// File: srvmain.cxx
// Contents: Server entry points.
// Classes: none
// History: 23-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
extern "C" { #include "wterm.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// globals
LONG g_Usage = 0; DWORD gTlsIndex = TlsAlloc();
// typedef: SCLASSDATA - class data stored in TLS.
typedef struct tagSCLASSDATA { ULONG cClasses; SCLASSINFO *pClsInfo; } SCLASSDATA;
// Function: RememberClasses
// Synopsis: Stores the class info for this thread in TLS.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
HRESULT RememberClasses(SCLASSINFO *pClsInfo, ULONG cClasses) { SCLASSDATA *pClsData = (SCLASSDATA *) new BYTE[sizeof(SCLASSDATA)];
if (pClsData) { pClsData->cClasses = cClasses; pClsData->pClsInfo = pClsInfo; TlsSetValue(gTlsIndex, pClsData); return S_OK; }
// Function: RecallClasses
// Synopsis: retrieves the class info for this thread from TLS.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
void RecallClasses(SCLASSINFO **ppClsInfo, ULONG *pcClasses) { SCLASSDATA *pClsData = (SCLASSDATA *) TlsGetValue(gTlsIndex);
if (pClsData) { *pcClasses = pClsData->cClasses; *ppClsInfo = pClsData->pClsInfo; } else { *pcClasses = 0; *ppClsInfo = NULL; } }
// Function: ForgetClasses
// Synopsis: removes the class info for this thread from TLS.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
void ForgetClasses() { SCLASSDATA *pClsData = (SCLASSDATA *) TlsGetValue(gTlsIndex);
if (pClsData) { delete pClsData; TlsSetValue(gTlsIndex, NULL); } }
// Function: RegisterAllClasses
// Synopsis: loops, registering each class specified by the server.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
void RegisterAllClasses(SCLASSINFO *pClsInfo, ULONG cClasses) { // store the class info in TLS so we can get it back later
// in GlobalRefs.
if (FAILED(RememberClasses(pClsInfo, cClasses))) return;
for (ULONG i=0; i<cClasses; i++, pClsInfo++) { // register the CF. Note that we do this AFTER creating the
// window, so that if we get a Release very quickly we have
// a valid window handle to send a message to.
hr = CoRegisterClassObject(pClsInfo->clsid, pClsInfo->pCF, pClsInfo->dwCtx, pClsInfo->dwClsReg, &pClsInfo->dwReg);
if (FAILED(hr)) { Display(TEXT("ERROR: failed CoRegisterClassObject %x\n"), hr); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { Display(TEXT("ERROR: failed CoResumeClassObjects %x\n"), hr); } }
// Function: RevokeAllClasses
// Synopsis: loops, revoking each class specified by the server.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
void RevokeAllClasses() { // first, get the class information from TLS
SCLASSINFO *pClsInfo; ULONG cClasses;
RecallClasses(&pClsInfo, &cClasses);
// now revoke each of the registered classes
for (ULONG i=0; i<cClasses; i++, pClsInfo++) { if (pClsInfo->dwReg != 0) { ULONG ulRef = CoRevokeClassObject(pClsInfo->dwReg); Display(TEXT("Revoked ClassObject\n")); pClsInfo->dwReg = 0; } } }
// Function: ReleaseAllClasses
// Synopsis: loops, releasing each class factory object.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
void ReleaseAllClasses() { // first, get the class information from TLS
SCLASSINFO *pClsInfo; ULONG cClasses;
RecallClasses(&pClsInfo, &cClasses);
// now release each of the class factories
for (ULONG i=0; i<cClasses; i++, pClsInfo++) { ULONG ulRef = pClsInfo->pCF->Release(); Display(TEXT("CF RefCnt = %x\n"), ulRef); }
// now remove the class information from TLS
ForgetClasses(); }
// Function: GlobalRefs
// Synopsis: keeps track of global reference couting. Revokes all the
// classes when the global count reaches 0.
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
void GlobalRefs(BOOL fAddRef) { if (fAddRef) { g_Usage = CoAddRefServerProcess(); Display(TEXT("Object Count: %ld\n"), g_Usage); } else { if (0 == (g_Usage = CoReleaseServerProcess())) { // No more objects so we can quit
Display(TEXT("Object Server Exiting\n")); PostMessage((HWND)g_hMain, WM_TERM_WND, 0, 0); } } }
// Function: SrvMain
// Synopsis: Special entry point for registing just 1 class.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
int SrvMain( HANDLE hInstance, REFCLSID rclsid, DWORD dwClsReg, TCHAR *pszAppName, IClassFactory *pCF) { SCLASSINFO clsinfo; clsinfo.clsid = rclsid; clsinfo.dwCtx = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, clsinfo.dwClsReg = dwClsReg; clsinfo.pCF = pCF; clsinfo.dwReg = 0;
STHREADINFO ThrdInfo; ThrdInfo.hEventRun = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); ThrdInfo.hEventDone = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); ThrdInfo.hInstance = (HINSTANCE)hInstance; ThrdInfo.dwTid = GetCurrentThreadId(); ThrdInfo.pszWindow = pszAppName; ThrdInfo.dwFlags = SRVF_THREADMODEL_UNKNOWN; ThrdInfo.cClasses = 1; ThrdInfo.pClsInfo = &clsinfo;
return SrvMain2(&ThrdInfo); }
// Function: SrvMain2
// Synopsis: Main entry point for registering classes, entering modal
// loop, and cleaning up on exit.
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
int SrvMain2(STHREADINFO *pThrdInfo) { MakeTheWindow(pThrdInfo->hInstance, pThrdInfo->pszWindow);
// Initialize the OLE libraries
if (pThrdInfo->dwFlags & SRVF_THREADMODEL_UNKNOWN) { // Look up the thread mode from the win.ini file.
TCHAR buffer[80]; int len;
len = GetProfileString( TEXT("OleSrv"), TEXT("ThreadMode"), TEXT("MultiThreaded"), buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
if (lstrcmp(buffer, TEXT("ApartmentThreaded")) != 0) dwThreadMode = COINIT_MULTITHREADED; } else if (pThrdInfo->dwFlags & SRVF_THREADMODEL_MULTI) { dwThreadMode = COINIT_MULTITHREADED; }
HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, dwThreadMode);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // registe all the classes
RegisterAllClasses(pThrdInfo->pClsInfo, pThrdInfo->cClasses); } else { Display(TEXT("ERROR: failed OleInitialize %x\n"), hr); }
if (pThrdInfo->dwFlags & SRVF_REGISTER_RESUME) { hr = CoResumeClassObjects(); }
// notify the main thread we are running now
// Message processing loop
MSG msg; while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); }
// revoke the classes again incase we missed any (eg. no instances
// were created, the user just closed the app).
// release the classes
// Tell OLE we are going away.
// notify the main thread that we are done
return (msg.wParam); /* Returns the value from PostQuitMessage */ }