// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: crpctyp.cxx
// Contents: implementations for rpc test
// Functions:
// CRpcTypes::CRpcTypes
// CRpcTypes::~CRpcTypes
// CRpcTypes::QueryInterface
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <crpctyp.hxx> // class definition
const GUID CLSID_RpcTypes = {0x00000132,0x0001,0x0008,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}};
// Method: CRpcTypes::CRpcTypes
// Synopsis: Creates the application window
// Arguments: [pisb] - ISysBind instance
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
CRpcTypes::CRpcTypes(void) { GlobalRefs(TRUE);
// Method: CRpcTypes::~CRpcTypes
// Synopsis: Cleans up object
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
CRpcTypes::~CRpcTypes(void) { GlobalRefs(FALSE); }
// Method: CRpcTypes::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Gets called when a WM_COMMAND message received.
// Arguments: [ifid] - interface instance requested
// [ppunk] - where to put pointer to interface instance
// Returns: S_OK or E_NOINTERFACE
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppunk) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if (IsEqualIID(riid,IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid,IID_IRpcTypes)) { // Increase the reference count
*ppunk = (void *)(IRpcTypes *) this; AddRef(); } else { *ppunk = NULL; sc = E_NOINTERFACE; }
return sc; }
// Method: CRpcTypes::GuidsIn
// Synopsis: tests passing GUID parameters
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK or error code with parm #s or'd in
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::GuidsIn( REFCLSID rclsid, CLSID clsid, REFIID riid, IID iid, GUID guid) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// compare each parameter with the expected value
if (!IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_RpcTypes)) sc |= 1;
if (!IsEqualCLSID(clsid, CLSID_RpcTypes)) sc |= 2;
if (!IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IRpcTypes)) sc |= 4;
if (!IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IRpcTypes)) sc |= 8;
if (!IsEqualIID(guid, IID_IRpcTypes)) sc |= 8;
return sc; }
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::GuidsOut( CLSID *pclsid, IID *piid, GUID *pguid) { // copy in the expected return values
memcpy(pclsid, &CLSID_RpcTypes, sizeof(CLSID));
memcpy(piid, &IID_IRpcTypes, sizeof(IID));
memcpy(pguid, &CLSID_RpcTypes, sizeof(GUID));
return S_OK; }
// Method: CRpcTypes::DwordIn
// Synopsis: tests passing dword and large integer parameters
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK or error code with parm #s or'd in
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
// compare each parameter with the expected value
if (dw != 1) sc |= 1;
if (ul != 2) sc |= 2;
if (lg != 3) sc |= 4;
if (li.LowPart != 4 || li.HighPart != 5) sc |= 8;
if (uli.LowPart != 6 || uli.HighPart != 7) sc |= 16;
return sc; }
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::DwordOut( DWORD *pdw, ULONG *pul, LONG *plg, LARGE_INTEGER *pli, ULARGE_INTEGER *puli) { // copy in the expected return values
*pdw = 1; *pul = 2; *plg = 3;
pli->LowPart = 4; pli->HighPart = 5;
puli->LowPart = 6; puli->HighPart = 7;
return S_OK; }
// Method: CRpcTypes::WindowsIn
// Synopsis: tests passing windows structure parameters
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK or error code with parm #s or'd in
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::WindowsIn( POINTL pointl, SIZEL sizel, RECTL rectl, FILETIME filetime, PALETTEENTRY paletteentry, LOGPALETTE *plogpalette) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// check the pointl structure
if (pointl.x != 1 || pointl.y != 2) sc |= 1;
if (sizel.cx != 3 || sizel.cy != 4) sc |= 2;
if (filetime.dwLowDateTime != 5 || filetime.dwHighDateTime != 6) sc |= 4;
if (paletteentry.peRed != 7 || paletteentry.peGreen != 8 || paletteentry.peBlue != 9 || paletteentry.peFlags != 10) sc |= 8;
if (plogpalette->palVersion != 11 || plogpalette->palNumEntries != 1) sc |= 16;
if (plogpalette->palPalEntry[0].peRed != 12) sc |= 32;
return sc; }
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::WindowsOut( POINTL *ppointl, SIZEL *psizel, RECTL *prectl, FILETIME *pfiletime, PALETTEENTRY *ppaletteentry, LOGPALETTE **pplogpalette) { ppointl->x = 1; ppointl->y = 2;
psizel->cx = 3; psizel->cy = 4;
pfiletime->dwLowDateTime = 5; pfiletime->dwHighDateTime = 6;
ppaletteentry->peRed = 7; ppaletteentry->peGreen = 8; ppaletteentry->peBlue = 9; ppaletteentry->peFlags = 10;
*pplogpalette = new LOGPALETTE; (*pplogpalette)->palVersion = 11; (*pplogpalette)->palNumEntries = 1; (*pplogpalette)->palPalEntry[0].peRed = 12;
return S_OK; }
// Method: CRpcTypes::OleData
// Synopsis: tests passing OLE2 structure parameters
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK or error code with parm #s or'd in
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::OleDataIn( STATDATA statdata, STATSTG statstg, STGMEDIUM stgmedium, FORMATETC formatetc, DVTARGETDEVICE *pdvtargetdevice) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
return sc; }
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::OleDataOut( STATDATA *pstatdata, STATSTG *pstatstg, STGMEDIUM *pstgmedium, FORMATETC *pformatetc, DVTARGETDEVICE **ppdvtargetdevice) { return S_OK; }
// Method: CRpcTypes::VoidPtr
// Synopsis: tests passing arrays of byte parameters
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK or error code with parm #s or'd in
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::VoidPtrIn( ULONG cb, void *pv) { SCODE sc = S_OK; BYTE *pb = (BYTE *)pv;
// check the contents of the buffer
for (ULONG i=0; i<cb, i++; pb++) { if (*pb != (BYTE)i) sc = E_FAIL; }
return sc; }
STDMETHODIMP CRpcTypes::VoidPtrOut( void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcb) { BYTE *pb = (BYTE *)pv;
*pcb = 0;
// fill the buffer
for (ULONG i=0; i<cb; i++, pb++) { *pb = (BYTE)i; }
*pcb = cb;
return S_OK; }