif
CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestLevel2"); return fRes; }
// Function: ThreadPairOps
// Synopsis: Perform Operations on two synchronized threads.
// History: 21-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
BOOL ThreadPairOps(ULONG cThreadPairs, ULONG cReps, DWORD dwServerFlags, DWORD dwClientFlags) { BOOL fRes = TRUE; MSGOUT("ThreadPairOps Start\n");
// CODEWORK: multiple interfaces
ULONG cIPs = 1;
EXECPARAMS *pEP[20]; // can launch up to 20 threads at once
for (ULONG i=0; i<cThreadPairs * 2; i+=2) { // build execution parameter blocks for the server and client threads.
EXECPARAMS *pEPSrv = CreateExecParam(cIPs); EXECPARAMS *pEPCli = CreateExecParam(cIPs); pEP[i] = pEPSrv; pEP[i+1] = pEPCli;
// fill in the server execution parameter block.
FillExecParam(pEPSrv, dwServerFlags, // dwFlags (operations to perform)
cReps, // cReps
GetEvent(), // hEventRepStart
GetEvent(), // hEventRepDone
GetEvent(), // hEventThreadStart
GetEvent()); // hEventThreadDone
// we need to kick the hEventRepStart in order to get the ball rolling,
// since the server thread will be waiting on it.
// client waits for the server to complete his first repetition
// before starting. Server waits for the client to complete his
// first repetition before starting the next iteration.
FillExecParam(pEPCli, dwClientFlags, // dwFlags (operations to perform)
cReps, // cReps
pEPSrv->hEventRepDone, // hEventRepStart
pEPSrv->hEventRepStart, // hEventRepDone
GetEvent(), // hEventThreadStart
GetEvent()); // hEventThreadDone
// fill in the INTERFACEPARAMSs
// CODEWORK: when multiple interfaces, will need to use events.
for (ULONG j=0; j<cIPs; j++) { INTERFACEPARAMS *pIPSrv = &(pEPSrv->aIP[j]); INTERFACEPARAMS *pIPCli = &(pEPCli->aIP[j]);
FillInterfaceParam(pIPSrv, IID_IUnknown, // iid to operate on
GetInterface(), // interface pointer to operate on
GetStream(), // stream to use
NULL, // per interface start event
NULL); // per interface done event
// AddRef the stream pointer since both the client and server
// will hold pointers to it.
FillInterfaceParam(pIPCli, IID_IUnknown, // iid to operate on
NULL, // interface pointer to operate on
pIPSrv->pStm, // use same stream as the server
NULL, // per interface start event
NULL); // per interface done event
} }
// Execute all the command blocks simultaneously
fRes = GenericExecute(cThreadPairs * 2, pEP);
// cleanup all the command blocks. We need to NULL out one copy of
// those events that are shared between two command blocks.
for (i=0; i<cThreadPairs * 2; i+=2) { EXECPARAMS *pEPCli = pEP[i+1]; pEPCli->hEventRepStart = NULL; pEPCli->hEventRepDone = NULL;
for (ULONG j=0; j<cIPs; j++) { INTERFACEPARAMS *pIPCli = &(pEPCli->aIP[j]); pIPCli->hEventStart = NULL; pIPCli->hEventDone = NULL; } }
GenericCleanup(cThreadPairs * 2, pEP);
CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "ThreadPairOps"); return fRes; }
// Function: TestLevel3
// Synopsis: Operations on Thread Pools (1 server, n clients)
// History: 21-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
BOOL TestLevel3(void) { BOOL fRes = TRUE; MSGOUT("TestStart: TestLevel3\n");
// build a command block
// launch a thread to run the command block
CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "TestLevel3"); return fRes; }